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BORDER PARTY DOE SATURDAY Entertainment Arranged For Canadian Visitors On Tour of Valley Arrangements for entertainment of members of the Border Chamber of Commerce, who are to arrive here Baturdav morning for a two day tour of the Valley, have been completed, it was announced Thurs _ day by O. C. Richardson, manager of the local chamber of commerce. Advices received are that 170 make up the delegation from Wind sor. Ontario, including the High land Regimental band of the Essex Scottish Battalion. On arrival here at 10 o'clock In the morning the visitors will be met at the station with automobiles and a parade, led by the band will be made through the principal streets of the city. A tour of this section then is to follow, the visitors to be served luncheon at the James-Dickinson company club. After luncheon a leasurely automobile ride is plan ned to San Benito and Harlingen, a parade at these two cities, to be led by Ihe band, being planned. ■ The visitors then will be brought hack to Brownsville and a concert Is to be given at Fort Brown The delegates will be left to their own devices at night. Their special train is to leave in the morning for the upper Valley, where another pro gram has been arranged bv John F. ' Robinson, secretary of the Edin burg Chamber of Commerce. On arrival at Edcouch at 9 o'clock Sunday morning, the Cana dian business men will be met by a fleet of 50 automobiles and a tour *111 be made to Mercedes. Progress. Weslaco. Donna. Alamo, San Juan. Pharr and Edinburg. From that place a drive will be made to the | Engleman ranch, where all will be guests of the Engelman company for lunch. The visitors are expected back at j Edinburg at 2 o'clock at which time I the band will give a concert. Fol- | lowing the concert a tour of the west end of Hidalgo countv is plan ned. to Include McAllen. Mission: w and other towns in that section. A ; dl concert will be given at McAllen M and at night the visitors will be i W given a wild game dinner in Rey nosa, a concert also to be given on, i the plaaa there. « WEATHER SUMMARY 9 The disturbance over the Rio # Grande Valley the last two or three ! $ day* was central over North Laio lina and Virginia this morning, at tended by heavy cloudiness and moderate to mild temperatures throughout the southeastern and eastern states, while a moderate disturbance central over the south ern Plains states at the same time Is attended by like conditions prac tically throughout the north-cen tral and central states. Moderate ly high barometric pressure over the far west is attended by gener ally fair to clear weather in that section. Moderate to heavy pre cipitation occurred also within the last 24 hours In the southeastern and eastern state*, and light rains or snows in the central and far northwestern states. Tempera ture* continue seasonable to above normal practically throughout the j United States. WEATHER BULLETIN First figure lowest temperature last night; second, highest tempera ture yesterday; third, wind velocity at 8 a. m.; fourth, rainfall past 21 hours. Abilene . 36 54 — .00 Amarillo . 26 50 — .00 Atlanta . 54 61 16 1.44 Austin . 38 56 — .02 Boston . 36 50 — .00 BROWNSVILLE. 50 74 — .00; Chicago . 32 40 — .00 Corpus Chrlsti .. 46 68 — .00 Dallas . 38 52 14 .06 Del Rio. 40 60 — ..00 Denver .. 14 36 — .06 Detroit . 34 44 — .00 Dodge City .... 24 48 — .00 El Paso . 36 52 12 .00 Fort Smith.34 — — .24 Galveston .. 46 60 — .00 Helena . 10 30 10 .16 Huron .. 28 Jacksonville .... 68 84 20 .00 Kansas City .... 36 — — .00 Louisville ....... 38 18 — .04 Memphis. 34 46 — .00 Miami . 76 80 12 oo Montgomery .... 50 76 — 12 2 New Orleans ... 50 78 — .00 New York . 34 52 — .03 North Platte .... 18 38 — .00 Oklahoma City . 34 62 — .02 Palestine . 38 so — .06 Pensacola . 54 70 12 .14 Phoenix . 40 66 — .03 Pittsburgh . 32 42 12 .13 St. Loula . 34 44 — .00 St. Paul . 22 28 — .00 Salt Lake City .. 20 34 — .23 Ban Antonio .... 42 58 — .03 Santa Pe . 18 30 — OO Kpridan . 18 28 — .oo HKgeveport ..... 38 50 —- .02 Tampa . 70 64 — .00 Vicksburg . 38 52 — .20 Washington .... 40 56 — .45 Wllliston . 16 32 — .00 Wilmington .... 58 68 14. .04 FULL HOUSE GREETS RAYMONDVILLE PLAY ! .a •' ' ' '! 