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I CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertisement* will be accepted over the telephone from telephone subscribers, or from those having regular charge accounts. Other ^ classified advertising must be ac JLccmpar.ied by cash. Ilf No advertising accepted on an mVUntll forbid” order. A specified PLa-umber of Insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, anti cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farther than to correct in the next Issue after it is brought to their attention. AH ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To insure publication same day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. m. Copy for Sunday Issues should be In not later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to Insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less, one In sertlon 30c Qyer 20 words, one Insertion. per word .l'*c Subsequent Insertions run con secutively. per word. le By month, per word.25c Minimum for monthly rate, 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for lews than.30c LOCAL READER RATES First Insertion, per line. 12c Same ad run consecutive days, per line .8e AUTOMOTIVE Used Cars And 1 Trucks For Sale Bee J B PUCKETT Delta Investment Company Phone 1066. N-102 PACKARD Straight eight seven-passenger sedan. Big sacrifice for cash. Telephone •78-W. N-222 I 1988 Chevrolet Cabriolet. Completely reconditioned. New Duco finish. New tlret. Look* like new car, 1385.00. 1885 Ford Coupe. New paint. Two new tires. Mechanically recondition ed; 8173.00. 1926 Ford Touring. Reflnlshed New Duco. Mechanically recondition ed. Oood tires; 919300. 1928 Chevrolet Coupe First class me chanical condition. Only run 9.400 miles. Original finish. An O. K. car; $550.00. ,198? Chsvrolet Landsu Sedan. New * Duco finish. Mechanically O. K. Oood tires; $430.00. Buy with confidence on three day*' i free trial. I STEVENSON MOTOR CO.. Inc. tOth and Adams. Brown*villa, i [ AUTO REPAIRING_ \ Battery Service THE VAN HEEST BHOrS Wa repair batteries, generators and starters. John 8lmo. electrician. 11th and Monroe. Fhone 1047. N-262 HELP WANTED __ WANTED—First-class waiters at Point babel Yacht club. Potnt Isabel. Texas N-2«« WANTED—Settled, neat appearing man of not over middle age. with good per sonality. as clerk at Point Isabel Yacht Club. Phone 90, Point Isabel. N-2*fl SALESMEN—AGENTS_ WANTED—Salesmen and saleswomen for a marvelous window washing in- i ventlon: 910 to $20 a day easy Some thing new; no competition. Also dis trict manager wanted. Inquire Mr. , Raves. 9 to 7 p. m. Tuesday and Wed Beeday. Palm Hotel. Harlingen. Texas. N-237 SITU ATI "NS WANTED IF TOD KNOW you ran fill a better t job. tell the classified ad-taker about It and invite offers. OPPORTUNITY In good town; good lease, easy terms; a real > Hotel. Mission.! f N-78 FOR BALE—Small cigar stand haul- ! Uiag fruits, candles, and newspapers ! Well hJcated. Oood money. Want to •ail quick. Address N-293, care Herald _ N-235 FOR SALE—An established bus! nr-* ! ■mail investment, big returns. Must 1 gall on account of health. Address t •ox 393. McAllen. Texas. N-233 . - . , FOR SALE i f Will sell i.£ interest in best paying business of its kinds in the Valley. Need working partner with $5000. Do not want silent partner. If inter- i ested and you have the above amount to put in said business and will ing to work, phone 666, Brownsville. Texas, for appointment or address N252 care Herald. ■ ... ■»' ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A DIRECTORY of wants and offers which Is revised every day will be found In the Classified Section. LOST AND FOUND HAVE YOU READ the opportunities and bargains offered to you In the Classified Section today? TREES — SEEDS — PLANTS FOR SEEDS of all kinds, see Mason Transfer and Drain Co. 1105 Adams. M-126 BUDDING 1 1 Would llkf to bud your sour orange seedlings on shares. Will furnish buds. Fleet A. Lentz. Mer cedes, Texas, phone 9002F11. M-2S8 THOMPSON PINK SEEDLESS (Pink Marsh) Foster Pink and other standard va rieties nursery trees, all select and proven buds. W. P. HAUSER NURSERY McAllen. Texas. Phone 201. N-256 FOR SALE—800 Marsh seedless grape fruit and some orange trees. Inch cal ibre. 3-year root, raised by San Benito Nursery. Non-resident owner cannot get down here to use them, so au thorizes me. sgent, to sell same at bargain. Fred Hector. 