Newspaper Page Text
An Economical Public Servant- -The Want Ads in The HERALD AUTOMOTIVEAUTOMOTIVE I * GOOD USED CARS Priced to Suit Every Pocketbook 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet Coupe.$575.00 1927 Chevrolet Truck, stake body, overhauled.$525.00 1926 Chevrolet Touring.$250.00 § Ford. 5-passenger Touring, 1926 .$162.00 1928 Chrysler Coupe, model 62.$925.00 Almost new 1928 La Salle Sedan. 5-passenger, custom built.$2140.00 Essex Coach. 1928 .JJ50.00 Star Touring. f] 50.00 Ford Coupe.$500.00 Dodge Sedan, 1926 .$500.00 Chrysler Sedan, model 70. 1927 . $925.00 Cadillac, 7-passenger sedan for land drive.$950.00 . Trade in your old car as down payment Balance Easy Terms Used car lot across from Post Office Open every night until 8 P. M. W?Qermofi Motor Colne Brownsville, Texas . # I —.— - - . ■ — -— GOOD USED CARS SOLD IN GOOD FAITH We are Buick dealers with the Buick reputation to maintain. This is true with both new and used cars. We cannot afford to let you drive away any used car that is not exactly as repre sented. We cannot afford to tell you anything but the truth about the used cars we sell. Step in and look over our splendid choice of re conditioned used cars. We have the car you need at the price you wish to pay—and on re markably liberal terms. Buick Master Sedan, 1926 ....$725.00 Buick Master Roadster, 1926 ..$550.00 Buick Standard Sedan, 1925 ............. $525.00 Pontiac Landau Sedan, 1927 . $525.00 Chrysler Touring, 60.$350.00 Oldsmobile Sedan, 1926 .$350.00 Nash Sedan, 1925 .$225.00 Ford Touring, 1925 ....$ 60.00 Abbott Buick Company 9th &. Washington Phone 1133 i«t High Grade Used Cars 1926 Buick, 7-passengcr Sedan.$ 975.00 1927 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$ 950.00 1927 Buick Sport Convertible Coupe . . $1000.00 1928 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$1200.00 1926 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$ 700.00 1927 Chrysler Sport Roadster.$ 950.00 1926 Buick Sport Touring.$ 550.00 Packard 4-door, 5-passenger Sedan . . $ 600.00 These cars in first class condition and sold on sales contract guarantee. T Compare the above c ars with medium price new Bears or any used cars in the Valley. TERMS,TO SUIT ' Wells Valley Motor Co. (Service After Sales) Packard Valley Dealers San Benito. Texa3 Articles For Sale Articles For Sale ---- f SPECIAL NOTICE The Rio Grande Valley GAS APPLIANCE COMPANY 835 Elizabeth Street — Brownsville Is offering some very sensational low prices on * used cooking and heating equipment. - If you are in the market for anything of this character, for goodness sake don't fail to see the Gas Appliance Company. , Also some excellent values in Westinghouse and Hot Point cooking stove, and some slightly used gas burning numbers. V This consists of Red Star. Florence and Nesco C, oil cook stoves, in the range type as well as cookers. 1^11.— "** 1 *' Positions are Found in Classified Ads REAL ESTATEHEAL ESTATE 12*2 Acres excellent Citrus land. Cleared and under cultivation; well drained, concrete irriga tion ditch, one half mile off paving, and five and half miles from town. Priced light. 45 Acres, cleared and under cultivation. 5 miles from town on paved road. Will cut to suit pur chaser. This can be bought cheap NOW. 200 Acres, 6 miles from town on paved highway; adjoining beautiful Citrus groves. Now in brush. An excellent opportunity for some one desiring a tract to develop. 