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Newspaper Page Text
LEGAL AUV Lit. l.>b»LM *11 l - . - _ - - ■ TOE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County—Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon W. S. Jamcus. Aaron Van Wermer and Sylvia Van Wormer by making publication of this cita tion once in eacn week for four successive weeks previous to the re turn dav hereof, in some newspa per published in your county, if there be a newspaper published therein, but if not. then in any newspaper published in the 103rd Judicial District: but if there be no newspaper published in said Ju dicial District then Ui a newspaper published in the nearest district to «aid 103rd Judicial District, to ap pear at the next regular term of he 103rd Judicial District Court of Cameron County. Texas, to be holden at the court house thereof, in Brownsville. Texas, on the 3rd Monday in April. A. D. 1929. the iamc being the 15th dav of April, A. D. 1929. then and there to an swer a petition filed in said court on the 19th dav of January'. A. D. 1929. in a suit, numbered on the docket of said court No. 8295, wherein O. C. Wagner and Martha M. Wagner are plaintiffs and W. S. James. Aaron Van Worrner. Sylvia Van Wormer and James-Dickinson Farm Mortgage Company, a cor pora*ion, are defendants, and said petition alleging: First: That by deed dated January 21. 1919. re corded in Volume 75. pages 257, 259. Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas. First National Bank of Brownsville. Texas, convcved to W. S. James a ten-acre tract of 'and in said countv. in Concepcion dc Carricitos Grant, a part of the Hioks Reserve, fully deserii>ed in said deed and in nlaintiffs* peti tion: that in said deed said grant ors retained a vendor's lien upon said land to secure the payment of five vendor's lien promissory notes. LEGAL AUVLUllatMfcM executed bv W. S. James, payable to order ol First National Bank ot Brownsville. Texas, all said notes are dated January 21st. 1919. num bered one to five Inclusive, each for the principal sum of One Hundred Twenty <$120.00* Dollars, maturing respectively on the 21st day of Jan uary in the years 1921. 1922, 1923, 1924 and 1925: said notes bear in-! terest from date at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable annually; provide all past due prin- ' | clpal and interest shall bear inter est after maturity until paid at the rale of ten per centum per annum; contain the usual accelerated ma turity and a*tomey fee provisions! in the of default: that there- ! after said First National Bank of 1 I Brownsville. Texas, sold, assigned.! i transferred and delivered said 1 hereinabove described five notes to ! G. C. Wagner, who is now the own ' cr and holder thereof. That here i tofore by deed dated January 21st. * ; 1919. recorded In Volume 71. pages [ 457-459. Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas. G. C. Wagner an J Martha M. Wagner conveyed to W. S. James twenty-one and sixty-two hundredths <21.62* acres of land in Cameron Countv. Texas, in Con cepcion dc Carricltos Grant, being Block Number Eleven <11*. oi Sub division Number One <1*. of Hicks Reserve, as shown uoon the map of i said subdivision, recorded in Vol-> ume 4. page 27. of the Mao Records of Cameron Countv; that in said deed said grantors retained a ven dor's lien upon said land to secure the payment of five vendors lien promissory notes, all dated January! 21, 1919. executed bv W. S. James, payable to the order G. C. Wagner.. numbered one (1* to five <5> in clusive. each for the nrincinal su.n ; of two hundred fifty-nine and ■ maturing respectively on the 21st forty-four hundredths <$259 44*,! dav of January, in the vears 1921. j 1922. 1923. 