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uEWART ASKS [FOR SUPPORT ■^representation I s ■Charged to Foes I Of Oil Mogul WlCAGO. Feb. 21.— A*v—Stock Man of the Standard Oil 19Indiana who on March 7 will PW whether Col. Robert W. ■art is to continue as chairman ■the board, have been mailed a ■ appeal for re-election by Col ■he letter charges spokesmen of ■n D. Rockefeller. Jr., with a ■npaign of misrepresentation” in Mr effort to remove Col. Stewart ■ control. It exnrcsses the hope Pt the contest between the young ■tockefeller and himself may be m on a high plane. “It was my Berstanding that such. too. was | hone and intention of Mr. Rock lUer* the letter continued ■ Then Mr. Rockefeller sailed for rpt ” Col. Stewart wrote in the iers which went into the mails L niept. "Mr. Aldrich (Winthrop ■Aldrich, brother-in-law and af Hev for Mr. Rockefeller» and Mr ■ Lee apparently did not undcr Bd the matter as he did. Bfter saying he would embark Bio •unseeminglv scramble for Bies,’ it surrlv must be without Btnowlcdge or consen* that oth ■1 his name have embarked un ■a campaign of misrepresent a Hie chairman denied that he was Big a personal vindication of the Beholders. “That has already ■> given to me by two courts and ■ juries ” What he wanted, he ■. was that they vote “for the n of the company and your own o Offer Dance Course at IL T. USTIN. Tex. Feb. 21 — ,P)—A rse in dancing will be offered for I time at the University of is summer as a part of the training work for women, en announced. lss has been arranged cs for teachers who want a ion of interpretative and big Costumes will be fur the physical education de . il training this year will >d only during the first stead of in both terms, g. golf and tennis are the •ts to be taught, nna Hiss, chairman of the nt during the regular ses 1 be director of physical for the summer, it was ! Bean Movement From the Valley ! Cut Nearly Half Movement of green beans from the Valiev will be reduced approxi mately 50 per cent, as a result of the cold weather of last week, ac cording to official government es timates. which corroborate csti ! mates of local shippers. Damage to tomatoes was slight, and potatoes escaped practically unscathed, the government experts state. The effects of the cold weather have been very apparent in ship ments from the Gulf Coast areas the past ten days. The cabbage i movement has shown a steady de cline. and the late spring move ment of this mommodity will be greatly reduced. According to Valiev shippers the Valley cabbage crop will fall short short of the original estimates, as the vield is averaging approximate ly five tons to the acre. This, they state, will be a factor in holding up the price on late shipments. 4-H Club Medals Are Distributed At Wilson Tract • Special to The Herald' SAN BENITO. Feb. 21—Medals and certfiicates were distributed among members of the Bovs’ ur.d Girls’ 4-H clubs at a ioint meeting at Wilson Tract Wednesday, with the two countv agents in charge of th® meeting. The medals were given bv the Valiev Mid-Winter Fair to all ex hibitors among the boys’ and girls clubs of the countv Certificates wheih were given out bv Hcnrv Alsmeyer and Miss Kate Ad®le Hill were from A. and M. college, and were signed by officials there, by the countv iudge and th® countv agents. Thcv went to all boys and girls who completed their projects during the year. The bows’ club at Wilson Tract held an election at the meeting, .lack ORcar beine named presi dent. Th® other officers are Ster ling Ward, vice president: Sidnev Yates, secretary: and Forest Peak and Leo Smith, county council members. ^jiss Hill discussed sewing with the girls, and Alsmvere took up the care of young chickens. APPROVE INCREASE WASHINGTON. Feb 20.—UP — Th® federal reserve board announc ed today that It would approve an increase in the buying rates of bankers acceptances bv all federal reserve banks to conform with the rates of the New York Federal Re serve bank. ______ Destined for B Fashionable Spring Wardrobes H HI PRINTS . . . those favorites of the g frock mode for spring . . i are here in all the lovely new styles and col orings approved by Paris. Other frocks are equally charming in pastel L georgettes, chiffons and flat crepes. g This Group jj Priced at or 2 for $19.90 ^ ...The Scarf Frock... I ...The Cape Frock... I Two-Piece Frocks... 