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r^0000000000000000000000000000*000000010000000000000000 a IEDXESDAY CALENDAR imai Barlow Chapter. D. A. i to have luncheon at the of Mr*. Walter Wearer, a. f Culture meets with Mrs. , Yates. ». Burt Hinkler, Jr., i» co ining her bridge club. ; Brownsville Music club ha* ir rehearsal at the Baptist h, 9:39 a. m. lines* and Professional wn hare regular luncheon at El B. • 99 tern Star iates One it sixty members and guests ed at the Masonic Temple iy evening for the meeting of Chapter. 124. of the Order of istern Star. Routine business isposed of in the earlier part session, after which Mrs rth was initiated into the >wtnjr the initiation ceremo tiss Ethel Depew Henderson favored the audience with several instrumental numbers, while the ntme group joined in singing old songs The musical numbers over, the group adjourned to the parlors, where a social hour was enjoyed, during which refreshments of sand wiches, cake and coffee were served • a • i Auxiliary Studies Stewardship Mrs E W Groaenbaeker talked to the members of the Presbyterian Auxiliary on ‘Stewardship' Mon day afternoon, when the societv held their regular study meeting at i he church. As no other business is taken up at the study meetings fh® society adjourned at the close of the lesson. • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mr and Mrs. Thomas E Cook left Monday evening for their hom® in Dallas They had spent several days in Brownsville visiting Mr. Cook's sisters, Mrs. Volncy Taylor and Mrs. Jesse Dennett. Mrs William Cromack has been here since her husbands funeral I visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs * Bert M. Cromack. WESLACO HOSTS TO FACULTY Mr. and Mrs. Fred J Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Phil D. Duon entertained with a delightful party Friday evening for the members of the junior and senior high school faculty. The interesting decora-: tions were suggestive of the valen tine season. Lovely salad and icc courses were served. Enjoying the evening were Messieurs and Mes dames E E Chairiness, W. T. Bar bee, F C. McConneil, Char. H. Huge, W. W. Carrothers. C. M. O Neal. Chas Dupre, I. E. Martin C. E. Thompson, O. E. Prather of Donna; Mrs. Susie McDaniel. Mrs Ollie Rencau; Misses Ambolme Foreman, Fay Rawlins. Margaret Sheffield. Thelma Smith. La Verne Cook. Gertrude Streuer, Eva Adams. Jean Smith ar.d Lucille McRaven of Harlingen; Messrs. W. W. Ballard and Hodge Thompson. SCOTTISH G*UE*ST* COMPLIMENTED Mrs. R. A. Rowland entertained Wednesday afternoon at her lovely I lakeside home honoring her sister, Mrs. Harold Daniel Finley of Edin-1 burgh. Scotland, who is visiting herf the remainder of the winter. At the interesting games of bridge Mrs. Porter Davis won high and Mrs H Raymond Mills held con solation The valentine motif was aided with the red roses and poin settia. A delicious salad course was served. Guests were: Mes dames Finley of Scotland. T. L. Smith of San Antonio. C. I. Haven. Frank Farris and John Robinson of Edinburg. M. Giese and William George of Elsa Elsie Felker of Toledo, Ohio. Mesdames T. W. Glass. Porter Davis. John A Knapp. J. Z. Wheat.. N. V. Sidener. j Harr:; Stebbtn* Harr; Solether. Carl Moeller. W R Symonds. C 11214 Cluabath fxeleti** Indira' AppsrH features The Sun Shades In new Spring shoes , ... in straps . . . pumps ... . and oxfords . . . new leathers . . . and styles . . . arriving daily. $8 to $12.50 Benjamin franklin spoke of “paying too much for a whistle”— and frankly there is always the temp tation to pay the highest price for the obvious things and try to “make-up” by spending as little as possible for those which are not predominant. But proper sleep is so necessary that