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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR ISSU ANCE OF BONDS, CAMERON COUNTY WATER IMPROVE MENT DISTRICT NO. ELEVEN Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in Cameron County Water Improvement District Number Eleven tn Cameron county. Texas, at the polling place therein hereinafter named, on the 9th day of March. A. D. 1929, at which there wHl be submitted to the qualified voters of said district the following propositions and none other: "For the issuance of bonds and levy of tax and payment therefor"; “Against the issuance of bonds and levy of tax and payment therefor." The polling place of said election and the officers appointed to hold and eonduct same are. as folio—a: At tha George S. Fotts house on block 9, Unit No. Two, Bayview Cis rus Groves Subdivision, in Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict Number Eleven; and the fol lowing named persons are designed as Judges and Clerks of election to conduct said election, at said polling place: George S. Potts, presiding judge. J. H. Jones, assistant judge. Manuel S. Rosales, clerk. Bias Ranjel, clerk. The manner of conducting said •lection shall be governed by the election laws of the state of Texas, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 2, Title 128, of the Revised Civil Statutes of the state of Texas, Revision of 1925, and in arts amen datory thereof, and supplementary thereto. None but resident property fax payers who are qualified voters of said district, shall be entitled to vote at said election. The ballots used at said election shall have written or printed there LfcOAL AllV bill IbfcMb.M on these words and none others; "For the Issuance of Bond# and levy of tax in payment therefor’; "Against the Issuance of Bonds and levy of tax in payment theretor. ’ The purpose for which said elec tion is to be held is to determine whether or not voters of said district desire the issuance of bonds by and for said district in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (J5W, 000.00), bearing interest from date ! thereof at the rate of six per centum per annum, interest payable semi annually, and said bonds to be of the dete, denomination, and each maturing at such time, not exceeding forty (40) years from their date, as shall be determined by the board of , directors of said district, an. speci fied in the order authorizing the issuance of said bonds, and for thej levy and collection of a tariff suffi-1 cient to pay the interest thereon and ! to provide a sinking fund for tho redemption of said bonds at matur ity. The said bonds are to be used as follows: For the securing by said district of a contract from Cameron county Water Control and Improvement District Number Six, whereby said district will pump and deliver through its pumping plant and irri gation system water from the Rio Grande river to some point at or near the boundary of this district; that the engineer’s estimate of the price at which the above described ccntract may be acquired is One Hundred Six Thousand Three Hun dred Twenty Five ($106,325.00) dol lars. That the remainder of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds is to be used to pay the cost and ex pense of constructing the necessary pumping plants, canals, reservoirs.! and other improvements proposed to be made in said Cameron County 1 Water Improvcmen’ District Num LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ber Eleven, and in payment of the incidental expenses of organization and connected with said work, amounting to the sum of Three Hun dred Nienty-turee Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-five ($393,670.00) dollars, all of which has been cov ered by and included in the en4 - neer’s estimate hcrcinbefor refer red to. The engineer of the dis trict has heretofore made and filed with the board of director., of said District maps, profiles, specifica tions and estimates as required by law, showing that the estimated amount necessary to acquire said i contract with Cameron County Wa ter Control and Improvement Dis trict Number Six is the sum of One Hundred Six Thousand Three Hun fired Twenty-five ($106,325.00) dol lars, and to construct the necessary pumping plants, canals, reservoirs and other improvements proposed to be made in Cameron County Water Improvement District Number Eleven is the sum of Three Hundred Ninety-three Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-five ($393,675.00) Dollars, making a total of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) A summary of the engineer's esti mate of the cost of the contract to be entered into, of the construction of the proposed repairs, improve ments and extension thereto and of the other authorized expenses is as follows: Cost of a contract to be supplied with water from the Rio Grande river through the present sys tem ow-ned by Cameron County Water Control and Improvement District Number Six .