Newspaper Page Text
ottages or Ukeleles--You Can Reach a Buyer with a‘For Sale’Ad Below! AUTOMOTIVEAUTOMOTIVE High Grade Used Cars 1926 Buick, 7-passenger Sedan.$ 975.00 1927 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$ 950.00 1927 Buick Sport Convertible Coupe .. $1000.00 1928 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$1200.00 1926 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$ 700.00 1927 Chrysler Sport Roadster.$ 950.00 1926 Buick Sport Touring.$ 550.00 Packard 4-door, 5-passenger Sedan .. $ 600.00 These cars in first class condition and sold on sales contract guarantee. Compare the above car3 with medium price new cars or any used cars in the Valley. fh TERMS TO SUIT Wells Valley Motor Co. (Service After Sales) Packard Valley Dealers San Benito, Texas I AUTOMOTIVE m>. --- B Used Cars And B Trucks For Sale ■ See J. B. PUCKETT I Delta Investment Company 1 Phone 1066. ■ N-102 ^^2 B FOR SALE: 1923 Ford coupe. 830. H Call 1166._M58 2 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet ...8585.00 ■ 1928 Chevrolet Sedan .565.00 1 1928 Chevrolet Coupe . 550 00 ■ k 1928 Chevrolet Touring . 465 00 ■ * 1927 Chevrolet Landau . 465.00 P 1926 Chevrolet Sedan . 325.00 B 1926 Chevrolet Coach . 285 00 B 1926 Chevrolet Truck . 250 00 ■ 1925 Ford Coupe . 185.00 Sp 1926 Ford Touring . 195 00 (I 1927 Ford Truck . 100 00 111 1926 Essex Coach . 65.00 B 1927 Chevrolet Chassis . 50 00 STEVENSON MOTOR CO.. INC. B 10th and Adam3 Street B Help Wanted B WANTED: Efficient housekeeper. B Must have good health -id furnish fS 1 reference. Address Mrs. A. E. An M- darson, city. L-178 W GET PAY EVERY DAY M Distribute 150 necessary products to I establish users in Brownsville. Kx ■ tracts, Soaps, Food Products, etc. J Worlds largest Company will back Im ou with surprising plan. Write The . R. Watkins Company, 70-54 West ■ Jowa Ava. Memphis. Tcnn. Applica ■ tions alao invited from hustlers in ■ Weslaco, Harlingen, McAllen, Hi I dalgo._ EXPERIENCED Kodak finisher. Apply Sheldon s Studio, 1240 Eliza beth street.__N184 LARGEST FIRM of its kind in the Valley wants young man for office work: must be able to use type writer. Address N-159. care Herald. N-159 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED — Agricultural collfge graduate deaires employment in the valley. Experienced, industrious and capable. Nine years county agent experience. Best references. Age 40. W. E. Hart. Harlingen. Texas, general delivery._N-Ul YOUNG LADY, experienced in book keeping and office work, desires r»o aition. Phone 830. N-I34 t’-" BOOKKEEPER n wanted by thoroughly ex •d bookkeeper, auditor, cashier, and office executive, tan handle your trial balance, financial statements, neatly, accurately, anu mieklv. Do not use intoxicants nor smokef Want to locate In Valley; small sets of books considered and appreciated. Address N-l*9. Herald.___ N I":* WANTED—Position by lady book keeper and stenographer combined. * five years experience, good refer* 1 ences furnished. Remington Book* L keeping Machine experience. Address GE9. Alamo. Texas. _N'1<1 Salesmen — Agent*_ SALESMEN wanted to sell Chevro let Stevenson Motor Co., Inc.. 10th and Adams. Brownsville._N178. business opportunity FOR SALE—Hotel in good town; good business, long lease. easy laris; a real buy. Address Mill»er Hotel, Mission* Texas._N78 FOR SALE—Fixtures and stock of a cafe. Cheep. Good location. Big business. Owners leavinr town. ■ Call at Black Diamond Cafe. N-1-* ROOMINO HOUSE for lease at a reasonable rate: 18 rooms, fur 1 nished; Ideal location: has two front*. Remodeling the entire * building now. J. T. Spidle. La | fUE _N1T9 PERSONAL 1 LEARN TO PLAY BRIDGE in ten lessons from unofficial bridge cham* i Si of Princeton university. Irouirc * 789 Madison street. N-143 Lost and Found REWARD—Will person who picked j up sn engineer's level instrument i about 8 milea eaat of Brownsville i on 14th street please return to The > Herald office? Reward. N-146 live :tock—poultry FOR SALE—Pure-bred German po lice pups from prise winning stock, priced right. See Paul Lane. I mile south of the Stuart Place, 2 miles west of Harlingen. N-140 .. —■■■—' - ii RABY CHICKS—N«>w booking orders for early