Newspaper Page Text
SAYS BUILDING HAS DOUBLED Over Fifty Billions Since Close Of World War CHICAGO. Feb. 21.—More than fifty billion dollars have been spent for construction work in the United States since the World war. D. A. Garber. Washington. D. C., told an annual c 'mention of the Associated General Contractors of America opening here Wednesday. “The annual volume of opera tions has doubled since 1919.” Mr. Garber, general manager of the contractors' national organization declared. “The estimated value of construction operations of all types In 1928 is eight billion dollars.” The “increasingly high American standard of living” was cited as be ing basicly responsible for the vast increase in building activities. “The nation’s increased popula tion and the movement toward metropolitan areas admittedly have exercised an influence,” Mr. Garber stated, “but the demands for mod ernization and the ability to pav for satisfaction of the«e demands form the real causes of the vast in crease. “The steady movement from pri vate residences to apartments, de velopment of new conveniences for office structures and the increased need for hotels have all had a di rect effect upon general building operations. Meanwhile many new industries have been developed and old ones have expanded, with a constant demand for industrial structures thus being exercised.” The annual volume of hlghwav and highway bridge construction has tripled since ten years ago, it was stated. Mr. Garber’s report was present ed at the opening session of the convention, which is being attended bv more than five hundred builders from all parts of the country. 1 Cameron Courts Suits filed in the District Courts: No. 8376, Geo. W. Scanlan vs. C. F. Thomas et al No. 8377, Geo. W. Scanlan vs. C. F. Thomas et al. • No. 8378, C. M. Johnson vs. W. E. Rice et al. No. 8379, Margarito C. Trevino vs. Joaquin Trevino, divorce. No. 8320, Jennie Glenn vs. James E. Glenn, divorce. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No final orders. 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent, Judge No. 5986. Mary R. Lockhart vs. E. F. Hall et al, dismissed at plain ! tiff’s cost. No. 6562. San Benito Bank Sc Trust Co. vs. R. L. Wilson et al, : dismissed at plaintiffs cost. No. 6899. Mrs. Cora J. Crawford I vs. Mary Kirvin et al, dismissed at ! plaintiffs cost. No. 7463. Delta Irrigated Farm Co. vs. Chas. Svec et al, dismissed at plaintiffs cost. No. 7488 M. L. Stephens vs. Gateway Nurseries, dismissed for went of prosecution. No. 7509. Harlingen Land Sc In vestment Co. vs. E. F. Coulters, dismissed at plaintiffs cost. No. 7594, Morris Edelstein vs. E. N. Robbins, dismissed at plain tiff’s cost. No 7669. Priscilla D. Abbot vs. Mrs. Pinkie Vann et al. dismissed. No. 7699. O. W. Kerr vs. Otis A. Fletcher, dismissed at plaintiff’s . No. 7857. Realty Trust Co. vs Stack et al. dismissed. Nos. 7858 to 7861, inclusive. Real ty Trust Co. vs. Eva Stack, dis missed. No. 7863, Realty Trust Co. vs. D. R. Totje, et al, dismissed at plain tiff's cost. No. 7887. Lucy E. Martin vs. Mary E. Thayer, dismissed for want of prosecution. No. 1901, Buntz et al vs. Huff et al, judgment by default. No. 7990, E. W. Shaw vs. W. R. Schussler, dismissed at plaintiff's cost. No. 7998, Realty Trust Co. vs. Eva Stack, dismissed. No. 8017, A. Wayne Wood vs. D. E. K. Breen et al, dismissed as to Breen; judgment by default as to other defendants. No. 8110. G. M. Lozano vs. R. M. Eubank, dismissed at plaintiff’s cost. No. 8128 1-2, F. H. George vs. P. P. Ewing, dismissed. No. 8159. C. P. Barreda vs. C. C. Oliveria et al, judgment by de fault. No. 8165. Valley Finance Corp. vs. John McDougal, dismissed at plaintiff's cost. No. 8213, Robert H. Jenkins vs. W. S. Dennis et al, dismissed for want of prosecution. No. 6793, A. M. Mayfield et al vs. Ladd Farm Mortgage Co., et al, dis missed at plaintiff's cost. No. 7406, F. H. Harrison et al vs. San Benito Ind. School Dist., dis missed at plaintiff’s cost. No. 7072, O. W. Kerr vs. Joseph Staufer, dismissed at plaintiff’s cost. No. 7843, Valley Realty Co. of Texas vs. Geo. E Phillips, dismiss ed at defendant's cost: No. 7842, Valley Realty Co. ol Texas vs. Wimberly McLeod, dis missed at defendant's cost. COUNTY COURT Hon. O. C. Dancy, Judge No suits filed. