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505SIP STORY HOim barges By Governor Are Refuted By Witness — HLlAHOMA CITY. Feb 23.-<A>, ^^dtness who said he supported Miry 8. Johnston for governor in 26 because he “loved him,-’ testi d today in Johnston's trial he re the senate court ol lmpcach | nt regarding the suspended gov »or's activities in the state high Ly department. park Wyatt, Shawnee, the wit |ss. said the governor's friendship I* him cooled by rumors that (■att was disseminating gossip .learning Johnston and Mrs. O. O. itnmonds, until recently his cuti 'enttal secretary. Wyatfs teatimony chiefly rnn -ned Johnston purported pref 'nce for the asphalt tvpe of road istruction. which other witnesses ve testified is more expensive an concrete. Wvatt has been ac e in litigation to prevent the ghway commission from using tlawatomie county road funds construction of asphalt top *ds In that county. After Johnston’s election in 1926. offered Wyatt a position as ex itive counsellor, the witness said, t he declined because lie felt ac otance would entail too great a lancial sacrifice. rThe governor told me.” Wyatt Bd "that he had heard I was do minating reports that he and Mrs. immondx lived in the same suite a hotel.” Wyatt said he denied reneatlng y such statement and confronted rs. Hammonds. From her he imed. the witness said, that Ed ‘mans, one of the governor’s ram ign managers had told her Wyatt is spreading the report. T told her." Wyatt said, "that It is all a damned lie." PRESIDENT IS AGJWHELD enate Kills Plan To Withdraw Marines U In Nicaragua WASHINGTON. Feb. 23—{/Pi mate administration forces rat 'd today and eliminated from the ivy department appropriation bill e surprise amendment added yes rday providing for withdrawal of merican marines from Nicaragua [President Coolidge was reported Lhave sent word to the capital t he considered the senate’s de ilon of last night a reflection on s foreign policy, but the White wise attitude failed to switch lairman Borah of the foreign re Mon committee. Borah voted again today for im ed iate withdrawal of the marines id his action was regarded as arking a break with the admlrvls atlop in view of the position ken on this auestion bv the pres ent and Sceretarv Kellogg. After ditching the Nicaraguan nendment, sponsors of the navy •partment supply bill carried It an immediate vote and it was iopted without a roll call, thus IMng fears of a filibuster against le provision in the measure of 2.370.000 for starting the cruiser ogram. The addition of cruiser funds ust be approved by the house. cbuT ctivities Members of Troop No. 4, Boy outa. returned Saturday morning om a hike and camping trip to a l* Just beyond the old sugar mill, itl'r the directions of Scoutmaster legs the boys left here Friday joming and marched out to the On arrival the Scouts began set ,ig up their various tents and two the Scouts laid out n 450 course lien followed cooking of dinner and 'rest period. Wood was gathered Iter the rest period for the camp* It , md' > rfo" council at night. One tp*w member. Clarence John* S, wit.s initiated and taps were _ided at 9:30 o'clock. At 6 30 ie beys got up and at daylight foked breakfast, cleaned up camp :d at o'clock began the march ck home. During the week Scouts ot this -op paused the following test*; Justin McCarty..first aid. cook ie, pacing, fire building and knife id hatchet: Edwin Clark, cooking.! * eking. knife and hatchet; Virgil rung, compass, fire building, cook k\ tracking, pacing and knife and Itchet: William Miller, pacing, life and hatchet and tire building; ►raid Wlfington. cooking, com ks, tracking, pacing, knife and Itchet; Mark Macklcs. cooking. Icklng pacing. fire building, knife! M hatchet: Bob Dixon, tracking. df« and hatchet: Bob Miles, pac g. knife, hatchet and trackui*. jford Beeson, tracking, fire build g and paclnr: Clarence Johnston.! nderfoot requirements. leceiver Asked For Refining Co. AUSTIN. Feb 23—^t—Appomt* pnt of a receiver and recovery 3l 34 000 claimed due to taxes and laities is asked in a suit against e Primtax Refining comoanv *f Ulas. filed behalf of the state district court here today. The tion was brought by R. M Til t assistant attorney general, at e instance of 8 H. Terrell, comp A*vinjunction also is asked to re »to*Tbe defendant* from **re wU secreting. destroying, anging and mutilating their rec* R* to alleged that the company's , seta are less than $35,000. that i bill ties are at least $50,000. aiid R to "insolvent or if not Ui- i vent, to in Immediate danger of « solvency.