delivery. Reds. Rocks, Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bring your custom hatching eggs every Monday. Roy E. Clark Seed Co.. San Benito, Texas. M-1S7 Tree* — Seeds — Plants i FGR SEED8 of all kinds, see Mason Transfer and Grain Co, 1105 Adams. *M-126 BUDDING I ! Would lika to bud your sour orange seedlings on shares. Will furnish buds. Fleet A. Lentz, Mercedes, Texas, phone 9002F11. _M-288. FOR SALE—10 acres citrus orchard, two-year-old trees; frontage on Ar royo Colorado. Postoffice box 728, San Benito. Texas. N109. FOR SALE: Louisiana Pink Tomato plants. Phone 1296-R or 394. Paul R *>y«-N47. FOR SALE—800 Marsh seedless grapefruit and some orange trees, inch calibre, 3 year root, raised by San Benito Nursery. Non-resident owner cannot get down here to use them, so authorizes me. agent, to sell same at bargain. Fred Hector.! 276 North Bonham Ave, San Be nRo-M218 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING wanted; children’s clothes a specialty. Phone 9001F12. N110 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Call at house nearest Palm Bird, on Resaca Drive in Belvedere, or inquire at Herald office. M-255 Articles For Sale FOR SALE: One 5x7 McCrory, one 5x7 Viking meat cooler boxes suit able for dairy or grocery fixtures. M. System. La Feria, Texas. M99 LADIES HOSE mended; runs, palls, and snags. Valley Hose Mending Co. 745 Elizabeth. 1-191 500,000 common mud bricks for sale J. S. Ford. Brownsville. B-164 PIANOS repossessed like new. $1,350 Baldwin Grand, $400.00 paid; will tacrifict; also nsed piano and play er bargains. Carl Mealier Music Store, opposite M, P. Depot, Wesla co. Texas. • M-216 : GOOD can* hay for aaia. |15.00 to $20.00 par ton, delivered within 6 mile* of Brownsville. J. B. Kee, 1523 West Elisabeth St, Brownsville, Texas. Phone 1393W. M-73. I.ARGE bleached flour sacks, 2 to 3 dozen delivered Valley points, 1120 dozen. Phone 850-J. Valley Sack Exchange, 105 St. Charles St., Brownsville. N167 ■ ■ ■ - - , I Bay or Ekcn&nge FOR EXCHANGE—Sixteen acre farm, fair improvements, 5 1-2 miles ; from Brownsville near good school i and pavement. Want residence in! Brownsville or Olmito. Phone 842. | _N120. FOR EXCHANGE: Small farm lest than six miles from Brownsville near good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lota or im 1 proved residence property. Address. Owner. P. O. Box 831, Brownsville, | Texas._ N84. FOR EXCHANGE — San Antonio apartment house for Brownsville property. J. S. Ford & Sons. N-147 .. i ■ ■ ■ • . FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 lots in Donna, a bargain. For sale only: 22 lots in Harlingen.) This is a real buy. IRA T. BAIZE 235 Baker Bldg. Harlingen, Texas.. N-isi; j REAL ESTATE FINE 12-ACRR tract on Banker Road half mile from Brownsville. Con crete canal and gpod drainage. $850 per acra. Carlos G. Watson, owner. M-21 OWNER WILL SELL SO acres good rosaca land, irrigated, in cultivation. Harlingen district, only $75 an acre, cash, balance easy. Need money. Alio 10 icrts it pivtag, Rh Hondo San Benito road, 5 acres citrus H. H Parks. Saa Benito, Texas, phone 802&FU. M284 p I I REAL ESTATE LAND BARGAINS—152 acres—235 acres—Donna district, cultivated. Nothing better. Priced low. Wire, write or call—C. H. Swallow, Alamo, Texas. Y-236 SUMMIT PLACE Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-division. Just one mile from Elizabeth Street, on Fourteenth Street—the busy thor oughfare leading to the proposed ship channel and turning basin —through the rich farming sec tion of El Jardin—to the mu nicipal airport and on to South point. Easy terms. Investigate TODAY. Office 14th and Hays Sts., J. J. Dallas, Sales Manager, phone 336, Brownsville, Texas. M-285. FOR SALE 20 acres good irrigated land in El Jardin Tract, well drained; price $100.00 per acre, terms. 60 acres irrigated land in El Jardin tract, all in cultivation and rented; or. concrete highway, electric line; price $125.00 per sere, cash.. 40 acres all In cultivation and rented; one mile from small town and concrete road; price $150.00 per acre, terms. 