4 Acres, on highway, 3*2 miles from town, over looking beautiful lake. An ideal spot for a coun try home. ROY C. SETHMAN CO., Inc. OPPOSITE EL JAROIN HOTEL 1117 LEVEE STREET PHONE llfS AUTOMOTIVE GOOD USED CARS The Car* Listed Below Are Real Bargains — and Everyone I s Guaranteed as Represented: 1P27 Chrysler Coupe. < a good one .. ( 1927 Chevrolet Roadster, <v?7> ready for good service .... v—' - 1925 Dodge Coupe. C9fYl good condition . »P—tAJ 1927 Chevrolet coupes (2). C2&Z first class condition at .. ' 1927 Ford coupes (2) in good con dition, worth 097" the money .v—' J 1928 Pontiac Coupe, thoroughly ov erhauled, four practically 097 “ new tires, runs like new .. v**/ J 1924 Ford Touring, in first 01 "A class condition. %pljvj 1925 International Truck, 09-a good condition .O-Ju 1926 Ford Roadster, good -Q All cars guaranteed as they are represented. SAM FOSTER MOTOR COMPANY ‘ Sam Wants to See You1’ -1 1928 Chevrolet Sedan. Looks like new car only run 5550 miles. Good tires, good paint, only $193.00 down, and balance $43.00 per month. 1928 Chevrolet Coupe. Almost new. Run 8800 miles, original finish. Good tires, mechanically O. K. $191.00 down. $43.00 per month. 1938 Chevrolet Touring. New Duco finish. Good tires, mechanic ally O. K. Run 8650 miles. $159.00 down. $36.00 per month. 1927 Chevrolet Landau Sedan. Me chanically O. K. New Duco finish. Good tires. As good as a new’ car. $153.00 down, bal ance $35.00 per month. Buy with confidence, three days free trial STEVENSON MOTOR CO.. INC, 10th A: Adams. Brownsville Used Cars And Trucks For Sale Sev J. B. PUCKETT Delta Investment Company rhone 1066. N-10 WE WANT SALESMEN .Vr arc lorkitxg for Inen who w..nt to increase their earnings. These I men will *e»l Chevrolet*, the worlds i most popular automobile Must l>e able to talk anc understand Span ish. We will trr- n and furnish com plete selling co ipmem. STEVENSON MOTOR CO., Inc. 10th A Adams Brown* N-"1T ' GOODWILL USED CARS The following listed used cars have been thoroughly recondition , ed and therefore we arc able to place a Thirty Day Guarantee on them. 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Pontiac Coupe 1927 Essex Sport Road ster 1926 Dodge Coupe 1926 Oakland Coach Three 1927 ton trucks 1924 Ford Roadster, slip on body Will take your old car in trade THE ISOM MOTOR CO.. INC. 820 Elizabeth Street Phone 1350 FOR SALL. 12Z1 Fori coup*. FSO. Cali U6i. MW i 4 AUTOMOTIVE PACKARD Straight eight seven passenger sedan. Rig sacrifice for rath. Tele phone 678-W. N222 Help Wanted WANTED: Efficient housekeeper Must jave good h.ilth id furnish reference. Address Mrs. A. t. An derson, city. L-I78 WANTED—Six waiters or waitresses Apply in person. The Rainbow Cafe, Inc., Harlingen. N-212 WANTED—First class machinist. La More Machine Shop. Point Isabel. Phone 344. N-234 RELIABLE PARTY wanted to han dle Watkins Products in Browns ville. Customers established. Ex cellent opportunity for right man. Earnings over $40 weekly. Write A. B. Lederer, 70 West Iowa Ave.. Memphis. Tcnn. Application also invited from hustlers In Weilaco. Harlingen, MrAllen, Hidalgo. N-86 SALESLADIES—Earn $33 and more weekly showing “PIC-WIC” Frocks for women and children. Full or spare time. No investment. Pick Wick Company, Ft. Wayne, Ind. N-233 ^ ANTED—Man who knows farm life to travel in country. Steady work. Good profits. McConnon & Co.. Dept B-^97. Memphis. Tenn. J-51 LADIES—If you can do plain sew ing during your spare time, send ad dressed envelope for instructions; no selling. Restful Pajama C«I, 39 12 Academy St., Long Island City, N. Y. N-13 situ at7ons~w Ante d ~ YOUNG MARRIED man with two years rales experience, at present employed, desires to work for firm that can offer advancement. Ad dress N-209 care Herald. N-209 BAND INSTRUCTOR AT LIBERTY 30 years’ professional experience. Best reference. Teach all band In struments. Specialize In school bands. Can furnish 40 or more high school band instruments. Will sell same reasonable. Good terms. Write quick. Bandmaster, 319 Moss St.. Lake Charles. La. N22! IF YOU KNOW you can fill a bet ter job, tell the classified ad-taker about it and invite offers. -a LADY SECRETARY-Stenographer. general office assistant. 6 years ex perience. p'easlng personality, de sires position. Address Box HRS. McAllen, Texas._ N-231 Salesmen — Agents AMAZING NEW prei>ared ~cake flour offers you $13 profit a day. Makes delicious cakes in a Jiffy. Contains eggs, sugar, flavor, short ening, etc. Just add water and bake. No muss. No failures. Per fect results always. Housewives simply wild over ft. Tremendous re peat business. Write for Special Introductory Offer. Jiffycake Co. 4047 Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. N-85 BIG OHIO Corporation seeks man ager for unoccupied territory. $50 weekly commission. Earnings start immediately. Good for $5,000 yearly. We furnish rvervthing. de liver and collect. Capital nr experi ence unnecessary. Pyr-Fyter Co.. 1869 Fyr-Fyter Bldg., Dayton. Ohio. N-8 WANTED — Ambitions, industrious person to introduce end supply the demand for Rawleigh Household Products i« McAllen. Mercedes. Har (lingen. San Benito and Brownsville, and other near-by towns or rural dis tricts; $150 to $400 a month or more cleat* profit. Rawleigh methods get business everywhere. No selling ex perierce required. We supply prod ucts, outfit, sales and service meth ods—everything you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices, best values, most complete service. | W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept TX-6022. LMemfchis, Teon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOl£ SALE—Hotel in good town; good business, long lease, easy .terms; a real hay. Address Milter ■Hotel, Mission, Texas. N-7R I FOR SALE—Fixtures and stock of a cafe. Cheap. Good location. Big business. Owners leaving town. Fall at Black Diamond Cafe. N-1S7 FOR SALE—Small cigar stand lian dlfng fruits, candies, and news papers. Well located Good monev Want to sell quick. Address N-233 care Herald. N-2S5 WILL PAY CASH for small estab lished business that can be devel oped. Give details, price. Mever. Box 1305, St. Louis. Mo. N-228 FOR 8ALE—An established busi ness. small investment, big returns. Must sell on account of l"»a!th. Address Bor; 393, McAllen. Texas |_N-232 FOR BALE—Furniture and lease of 19-room hotel, doing good business, fine location Priced to sell quick, low rent. L. L. Zenor i Co San Eemto. N-211 * DIRECTORY ef want* and offer* vhich is revised avery day will be I found ia the Classified Sactiea. Lost and Found HAVE YOU READ the opportunities end bargains offered to you in the Classified Section today? LIVE TOCK^POULTRY SPECIAL on baby chicks: get our prices. G. R. Slbson Co., La Pena N202 BABY CHICKS—All breeds twelve dollars jter hundred. Hatching every Monday and Thursday. Brooder chicks from three to fifteen days old. prices reasonable. Cameron County Chlckeries. La Feria. N-239 BABY CHICKS—Njw booking orders foi early delivery. Reds, Rocks, Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bring your custom hatching eggs every Monday. Roy E. Clark Seed Co.. San Benito, Texas. M-137 CERTIFIED CHICKS—From 2«9 ec? cockerels: bloodtested; leading va rieties: orices within read of sH Live delivery. Catalog free. Dixie Poultry Farms. Box 104, Brenhart. Texas. 