* ’ SKYSCRAPER ARCHITECTURE USED TO LIGHT CHURCH OF HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK ^ - The new and tall Church nf the Heavenly Rest and the Beloved Disciple in New York City (shove) has a setback style of architecture that permits sunlight upon the parish house (inset.) NEW YORK. Feb. 23.—'AV-The “skyscraper" type of architecture, with its skylines broken to conserve light, has been applied with unusual emphasis to the recently completed Earish house of the Church of the leavenly Rest and the Beloved Dis ciple here, the first unit in a £>, 500,000 group. One of the severest tasks confront ing architects in New York is the rationing of daylight in thickly built up sections. In the construction of this church group particular atten tion was paid the “islands" of light left between towering walls. The church itself is rapidly ap proaching completion. It stands on an uptown Fifth avenue comer, looking to the west over Central park. The height of this edifice is so great that exceptional precautions had to be taken lest it overshadow the parish house, constructed direct- ] ly to the rear. This wa3 accom-1 NEW HOUSTON EDITOR NAMED W. O. Huggins Chosen As New Head of Chronicle HOUSTON. FebT"’23—/An—Ap pointment of W. O. Huggins, as ed -1 Itor of the Houston Chronicle was announced today by Jesse H. Jones. I publisher. Mr. Huggins succeeds 1 the late C. B. Gillespie, who died February 7. Mr. Huggins is vice president and counsel of the paper, and for many years has been a director. He wa.s acting editor in chief during the long illness of Mr. Gillespie and tor years has been a contributing edi-' tor to the publication. The new editor is a native of i Fmith county. Texas, and has prac ticed law' in Tyler. Orange and ! Houston. Here he is associated j with the firm of Huggins. Kayscr and Liddell. Mr. Huggins announced there would be no editorial or adminis-! tratlve changes. ---- Gang Massacre Still Is Mystery CHICAGO. Feb 23.—<4WThe SI. 1 Valentine’s dav gang massacre to- ! night appeared as much of a rays- j terv as it did nine days ago. unless , authorities have undisclosed infor-1 mat’on a sto the identity of the • gunmen who shot down seven1 members of the Mrt;au gang in the<r headquarters. The latest ••solution'’ exploded ramc today with the ftnding in De troit of Dr Loval Tacker. Chicago dentist, witness, who disappeared front near hK home last night. Later Dr. Tarker was found tn a dared condition tn Detroit with the I story that he had been slugged, k'dnaped and drugged tn Chicago by four men who took him away in an automobile John Egan, chief i of detectives, declared lacker was not a material witness, and that the man identified bv him was in ♦ail at the time of the massacre and was not involved in the case Invite Hoover Gil to El Paso AUSTIN. Feb. 23._/A’V—Herbert Hoover, soon to become president of the United States, and Porte; nil. ore*‘dent of Mexico mav meet im FI Pew on Mav 13 wt the West Texes Chamber of Commerce con- ' vent ion The senate today narx-*d » reso lution extending an invitation to the two executives to come to El Paso during the convention. CONVICT EEOtTSiTlONTD AUSTIN Feb 23—d-—Governor Moody today requisitioned Okla homa fc* H. M. Mason, alias R. C. Camnbell. wanted tn Jefferson eountv for forgenr. He i* now in state penitentiary at Oklahoma j uitr. I. C. C. HEARING HALTS FORT WORTH. Feb. 23.—<AN— rhe Interstate Commerce Commis sion hearing on proposed revision of ■ate* on cotton se*d and cotton seed -rodnets was sdwirned ♦■-'dav bv Examiners Mon nee and Each, at th* ■oorlusioo of testimony hy D. H. lay lor of QuanaU. plished by setbacks, thoroughly In keeping with the Gothic architec ture, but also serving an effective purpose. The result is that the parish house appears in a series of steps, break ing hack from the church, its height ranging from one to six stories. This not only base provided the par ish house ample light, but has left the great east window of the church free from shadow. Another “island” of light appears to the south of the church, where a low cloister has been imposed be tween the towering walls of the church and a residence to the south. A carved stone doorway leads thru this cloister to the tiny chapel of the Beloved Disciple. Thus light is promised the south windows. Setback ideas of construction have been prevalent in office buildings for years. Hut this is believed to be the first time it has ever been ap plied to a church. City Briefs New Underwood Typewriter sales and service. Underwood Typewrit er Co., Moore Hotel Arcade, phone 2»5, Harlingen.