Newspaper Page Text
pottages or Ukeleles-You Can Reach a Buyer with a ‘For Sale’Ad Below! I AUTOMOTIVE_AUTOMOTIVE High Grade Used Cars . 1926 Buick, 7-passenger Sedan... $ 975.00 1927 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$ 950.00 1927 Buick Sport Convertible Coupe .. $1000.00 1928 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$1200.00 1926 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$ 700.00 1927 Chrysler Sport Roadster.. $ 950.00 1926 Buick Sport Touring.$ 550.00 Packard 4-door, 5-passenger Sedan .. $ 600.00 These cars in first class condition and sold on sales contract guarantee. Compare the above cars with medium price new cars or any used cars in the Valley. TERMS .TO SUIT Wells Valley Motor Co. (Sendee After Sales) Packard Valley Dealers San Benito, Texas ■ _AUTOMOTIVE m Used Cars And B Trucks For Sale ■ See J. B. PUCKETT If Delta Investment Company B Phone 1066. Bfff \ SALE: 1923 I-ord coupe. $30. gyfofrAlAO.__N 13 $ I Bl928 Chevrolet Cabriolet .. $585.00 ■1928 Chevrolet Sedan .565 00 ■ 1928 Chevrolet Coupe . 550.00 Hl928 Chevrolet Touring . 465.00 ■1927 Chevrolet Landau . 465.00 Bl926 Chevrolet Sedan . 325.00 ■1926 Chevrolet Coach . 235.00 ■ 1926 Chevrolet Truck . 250.00 ■1925 Ford Coupe . 135.00 ■1926 Ford Touring . 195.00 BlMf Ford Truck . 100 00 ■ 1926 Easex Coach . 65.00 ■1927 Chevrolet Chassis . 50.00 W STEVENSON MOTOR C O.. INC. I 10th and Adams 8treet I Help Wanted ■ WANTED: Efficient housekeeper. B Must aave good health id furnish B reference. Address Mrs. A. £. An Bderson, city. _ L'178 ■ GET PAY EVERY DAY BD>*tr>but« 15u necessary products to B establish users in Brownsville. Ex-1 ■ tracts. Soaps, Food Products, etc. ! Bworlds largest Company will back j ■you with surprising plan. Write The Bj. R. Watkins Company, 70-54 West ■ Iowa Ave. Memphis. Tenn. Applica I tiona also invited from hustlers in j ■ Weslaco, Harlingen, McAllen, Hi- j ^Halgo. _ BExperienced Kodak finisher. ■ Apply Sheldon’s Studio, 1240 Ellza ■ beth street._ N184 : ■FIK ST CLASS machinist for gen- j ■eral machine work. Also one Five i ■helper. Newman Machine Shop, ] Y *th and 8t. Charles._N194 LIVE ~TOCK—POULTRY FOR SALE—Pure-bred German po lice pupa from prize winning stock, priced right. See Paul Lane. 1 mile south of the Stuart Place, 2 miles west of Harlingen. N-140 SPECIAL on baby chicks; get our prices. G. R. Sibson Co., La Ferla. N202 BABY CHICKS— Now booking orders for early delivery. Reds, Rocks, Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bring your custom hatching eggs every Monday. Roy E. Clark Seed Co., San Benito, Texas. M-137 BABY CHICKS—Hatches coming off kvery Monday and Thursday. Cus tom hatching a specialty. Write for catalogue and price list. Cameron County Chickeries, Box B, La Ferla, Ttas.N57 Trees — Seeds — Plants FOR SEEDS of all kinds, see Mason Transfer and Grain Co.. 1105 Adams. M-126 BUDDING I 1 Would like to bud your sour orange seedlings on shares. Will furnish buds. Fleet A. Lentz, Mercedes, Texas, phone 9002F11. M-288. FOR SALE—800 Marsh seedless grapefruit and some orange trees, Inch calibre, 3-year root, raised by San Benito Nursery. Non-resident owner cannot get down here to use them, so authorizes me, agent, to sell same at bargain. Fred Hector, 278 North Bougham Ave, San Benito. M-218 FOR SALE: Tomato plants; Lon. Pinks. Marglobe, June Pinks. Liv ingston. Globe. G. R. Sibson Co., La Ferla. * N202 Pink Marsh. Foster Pink, and Thompson Pink seedless, 5-8 and 3-4 inch caliper nursery trees. Select buds. Certified, and many other standard va rieties. Guaranteed W. P. Hauser Nurseries McAllen. Texas Phone 201 -W N201 SITUATIONS WANTED "WANTED — Agricultural college graduate desires employment In the Valley. Experienced, industrious and capable. Nine years county agent experience. Best references. Age 40. W. E. Hart, Harlingen. Texas, general delivery._N-141 YOUNG LADY, experienced in book- j keeping and office work, desires po sition. Phone 830. N-134 i WANTED—Position by lady book keeper and stenographer combined. | five years experience, good refcr B furnished. Remington Book g Machine experience. Address Memo, Texas.^~171 : talesmen — Agents [MEN wanted to sell Chcvro- I itevenson Motor Co., Inc., 10th dams, Brownsville._N176. □ED— Salesmen and sales y. $10.00 to $20.00 a day easy, ilous window washing inven _Something new; no competi-1 tion Also direct manager wanted Inquire Mr. Hayes. McAllen hotel.; I Room 221. 