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LATE MARKET REPORT _TRUCK MOVEMENT—STOCKS—COTTON—GRAIN—LTVE8TOCK — POULTRY—KGG8_ STOCK PRICES OPEN FIRMER i - Initial Gains of Two Points Made By Few Shares NEW YORK. Feb. 18.—OP)—Strong buying support came into the stock market over the week-end, giving opening prices today a firm under tone. International combustion open ed 2 1-2 points higher, American I Smelting 2 and Wright Aeronautical, f Weatiiighousa Electric and Warnar Bros. Pictures showed initial gains of a paint or more. General Rail way Signal opened a point lower. * Last week's drastic shakeout ap parently had strengthened the tech nical position of the market which been weakened by the wild spec ulation in many of the high priced specialties, coppers and public utili ties. Radio quickly ran up 7 points and United Electric Coal, which broke 20 1-4 points last week, snapped back 5. Recoveries of 2 to 5 points also took place in Johns Manville, Inter national Telephone, U. S. Steel com mon, American & Foreign Power, A. M. Byers and Allied Chemical. v v cottov NEW YORK, Feb. 18.—(J*»>—Cotton opened steady at an advance of 2 to 6 points. Active months soon showed net gains of 4 to 9 points on covering, believed to be combined with a little trade buying and some rebuying by l recent sellers. May sold up to 20.13 and the new October contract to -19.57. Prices were a point or two off from the best at the end of the first half hour. The market was rather Irregular later in the morning, with consider *ahle March liquidation in evidence. This sent the price off to 19 99. or 1 point net lower and about 9 points under May, which held 2 or 3 points above Saturday’s closing. | General business was quiet. The market was fairly steady at mid-day, with aitive months about net un shanged to 8 points higher. LIVERPOOL COTTON LIVERPOOL, Feb. 18.—</P)-Cot ton spot quiet; easier; American strict good middling 11.27; good middling 10.87; strict middling 10.87; middling 10.47; strict low middling 10.22; low middling 997; strict good ordinary 9.57; good ordi nary 9.17. Sales 5.000 bales, 4.100 American. No receipts; futures closed barely steady: March 10.22; May 10.34; July 10.38; Oetoher 10.22; December 10.20; January 10.19. Wheat Prices Go Uravard On Drops In Temoerature tk CHICAGO. Feb. 18.—(>P>—Severe drops in temperature over domestic winter wheat territory, 80 degrees fall in some cases, led to a sharp eerly upturn in wheat prices today. Decided decrease of the amount of wheat on ocean tended also to strengthen wheat values. Starting unchanged to l-2o higher. Chicago wheat afterward scored a material advance all around. Corn ruled easier, opening unchanged to 3-8c off. but subsequently hardening somewhat. Oats were firm, pro visions likewise had an upward slant. RITTER, EGGS CHICAGO. Ftb. 18.—Butter higher; creamery extras 49 1-4: standards 48 3-4; extra firsts 47 1-2 (548 1-2: firsts 41 1 -2*»7;47; seconds 44*545 1-2. Eggs higher: extra firsts 39 1-2*® 40; firsts 38(538 1-2; ordinary firsts 33*538. POTTTRY CHICAGO. Feh. 1*.—t/T—Poultry steady: fowls 29*531; springs 32; roosters 22; turkeys 25; ducks 30; geese 23. Mission Scouts Attend Services MISSION, Feb. 18.—Sunday mark ed the last day of Boy Scout week in Mission, the week winding up with Scial services in all Protestant rches. with the scouts acting in fous functions during the serv i and wearing the scout uni forms. The afternoon services at Laurel Hill ccmcterv in the afternoon were very simple and very impressive, ending with the decorating of all iroldier and scout graves, and "Taps” by Herschell Peake. MARLAND SECURES REFINING PLANTS NEW YORK. Feb. 18.—<*>>— Mar- | land Oil company of Ponca City. Okla., has purchased the Prudential ! Comportaion, which operates a refin ery in Baltimore and service stations in New Jersey. Maryland and Vir ginia. it was learned today. This is Marland oil’s first entry into the eastern market, its activities in the past having been confined to the mid-continent field, and is be lieved to presage a further expansion of the company in other fields. CHICAGOBANDITS OVERPOWER GUARD CHICAGO. Feb. 18.