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Brownsville Club i j phone Number £i ^"x £*\ t -r-» rp -«r phone Number iL*jj Valley Society News jj and Social Activities \ | Seven O L/ X J_j X JL Seven |;VV; and Events **»*»»i«p«»«imp»»»»pm»»pp»ppppppp(>pp#ppp *»»**»»»»»**—***^**** *********** i***-*****1** r f r f rp-rfrtppMppppppp.ppppipppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp^p^^^^^^^^^^^^^j, . ipppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppjjp IVashington Party Cor Younger Set IM**- J. J. Kcmmy and her daugh H^LUlian Jeanette, were hostesses o about forty members of the ounger aet Friday evening. A num >er of clever games appropriate to he George Washington holiday umished diversion and troused a Teat deal of merriment. Miss Lu llle 8chrieder won the prize for the •eat picture of Washington; Kath rine Morton and Evelyn Dever also von prizes in the contests as did Veaton Wilson. The merrymakerr tenced throughout the evening. Roses and sweet peas scattered kbout the rooms in crystal vases '•ere mingled with hatchets and »ther symbols of the day. An Ice ourse was served at a late hour. • • • 7ridav Bridge ^Yitli Mrs. Graham Mrs. J. A. Graham entertained th" •Viday bridge club and several •uasts on Thursday of this week. Vises were won by Mrs. Harbert davenport who was presented with n enamelled Ice box dish for high core, and Mrs. Henrietta Signor. i'ho received a hand panted celery ish for second Mrs. W. C. Craig. V.. was presented with the guest tronhv. a celery dish. Quests of the '•hth were Mesdames hwlg. W. B. Walton. Mamuison. S. Graham, and Miss Louise "homas. • • • Civic League Has [Business Session Sixteen members of the Chic league resoonded to mil call at the ■naeting held Thursday afternoon ht the chamber of commerce, on 1 naming with comment on current fwF lairing the business session the Teague unanimous!v endorsed the Brownwhle nort prolect. They also j»led"*d their sunport to Mr*. Vol mev Tavlor In her candidal for the •Office of president of the fifth district of the federated women's elute. Major Myers, who is Interested in the beautification of the Tal ley, addressed the league, and won their approval of his ideas. Mrs. Jessie O. Wheeler was ap pointed to present to the city com mission a resolution recommending that they put into effect an ordi nance to stop loitering on the city streets, calling attention to the fact that the sidewalks were often blocked in the downtown sections. The annual flower exchange and poinsettia week was announced for this week, the flower exel ngr to be held at the chamber of com merce on Wednesday and Thurs day. Requests were made for all kinds of plants for the exchange, especially poinsettia cuttings. Mrs. Albert Smith Is chairman of this movement. The annual yard beau tification contest is to begin this week. A letter from the El Jardin Prog ress club asking that the league join in a campaign to eliminate crime from the daily newspapers was read, and met with approval. Mrs. Huge Milde gave an inter esting talk on the league of na tions. which Is the subject for the year. • • • U. D. C. Observes Birthdays of Heroes The Magruder-Ford chapter of the United Daughters of the Con federacy held the February meet ing Thursday at the Althea Tea Room. Observing the birthdays of Lee. Jackson and Maury, members an swered roll call with items of in terest regarding these men. Mrs. J. K. Wells directed the pro gram which included a comprehen sive paper on the battle of Fort Sumpter, supplemented bv Mrs. E. O. Hollldav and J. K. Wells who added much to the Interest of the discussion. Followin'? adjournment. Mrs. Marshall White entertained the members at lunch, honoring Mrs. Tno Dav<d of Corsicaaa. a guest In the city. She Was— Forty She Looked Twenty Five Her soft, smooth skin ... no lines ... no wrinkles . . . make her look as she did fifteen years before. secret .... she Used Marie Barlow SOLD BY FACIAL PREPARATION'S EXCLUSIVE LADMT APPAKM- — 1241 ELIZABETH <e | the thing for * spring The softness and gracefulness of the ^ drapes and laces ... all combine vooth and beauty ... In the most exquisite materials. Ensembles