$106,325.90 Pumps and motors with buildings . 61.300.00 Meters . 10.800.00 Clearing rights-of-way for _a_i___ LEGAL AD* EKl I5L.MEM ' canals and laterals . 5.928.00 Earthwork on canals and drain ditches . 64,172.00 Structures in connection with canals and drain ditches . 12,050.00 Concrete lining of canals. 113,317.00 Road bridges, timber on canals . 4,060.00 j Pipe outlets . 41,079.00 Engineering 5^4 20,562.00 Expenses of organization, etc. 57,407.00 Total .$500,000.00 Immediately after the holding of said election, the presiding judge of said polling place shall make a re turn of the results of said election, in the manner as provided for in general elections, such* returns to be made to the secretary of the board of directors of said district. The above notice is given in pur suance of an order made by the Board of Directors of Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict Number Eleven, on the 14th day of January, A. D. 1929. ordering the holding of raid election and the giving of this notice. Given under my hand and seal of said district, this the 14th day of February, A. D. 1929. L. B. BRADY, Secretary of Board of Di rectors, Cameron County Wa ter Improvement District Number Eleven. (SEAL) 2-14-2 l-28-7-4t-3337 THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County—Greeting: You arc hereby commanded to cause to be published once each week for a period of ten days, ex clusive of the first day of publica tion. before the return day hereof. legal advertisement in a newspaper of general circula tion. which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in said Cameron County, a copy of the fol- ! lowing notice: The State of Texas To all persons interested in the welfare of the estate of Albert Hill, deceased. H. M. Skelton, Jr., was by the County Court of Cameron County, Texas, on the 29th dav of January. A. D. 1929. duly appointed Temporary Administrator of the estate of said decedent, which ap pointment will be made permanent should the court be of the opinion that a permanent administrator is necessary, unless the same shall be successfully contested at the next term of said Court, commencing on the first Monday in April, A. D. 1929. the same being the first dav of April, A. D. 1929. at the Court House thereof, in Brownsville. Tex- ! as. at which time all persons in terested In the welfare of the ev 1 tale of said decedent may appear 1 and contest such appointment if they so desire. Herein fail not, but have you be-1 fore said Court, on the said first day of the next term thereof, this writ with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the seal of said Court, at office in Brownsville, Texas, this the seventh day of February, A. D. 1929. H D SEAGO, Clerk. County Court, Cameron Countv, Texas. By O. F. Brenner, Deputy. (Seal). (2-21-28—2t—3342 ) BITE OF FALSE TEETH FATAL HULL. Eng—Mrs. Harriet Knight died of tetanus that developed after she bit her tongue with her false teeth. Bee Owner Gets ' ‘Stung’; Drowsy Bug Saves Hive MISSION, Feb. 21.—Somebody . “stung” D. C. Decker with his own bees. They stung him to the tune of two hives and would have made the sting a triple proopsition if some somnolent bee had not have awak- j ened while his domicile was being moved and resented such untimely transportation. There was one hive that was left! —turned over and bees swarming.1 Two hives were gone—bees, hon ey and all. Decker is wondering now how well trained the bees arc and whether they were more attached to their hives or to the splendid feeding ground's he afforded them, amongst the orange blossoms, etc. At any rate, according to Mr. Decker, he may not have “home grown honey” for his patrons but it is going to be pretty hard for any body to get away with his truck gardens and orchards. SCIENCE AHEAD OF SON SOUTHPORT. Bing—John H. Plummer willed $1,000,000 to Cam bridge University for science and Jeft his son only $1,000 a year. ONE WAY TO COLLECT CHICAGO — Henry Therman smashed in a debtor s door and took away a new suit because $5 was due him. Now he's in Jail. HIGH PRESSURE PETE — “Stewed” Is Right —Swan ] THE GUMPS — Painting the Future —Sidney Smith / WELL N\ARV- IVEGOT »T ALL h oot - ive spent tme whole \ V Apternoon at the travel bureau) \ WAIT till VOL) HEAR ABOUT tme / \WEDDlNG Trip IvE PLANNE D — f SAIL ON 'THE DE LUXE BERGENYANIA — ONCE ON THE OTHER S'DE. - WE’LL HASTEN \ / YO SOME PRENCM CHATEAU ON YWE RIVIERA- 1 \ THE PLACE THAT'S AWAKE — ANO PLAYING \ t>AY AMD NIGMY - THEN YWE SWOPS \ OP NICE — MORE GOWNS — ) ^ AND THE WHOLE SMART EUROPEAN / SET TURNING TO GAPE AS w£ STROLL [ DOWN YWE GAY PROMENADE / —--.