17 acres near Brownsville, all in cultivation, good house, well and windmill; about 3 acres bearing grove, good citrus land; price $15,000.00. James-Dickinson Company Corner Travelers Hotel Phone 430 Brownsville, Texas M-162 GROVES 25 acres within 1-2 mile city limits and paved highway No. 12. Fifteen acres in bearing 7 year-old grapefruit and orange trees; soil of highest quality rcsaca land. This is an ex cellent revenue producing prop erty and owing to location will soon be valuable sub-dlvlslon property. Priced at $740 per acre: easy terms. This is a real buy. Let us show you. Foster-Moothart Co. Cromack Bldg Phone 470 N185 REVENUE bearing property for esle cheap; smell investment; ctll quick. Box N65, Herald.NflS. NOTICE diseontended Valley farm ers: Am seiiing 25 seres in 5-scre blocks near city limits. San Marcos, Texas, near good schools sad col leges. For particulars write J. C. Tyson, San Marcos, Tex. N175. FOR SALE: Grapefruit orchard 2 1-2 acres with 7-room house on it. On good street, adjoining McAllen. f«500. terms. F. G. Collins. 912 Fifteenth St.. Des Moines, la. M208. IT’S SO EASY to pick up your tele phone and talk to a classified ad taker. For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks frem the high school and closer to Brownsville thna the exelostve Lot Ebanoe Subdivision. Winding resacm running through property offer ing natural lake frent site* for subdivision. Tbia property is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive pries. Heuson-Lomax A Houston and Brownsville Development Co. REAL ESTATE SEVEN HOUSES AND LOTS Duplex, tri-plex and tri-plex garage with apartments above. Modern in every way. Will trade for property, farm, land* or citrua land anywhere in Cameron county. I can and do handle property anywhere in the United States. D. B. MEADOWS CO. Baker Bldg. Harlingen, Texas. N-XSO MUST BE SOLD at sacrifice at once, fifteen acre four year old bearing citrus grove, four miles from Brownsville, one thousand feet from new hard surface road tj the bank of a beautiful resaca irrigating ditch running through property; electric highlin* and telephone. Sev en thousand five hundred cash. 848 West Washington. Phone 1398-W. N46 FOR SALE—Paying income property, 1 7-10 acres, 9 furnished cottages, city conveniences, 30 bearing citrus trees. Price $6000 cash, sore* terms. Box 455, San Benito, Texas. N161 Farm* For Sale OWNER OFTTIRS 10 acres west of Brownsville on Military paving, ripe for subdivision; also 10 acres, two acres planted to citrus, at OlmIto. I need money, the price is right. H. H Parks, phone 6025F11, San Benito, Texas._ M283 JUST A NICE SEVEN-ACRE TRACT ALL IN TREES .Located in the heart of the Valley, just 1 1-2 miles from Pharr, on the main paved highway; 5-room house, with electric lights and running wa ter. Other improvements good Good income from the orchard • ext year. Part of the trees six years old. Best buy in Valley. Write me for particulars. O. R. Eby, Har lingen, Texaii. N-97 FOR SALE BY OWNER, one ten acre tract of resaca citrus land; or chards on both sides; only firee miles from Brownsville on paved highway. Box N-lll, Herald. Nlll FOR SALE Iy OWNER-Sixteen acre farm with eight room houee. five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from concrete highway. Reasonable price and terms. Address P. O. Box 831, Brownsville, Texas. N64. FOR SALE—By owner, 96 3-4 acres fine irrigated citrua and truck land adjoining Edcouch and paved road. Ail cultivated, good drainage, wa ter and improvements. Will divide; priced low; no trades. Geo. R. Car ter, Edcouch, Texas. M171 BARGAIN for quick sale. Five-room house with gas. hot water and gar age. 1410 W. Elizabeth. J. Halti ner, owner. N-98 WILL SACRIFICE my Isst two beau tiful homes. Better hurry: only two left a rooms and bath: texton* two-tone finish; beautiful light fix tores: automatic water heaters. Fee Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. Lay** and 17th streets. Victoria Heights, phone 1075-M. K-170 FOR SALE Two lots In Edinburg; tnree loti in San Benito: 33 lots in Browne* tille; seven lota outside Browne ville city limits; twenty per cent eash. balance in one, two. three end four years: or monthly payments if preferred. B. E. Hinkley. Bro - villa. H-6‘J SACRIFICE wall located Elisabeth street lot, only $2,500. Also well located