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C************ *....rrrrraiFrt rrrrrjf. j “ 1 < « , III j ii _i FRIDAY CALENDAR Church Federation at the Bap list church. 3:30 p. m. El Jardin Parent-Teachers’ as- | frociation, 3 p. m. • • • State Regent To ,Yisit D. A. R. Chapter Mrs. J. A. Rountree, state regent of the D. A. R. will be in the' Valley the latter |>art of the week, and is to be a guest of the Lieut en- j ant Thomas Barlow chapter at a lunch*?o.i . ‘ ‘he Parkview hotel in1 Donna on 459 "day. No program lias been arranged, the feature of the affair being the presence of Mrs. P.oundtrec. who will address the members of the j chapter. It is also expected that, Mrs Roundtree v.ill attend the first meeting of the new D. A. R. chapter recently organized in Mc Allen The regular luncheon meeting of the Lieutenant Thomas Barlow cliaptcr was held in Donna Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. Walter Weaver. Mrr. Outran Borglum wife of tV noted sculptor and niemhr- of (he Ladv Washington chanter of the D. A. R. in New York, was honor guest. Another guest for the occasion was Miss Helm Sheldon, well known harp ist. who lias been visiting her par ents at their winter home near Mission, and who favored the wom en with several musical numbers. Hostesses for the affair besides Mrs. Weaver, were Mesdames John Richard*. Ravmond Mills. W. A , Wright, end Miss Jennie Redfield. i • • • L \\ eclncsday Club Mrs. Bvnum Works was hostess1 to the Wednesday bridge club this1 week, and entertained at the coun try club. Previous to the games she served a fish course Of the three tables of player*. Mrs. Thomas Sweeney held high score, and Mrs. Lula George second. Flora? decora- '• lions of vari-colored sweet peps add ed a note of colorful charm to the setting. • * • Mardi Meets With Mrs. Frank Brown The Mardi bridge club members were guests of Mrs Frank Brown at their regular meeting. Roses were her decorations, and she served a salad course. Mrs. Wilson held high score. The club w ill meet next with Mrs. Bascom Cox. • * * , j • Entertain Hi-Lo Mrs. Clecknpr won high prize a‘ the meeting of the Hi-Lo bride*' club this week, when It met with Mrs. Robert Ernst. Mrs. S. W. Brewer, the only guest, held low .•core The Washington’s birthday theme appeared in the decorations and accessories. Mrs. Brewer is en tertaining the club next. Mrs. G. H Crigler of San Be nito Is spending some time In this rlty with her mother. Mrs. Oliver Hicks. Mr. and Mrs W. L. Pendergraft returned Wednesday evening from Houston where they have been lor several days. COMPLIMENTS GUEST Mrs. Anne Musgrovc. of Winni peg. Manitoba, a guest in the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. Tamm and family, was complimented with a pleasant dinner party by Mrs. C. W. Letzerieh on Thursday night f Valentine season was indicated by 1 the beautiful bouquet of choice red roses, occupying the place on the center of the table, and the favors were dainty valentines. Besides the honoree. Mrs Mus grove. were Mr. and Mrs. A. Tamm, their two daughters. Marian and Alice, and Mrs. C. S. Loos, of York ton, Texas. • • • ENTERTAINS -KIDDIES” A most delightful valentine party was given on Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Forrest Dunlap, at her home, when she was hostess lor the Kiddie club. Valentines were much in evidence everywhere in the home, especially in the dining room. The table was a pretty sight for the kiddies, for there were little white cakes in heart shape, each ornamented with a red candy heart, and red jello, served with whipped cream, and the favors were pretty valentines with loving mes sages. Little guests present were Pat and Goldie Cockrell. Eloisc Mul hausen. Shirley Strickland. Jose phine McCarty. Donald and Roger Wofford. Robert Rum bo. Leonard Md&ezuie. Jim Tom. Bobby Wil cox, and Frank and Harland Dun lap. • • * SENIOR DANCE The senior dance at the Womans j building Saturday night was a j great success and the chaperones. Mrs. W. M. Waterman and Miss j Frances Kimbrough, were untiring in their efforts to make the eve ning one of enjoyment. Valentine decorations made the