3 to 8 p. m.. McAllen. Texas._N178 j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY _ — '11 —■'■■■ - I FOR SALE—Hotel in good town; good business, long lease, easy I terms; a real buy. Address Miller Hotel. Mission. Texas._N-78 FOR SALE Fire insurance local agency In Harlingen, doing good business. | Reasonable cash payment will handle Address N-191. care Her ald. N191 ROOMING HOUSE for lease at a reasonable rate; 18 rooms, fur nished; ideal location: has two fronts. Remodeling the entire! building now. J. T. Spidle. La Feria. _N179 FOR SALE—Fixtures and stock of a cafe. Cheap. Good location. Big business. Owners leaving town. Call at Blaek Diamond Cafe. N-167 PERSONAL L1ARN TO PLAY BRIDGE in ten lessons from unofficial bridge cham pion of Princeton university. Inauire Apt. 5, 789 Madison street, N-143 Lost and Found UJST Saturday or Sunday, in Brownsville, small leather key ring case. Finder return to McDonald Howard Agency, phone 1090. _N187 HAVE YOU READ the opportunities and bargains offered to you in the j Classified Section today? k— MISCELLANEOUS PRESSMAKING wanted; children’s clothes a specialty. Phona 9001F12. N110 PRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Call at house nearest Palm Blvd. on Resaca Drive in Belvedere, or inquiie at Herald office. M-255 HOSE RUNNER . MENDER REPAIRS INVISIBLE DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY Amaya Millinery, 1235 Adams N204 Articles For Sale FOR SALE: One 5x7 McCrory, one 5x7 Viking meat cooler boxes suit able for dairy or gracery fixtures. M. System. La Feria, Texas. M99 LADIES HOSE mentled; runs, pulls, and snaga. Valley Hose Mending Co. 745 Elisabeth.1-198 500,000 common mud bricks for sale J. S. Ford, Brownsville. H-164 PIANOS repossessed like new. $1,350 Baldwin Grand, $400.00 paid; will sacrifice; also used piano and play er bargains. Carl Moeller Musie Store, opposite M. P. Depot, Wesla co, Texas.M-216 GOOD cane hay for sale. $15.00 to $20.00 per ton, delivered within <5 miles of Brownsville. J. B. Kee, 1528 West Elisabeth St, Brownsville, Texas. Phone 1393W. M-73. BEAUTIFUL FIBRE living room suite. Call at 912 Levee street. N195 Buy or Exmange FOR EXCHANGE—Sixteen farm, fair improvsments, 5 1-2 miles from Brownsville near good school and pavement Want residence in Brownsville or Olmito. Phone 842. N120. FOR EXCHANGE: Small farm less than six miles from Brownsville near good school and concretn road. W’ill exchanga for vacant lots or im proved residence property. Address, Owner, P. O. Box 831, Brownsville, Texas.N64. FOR EXCHANGE — San Antonio apartment house for Brownsville property. J. S. Ford A Sons. N-147 FOR EXCHANGE: Citnis land near airport for city home Address N 193, care Herald. N193, REAL ESTATE LAND BARGAINS—152 acres—2S5 acres—Donna district, cultivated. Nothing better. Priced low. Wire write or call—C. H. Swallow. Alamo. Texas. ¥-235 SUMMIT PLACE Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-diviaion. Just one mile from Elizabeth Street, on Fourteenth Street—the busy thor oughfare leading to the proposed ship channel and turning basin —through the rich farming aec tion of El Jardin—to the mu nicipal arrport and on to South point. Easy terms. Investigate TODAY. Office 14th and Hays Sts., J. J. Dallas, Sales Manager, phone 336, Brownsville, Texas. M-285. FOR SALE 20 acres good Irrigated land in El Jardin Tract, well drained; price $100.00 per acre, terms. 60 aeres Irrigated land in El Jardin tract, all in cultivation and rented; on concrete highway, electric line; price $125.00 per acre, cash.. 40 acres all In cultivation and rented; one mile from small town and concrete road; price $150.00 per acre, terms. IT acres near Brownsville, all in cultivation, good house, well and windmill; about 3 acres bearing grove, good citrus land; price $15,000.00. James-Dickinson Company Corner Travelers Hotel Thone 450 Brownsville, Texas M-162 REVENUE bearing property for sale cheap; small investment; call quick. Box N65, Herald.N65. NOTICE discontendcd Valley farm ers: Am selling 25 acres in 5-acre blocks near city limits, San Marcos, Texas, near good schools and col leges. For particulars write J. C. Tyaon, San Marcos, Tex. N175. FOR SALE: Grapefruit orchard 2 1-2 acres with 7-room