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Judge No orders. MARRIAGE LICENSES Manuel Alvarezz and Guadalupe Rodriguez. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) Cameron County S. R. and Edna Conner to Man uel Kleiman. lot 4. blk. 1, Fitch addn, Harlingen. $3510. A. Wayne Wood. Tr. to W’ E. Adams, lots 1048. 1049 and 1050.1 Colonia Victoria Brownsville, $450. Effie G. Gross rt vir. to Helen L. Vessey. blo'-k 372, Brown Tract, Rio Hondo. $10 etc. C. S. Thomson to Grace Watson Duckwell, farm tract 90. Coast Land Farms, subd. 2. Buena Vista addn, plat 7-63, $10 etc. C. S. Thomson to Grace Watson Duckwall. north 10 acres of east 19.66 acres b!k. 83. Minn.-Texas Land & Irrig. Co, La Feria grant. $10 etc. C. S. Thomson to Anna Mav Johnson, south 4.66 acres of north 14.00 acres cf east 19.63 acres of blk. 83. Minn.-Texas Land <fc Irrig. Co, La Feria grant. $10 etc. Delta Irrig. Farms Co. to Georg'' and Elizabeth Kessler, north 1-2 of blk. 4. Orange Grovp Park suod. La Feria grant. ^14.40;\ John N. Moet et ux to Delta Irrig. Farms Co, north 1-2 blk. 4. Orange Grove Park subd. La Feria grant. $10 etc. Geo. W. Parker Sec. Co. to New ton R. Lovelass, south 5 acres blk. 42. lying east of Main canal. La Feria Land & Irrig. Co, $10 etc. A. H. Fernandez. Tr. to Marv Mattingly, lot 2. blk. 83. West Brownsville. $10 etc. The Al Parker Sec. Co. to Joe Youngs, blk. 1-5. Olmito. $10 etc. M. H. Keller et ux to Sam B. Wi'lis, lot 15. blk. 50-A, Srhcele addn, Harlingen. $3310. Louise Keller to Sam B. Willis, lot 15. blk. 50-A. Scheele Addn, Harlingen, $10 etc. John R. McNaught et al to H P. Stephenson farm lots 64 and 130, also 5 acre tract 151 and 174. La guna Vista townsite: lots 7. 8. blk. 270: ot 9. blk. 413: lot 16. blk. 349: lot 8. blk. 353: lots 1, 4. blk. 336, and all blk. 373. $1800. Jose Garcia Cavazos to J. H. Batsell all interest in partition share 22. Esp. San*o grant. $lO0. Josefina Garra Cavazos to J. H. Batsell. all Interest in share 22. Fsp. Santo r-ant, S10o. Ra facia Garcia M. Cavazos to J. H. Batsell. all ir.tcrr t in share 22. Esp. Santo grant. $ino. C. F. Thomas to Henrv M**n;’e. lot 45. El Jardin subd, share 33 out of share 19. Esn. Santo grant. $1960. Valley Dev. Inc, to T. W. Allen et ux. south 10 acres of north 20 acres blk. 82. Wilson Tract subd, survey 25. $10,000. Hilt H. Hammett et ux to L. R. Beddoes, town lots 19. 20. blk. 23. town of La Feria. $10 etc. R. T. Stuart & Co. to the Ameri can Land Co. of Texas, south 1-2 blk. I. Stuart Place re-subd, sur vey 128. $10 etc. J. C. Freeland to H M. Nutter. 1-2 undivided interest in east 10 615 acres of south 19.789 acres farm blk. 50. Minn.-Texas Land & Irrig. Co, La Feria grant. $10 etc. Joe and Nannie S. Cunningham to M. A. Tennison. lot 11. blk. 4. Windsor Place addn, Harlingen. $900. Hidalgo County J. B. and Blanche L. Lamorere. lots 8. 9. 10. 1. 12. 15 and 16 blk. 3. Mission Groves Est, $10 etc. R. L. Maxwell to J. T. and Mat tie Shackelford, lots 14. 15, blk. 59. Alamo Townsite. $10 etc. Bart Van Donee to P. A. Walker, lot 1. blk. 10, Steele & Pershing. $10 etc. O. R. Gloore to Chas R. Moore, lot 4. blk. 4, Louise Addn, McAl len. $10 etc. D. R. Swife Est. to C. R. Moore, lot 8 9. blk. 49. McAllen. $10 etc. Guy R. James et al to W. E. Bunker, N. 10 acres of E. 20 acres of Ft, 668. West Tract. (10 etc. Walter Bridges et al to R. A. Raper, lot 11, blk. 2, McAllen, $10 etc. Geo. Lindsay et ux to Ora Sow ers. NW 1-4 of NE 1-4 of Sec. 8, G. O. Newman addn., $10 c*;c. Lee N. McCandlee to J. Trout Felker. E. 10 acres of W. 20 acres of lot 15. sec. 256, Tex.