—Adv. tf. Modern 6-room House with gas, garage, near h4gh school. $33 per month. Phone 762.—Adv. 23. Tecan waffles with honey at the Snappy Cafe, all day. —adv. tf. Toasted Sandwiches, all kinds, '.o take out. At the Snappy Cafe. —adv. tf. Come in and hear the Stromberg Carlson Radio at The Sheldon Stu dio. 1240 Elizabeth St. For sale by John N. Merrill.—Adv. tf. Big Time tonight at the Martinez Green and Gold Room. 14th street. Victoria Heights. Best music In town, bring your gal along. Harper’s Cafe will be closed for repairs Sunday, Feb. 21.—adv. 24. Remember the boat show at Hous ton In the democratic convention building the week of March 17th and plan to go. taking advantage of reduced railroad rates. Notifv John N. Merrill. 234 Levee street. Brownsville, Texas, if you are In terested in Chris-Craft. Demon stration can be arranged anytime also during the Boat Show when many Chris-Craft will be dis played.—adv. G. There are pn parking laws upon the resaras. Explore them in a graceful Old Town canoe. Row boats, canoes, speed boats at low prices. For a sea-going, moder ately priced, all-wooden Old Town general utility sneed boat, why not club together with your friends and enjoy the salt water this summer? For sale bv John Merrill. 1240 Elizabeth St., Brownsville, Texas.— adv. G. .. Poison Oak or Ivy ii relie-ed quirkly and permanently with Im perial Eczema Kenedy. Atl drug gist* are authorized to refund your money if it fails.—Adv. (5) Hickey’s OH Keliahle Eye Water cooK heal* and *trengthen* sore, weak, tired eyes. All druggists 23r. -Adv. (4) Saturday, Feb. 23 Plane NC 7472 from Sou la Ma rino. Load of fish. 1AT Co.. Pilot Stone. Plane C 4681 joy ride with Pilot Rushenburg. Plane NC 7472 to Sou la Marino and return with load of fish. Pilot Mattern Plane C 1848. Pilot Mc Clellan flight over territory South for pictures. Pilot NC 4728. Pilot Raider Stin son. Detroiter bound for Fort Worth 4 pasengers. Plane C 6318 Eagle Rock. Pilot Vaught. Joy ride. Plane 121 E. three joy rides 2 pas sengers. Pilot Durst. Plane Fo~d Tri-Motor made four tripe With 42 passengers. Pilot. Riggs Plane *187. Air King. Pilot Lee he. over Valley for one hour. Work on Canals To Get Under Way Construction of the canal system to water Cameron county district No. 12, comprising the Kempner lands, approximately 1100 acres north of the Los Fresnos district, is expected to start this month. Lee Kempner of Galveston, owner of the acreage, was In Brownsvifce Friday and Saturday making final arrange ments for construction of the system. . ... A complete concrete system will be installed, the district to receive water from the Los Fresnos dis trict. with which a contract was closed recently. It Is the plan of the owners to develop the entire acreage as a citrus fruit project. PRISONERS WRECK JAIL liONGVIEW. Texas, Feb. 23.— /P) —Five white prisoners wrecked the interior of the second floor of the county jail here last night in an unsuccessful attempt to escape, it was discovered today. Wrecked hunks, broken water connections, disconnected gas stoves and broken wall rivets were found bv officers Present Legislative Session Total Loss, Moody’s Friends Say By R. W. BARRY (Associated Press Staff Writer) AUSTIN, Feb, 23.—{A5)—It could be said by Governor Moody and his friends who believe in his suggest ed solutions of pending problems, awaiting action of the Texas legis lature. that this session has been a total loss. Of course, neither the governor nor his friends are saying any such thing, although some of the executive's partisans are thinking as much, they will tell you. at the same time admonishing you not to "quote them.” It is a fact, however, that nothing has been done, and Is not likely to be done this regular session about concentrating the peniten tiary system. regulating public utilities, submitting the proposed highway bond issue, shortening the ballot by providing for the ap pointment of all public officials— save the governor, lieutenant gov ernor, and attorney general—con solidating departments, and the many other things suggested by the governor when he convened the legislature. Surrender Hope With but 