276 North Bon ham Ave . Ban Benito. M-2I8 PERSONAL TRUCK LEAVING HERE March 4th. latest for Chicago and In termediate points. Capacity 12 rooms. 1 or 2 families. Apply Austin Transfer and Storage Co. N-245 __ MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING wanted: children’s clothes a specialty. Phone 9001F12. N-110 DRESSMAKINQ and plain sewing. Call at bouse nearest Palm Blvd. on Resa ea Drive In Belvedere, or Inquire at Herald office. M-255 LIVE STOCK—POULTRY WILL TRADE a cow or cows for good young White Leghorn hens up to one thousand hens. Inquire st Lilly's, two miles east of Mercedes. 1-2 mile south of highway. A. Lilly, Mercedes. Texas _N-2211 BABY CHICKS—Now booking orders lor early delivery. Reds. Rocks. Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bing your custom hatching eggs every Mon- i day. Roy E. Clark Seed Co.. San Be nito. Texas. M-137 ARTICLES FOR SALE OOOD cane hay for sale. tlS to $23 per ton. delivered within 6 miles of Brownsville J. B. Kee. 1523 West Eliz abeth St., Brownsville. Texas. Phone 13S3W._ M-i3 LADIES* HOS5 mended: runs, pulls and snags. Valley Hose Mending Co. 745 Elizabeth. 1-193 FOR SALE—One Sx7tMcCrory. one 5x7 Viking meat cooler boxes suitable for dairy or grocery fixtures. M. System, i La Ferla. Texas. M-99 COTTON SEED FOR SALE—Me ban first year plantlne. $1 00 per bushel. W. O. WUkerson, Route No. 1. Browns N-2481 Combination Eclctrola Radio For sale! Victor electro la Orthophonic and ra dio combination. Used only 60 days. Paid $1200.00; make offer. This is the finest com bination set made. Thone 1394 W. BITT OR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANOE--Small farm less than six miles from Brownsville naar good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lota or Improved residence property. Address. Owner. P. O. Box 831. Brownsville. Texas. N54 FOR FIX CHANGE—San Antonio apart ment house for Brownsville property J. 8. Pord & 8ons. N-147 WANTED—Second-hand soda fountain and drug store show case*. Must be good, for cash. Address Box 783. Wes laco. Texas. N-267 WILL TRADE 240 acres at Hope. Ark. for Valley land. 180 In cultivation, half rich black land; 3 bouses, large bam. fine water. A. H. Andres. 233 West Davis. Dallas. Texas. N-206 C1 ickens Wanted Fryers and Hens Apply PifTfcly-Wiggly Market WANTED- -Used l*28-8~Packard. 3-pas senger series. Would trade high grade 1S28 smaller car and pay cash differ ence. Address N-283. care Herald. N-383 REAL ESTATE SUMMIT PLACE Brownsville's new business and residential sub-division. Just one mile from Elizabeth street, on Fourteenth street—the busy thor oughfare leading to the proposed >Aip channel and turning basin through the rich fanning section of El Jardln—to the municipal air port and on to 8outhpoint. Easy terms. Investigate TODAY. Of fice 14th and Hava Sts.. J. J. Dal las. Sales Manager, phone 330. Brownsville. Texas. M-285 For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Loa Kbanos Subdivision. Winding raeaca run ning through property offering natural lake front rites for sub division This property lx for sale by owners and can be bought at • vary attractive price. Henson-Lo max A Houston antf Brownsville ■ I I AUtTlUA oALES AlCliON SALES AUCTION SALE MULES At Pharr, Saturday, March 2, at 1:30 at C. H. Gurinsky Mule barn. We will sell two cars of extra good mules, fat and gentle broke; ages from 4 to 7 years; 15 to 16 hands high; weigh ing from 1000 to 1500 pounds each. The kind of stock the farmers need for heavy plowing. They have shape and color. There will be found some nicely mated pairs of blacks, bays, sorrels and dapple greys. Every animal guaranteed to be as represented. Do not fail to come to this sale for real bargains. Deliver your stock free. C. H. Gurinsky, owner. John S. Wear, Auction eer. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE—37 acres one-half mile from San Benito off Brownsville high way. close to Valencia Park. Will sell 3 or more acres. A snap. Phone 630. San Benito. N-249 FOR SALE OR TRADE—15 acres: some fruit: desirable; terms; consider res idence Wichita. Tulsa or Oklahoma City or farm near same. Address N-269. care Herald. N-269 FARMS FOR SALE OWNER OFFERS 10 acres west of Brownsville on Military paving, rip-; for subdivision: also 10 seres, two acres planted to citrus, at Olralto. 1 need money: the price Is right. H. H. Parks, phone '125FI1. Ban Benito, Texas.MOP HOME on bearing grove: 10 acres of 4 year-old bearing orange and grape fruit: 4ii miles from Brownsville, 2090 feet off of hard surface road. House, garage, and other Improvements on the bank of a resaca. Must be sold at once; $12,300. no more. Phone 1398 W or call at 849 West Washington St.. Brownsville. N-133 FOR SALK BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight-room home, five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from con crete highway. Reasonable price and terms. Address P. O. Box 631. Browns ville. Texas. N-64 WILLACY COUNTY farm lands for sale. Choice Victoria loam soils, cleared, 890 per acre and up. on easy terms. No trades. If Interested write or call on Isadore Moritz. Raymond vllle. Texas. N-182 BEARINO GROVE quarter mile from paving. Good soil. Phone 470. N-237 I OWNER, WILL SELL 30 seres good re saca land, Irrigated. In cultivation. Harlingen district, only $73 an acre, cash, balance easy. Need money. Also 10 acrai st paving. Rio Hondo-San Benito road. 5 acres citrus. H. H Parks. San Benito, Texas. phone 602SF11. M-264 300 Acres Cleared Known as Trevino Ban co, situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. | I. AND BARGAINS — 152 arree-23.1 1 acres—Donna district. cultivated. ‘ Nothing better. Priced low. Wire, write or call—C. H. Swallow, Alamo. Texas. Y-233 FOR SALE 20 acre* good Irrgated land tn El Jardin Tract, well drained: price $100.00 per acre, terms. 60 acre* Irrigated land In El Jar dtn tract, all in cultivation and rented: on concrete highway, elec tric line; price $121.00 per acre, cash. 40 acre* all In cultivation and rented: one mile from small town and concrete road: price $130 00 per acre. term*. 17 acre* near Brownsville, all tn cultivation .good house, well and windmill; about 3 acres bearing lng grove, good citrus land; price $13 000 00. Jarnes-Dickinson Company Corner Travelers Hotel Phone 430 Brownsville. Texas M-1J2 —— - agfcw - - POR SALK BY OWNER—40 acres fine eltrua land; 8 acres citrus orchard. « acres bearing. 3 years old; on paved road; nicely located. Cloee to either town. Weslaco or Mercedes Also stuc co Court Apartments, beauufuly lo cated in Weslaco. Texaa. Close in. In come $200 per month. Address P. O. Bo* 732. Weslaco. Texaa. N-20S 18 ACRES Nine acres bearing grove. Five arres. 4-yeer-old tree*: 1.000 aero* ripe for development. Will take back iiales contract. Telephone 671-W.. or ad dress box 488. Brownsville. N-222 12»» ACRES near Brownsville, near echooL Dear railroad loading station, near gin and on pavement. All in cultivation and possession at once Only 82300.00. A dandy location for a stoea in connection with farm. S C. Graham A Oo, phone 178. Brownsville. Texaa. K-243 FARMS FOR SALK REVENUE bearing property for sale cheap; small Imestmeat; call quick. Box N-85. Herald. N-85 —...—.- — 10 ACRES good land near Harlingen, half mile west of Avondale on road to Prlmera. All in cultivation. Only *1750 for entire ten acres with $750 cash and balance easy terms. 8. C. Graham Ac Co, Brownsville. Texas. N-214 10 ACRES good land only one mile from city limits of San Benito. All In cultivation. Only *150 per acre. S. C Graham Ac Co, phone 179. Browns ville. Texas. N-232 5 ACRES good citrus fruit land well located In El Jar din. Only *1000.00 tor entire acreage. S. C. Graham 8c Co. Phone 179. Brownsville. Texas. N-242 FOR SALE by own»r, 33 5 acres of fine citrus land. Cleared, well drained, wa ter available. Quarter mile from paved highway, seven miles from Brownsville Inquire of C. A. Burton, Brownsville. Texas. M-5 HOUSES FOR SALE TWO 8-ROOM residences In Oklahoma City, fastest growing cltye