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Otar tonmsnfllf Herald Established July 4, 1892 —-.-_ Entered as ia<*ood*«laii matin la tha Poatoffica Brownsville, Texas. THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—Deity and Sorday (7 banes) One Yeer .«......*»..«.|3jOO I Six Months ......$4J« Three Montha ......f2£S One Month....... Jib MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exc nsively entitled to the us for publication of all news dispatches credited to tt or not otherwise credited in this paper, end also the local news published herein. TEXAS DAILY PRESS LEAGUE Advertising Representatives Dallas, Texas, 612 Mercantile Bank Building. Chicago, 111, Association Building. Kansas City. Mo, Interstate Building. New York, 360 Madison Avenue. A Valley Lobby ' At a recent meeting of the associated water dis tricts of Cameron and Hidalgo counties, P. 8. Rob ertson, manager of the San Benito district and sec retary of the associated districts, called attention to the fa^t that approximately 60 measures affecting v.aicr had been introduced in the legislature. Of these measures the Valley irrigation interests have little knowledge. Several have been introduced as local bills, which never are closely scanned by the legislators, and as the majority of members are not interested in irrigation or its problems they pay little heed to measures affecting irrigation interests. That the Valley shuold maintain a representative at Austin to carefully check all measures in which the Valley may have an interest is apparent. It Is probable that none of the bills passed or which now are before the legislature will seriously affect Valley irrigation interesst, but there is always the possibili ty of the enactment of some measure which would result in irreparable damage tc Valley irrigation districts. Representatives Homaday and Montgomery and Senator Parr cannot be expected to maintain the careful check upon measures that the interests of the Valley demand. They have a multitude of other duties, and it Is no reflection upon them or their ca pacity for work to state that they should have the aid of a "third house." They repeatedly have proved thetr efficiency in safeguarding Valley interests, but they cannot be expected to carefully check the great mass of legislation with which both the senate and house are deluged Those familiar with the irrigation problems of Texas know that there is very little In common be tween West Texas and the Valley so far as their re spective irrigation interests are concerned. And West Texas has a lobby in Austin that can be relied upon to look after West Texas Interests. Failure of the Valley irrigation districts to provide similar repre sentation indicates that the Valley districts will not know whether they were hurt until after the legisla ture adjourns and the attorneys have had an oppor tunity to digest the great mass of legislation. The regular session U now in the final stages, and it is too late to take action. But the districts should make provisions to have representation at Austin for the special session and to assure such represen tation at the regular and special sessions of the fu ture. The Valley has too much at stake to permit measures effecting irrigation to come up for final passage without having full knowledge of the con tents and effect of such measures. In the Eyes of the World Hie acceptance by Colonel Charles Lindbergh of the invitation extended by the Mexican government to pilot the first plane over the new air mail route from Brownsville to Mexico City, and the announce ment last week that Captain Ira C. Eaker. command er of the famous “Question Mark." would essay a dawn-to-dusk flight from Brownsville to the Panama canal, has turned the eyes of the nation upon Brownsville. Brownsville’s municipal airport will be the start ing point for two of the epochal flights in the his ' tory of aviation, flights which have bearing of utmost Importance in connection with American and Latin American relations, and it Is apparent that these will lay the foundation for the air transport development which will continue to hold Brownsville and its mu nicipal airport in the public limelight. The success of the Brownsville airport has sur passed the expectations of the mast, optimistic. When the proposal was broached a year ago that Browns ville vote $100,000 bonds to finance the airport, there was practically no opposition, but the most enthusi astic proponent of the municipal port nev*r visioned the success that would attend the movement. The Brownsville city commission. when it became evident the airport was destined to become one of the city’s greatest assets, dki not restrict expendi tures to the amount of bonds voted. Approximately $150 000 already has been expended on the port an'! site with the probability tliat the total will run over $20(1000. The commission acted upon the theory that the value of the port would be in direct proportion to the facilities provided, and this action has result ed in development of a volume of business that would have been deemed impossible a few months aeo. With establishment of the air mail bo*!'