—(JP>—■'Three »nen overpowered a watchman, at the Pioneer Trust and Savings Bank and fled with two packages today. It was first believed the packages contained only worthless cancelled checks for $250,000. The watchmen, Anton Iverson, said the men nearly strangled him and then dragged him back into the bank where one of them struck him with a pistol. nol DUBLIN, Feb. 22.—(£*V— Miss Man* * lyacSwiney and a small group of former members of the Dail Eireann, undaunted by eventa are still work ing away for the establishment of "The Republic of Ireland.” Their republic would hav# a pres ident elected by the people, a na tional legislative council, and a na tional economic council. Department of Agriculture, United States Burtmu of Agricultural Eco nomics and the San Antonio, Texas. hCamtser of Commtrco cooperating. F. 0. B. shipping point informa tion reported Saturday, Feb. 16: Lower Rio Grande Valley Points: Cool, clear. Cabbage: Haulings moderate. Moderate wire inquiry, demand moderate, market firm. Car loads and in mixed cars FOB usual terms, bulk per ton round type (IS IS, mostly $17-18; crates $1.35-1.40; crates Savoy $1.45. Carloads and in mixed cars FOB cash track, bulk per ton round type few sales $14; crates $1.10-1.25. Wagonloads cash to growers, bulk per ton round type $10-12. Asking for Monday’s ship ment basis carloads FOB usual terms, bulk mostly $20 per ton. Carrots: Haulings moderate. Good wire inquiry, demand good, market slightly stronger. Carloads and in mixed cars FOB usual terms, bushel baskets $0.90-1.11; crates $1.40-1.66; 100-lb. sacks tapped few sales $1.60. Carloads and ih mixed cars FOB rash track, bushels mostly $1; crates $1.35-1.60. Beets: Haulings mod erate. Light wire inquiry, demand moderate, market about steady. Car loads and in mixed cars FOB usual terms, bushel baskets 85-90c; crates around $1.25. Carloads and in mix ed cars FOB cash track, bushels 70 75c; crates $1.10-1.25. Sunday: Cool, partly cloudy. Primary destinations of Lower Valley movement reported Saturday and Sunday: Grapefruit: Houston 8; Oklahoma City 2; 1 each Fort Worth. El Paso. Lawton. Okla.. Wich ita, Dodge City. Lincoln, Amilton, Wichita Falls, Kansas City. Dallas, Minneapolis. Potatoes: Detroit 1. Beets and Carrots: 1 each Brooklyn. New Haven- Cabbage: Houston 15; St. Louis 12; 7 each Chicago, New York; 2 each Memphis, Toronto, Shreveport. Montreal; 1 each Du buque, Holdredge, New Haven. Ed monton. Canada, Fort W’orth, Hutch ison. Memphis. Kanos City, Brad ford, Ont., Winston-Salem, Cleve land, Detroit. Louisville, Tupslo, Springfield, Ottawa, Pittsburgh, La bile. Oranges: Houston 1. Beets: Philadelphia 3; 2 each Houston, St. Louis, New York; 1 Boston. Car rots: St. Louis 12; Kansas City 5; Houston 3; 2 each New York. Phil adelphia; 1 each Shawnee. Boston, Baltimore. Mixed Vegetables: St. Louis 25: Houston 10; York 9: 2 each Dallas. Little Rock. Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Shreveport, Dupo: 1 each Amarillo. Sherman, Texarkana, Shawnee. Clinton, Ray ville, Pine Bluff, Fort Smith. New Orleans, Ottawa. Dubuque, Minne apolis, Omaha. Trinidad, Evansville, Richmond, Jersey City, Greensboro, Charlotte, Schenectady, Baltimore, Vancouver, Wichita Kansas, El Paso, Cleveland. Arkansas City, Chatta nooga, El Dorado. Jacksonville, Tex as, Fort W’orth, Nacogdoches, Plain view. Evansville, Indianapolis. Hatel ton. Pa., Glenn Falls, Denver. Carlot shipments of entira United States reported Saturday and sun dav. Feb. 16-17: Mixed vegetables: Texas 143: Cal ifornia 33; Louisiana 14; Florida 19; total U. S. 228 cars. Spinach* Texas 97; others 2; total U. 8. 