house on It. On good street, adjoining McAllen. $8500, terms. F. G. Collins, 912 Fifteenth St., Des Moines, la. M208. IT'S SO EASY to pick up your tele phone and talk to a classified ad taker. For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school end closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca running through property offer ing natural lake front sites for subdivision. This property la for sale by owners and can be bought et e very attractive price. Henson-Lomax A Houston and Brownsville Development Co. SEVEN HOUSES AND LOTS Daplex, tri-plex and tri-plex garage with apartments above. Modern in every way. Will trade for property, farm, lands or citrus land anywhere in Cameron county. I can and do handle property anywhere in the United States. D. B. MEADOWS CO. Baker Bldg. Harlingen, Texas. N-150 OWNER WILL SELL 30 acres good resaca land, irrigated, in cultivation, Harlingen district, only $75 an acre, cash, balance easy. Need money. Also 10 acres at paving, Rio Hondo San Benito road, 5 acres citrus. H. H. Parks. San Benito, Texas, phona 6025F11* W264 REAL ESTATE FINE 12-ACRE tract on Banker Road half mile from Brownsville. Con crete canal and good drainage. $850 per acre. Carlos G. Watson, owner. M-21 - WHAT'S LOST TODAY can usually be recovered tomorrow if you phone a “Lost and Found” ad to the of fice of this newspaper now. Farms For Sale OWNER OFFERS 10 acres west of Brownsville on Military paving, ripe for subdivision; also 10 acres, two acres planted to citrus, at Olmlto. 1 need money, the price is right. H. H Parks, phone 6025F11, San Benito,1 Texas. M263 HERE IT IS: A small payment buys fine, well-located forty acres in new irrigation district, one mile from town and paved highway. Only $55.00 per acre, most liberal terms. S. P. Nielsen, Sebastian. N190 HOME on bearing grove; 10 acres of 4 year old bearing orange and grapefruit. 4 1-2 miles from Brownsville. 2000 feet off of hard surface road. House, garage, and other improvements on the bank of a resaca. Must be sold at once. $12,500. no more. Phone 1398-W or call at 849 West Washington St., Brownsville. N188 FOR SALE BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight room house, five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from concrete highway. Reasonable price and terms. Address P. O. Box 831, Brownsville, Texas. N64. FOR SALE—By owner, 96 3-4 acres fine irrigated citrus and truck land adjoining Edcouch and paved road. All cultivated, good drainage, wa ter and improvements. Will divide; priced low; no trades. Geo. R. Car ter, Edcouch, Texas. M171 BARGAIN for quick sale. Five-room house with gas, hot water and gar age. 1410 W. Elizabeth. J. Halti ner, owner. N-98 WILL SACRIFICE my last two beau tiful homes. Better hurry; only two left b rooms and bath; textone two-tone finish; beautiful light fix tures; automatic water heaters. Sae Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. Layes and 17th streets. Victoria Heights, phone 1075-M.K-170 FOR SALE Two lots In Edinburg; tnree lots in San Benito: 33 lots in Browns ville: seven lots outside Browns villa city limits; twenty per cent cash, balance in one. two. three and four years: or monthly payments if preferred. B. E. Hinkley. Bro - ville. H-60 SACRIFICE well located Elizabeth street lot. only $2,600. Also well located trackage lot on Fronton street, only $1,500. S. C. Graham & Co. phone 179, Brownsville, Texas. N-148 FOR SALE1—Improved 2-3 of lota 9 and 10, block 94, Adams 1111. J. B. Hoyt, Box 251, Monterrey, N. L., Mexico. M-256 WILLACY COUNTY farm lands for sale. Choice Victoria loam soils, cleared. $90 per acre and up. on easy terms. No trades. If In terested write or call on Isadore Moritz, Raymondvllle, Texas. _N182 18 ACRES 3 year old orchard, well located, at real bargain price. Come and examine it. Updegraff. La Feria. Texas. N199 FOR SALE or will trade for land in valley: ninety acre farm in Le flore county. Oklahoma, two miles K. C. S. railroad; seventy-five acres in cultivation, two houses, fine wa ter, and good range. Land will grow cotton, com and ail kinds of truck. Title clear. Price $3,000. What have you to offer? J. R. Pope. Clarksville, Texas. N200 FOR SALE: 40 acres on the main highway between Edinburg and Pharr. All in cultivation and irri gates perfectly Choice fruit land Price $285.00 i>er acre. You