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APV«flSE.MEM_ or election for issu iCE OF BONDS, CAMERON COUNTY WATER IMPROVE If ENT DISTRICT NO. ELEVEN Notion it hereby given that an | Auction will be held in Cameron 1 County Water Improvement District Number Eleven in Cameron county, foxas, at tha polling place therein hereinafter named, on the 9th day of March, A. D. 1929, at which there ■rill be submitted to the qualified peters of said district the following propositions and none other: "For the issuance of bonds and levy of tax and payment therefor"; "Against the issuance of bonds and !exy of tax and payment therefor.” The polling place of said election ind the officers appointed to hold and conduct same are as folio—s: At the George R. Potts house on [block 9, Unit No. Two, Bay view Cis jprut) Grovea Subdivision, in Cameron j County Water Improvement Dis- I B^gict Number Eleven; and the fol owiug named persons are designed is Judge* and Clerks of election to conduct said election, at said polling jlace; George R. Potts, presiding judge. J. H. Jones, assistant judge. Manuel S. Rosales, clerk. Bias Ranjel, clerk. The manner of conducting said ►lection shall be governed by the election laws of tbe state of Texas, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 2, Title 128, of the Revised 2ivi| Statutes of the state of Texas, Revision of 1925, and in acts amen datory thereof, and supplementary' thereto. None but resident property tax payers who are qualified voters of raid district, shall be entitled to vote it said election. The ballots used at said election LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT .. ii i ■ in —in. —— 1.11—1.11 .ii i ■ 1 shall have written or printed there on these words and nope others; “For the Issnance of Bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor"; "Against the Issuance of Bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor.” The purpose for which said elec tion is to be held is to determine whether or not voters of said district desire the issuance of bonds by and for said district in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500, 000.00), bearing interest from date thereof at the rate of six per centum per annum, interest payable semi annually, and said bonds to be of the date, denomination, and each maturing at such time, not exceeding forty (40) yes-s from their date, as shall be determined by tbe board of directors of said district, an speci fied in the order authorizing the issuance of said bonds, and for the levy and collection of a tariff suffi cient to pay the interest thereon and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds at matur ity. The said bonds are to be used as follows; For the securing by said district of a contract from C ameron county Water Control and Improvement District Number Bix, whereby said district will pump and deliver through its pumping plant and irri gation system water from the Rio Grande river to some point at or near the boundary of this district; that the engineer’s estimate of the price at which the above described contract may be acquired is One Hundred Six Thousand Three Hun dred Twenty Five ($ 106.325.00) dol lars. That the remainder of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds is to be used to pay the cost and ex pense of constructing the necessary pumping plants, canals, reservoirs, and other improvements proposed to UH.AL AUV LHI liLMLNl be made in said Cameron County Water lmprovemen' District Num ber Eleven, and in payment of tbo incidental expenses of organization and connected with said work, amounting to the sum of Three Hun dred Nienty-'.^ree Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-five ($393,^70.00) dollars, all of which has been cov ered by and included in the en„ neer s estimate hrreinbefor refer red to. The engineer of the dis trict has heretofore made and filed with the board of director, of said District maps, profiles, specifica tions and estimates as required by law. showing that the estimated amount necessary to acquire said contract with Cameron County Wa ter Control and Improvement Dis trict Number Six is the sum of One Hundred Six Thousand Three Hun dred Twenty-five ($106,325.09) dol lars, and to construct the necessary pumping plants, canals, reservoirs and other improvements proposed to be made in Cameron County Water Improvement District Number Eleven is the sum of Three Hundred Ninety-three Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-five ($393,675.00) DoHais, making a total of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) A summary of the engineer’s esti mate of the cost of the contract to be entered into, of the construction of the proposed repairs, improve ments and extension thereto and of the other authorized expenses is as follows: Cost of a contract to be supplied with water from the Rio Grande river throngh the present sys tem owned by Cameron County Water Control and Improvement District Number Six .