1-218 Trees — Seeds — Plants FOR SEEDS of all kinds, see Mason Transfer and Grain Co.. 1105 Adsmx. _ M-126 WILL TRADE a cow or cows for good young White leghorn bens up to one thousand hens. Inquire at Lilly's, two miles east of Mer cedes. 1-2 mile south of highway A. Lilly. Mercedes Tex. N221 BUDDING ! ! Would like to bud y«ur sour orange seedlings on shares. Will furnish buds. Fleet A. Lentz. Mercedes, Texas, phone 9002FI1. . M-2PS FOR SALE: Tomato plants; Lon Pinks Marglobe. June Pinks. Liv ingston. Globe. G. R. Sibson Co.. La Feria. N202 ' ... ..... -...... Pink Marsh. Foster Pink, and Thompson Pink sccdlc&s, 5-8 and 3-4 inch caliper nursery trees. Select buds. Certified, and many other standard va rieties. Guaranteed \V. P. Hauser Nurseries McAllen. Texas Phone J01-W N201 FOR SALE—800 Marsh seedless grapefruit and some orange trees, inch calibre, 3-year root, raised by San Benito Nursery. Non-resident owner cannot get down here to use them, so authorizes me. agent, to sell same at bargain. Fred Hector. 276 North Bonham Ave.. San Benito. M-21S PERSONAL WANTED: Two young men to share apartment with two others now occupying it. All expenses, rent, meals, laundry, etc., coopera tive. Address N-219. care Herald. N219 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING wanted; children's clothes a specialty. Phone 9001F12 N110 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Call at house nearest Palm Blvd. on Remca Drive in Belvedere, or inquire at Herald office. M-255 Articles For Sale BEAUTIFUL FIBRE living room suite. Call at 912 Levee street. N195 GOOD cans hay for aale. $16.00 to $20.00 per ton. delivered within 6 miles of Brownsville. J. B. Kce. 1523 West Elisabeth St„ Brownsville. Texas. Phone 1393W. M 73. LADIES HOSE mended; run*, pulls, and snags. Valiev Hosa Mending Co 745 Elisabeth.1-19* .’>00,000 common mud bricks for tala J. 3- Ford. Brownsville. H-164 PIANOS repossessed like new. $12160 Baldwin Grand, $400.00 paid; wilt sacrifice; also used piano and play er bargains. Carl Moeller Music Store, opposite M. P. Depot. Wesla co. Texas. M-216 FOR SALE: One 5x7 McCroiy, one 5x7 Viking meat cooler boxes suit able for dairy or gracery fixtures M. System. La heria, Texaa. M99 LARGE BLEACHED flour sacks 2 to 5 dozen delivered Valley points, $1.20 dozen. Phone 850-J. Valley Sack Exchange, 105 St. Charles 6t.. Brownsville. N-167 WILL SELL half-carat. blue-whHe. perfect diamond in lady’s ring for $125 cash. Will leave any bank for inspection. Box N-227. N-227 FOR SALE—Burroughs 7-column adding machine and stand. Per fect. condition. Leaving city. Tele phone 1207. N-240 Buy or Exchange FOR EXCHANGE: Small farm lest than six miles from Brownsville near goed school and eonrreta road. Will exchange for vacant lota or im proved residence property. Address, Owner. P. O. Box 831, Brownsville Texas. Nf>4 FOR EXCHANGE — San Antonie apartment house for Browpsvilh property. J S. Ford & Sons. N-141 FOR EXCHANGE: Citrus land neaj airport for city home. Address N 193. care Herald. N192 WTLL TRADE 240 acres at Hope Aikansas. for Valiev land. 180 in cultivation, half rich black land; 2 houses, large barn, fine water. A. H Andres. 228 West Davis. Dallas Texas. N-2W REAL- ESTATE { ■ !-!■ .1 I .1 I — MUM - I Nil ■' ■ '!