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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County, Greeting; You are hereby commanded to sum mon the Unknown Heir* of W. M. Mc Kee, deceased, their heirs and legal representatives, to be and appear be fore the Honorable District Court of Cameron County, Texas. 103rd Ju dicial District of Texas, at the next regular term thereof to be begun and holden at the court house of said Ounty, in the City of Brownsville. Texas, on the third Monday in Feb ruary, 1929, same being the 18th day of February. 1929, then and there to answer the plaintiff s original pe tition filed on the 18th cay of Janu ary. 1929. in a suit pending in said .court, wherein L:i Feria Sugar Com pany, a private corporation, is plain tiff,' and August Stark. Stella Clark, his wife, Jojcph V. Reid, Faustino Alejos, Guy McKee and the Unknown . Heirs of W. M. McKee, deceased. I their heirs and legal representatives,; are defendants, the file number of said suit being No. 8291. and the na ture of plaintiff's demand therein being as follows, to-wit: Suit in trespass to try title for the recovery of the title and possession of the South 21.CD acres of Lot D1 of ^the Mmnesota-Texas Land & Irriga tion Company’s Subdivision in the f a Feria Grant. Cameron County. Texas, as per map of said subdivision re corded in Book 2. p. 3H. Map Records of said County of * amcron. ouster being alleged as of August 8. 1928. and to quiet plaintiff’s title to said premises against all claims of defend ants. and especially any and all claims rsserted under a deed from August Stark and Stella Stark, nis wife, to said W. M. McKee . tinted Apiil 4. 1924, and recorded in Book 125, p. 31. et seq.. of the Deed Rec ords of Cameron County, Texas: also for general damages alleged at S4.000.00, rents and mesne profits al- 1 l.EGAL APVZKT1SLMEN1 1 legcd $1509.00 .all costa of suit; and general relief. And you will make service of this 1 citation and summon the said tn-; known Heirs of W. M. McKee, de*, ceased, their heirs and legal repre-! sentatives, by making publication of this citation in some newspaper pub- s lished in Cameron County. Texas.) once each week for four consecutive j weeks previous to the return day hereof. Herein faii not, but have you this writ, with your return thereon show ing how you have executed the same, before said court on Ahc said first day of the next regular term thereof. Attest. John P. Scan'.an. District j Clerk, Cameron County. Texas. Given under mv hand and the s»al of said Court, at office in Browns x ill-. Texas, this 19th day of January, 1929. (SEAL! JOHN P. RCANLAN. District Clerk, Cameron County, Tex. A true copy I certify. Jno. P. Scanlan, Clerk District Court, Cameron County, Texas. 1-28-4-11-18—4t—3318._ CITATION BY PCBLICATION Nr. 3970. Theodore Demetri vs. Sarantos Th. Kanmoroki?. In the County Court, of Cameron County at Law, Cameron County. t Texas. The State of Texas to the Sheriff ■ or any Constable of Cameron Coun- ! ty—Greeting: You are hereby commanded, that by making publication of this Ci tation in some newspaper published in the County of Cameron, once in each week for four consecutive weeks previous to the return day hereof, you summon Sarantos Th. Kamno rokis. who is alleged to be a non resident of the State of Texas, lo he and appear at the next regular term of the County Court of * ani eron County at Law, of Cameron LEGAL AllVfcUl ISEMENT County, to be holden at the Court House thereof, in the City of Browns ville. the first Monday in April, A. D. 1929. the same being the first day of April, A. D. 1929, then and there to answer a petition filed in said Court on the tenth day of January, A. 1). 