in the south. Will sell or exchange for choice citrus lend or orchard. Corner Lake Drive and Madison. P. O. Box 359. Brownsville. _N-196 5-ROOM modem house, new, for sale o neaay terms. Phc<ne 470. N-238 SELL OR EXCHANGE—Up-state :_od ern residence; comfortable, conven ient. highly desirable location; aleo paying business with thirty years suc cessful history behind It; all In small town on railroad and K. T. highway In the heart of Central Texas. Artesian water, sewerage, natural gas. electric lights, fine affiliated schools, and many churches. Telephone 166 or 133 Blue, write box 423. Otis H. Gibson. Weslaco. Texas. N-244 WHY PAY RENT?—Lot. house, chicken house, rose garden and. etc. All *725 Box 834. Phone 1185W. N-210 OWNER WILL 8ELL 30 acres good re dact land. 4 acres oranges and Mars a grapefruit trees. If you want a snap grab this. Box 217. San Benito, Texas. __N-23S 40 ACRES A-l LAND facing highway; good house, land In crop. Very at tractive price. Updegraff, La Ferla. _ N-26J LOTS FOR SALE s——_ • THREE BEAUTIFUL terraced lota on Lfvee street corner. One of the best apartment house sites In Brownsville. Murt be sold at once: *5 000 00. Own er leaving town. 848 West Washington Phpne 1398-W. N.30 -—— FOR SALE Two lots in Edinburg; three lots tn San Benito; 33 lots In Brownsville; seven lota outside Brownsvlte city limits; 20 per cent cash, balance In one. two. three and four years; or monthly payments if preferred. B. E. Hlnkley, Brownsville. H-60 OWNER must sell at once beautiful comer lots on Elisabeth street. Best apartment house site in Brownsville. *•*300.00. Phone 1303-W. or call at 849 West Washington street, • Brownsville. _ N-13S SACRIFICE well located EUrabeth street lot. only *2.500. Also well lo cated trackage lot on Fronton street, only 11.500 S. C. Ornhsm & Co, phone 179, Brownsville. Texas. _ N-148 FOR SALE—Improved 2-3 of lots 9 and 10. block 94. Adams 1111. J. B. Hoyt. Box 251. Monterrey. N. L, Mexico. ___ M-236 OWNER of beautiful Loa Ebanos lot wining to sell at sacrifice price on ac count of having moved to San Ant©- ] n-o. For particulars telephone 13P8-W. or write P. O. Box 70* N-238 _WANTED—REAL ESTATE WANTED—Have client who wants to buy bearing grore at right price Fos ter-Moothart Co, In Cromack Bldg. _ N-237 W ANTED—Resident of Brownsville wsnts to buy 5-room modem home with garage If priced at right figure. See roster-Moothart Co, In Cromack B’dg, on 11th street. N-236 HAVE CLIENT wishing 20 to 40 acres In cultivation near Brownsville or San Benito. Must be good citrus land and priced right. Address N-258. care Her ald.N-258 IT TALS FOR RENT—Store rooms In Stegman building- Bert Cromack. M-56 THERE'S SURE TO BE something In teresting to you tn the Classified Sec tion today. Read ltt FURNISHED HOUSE, eyery conveni ence; on pavement; five rooms, sleep ing porch, garage. Also two room house, sleeping porch, garage. Also two single sleeping rooms. Phone 1328-W N-62 ... . - - . I The Arced e Building One tingle and two double cfflees. Light, airy, new and modem. Eight foot ventilator* lavatory, ceiling fans. Centrally located. See Dr. Spivey, room 5, phone IT. N-213 ■.. FOR RENT—Furnished end unfur nished houses and apartments. South ern Realty Co, phone 914. N-254 FOR RENT—Nloe new office suite. Southern Realty Co, phone 914. N-254 APARTMENTS FOR RENT — Four-room apartment equipped with gaa range. Frtgldaire. automatic water beater and modern plumbing. Oarage. Apply on premie— a* Fourteenth and Garfield. M-39 RENTALS APARTMENTS ~~ ROOMS and apartments. 701 St. Charles. Tel. 1017. *-71 YOU DON'T RAVE to be In business to profit by classified advertising. NICE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apart ment with garage, also 4-room fur nished apartment. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N-17 FOR RENT—3-room apartment and bath, gas and lights. Call at 247 St. Charles or phone M. N-123 NEW APARTMENTS and rooms, ev erything furnished. 1022 West St. Francis, phone 937-J. N-121 FOR RENT—Apartment, upstairs; prl vata tath; all conveniences. 