Hats Dresses Shoes Coats Accessories ■ I Eaelative Ladies’ Apparel j__hM^Ll.iaSrth Learners Discuss Social Customs The Learners club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. L. Wortman. Social customs in colonial days was the subject of round table discussion among the members. Mrs. J. A. Mucklerov ga\e .. pa per on corn husking and apple bees in New York. Mrs. G. S. Sieil told of Knickerbocker customs in olden times. Mrs. S. C. Hicker in her vivid description of a fox hunt and horse racing in Virginia took the members back to plantation days, and Mrs. Sherwood Bishop spoke of pastimes of colonial Vir ginia. Mrs. Willie A. George gave briefly the story of the pine tree sliilllng as told in Hawthorne’s tales. • * * Plan May Fete For Villa Maria Plans for a May fete to be held at Villa Maria the first week in May were discussed tentatively at the meeting of the Incarnate Word Parent-Teachers' association at the convent on Thursday afternoon. While it was definitely decided to hold the fete, arrangements were left for the next meeting of the or ganization. Proceeds from the fete are to be used for the graveling of the street from Jefferson to Villa Maria. The second and third grades won the banner for the most mothers present at the meeting. • • • Wesleyan Bible Class Entertained Members of the Border Wesleyan Bible class of the Methodist Sunday school and a number of guests were entertained by Mrs. Nathan Moore Thursday evening. The class held a short business session, the remaind er of the evening being spent in music and social pursuits. Fred Barton, member of the faculty at the Junior college, gave an Interest ing account of his Christmas trip to California. Pink roses were the floral decora tions. The hostess served refresh ments of grauefruit salad, angel food cake, coffee and salted nuts. • a • Study Club lias Holiday Party Mrs. H. L. Yates was hostess Wed nesday afternoon when she enter tained the members of the Self Cul ture club with a Washington's birthday party. Decorations were cut flowers and potted plants, interspersed with flags, miniature hatchets and cher ry trees placed at vantage points about the room. Members were called to order for a short business session, during which they unanimously endorsed Mrs. Volney Taylor for president of the Fifth district of the Federation of Women's clubs. Several clever games and contests lecalled the days of the Revolution, with the Whigs and Tories, distin Kished by red and blue hats, striv X for supremacy. The hats them selves weer fashioned by the wear ers fro mpaper. Mrs. Roy Ruff re ceiving the prize for the most ar tistic creation. Mrs. H. B. Gal braith received the prize for tlv* best drawing of Washington, and Kath erine Worley won second. Other contests furnished ample opportunity for the members to demonstrate what they had learned from their courses of study In art, literature and other subjects. Appropriate refreshments of cher ry pie. sandwiches, olives and coffee were served. Mrs. Matthews, who ts here from Pennsylvania, was the only guest . • • • Post Residents to Fort Ringgold Officers and ladles from Fort Brown who are attending the horse showr and other festivities at Fort Ringgold this week-end are Captain and Mrs Clyde Austin. Major and Mrs. Fletcher Gardner. Captain and Mrs C. H. Strong. Lieutenant Ralph T. Carver. Lieutenant George P. Berilla and Captain M. I. Voorhes. and Colonel and Mrs. Stanley Koch. There was to be a costume dance at Fort Ringgold Saturday evening, with the regimental orchestra from Port Brown furnishing the music. ; Calendar For The Week MONDAY Methodist Missionary society is to have a social meeting at the church, 3 p. m., with Mesdames Emil Blanck, A. L. Banty, J. M. Abel, H. E. Barnes, Crawford, C. H. DeBardele ben and C. W. Watson as hostesses. Ladies' Aid of the Central Christian church meets, all circles together, for a business nad social meeting, 3 p. m. Altar society of the Sacred Heart church has regular meeting in the vestry of the church. 