^DES ANGLAIS—/ 7^ ^ V That wooud ] —^ St lovtiY / jf V ' / // / » r s n> n» i^i .* « *, * J ETTA KETT — The Flowers Turned to Gold —Paul Robinson ViWAm^A Got ] PC^UE** ? GlNJE > '/-r-N ’EM TO ME I’LL ( WEN , ^ TWt RE | _ _ GWET M l A OAf AE ra< I TWE NAME Cf= ETFAs KETT STAGING WERE : (OfKHiPS FROM THAT *SAo \ IJO'iGU CALL THOSE \ES SiR- i M tOHW T \ DOCTOR-To ETTA-TUfc r-^ ) yseeDS C'RCHCC i StR—THE CASHIER. | ' PCULTICE-WUESJ 1 C2AnV { 1 DEMAND Kf Vi'.U. RtfOnD StMD A POSTCARot.KCLLPT YOUR, ’SEVENTY -j Collect."hHArs ‘ nvE OOiiA» /T^N THfS— MONEY A > V-, cheerfully _A i v'/ OCri inr>f-r\ GOOFEY MOVIE —Neher C/'ECT euj-ZuiCP IS "LOSING NO time Ik) UNWJPAPPlNS THf feUNCLE- OP GAGS TO SEE In)WO IS INSTDE... ....WUOQV, 6E0t 00 WE (N)ILU SMOTWEG.... Coprnibt. 1929. bf Central Trua AaaccietiMi. lac. (IT lOAS' CEPTAWSJUV A piRTE OP UJC* \ IAJMENJ TMifr SWOUO0AUL CAQQmO US ] (MjCic cadenza, CUNEP. MANAGE Q, POpTEC, BEHU HOP AND BOOK KEEPEQ OC THE »NJN). «S PLAVE CD 0V.CALE A PE. _ » IfVEA,SOMEONE kriOMAPPEO MV IVDAOGwreO TMS MOPvJiMS.X\J \ looked I LOC fc» « KAtif IS" THE eEA^TriFuu OAueu-ree j op CMUCK CAOBMtA... Afsjo is played GY..HEMMA WAGE. MOCE TPCfLLS* ■TOMOCPOUO.. - " — - 1 ■ — - - r Today’s Radio Features Thursday, Feb. *1 [Central Standard Time) l:M-Sfngera: Symphonic Arrangements—WEaF TVGT WTAM WW.1 KYW KS[» WHO WOW WDAF WFA A KPRC WHAS WR.M WSB WTllJ KSTP KOA KPO KGO KFJ KGW KC MO KH«J « MC WHY I SO—House Concert; Varied Program—WJZ KPKA W.IR WLW KYW KSU WDAF KSTP WTMJ WEBC WHAS WSM «1IC WSB KPRC KOA WHO WOW WCAP 9.00—Columbians: Popular MHodies—WA BC WADC WKRC WGHT* WBBM WOWO KM OX KMBO KOIL WSFD WHK KLZ WLAC WIX>D WREC KL!!.\ KFJF KRLI) KTSA WDSU WIS.V WDRC KFH ▼ALLS! RADIO JWfffi— Valley Radio Station Braantm* 4:00-5:55 p. m.— Associate ’ Preaa dispatches and Valley newa from The Brownavill* Herald, followed by musical numbers. 6:55-6:00—World Bookman, popular radio fcatura. 6:00-7:00—Musical numbers. — . FRIDAY A. M. 11:00-110 a. m. —Musical numbers and studio specialties. 11:00-11:30—Popular and semi-classiest selections from the Capitol theater organ by remote control. 11:56-12:00— Local und general weather forecast and bulletin on Rio Grand* | IN YOUR CONFIDENCE I | LIES OUR STRENGTH The strength of bank is not truly measured by the time-locks that safeguards its depositors’ funds—but by the confidence of those it serves. For thirty-eight years this instittuion has been a consist on4 builder of confidence. Your confidence too, will be justified, if you will make the fullest use of ^ur complete modern 9 ’—* *-* t service. Your requirements wl’l be met with prompt, ”a20us attention by every off’~?r and employ 4% Interest Compounded Semi-Annually, Paid on Savings Accounts First National Bank f Brownsville, Texas “THE FRIENDLY BANK” j Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley General Welding Radiator Specialist LAWN MOWER EXPERT T. J. Rommer • Phone 722 Rear Miller Ho'el j La Joya Gravel Co. j I INCORPORATED I I MISSION. TEXAS BOX 554 I ' .. --1 ' — - ■ " ' - J. S. FORD & SONS ' REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS II Brownsville, Texas Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County. Texas GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY | Certified Public Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Carneiro & Company) Real Estate Investments \ CHARLES REID 1 Seabury-George-Taylor Bldg. 9th and Elizabeth PERRY L KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERVICE Systems. Organization an4 Statistical Reports Rua:nt»* Control Travis Building Nixon Building San Antonin. Tciat. Corpus Christi. Texas. I A CORDIAL INVITATION ! is extended to the public to visit our plant and inspect the careful j and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For complete information address Owen M. Combe, District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville. Texas. Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas. Concrete Pipe for Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. Valley Abstract Co. PROMPT TITLE SERVICE , BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG Opposite Courthouse E. Harriman Blvd. Phone 1184 Phone 93