can't beat it. Good six-room house, elec tric lights and telephone service. Water rate $1.00 per acre. Not a foot of waste land. OWNER. Miss C. M. Flinn, 2055 N. 14th St., Mc Allen. Texas. Phone 105. N126 Houses Fop Sale TWO 8-ROOM residences in Okla homa City, fastest growing city in the South. Will sell or exheange for choice citrus land or orchard. Comer Lake Drive and Madison. P. O. Box 359, Brownsville. N196 Lots Fop Sale THREE BEAUTIFUL terraced lot* on Levee street corner One of the best apartment house sight* in Brownsville. Must be sold at once. $5,000.00. Owner leaving town. 848 West Washington. Phone 1398W. __ N30 OWNER must sell at once beauti ful comer lots on Elizabeth street. Best apartment house site In Brownsville. $3500.00. Phone 1398 W. or call at 849 West Washington street. Brownsville. N188 RENTALS FOR RENT: 4-room office suite upstairs over Seferino Perez at comer of Elizabeth and 12th streets. Will rent for $40.00 to permanent party. Rov Sethman Co., Inc. Opposite El Jardin Hotel 1117 Levee St. Phone 1166 N192 ROOMING HOUSE. 14 rooms, all furnished; $75 a month. Phone 956-J, St. Charles and 12th street, 1115._ N203 FOR RENT—Store rooms In Steg man building. Bert Cromack. M56. FOR RENT—3-room house, 4-room bouse, 5-room house, 6-room house, a fine apartment on Palm Blvd., and a duplex in West Brownsville. South ern Realty Con phone 914. N29 FURNISHED HOUSE, every conven ience; on pavement; *ive rooms, sleeping porch, garage. Also two room house, sleeping porch, garage. Also two single sleeping rooms. Phono 1328-W. N62 YOU DON’T HAVE to be in bus iness to profit by classified adver tising. RENTALS WANTED TO RENT—Modern 10 or 12-room house, close in, furnished S unfurnished. Responsible people. ust be reasonable. Address N-156. Herald office. N-15C Apartments FOR RENT—Four-room apartment equipped with gas range. Frigidalre. automatic water heater and modem plumbing. Garage. Apply on prem ises at Fourteenth and Garfield. __ M-39 ROOMS and apartments. 701 St. Charles. TeL 1017. £71 FURNISHED apartments and duplex. Phone 351. Y-3. FURNISHED APARTMENT in new Duplex, 1114 West Elizabeth street. Every convenience and garage. Tele phone 1013-W. N-37 NICE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment with garage, also 4-room furnished apartment. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N17 FOR RENT: 3-room apartment and bath, gas and lights. Call at 247 St. Charles or phone 90. N123. NEW APARTMENTS and rooms, ev erything furnished. 1022 West St. Francis, phone 957-J. N121. FOR RENT—Apartment, upstairs; private bath; all conveniences. 1517 Madison St. N38 NICELY FURNISHED three-room apartment, with gas. Garage free. $30. Phone 946-W. N164 FOR RENT: Three room apartment with bath and gas stoves and lights. Phone 90 or call at 247 St. Charles St N165 3-ROOM APARTMENTS, furnish ed or unfurnished. 912 Levee St. N195 FOR RENT: Two furnished apart ments, 1400 Adams, phone 274. M173 NEBRASKA APARTMENTS - Fur nished. every convenience, fngldaire end gas ranges. Jefferson and Four teenth Street* Phone 11.4. W-42 FOR RENT to couple: Newly fur nished apartment in duplex, phone 1273J.N73. Furnished Rooms BEDROOM with gas, $3.00. Phone 995-J.L162. FOR RENT: Bedroom suitable for two men, close in, next to bath. Sep arate entrance, reasonable rent. Ap ply Black Diamond Cafe. N177. ROOMS, one block from postoffice one block from El Jardin hotel; large, southern exposure; reasons ble. Phone 1226W or 1317. M-215 SLEEPING ROOM and apartment. 1022 St Charles, phone 928-J. M-159 FOR RENT—One of three big fur nished rooms; gas, electricity, cast front, double garage. Call 171-J or 1052-J; 332 Washington or 340 Washington. N-154 FOR RENT—Well furnished sleep ing room; twin beds, meals if de sired; also housekeeping apartment, close in. Phone 189. —L-45 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. Call at Delta Hotel, 808 1-2 Elizabeth St, one block from postoffice. Phone 804. M-68. ONE OR TWO ROOMS for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Call 1149-J. N186 FOR RENT: Twro bedrooms. See Mrs. Oardner at San Carlos. N197 Houses For Rent HOLLOW TILE and stucco 6 rooms just completed. On West Levee, near Pita. Phone 325, after 6 p. m. N-24 MODERN 6-room house with gas, garage. Phone 911. M28.4 FOR RENT—5-room furnished house. 