99 cars. Cabbage; Texas 66; Florida 43; New York 23; Louisiana 1; total U. S. 142 cars. Carrots: Texas: Texas 3; Cal ifornia 43: New York 5; total U. S. 53 cars. Grsnefruit: Texas 14; oth ers 140; total U. S. 154 cars. Additional FOB information re ported Saturday. Feb. 16: Cabbage: Rochester. N. Y., and nearby points: Minimum 24 degrees, maximum 32 degrees. Clear. Prac tically no trading, no sales resorted. Carrots: Rochester. N. Y.. and near by points: Demand light, no sales reported. Spinach: Laredo. Texas: Clear, warmer. Haulings moderate. Moderate wire inqhiry. demand light, market unsettled. Carloads FOB usual terms, bushel baskets Savoy 45-50c; cash track 3o-40c. Spinach: Crystal City, Texas: Clear, warmer. Haulings decreasing, demand light, market dull. Carloads FOB usual terms, bushel baskets Savoy few sale 45-50e; eah track nominally around 40c. Lower Rio Grande Valley move ment reported Sunday and Mosday morning: Mired vegetables 64; bets 5: carrots 28; beets and carrots 12; cabbage 58; mixed citrus 1; grapefruit 12; anisa 3; potatoes 1; total 179 cars. Freight movement to date this season: Fruit 1319; vege tables 5,718; total. 7.037 cars; to same day last season: Fruit 1,112; vegetables 6,040; total 7,152. Reports hv radio from important markets. This morning’s sales to jobbers, unles otherwise stated. Cabbage Pittsburgh: Clear, 40 deg. Arrived 2 Florida. 4 New York, 5 Texas. Sup plies liberal, demand moderate, mar ket slightly stronger on Texas stock. Texas 80-lh. crates round type $2.90 (a 3.00; 100 lb. crates $8.00(^3.25; barrels parked locally I2.75&3.25, mostly $3.00(53.25. Boston: Clear, 38 deg. Arrived 4 Florida. 3 New York. 13 Texas, on track 15 cars. Supplies liberal, de mand slightly weaker. Texas round type 60 and 80 pound crates mostly $2.25; barrels packed locally few sales $2.5052.65. St. Louis: Snowing, 17 deg. Arrived 18 Texas, 3 Wisconsin, on track 37 cars. Supplies heavy, demand light, market steady. Texas round type bulk per ton $45.00. Brokers carlot sales to St. Louis basis Texas round type crates 1 car $2.65; bulk per ton 1 car $30.00. Philadelphia: Clear, 38 deg. Ar rived 16 Florida, 2 New York, one Texas, on track 41 cars. New sup plies liberal, demand slow, market weak. Texas lettuce crates round type $2.75; Savoy $2.00<£2.25; 100 lb. crates round type poorer $1.60. New York: Clear, 89 deg. Arrived 22 Florida, 4 New York. 4 Texas, equivalent 4 hy boat from Florida. New supplies moderate, demand mod erate, market steady. Texas lettuce crates round type $2.0052.25; Savoy $2.505,2.75. Cincinnati: Partly cloudy, 87 dag. Arrived 3 Florida, 2 Ntw York ,on truck 27 cars. Supp)i*s heavy, da* mend modurat. market dull- Taxes round type bulk per ton mostly $50. Florida pointed type 1 1-2 bushel hampers $1.0051-25. Chicago: Partly cloudy. 8 deg. Ar rived 2 Florida. 19 Texas, on traek 51 cars. Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market steady. Texas crates round type $2.7’, few $3.00; sacked per cwt. $2.50(£Y.75. Carrots Boston: Arrived 2 California, 2 Texas. 1 Virginia, on track 28 cars. Supplies heavy, demand slow, mar ket dull. Texas crates best mostly $2.75^*3.00, some fancyq high as $3.25, fair $2.50; bushels $1.75@2.00; 1 bushels topped dirty $1.75®2.00. Cal ifornia crates best $3.00(0,3.25, ordi nary $1.76®2.50. New York: Arrived 9 California, 6 New York, 13 Texas. Supplies mod erate, demand moderkte, market about steady. California crates $3'a 3.50, few $3.75, poorer $1.50(£2.50. Texas crates fair $2.50@3.00; bush els $1.25. Chicago: Arrived 6 California, on track 25 cars. Supplies moderate, de mand moderate, market slightly stronger. California crates $3.25<a; 8.50, fair light colored $2.85(<i3.00. Texas crates $2&2.25, few $2.50; bushels mostly $1.75. St. Louis: Arrived 1 California. 2 Texas, on track 20 cars. Supplies moderate, demand good, market stea dy. Texas crates $2.60®2.65, mostly $2.60(^2.65. Philadelphia: Arrived 1 California, 1 New York, 1 Texas, on track 31 cars. Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market slightly stronger. California crates $2.75®3.G0, small $2.23&2.50. Texas crates $2.75(a3.00, poorer and small low as $2.00; hush els $1.25® 1.50. New York bushel baskets washed $2.25. Pittsburgh: Arrived 1 California, 2 Texas. Supplies moderate, demand slow, market slightly stronger. Tex as crates mostly $2.50®2.75, few low as $2.26. California crates mostly $2.65£2.75. Beets Philadelphia: Arrived 1 Texas, on track 13 cars. Supplies moderate, demand moderate, market steady. Texas crates $2.25®t.50. Pittsburgh: No carlot arrivals. Supplies light, demand slow, market •lightly stronger for good stock. Texas crates 32-25^2.75. mostly 32.25 <J?2.50. few low as $2.00. St. Louis: Arrived 1 Texas, on track 3 cars. Supplies moderate, de mand moderate, market steady. Tex as crates $2®2.50, best mostly $2.50. New York: Arrived 10 Texas. Sup plies moderate, demand moderate, market slightly weaker. Texas crates $1.75<£2.75, mostly $2®2.50; bushels $1.25<S1.5Q. N. 0. COTTON OPENSSTEADY Slight Gains Made In First Hour of ' Trade NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 18._<;p)— The cotton market opened steady at an advance of 1 to 4 points in re aponse to higher Liverpool cablet than expected. March sold up to 19.39, May 19.51 and July 19.53, or 6 to 7 points above Saturday's close. At the end of the first hour the market was steady end at the highs. The market ruled steady most of the morning being supported by the small fertiliser sales and the better cotton goods reports as well as the outlook for unfavorable weather in the belt. May traded up to 19.52 and active positions generally to levels 8 points above Saturday's (lose but the improvement brought put some realizing and prices eased off. Near noon all months excapt March rallied to within 2 points of the early highs and the undertone Plan Plane Trip To Miami Fight For Valley Fans J. M. Kenyon, of the Kenyon Air Transport, is now booking a party for a trip to Miami, Fla., for the Sharkey-Stribling heavyweight bat tle. The trip is to be made in the Ken yon tri-motored Ford plane, whish will leava for Miami on Feb. 25. Places for 12 passengers are available, and arrangements for the trip can bo mado through Mr. Ken yon or Captain W. R. Henderson. RACEBILL (Continued from page ore.! Williamson, said "attempted betting will rear its ugly head in a bill to be presented two years from now if we do not kill it for all time.'* Under the Avis bill, the fair com mission would have been authorized to receive donations toward the en try of any horse. An amount not more than 10 per cent would have been deducted fram the winner, and distributed to counties for the en couragement of livestock and poul try raising and farming. Schools Stress Beautification Reports on beautification featured the meeting of the Cameron County Rural School association held Sat urday morning at the courthouse. The schools were found to be in had condition as to app’ar-'nce hv Countv Superintendent W. R. Jones on a recent tour of inspection. Since that time beautification has been stressed and at Saturday’s meeting all schools reported some steps to ward making their building and grounds more pleasim- to the eye. C. P. Craig of Briggs-Colemn I presided over the gathering. The body was given a demonstration lesson in geography hy “Snc" Plato of the Brownsville school system. General discussion of school prob lems followed. Anrroximatelv 20 teneh-rs and su perintendents were present. S. P. Offers Rate To Fort Worth — A low round trip fare of $24.40 from Brownsville to Fort Worth for the Southwestern and Fat Stock Show, March 9 to 15. has been an nounced bv the Southern Pacific Lines, according to M. L. Love, gen eral agent. Tickets will be on sale March 6 to 14. and will have a return limit of March 7. Similar low rates are be ing offered from all points on the Southern Facific in Texas. This annual Exposition and Stock Show always draws thousands of cattlemen, farmers and students to Fort Worth to view and pass judg ment on some of the best stock in the country. GRANDJURY JNELLED Charge Urges Action On Truant Officers, Vital Statistics The February term of the crim inal district court opeaed Monday morning with impanelling of the grand jury by Judge A. W. Cunning ham. Special subjects for consideration brought out