-Mex.. $ 1 etc. Delta Dev. Co. to F. P. Neese, lot 11. blk. 52. Weslaco, $10 etc. Progreso Dev. Co. to Bertha W. Bretzman. lot 37-C, Twin Lakes subd., $10 etc. Progreso Dev. Co. to A. J. Stra chots, E. 5 acres of lot 6, Lion Lake subd., $10 etc. Loren a Higdon to Walter Bridges, lot 11. blk. 2, McAllen. $10 etc. H. V. and Amy Hall to W. K. Roberts, lots 5 to 11, Inc., blk. 8. Golf Crest subd., $10 etc. S. Hall et ux to Raloh S. Hall. N. 15 acres of Ft. 626, West Tract. $1 etc. Elizabeth S. Heiner to A. D. Smock. S. 20 acres of lot 73. Hoit Tract. $10 etc. Ora Sowers to Wm. Norwood, W, 1-2 of NW 1-4 of Sec. 8. G. O. Newman's El Benadito. $1 etc. Q. L. Jeffries to John A. Gas kill. lot 10, blk. 43, Capisallo, $10 etc. Co-op Aids Texas Tomato Growers KOAKUM. Feb. 21.—An average of four and one-third cents per pound was obtained on 100 carloads of green wrapped tomatoes shipped out of here last year cooperatively by the Hub City Tomato Growers association, bringing a gross profit of $98,864. and netting farmers •’bout $5000 more than prevailing J local prices would have brought. The association has also bought its members fertilizers cooperatively rnd is inducing them to us® a 10-6-4 fertilizer at the rate of 300 to 500 pounds per acre wh’ch has b®®n demonstrated th® most profitable under local conditions. SEIF DENTISTRY FATAL JAMESTOWN. N. D—Sven Lar son died of blood-poisoning after nulling his own tooth with rustv | pliers. PHONES SHOW C1TYGROWTH Number Almost Treb led In Brownsville In Ten Years “If the Increasing size of the telephone directory is an indication of growth and expansion, Browns ville is showing signs of being one of the most progressive cities in Texas,” said J. V. Hucker. division commercial superintendent at San Antonio for the Southwestern Bell Telephone company. “During the past ten years the Increase in number of telephone subscribers has been steadily on the up-grade.” On January 1. 1920. the number of stations in Brownsville was 748. On January 1. 1929 this number had Increased by 1,338, bringing up the total to 2.086. The following figures show the yearly increase, as per January 1: 1920 . 748 1921 827 1922 . 883 1923 . 908 1924 .937 1925 1110 192G 1345 1927 .1700 1928 1900 1923 . 2080 “As the table shows, the growth during the years from 1920 to 1925 was somewhat slow, although it w-as steady. From 1925 to 1929 it is ac celerated and the next ten years should see an even more remark able growth In Brownsville,” Hucker said. Pl'PILS HEAR PHONOGRAPH LIBERTY. Texas. Feb. 21.—<A>>— Strains of phonograph music is used here to sooth the nerves of pupils and increase greater effi ciency. Violin records are used mainly and the music keeps up continually during school hours. Robert VV. Evans, superintendent, says higher averages in examina tions have resulted. "Tie experi ment meets favor with the pupils. ---- —fr TO THE OWNERS OF AMERICA’S HOMES FROM THE DESIGNERS OF AMERICA’S SKYLINE A_... *** The new Allcrton House in Chirago, designed by Murgatroyd & Ogden, noted New York architects. At riftht, E. F. Murgatroyd, member of the hrm of Murgatroyd & Ogden. it has been thoroughly demon strated that in the long run rust proof home construction proves a * great economy.”- murgatroyd & ocden *_ f pHF.RE are two important reasons why you should install X Copper, Brass and Bronze materials when you build or buy. First: Service! These rust-proof metals give unfailing, unvary ing service. Once they are installed you need never give them another thought. Second: Economy! Although Copper, Brass and Bronze cost somewhat more than rustable metals, they arc far cheaper in the long run. They cannot rust. 1 heir use obviates repairs and re placements. And they enhance the resale value of the house. The leading architects of the country arc practical! v unanimous in advising the use of rust-proof construction for all'buildings — especially