large audi torium more than usually attract ive. Dancing was enjoyed, and the music was piano numbers by Ben Ezzell and Mrs. Waterman, and the j Victrola music. Punch, cakes and mints were served at a late hour. • * • PERSONALS Mrs. A. If Weller was a guest: of her daughter. Mrs. Herbert! Seago. in Brownsville for the week-' end. Mrs. Howard Kingston returned Friday from a two months’ visit in > Arkansas, with Mr. Kingston. Sh rlso visited her sister. Mrs. H. L Gilbert, in New Orleans, who has 1 visited Harlingen several times. Mrs. John T. Floore returned Sunday from an extended trip in Texas and Louisiana. MERCEDES BOX SUPPER The junior class of the senior high school entertained with a box supper on the high school campus Fr'riay night. A cake was given to Miss Man- lee Kern in the beauty contest. Joe Brand auctioned off the boxes. • • • VALENTINE PARTY Miss Catherine Commons and her brother. Glenn Commons, enter- j trdned with a valentine party on Friday evening at their home on bouth Ohio avenue. Games and contests were enjoy- | ed with the following girls and boys in attendance: Annie Bell, j McKinney. Mary Andrews. Amy ] McManus. Mary Fay Hopkins, j Mandine Blankenship. Martha i Y^arwocd and Ruth Wood and I Truett Blankenship. Donald Bar- i ton. Bob Kern. John Trollinger. I Billie Barton. John Shaw and John j McKinney. • • • DORCAS ELECTS Mrs. Henrv Mott miller was re- j elected president of the Dorcas Aid of the Immanuel Lutheran church 1 at a meeting held at her homo at | the week-end Mrs. A. Bartlinc was made viro president and Mrs. i M. A. Borchclt secretary and treas- J urer. On Friday. February 22. the Dor- ; eas Aid will entertain for the Lutheran Aid at the home of Mrs Borchelt. There was a splendid attendance at this meeting. • • • CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Miss Dorothy Louise Emmerson entertained a number of friends on Tuesday at the home of her par ents, Mr and Mrs. S. H. Emmer son. in honor of her twelfth birth day. * The time was spent In games and reading hearts, and the serving of refreshments later. Her guests included Verna Gauch. Bonnie Sullivan Mary Har rison. Frances Kielty, Velma Colly. Dorothy Ragland. Margaret Nelson Margaret Barnes. Irene Rich. Mar jorie Lester. Mary Pennell. Mattie Lee Breeding. Fred Hazar. John Ottmeyer. George Breeding. Lafay ette Jones. Dale Drawe. Ross Bann er. John Barry. Randolph Ben nett, Loren Council. Edgar Yates and Frank Barry. McALLEN DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. E. A Mallory and j Russ Hoyt were hosts Sunday eve ning at a dinner party, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Mallory, who were recently married in San An tonio. A centerpiece of red and white roses intermingled with orange blossoms adorned the table. ! The guest list included Mr. and Mrs j Kirk Mallory. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. i Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rowe, i Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Rowe, and the hosts. • • • II \SNES8-PERKINS Miss Alice Hasness, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hasness, was united in marriage Saturday eve ning in Mission, to D. C. Perkins. Mr. Perkins is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P M. Perkins. The bride and groom arc num bered among the most popular members of the younger social set of McAllen. Following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins motored to Laredo and Monterrey. Mexico for a short trip. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins make their home in McAllen. * • • II ARRISON-H 4RRISON Miss Helen Harrison and D’\ J. G. Harrison were married Sunday i rooming at 9:4.i at thf* home of the latter here, in the presence of a fe\v f',oso^ friends and relative Fm-.! W. N. Rnder officiated during the marriage ceremony. Mrs. Harison is the daughter of i Mr and Mrs. S. P Harrison She is | a nurs? and was formerly superintendent of the McAllen Mu nicipal hospital. Dr. Harrison is one of McAllen’s most prominent physicians. • • • ROBINSON-ANDERSON The marriage of William D. An- . derson and Miss Stella Key Robin son daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i V. H. Robinson was solemnized Thursday at high noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bates, with Rev. Judd B. Holt reading the im pressive ceremony. The home was beautifully decor ated carrying out the Valentine mo tif. A profusion of red and white carnations and ferns were placed at vantage points. The rooms were lighted by the soft and mellow glow from red tapers. Before an arch way studded with red and white carnations, and above which was suspended double hearts pierced with an arrow the solemn vows were pledged by the double ring ceie mony. * The bride entered with her fath er and was met by the bridegroom and his best man, L. J. Fox. The bride was gowned in a blue traveling suit with accessories to harmonize, and carried a shower, bouquet of sweet peas. Later Mr. and Mrs. Anderson left I for a trip to Corpus Christi and San Antonio. • • • TOXIETTE-EAST Announcement of interest to friends in McAllen, is the marriage of Miss Olympia Toniette. daugh ter of Mrs. Jacques Toniette of Sul phur Mines. La., to S. Mayo East in New Orleans on February 8. The bride is a niece of Mrs. T. J. Powell, and has visited often in Mc Allen. She is a charming young lady and is an accomplished mu sician. Mr. East is a nephew of Mayo brothers of Rochester. Minn Mr. and Mrs. East will make their home in New Orleans. • • • HIDALGO BRIDGE Mrs. J. A. Nichols entertained the members of the Hidalgo Bridge club Friday evening at her home in a de lightful manner. Mrs. J M. Singleton received first prize and Mr. I. H. Thomas second. The club will meet Fridav even ing at the home of Mrs. W. L. Clark in McAllen. • • « PRISCILLA CLUB Mrs. Clay Zachry was hostess Friday afternoon to an enjoyable meeting of the Priscilla club at her home on North Twelfth street. The guests for the afternoon were Mcsdames Qeorge Allen. Anna Kablc of Lincoln, Nebr., R. W. Dockry of Cushing. Okla. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Anna Wakefield. a * « MCSIC CLt’B The McAllen Music club held its regular choral practice Monday afternoon at the Christian church. During the meeting final arrange ments were completed for the jeorge Washington's birthday parti to be given at the home of Mrs. T. W. Doster Thursday, Feb. 21. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gregg have gone to Chicago, after spending the winter in McAllen at the R. Harris home. Rev. Judd B. Holt left Friday 1 night for Georgetown. Tex . where ; he will fill the puloit at the First Baptist church at the regular Sun dav services. R. Harris and F. E Bishop left Thursday by automobile for Okla homa They expect to be away about two weeks. Among those from McAllen who went to Harlingen Thursday to at tend the mid-winter Bible school were Mesdames N. L. Moore. P. D. Frisby. Robert Henderson. Bob Fen wick. R. L. Whittington. R. J. King. F. M. Christv. Younger. R. W. Henry and F. M. Christy and Miss Gertie | Lane. '..* ....III 1...... mm F\rlu>i\ «■ Ladies' \|i|»arcl 12tf F.lirabcJh — BrowmviHe Presents The Spring Hats Made of Bankok. . . . Per la Yisca .... Ballibuntl .... Backu .... Georgette .... and Braids Are Chic The new hats are distinctive and unusual in model and present a variety adaptable to every •woman's needs. $5.95 to $29.50 r. ' _ JUST AMONG US GIRLS HWa'man becomes xhe UJSWT cp a v^orc\ans Vfe, sddom allows hm*bo 4° ^r*/ r __E By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Breakfast 8 tewed Prunes Boiled Rlcc and Cream Waffles Maple Syrup Coffee Dinner Roast Lamb Browned Potatoes Mint Sauce Creamed Carrots Frozen Fruit Salad Bread Butter Chocolate Brownies Coffee Sapper Orange Bread Sandwiches Tea Pear Salad Salted Nuts Frosen Fruit Salad (To be parked in salt and Ice) 1 cup diced, mashed bananas. 1-2 cup diced pineapple. 1-2 cup sliced peaches. 2 tablespoons lemon Juice, 1 tablespoon granulated gelatin. 2 tablespoons cold water. 