in charging the grand jury were vital statistic* and tru ant officers. A special communica tion from state headquarters was read before the body which com plained of failure to register births and deaths in Cameron county. The body also was told to take up with various school authorities and the commissioners’ court the use of truant officers in an effort to get out nil children of school age in the county. The grand jury is composed of W. B. Clint, Brownsville; F. B. Robert son. San Benito; Fred H. Hall, San Benito; I. R. Gilbert, San Benito; H. J. Goetzke, Harlingen; C, F. Burt, San Benito; J. T. Foster, Harlingen; J. A. Russell, Brownsville; L. F. Welch. San Benito; J. B. Powell, Harlingen; J. F. George, Rio Hondo, and William Cabler, Brownsville. The grand jury went immediate ly to work on new cases. The docket was set with the first case* coming up Monday, Feb. 26. Most of the old cases left on the docket from the last term were set for that date. The left-over docket is said to bt very light. FIDWOlAN (Continued from Page One.) the stream, caught against a rock 35 feet from shore. Aside from saying he was “glad they found her,” and reiterating his assertion that he did not kill her. Bowman remained silent when told that Miss Klink’s body had been discovered. Ho has maintained that he was aiding th© woman to buy the candy store of which she was manager and that on the night of her disappearance she jumped into the river while despondent be cause she could not complete the transaction. Police siy he quoted the girl rs urging him to commit suicide. rIso. lie explained that he jumped into the water when the woman leaped but became fright ened and crawled ashore. Woodmen Stage Carnival Dance A carnival dance at which two state officials were present was held at the Knights of Columbus hall here Sunday night by the Campo Mexico No. 3430. W. 0. W. R. C. Miller and Pedro L. Lopez of the state offices at San Antonie were present. They were to leave Monday afternoon to inspect other Valley camps. Approximately 200 were present at the dnnee, coming from all parts of th© Valley and Matnmoros. Concepcion Lopez was queen of the affair. The Campo Ebano orchestra fur nished music. 4 Convictions In County Court Four convictions were obtained in the county court of Cameron county at law Monday morning in clearing of the criminal docket Manuel Medina, charged with cur rying a pistol, pleaded guilty and wrs fined *100 and costs. Emilio Ortega pleaded guilty on n similar charge and was fined *100 and costs also. Miguel Alniazan. charged with vagrancy, pleaded not guilty but ws* conviettd by a iury and fined *25 and costs. E. W. Miller plead ed guilty in a water case and was fined *10 and cost*. Seven other cases w*re either continued or dismissed. Case* against Eplmenio Garcia. Santiago Gars* and Francisco Garza were set for 9 a. m. Wednesday morning. L ■■ ' --- Fred Stone Said Much Improved SEBRING. FI*., Feb. 18.—<*•>—Fred Stone has laid aside his crutches and gone back to golf cluba. Thia newt about the famous co median. who was injured in an air plane acident about a year ago, was given out today by Rex Beach, the noveliut, at whose home here Stone is guest. • , . Beach aaid that Stone played in a threesome vesterdsy with him and Geerge B. Smith, local professional and that the comedian’s nine hole •core would “make a well man en vious." . ,, “His crutches are permanently laid aside,” Beach said. CLAIM TROTZKY IS IN CONSTANTINOPLE CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 18.—GP> _Far from having been removed to Angora, Leon Trotsky lies so ill in the Russian consulate here that to move him at all would be dangeroua, it is believed. , . . . Even servants are excluded from the vast wing of the consulate where he ia confined to his bed. His wife, and the four soviet guards who brought the two here from Alma Aata, Russian Turkestan, hit former place of exile, attend his wants and act as nurses. Heavy Traffic In Valley Is Noted EDINBURG. Feb. 18.