1 ...Princess Frocks... | v3 BYRD CLAIMS AREAFOR U. S. Large Territory Dis covered In Flight Of Two Planes NEW YORK. Feb. 21.^VP)—'The , New York Times, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and their associated newspapers announced today that, Commander Richard E. Byrd, in an extensive airplane flight made with two planes on Monday last, discov ered and mapped in part a vast new territory in the Antarctic, which he has claimed for the Unit ed States and has named for his wife. Marie Byrd Land. Commander Bvrd has also dis covered a second new mountain, range, east and south of the first discovered bv him recently and named the Rockefeller range. That | range is within territory claimed bv the British and known as the Ross Dependency. The new range discovered on Monday is larger than the first and contains Deaks between eight and ten thousand feet high It is outside the limit of the British I claims and is in the new Marie Byrd Land, which lies between Ross Sea and Graham Land. About 40.000 sauare miles of Ant arctica have now been explored from the air bv the Bvrd expedi tion In the last flight ‘the Rocke feller range was mapped by aero camera, the entire new section was sketched and the uncharted coast line east of the Bav of Whales was mapped by Captain Ashlev McKin ley of the armv air service, whol was in the second of the two air-1 planes that made the flight. Boy Secures Job ! As Page to Pay Bill of Doctor AUSTIN. Feb. 21.—Henry Rogers, 7. youngest page of the Texas house of representatives, is a page with a purpose. He secuied his jcb, which pays $2.50 per day. to earn money with which to pa v a doctor to remove his sister s tonsils. His sister. Betty Lois Roeers is eight years old. She has had her o.ieration for removal of tonsils, and Henry proudly an nounced Monday that he had “been down to the doctor's'’ and paid the bill for the operation. The “baby" page of the house is the son of Mrs. Daisv McCullough Rogers of Austin. He has no broth ers and but the one sister. His job in the house is the first he ever held. Beyond paving the doctors bill, voting Rogers has developed the further purpose of growing up to be a member of th" house He doesn't think he won id like to be a senator, but his ambition is to sit in the lower house ps a repre'entaiive from Travis county. Sneaker Barron is « wonderful presiding off’<u»r. »n his opinion. The bov. who talks with the calm assurance and the manliness of a nearlv-grown-uo. savs he is getting iot« of pp 'ovmnnt out of the session ann that he doesn't think his work is hard He takes nains to caution mem bers. whenever thev offer, because of his small sire, to pav him for services, that there •> house rule against this and h« jrf”«e*- to take the menev thev offer him. Kiwanians Told Of Church Value • Special to The Herald* i SAN BENITO. Feb. 21—A talk | on the value of churches as dem onstrated through statistics and j surveys was made before the Ki t warns club here Wednesday by Mr. ; Blankcnshio. who is leading sing ing at a revival meeting in San Be i nito. Mr. Blankcnshio also led the singing at the Kiwanis club. In his address he told of a com prehensiv survey made in order to j determine the value of churches to ' the community, and said that the value was demonstrated beyond a doubt, the churches being proved the most valuable asset of the com munity. He told of a certain town l which had no churches, and said that it had never produced an out standing individual, and was be hind other communities in many | respects. POULTRY*CULLING TO BE HELD AT COMBES _ fSpeeial to The Herald> SAN BF.NTTO. Feb 21—A poul try culling demonstration will be given at the farm of E. W. Shaw at Combes Saturday morning at 10 j o'clock, according to Henrv AIs 1 meyer, county agent. Mr. Alsmvere will also give an other noultrv demonstration at the Haigler farm, in the Briggs-Cole man tract Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. He will conduct a general discussion of noultrv at these meet ings. and all interested persons are invited to attend Mothers—Try Mild Children’s Musterole