1929, in a suit, numbered on the docket of said Court. No. 3970, wherein Theodore Dcmetri is plain tiff. and Sarantos Th. Kamnorokis is defendant, the nature of plaintiff's demand being substantially, as fol lows, to-wit: That on or about September 26, 1927, plaintiff, at the request of de fendant, loaned defendant ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS which defend ant promised to repay on or before December 31, 1927; that said debt is long past due and wholly unpaid; whereiore plaintiff sues for his said debt of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS together with legal interest thereon, and costs of suit. Herein fail not. but have you be fore said C ourt on the ■-‘aid first day of next term thereof this writ, with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and seal of said court, ft office in the City of Brownsvillp. this the 9th day of February, A. D. 1929. Witness: H. D. SEAGO. Clerk of < .micron Court in Cameron County at I*aw, Cameron County, Texas. (Seal). By O. E. Brenner. Deputy. 2-11-18-85-4— 4t—3331. CONSTABLE SALE The State of Texas, County of Cam eron. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of certain Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable District Court of Cameron County, of the 9th day of February, 1929, by Jno. I*. Scan Ian. clerk of said court, for the sum of $3639 07, and costs of suit under a LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 'judgment, in favor of C. S. Morton, I in a certain cause in Raid Court, No. ' 8223, and styled C. S. Morton v». | Joseph Staufer and Ida Staufer. ' placed in my hands for service, I, John Martin. Constable, Precinct No. j 2, of Cameron County, Texas, did on the 11th day of February. 1929, levy on certain Kcal Estate, situated in ' i Cameron County, Texas, described as ; i follows, to-v. it: Block No. 73 containing 3R.G9 acres | being a part of those certain larger tracts of land embraced in Partition j Shares Numbers 12 and 22 of the I Espiritu Santo Grant, surveyed and [ platted for the Fresno* Land & Ir- ' ! rigat'on Company, as per map on file in Volume 3. page 9, records of j Cameron County, Texas. And levied upon as the property of Ida Staufer and her husband Joseph j Staufer and that on the first Tucs- \ •lay in March. 1929. the same being the f»th day of said month, at the court house door, of Cameron County, in the City of Btownsvillc. Texas, i between the hour* of 10 a. ra. and 4 p. m.. by virtue of said levy and said judgment, I will sell said above de scribed Beal Estate at public vendue, for cash, to the highest bidder, a* the property of said Ida Staufer and Joseph Staufer. And in compliance with law. I give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immediately preceding said day of sale in The Brownsville l»ailv Herald, a news paper published in Cameron County. Texas. Witness my hand, this 9th day of I February. 1929. JOHN MARTIN. Precinct No. 2. Constable, Cameron County, Texas. < 2—11-18-25—3t—3329.1 CONSTABLE SALE The State of Texas, County of Cant- i cron. Notice is hereby given that by ' LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT | vwtuo of certain Order of Sale i»-! sued out of the Honorable District ! Court of Cameron County, of the 9th ' day of February, 1929, by Jno. P. J Scanian, clerk of «aid court, for tne of $3394.26 and costs of suit under a judgment, in favor of Euge- ; nie Brulay Wortman in a certain i cause in said Court. No. 7508, and i styled Eugenie Brulay Wortman vs. j T. J. Clay, placed in my hands for j service, 1. John Martin, Constable. Precinct N'o. 2. of Cameron County, > Texas, did on the 11th day of Feb-i ruery. 