12th and St. Charles. Phone 722. M-251 TO PENT—5-room house, beautiful ly furnished, hot and cold water, gas electric lights, double garage. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Call 703 or 1P75M.N26. FOR RENT: 4-room cottage and bath. Apply 709 Fourteenth street. N118 5 ROOM MODERN house with large sleeping porch; hot water, garage, on pavement. 1524 West Elizabeth street. Call any morning. $45.00 per month. N170 TWO HOUSES for rent, 5 and 6 rooms: completely modem, paved street, garage, $35 and $37.50. D. L. Welch, Phones 470 and 848-W. N183 ONE 6-ROOM modem residence. $35 per month. Paved street. Vic torla Addition. Call 183. N187 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO the St. Louis. Brownsville & Mex ico Railway Company the right, privilege and franchise of con structing. maintaining and op erating a railroad lead track across, upon and along Third street, the alley In BIock Twen ty-three and across Fourth street, In the City of Brownsville. Cam eron County. Texas, and prescrib ing the terms and conditions of said right, privilege and franchise. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Browns ville. Texas: SECTION 1.—That the right, privilege and franchise shall be, and the same is hereby granted to the St. Louis. Brownsville <fc Mex ico Railway Company, to construct, and thereafter to maintain, repair, operate and use a certain railway industrial track across, upon, along and over Third street, the Alley in Block Twenty-three (23) and across Fourth street, in the City of Brownsville. Cameron County, Tex as, the location of said track being indicated by yellow color on a blue Erint attached hereto, marked Ex tbit "A” and made a part hereof, said track being in a location par ticularly described as follows: An extension of what is known as the St. Louis, Brownsville «Sr Mexico Railway Company’s Alley Track, over and across Third street, the Alley in Block 23. and across Fourth street, in Brownsville. Cam eron County, Texas, and the center lire of said proposed track is de scribed still more particularly as follows; Commencing at a point In the center line of the said Alley Track, located in the Alley of Block 24, said point being in the Northwest LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT erly line of Third street for the point of beginning; Thence. Southeasterly, over and across Third street, the Alley in Block Twenty-three and 4th street entering Block Twenty-two very near the North comer of Lot Seven (7), Block Twenty-two (22). Section 2.—This ordinance Is Earned for the purpose of reach S and affording; railway facili ties, connections and loading and switching privileges to owners and users of industrial plants or busi ness enterprises located near or in the vicinity of said track or near or in the vicinity of such other and additional tracks which may in the future branch or spring from said track, and for the purpose of af fording railway facilities, connec tions and loading and swtlching privileges to the general shipping public. Section 3.—That said railway track above mentioned may be used by the trains, engines and cars of the said The St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway Company, its suc cessors and assigns, and such trains, engines and cars shall be so op erated thereover as not to inter fere unreasonably with public trav el upon, along or across the streets, avenues or alleys occupied by said tracks or any portion thereof; and except so far as may be reasonably necessary in the switching, move ment and handling of cars, the said streets and alleys shall be kept clear and no cars shall be permitted to remain standing on such streets cr alleys, except as aforesaid. Section 4.—That said Railway Company shall construct said tracks In such manner as not to interfere with the drainage along or across any of the above mentioned streets or alleys and shall at its own ex pense install, maintain and keep in repair all ditches, drains and cul verts made necessary for the proper drainage of such streets and alleys by the construction of said tracks. Section 5.—In consideration of the rights herein granted the said Railway Company shall pay to the City of Brownsville. Texas, upon the acceptance hereof, the sum of $1.00, and in addition thereto shall pay said City of Brownsville the sum of $1.00 per annum so long as this or dinance shall remain in force, and so long as the said track shall re main in said streets and alleys, the payment to be made upon accept ance as aforesaid to constitute the first of such annual payments. Section 6.