trackage lot on Fronton street, only $1,500. S. C. Graham & Co. phone 179, Brownsville, Texas. N-148 FOR SALE—Improved 2-3 of lots 9 and 10, block 94, Adams 1111. J. 8. Hoyt, Box 251, Monterrey, N. L-. Mexico. M-256 WILLACY COUNTY farm lands for sale. Choice Victoria loam soils, cleared. $90 per acre and up. on easy terms. No trades. If In terested write or call on Isadore Moritz, Raymondville, Texas. N182 Houses For Sale LOTS FOR SALE: 16 lots, close to high school. Also two houses In Victoria Heights. See Pete Polache, at Borderland. N181 Lots For Sale THREE BEAUTIFUL terraced lots on Levee street corner One of the best apartment house tights in Brownsvilla. Must be sold at once. $8,000.00. Owner leaving town. 848 West Washington. Phone 1398W. _ N30 REN\ ALS FOB RENT—Store rooms In Stag man building. Bert Cromack. M56. FOR RENT—3-room house, 4-room house, 5-room house, $-room house, a fine apartment on Palm Blvd., and a duplex in West Brownsville. South era Realty Co., phone $14. N29 FURNISHED HOUSE, every conven ience; on pavement; *ive rooms, sleeping porch, garage. Also two room house, sleeping porch, garage. Also two single sleeping rooms. Phono 1328-W. N*2 WANTED TO RENT—Modern 10 or 15-room house, close in. furnished or unfurnished. Responsible people. Must be reasonable. Address N-15S. Herald office. N-156 Apartments FOR RENT—4-room apartment, also bedroom: all modem conveniences. Mary D. Cellias. 132 W\ Levee. N-1SI FOR BENT: Two furnished apart ments. 1400 Adams, phone 574. __M173 NEBRASKA A Par.TUI NT's - Far niabed. every convenieeee, /rigtdaire. and gat ranges. Jefftreo*. and Four teenth Streets Phone 11*4- W-42 FOR RENT ta couple: Newly fur nished apartment in duplex, phene 1273J. N73. 1 RENTALS Apartments FOR RENT—Four-room apartment equipped with gas range, Frigidaire. automatie water heater and modem plumbing. Garage. Apply on prem ises at Fourtaenth and Garfield. M-39 ROOM8 and apartments. 701 St Charles. Tat 1017.*71 FURNISHED apartments and duplex. Phone 851. Y-3. TWO SMALL apartments at twenty dollars and one 4-room apartment at thirty-five. Clean; close In; on pared street. Phone 175. N-39 FURNISHED APARTMENT in new Duplex, 1114 West Elisabeth street. Every convenience and garage. Tele phone I013-W. N-37 NICE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment with garage, also 4-room furnished apartment. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N17 FOR RENT: 2-room apartment and hath, gas and lights. Call at 247 St. Charles or phone 90. N123. NEW’ APARTMENTS and rooms, ev erything furnished. 1022 West St. Francis, phone 967-J. N121. SWEENEY APARTMENTS — Nice apartment vacant; completely fur nished; modern, cool, electrical re frigeration. garage, maid service. Phone 1038-W, First and Adams. N-138 FOR RENT—Apartment, upstairs; private bath; all conveniences. 1517 Madison St. N39 NICELY FURNISHED three-room apartment, with gas. Garage free. $30. Phone 946-W. N161 FOR RENT: Three room apartment with bath and gas stoves and lights. Phone 90 or call at 247 St. Charles St. N165 Furnished Rooms BEDROOM with gas, $3.00. Phone 995-J, L162. FOR RENT: Bedroom suitable for two men, close in, next to bath. Sep arate entrance, reasonable rent. Ap ply Black Diamond Cafe. N177. ROOMS, one block from postoffice one block from Ei Jardin hotel; large, southern exposure; reasons hie. Phone 1226W or 1317. M-216 SLEEPING ROOM and apartment. 1022 St. Charles, phone 928-J. M-1S9 FOR RENT—One of three big frr nished rooms; gas, electricity, east front, double garage. Call 171-J or 1052-J; 332 W'anhington or 340 Washington._ N-154 FOR RENT—Well furnished sleep ing room; twin beds, meals if de sired; also housekeeping apartment, close in. Phone 189. —L-45 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. CaTl at Delta Hotel. 808 1-2 Elizabeth St., ona block from postoffice. Phone 804. _ M-68. ONE OR TWO ROOMS for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Call 1149-J. N188 Houses For Rent HOLLOW TILE and stucco 6 rooms just completed. On West Levee, near Pita. Phone 325, after 6 p. m. ___N-24 MODERN 5-room house with gas, garsge. Phone 911.M28.4 FOR RENT—5-room furnished house. 