Brownsville Club i j phone Number £i ^"x £*\ t -r-» rp -«r phone Number iL*jj Valley Society News jj and Social Activities \ | Seven O L/ X J_j X JL Seven |;VV; and Events **»*»»i«p«»«imp»»»»pm»»pp»ppppppp(>pp#ppp *»»**»»»»»**—***^**** *********** i***-*****1** r f r f rp-rfrtppMppppppp.ppppipppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp^p^^^^^^^^^^^^^j, . ipppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppjjp IVashington Party Cor Younger Set IM**- J. J. Kcmmy and her daugh H^LUlian Jeanette, were hostesses o about forty members of the ounger aet Friday evening. A num >er of clever games appropriate to he George Washington holiday umished diversion and troused a Teat deal of merriment. Miss Lu llle 8chrieder won the prize for the •eat picture of Washington; Kath rine Morton and Evelyn Dever also von prizes in the contests as did Veaton Wilson. The merrymakerr tenced throughout the evening. Roses and sweet peas scattered kbout the rooms in crystal vases '•ere mingled with hatchets and »ther symbols of the day. An Ice ourse was served at a late hour. • • • 7ridav Bridge ^Yitli Mrs. Graham Mrs. J. A. Graham entertained th" •Viday bridge club and several •uasts on Thursday of this week. Vises were won by Mrs. Harbert davenport who was presented with n enamelled Ice box dish for high core, and Mrs. Henrietta Signor. i'ho received a hand panted celery ish for second Mrs. W. C. Craig. V.. was presented with the guest tronhv. a celery dish. Quests of the '•hth were Mesdames hwlg. W. B. Walton. Mamuison. S. Graham, and Miss Louise "homas. • • • Civic League Has [Business Session Sixteen members of the Chic league resoonded to mil call at the ■naeting held Thursday afternoon ht the chamber of commerce, on 1 naming with comment on current fwF lairing the business session the Teague unanimous!v endorsed the Brownwhle nort prolect. They also j»led"*d their sunport to Mr*. Vol mev Tavlor In her candidal for the •Office of president of the fifth district of the federated women's elute. Major Myers, who is Interested in the beautification of the Tal ley, addressed the league, and won their approval of his ideas. Mrs. Jessie O. Wheeler was ap pointed to present to the city com mission a resolution recommending that they put into effect an ordi nance to stop loitering on the city streets, calling attention to the fact that the sidewalks were often blocked in the downtown sections. The annual flower exchange and poinsettia week was announced for this week, the flower exel ngr to be held at the chamber of com merce on Wednesday and Thurs day. Requests were made for all kinds of plants for the exchange, especially poinsettia cuttings. Mrs. Albert Smith Is chairman of this movement. The annual yard beau tification contest is to begin this week. A letter from the El Jardin Prog ress club asking that the league join in a campaign to eliminate crime from the daily newspapers was read, and met with approval. Mrs. Huge Milde gave an inter esting talk on the league of na tions. which Is the subject for the year. • • • U. D. C. Observes Birthdays of Heroes The Magruder-Ford chapter of the United Daughters of the Con federacy held the February meet ing Thursday at the Althea Tea Room. Observing the birthdays of Lee. Jackson and Maury, members an swered roll call with items of in terest regarding these men. Mrs. J. K. Wells directed the pro gram which included a comprehen sive paper on the battle of Fort Sumpter, supplemented bv Mrs. E. O. Hollldav and J. K. Wells who added much to the Interest of the discussion. Followin'? adjournment. Mrs. Marshall White entertained the members at lunch, honoring Mrs. Tno Dav» E U f^-L HIGH HEEL -RL50 OF RL50 IN GLRCKJCREFt LI 00 5 RND KID WTTH P E R F_0 R fl TON 5. fl 5 *TRIM, I I