$106,325.00 i Pump* and motors with buildings . 64.300.00 LEGAL ADVEKIISEMENT Meters . 10.800.00 Clearing rights-of-way for eanals and laterals ..... 5,928.00 Earthwork on eanals and drain ditches . 61.172.00 Structures in connection with canals and drain ditches . 12.050.00 Concrete lining of canals. HS.SII.OO Road bridges, timber on canals . 4,060.00 Pipe outlets . 41,079.00 Engineering 5fr . 20,562.00 Expenses of organisation, etc. 57,407.00 Total .J500,000.00 Immediately after the holding of said election, the presiding judge of said polling place shall make a re turn of the results of said election, in the manner as provided for in general elections, such returns to be made to the secretary of the board of directors of said district. The above notice ia given in pur suance of an order made by the Board of Direct' » of Cameron County Water It : >rocement Dis trict Number Elect!*, on the 14th day of January. A. D. 1929. ordering the holding of said election and the giving of this notice. Given under my hand and seal of said district, this the 14th day of February, A. D. 1929. L. B. BRADY, Secretary of Board of Di rectors. Cameron County Wa ter Improvement District Number Eleven. (SEAL) 2-14-21-28-7-4t-S337j THE STATE OP TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County—Greeting: You are hereby commanded to cause to be published once each week for a period of ten days, ex LEGAL ADV ERTISEMEN1 elusive of the first day of publica tion, before the return day hereof, in a newspaper of general circula tion, which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in said Cameron County, a copy of the fol lowing notice: The State of Texas To all persons interested in the welfare of the estate of Albert Hill, deceased, H. M. Skelton, Jr., was by the County Court of Cameron County. Texas, on the 29th day of January, A. D. 1929. duly appointed Temporary Administrator of the estate of said decedent, which ap pointment will be made permanent should the court be of the opinion that a permanent administrator is necessary, unless the same shall be successfully contested at the next term of said Court, commencing on the first Monday in April. A. D. 1929. the same being the first day of April, A. D. 1929. at the Court House thereof, in Brownsville. Tex as, at which time all persons in terested in the welfare of the es tate of said decedent may appear and contest such appointment if they so desire Herein fail not. but have you be fore said Court, on the said first day of the next term thereof, this writ with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same Given under my hand and the seal of said Court, at office in Brownsville. Texas, this the seventh day of February. A. D. 1929 H. D. SEAOO, Clerk. County Court, Cameron County. Texas. By O. F. Brenner, Deputy. (Seal). (2-21 -28—2t—3342. t THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constablo of Cameron county, greeting: Jose Anialdua, guardian of tho estate of LEGAL ADVERT ISEMKNT Angelita Zamora. Maria Zamora. Gil berto Zamora. Jose Zamora. Refugio Zamora. Adolfo Zamora, Olivia Za* mora. Eurtolia Zamora, and Beatrix i Zamora, minor*, having filed in our county court hi* final account or the condition of the estate of said Angelita Zamora. Maria Zamora. Gil berto Zamora, Jose Zamora. Refugio j Zamora. Adolfo Zamora, Olivia Za | mora, Eustolia Zamora, and Beatrix I Zamora, minor*, numbered $67 on j th# probate docket of Cameron ! county, together with an application to bo discharged from said guard ianship. You are hereby commanded, that by publieatin of this Writ for twenty day*, in • newspaper print ed in the county of Camern, you give due notice to all persons in terested in the account for final settlement of said estate, to appear and contest the same if they see ; proper so to do, on or before the | April term, 1929. of said county j court, commencing and to be holden at the court house of said county, in the city of Brownsville. Texas, on the first Monday in April. A. D. 1929. when said account and applica tion will be acted upon by said court. Given under my hand and seal of said court, at my office in the city of Brownsville. Texas, this 11th day of February. A. D. 1929. H. D. SF.AGO, Clerk. County Court. Cameron County, Te _ By O. F. BRENNER. Deputy. 