1929, levy on certain Real i Estate, situated in Cameron County, | Texas, described as follows, to-wit: | 88.7 acres of land in Share No. 12 \ of the Espirihu Santo Grant, in Cam- i cron County. Texas, fully described | in deed from A. A. Benavides and wife to T. J. Clay of record in Vol ume 129 pages.394-396, Deed Records of Cameron County, Texas. An dlevied upon as the property f of T. J. Clay and that on the first Tuesday in March, 1929, the same being the 5th day of said month, at the Court House door, of Cameron County, in the City of Brownsville. Texas, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. >f. by virtue of said levy and said judgment I will sell said above described Real Estate at public vendue, for cash, to the highest bid der. as the properly of said T. J. Clay. And in compliance with law. I give ' this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immediately preceding said day of sale in The Brownsville Daily Herald, a news paper published in Cameron County. Texas. Witness my hand, this 11th day of February, 1929. JOHN* MARTIN. Precirct No. 2. Constable, Cameron County. Texas. 12-11-18-28—31 - 38,10.) 1 Get Decision In Famous Oil Suit rnmmmmmm—mmmmmmm * DALLAS, Tex., Feb. J8.-MV-A special dispatch to the News Sunday says United States Court at El Paso today ruled in favor of the Roxanha and Douglas Oil companies in the Mrs. M. A. Monroe-Smith oil contro versy involving rights to West Texas Oil lands valued at $20,000,000. The court, the dispatch said, held Mrs. M. A. Monroe-Smith. owner of a 21,000-acre ranch in Pecos county ad joining the Yates oil pool, sound mentally and competent legally in making the leases on her property to the two companies. The suit was brought in state court by seven children of Mrs. Monroe Smith, who sought to have her ad judged mentally unbalanced and to nullify the leases. The case was transferred to federal court because the Roxanna*is a Virginia company rnd the Douglas an Oklahoma con cern. EXTEND RADIO ORDER W ASHINGTON, Feb. 18.—«.Pb-The _ Radio Commission lo'fgy extended until June 1 the efiertivc date of j its order limiting nroadcasting of ,( chain programs on clear channels for | i more than one hour daily to stations I not separated by a distance of three hundred miles. FARMFR SLAIN CARTHAGE, Tex.. Feb. 18. -i/Ph — Artie Rounds, 32, farmer in the Peadwood community near here, was found shot to death in his home yes terday. A shot gun was on a bed and the body was on the floor. Mrs. Bounds and four children were away, and the body was found by the oldest child on his return from school. Officers are investigating. HIGH PRESSURE PETE — They’re on Their Way —Swan » t>ONT 5fW VOfvTt-a.'. — HPkV)e S'oo *HV "ntw voo, fr«»b stt^A Vi 7 I cftHT mou',^«u— *TovJ6Hta. »NV Ta ^ICKC^S-V SteO vJC. <SoT »T * ^'~rp>Ke lT *&**! Ktv ,‘PCrt-Tue. 5OL0 OUT Toff'S W€.-f?e_ nooiM(, oor *«,ht Avg^V ^_<5£T VOcH*. HP.TAND COfKT" T».Tvt loof* <-?4i [ we fte leaving PcTi- ruya\T>* *T ohce.— *o ~~ 1 <^otti* Home op To ooa poo^ fcwt> v*oc_ J WftKX f\ TfsK\ — "~) " p> taxi «*?^ I j i THE GUMPS — A SSweetheart on Parade —Sidney Smith AAari/ .Itoofes Vert/ chic ^ T » * J J in a neu) kneen length coat oh printed Diqiie J and a Pall trousered pajama - s iuir— ' ' N I ! Cll X jjer ensemble/ \ cf chartreuse \ colored cpcpe : fcx a\\ -lrimed inJ it/; ’ /ox ^ iMri/ 'rr ' ' neu) &nd smart > -Dus season.^ -V ETTA KETT — Sugar Cure r > * * % ^ ' —Paul Robinson ___•___ _____ _ __ -/?. 