—Traffic in the upper Valley was unusually hea vy, according to a check which showed 1S.000 autos passed between here and Pharr within a 12-hour period. . , A check made at Pharr showed 270 automobiles passing there within 15 minutes during the afternoon, from 3:20 to 3:35 o’clock, or 1080 cars an hour. Traffic on the highway ia thus believed to have been the heaviest of the year, due to the many visi tors and homeseeekrs now in the Valley. HOMESEEKERS COME IN LARGE NUMBERS HARLINGEN, Feb. 18—No definite figures were available Monday on the number of homeseekers coming into the Valley on the special trains over the Missouri Pacific and Southern Paeific Lines. Rail officials stated they expected the total for the weak would run between 1.400 and 1.500. All records were broken last week when over 2,000 homeseekers and tourists came into this section on special trains. It is estimated that [ over a thousand also came into this section on special trains. It is esti mated thta over a thousand also canie LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT MONITION In the United States District | Court, for the Southern Distrkl of i Texas. The United States of America vs. Monition, No. 620 and 6f.l, Law; one Oldsmobile Coupe, and one Chevrolet Sedan, (seized from A. W. Collier, et al). In obedienc© to a Warrant of Seizure to me directed, in the above-entitled cause, I have seized and taken into my possession the foilowing-described automobiles, to wit: One Oldsmobile Coupe automo bile, Engine No. F-38, 273, License No. 891-116, and one Chevrolet Se dan automobile, Motor No. 4499316, License No. 1, 937-664, for the causes set forth in the libel now pending in the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, at Brownsville, Texas, I hereby give notice to all persons claiming the «-aid described automobiles, or know ing or having anything to say why the same should not be condemned and forfeited, and the proceeds thereof distributed according to the prayer of the libel, that they be and appear before the said court, to be hdd in and for the Southern Dis trict of Texas, at the United States Court Room, in the City of Browns ville on the 13th day of March, 1929 at 10 o’clock on the forenoon of that day. if the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, otherwise on the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, then and there to interpose a claim for the same, and to make their allegation* in that behalf. R. A. HARVIN. U. S. Marshal, Southern Dist. of Texas. By H. R. JEFFERDS, Deputy. 2-18 — It —3339. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF ELECTION For luiinte of Bond* Cameron County Water Improvement District No. 12 Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in Cemeron County Water Improvement District No. 12 in Cameron county, Texas, at the polling place therein herein after named, on the 14th day of March. A. D. 1929, at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of said district the following proposition, and none other: "FOR THE ISSUANCE OK BONDS AND LEVY OF TAX AND PAY MENT THEREFOR;*’ “AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND LAVY OF TAX AND PAYMENT THEREFOR.” The polling place of said election and the officers appointed to hold and conduct same ara as follows: At the north end of the bridge across Fresnos Resaca on the old Alice road, on the west side of said road, and in Share 12, Espiritu San to Grant, in Cameron County Water Improvement District No. 12, and the following named persons are designated as judges and clerks of election to conduct said election, at said polling place: Luia Lozano. Presiding Judge. Francisco Gutierrez, Assistant Judge. Jose Gavito, Clerk. G. M. Lozano, Clerk. The manner of conducting said election shall be governed by the election laws of the state of Texas, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 2, Title 128, of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, Revision of 1925, and in acts amend atory thereof and supplementary thereto. None but resident