4 (Special to The Herald) RAYMONDVILLE. Peb. 38—The play. “Here Cornea Arabella.” put on at the high school auditorium Tues- ; day night by the Raymondville Business and Professional Women’s club, was greeted by a packed house. ■Ria cast of characters included forty people, made up entirely of Rannondvtlle local talent. Lacy’s jfclody Boys furnished music be- j tween acts, and Eunice Robinson was accompanist. Tha play was under the direction j of Beulah Ferguson of Atlanta. Ga. | ---• I fipeen — Now Showing — «the SHAKEDOWN” with BARBARA KENT JAMES MURRAY Also Comedy end News 1 TONIGHT IS CHINA NIGHT A beautiful 9-inch din Mir plate will be given to each lady purchasing a 35c ticket j -1,, FIRST PHOTOS FROM MEXICO AS TORAL MET DEATH Here are the first photos from Mexico City, rushed to Central Press by airplane, and snapped just before and after the execution of Leon 'loral, convicted slayer of General Alvaro Obregon. president elect of Mexico. Top, left, Toral s sister with Toral s boy. making an attempt to see her brother a half hour before the execution; right, the ambulance car bearing the body of the executed man passing through Mexico City streets as his followers cheered; below, crowds gathered before the Toral residence waiting for the arrival of the body; left, inset. Ignacio Jesus Flores, with glasses, the priest who aided the slayer during execution, talking to a newspaperman after leaving the jail: and, inset, right, Mrs. Toral. mother of the executed man, arriving at the Jail a few minutes before her son faced the firing squad, to say goodbye. I ■ I I I I I ! i .. J CHICAGO, Feb 28— on —The second bomb within three days ex ploded in the restaurant of Mrs. Margaret Shepard last night, Wood work was torn out and windows broken, but no one was injured. A more powerful bomb exploded at the same restaurant early Monday morning. Competitors are blamed. CINCINNATI. O. Feb. 28—on— Thomas Sand. 13. was found dead in his room last night with a bullet wound in his temple. An aunt and uncle with whom he lived said the boy’s death was accidental, but po lice said it was a case of suicide, probably because of a quarrel with a girl schoolmate. MEXICO CITY. Feb. 28.—<P— The military commander of the state of Guanajuato informed the department today that troops are close on the trail of the bandit slayers of the American mining en gineers. J. M. Underwood and O. C. Ai.rthorpe. A battle between the troops and bandits is expected with ing a day or so. LONDON. Feb 28.—P—The Ex change Telegraph company dis patches from Hong Kong today said the Chinese steamer Shunnari had been wrecked with t^e lass of 80 lives 28 miles above I-Chang on the Yangtze Kiang. CONTINUE GIVING OUT POINSETTIA CUTTINGS An abundance of poinsettia cut tings are still available at the Civic league flower exchange, which offi cially closed Thursday afternoon, according to Mrs Albert Smith, chatrman of the flower exchange committee. The cuttings may be obtained either Friday or Saturday afternoon at the chamber of com merce. and the league is particularly anxious that anyone who can use the cuttings call for them. The flower exchange, which is an annual affair snonsored by the Civic league, was held for two davs this year, closing Thursday afternoon. A large number of plants have been Riven awav, according to Mrs. Smith, with demand increasing to ward the end of the exchange. The week is also being observed with distribution of poirisettias con tinuing Friday and Saturday after noons. NEW ZAPATA SCHOOL ROMA. Feb. 28—Zapata, the county seat of the same name, has decided to build a modern school house. Rock for that purpose is on site and work will commence at once. It will be one of the most modem school houses on the river between Laredo and Rio Grande City, according to the trustees. . ' *i‘;. / New Mexico, Gulf Railroad Planned By Ed. Kennedy SNYDER. Tex.. Feb 28—{IP)— Captain Ed Kennedy, Houston, ad vised officials of the local chamber of commerce yesterday he would be here March !2 to complete pre liminary plans for construction of a railroad from Roswell. N. M.. to a point on the Gulf of Mexico, to pass through here. The Houston financier, original promoter of the Snyder. Roswell &r Gulf railroad, said contracts had; been signed assuring construction of the line. AUSTIN, Feb. 28—Members of the Texas Railroad Commission were without information on con struction of the proposed line from Roswell. N. M.. to the Gulf of