11 working days left, the most optimistic have surren dered hopes of disposing of any of these matters. Many bills have been passed and most, if not all of these, are important but almost the entire program of "big things” must be shunted over to the called ses sion. Old-timers say this is an unusual legislature in many respects. It Is odd in that at least half of Its membership is composed of persons not in the 40th legislature. With an interim of a few weeks between adjournment of this ses sion and the convening of the spe cial session, it is the general belief that lines wilt be drawn closely In the new session and that more semblance of leadership will accrue to administration benefit. The house probably will consider the Young-Turner-Loy penitentiary concentration bill on final passage Monday or Tuesday, but Dewey Young of Wellington, one of the authors, concedes that even should it pass, there can be little hope of this legislature finally agreeing on it or any substitute which the sen ate might put up. Propose Mail Poll Lee Satterwhite of Amarillo, for mer speaker of the house, and long interested in penitentiary reforma tion. is of the same opinion. He has been here watching progress of the legislation. He has contended for giving the legislative the right to place its stamp of approval upon any plan the prison bvard. or any commission designated to concen trate the system mighi formulate. He saw the senate last night adopt his idea partially at least, a hen it accepted an amendment by Senator Pollard providing for sub mission by the secretary of state to members of the legislature, through registered mall, any plan for concentration agreed on. with the proviso that If 10 members of the senate and 45 members of the house shall protest, the g /ernor call a special session of the legis lature to consider the matter and either accept or reject the nlans and recommendations. The amendment was described by * Satterwhite, Young and others In favor of concentrating the system on property already owned by the state, as “cumbersome.” They said it would be more busines ’Ike to put the matter up directly to the legislature in special session with out going through the registered mall poll. \DS SCHOLARSHIPS SOCIETY DENTON. Tex.. Peb. 23.— Miss Bessie Shook of North Texas State Teachers’ College here was elected president of t'te Council of S holarship Societies of the south which closed Its annual convention here todav. The Ex-4. Texas Teach ers’ Coller** t Commerce was ehos r- the next meeting place of the r-Tint ration. Special Simmons Offer I There’s Money in Your Pocket to Por Qjjg \\Fggk QjJy Buy This Simons Bed Outfit This Week Starting Monday Genuine Simmons Sift W We can not remember when we have offered a Bed, regular price.• better value. Think of it! A genuine Simmons Genuine Simmons Coil PA bed and sPrin£ and heavy mattress for less than Spring, regular price $6.50 the bed and mattress alone. Furnish your spare room with this outfit. You can rent it 40-Lb. All Cotton CIA AA and pay *or the outf*t in a month. We’re go Linters Mattress .$1U*VU ing to sell lots of these so come early and just bring a dollar. Regular frO*7 AA Price .... £»> j 7 05 Open an Account Now! Special tlQ QC We Want 100 New Accounts Price .* # on Our Books This Week This Bed, Spring and Mattress Outfit Complete L You’ll Rest Better on a New SIMMONS Mattress See the New— “Luxyoury” —With the new Dobbettry Ticks rS ^ A Nationally Advertised Price Woven in Every ** i Label A Better All-Cotton Mattress for Less Money You'll be amazed at the beauty of these modern scientifically constructed mattresses. You'll hardly beliere the ticks could be so beautiful, and the tailoring so handsome. Delivers Your Mattress and Then DOWN °"1' *'-M *** IM i Simmons Ace Spring 1 One might call it the modern coil spring—but it is so vast an improvement that it really is a new type. There are more spirals than in most springs—giving greater support. “Governor” springs prevent side-sway and rocking. Angle iron binding eliminates tearing of sheets. Beautifully finished in robin’s egg blue. *19” NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRICE We have the new slip covers for the Ace that give it the appearance of a box spring Just Arrived f BABY BASKET j Just the thing for the small baby. Easy to carry in the car. ^ I :<o n HARDWARE H „ FURNITURE D A^goodplace to trade H Washington at Tenth Street "