1924 and 1925: all of said I LEGAL A UV Kit fid EM ENT notes bear interest from date there of until maturity at the rate of six per centum per annum, and there after at the rate of ten per centum per annum until paid, interest pay able annually as it accrues, and contain the usual accelerated ma turity and attorneys fee clauses in the event of default in the payment of principal and interest thereon, when due: that thereafter said W. S. James, by deed dated August 6. 1919. recorded in Volume 88. pages 168-170. Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas. conveyed said here inabove described two tracts of land to Aaron Van Wormer and Sylvia Van Wormer. and in this deed said grantor retained a vendor's lien upon said land to secure the pay ment of five certain vendor’s lien nrimossory notes, payable tb the order of James-Diekinson Farm Mortgage Company, all said notes being dated August 6. 1919. number ed one to five inclusive. Note Num ber One <1> for the principal sum of Nine Hundred Forty-eight and Sixty-hundredths <$948 60* Dollars Notes Number; Two <2*. Three <3> Four <4* and Five <5» for the prin cipal sum of Four Hundred Seve~ ‘V’Swr and Thirty-hundredths <$4(4.30* Dollars each, maturing re spectively. on the 6th day of August In tne years 1920. 1921. 1922. 1323 and 19.’4: all of said notes b°ar in terest from date thereof until the;r respective maturities at the rate of mx per centum per annum and thereafter at the rate of ten per centum per annum until paid: that as a further consideration for tfhc conveyance said Aaron Van Wor mer and Svlvia Van Wormer as. sumed the payment, of said herein above described five <5* vendor's hen promissory notes, executed by said W S. James, payable to the order of the First National Bank of Brownsville. Texa*;. and also as sumed payment of said hpreinabovp described five <5> vendors lien *•» » 4»- • * * at — * LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT promissory notes, executed by said W. S. James, payable to the order of said G. C. Wagner; that said five notes executed bv Aaron Van Wormer and Sylvia Van Wormcr. payable to the order of James Dickmson Farm Mortgage Com pany are barred bv limitation, and ; the record thereof constitutes a I cloud upon plaintiffs’ title: th’ [ plaintiffs are now the legal and ' equitable owners and holders of •aid five notes, executed bv said W. S. James, payable to the order of .said First National Bank of i Brownsville. Texas, and said five ! notes executed bv said W. S James, payable to the order of said G. C. Waencr; that default has been made in the payment of said notes, and plaintiffs have placed same in I the hands of an attorney for col lection: and that by reason thereof said attorney’s fees provided for in said notes has now accrued there on: that defendants, and each of them, though often requested so to do. have failed and refused, and still fail and refuse to pay said notes, or any part thereof, to plain tiffs’ daniaee in the sum ot twenty thousand < $20 000 00* dollars. Sec ond: That plaintiffs, on the 21st | dav of January. 1919, were, and still are. the owners in fee simple of 1 said two hereinabove described ; tracts of land, in Cameron County, Texas, containing thirtv-one and sixty-two hundredths <31.62» acres, j more or less: that, on said date plaintiffs were in possession there of. and afterward, on or about the 22nd dav of January. 1919. defen dants unlawfully erterr l uoon and dispossessed plaintiffs of said lands j and premises, and now withhold from plaintiffs the possession1 thereof. Plaintiffs pra’- for iudemrnt for said d^bt. interest, attorney's fees, and costs; for the foreclosure of the vendor s liens as against all of •'aid defendants; for the removal i LEtiAL AUV ERTISEMENT of cloud upon plaintiffs’ title; anti in the alternative that plaintiff have and recover of and f om said defendants the title and possession to said two hereinabove described tracts of land. , Here'n fail not. but have before said court .at its aforesaid next! regular term, this writ with vour return thereon, showing how ’ you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the seal of .said court, at office in Brownsville. Texas, this, the 21st day of February, A. D. 1329. • SEAL) JNO. P. SCANLAN. Clerk. District Court, Cameron County, Texas. _ 2-23-2-9-16— 4t—3343 SHERIFF'S SALE Real (state THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF CAMERON ) By virtue of an execution and or- . dcr of sale issued out of the Honor- j able District Court of liexar county. 