12th and St Charles. Phone 722. ___M-251 TO RENT—5-room house, beautiful ly furnished, hot and cold water, gas electric lights, double garage. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Call 703 ! or 1075M._ N26. FOR RENT: 4-room cottage and bath. Apply 709 Fourteenth street. _N118 5 ROOM MODERN house with large sleeping porch; hot water, garage, on pavement. 1524 West Elisabeth street. Call any morning. '.45.00 per month. N170 TWO HOUSES for rent, 5 and 6 rooms; completely modem, pared street, garage, 135 and $37.50. W L. Welch. Phones 470 and 848-W. _N183 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received ad dressed to the Honorable A. B. Cole, Mayor, uo until 10:00 a. m, March 1, 1929, for 1200 tacks of cement de livered to the Municipal Airport. A certified check of 2 per cent of the amount will be required. The City reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. A. E. MUNDAY. City Secretary. 5 to 18 ine. 10t-3S26 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received ad dressed to the Honorable A. B. Cole. Maror. an until 10:00 a. m. March l. 1929, for the laving of monolithic concrete floor at the Airport. Spec! ficatins are on file at tha City Manager’s office. A certified check to the amount of 2 per cent of the bid will be re quired. The city reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. City Secretary. A. E. MUNDAY. Blizzard Halts Rescue Crews DURANGO. Colo.. Feb. 19—Oh A raging snow storm in the Animas canyon had caused suspension to day of the efforts of section crews to cut through snow slides to the isolated mining settlements of 811 verton and Eureka, whose 1.500 in habitants are suffering from a food shortage A telephone menage from 811* vtrton this morning said Eyreka'i supply of meat, bread, butter and eggs had been exhausted for two days and that other provisions were low. Stlverton had very little meat tnd no butter or eggs. The workmen, who were forced to seek shelter from the storm last p**ht. hid expected to clear the last "f the slides fv«m the tracks of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Hv tomorrow so a stipolv *rain wi!ri be nv*ved Into Bttverton f*vm Dcrao-o Thor estimated the '♦~Tn would delay them at least a day. j CRITICS LAUD ORGANIZATION String Quartet Pro nounced Outstand ing Artists Richard Spamer, the famous critic of the St. Louis Olobe-Democrat, paid high tribute to the perform ance of the New York String Quar tet. when this organization, to be heard here on Friday. Feb. 22. at Junior College auditorium, played in that city for the flrzt time in 1923 “New York String Quartet Does Great Things in Ensemble Violin ism ” was the headline, and the body of the critique was no less en thusiastic. "Although the organization known as the New York String Quartet lias not been in existence very long.’* wrote Mr. Spamer. 'the first perfotmance in St. Louis of these stringed instrument artists gave promise of a brilliant future. “These fine young men have al ready mastered the art of violin en semble to the point where thev can evoke the verv loudest ton-s their in struments are capable of without a hint of roughness, and thev can a'*o make their fiddles, big and little, whisper like an aeolian harp in a summer breeze. “Each of the four showed himself to be a master of his instrument and a solist of distinction, with the added good virtue of willingness to subordinate his individual ambition to the good of the ensemble There were moments who«« rhythm was wrought so evenlv that one instru ment of the comnass of the 'cello and violin, played bv th- possibly best expert could not here pro duced an effect more homogeneous." That Mr. Soaker was not elon* in his liking for the New Y^k «trir* Quartet is shown bv tho fact, that thev have be-n re-engaged in 8t. Louis every vear since their first a open renc» there. Survey Data Is Nearly Complete (Special to The Htrald) HARLINGEN. Feb. 19.