property tax payers who are qualified voters of said distriet, shall be entitled to vote at said election. The ballots used at said elrction shall have written or printed there on these words and none others: “For the Issuance of Bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor;” “Against the Issuance of Bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor.” The purpose for which said elec tion is to be held is to determine whether or not voters of said dis trict desire the issuance of bonds by and for said district in the sum of One Hundred Twenty Thousand ($12.1,000.00) Dollars, bearing inter est from date thereof at the rate of six per centum per annum, interest payable semi-annually, and said bonds to be of the date, denomina tion, and each maturing at such time, not exceeding forty (40) years from their date, as shall be deter mined by the board of directors of said district, and specified in the order authorizing the issuance of said bonds, and for the levy and col lection of a tax sufficient to pay the interest thereon and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds at maturity. The said bonds are to be used as follows: For the securing by said district of a contract from Cameron County Water Control and Improvement Distriet Number Six, whereby said district will pump and deliver through its pumping plant and irri gation system water from the Rio Grande river to some point at or LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT near the boundary of this district; that the engineer's estimate of the price et which the above described contract may be acquired is Twen ty-five Thousand Six Hundred Twen ty-five and no-100 ($25,625.00) dol lars. That the remainder of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds is to be used to pay the cost and expense of constructing the neces sary pumping plants, canals, reser voirs, and other improvements pro posed to be made in said Cameron County Water Improvement District Number Twelve, and in payment of the incidental expenses of organiza tion and connected with said work, amounting to the sum of Ninety four Thousand Three Hundred Sev enty-five ($94,375.00) dollars, all of which has been covered by and in cluded in the engineer’s estimate hereinbefore referred to. The en gineer of the district has heretofore made and filed with the board of directors of said district, maps, pro files. specifications and estimates as required by law. showing that the estimated amount necessary to ac quire said contract with Cameron j County Water Control and Improve ment District Number Six is the I sum of Twenty-five Thousand Six j Hundred Twenty-five ($25,625.00) I Dollars, and to construct the neees- j sary pumping plants, canals, reser voirs, and other improvements pro posed to be made in Cameron County I Water Improvement District Num ber Twelve is the sum of Ninety four Thousand Three Hundred Sev enty-five ($94,375.00) Dollars, mak ing a total of One Hundred Twenty Thousand ($120,000.00) Dollars. A summary of the engineer’s es- j timate of the cost of the contract to | be entered into, of the construction 1 of the proposed repairs, improve- I ments and extension thereto and of the other authorized expenses is as follows: Cost of a contract to be supplied with water from the Rio Grande river through the pres ent system owned by Cameron County Water Control and Improve ment District No. 6. ...$ 25,825.00 Cost of connecting with said system . 200.00 j Clearing right of a ay for canals and laterals. 812.00' Earth work on canals. 7,608.00 j Structures in connection with canals . 10,896.00 | | Pipe system . 19.066.00 Concrete lining of canals 20,153.00 Flumes . 2,108.00 Storage reservoir . 13,275.00 I Water meters . 5,000.00 1 Expenses of organization, engineering and all in cidental expenses . 152257.00 j Total .