. north and south and also establishment of passenger and ex press service. Brownsville become* the most Impor tant international port in the United States. Evm the most skeptical must admit that in view of the rapid development of air traffic and the fact that Brownsville is the gateway to all of Latin America, there is no city in the South which for which the future of avtntk-n holds more of promise. Brownsville ts now in the eye of the aviation world and will continue to hold a prominent place in the limelight, and the airport, which the city had the forethought to provide, will prove a more important factor in the envelopment of Brownsville and the en tire Valley than any project heretofore undertaken. NO FLACE FOB LAME DECKS (Beaumont Enterprise*. Former Congressman Upshaw of Georgia, some time known as “Smiling Willie.” is looking hopefully to Mr. Hoover for a federal position. What Mr. Up shaw is said to have particularly in mind is an ap pointment to the commission which Mr. Hoover will adect to make a nation-wide study of prohibition en forcement. Mr. Upshaw bestirred himself mightily during the ]atc presidential election. His physical infirmities did pot prevent him from taking a Dying Imp off tha . .. democratic reservation and Into the republican fold. Once there he lost no time in climbing nimbly upon the Hoover bandwagon. The democratic candidate for the presidency was anathema to Mr. Upshaw, who said as much during the campaign. Now he think* the grateful Mr. Hoover can do no less than recognise his services by cutting for him a large slice of fed eral pie. As a "lame duck” who Is believed to have a very slim chance of ever getting bade into the house of representatives. Mr. Upshaw must lode about for something else in the way of federal employment and thinks he is just the man to investigate prohibition conditions as a member of a “fact-finding” commis sion. Any facts, of course, that Mr. Upshaw would discover would tend to prove conclusively that prohi bition in its present form is a success, although he might be willing to make the laws a little more dras tic than they are now. The New York World says: "If the commission is merely to be used as a roosting place for political lame ducks like Mr. Upshaw, not much will be ac complished by creating it,” a view that will be shared by a good many Americans. To command respect and give weight to its con clusions the commission should be composed of men who are. first of all, not prejudiced, one way or the other. A rabid "wet” can always find the sort of “facts” he is looking for to prove that prohibition is a farce. Likewise, the militant “dry” can always find evidence to show that prohibition is the most suc cessful social experiment in human history. '- ■ M _ ' 1 J 1 ' ■■■■I " ■■■ ' TK@ World! aumdl All By Charlta P. Driscoll AROUND THE WORLD Somebody is going to fly around the world with out stopping in 1929. Several flyers are getting ready for the triaL AH that is absolutely required to start the flight is cap ital. There are many men willing to risk their lives. 'Not so many are willing to risk their capital Of course, there are more men who have lives than men who have capital. • • • • Art Goebel, who won the Dole Hawaii flight, is one of the early entrants for the non-stop around the-world flight He proposes to start from and alight at Wichita, my own home town, which now claims the title of Air Capital of the Universe. There are nine airplane factories there, and a municipal airport a mile square. That's the same town, by the way, that laughed itself hoarse at me. about eight years ago. when I advocated, in the editorial columns of one of its newspapers, the establishment of a mu nicipal landing field. They hadn’t yet invented the word airport. That gives me a graphic notion of the growth of this aviation business, The whole nation has become air-minded since the time, eight years ago, when I coined the word air-minded while urging the establishment of that municipal landing field at Wichita.' Rockford made Itself quite a name by financing the flight of HasseU and Cramer over the polar re gions toward Europe. Wichita may show the world where it is on the map and teach the world how to pronounce its name if it can be the starting and stopping point for the first round-the-world non-stop flight. • * • • This project wiU take a hogshead of mohey, wher ever It originates. There will have to be refueling planes ready to take off to supply gasoline and oil and food to the non-stop plane, stationed all around the globe. Probably one about Detroit, one near the Canadian shore, one in Greenland or Iceland, three or four in Russia, one in Alaska, one In Beattie, and one or two more in western United 8tates, making about ten