Jusf Rub Away Pain Of course, you know good old Musterole; how quickly, how easily it relieve* chest colds, sore throat, rheu matic and neu ralgic pain, sore joint* and mus cles, stiff neck and lumbago. We also want you to know CHILDREN’S MUSTEROLE—Musterole in milder form Unexcelled for relief of croupy coughs and colds; it penetrates, soothes and relieves without the blister of the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Keep a .iar handy. It come* ready to apply instantly. i fetter than a mustard platter KEYES GETS TASTE OF PRISON LIFE Veteran of 23 years in the district attorney's office of Los Angeles and world famous as the prosecutor of the Hickman case and other celebrated trials. Asa Keyes is now getting a taste of what prison life is like. It is the first picture of the former prosecutor in his blue denims as a county jail prisoner following his conviction of bribery . in the Julian Petroleum trial, at Los Angeles. Flashes of Life — (Py The Associated Press) <By the Associated Press* NEW YORK.—'The kings seat for the Lone Eagle! In the name of the actresses of America Irene Franklin is sending as a wedding present to Anne Morrow a Louis XV chair presented by descendants of the monarch to Joseph Jeffer son and later given by him to Rich ard Mansfield. BOSTON—Charles Lindbergh has filed notice at city hall of his in tention to marry. The lady’s first name is Anne. Charles is a chauf feur. The future Mrs. Lindbergh is now Miss Petersen. NEW YORK—Americans are talking faster and faster all the time, says Louis J. Goldstein, who was a delegate to a shorthand re porters' convention. He places the average increase at ten words a minute ir» the last 20 years. MEXICO CITY—Struck by a ball when playing jat alai. Joaquin amaro. secretary of war, has lost the sight of his left eye. BOSTON—Ordered to return "at the residence” 96 cases of liquor seized from Jeremiah Donovan, po lice deposited them on the front lawn and promptly federal agents appeared and seized them again. Federal Judge Lowell liav ordered them returned again, this time "within the residence. WASHINGTON —Light on the, money Dorothy and Lillian Gish have received under motion picture contracts comes from their appeals over income taxes. Lillian had a contract in 1925 for $7,962 a week: Dorothy for $1,500 to $2,000 a week with a share in profits. NEW YORK—One Harry Cun ningham. who won a $5 bill on a wager that Lindbergh would get to Paris, asked the Colonel to auto graph it. The colonel was unwilling to mutilate the bill. He wrote his name on a piece of paper and sug gested that Cunningham attach it to the bill. “You should have cot more than even money on that bet,” he remarked. WASHINGTON—Bert Asoct# is to be a good boy in the air and not d) scare-raising stunts any more. He has been fined S500 twice and his license has. been suspended lor six months, but after April 18 he will fee permitted to take an exam ination for renewal of his license. NEW YORK-A diamond studded decoration given Mrs. Evangeline Lodge Lmdbergh bv the Turkish government has been admitted duty-free. SEEK STOLEN ALTO HARLINGEN, Feb. 21 —Officers in Cameron county and on the roads from the Valiev to other sections me on the lookout for a Buick couoe belonging to J. C. Bennett of this city, stolen from in front of the Arradia theater. The car number is 142-518. TITOOPS IN READINESS MADRID. Feb. L\\—Pi—Troops throughout Spam were confined to their barracks today but there was no trouble and everything was re ported quiet in the country. Once in thej clutches of RHEUMATISM now < joy the Why Rheumatism cant be rtibhedout CHOSE muscular pains, com monly called rheumatism, are generally due to a “run down” condition, with the num ber of red-blood-cells below the normal count. S.S.S. aids the system in build ing up these red-blood-cells and in getting rid of the condition of which the rheumatism is but a symptom. The body becomes strong and disease-resistant, and the rheumatic pains go. Pains in your muscles and joints make you miserable, less efficient, interfere with your working hours, ruin your sleep. If allowed to continue, as the jcars pass the danger increases. But what a change with rich, red-blood-cells in your