73rd Judicial District of Texas, on the 5th day of February. 1929. by I the clerk thereof, in the rase of ! B. F. Dittniar Company vs. L. S. Tor ran.* et al. So. B-52, 03, and to me j as Sheriff directed and delivered I I will proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, between the hours | of lO;(»0 a. m. and 4:00 p. m.. March 1 R. 1929. it being the first Tuesday j in said month, at the Court Hous* door of Cameron county. Texas in ! the citv of Brownsville, the follow ing described real estate: to-wit. Lot piomber three 13) in block number four (4) of the Taylor Fub- 1 division to the city of Harlingen, j being a subdivision of block number thirty-nine (39> of the Harlingen Land and Water company’s subdivi- i sion, lanieron county. Texas, situ-1 ated in the cite of Harlingen. Cam eron county. Texas. Levied on the 7th day of 1-obru-* LEGAL A lit EKnsa.MKXI ary. 1929. and to be told to satisfy a judgi#nt dated January 21. 1929. and recorded in the minutes of said court in volume 23. pages 405-107. in favor of B. F. Dittmar company, a corporation, against defendant, Hallie Torrans. for the sum of three thousand five hundred fifty-seven and 67-100 dollars ($3.567J»7) with interest at the rate of ten per cent (10 per cent) per annum from Janu ary 24. 1929. until paid and all costs of suit, and the further costa of sale, together with a foreclosure of a deed of trust lien on the above described real estate as said lien existed on the 20th day of *'-reh, 1928. against defendants, L. S Tor rans. If illie Torrans. Sam B. Willis. W. K. Henderson. C. W. Brown. E. R. Rat'liff end L. (I. Braden, (he said I.. G. Braden individual1;.- and as trustee for \V. K. Henderson, C. W. Brown and E. R. Ratcliff. Given under nr hand this 7th day of February. 1929. W. F. BROWN. Sheriff, < nmeren County, Texas 2-9- 16-23-3t ‘3328 Wood & Dodd | Insurance j [ Bonds and Loans jj PHONE 100 Spivey-Kowalski Eld?. Brownsville. Texas ■ _ ' • . I * *s *. I I ~ — —1 Today’s Radio Features Saturday, Feb. 7i |Central Standard Time1 t:W—fT5.- i R i tal: Memory i.Vtil««t—WEAK 1TOY B’W.I KSL# WHO UDW KOA KSI. Kio KUO Kllg KOMO KFI KUW 7:30— M '('red Hum. with Marimba OrcrheMm—WEAK WHY WWJ K3D WHO KOA KSL KPO KUO KOMO Kllg KFI KOW *.00—Svnurtionr Orchestra: Nikolai SnknlofT. Conductor—WRAP* WuT l WTAM WWJ KSf> WHO WOW \VOAF tVTMJ KOA WHAS W MO WSH WKAA KPUC WOAl WKY V%.LC KSL KPO KUO KHQ KUW KOMO KFI * 00-Ti i > cl Umadwry: l>anoe Tiinm-WKAK WHY WTAM WWJ WON KSI* WHO WOW MOM- K VOtl W F A A KPUC WOAl W’HAS M S!: *.. « 'U KSTP K*»A KSL klu KUO KFI KUW KOMO Klly MM. Y li’.iC ▼ ALLEY RADIO ^ KVYWG— Valley Radio Station W. Crownsi me ^ 4 l>0-o i.» p m.—Associate ' Press dispatches and Valley news from < 1 he Brownsville Herald, followed by musical numbers. 6:&.V6.lMl—World Bookman, popular radio feature. 6:09-7:09— Musical numbers. S\Tl RI)\y7~M. 11:00-110 a. tn.—Musical numbers and studio specialties. i 11:90*11:30 —Popular and *emi-clasMcai selections from tha Capitol theater organ by tentote control. 