or twelve refueling planes, well loaded and properly manned with crews drilled in refueling op erations. To get the planes, with their crews and supplies, planted in time, and to support the crews in distant places unttl the flight is on, will be part of the ex pensive operation. There will be the problem of relations with Rus sian. too. 8tncc this country does not have diplo matic relations with the Russian republic, there may be great difficulty in negotiating for the privilege of flying over Russia and maintaining refueling crews there. But it can be done. It will be done, by somebody. I hope the thing will be accomplished first by Americans. ACCURACY OF IMMIGEATION DATA QUESTIONED By HENRIK SHIPSTEAD. Senator From Minnesota. ! (Henrik Shipstead was born in Kandiyohi county. Minnesota. Jan. 8. 1881. He was gradu ated from the dental school of Northwestern uni versity, later .practising at Glcnwood, Minn. In 1920 he moved to Minneapolis and continued his practice there. He was mayor of Glenwood for two terms, and a member of the Minnesota house of representatives in 1917. He was elected to the senate on the Furraer-Laborite ticket in 1923'. It is not within the province of congress to legis- I j late for or against any person or group representing j any nationality composing its citizenship. Wc leg- j kslate as Americans. The constitution does not dis- j linguist! between racial groups. I think on reading the report of the senate com mittee on immigration that they have arbitrarily di- j vided the American population Into two classes. The j native American stock and the immigrant stock. The j native American stock is held by the committee of j experts to be composed of those whose ancestors were here before 1790. and that part of our population whose ancestors came here after 1790 are designated j as immigrants and the children of immigrants. This ! arbitrary classification is the foundation of the re- j port of the committee. That is a new theory that X nominate to stand on j a par with Dr. Einstein's Fourth and Fifth Dimen sions. interesting for speculative purposes but surely not to be relied on to form the foundation of an American immigration policy. I know of no pro vision of law nor do I desire any such that may pro hibit those whose ancestors were here before 1790 from purchasing for themselves championship belts for the purpose of designating to the world that they are the only "simon pure" Americans. But far pur poses of legislation we cannot distinguish or give any preferred status to any particular group. It Is therefore plain that the committee has dii - carded the report of the commission appointed by law and if the national origins clause Is to be put into effect and used as a basis for our immigratkm [policy it can only be don eby amending the immigra tion act of 1924 l THE NATIONAL PASTIME • » ■ J*~~**mrn***0+-**.m » ~ «—■> ■ ■ - 1 -—■ -, n r -,- — ,n ■ . -.-i~l mvinnj—ii—m 1 1 , , a [---1 Tfc _ _ J'l XT T/ THE STORY OF | LrACCO/l I IXX / A OIRL WHO MADE r ClooCli UU, MENL,KEHER ROE FULKERSON ©1020 by Central Pnm Aatciiika, Ik. %,!'1P, """ * 1 I—'—. W — ——■ I »,' H . — ——- ——— — “Well, kid, 1 told you you’d be waiting on table.” READ THIS FIRST: Betty Brown, a dancer, attracts many frtends with dancing. George Harris, the faithful one, disapproves of her profession. Because she will not “be kind” to him, a ward boss makes it impossible for her to get work in the theaters end night clubs. Andy Adair, the son of wealthy parents, proposes to furnish an apartment for her. Before she decides the problem the car is f wrecked and she recovers from a dislocated knee in the hospital.S which Adair never visits. George Harris pays her hospital bill3. In despair, she decides to marry George, but when she thinks he is proposing matrimony It develops that he is proposing to give her a j position in the restaurant he has just purchased. (No Go On With the Story) • • • CHAPTER XXXVII It was another week before Betty' was able to hobble down town on j her still stiff leg. In spite of reg ular exercise, she was unable to i bend her knee to anything like; right angles. It bothered her less in walking after she learned the trick of swinging It from her hip, but when she sat down it stuck out almost straight In front, and she went up or down steps very awkwardly. She read carefully the books; George gave her. and mas deeply j Interested in both the food and fi nancial problems of a restaurant. It was with real pleasure she took her position behind the cash desk. At first the work was difficult to handle at the rush hour, but she soon learned the cashiers’ trick of making rapid change. Then she en joyed watching the streams of people pass on their way into and out of the cafe. Finding George came at seven o'clock, and handled the cash until she arrived at eight-thirty, she be gan to rise earlier to be there when the restaurant opened. She stayed until George closed, work ing fourteen hours a day. George protested, but she insisted. If he were able to work these hours, she was equally capable of doing so. She had her reward: in her first week* pay envelope she found twenty-five dollars instead of the twenty he had told her she would start with. With three meals at the restaurant, this mas us much as she had made with ter dancing, counting out the weeks when there was no work, the meals to be bought, and the extra expense of costuming During the hill around three o'clock that afternoon she went to George at one of the tables. “George, you have been more than kind to me In the matter of salary. I want to thank you fear It.