2-lS-2f»-i*7.3t-3334 MAN WITHOUT A STOMACH LEEDS. Eng —Dr. E. R. Flint re ports that a laborer whose stomach he removed in 1927 is enjoying good health. HIGH PRESSURE PETE — Goodby Boys —Swan i^»iAUiNCr |*\?Q Hone. "TonefTtfovo. rtTt ano hank a«?e. HAJ'Nl* ONE. LAST fUNir, Hlfr-.NO A noToe-BOAr —To <SO f^HtNCr _r©o "SAMtf’oNl Wk-HCFL lO«. FlNO *TH€f~S ftL^tAD^ ZLO F(?OP^\ I SHORE. we gotta go wav our t© CATCH “lAfffcN, HANK —TH’ , TaKTh€« out, Th‘ ^--tue.v A<e_. - L€'5 <30 y I I I I VAWLU voe-^o*?!- \T'f> GETTmo \Tf> BEGINNING- *To R*VM*l R> -5TbRC^'f> COMING- 0? t \ Rq. OOT IK THE. UJlTH comim Cr* OP, ONftBLC. *T3 tlOK T*MEir*_ toW, IT UOO*S M « ► IF -THEY *«e_ ooNe(?4 fWvfw \\\\\V\V \ \ > V x x\\\ ^ \ V\ ^\V^vv ^ N v -'^_Ccwmttt jnr, >r c«»u*l Ptw§ Anwati—. toe. X->f-V<7 THE GUMPS — Going — Going — Gone —Sidney Smith I 04. YES - MRS OxOLD - I’M AWFULLY S0**T — VM IN A VERY IMPORTANT CONFERENCE RIGWT NOW NO E^ERYTWING IS ALLRIGMT YES- probably Tomorrow — NO- 1 CfcNNOT make it yonigwt rSEE - IT S IMPOSSIBLE FOR V4 IM TO COME — YO(J KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS - \ MR. AUSSTINN IS through— j and You Cant blame him — \ AND MARY IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT-1 You've thrown away a chance of a LIFE TIME— I and were left penniless^/ p ft (hi. IT* I as*_ TTA KETT — Midnight Follies, Evidently! —Paul Robinson k \ f DONT- ^ ^ | L -- - ) JOST ViOUWDK’T GO HC^E EACLy r \ I V^T N10UT—AND 1 COULDN'T ( VE«< VitU-CROt\^ vAlfA CXjTp-> J*4eS MMSOEq) TO GET QiO or thpja 1 DANOQorrJ^ 'SV. * - _i_r=— AND t VjCET / y^ top A 6000 up CAOSC —V*C VJEQfc l \b RSMtAP^IKG A t-\ ums plAv fcp <2>VAP(TN-,ao c V.-j I OOFEY MOVIE > kOU CEW6MSEC <ATl E WAS SEAflObHKJ'S ALONJG “THE CtVEff 0A\.’< CCO SECT..UJMEN) SUCCENJUV, SME P£LU IISJTO THE ICV tAjATEfi AWO IajAS P COZEN) — STipcr iNJSlCE A WUGC CAKE CP CE... ^ C*pyngftt, 1?2>. by C«b»l Pi.-w Anantbw. lac —AjoO UOE PfW0 TUE COOSiEMT CAfiCViwG M63 DOUJM the CivjeC At- a wvEoy' “* QUO - WHAT * HAPPENS WEXT <S NOBODY'S Business EXCEPT TWE ONJSS T>urr Buy this PAPea. $ ,,s j Today’s Radio Features I Friday. Mar. 1 lCentral Standard TimeJ t:S9—Voduil; Variety Program—WOR IVADC mov KMBC KOIL WCCO WRK WuHPWL\C WDon\vkl -*£252 KKH WD8U WISX WREC KLRA KTSA WBRC K>JK I.oo—RavWw; Fre-liuiLjunatJoT) Program—WJJS KDKA WLW wjn k'rw kgw' wsV1 "hi was ULLE! RADIO KWWG—Valley Radio^tation Cr*>wns»lTte 4:00-5:55 p. m.—Associate' rreas dispatches and Valley news from The Brownsvilla Herald, followed by musical numbers. 6:65-6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. 6:00-7:00—Musical numbers fridaFaTm. 11:00-110 a. m.—Musical numbers and studio spectaUies. 11:00-11:30—Popular and aerei-classicai selections from the Capitol theater organ by remote control. 11:55-12:00— Local end general weather forecast snd bulletin on Rio Grande. J BOOST THE PORT The Officers and Directors of The First National Bank, are first, last and always for the Port coming to Brownsville. We have the greatest asset in the world in our Airport. The next best asset, will be our Port at BROWNSVILLE. There will never be one of our Official family who will be against a Deep water port at Browns ville. Let the whole community pull together and make this the greatest city in the Southwest. This bank will always be found in the foremost ranks of those wTho are boosting for Brownsville, and the Rio Grande Valley. If You Are Not a Customer, START AN ACCOUNT TODAY j| 4 ro Interest Paid on Savings and 1 Certificates of Deposit First National Bank I Brownsville, Texas “THE FRIENDLY BANK” 1 j Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley j • . . ■ — - , 1^vmti *U La Joya Gravel Co. INCORPORATED MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 General Welding Radiator Specialist LAWN MOWER EXPERT T. J. Rommer Phone 722 Rear Miller Hotel __ _ ' " ' 1 ~ — ..i——- - ■ I. —— II—■■ ■ ■»——— J. S. FORD & SONS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS Brownsville, Texas Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County. Texas [GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY Certified Public Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Cameiro & Company) Real Estate Investments CHARLES REID Seabury-George-Taylor Bldg. 9th and Elizabeth I A CORDIAL INVITATION it extended to the public to els'# ear plant and Inspect the carefal and thorough totting methods is use which assure only pipe of tha highest quality being delivered to the purchase#. For complete information address Owen M. Combe, District Seles Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. IP. O. Box 1051 — Brownevilte, Texas. Plant located at Blaiack Switch on Highway. Tha Pionacr Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas. Concrete Pipe 'or Irrigation, Dramaga and Sewer Systems. Valley Abstract Co. PROMPT TITLE SERVICE BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG Opposite Courthouse E, Harriman B!vd. Phone 11Q-1 Phone 93