1517 Madison 8t. N-33 NICELY FURNISHED 3-room apart ment. with gas. Garage free. *30. Phone 946-W. N-1&4 FOR RENT—Two furnished apart ments, 1400 Adams, phone 274. _ M-1T3 NEBRASKA APARTMENTS—Furnish ed. every convenience. Frlgldalre and gas range*. Jefferson and Founeanth streets. Phone 1194. W-42 rrs SO FAST to pick up tqut tele phone end talk to a classified ad-taker. FOR RENT—Desirable furnished apart ment. Apply "M” System Store. West Elizabeth 3t. N-223 COLONIAL APTS.—Choice southeast apartment will be vacant March 3. Living ro>m. bed room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook. Com pletely furnished. Call 1173-W. N-241 FURNISHED apartments and duplex. Phone 331. Y-3 FURNISH ID APARTMENT in new Du plex. 1114 West Elizabeth street. Every convenience and garage. Telephone 1013-W. N-37 . - ■ - - - . , ^ FURNISHED APARTMENT — Down stairs. south exposure, bath. gas. paved street, garage: $33. 1248 W. Washing ton St. Phone 820-J. N-288 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one block fr6m postoffice, one block from El Jardln hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M-215 SLEEPING ROOM and apartment. 1022 St. Charles, phone 928-J. M-139 FOR RENT—Well furnished sleeping rocm; twin beds, meals If desired; also housekeeping apartment, close in. Phone 189. L-45 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM—Call at Delta Hotel. 808*# Elizabeth St., one block from poatofflce. Phone 804. _M-68 FOR RENT—Two bedrooms. See Mrs. Gardner at San Carlos. N-197 BEDROOM In #lvate family. 904 Adams St.. $2.50 per week. N-207 FOR RENT —One bedroom, furnished; 2 light housekeeping rooms, unfur nlrhed, with garage. Phone 1149-J. N-264 BEDROOMS—Meals next door; also 2 roora apartment. 912 Levee St. N-267 BEDROOM—$3. Phone 995-J. _ N-261 HOUSES ' MODERN 3-room house with gas. ga rage. Phone 911. M-234 FOR RENT—3-room furnished house, i 12th and St. Charles. Phone 722. _ M-251 FOR RENT—3-roora house, beautifully furnished, hot and cold water, gas. electric lights, double garage. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Call 703 or 1073-M._H-23 FOR RENT—4-room cottage and bath. Apply 709 Fourteenth St. N-118 ' HOLLOW TILE and stucco 6 rooms just completed. On West Levee, near Pita. Phone 323, after 6 p. m. N-24 5-ROC# I MODERN HOT7SB~with large sleeping porch; hot water, garage, on pavement. 1524 West Elizabeth street. Call any morntng. $40 00 per nronth. MODERN 6-ROOM house with gas, ga rage, near high school, $33 per month. Phone 762. N-239 DUPLEX with 10 rooms. $60 per month. Suitable for two families; ga rage. water, lights, gas and bath; on paved street, one block from Boule vard and two blocks from high school. Apply Popular 8tore. n-203 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ~ j In accordance with Article 843. R. 8, 1925, notice Is hereby given that I have filed with the county clerk of Cameron County. Texas, the fac simile of the picture or reproduction i of an Indian head, which, together j with the words or name "Indio Ge ronimo" written above, below or! alongside of such Indian head, 11 claim as my Trade Mark, and I also | claim the full protection of the law In the sole and exclusive use In Tex as of said TRADE MARK, as will more fully appear from a declara tion or designation of TRADE MARK filed by me with said county clerk on February 18, 1B29. to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description and under standing hereof and for all other j purposes. Witness my hand this 23rd day of February, 1929. A. L. MARQUES. (2-23 to 15—3348.) AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO the St. Louis, Brownsville & Mex ico Railway Company the right, privilege and franchise of con structing. maintaining and op erating a railroad lead track across, upon and along Third street, the alley in Block Twen ty-three and across Fourth street, in the City of Brownsville. Cam eron County, Texas, and prescrib ing the terms and conditions of right, privilege and franchise. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Browns ville, Texas: 8ECTTON 1—That the right, privilege and franchise shall be. and the same is hereby granted to the St. Louis, Brownsville <fe Mex ico Railway Company, to construct, and thereafter to maintain, repair, operate and use a certain railway Industrial track across, upon, along and over Third street, the Alley in Block Twenty-three (23) and acmes Fourth street. In the City at Brownsville. Cameron County, Tex as, the location of odd track being indicated by yellow color on a blue print attached hereto, marked Ex hibit “A” and made a part hereof, said track being in a location par ticularly described as follows: An extension of what Is known as the Bt. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway Company's Alley Track, over ami across Third street, the A’ley In Block 23. and acmes Fourth street, in Brownsville, Cam eron County, Texas, and the center line of said proposed track is de scribed still mere particularly as follows: Commencing at a point in the center line of the said Alley Track, located in the Alley of Block 24, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT said point being In the Northwest erly line of Third street for the point of banning; Thence, Southeasterly, over and across Third street, the Alley in Block Twenty-three and 4th street entering Block Twenty-two very near the North corner of Lot Seven (7), Block Twenty-two (22). Section 2.—This ordinance Is granted for the purpose of reach ing and affording railway facili ties. connections and loading and ! switching privileges to owners and users of industrial plants or busi ness enterprises located near or In the vicinity of said track or near or in the vicinity of such other and additional tracks which may in the future branch or spring from said track, and for the purpose of af fording railway facilities, connec tions and loading and swtichlng privileges to the general shipping public. Section 3.—That said railway track above mentioned may be used by the trains, engines and cars of the said The St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway Company, its suc cessors and assigns, and such trains, engines and cars shall be so op erated thereover as not to inter fere unreasonably with public trav el upon, along or across the streets, avenues or alleys occupied by said tracks or any portion thereof; and except so far as may be reasonably necessary In the switching, move ment and handling of cars, the said streets and alleys shall be kept clear and no cars shall be permitted to remain standing on such streets or alleys, except as aforesaid. Section 4.—That said Railway Company shall construct said tracks In such manner as not to interfere with the drainage along or across any of the above mentioned streets or alleys and shall at Its own ex pense install, maintain and keep in repair all ditches, drains and cul verts made necessary for the proper drainage of such streets and alleys by the construction of said tracks. Section 5— In consideration of the rights herein granted the said Railway Company shall pay to the City of Brownsville, Texas upon the acceptance hereof, the ram of $1.00, and in addition thereto shall pay said City of Brownsville the sum of $1.C0 per annum so long as this or dinance shall remain In force, and so long as the said track shall re main In said streets and alleys, the payment to be made upon accept ance as aforesaid to constitute the first of such annual payments. Section 6.—Upon the passage, ap proval and acceptance of this ordi nance the same shall become and thereafter be. a contract legally binding between the said City and the said Railway Company. Within twenty (24) days after the passage and approval of this ordinance the said Railway Company shall file with the City Clerk of the City of Brownsville. Texas, Its acceptance In writing of all the terms and pro visions hereof. Passed this 15th day of February, A. D. 1929. A B COLI! Mayor of the City of Brownsville, Texas. (2-21-28—7—3t—3343.) NOTICE OF REARING To Appropriate Public Waters of the Stale of Texas Notice is hereby given, to whom concerned, that S. Finley Ewing, the post office address of whom is Har lingen, Texas, did on the 4th day of February, A. D. 1929, file hi» applica tion in the office of the Board of Water Engineers lor the Stats of Texas, in which he applies for a per mit to