3:30 p. m. Woman's Guild of the Church of the Advent, Episcopal, has regular meeting at the palish house, 3 p. m. Woman's auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will meet at the church, with Mrs. Henry Gay as leader. Social hour with circle number three as hostesses. TUESDAY Merry Matrons with Mrs. Bert Neil. Hi-Lo will be guests of Mrs. S. W. Brewer. Mardi Bridge club with Mrs. Bascorn Cox. Rebekahs meet at 1. 0. O. F. hall, 7:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY Wednesday Bridge club with Mrs. J. H. Batsell. El Jardin Friendly with Mrs. Harry Crowe. Post Evening Bridge club with Lieut, and Mrs. Massey. Brownsville Music club will have regular rehearsal, Bap tist church, 9:30 a. m. Business and Professional Women have luncheon at El Jardin. Just-Sew with Mrs. S. M. Harvey. THURSDAY City Federation at the Baptist church, 3:30 p. m. El Jardin Bridge club with Mrs. H. Kemper. Thursday Afternoon Bridge club with Mrs. H. L. Flyna National Official Of Y. W. C. A. Here Mrs. Emma Byers, national sec retary oi tne Held division of me Y. W. U. A. arrived at Mcrceuea rrklay, ano plans to spend a wee* ui me Valley in comereuce with tne district ofucers and workers of each town in regard to the Y. W. work. A general membersuip meeting is to be held In Ban Bern to Thursday of next week. The meeting will take tne lorm of a luncheon at the Sobre las Oias cafe, and will be lollowed by a program at whicn Mrs. Byers Is to be prmcipal speaker. Mrs. Byers Is to meet the Browns ville executive board at 9:30 a. in. Tuesday. The meeting vail be held at the home of Mrs. Volney Taylor. The regular meeting of the board was postponed from Friday for ttiis reason. • • • Evening Bridge Club Meeting Lieutenant and Mrs. James B. Edmunds were hosts to the Post evening Bridge club at Fort Brown this week. Guests fur the occasion were Mi's. Walker and Mrs. Stewart B. Warner of New York. Women's prizes were won by Mi's. Walker and Mrs. Rupc. Lieutenant aud Mrs. Massey will be hosts to the club text week. • • • Mrs. Garver . Club Hostess The Thursday Afternoon Bridge club at Fort Brown was entertained by Mrs. R. T. Garver. Mrs. Clyde Massey and Mrs. John N. Merrill won the table prizes. Mrs. Garver used decorations of sweet peas. Mrs. H. L. Flynn Is to be next hostess. • • • Mrs. Flynn lias New York Guests Mrs. II. L. Flynn has with her for a few days her mother. Mrs. Walk er and her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Warner, all of New York. She entertained for them on Thursday evening wdth an informal dinner, having as outside guests. Captain and Mrs. Vernon M Shell and Captain and Mrs. R R. Maxwell. • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Miss Martha Taggart is spending the week-end with her parent* in Brownsville. Miss Taggart Is teach ing at Grulla. A. J. Laughl'n arrived Friday from Austin to be the guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Day. Miss Bemeace Alford Is spending the week-end in McAllen with Mrs. Louis Purl. Mrs. Stanley Koch is among those from Fort Brown attending the horse show at Fort Ringgold. Mrs. » .—.... ■" 1 " —■ New Spring Hats Included in our new shipment of spring hats are all the colors that are favored of spring, such as Ballibuntl, Sisol, hairbraid s and basket weave straws. See them at green’s |11th »nd Elinbrthj Koch was a guest at the party given by Mrs. Walter Hamilton last week. Misses Elizabeth Campbell. Nan nie Dean Harris and Una Scanlan attended the basketball tournament in McAllen Friday and Saturday, remaining over the week-end with Miss Campbell's aunt, Mrs. I. J. Wright, in Mission. Mrs. C. T. Sedgwick arrived Fri day morning from Fort Worth to visit her old-time friend. Mrs. WJUe A. George. Mrs. Sedgwick is prom inent in church work and Pa «.t Teachers association activit’ja in that ctly. She expects to leave Ifm dav evening. Miss Louise Thomas of B jar t Is visiting her sister, Mrs. 4. A. Graham. Mrs. W. R. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heaner and Miss Annie Starck left Thursday on a motor ♦ rip to Laredo, where they will visit Mr. Heaner's parents for several davs. Cantata and Mrs. Perry E. Taylor left Friday evening for San Antonio, where they will be stationed for a time. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolff, of Hartford. Conn., are here as guests and Mrs. Blanche Loew and Mrs. B. L. Cain. RIO GRANDE CITY WOMAN’S CLI B BRIDGE PARTY Honoring the members of the Woman's club. Mrs. Harold Smith entertained Thursday afternoon at the club rooms with a bridge party fenturing the Valentine idea. Mrs. J. Wallis was winner of high score trophy: Mrs. L. B. Caruthers winner of second high and Mrs. J. J. Guerra winner of cut prize. Those present were: Mesdames L. R. Brooks. J. Wallis. W. Venerable. Mary H. Edgerton. C. S. Richmond. Herbert Kidwell. Harry Hall. E Owen Scott. B. C. King. H. E. Tay lor. Mather. J. J. Guerra. Roasiter Garity. C. J. Martin. L. B. Caruth ers. Carl A. Raeuse. P. B Mason. Marrs, Elodia Monroe; Miss Ern est ina Labordr. MRS. LANGFORD HONORED Mrs. Walter Hamilton entertained in Fort Ringgold Saturday with a luncheon and bridge honoring Mrs. 8. B. Langford, a friend from her native state of Georgia who has recently married and gone to Mis sion to make her home. The rooms were made especially attractive with arrangements of red rose, fern and other spring blos soms. The luncheon courses were rent ed at small tables preceding the games which occupied the after noon hours. Novelty wore trophies were awarded to Mrs. T. J. Caldwell for high: Mrs. L. R. Brooks Ijt sec ond high and Mrs. Florence M Hayes for cut. A lovelv gift or linen was presented to the honor guest. The personnel included a num ber of Mission guests, in addition to those from Rio Grande City and Fort Ringgold: Mesdames L. B. Caruthers. E. J. Martin, E. Owen Scott, John A. Pope, Jr.. J. J. Guerra, J. Wallis. Mary H. Edger ton. Fred D. Guerra. Harry Hall, F. B. Mason. L. R. Brooks. Herbert E. Taylor. E. M. Fickett. Mathvr. Rossiter Garity. H. E. Kidwell. C. W. Richmond. Carl A. Raguse: W. Drummond, T. B. Sammons, Flor ence Hayes. Homer Smith, Earl Stewart. George Agnew. T. J. Cald well. Willard Ferguson. Edward Op penheimer. Sidney L. Hardin, C. D. Eppright cf Mission; Misses Shirley Brooks. Alicia Solis. Camlle Block and Mabel Nicholson: Mrs. Stan ley Koch of Fort Brown and Miss Helen McCandless of Louisville, Ky. • • • TUESDAY CLUB Mrs. F. B. Mason was hostess to the members of the Tuesday bridge club Tuesday afternoon at the Woman's club. Five tables of players were form ed. Mrs. C. J. Martin was winner of high score and Mrs. Carl A. Raguse winner of second high. Miss Alicia Solis won cut prize and Mrs. Harry Hall guest prize. Those present were Mesdames Mary H. Edgerton. Virgil N. Lott. Mather. L. R. Brooks. C. W Rich mond. Mott Ramsey. Carl A. Raguse. Harry Hall. J. J. Guerra. J. Wallis, C. J. Martin. H E Tav lor. L. B. Caruthers, Harold Smith. Rossiter Garity. W. Venerable. Stiles: Misses Alicia Solis. Shirley Brooks. Ernest ina Laborde: Mrs. Edward M. Fickett. and Mrs. E. Owen Scott. • • • VISIT MONTERREY Charles Celaya, vice president First State Bank ana Trust Co., re turned from Monterrey, having gone there with a group of bankers at the conclusion of the district meet held in Laredo Saturday. Going by special tratn Saturday night to Monterrey, the bankers were royally entertained by the Monterrey bankers Saturday at a bull fight and eastern officials par ticloated as matadors. Celaya returned by airplane from Monterrev to Brownsville in com pany with other bankers from that city. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Shuford of Reali tos were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wr. W. Shuford Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallis motored to McAllen Monday. Colonel and Mrs. Stanley Koch of Fort Brown were the week-end eue«ts fit Major and Mrs. Herbert E. Taylot. Mrs. 8. B. Langford of Mission who was the house guest of Mrs. Walter Hamilton over the week end. returned home Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Guerra motored to Mission and McAllen Wednesday. donna” BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Miss Zelda Glo Hensley en tertained twelve of her little friends with a party Tuesday after noon. February 19. at her home on Hester avenue, the occasion being her fourth birthday anniversary. Various