71 , . -_ N'OOR DAO GOT A "SOCK OS I v ,b- n,.,-- ) "TV-E VfcAD v;(m A d&.r r~> •-^Vtr- '.Tr twu. -rrrp - hop cor L ^ 12 raow HER>E A^D’SEE-IUE- . . >? W6rtr CsOR^EOO^ DOCTOR "^AT D>;4 * CAME TO 4i Fl* VA!M OP ^3 KtEPNOoR* FYOl 0*F / T i SAyj HirA FiPST/ : LL PRETEND 1-M SlCKTO PAN.TI SOME" FOM S I_ _ _ . ^_ { V50T QW, DOCTOR *YCXJ J _ /n P^\ NO \DEA- HOVJ fT ^rs w>va i* ^ VW POOR vAtlSOACUES rPP 72 ,2 ^^SSSSSSS, Sp&oggU J v*^*"5 J SSSSSf L r-J^v. HAS A VERM > AiLMENT-—KHOtiN A^; ENLARGE MENT or THE hrsAptt due to OPOViDNt INTOOMAMN ROM L - yRHENCfe—AN C ^ArtACKHAM ^ PROVE f AIM- AT ^hm THE AND RESULT in NER ^M3P\AGE—»LL Send a " _ SOR'PTiON OVER. V--- . * — i . •m — I GOOFEY MOVIE —Neher «t <* - 5 , f *> f : *% X^^OU J?E,VtEV*8Efc. 3E(?T guZXACD FOUMD A BUMDlE CP SAGS 8EWIMO THE SNJOUJ 0AMK. ME KICKED IT AMD SOVEOME iWS-iCE houleQep poo help' UJUO cam it be? X CASJ HEAR WIM GCO^MIMG njOuo.wjwoev; eQ »t is must 0t MAUP FROZEN)*5 f MAV9E T 0ETT65 CAOSV IT BACK ' wm SECT! rr is* A . mattes of= UPE OP Death1 I / 1TL.U TAKE ME GOL.UYM THE BUUPLE OP GAGS HAS BEEM TUGNJ' J> ISJTO A HUGE SNJOUJSALL /AKJO IS GETTING UA.GGEC? evegy MiWUTE. DCNjV YOU DAOe MIS’S* PACT ©. . -. ^ 11 .. Today’s Radio Features Monday, Feb. 13 t (Central Standard Tint] T:10—Thome* A. Edison Program—WJ7, KDKA KJR KYW KWK WREN KOA KPO KUO KFl KUW KOMO K11Q 8:30—Family Party; Patrick Conway's Band—WEAK WGY WTAM WWJ I WTMJ WON KSD KSTP WOW WDAF WFAA KPRC WOAI WHA3 WSM WHB KOA KSL KPO KUO KFl KUW KOMO KHQ XYOC WIOD WKY WMC W 8:30—Jubilee; Informal Program—WOR WADC W'KRC WTJHP W \| \o KMOX KMBe KOIL WSPD WHK WUL KLSS KDIL KTA KJfi Kv*.\ KMTK ® 9:30—Empire Builder*; "Clark and Lewi*"—WK\F WOT WTAM WTV 1 KYW KSD WOO WOW KSTP WTMJ WKBC \\*H \S W3B WPAA KPRC WOAI WKY KOA KSL KTO KFl KUO KUW KOMO KHQ vVDAr WMC VALLEY RADIO KWWG—Valley Radio Station Drown** mo B| 4:0t»-u:i5 p. m.—A viK talc • Preaa dispatches a. J Valle nen fr,.., . „ . . The BrownanUa Herald, followed by mu.icai numbers ' ^ 6:<>.»-6:On—W orld Bookman, popular radio feature. 6:00-7:0!)—Musical numbers. MONDAY 11:00-110 a. m.—Musical numbers and studio specialties. 11:00-11:30— Popular and *emi-classirai selections from tha Capitol theater organ by remote control. 11:55-13:00—Local and general weather forecast and bulletin on Rio Grande. IN YOUR CONFIDENCE ll LIES OUR STRENGTH The strength of ' bank is not truly measured by the time-locks that safeguards its depositors’ ( funds—-but by the confidence of those it servos. For thirty-eight years this instittuion has been a consist ed builder of confidence. Your confidence too, will be justified, if you will make the fullest use or our complete modern bi'.nk!~^ service. ^ Your requirements will be met with prompt* *rtcous attention by every officer and employe j. 4%’ Interest Compounded Semi-Annually, !’ ] *v Paid on Savings Accounts First National Bank J Brownsville, (Texas | ^ “THE FRIENDLY BANK’*- „ j ' Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley i If La Joya Gravel Co. I INCORPORATED I MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 g Ride the I _ . i point Isabel bus line ! General Welding 5 You Are Insured Radiator Specialist 2 Leaves Brownsville LAWN MOWER EXPERT (' T. J. Rommer . “ 7 !'! Phon. J33 H:IO-i:W-tM Re„ | J. S. FORD & SONS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS Brownsville, Texas I Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville I | Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron < | County, Texas GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY Certified Public Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Carneiro Company) Real Estate Investments I - CHARLES REID ,J< Seabury-Gcorge-Taylor Bldg. 9th and Elizabeth .. i PERRY L. KING * CO. I AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING I INCOME TAX SERVICE Systems. Organization and Statistical Reports Business Control I j Travis Building Nixon Building I * San Antonio, Texas. Corpus Christi. Texas. 1 Valley Abstract Co. I PROMPT TITLE SERVICE | BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG ^ Opposite Courthouse E. llarriman Blvd. Phone 1184 I’hone 93 i r .' > .*• .*■■'.. ■ $ t ,