—Xtoe Har lingen industrial survey for 1929 mill be finished in a very short time, most of the data for the survey be ing compiled, according to Myron F. Ward, secretary. G. E. Arnold has been employed by the chamber to make charts, compile statistics, and do other work in getting the survey into form, with the bulk of the Unor matlon already at the chamber of commerce office. The survey this year is much i more complete than any ever made of Harlingen previously. Ward said. It is to be put into a pamphlet form, according to the present plan. It will show information on the business population, when busines ses were established, school enroll ment. bank deposits, post office re ceipts, assessed valuations, build ing permits, capital invested, turn over of business stock, employment situation, rent costs, streets, elec tric light connections, sewer con nections. etc. The survey also is to show the population estimates for Harlin gen's trade territory within a ra dius of five miles, and also within a radius of ten miles. HOME SIDELIGHTS AT QUEEN To many local citizens “Behind the German Lines,” official pictures taken by the German government during the war. will perhaps be of more than passing Interest. For the first time local men and women who participated actively in the war will have the opportunity to see Just what was going on behind the lines of the enemy they were facing. During the four years of the con flict. the UFA Company of Ger many had over one hundred cam eramen busily engaged in filming the various battles on all fronts. Over twenty-five of them paid with their lives for venturing on the field of battle armed merely with a mo tion picture camera. Their sacri fice. however, has not been in vain for war in all Its reality has been pleturized. not on the back lot of a Hollywood studio, but on the very field of battle itself. The pictures show what took place from the very first day of the war in 1914. to the Armistice four years Itaer. Everv important battle, every important military figure, and even the military secrets of the High Command are revealed. Whether one was in the front line, or at home buying Liberty Bonds, he owes It to himself to see these re markable pictures. “Behind the German Ltn*s” will he shown at the Queen theater last time today. AT CAPITOL The famous "Black Beach” near Hilo. Hawaii, where the sand is as black as coal and the breaking of the surf over It is whiter than surf anv place else in the world, is one of the beautiful and romantic back grounds for “His Captive Woman.” the new First National nicture co featuring Dorothv Mackmill and Mil ton Sills at the Capitol theater now Director Oeorge Fitonaurice and the rest of the comoany traveled to ♦he Hawaiian Islands to make scenes for this highly dramatic store, adanted from the store “Changel ing” from the nen of Ponn Byrne. In the remote Wend of the Hawaii an group t*ev found aom» of the most beautiful settles ever used as *>n'’-round for a film. "His C*ntive Women” 1* * Oeor*e F1t*m»urte» production, and b the dr* me tie atorv of a New York “tare baby** who murders a millionaire and fl*es to the South Seas on the yacht of another sdmtrer She is retqmed to face trial few 9 New York ooiieeman after the twj hare «op* ♦bribing experience* Mb* M***td! o’a vs the pursued woman and Sills the policemen. ---- [Man Is Killed As Automobile Turns Over Near Alamo (Special to The H rald) EDINBURG, Feb. 19.—Guillermo Cantu. 29, was killed Monday morn ing when a truck overturned on the hghway and he was pinned beneath the car. The accident occurred near Alamo and the injured man was rushed to the Medical Arts hospital, dying shortly after his arrival. Cantu, who was working for Florine Baker, was hauling gravel at the time. The heavy truck skid ded on the pavement, which was wet from the heavy fog, and com pletely overturned. Funeral services for Cantu will be held this after noon at the Skinner’s mortuary. A woman sustained injuries, but of a minor nature, when a bus also skidded and overturned an the wet highway. The bus was headed for Pharr from this city at the time, and was occupied by the driver and one other passenger. When the bus skidded on the pavement, going into the ditch and overturning, the woman, whom name was not learned, was the only one hurt. She sustained a few cuts and bruises. | Classified Business Directory ** »»»»</<##/»«+***■+**+ -~—i Architect*, , BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architect* — Engineer* 203 