appropriate of the unappro priated waters of the State of Texas, from a watershed containing approxi mately 20,000 acres and comprising certain irrigated lands in Cameron County Water Improvement District Number One, and all.the irrigated lands in Cameron County School Sur vey No. 25, the lands in Cameron County Water Improvement District Number One lying within said water shed being all of the lands in aaid district lying West of Lateral Num ber Three of said District, and North of the Southern Pacific Railroad run ning from Harlingen Eastward across said district, and North of the Hi dalgo Branch of the Missouri Pacific Railroad; and including all other ter ritory draining into said area; and also from the Rio Grande, in Cam eron County, Texas, for irrigation and domestic purposes, said water to be collected from the drainage sys tem and the canals, and pumped into a reservoir having a storage capacity of 1.60u acre-feet, and the unappro priated water from the Rio Grande, to be pumped into the reservoir through a cansl, tha location of aaid reservoir being st tha Northwast cor ner of Survey No. 274, Cameron County School lands; the unapppro priated waters from the Rio Grsnde to be diverted by means of tha pump ing plant of Cameron County Water Improvement District, No. 1 described in filing of record in the office of the Board, to supply at all timaa any de ficiency in the quantity of water de rived from said drainage canals for tha irrigation of not to exceed 1828.01 acres of land in Cameron County, Texas, the water from the reservoir to be diverted by means of gravity. A hearing on the application of tha said S. Finley Ewing will be held by the Board of Water Engineers for the tSates of Texas, in the office of tha Board at Austin, Texas, on Monday March 11th, A. D. 1929, beginning at ten o’clock A. M. at which time and place all parties interested may ap pear and be heard. Such hearing will be continued from time to time, and from place to plaeo, if necessary, un atuch determination has been made ative to said application as the said Board of W'ater Engineers may deem right, equitable and proper. Given under and by virtue of an order of the Board of Water En gineers for tha State of Texas, at tha office of the said Board, at Austin, Texas, this the 4th day of February. A. D. 1929. (SEAL) Jno. A. Norris, C. S. Clark, A. H. Dunlap, Board of W’ater Engineers. Attest A. W. McDonald, Secretary. 2-8-15-22-28—4t—$324. AN ORDINANCE Vacating, abandoning, closing and relinquishing all rights of the City of Brownsville In that portion of the Old Alice Road within the City Limits extending from the West side of Palm Boulevard and running Northwest to the City Limits line Be It ordained br the City at Brownsville that that portkn of the Old Alice Read extending tram the West side of Palm Boulevard and running Northwest to the City Lim its line be and the same ts hereby vacated, abandoned and closed, and the city of Brownsville does hereby grant, and relinquish to the owners of the property, through which said portion of said road now runs, aC, rights of the City of Brownsville in and to «eld portion of said road. Passed and approved this 13th day of February. 1929. A. B. COLE. Mayor of the City of Brownsville A. JL Monday. City Secretary. 2-21 -28—2t—3344. a. SAN BENITO SURPRISE t OWER A number :.t women met at the home of Mrs. ». B. Hankins Mon day afternoon t a surprise shower for Mrs. J. Lar aster. Mrs. J. H Coleman and Mi A. V. Maley pre sented the baskets of gifts, with appropriate speeches. The baskets were daintily trimmed with blue and white crepe paper, and con tained many charming and useful gifts. At a late hour angel food cake and coffee were served by Mes dames Hankins and Maley. Mrs. Stanford Lin rev of Harlingen en tertained with piano selections. Those Included In the guest list were Mesdames J. Lancaster. A. B. Hankins. T. R. LOWald, W. M. Bryant. Lon Williams. Price. C. P. Raney. J. H. Coleman. J. W. Wol ter. A. V. Maley. all of San Benito, and Mesdames A. W. Pranks. A. R Connell. Harper Lilly, O. O. Baker, and Stanford Limey, of Harlingen. SECOND TEST WELL ^tOMA. Feb. 28.