■ I— II . ■!! ■ SUMMIT PLACE Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-diviaion. Just ona mil# from Elizabeth Street, on Fourteenth Street—the buay thor oughfare leading to the proposed ship channel and turning basin —through the rich farming sec tion of El Jardin—to the mu nicipal airport and en to South point. Easy terms. Investigate TODAY. Office 14th and Haya Sts.. J. J. Dallas. Sales 63 mage r. phone 336, Brownsviilq. Terns. Mat l REAL ESTATE LAND BARGAINS—162 acres—235 acres—Donna district, cultivated. Nothing better. Priced low. Wire • rite or call—G BL Swallow. Alamo Texas. V 4M FOR SALE 20 acres good irrigated land in El Jardin Tract, well drained; price $100.00 per acre, terms. GO acres irrigated land in El Jardin tract, ail in cultivation and rented; on concrete highway, electric line; price $125.00 per •ere, cash 40 acres all In cultivation and rented, one mile from small town and concrete road; pries $150.00 per acre. term*. 17 acres near Brownsville, all in cultivatW’”, good hou-e, well and windmill; about 3 acres bearing grove, good citrus lard; price J15/*00.0n. James-Dickinson Company C omer Travelers Hotel Thone 450 Brownsville, Te»»s M 162 NOTICE d'seontended Valley farm ers: Am selling 25 acres in 5-acre blocks near city limits. San Marcos. Texas, near good schools and col leges For particulars write J. C. Tyson. San Marcos. Tex. N175. For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanoa Subdivision. Winding resara running through property offer ing natural lake front sites for subdivision. This property is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lomax & Houston and Broansvillw Development Co. A BARGAIN—1000 or less acre:-, of land located 11 miles due north of | Mercedes. 6 miles west of Sebastian; | includes i’anchita Ranch, sweet water wells, flood protected, non-irrigated, but can be watered. Come see me. Fred L. Johnston, owner, Panchit* Ranch. Mercedes. Texas. N-88 FOR SALE i Paying income proper ty, 1 7-10 acres, 9 fur nished cottages, city conveniences, 30 bear ing citrus trees. Price $6000 cash, some terms. BOX 455 SAN BENITO, > TEXAS FINE 12-ACRE tract on Banker Ruad half mile from Brownsville. Con crete canal and good drainage. $850 per acre. Carlos (i. Watson, owner. M-21 FOR SALE BY OWNER—40 acies fine citrus land; U acres citrus or chard, 5 acres bearing. 5 years old; cm paved road; nicely located. Close to cither town, Weslaco or Mercedes. Also stucco Court Apart ments. beautifully located in Wes laco. Texas. Close in. Income S200 per month. Address P. O. Box 732, Weslaco. Texas. N-205 FOR SALE by the owner; 6 resi dences. one equipped apartment house: .some lota: some acreage. 40 acre ranch, improved Will trade it for Nebraska lands. Will sell part cash, balance easy terms. 8 per cent interest. Oscar Petersen. I live on comer of 9th and St diaries streets. N22G REVENUE bearing property for sale cheap; small investment: call quick. Box N65. Herald. N65. OWNER WILL SELL 20 acre* good resaca land, irrigated, in cultivation Harlingen district, only $7.» an asre. cash, balance easy. Need money. Also 10 acres at paving. Ri*> Hocdo San Benito rjad. 5 acre* citrus. H. H. Parks. San Benito, Texas, phone 6025F1I. 'M2G1 FOR SALE: Grapefruit orchard 2 1-2 acres with 7-room house on it. On good street, adjoining McAllen, fvsno, terms. F. Z. Collin*. 912 Fifteenth Su Des Moines, la. M208. Farm* For Sale OWNER OFFERS 10 acres west of Brownsville on Military paving, ripe for subdivision; also 10 acres, two acres planted to citrus, at Olmito I need money, the price is right. H. H Parka, phone 6023F1I, San Benito. Texas. M2&3 HOME on bearing grove: 10 meres | of 4 yemr old bearing ormnge and grapefruit. 