** “It is quite ail right," returned George. “You earned every cent or I would not give it to you. I have been watching. You are careful and accurate, and take an interest in your work." # “I am glad I please you. but I want you to do something else for me. Tell me the total of my hos pital bills, so I can pay you back a little each week and get out of your debt." “We wont worry about that now." “I would be better satisfied If you did." “Well. I understand how you feel. It was two hundred and twenty-five dollars." “Then." said Betty. “I want to give back five dollars each week until it is paid. I will feel leas an object of charity!" “Very well I understand. I don’t blame you. If you prefer. I will give you twenty each week. The other five will clear up your indebtedness in less than a year." This arranged. Betty went on with her work quite happily. She soon learned the names of many of the regular customers, and was able to greet them as they passed. Many liked linger at her counter fer a moment * * George had never sold tobacco. Betty kept a careful tabulation of the number of people who asked for cigars and cigarettes, and what brands they wanted. One day she went to George with her figures. The tabulation so pleased his mathematical soul that he put In' a small but convenient cigar case, and Betty sold cigars, at first The cigar and cigarette business soon became such an Important factor that a cigar clerk was added for the rush hours. As she was in Bettys charge, still another five dollars a week was added to her pay envelope. The repayment of her debt to George had become an obsession with her. She had already paid an extra twenty dollars she had accu mulated; with the added five dol lars a week her debt was soon cleared up. to her great Joy. Studying the restaurant she dis covered the waitresses had grown Into the habit of undercharging guests who tipped .heavily. So great an evil had this become that Betty suggested, and George adopt ed. a fodo checker, who not only checked the food against the check on the tray, but also the food on a tabulating machine which record- , ed what was ordered, and added it at the close at the day. Compiled by the week, these figures gave a perfect record of the dishes which were popular, and enabled George to arrange menus to a greater ad vantage and eliminate many foods prepared but not sold. 1 Slowly but surely Betty mastered the work in the restaurant. She was comparably happy In It. One person In George's employ she was not friendly with. The red-headed head waitress, herself the personi fication of efficiency and courtesy kept entirely away from the cash desk, busying herself with her oth er work. Betty tried on several occasions to make friends with the girl, but was met coldly on each occasion. The red-haired girl was pretty. From her conversation she was an educated woman. She could not de cide why the girl did not like her. Site finally came to the conclusion that she knew of her career as a dancer and considered herself stove all such. Smiling grimly at the thought that a head waitress might consid er herself higher in the social scale than a dancer. Betty decided to pay no further attention to the glrL The busy days passed swiftly. She was happy, except that her knee seemed to grow no better. It did not bother her as much as for merly. and was leas painful when she walked, but she was not able to bend her leg much more than when she came out of the hospital. Her limp showed but little on the street, so she tried to feel encour aged. and faithfully kept up the exercise the doctor had prescribed. One day Jack Parker, the local theatrical agent, came up to pay his check. It was he who had told her that the number of engage ments he gave her depended on how nice she was to him. He frowned for a moment, and then said: "Well. kid. I told you that you would be waiting on a table if you weren't reasonable with me. didn’t I? Now you have a Job here, per haps you would like a few dancing engagements to fill the evenings?" "No. I have stopped dancing, thank you.” answered Betty. "They may say they stop, but they never quit until they break a leg!* “That's what I did. I can never dance again.” "Gee* I am sorry, kid! I didn't know that. How about going out for a ride with me some night?" "Thank you. but I don't care to.