11:55-lS:uo — Local end general weather forecast arid bulletin on Rio Grande. BOOST THE PORT I I The Officers and Directors of The First National Bank, are first, last and always for the Port coining I to Brownsville. We have the greatest asset in the I , world in our Airport. The next best asset, will be ffl our Port at BROWNSVILLE. I i There will never be one of our Official family who will be against a Deep water port at Browns ville. Let the whole community puli together and I make this the greatest city in the Southwest. This bank will always be found in the foremost ranks of those who are boosting for Brownsville, and the Rio Grande Valley. If You Are Not a Customer, START AN I ACCOUNT TODAY 4'< Interest Paid on Savings and Certificates of Deposit First National Bank 4* i Brownsville, Texas I | “THE FRIENDLY BANK” I Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley ^ I MIGH PRESSURER PETE —Ya Can’t Blame the Guy " —Sw^T I-7-——. . I i r...■■ - ----- ■■■ ■ _ . ___ I A'Mr J NEXT GOV TW <5HC A / A votse. CffACK A3O0T LALA / G0»L 1* 6eNr<A GtT A Bjsr IN DC. / ^7^ HOT I WB - ( 5a at •*<««> ) i’*i ft . : -yrncr-*z* 3~ . L-IM• *£ ~T WHOOPl e_\T~ \jfLO 6*3 V l ! / nnnrn J. * ——■ --^rrstr' C1121. by Cw.l r-»M AM:mw. Uc- "^y^<ypg _ X-V1-V9 THE GUMPS — A Tip From Ausstinn _Sidney Smith AOERRV \ MOTHER' 7\ ( YWAT NAS ) WERE ROlNEP.' ]| | \ha ppened? I completely -<-> WIPED OUT- \ AND IT WfV^ \ MR. AUSTIN NS TIP- T I LL NEWER PLAY 1 ( KETAOAifJ- > aivER POSSESSED A 3LE ? TERRIBLE ! >ING COMING ON — LL VS/E DO ? ll we ever hose BILLS ? R ME/vven S s^ke J»S Av SECRET — ET MR. /\USSTlNKi \ vT WE RE PENNILESS-} lNt» MUST STOP \ ——\ THt ^^WNyWEDDINtr^ ETTA KETT — You’re the Sail to My Love Boat! —Paul Robinson im not acting* 1 fM \s'!LO NBOdr \DU." I'M ottoOUl r NCU^E. UKE \*ME W ,1 CANT UVE W 1 MV ft>VOCO OtAP- M VtiTHOJT NOU \ V- Go AV4CAD \ PW'.L-M^VX y uove to me . \ UKf TME( V \ TO'H'n4E y\ MOVE^ =V _^iy z'_ A\JL *iAN —riuT I •__ 1! \ U4— Cafgllgkt. ISM. b> CtutTAl r-«B Aaocutioa. b*. GOOFEY MOVIE —Nehcr * ? S5B.VE0 TO <AT.e TH4TT POU£ O'CLOCK (WOULD MEVcC CO V* E. — 11 'I CopyrifM, 1929, by Central Trera AsaociaUor, Inc. ——* But PiuAuy pour ocuoc<- o\0 AR Qi v £.... % SUT UJITWOUT* BERr RUE. S*X AMD SEVJENJ RS-jOX'E^ AkjO S'-riUU MO eERT.. * {GRACIOUS: x M getting 1 UJO PPtEO.,.. OH, COME TO A Tmsj< op rr x hAvenjt 1 maos eso.... am' mes LIAS'-E TO f-ECE AMy J MlKJUTE.^Ay SEClOJS* KAS* \ * rO(JtC<. DAODV. UOOte x'uu get EVEN! f Oh CAOCT' WMAT X FOOIUD INI UJITH vou POQ ( 0£27 SEEM CES'CUiNJS kATIE, ^ < -UEO'?’/ WAS* QAM TwBite I MC<aSEEN ASCEMAfftOFoa *<Ut,ED GOOCEV MOVIES, SECT'7 A PC ZE POP odmt npj g j2ii% £&*** Paqt \3 Gaopgy moves T^MOaQOA %TWiS- RAPES. % xxy -u—y^. .11 La Joya Gravel Co. INCORPORATED MISSION. TEXAS BOX 554 I Kirin the I ’ POINT ISAREI. BUS LINE {] \uu Arc Insured I Leaves Brownsville ■ BlarL Diamond Bus Station ■ 8:00 — 12:00 — 1:00 I Leaves Point Isabel I 10:00 — 2:00 — 6:00 | J. S. FORD & SONS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS Brownsville. T. Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY 1 Certified Public Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Carneiro & Company) Real Estate Investments CHARLES REID « Scabury-George-Taylor Bldg. 9th and Elizabeth " PERRY L. KING & CO. | AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SEII'MC'*? Systems. Organisation and Statistical Report* Bu*!nc»* Control Travis Building Nixon Building San Antonin. Trias. Corpus Christl. Trial. ■■■bi^wtmmmmmmmmm A CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to the public to visit our plant and Inspect the careful | and thorough testing methods tn use which at. ure only pip* of the highest quality being deiivrred to the purchaser. for complete information address Owen M. Conilf, District Salei Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051 — Brownsville, Tcxaa. Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Ccncrete Pipe Manufacturer* of Texas. Concrete Pipe *«r Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. Valley Abstract Co. PROMPT TITLE SERVICE BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG I Opposite Courthouse E. Harriman Blvd. Phone 1181 Phone 91 ■if w Hi in. ■in—i iw—giiwMwww'* *r—wrwuww i ■ mm •- f ■■w,,n|.M>g3r-5aiaiKsw' jgaiMg.f fJpwHlM .iPWP'1. jPP* pp»W"Wf ***** *m.«h.»bw« ...iwnnii'unn y