body— Nature’s building material—mak ing the flesh firm—giving strength to the vital organs. You can’t rub rheumatism out. It is deeper than that. It must be driven out. And the sure way; is by help'ng the fighting blood— the red-blood-cclls! Increase your army of “work ers” (red-blood-cells), and those muscle and joint pains, commonly; called rheumatism, vanish. S.S.S. has brought this change about for thousands. Why not for you? y "/ m-as very nervous; had Mad* hardly any appetite, and suffered front n+ith rheumatism. I tried many fresh medicines, but SSS. is the one vegetable that did me the most qood. 1 am t no*J esell. and feel like a nmj man.”—William Osborne, 2106 Sloan Street, Flint, Mich. SS.S. is made from fresh veae table druas and has a successful record of over 100 years back of it. - All good Drug Stores sell S.S.S. in invo sixes. Ask for the larger sixe. It is more economical. dyrn,f. 1?:? S 5.5. c* KEYES PLANS APPEALPLEA Former Prosecutor Is Given One to 14 Year Sentence LOS ANGELES, Feb. 21.—, Asa Keyes, former district, attorney of Los Angeles county, today fell, back upon his second line of de fense, an appeal to a higher court in his fight to escape a sentence of: one to fourteen years in San Quen tin penitentiary. Keyes and Ed Rosenberg, one of his co-defendants in the recent bribery-conspiracy trial here, were | sentenced yesterday by Superior Judge Edward T. Butler after a motion for a new trial had been denied. Ben Getzoff, Los Angeles tailor through whose hands some $140 000 was alleged to have passed from Keyes from defendants in ztaes prosecuted by the former district attorney, was not sentenced. Get zoff was convicted wnth Rosenberg and Keyes and later made an alleg ed confession to District Attorney Burton Fitts in which further in stances of bribery were mentioned Getzoff was released on his own recognizance and permitted to file an application for probation. Fitts has announced that he will seek indictment against other persons as the result of Getzoff’s disclosures. Keyes and Rosenberg were de nied bail and returned to jail after they had given notice of appeal. I Turkey Standard May Be Changed DALLAS. Tex.. Feb. 21.—! Chances in standard requirements for all breeds of turkevs will be con sidered here Feb. 22 and 23 by the Texas revision committee of the Southwestern Turkey club. The committee, in closed session Friday, will prepare recommenda tions to be presented Saturday in open session with breeders. Find incs and recommendations of the meeting will be transmitted to the American Poultry asoeiation. which is preparing material for a New Standard of Perfection, ruide book for standard bred poultry. “Since Texas turkeys were placed in the champion list at everv ma 'or show in the United States last vear i the views of Texas breeders will no doubt receive serious consideration of the committee ’’ said D H. Kib"r. secretary of the Southwestern club. Personnel of the eommitt'*e to rpp«f here is V. F. Glazier of Mid lothian. chairman: J. At Martin. Dallas: Walter Burton. Da^as: A. J. Porks Midlothian, and D H Kiber. I Arlington. TOLDS _ of he«d or chest art mar* Mail? tieated «art«maily with— VICKS ▼ Vapo Rub _(W giaiggfan Jot, rtt^, -— " ... ■■"II REAL VALUES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Trimlvn Service and Semi- IT Chiffon hose ... f I*w 0867 Full Fashioned Pure Thread Silk French heel, per pair $1.00; CO OC three pairs. w Wayne Knit Chiffon hose, IQ Slenderette Heel... ,yL»4j Misses’ Darn Saver, 4Rl* A new line of ladies collars and scarfs in long and triangle shapes Men’s Union Suits in New Spring Styles 50c to $1.75 Sweaters—We have a complete stock and they are especially low in price Buy Your Knit Goods from a Knit Goods House Mauer’s Knit Goods Shop Brownsville Edinburg 1220 Elizabeth Street AIRPLANE BRAND f ■ ■ I i El % ■ ■ i tn i * ',r I IB ^b :ijh' B I ' w ^ 1 £*D# ./ 1 I iIh Very Special Price for thi» j£ ^ Every One Knows the High Quality of Our FisK , fi; I Finest Salt Water Trout jjj | Fresh Headless Red Fish | Also Headless Pike | jgig ^ NO DELIVERIES g I Tex-Mex Fisheries jj I 1 ^ Drive in the roadway to Express Office at Missouri Pacific Depot or walk down the gravel platform to our building.