games were played until late in the afternoon, after which delicious refreshment* consisting of cookies and punch were served. The table was adorned with a lovely white cake with four candles for Zelda Olo. Those present were: Margaret Anne Mitchell of Weslaco. Wllla Mae Owens. Mary Elizabeth John son. Gall Hardcastle. Ouida Bell Owens. Mary Lynn Taylor, Elton Vickers, Hoyt Stephens. Lauren Pharr, Billie Joe Taylor. Albert Johnson. Jr., Buddy Pharr and Mrs. Albert Johnson, Sr.. Mrs. Albert Stephens. Mrs. Jess Mitchell of Weslaco and Mrs. Marion Curry. • • • PERSONALS Misses Dorothy Rhodes and Emanvn Johnson who are attend ing school at Kingsville spent the week end In Donna A! Brown of McAllen was a bus Lnejw visitor in Donna Tuesday. Paul Townsend who is teaching school near Corpus Christi spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Townsend. Carl Huser, a student in the col lege in Kingsville, was a Donna week-end visitor. Mls?es Helen Faye Yerger and Georgia Mae Yerger and Mrs. Faye Yerger were visitors in McAllen Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. June Eubanks left the first of the week for Tiffin. Texas, where they will locate in the future. Mr?. N. O. Gerald and Mrs. Joe Sellars were visitors in McAllen Friday. Miss Edna Guernsey of Edinburg visited friends in Donna Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank Wood were Sunday visitors in Weslaco. Mrs. Jesse Barter of Santa Maria and Mrs. S. A. Morrow of Donna motored to Mercedes Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ranard of Harlingen were callers in Donna Saturday. M. N. Tabors of San Benito transacted business in Donna Sat urday. Miss Zelma Morgan spent the w**ek-end in Mercedes as the guest of her aunt. Mrs. A. N. Brown. Miss Dixie Earl Huffor and Mias Edith Stevens spent the week-end In San Antonio with friends. Dr. L. M. Davis spent several -:— I days In San Antonio this week, re turning Thursday. Ezzell Darby spent the week-end in San Antonio, returning Mon day. OLMITO P. T. A. MEET The P. T. A. of Oimito held its regular open meeting on Thursday night Feb. 14. An enjoyable pro gramme was rendered. • • • WOMAN'S AUXILIARY The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church met with Mrs. Dan Robbins Feb. 13. Devotional services were led by the president, after which a special program was rendered which included the lesson study lead by Miss Ethel Gammon, also a season of prayer and self-denial mas rehearsed by the ladies. After the benediction waa, offered refreshments were served by the hostess. « • • BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Lloyd Parker eniettained with a bridge party honoring Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Cleckter of Brownsville. The house mas beau tifully decorated with poinsettias. PERSONALS Mrs. E. D. Box and Mrs. Dan Robbins mere afternoon callers at the home of Mrs. R. R. Mickle Tuesday. Mrs. Jesse Able visited Mrs. R. R. Mickle Wednesday afternoon. Removal Sale Continues FOUR MORE DAYS Hats $5 to $10 Values $1.98 To $10?00 You’ll Have to Hurry! Never Again Such Low Price* DRESSES ■ SPRING COATS ttfcSSgtgg&'Si 3B? But $9.98 $1375 Another lot of Spring dresses. Former values $18.75 to $23. This sale— $12.98 SPRING SUITS Spring dresses. This group To *et these $25 values we regularly sells for $28 75. 8uKLest ear^ chopping. Sale Take them away during re- price— moral sale at only— $18.98 _ ■ GIMBLE’S 1205 Washington — Brownsville t I ■■ ' i HLLURING^IS SMTOY'Z DELIGHTFUL JS t CLUUt 55A-F! T-5TRHP S4tfToy$ 00«<S R ONE PUI1P OF 5UNBURN STRRP PUMP WITH CREPE TRIMMED WITH EXTREME SHORT,YRMP GOLD RND 5ILVEP. f OF LIDO SRND KID • BRAID RND WITH 2*/9 WITH DURR TER R ND EXTREME 5PI K£tHEEL §RJi££-,J^£kr nr SUNBURN CREPE ORNRMCNT ON STRRP TO HRRM0N12E' I jM u)sn acc J or . RPPERLING'lSMfttfTfcY;* OUR" SHOPS CHRRMlNGfl51*MT6Yjl cocceew r tie pump * evecyw4rJtfogs ny —■ OF FUTURISTIC— # PUMP OF,SUNBLPN ! PRTTERN IN THE SOFT CREPE WITH TRIM RNO ^SPRING COLORS RND .Hft-.EXTR.EMt_ SPIKE * WITH Jtt E XT HR >» E U f^-L HIGH HEEL -RL50 OF RL50 IN GLRCKJCREFt LI 00 5 RND KID WTTH P E R F_0 R fl TON 5. fl 5 *TRIM, I I