1-2 cup whipped cream, 1-2 cup stiff mayon naise. Soak the gelatin for five minutes in the cold water. Set over a pan of hot mater to melt. Cool. Add all the rest of the ingredients. Pack in cans and cover tightly. Pack in three parts of chopped ice and one part of coarse salt. It will require four hours to freeze this salad. It may be repacked and kept frozen for several more hours If desired. Unmold and cut in slices and serve on lettuce leaves. This salad may be frozen in three hours in a tray in the mechanical refrigerator. Any other fruit combinations may ' be used. Lemon Juice adds flavor I and gives tartness which is needed.' Chocolate Brownies 1-4 cup fat, l cup sugar. 1-4 cup milk. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 squares chocolate, melted. 1-8 tea spoon salt. 1 cud flour. 1-3 cup nuts. Cream the fat and sugar. Add j the rest of the ingredients and beat! for three minutes. Pour into a shallow pan which has he-n fitted with a waxed par*r. Bake in a moderately slow oven for 30 mir utes. Remove from the p.n. c In strips and roll In powdered sugr There is no baking powder need in this recipe, as the beating mak the batter light enough. These are rich, well flavored cs and should not be served too ofr Edinburg Clinic, Set For Saturda’ r ; (Special to The Herald* EDINBURG. Feb. 21 — Und» auspices of the Community Fedei atlon of Women's Organisations free clinic will be held Saturdt morning at the Medical Arts ho pital. it was announced today, to regular feature each week her after. , Members of the hospital boat and other physicians of the ell have offered their services for tl clinic, which is to be held from 9 | 11 o'clock. L Miss Sonora Ponder is chalnnil of the social service department.} the organization and has enlist i the services of Dr. J M. Doss, he . surgeon at the hospital: Dr J. j| Mahone. countv health officer &ffl his unit, and the other physiciaifl of the citv. a Residents here are urged to cB operate with the clinic in eve fl way and also are urged to sc fl their children for examination ■ Mrs. C. E Brvan. president of (A Womans Federation. fl VALLEY FAIR MANAGEll GOES TO LAREDO FET-I (Special to Th« Herald) I HARLINGEN. Feb. 21—John B Floore. manager of the Valley Mi<B Winter Fair, left here WedncsdB for Laredo to attend the annu H Washington Day celebration of LtH redo and Nuevo Laredo. ■ Mr. Floore said that he wouB discuss with celebration officiaB and fair men there some adriitic’ ■ features for the Valley Fair Jfl fall.. ■ BORROWS BABIES TO 1 ST LOUIS. Mo.—Mrs. Ella ^ ■ arrested for begging, was found ■ have borrowed five different bablB to carry about with her B IGIMBLE’SREMOVAL SALE 6 Snappy Selling Days, Commencing 9 A. M., Friday I I Never Aeain Will You Have the Benefit of Such Low Prices! I < Lfii ' Never Such ^ I a Sale Every Valley wo- fl man knows the ■ high quality of 1 Gimble's merchan- I dise. Now the enti r c stock is going to be sacrificed to sell it before we move. The extremely low orices necessitates that we sell for cash and permit no approvals or ex changes. All sales must be final. ^ WE MOVE MARCH 1 ^ tumble's will move to new location next to Texas Bank A* Trust Co., ,on Elizabeth. March 1st. An entire new stock of Women's ready-to-wear will be here by that date. That's why we are holding this re moval sale, to dispose of everything left in the store Friday morning, opening day of sale. The prices have been so drastically reduced that we know most every woman in the Valley will be at the sale to take advantage of the tremendous reductions in ^ dresses, millinery and accessories. ^ HATS Wr have several groups of Spring lats that sold regularly from $5 to $15. Buy them during the sale at from— $1.98 to $10 Spring Coats There are only a few of these splendid Spring coat* left. They're the regular $2875 sellers. But you get them for only— *18= Spring Suits The stock Is limited. So to get these $25 values we suggest early shopping. Sale price— 15 Dresses These are new Spring dreases placed In three price groups. 50 Spring dresses—splendid values originally priced from $15 to $18. This sale— i Another lot of 50 Spring dresan* Former values $18.75 to $23. This sale 27 Spring dresses. This group regularly sells for $28.75. Take them away during removal sale at only— *18 I iS il IwB 1 ■ \n u I I 1205 Washington — Brownsville, Texas