$120,000.00) Immediately after the holding of ■ •’aid election, the presiding judge of I ! said polling place shall make a re- j | turn of th» results of said election. in the manner as provided for in ] j general elections, such returns to be | made to the secretary of the board j of directors of said district, j The above notice is given in pur- j j suance of an order made by the '■ board of directors of Cameron Coun ty Water Improvement District Num-J 'her Twelve, on the 16th day of Feb LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ruary A. D. 1928, ordering the hold ing of aaid election and the giving of thia notice. | Given under ray hand and teal of said district, this the 16th day of February A. D. 1929. (SEAL) J. C. WOODWORTH, i Secretary of Board of Director** Cameron County Water Improve* ment District Number Twelve. 2-18-25-4—£fc—8540 NOTICE OF ELECTION By, and in conformity with, g resolution of the Board of Direc tors of Cameron County Water Im provement District No. 8, passed at their meeting held February 16, 1928, an election is called, and no tice thereof is hereby given, to b* held within and for said district in Cameron County, Texas, on Monday, March 11, 1929. to determine wheth er said District shall avail itaelf of the benefits of Section 59 of Article !ti of the Constitution of Texas, ami thereby become a conservation and reclamation district without change of name, with power to incur in debtedness and levy taxes to carry out the purposes of its organization, for the payment of its obligations and the maintenance and operation of the District, without being con trolled by the limitations of in debtedness authorized to be incur red and taxes to be levied, imposed by Section 52 of Article 3 of the Constitution of Texas, which resolu tion was passed upon a hearing of the petition of C. 1’. Barrcda and others signed by more than twenty per cent of the owners of land in said district, praying that said dis trict may become and be m»de a con servation and reclamation district as aforesaid. At said election the question or issue aforesaid will be submitted for determination by the qualified elec tors of said district, in the following form printed on the ballots: “For conservation and reclama tion”; “Against conservation and recla mation.” The election will be held within lawful hours at the store building called the Commissary, situated in the Anacuas ranch, on or near the Military road, and in said district. The officers of election are: Presiding Judge, Samuel Howell;' Assistant Judge, Guadalupe Sua rez: Clerks, Mrs. S. Howell and Pilar Torres. Done at Brownsville, Texas, Feb ruary 16. 1929. Cameron County Water Im provement District No. 8. By C. B. BARREDA, presi dent of the Board of Di rectors. (SEAL) Attest: Margaret Scaburv, Secretary. 2-18-25-4-3t-334l Ringworm—One bottle of Imperial Eczema Remedy is guaranteed to be enough for any case. All druggists are authorized to refund your money if it fails.—Adv. (4) A marvelous mattress moderately priced Beautyrest Mattresses are Only constructed on entirely <£ different principles than ^ I the ordinary type. Finest coils of resilient steel are Down luxuriously upholstered and permanently built in place. There can be no ^ shifting, bunching or mat- ,, ut^IXit ting. Utmost buoyancy^— Mattre** unbelievable relaxation— and amazingly long life— $ “lQ50 are the results. ^ 0 HARDWARE _ FURNITURE o4 goodplace lo trade 10th and Washington At the Post Office I Realtors Have 1 Learned That Want Ads Pay | I I I IB ■ iTN OLD DAYS the auction block was the common j§ I method of barter and exchange. Today classified 1 1 advertising reaches a group of people who are inter- I ested in the thing advertised. You do not have to H shout to a surly mob—many without funds; you talk to | a select audience that is looking for investment oppor Itunities. In this simple manner a score of realtors have increased their profits many fold. In this way agents % | have garnered in “leads” that never could have been ob- Fj tained in any other manner. Try it. and prove that it | never fails! Homeseekers look to Herald Want Ad | columns for news of the greatest values! E > ©je Snramswflle Herald j I Phone 8 I Hffl ! -