Mex ico. They said they had not re ceived any word from the I. C. C. indicating an application for build ing the railroad had been received. I* T A MFFTg RAYMONDVILLE. Feb. 28—The Raymondville Parent-Teacher asso ciation met Wednesday afternoon in the public school auditorium, with Mrs. T. C. Green, presiding. The feature of the meeting was the pre sentation of a playlet, “Our United States.” by the fifth grade pupils under the direction of Mrs. M. V. Pittman. Annual election of offi cers for tlje organization will be held at the first meeting in April, an an nouncement from the chair stated. Now Showing ROD LA ROCQUE in ‘Captain* Swagger' with SUES CAROL Also A HAL ROACH COMEDY And INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 10c -25e CONDITION OF FOCH CALLED ‘STATIONARY’ PARIS, Feb. 28.—(£*)—The condi tion of Marshal Foch, waging a des perate fight for life against disease, was said by his physicians today to be "stationary.” This information, with the nota tion of a slight drop in tempera ture. was conveyed in the official communique issued after their vis it. Privately they said his illness was still most grave, and that on his vitality alone did there reatthe slightest hope for improvement. PEOPLE EAT LESS PARIS—Contmental restauranti report decreased earnings because their guests order smaller meals than formerly. Made For Beautiful Women Beauties who guard their complex ions use MELLO-GLO Face Pow der only. Famous for purity—it* coloring matter is approved by the Government. The skin never look* pasty or flaky. It spreads more smoothly and produces a youthful bloom. Made by a new French process. MELLO-GLO Face Pow der stays on longer. Eagle Phar macy.— Adv. jdiffmann — Bargain Nite — 10c Each — Now — “The l Man In Hobbles” With LILA LEE Educational Comedy » | Would He tell? Tlie husband was suspicious— the wife wii frantic—the doctor a gentleman! But what a romance, what tragedy, what suspense overshadowed this most unusual triangle. DOCTORS i SECRET ■it ; I A famous and successful stare __ __ I pl*y. from the pen of S»r RUTH CHATTERTON i sr^szlsisE is »dbd™ner The clever, subtle, gripping ROBERT EDESON I story of a beautiful wife’s 4. I strange lore affair? ! ii % ■ _ Now Showing 1 Arcadia Broadway Vaud. Hartburea I Movietone Nows f OLDOFFENDU IS RECAPTURED Jesus Melendez, Escaped Convict Arrested By Posse Here Jesus Melendez, who espaced from the HutnsviHe prison farm several months ago, and alter eluding bor der officers made his way across the Rio Grande, was arrested here Wed nesday night at the home of a rela tive in Victoria Addition. Officers making the arrest were Lieutenant of Police John Arm strong. 8. M. Jester, special investi gator for the district attorney, and Customs Officers R. L. Campbell. A. Champion and Ed R. McNabb. Melendez, who is known to border officers as a “bad hombre," has served time in the military prison at Fort Leavenworth for desertion, one year in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, for violation of the liquor law, and was sentenced to three years in the state prison on two charges of Dean law violation. He also has served time in the county Jail having been arrested tjtoe by city police on charges of driving while intoxicated Melendez was convicted during the September. 1927. term of the criminal district court, and sen tenced to 3 years. He was In pris on only a few months before he managed to elude the guards and make his escape. He finally reach ed the Rio Grande and crossed to Matamoros, where he has been em ployed. Officers received information Wednesday night that Melendez had crossed to the American side, and a posse was immediatelyorganized to effect his capture. When arrested he was In adrunken stupor, officers stated, and made no resistance. MASONIC CEREMONY (Spseial to Th« Herald) RAYMONDVILLE. Feb. 28. — Monday night about twenty Ray mondville Masons went to Mission, where Russell Shrader received the third degree in the Masonic lodge at that place. In the exemplification of the work, all stations were filled by Raymondville Masons. Russell Shrader is a Raymondville boy em ployed as a teacher in the Mission schools. . CAMPAIGN TO COMBAT COTTON WILT MAPPED AUSTIN. Feb. 28.