4 1-2 miles from Brownsville. 2000 feet off of hard surface road. House. gara«e. and other improvements on the bank of a resaca. Must be sold at once. 112.500, no more. Phone 1398-W or call at 849 West Washington St, Brownsville. N183 FOR SALE BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight room house, five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from concrete highway. Reasonable price and terms. Address P. O. Box 831. Brownsville. Texas. NM. WILLACY COUNTY farm lands for sale. Choice Victoria loam amis, cleared. 190 per acre and up. on easy terms. No trades. II In terested write or call on Isadora Moritz, Raymondvtlle, Texas. __N182 18 ACRES 3 veer old orchard well located, at real hergam price Come •and examine U. Updegrmlf. La . Feria. Texas. N193 Farms For Sale FOR SALE: 40 acres on the main highway between Edinburg and Pharr. All in cultivation and irri gates perfectly. Choice fruit land Price $285.00 per acre. You can t beat It. Good six-room house, elec tric lights and telephone service. Water rate $1.00 per acre. Not a foot of waste land. OW?NER, Miss C. M. Flinn. 2055 N. 14th St.. Mc Allen, Texas. Phone 105. N126 10 ACRES good land near Har lingen. Imlf mile west of Avondale on road to Primera. All in culti vation. Only $1750 for entire ten acres with $750 cash and balance easy terms. S. C. Graham & Co, Brownsville. Texas. N-214 18 ACRES Nine acres bearing grove, rive acre, four year old trees. 1.000 acres rit*e for development con tract. Telephone or address box 469. Brownsville. N22J FOR SALE BY OWNER—Beautiful Valley home. t»n acres; 2 1-2 acres in 12 year old citrus trees; modern 7-room dwelling; 1-2 mile Iran con crete highway and one mile of good town, in the midst of rood neigh bors. Orchard alone will yield an nually 10 per cent of sale price. Ad dress box 488. La Ferla. Texas. _N-112 12 1-2 ACRES near Brownsville, near school, near railroad loading station, necr gin and on pavement.! 411 in cultivation and possession at oner. Only $2500 00 A dandy loca- j tion for a store in connection with ' farm S. C. Graham & Co., Phon^ j 179. Brownsville. Texas. N-243 i BEARING GROVE quarter mile from paving. Good soil. Phone 470. 1 N-237 5 ACRES good citrus fruit land well : located in El Jardin. Only $1000 00 ! for entire acreage S. C. Graham <fc ! Company. Phone 179, Brownsville. Texas. N-242 10-ACRES good land only one mile I from city limits of San Benito. All in cultivation. Only $150 per acre. S. C Graham & Company, Phone 179. Brownsville. Texas. N-242 FOUR SECTIONS agricultural land ] northwest of Mission, $12 per *cre. 180-320-1800 acres highest type cit-, rus land, all connecting, four coun-1 ty roads, one proposed paved: pas! line, where farmers make rood. $3*. j per a-*re; terms. C,. Helbitr. Real j Estate, 23 years in Valley. Del-Wait, Hotel. Brownsville. N-18 FOR SALE—South 30 acres of block 12. Chieaco Garden, adjacent to paved boulevard and Municipal Airport, un der irrigation, half cleared. J. F MeKeel. Ada. Okla. M-227 Wanted—Real Eatate Wa NTED— Hear from owner good farm for sale. Cash price, partic ulars. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. * N225 FOR SALE, by owner. 