Merchant* Sank. Bldg. Phona 617 Brownsville. Taxaa. • —" - ■ ■ —- - - E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 40D Stale Nat. Bark Bldg. Phone 006 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 recoritjr State Bark Building Weslaco. Team* A. A. Callaway & Co. Architects and Engineers 41* Merchants Bank Building Browr vilte, Texas Builder*—Contractors G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER P. 0. Address R, F. D. No. 1. . San Benito Telcpbono 6005 P 12 B-59 PROCTER & DUDLEY Generpl Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 Cash Registers NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. Registers boaght. told and aschaagsd. W. E. Sanders Repreaeotativ*. Phoaa 29 Harlingen Taxaa Box 909 _Dray—Transfer Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling. WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone i39. AUSTIN TRAaNSFER AND STORAGE CO. Phones 421 and 519 1126 Washington St. Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Storing, moving, crating sad shipping. Local and long dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight service between all Valley points. Harlingen, p Brownsville, Edinburg. Office 1259 Levee I'hone 787 Track leaves Brownsville 11:19 Daily Florists THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. . Phone 1388 BOWYEK THE FLO HI ST. Newer* and funeral deaifne Pt. Charles and Pita atreata. Phone 171. HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Panose for its Cooking—Immaculacy and gervice Tbs pspeitr place fer bssiasss tsscbss Itth between Eliasbstb sad Washiest oa Hotel Hollingsworth American Style. Day, Week or Monthly Eats. Phone .037 J. Insurance ,W. B. CUNT. INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National Bank I PHONE 6 ■ -i, i ■' Insurance McDonald-Howard Agency Loans - Insurance - 'Real Estate Rooms i and 2, Arcade Bldg. rbone 1090 _N2 %| Mattress Renovating Let Us Renovate •Your Mattress We make reattreseea to order. All repair work guaranteed. SOMMERS 12th and Ad amt Phone 674 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL! FILING 'Equipment Mavehck-Clorko Litbo Co. CUB Merchants Natiossl Bask Pbcoa 617—Brownavilla s a Office Equipment and SoppUos HARGROVE'S STATIONERY * BOOK STORE Brownsville. Tessa. Funeral Directors Iiinkley Mortuary Complete Funeral Service Phones 123—300 St. Charles and Eleventh - Street Typewriters DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange, (Brownsville a Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith “hi- | lent" 8 rnd Late Corona 4 type writers. Also eel) Royal Portables and “Factory" Rebuilt#—ell makes. We repair all makea typewriter end adding machines. 1112 EUsabdth 01* Phone 1106._ vf?|, „ WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER * BALES CO. Typewriters—Add iag Mac hi a es Supplies—Repairs Pbcoa 806—Harliegoa 8-18 PROFESSIONAL Attorney ’ 73 y* Davenport. West end l»M1 Attorneys at Lew 307-30* Merchants National Baak Brownsville. Texas B. B. GALBRAJTB Attorney et Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Tease. J. T. Canales C. 8. Eidmaa, Jf« CANALES AND ElDMAN Attornoya at Law Real Estate a Specialty » 303 Merchants Natioaal Baak Brownsville. Toxaa H. U YATES Attorney at Law State National Bask Bids* Brownsville, Teams RALPH A. DX7NKELBEHO Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 10® Sea bury. Oeonre and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas _ NISO Chiropodist rooT specialist' Ur. C. Hill infer oa highway betwaea Saa Benito and Harliagen AH feet trcoblee treated. D*ltl Chiropractor M. Cook, D. C. CHIMOPEACT^r Nerv-O-Meter Service State Natioaal Bank Bids* Browoaville. Texas know 406 Pkeae 703 ' EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED OR. C, RANZELL Chiropractic—Eleetro—Therapy Massage aad Bath Croaiack Brownevllle. M-212. .. REAL ESTATE iff LOS EBANOS BrowaaviUe’s Sapiens Ret idea t is ) District, caret ally restricted, com pletely improved. Home sites from *1200.00, essy terns. Japes Pjdua* •ea Co, Realtors, comer tr*reler« Rotel Bldg, I rorsaTflle. E*l. wearing" app'arel~ BETTIN’S Tailoring and Haberdashery The Home of Bench Made Clothes. 1210 Elizabeth Phone 525 1 NJ