—Upon the passage, ap proval and acceptance of this ordi nance the same shall become and thereafter be. a contract legally binding between the said City and the satd Railway Company. Within twenty (24) days after the passage and approval of this ordinance the said Railway Company shall file with the City Clerk of the City of Brownsville. Texas, its acceptance in writing of all the terms and pro visions hereof. Passed this 15th day of February, A. D. 1923. . A. B. COLE. Mayor of the City of Brownsville, Texas. (2-21-28—7—3t—3343.) AN ORDINANCE Vacating, abandoning, closing and relinquishing all rights of the City of Brownsville in that portion of the Old Alice Road within the City Limits extending from the West side of Palm Boulevard and running Northwest to the City Limits line. Be it ordained by the City of Brownsville that that portion of the Old Alice Road extending from the West side of Palm Boulevard and running Northwest to the City Lim its line be and the same Is hereby vacated, abandoned and closed, and the city of Brownsville does hereby grant, and relinquish to the owners of the property, through which said portion of raid road now runs, all rights of the City of Brownsville in and to said portion of said road. Passed and approved this 15th dav of February, 1929 A R. COLE. Mayor of the City of Brownsville A. E. Munday. City Secretary. 2-21-28—2t—3344. Pipe Plant W01 Open Feb. 23; Is Third In Valley MISSION. Feb. 21—The Mercedes Concrete Pipe company has an nounced the formal opening of its plant in McAllen, for Saturday. February 23. At this time visitors will be permitted to go through the plant and witness the malting of concrete pipes, according to J. C. Shaw, vice president of the com pany and plant manager of the Mc Allen plant. The McAllen plant Is a branch of the Mercedes Concrete Pipe company at Mercedes which has been making concrete pipe for some years. The first pipe made by the com pany will be used in the McAllen Development company's first sub urban citrus grove addition. Nu merous orders have already been booked for the construction of pipe. Inasmuch as the manufacture of concrete pipe Involves a very in teresting series of operations, visi tors have been Invited to attend the opening at any time on Satur day at which time these operations will be shown and explained. The Mercedes Concrete Pipe com pany is the second concrete pipe company now doing business in this section of the Valley. One is located at Mission and one at Mc Allen. Orowing Interest In the develop ment of concrete lined canals and concrete pipe laterals as well as the installation of numerous pri vately operated irrigation systems of concrete pipe has led to the In stallation of both these plants. Concrete pine Is used almost ex clusively for laterals and under ground distribution of irrigation waters in modern Irrigation sys tems. CASHIER OUT-SMARTS SHORT CHANGE ARTIST _ MISSION. Feb. 21—He outsl«cked a “slicker” and together with Mar shall Ross A. Marcus sent a would be short change artist, on a fast move out of town. Thafs what Harry Hannes. cashier of Hayes Sammons did. The stranger sought change for a ten dollar bill from one of the clerks after making a small pur chase. Then he changed money and his mind so often that the clerk knew he was "out” but did not know how. Hannes checked up and found the drawer was short. He called A for the clerk to “Bring me that tape." and the slicker evidently thinking he was going to be held and tied shelled out the five dol lar bill he had previously denied knowing anything about. HOUSTON AD MEN TO VISIT RAYMONDVILLE (Special to Th. Herald) HARL.-w-triN. Peb. 21.—Prepara tions for entertainment ol members of the Houston Advertising club, who will come here from Raymond - ville Saturday of this week, are be ing made by chamber of commerce officials. The advertising men will spend part of the day Saturday In Ray mond vine, and will then make a * tour of the Valley. TO OPEN AUTO AGENCY HARLINGi.-.'C Feb. 21.