it must not be classed among the unim portant. If a mattress and spring last ten years the difference in cost between one that will just “get by” and the bes is about one dollar a year. Beautyrest Mattress $39.50 — Ace Spring $19.75 Special this week only — Any Simmons Mattress DELIVERED FOR ONLY $1.00 DOWN M. Sherrill, J. L. Compere. Jr.. Miss Thelma Smith, Mrs. John Graves. Phil D. Dixon. H. Raymond Mills. T. Blake Bricknell, C. Lester SkagJF. A. E. Richardson. W. H Miller and Frank Waters. • • • LLANO GRANDE The Llano Grand? home demon stration club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. W Cross. It was \oted to join with the Southern Star club in the curb market movement after interesting discussion by Mrs. W. A Black and Mrs. John Broth-rs of the South ern Star Mrs H. A. Coultas cave an excellent talk on the making and wearing qualities of ravon. Nine new members were added to the roll. The hostess served deli cious angel food cake and ice cream. Guests were Mrs. Edward Hin dahl. Mrs. O. N. Swaae and Mt» Sarah Borarth of Illinois. Mes demes William Winter, Sr„ and William Winter Jr., of Harlingen John L. Bahtin. F. O. Richcreek. W A. Black. John Brothers. Misses Vera Langley, Grace Morrison and Grace Cross New members were Mesdames John Crawford. J H. Couch. J. K. Tenry. Lula Wilson C. F Anderson. E. W. LenE’ev. F. H. Dunn. W F Anderson and F T Hudson. tit HOLIDAY PARTY A special Waihmrtons birthday party was given by the members of the Hi-Lo bridge club Saturday: evening at the V. C. T. Thompson home. Miss Lucille McRaven of j Harlingen and W. T. Kingsbury were winners of high score with Miss Thelma Smith and S. M Mc Whorter receiving the consolation i rcores. Nasturtiums and sweet peas made the lovely floral decorations ( with other decorations in keeping with Washington’s birthday. Guests of the club were Miss Lucile McRaven of Harlingen and Miss Reynolds of Chicago who is now employed with the Progreso Development Co ; Messrs Doc Odom, Parks Goody. Ted Sneed. Flovd Langford. Reed Ichman. S. N. McWhorter. Hodge Thompson. V. C. Thompson. Hardy Clem- ; menr,. Henry Wright and W. T Kingsbury. * ft * DORCAS SOCIETY The Dorcas Aid of the Imman uel Lutheran church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Mottmiller south of Weslaco. An election of officers was held with Mrs. Mottmf’er rp-elected president.; Mrs. Arnold Bartlmg. vice president; Mrs. M. A. Borchelt. secretary-treasurer. A party was planned in celebration of the first anniversary of the organization of the aid. at the home of Mrs M A. Borchelt. Invitations will be ex tened to all the women of the church. The hostess served love ly refreshments to forty-two per sons. Out of Valley guests were Mrs Dan Schiedeeker of Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Getz of Detroit; Mrs. Herman Wolter and Mrr. Twen chafel of Illinois. • • • MOTHER AND DAUGHTER BRIDGE Mrs. A. L. Richardson and daughter. Mrs. C. Lester Skaggz entertained with a clcier mother and daughter bridge party at the lovely Skaggs home Friday after noon. Miss Elsie Fellier of Toledo. Ohio, who is visiting her sister. Mrs. Harry Stebbins and Mrs. Harold Darnel Finley of Edinburgh, Scot land who is a winter guest of her sitter, Mrs. R. A. Rowland, wero given remembrance gifts. Mrs Clell Solether won high rcore and Mrs. T. Blake Bncknell held low'. Guests were: Mrr Finley, Miss Fclker Mrs. T. H G. Cook and daughter. Mrs. Gilbert Ramsey. Mrs W. H Baxter. Sr. Mrs. W H Baxter. Jr.. Mrr- T. L. Smith of San Antonio and daughter. Mrs. C. M. Sherrill. Mrs. J. V.' Francis and daughter. Mr*. W T. Powell. Mrs. T. Blake Bncknell and daughter in-law' Mrs. H Raymond Mills, Mrs. E C. Couch and daughter. Mrs. Richard Short. Mrs R L. Reeves and daughter. Mrs. J. L. Compere. Jr. Mrs. Harry Stebbins. Mrs. J. Z. Wheat cf San Antonio and daughter. Mrs. M M McAsklh and sister. Mrs. J. C. Owens of Tennessee. Mrs Clell Solether. Mrs Den Couch and Mrs D. W. Ilford. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs o Dcfiel of St. Paul. Minn., who are spending the w mter in Brownsville. Mr end Mrs C A Reil and daughter. Miriam, of Brownsville, spent Sunday at the A Hemsa home Miss Winnie Lee Reeves of Har lingen spent the week-end here with her sister. Miss Alma Reeves. Mrs. J. H. Head returned Friday from several days’ visit in San An tonio with relatives Miss Ada Mae Morgan who Is teaching at Reahtos spent the week-end here with her parents. Dr. and Mrs J. B Morgan. enables yon to make an endless variety of v bolesome, heal thful foods—Cakes. Cook* tea. Bisonts, Dough* nets, etc.—all evenly rased and proper tv baked. Try it and learn why it marts baking LAS It II hum 2M timto rare or amt orrr .iMjn) JUST AMONG US GIRLS 'B*crs=3.y v^rcio h&;C <3.n early -prtnof ^Thc CLOSE cP VinbET brings \faz, CLCTUtS o° tarter' DONNA VALETIN'E BRIDGE One of the largest and most in teresting social affairs of the season was given Wednesday afternoon at i the home of Mrs. 3am Crutcher I when Mrs Crutcher. Mrs. J. O Park, and Mrs. W. G Taylor enter tained with twelve tables of bridge. The house decorations featured spring flowers combined with a lavish adornment, of valentines. Following five spirited games of bridge it was found that high score v as held by Mrs Henry Koch of Alamo, who was given a bouquet of t radiance red roses in an exquisite basket made by Mrs. Park. Second prize was awarded Mrs. Richard Austin. . pair of beautiful hand embroidered pillow slips. A very ar-, tlsiic hand-embroidered bungalow; apron as third prize was won by; Mrs. V. V. Brown of La Feria. and the cut prize was given Mrs. Har riet L. Gates o Elmira N. Y . a dainty hand-painted handkerchief. I The pleasure of the afternoon was added to by the delightful musical prrcTam with Miss Carolina White cello; Mrs Rittenhousc. violin and Mrs. Crutcher, piano. A drlicious plate luncheon was served. Punch wa3 served through out teh afternoon. The hostesses | were assisted in serving by Mi.sse«; Jean McKenzie. Gay Newland. and Charlotte Graham. The guest list included Mcsdamei, James F. Manitcrre, Ii Watts. E Watts. H L Towns. 8 W. Hall Glen Luca'. A. T. Elliott. Josh Ewing. J C. Norwood. Harry Car rol. J W. Richardson. Brvan Col-1 Her Glen White. Herbert White. M l White. Bt'l Ball Wm. Daughcr- , ty. Harry Ridgeway. B. O. Wilkcr-) s', i. Geo. Vance. Joe Sellars, R. H Au-tin Hammond Mchaffey. Snell. Barron. Truax. Petch,. Fisher. Yon u liman John Bell of Alamo. Cram er. V. V Stone of La Feria Thorn- j ton of San Juan Rittenhousc. Wiedemann LI a of La Feria Howard Nob?I. Aubrev Robson, of Leamington Ont.. Canada: J. G.| Straight. McAllen: ard Misses Jes sie Mae Park Carlyn White. Jen 11!*' Louise R'dfield. Harriet Gates of Elmira N Y. Iola 3urks end the hostesses. « • • ORGANIZE MISSIONARY A few of the younger girls of Donna met with Mrs. Paul Co^an at her home Monday night for the purpose of organizing a young peo ple \i missionary society. After an explanation of the work bv Mrs Cowan, the program for January was outlined. Dcliciour refresh ments of heart-shaped sandwiches cake and cocoa were served to the following: Misaes Ruth Bunker Lois Fleuriet, SaUy Whigham. Arba Mauldin. Joyce Price, Hazel Thomp son Mrs Lincoln. Mn Claude Dailey and the hostess. # • + Mr and Mrs Joe Spettigue and Mi and Mrs Buss were visitors in Austin this week EVENING HOSPITALITY Mr. and Mrs Waiter Keirn Lcn? entertained at bridge on Wednesday - * M. • , - * * • A * i evening tt the home of Mrs M. G Black. The house was profusely decorated with sweet peas, and the decorations were in the Valentine . mstif. Ladies' prize a-ent to Mr*. : Sellars, and men s priae to Truman Sander*. Refreshments were serv ed to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Jack French. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sel lars. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ramsey of Weslaco and Misses Dorothy Chandler. Jessie Mae Part. Lois Fleuriet. and Mrs. Era Birthisel. and the Messrs. Albert McKinney. Truman Sanders. Walter Willis and Lawrence Birthisel. • * • SUNDAY SCHOOL PART V Miss Albcrt3 Schweitzer entertain* ed the young people of the Presby terian Sunday school with a Valen tine party at her horn** Tuesday evening. The evening was spent piavmg games pertaining to Val entine. Refreshments of hot choco lati with whipped cream, sand wiches. cookie.- and cake were serv ed to Misses Helen Faye Yerger. C-eciZia Ifae Norwood. Dorothy Jam-rson. Jean McKcftzie, and Messrs. Neill Camming*. Tom Watts Van and Wilfred Snell. BiJj Broan. Match* Mehtonen. rlllioi, Bottom, and Mr. and Mr*. Willard > White Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Me-! Dermott. and tlv* hostess and her mother, Mrs. William Schweitzer. City of McAllen Is Sued on Taxes fSpeeial t« Th* Herald' McALLEV. Feb 19—Contending tha- the city b without authority to tax his property by virtue of th«* fsmr it wr* in an addition brought Into th* nty limits without being v-.tei op bv citizens. I M. Crook has f'led suit against tlr city of Mc Allen The suit war filed by Lee Minner for Cronk and rm"s a* defendants besides tKe city. F. B Freeland, mavor: F. W L-embursr. J. C. Har rison , E F Guerra and C M Rich, commissioners apri G. C Sewell. ** *rssor and collector anti city secre ts rv. Specifically Crank seeks to exempt ih* nronertv from a spvial tax of $! 23 on the $lnT valuation The r~cper‘v in ouest.ion is located in the Hidalgo canal subdivision. By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Menu* for Dinner Swiss Steak Raked Potato** Battered Carrot* Bran Muffins Butter Celery and Apple Salad Oatmeal Cookies Coffee Fwi*i Steak for Four 1 pound round steak, cut 1 inch tb ck: 1-4 cud flour: 1 teupoon eelt; 1-4 teaspoon pepper; 3 tablespoons chopped omens; 3 tablespoons fat; 3 tablespoons catsup; l cup water. Wipe off the steak with » damp cloth. Pound the flour into the meat on both sides. Sprinkle the salt and repper. Flace the fat in a fry ing pan and when hot add the meat and brown well on both sides. Add the rest of the ingredients. Cover and boil for 3 minutes. Fiace in the oven and bake for 1 hour, or until very tender. Raste several times during the baking. Celery and Apple Salad, for Tour k-3»cup diced celery; 1 cup diced apples; 1-3 cun diced marshmallow*; 1-t teaspoon salt; 1-3 cup salad dressing. « hill all the ingredients. Mix and serve in cups of crisp lettuce leaves. Oatmeal Cookies, Five lto/en 1 cup fat; 2 cups dark brown »ur.« •: 2 teaspoons cinnamon; 1 teaspoon doves; I A. TAMM Blue Printing and Supplies Harlingen. Texas 1-2 teaspoon salt; 1 cup raisins; 2 eggs: 1*4 cup milk: 2 1-2 cups fiour; 1 teaspoon sods. Cream the fat until soft. Add the sugar and beat for 1 minute. Add the rest of the ingredients and break off small b;ts of the dough end flatten down S inches opart on greased baking sheet?. Bake ip a moderate oven for 12 mfnutes. Hearts rut from beets. pimen*e«, green peppers, plum or currant jelly or maraschino chcrros can be used for garnishing and decorating apne tiim, salad*, and dessert*. The vegetable?, of course, are u«ed for the and salads, while the jelly and cherries are used for salads and des ert*. LIKE A COW IN THE HOME VTT MON