33.5 acre* of fine citrus land. Cleared, well drain ed. water available. Quarter mile from paved highway, seven miles from Brownsville. Inonire of C. A. Burton, Brownsville. Texas. M-3 Horses For Sale WILL SACRIFICE my last two beau tiful homes. Better hurry: only two left n rooms and bath: textone ! two-ton* finish: beautiful light fix tures: automatic water heaters. Sic Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. Laves and 17th streets. Victoria Heights, rhone 107J-M. K-170 RARGAIN for quick sale. Five-room house with rn», hot water and par age. 1410 W. Elisabeth. J. Haiti ner, owner. N-98 5-ROOM modem house, new. for sale on easy terms. Phone 470. IN-236 i WHY PAY RENT—Lot. house chicken hc*’t.*e. rose garden and etc. All $725. Box 834. Phone 1135-W. I_ N-210 TWO 8-ROOM residences in Okla homa City, fastest growing city in l the South Will sell or exheangr for choice citrus land or orchard I Corner Lake Drive and Madison P. O Box 3'.9, Brownsville. N198 Lota For Sale 'THREE BEAUTIFUL terraced loti ! *>n Levee street corner One of the i best apartment house sights in Brownsville. Must be sold at one*. f' Owner leaving town. SIR West Washington. Phone 1S99W. | _N30 OWNER must sell at once beauti i ful corner lota on Elizabeth street, i Best apartment house site In i Brownsville. $3500.00. Phone 1338 W. or call at 849 West Washington street. Brownsville. N188 FOR SALE Two lots In Edinburg; tBree loti in San Benito: 83 lots io Browns ville; seven lots outside Browns ville city limits; twenty per cent cash, balance in one. two. three end four years; or monthly payment! if preferred- B. E. Hmkley. Bro - ville. H-W SACRIFICE well located Elisabeth street lot, otiiy $2,500. Al-o well located trackage lot on Fronton street, only $1,500. S. C- Graham & Co. phone 170. Brownsville. Trias. N-14R FOR SALE—Improved 2-3 of lota S , and 10. block $4, Adams 1111. J. B. i Hoyt, Box 251, Monterrey, N. L_ Mexico. M-254 OWNER of beautiful Los Ebanos lot willing to sell at sacrifice price, on account of having moved to Ban Antonio. For particulars telephone 1398-W, or write P O Box 705 N-238 Wanted—Real Estate WANTED—Have client who wants to buy bearing grove at right price. Foster-Mocthart Company In O mack Bid?. N-237 WANTED—Resident of Brownsville wants to buy 5-room modern home with garage if priced at right fig ure See Fcwter-Moothart Company In Cromuck B!dg. on 11th street. N-231 RENTALS ROOMING HOU8E. 14 rooms, all furnished; $75 a month. Phone 958-J. St. Charles and 12th street Ills._tfTM FOR RENT—Store revets In »**g mat> building, fieri Crwateck. M*>6. RENTALS THERE'S SURE TO BE somethini interesting to you in the Classified Section today. Read it! FOR RENT—3-room house. 4-room house, 5-room house, 6-rooin house, a fine apartment on Pa!m Blvd.. and a duplex in West Brown*ville. South ern Realty Co., phone 914. N2*J FURNISHED HOUSt" every conven- & lence; on pavement; *iv* rooms, sleeping porch, garage. Also -two w room house, sleeping porch, garage. Also two single sleeping room*. Phor.e 1E28-W. N6;* I -- The Arcade Building One single and two double offices. Light, airv. new and modern. Eight foot ventilators, lavatory, ceiling fasts. Centrally located See Dr. Spivey. Room 5, Phone 17. N-2K> WANTED TO KENT—Modern 10 or 12-room house, dose in. furnish*! or unfurnished. Responsible peorK Must be reasonable. Address N-lv; Herald office. N-I5ti Apartments FOR RENT—Four-room apartment equipped with gas range, Fngidaire. automatic water heater and modern plumbing. Garage. Apply on Prem ises at Fourteenth and Garfield. M-.TJ ROOMS and apartments. 