—Au auto mobile agency is to be opened soon in the new Hubbard building here by Victor Nave of Victoria and his brother Tye Nave, of San Benito. Tye Nave will be manager of the agency. PROFITABLE RIDE CHICAOO—When Robert Den nison arrived home after riding in a crowded elevated train he found in his pocket a woman’s parse con taining $175. . ■ .......——• prww ^######»###^»####»##»### . | Classified Business Directory ----• Architects BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects — Engineers 208 Merchants Sank. Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville. Texas. E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 109 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 Security State Bark Building Weslaco, Texas A. A. Callaway & Co. Architects and Engineers 41* Merchants Bank Building Brow; ville, Texas Builders—Contractors G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER P. O. Address R. P. D. No. 1. San Benito Telephone 6005 P 12 H-69 PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractor 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 Cash Registers NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. Registers bought, sold and exchanged. W. E. Sanders Representative, rhono 29 Harlingen Texas Box 905 Dray—T ransfer Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling. WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phono 139. AUSTIN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO, Phones 421 and 519 1126 Washington St. Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Storing, moving, crating and shipping. Local and long dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight service between all Valley points. Harlingen, Brownsville. Edinburg. Office 1259 Levee Phone 787 Truck leaves Brownsville 11:30 Daily Florists THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BOWYER THE FLORIST flowers and funeral designs. Ft. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 771. HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous for its Cooking—Immaculacy and Service Tha popular place for business lunches 12th between Elisabeth and Washington Hotel Hollingsworth American Style. Day, Week or Monthly Rate. Phone 1037-J. Insurance W. B. CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE 6 Insurance 1 * McDonald-Howard i Agency Loans - Insurance - 'Real Estate Rooms 1 and 2. Arcade Bldg. Phone 1090 __ N2 Mattress Renovating Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed. SOMMERS 12th and Adams _Phone 674 OFFICE EQrjIPMENT ----- ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Lithe Ce. 2C8 Merchants National Banh Phone 617—Brownsville OfDce Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE'S STATIONERY A BOOK STORE Brownsville, Taxes. Funeral Directors Hinkley Mortuary Complete Funeral Service Phones 123—300 St. Charles and Eleventh Street Typewriters DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange, (Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith “Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory” Rebuilt*—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St Phone 1106. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 60S—Harlingen Z-1I PROFESSIONAL Attorneys Davenport, West mad Bumbo Attorney* at Law 307-308 Merchants National Baak Brownivilla. Texai H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Morcbante National Bank Bldg. Brownavillo. Taxaa. J. T. Canaloe C. S. Kidman. Jr. CANALES AND ElDMAN Attorney* at Law Real Estate a Specialty 803 Merchants Nations) Bank Brownavillo. Texas H. L. TATES Attorney at Law State National Bark Bldg. Brownsvilla. Texas RALPH A. DUNKa.EERO Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas N180 Chiropodist FOOT SPECIALIST Dr. E. Hillinger on highway between San Benito end Harlingen All foot trouble* treated D-168 Chiropractor M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTfT Nerv-O-Meter Service State National Bank Bldg. Brownsvilla. Taxes Room 405 Phono 70S EL VIBBA SYSTEM P8EP DR. C. RAN ZELL Chiropractic—Electro—Thorapy Message and Bath Cromack Bldg. Brownsvilla. _M-118. REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential District, csrefnllv restricted corn pietely improved. Home eitea from 812(10.00. assy terms. James Dickin son Co.. Realtors, corner revelers Hotel Bldg- Brownsville. E-l. TAILORING ~ BETTIN’S ~ Tailoring and Haberdashery The Home of Bonch Mado Clothes. 1210 Elisabeth Photo 525 VI