—</Pv—Steps to prevent the spared of cotton wilt, a new malady and unlike cotton root rot. were taken yesterday at a conference of Agricultural and Me chanical college experts with Geo. B. Terrell, commissioner of agri culture. and J. M. Del Curto, state entomologist. It was recommended that the de partment of agriculture take steps to prevent seed from the affected area, principally In Mississippi and Louisiana, coming into Texas. It j was agreed that seed should not be ; permitted to come into Texas un less it is certified free of wilt A survey by A. and M college and the department of agriculture is now under way to determine the extent of the disease in Texas, Del Curto said. PEREZ. GUERRERO CHIEF ROMA. Feb. 28.—Simon Perez, a prominent merchant of Guerrero, Mexico, opposite Zapata, has been made deputy collector of customs of that port. Mr. Perez Is very well known on both 6ides of the Rio Grande. This is in line with the new policy of the Mexican govern ment to name local men for execu tive positions in their home towns. Heretofore it seems to have been the practice to send strangers to these posts and to msve them fre quently. In the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Texas, Brownsville Division. In the Matter of Isaac Villareal. Bankrupt. No. 272, In Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of February, 1929, the said Isaac Villareal of Rio Grande City. Starr County. Texas, was duly ad judged a bankrupt, and the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of Ira Webster, referee in bankruptcy, in the 8tegman building. Brownsville. Texas, on the 11th day of March. 1929. at eleven ill) o'clock in the forenoon, at j which time and place the creditors of the said Isaac Villareal, bank rupt, may appear, prove their claims, erect a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come be fore such meeting._ IRA WEBSTER, Referee in Bankruptcy. f2-28—It—3349.) BLAZE IN OLD MINE MENACES OHIO TOWN ^ ♦ NEW STRAITSVILLE. O., Feb. 28.—The smouldering peril or ft 45-year-old fire in the coal field:) of this vicinity today again men aced a section of New Straitsville as the flames, eating their way to the surface, burst out and spread a pall of deadly gas over the hill sides. Miners from several companies in the vicinity were blasting in an ef fort to check the flames. The fire was started in the 80’s ; ...... by men who fired a mine during a 1 strike. Six homes and a new school building in the edge of the Sew Straltsville mere believed to be In the direct course of the fire. IMMIGRATION CHANGE ROMA. Feb 28—Another change in immigration officers has been announced here. G. J. Boileter, who has been In charge of the immigra tion station at Rio Grande City and at Roma, has been ordered to Hidalgo as inspector in charge of that station succeeding Prank H. Crockett who goes to Laredo as In spector In charge. Mr. Bolleter has been in charge at Rlo Grande City since 1821. His successor has not been announced. 2nd Annual INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION AND LIVE STOCK SHOW Seven Days of Profitable Plea care for Texans! Agricultural Exhibits Livestock Exhibits Thrilling Rodeo Great Horw Show | SPECIAL DAYS I ? FRIDAY, MARCH 1st Exposition L'ay SATURDAY, MARCH 2d Governor's snd Legislators’. Schtxt. Children’s and Press Day SUNDAY, MARCH 3d Mexico. Comal County, Medina Coanty and Guadalupe County Day MONDAY, MARCH 4th Wilson County, Karnes County, Gon zales County, Atascosa County and Old Trail Drivers* Day TUESDAY, MARCH 5th Rio Grande Valley, Winter Garden and Blackland District Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6th San Antonio Day THURSDAY, MARCH 7th West Texas and Southwest Texas Day -- -J Gate admission: adults, 25c: children, 10c. General admission to Rodeo and Horse Show, $1.03; reserved seats, 91.2S; boxes, 91.50 S£N ANTONIO, MARCH, 1 TO 7 j . ■in . ——■ ' WLN Hoove r is I moupa tw l NEARLY two score.Associated Press reporters will cover the great* stirring event for this paper. They will bring yon the most accurate, colorful and complete word picture of the cere* monies. Byron Price, chief of the Washington staff, will write the principal story. James L. West, L. A. Brophy, Richard L. Turner, A. R. George, I Martha Dalrymple, D, Harold Oliver and i Raymond Z. Henle are among others whose j signed stories will appear. Advance angles are being covered daily in the illustrated features of The Associated Press Feature Service. I