for modest priced homes. Murgatroyd & Ogden, for instance, 6ay in the same letter from which the above quotation was taken: "The use of Copper. Brass and Bronze in bnildings todav is getting more and more common and we feel that in the near future they will entirely supplant the ferrous metals wherever corrosion is to he contended with.” Write our Building Service De partment for additional informa tion. There is no obligation. t * t Considering their life-long ser vice and their absolute protection against rust. Copper, Brass and Bronze arc not expensive even in the construction of small homes. i Copper & rass RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 25 Broadway, New York Midwestern Office: Canadian Office: Pacific Coast Office: Landreth Building 67 Yonge Street Architects Building St. Louis, Mo. Toronto, OnL Los Angeles, Cal. COPPER. BRASS. BRONZE — The World's Most Useful Metals « i >■"‘11 ‘ ... Expectant ~ ' others Given tacts about Chll&Biith Book, FREE \ (AKE the months of arpeo- ’ i *»A easier, freer from tendon end pain; and make the birth of your child a happy event by using "Mother’s Friend,” the external lubricant for expectant mothers. Anoint and used by (Area generaUon* of atotktrt. Use "Mother's Friend** ms our mothers and grandmothers did. Start today, and you will realise the wis dom of doing so as the w«*k* roll by I “Mother's Friend” is sold by all good drug stores - everywhere. Be sum and get the booklet on Farts About Childbirth. One copy is yours, free. Writ* for it NOW. BrsdWd Rtguiibr Co., Dept. 12, AtUnta, 6s. • • • • | Women Save % | Valuable Time | 0 a © • Z *■ Surely you would appre- 9 a ^ ® date having more time for your- © ft self this summer and this can be © ft . ... • © accomplished by utilizing our © C« © complete food service. 2 ft © When the weather is warm the ^ tiresome tasks of dressing for the mar- ® ® ket, shopping around from store to & 2 store and then lugging home burden- ® ^ some blundles arc more irksome than £ & ever. These unnecessary duties cost 3$ you valuable time and energy—you % never look or feel the same when you ^ return as when you started out. 5 • ® 2 Our complete food service banish- J ^ es these unpleasant hours—vour phone <$) brings the opportunities afforded by 9 0 our whole store right into your home. © ® Our competent salespeople fill your or- © ® ders carefully. Our free delivery to S! ^ your door completes this time—and m (<0 energy—saving time. @ • A A © Here you will find many items, ; • among which are some of the famous S ^ Ferndell Brand food products for sum- ^ ^ mer menus. Whether you serve them ® £ daily or on special occasions when you ® ® entertain, you will be more than pleas •® ed with their distinctive flavor. * S 9 I © Remember our phone number ® % —it means convenient quick © © and dependable service to you. © i Phone 920 for Food. © • © • I © s 2 1 2 2 ' A !Two Stores, the Cheapest Places to Buy Your Groceries Bargains for Friday and Saturday ! QjlRAD 10Pound.with$2.00 AQn WUUflll Other merchandise .... aV'J - SPUDS, 10 pounds.20c COFFEE, Maxwell House, 1 pound 49c j gl FLOUR gag! $1.83 |j FLOUR agg* 94c 1 FLOUR A"gr™r 49c I 1 FLOUR 6ApoiFrd' 26c BANANAS, per pound. 7c ^ TOMATOES, Valiry Pack No. 1 can 5' 2C j§ WESSON OIL, pints.27c §|j WESSON OIL, quarts.51c H LUX, small size . 9c SAN1 FLUSH " ■fe OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, 2 lor... 15c OLD MANSE PRESERVES, 16-oz. 26c MATCHES, 5 cent size, 2 for. 8c ! LIBBY’S SLICED PINEAPPLE, I No. 21/2,2 for.49c MACARONI and SPAGHETTI, ! Our Best, 2 for. 17c I TOILET SOAP, Camay, 3 for.21c '< GOLD DUST, 6 packages.23c STEW MEAT, per pound 15c I CHUCK ROAST, Veal or £ Baby Beef, pound.20c | ARMOUR’S, Star Bacon, package.. 19c j WEINERS or FRANKFURTERS. ib~ g^MTiPT-llMiaii — —1^——K— SLICED BREAKFAST BACON, lb.. 29c MANY OTHER SPECIALS ON DISPLAY 658 W. Elizabeth — 2 - "TORES - 2 — 816 E. Elizabeth