701 bu Charles TaL 1017._ £71 FURNISHED apartments and duplex. Phone 551. Y-3. FURNISHED APARTMENT in new Duplex, 1111 West Elizabeth street. Every convenience and garage. Tele phone 1CJ3-W. N-37 YOU DON'T HAVE to ba in bu7 iness to profit by classified adver tising. NICE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment with garage, also 4-room furnished apartment. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N17 / DUPLEX with 10 rooms, $60 per>4 month. Suitable for two families; ▼ garage, water, lights, gas and bath; ' on paved street, one block from Boulevard and two blocks from high school. Apply Popular Store. N-203 FOR RENT: 3-room apartment and Iditii. gas and lights. Call at 247 St. Charles or phone 90. N121. NEW APARTMENTS and room*, ev erything furnished. 1022 West St. Francis, phone 957-J. N121. FOR RENT—Apartment, upstairs; private bath; all conveniences. 1517 Madison St. Nag NICELY FURNISHED three-room apartment, with gas. Garage free. • $30. Phone 946-W. N164 3-ROOM APARTMENTsTfurnbh cd or unfurnished. 912 Levee St. __ N195 FOR RENT: Two furnished apart ments, 1400 Adams, phone 274. Ml 73 NEBRASKA ARaRTMENTS - Fur nished, every convenience, frtffidatre, and gas range a. Jefferso.. and Four teenth Strreta. Phone 11.4. W-42 IT'S SO EASY to pick up your tele phone and talk to a classified ad taker. FOR RENT: Desirable furnished apartment. Applv **M” 8ystem Store, West Elizabeth St. N223 COLONIAL APTS.—Choice south east apartment will be vacant March 5. Living room, bed room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook. Completely furnished. Call 1173-W. *N-241 Furnished Rooms FOR RENT: Bedroom suitable for two men. close in, next to bath. Sep arate entrance, reasonable rent. Ap ply Black Diamond Cafe. N177. ROOMS, one block from one block from El Jardin hotel; large, southern exposure; reason* ble. Phone 1226W ur 1317. M-213 [ SLEEPING ROOM and apartment. 1022 St Charles, phone 928-J. M-159 ■ FOR RENT—Well furnished sleeo I ing room; twin beds, meals if de ' sired: alto housekeeping apartment. ' cl«*e In. Phone 1*9. —L-45 i NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. Call at Delta Hotel. 808 1-2 Elisabeth St., one block from postoffice. Phone 801. M-68. ONeT OR TWO ROOMS for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Call 1149-J. N186 FOR RENT: Two bedrooms. Mm. Gardner at San Carlo*. Nlf>P LARGE, well furnished bedroom, gas belt. 1005 8t. Charles, phono 1340-WN-216 BKDROOM in private family 004 Aram* St. $2 >« r»er w"*k S-y>1 House* MODERN 5-room bouse with gas, garage. Phone 911. )UM FOR RENT—5-mora furnished house. 12th and St. Charles. Phone 722. M-m TO RENT—5-roem house, beautiful ly furnished, hot and cold water, gat electric light*, doable garage. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Ceil 763 or 107S.M.N2«. FOR RENT; 4-room cottage end bath. Apply 709 Fourteenth street. NUt 5 ROOM MODERN house with large sleeping porch; hoi water, garage, on pavement. 1824 West Elisabeth ■treet. t ail any morning. C45O0 per nion‘,i. NI7 9 ONE 6-ROOM modert* residence. $35 per month. Paved street, Vic toria Addition. Call 183. N187 FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, ex cellent location. A real home with ail modem conveniences. Will g:ve lease; reasonable rent. Phone 470. N-213 HOLLOW TILE and stuce® 8 rooms just completed. On West Levee, near Pita. Phone 323. after 6 pm. _ 5 ROOM MODERN house wUh* large sleeping porch; hot water.J| garage, on pavement. 1524 Wests. Elizabeth street Call any momtm. L $40 00 per month. N-lTOa. | MODERN 6-ROOM hn» w**h carae*. near h*gh tchou!, VT> r""r T i month Plume 762. N-J33