—The Texas com I pa ay. will put down another test well on its holdings five miles north west of Roma. The crew received orders Sunday to resume operations. The new test will be about five hun dred yards from the first test weU drilled by the company some two years ago in which good showing was obtained at 3800 feet. SANTA CLAUS* FOE OUSTED SUNDERLAND. Eng —Miss Ethel Corwyn has been forced to resign as a school teacher because she warn ed her pupils against "the outrage* ous belief in a Santa Claus." Eat s Real Gama Dinner s* The Matamoros Cafe Mrs. Emma Leonard Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects — Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 Security State Ban!: Building Weslaco. Texas A. A. Callaway & Co. Architects and Engineers 411 Merchants Bank Building Brownsville, Texas BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS^ G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE _ CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER P. O. Address R. F. D. No. 1, San Benito Telephone COO'S P 12 PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. R: listers bought, sold and exchanged W. E. Sanders Representative Phone 29 Harlingen, Tex. Box 905 DRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE <FFDS OP ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO Phones 421 and 519 _1126 Washington St. Jones Transfer & Storage Co. storing, moving, crating and shii. ng. Local and Ion' dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight service between all Valley points. Harlingen. Brownsville. Edinburg. Office 1259 Levee Phone 787 Truck leaves Brownsville 11:30 Dally FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plant*, funeral design* and bouquet* 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1888 L 'W TER TTE FLORIST. Rowers nd funeral desirr *. Bt. Charles . id Pita Streets. Phono 771. HOTP'S-CArgg WHITE KITCHEN Famous for its Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches 12th between Elizabeth and Washington Hotel Hollingsworth American Style Day, Week or Monthly Rata Phone 1637-J INSURANCE McDonald-Howard Agency •oaar - Xnmr toe - Real Estate •toons 1 and 2, Arcade Bldg. Phone 1090 INSURANCE ——————-- , * W. B. CLINT :; INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE 6 — _____ MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Yotir Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS l&th and Adams Phone 674 _OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL' FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho O®. 208 Merchants National Rank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equir t and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY & BOOK STORE __Brownsville. Texaa FUNERAL DIRECTORS ---1 Hinkley Mortuary i Complete Funeral Service Phones 123—300 St. Charles and Eleventh Street TYPEWRITERS ±$ DAVENPORT Typet *iter Exchange ?,I, (Brown villoa Typewriter House) *51 Distributors. New L. C. Smith “81- : lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type- S® writers. Also cell Royal Portables '* and “Factory” Rebuilt*—all makes, f“*^ We -epair all makes typewriter and adding machine*. 1112 Elizabeth 8t., =5 ^hono 1106._ WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machine* SuppV'*—Repairs l one 508—Harlingen :*S|j PROFESSIONAL ""attorneys Dav—ort. West and Ransom* Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchant* National Bank Brownsville. Texaa H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Team J T. Canales C. 8. Etdmau, CANALES AND EIDMAN Attomeya at Law Real Estate a 303 Merchants National Brownsville, Texa* H. L. YATES Attorney at Law State National Bank Brownsville. RALPH A DUNI_. tomey at Law Cumemrctal Collection* a Specialty 108 S:abu. George and Taylor 7 * Building Brownsville, Texaa chFropractor M. Cook, D. C. \ CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas Room “Z Phone 70! EL ViBRA SYSTEM USED DR. C. RANZELL C hir apractic—Electro—1Tberapy Massage am* Bath Cromat's Bldg. BrownevllB * KEAlESTATl LOSEBANOS . Job**Co.. Realtor*, comer Trai Hotel Bldg.. Brownsville. . ■ ■■■ i TAILORING ^BETTiN’S mo «aS2teih,'ud* ra raS. »»