** Betty spoke oddly. “Oh. well, no hard feelings." He lighted a cigarette and went out "Did you used to dance?” sdad the girl behind the cigar counter. "Tea, until I dislocated my knee.” "Were you on the stage?” T suppose you'd call it that But if you dent mind. I don't like to talk about it” "No wonder you don't” sighed the chi *Td give my life to get on the stage mas Brawn! It must be wonderful!” •Not half as wonderful as you About NewTfoPk. NEW YORK. Feb. 28,-One of the more sensational adagio teams now appearing In a New York cafe are the central characters In a story more thrilling than any of their hair-raising routines. When the handsome Continental isn’t tossing the young and beautiful thing here and there he is making furient lore to her back stage, to which she doesn’t respond. A few weeks ago. It is told, he threatened her during their act with: “Say you love me, or I'll break your neck now!” And he could have broken it by being pur posely negligent He wasat being cute. He really meant it. she says. So the frightened woman, for protection, has reluctantly accept ed the attentions of a tou*h guy who frequents the place. She told him of her partner’s threats, and the gorilla has notified the bulldoz ing dancer that if anything hap pens to the girl (accidental or otherwise) he win be Chicago’& see FLIP CRACK Epigram observed under the glass top desk at the Universal Film company offices: “A gentleman is a person who never insults any one unintentionally.'* • • • OBSERVATION There are 18.000 filling stations in New York and 33.000 policemen, so Walter O’Keefe observes that 4.000 policemen are not being sup ported in the luxury to which they are accustomed. • • • PLAY ABOUT HARLEM What is better described as the finest play concerning negroes since “Porgy," and a thoroughly interesting entertainment, is “Har lem.” a sort of "Street Scene” or “Lulu Belle," which Edward A. Blatt provides at the Apollo. It Is the Joint work of the skill ful William Jourdan Rapp and Wallace Thurman, played by an al most all-brownskln troupe, and it is an accurate portrait of the low er class Lenox Avenuers. The first spectators received it affectionate ly, particularly its opening and closing episodes, which are the brisker, albeit the middle section, while good. lags a bit It reveals, among other fascinat ing things, the Sepia Sector of New York at its best and at its worst. The intelligent and God-fearing representatives of Harlem are ably drawn, as are the riff-raff vo-deo dos. • "Harlem.” It is observed, “is think. I'd try to get it out of my mind, if I were you.” “That's what my mother says, but I wish I could dance, Just the same.” She sighed and walked away. Remembering her own feel ings at the time she first studied dancing, Betty knew it was useless to argue with the girl, so she said no more about it. Another day. one of the girls who had danced at the Iron Door came in for a late breakfast. As she passed the desk she called: “Hello, Brown! Did that big slob keep you out of work all this time?** Betty knew she referred to the politician that Andy Adair had knocked down for pressing his at tentions on her. She made the mistake of saying: “No. I hurt mv knee in an automobile accident. I can never dance again.” "Gee that was tough!” answered the girl, with real sympathy. “You didn’t ‘John.' either, did you? Whatever became of Andy Adair? I have never seen him since you left the Iron Door. I thought may be you married him ” Betty recognised the slang of the show girl In her statement that she did not “John.” She meant that Betty did not go out with the men patrons of the show after it closed. Betty did not reply. She wished the girl was right. If she had not gone out with Andy after the show rhe would not have tiad her acci dent. She contented herself with saying: “I have never seen him since I quit dancing.” “Oh. well, such is life In the large cities! You eat regularly here, anyway. I know a lot of dancers who don’t.” She breezed out. leaving Betty to bitter thoughts of Andy. 8he wished for the op portunity to tell him what she thought of him for his desertion In her trouble. (TO BE CONTINUED) no different. You just got to used to it." and those of us 1 frequent the vulgar places up tl will corroborate the testimony the authors. It is the saga of a Lulu o Harlem belle, not unlike the cl acter unfolded by Lenore U and her toast probably is, **F to Hell. May the stay the nice as the way there!" solcnt, incorrigible but irreti siren, who proves to be at i< two other fellows* poison. * • • COMMERCIAL CANDOR It was after the second epls of "Harlem.” The candy and II | onade butcher was busy serf j drinks in the foyer. Tom ij Dycke caught him in the act placing used straws in fra drinks, and called him for ft. "Oee. for 25 cents a lemona said the indignant Mr. Van Dy “you shouldn't do that when \ pie are looking " “Who told you to look?” was snooty retort. • • • A FORM OF CRITICISM Sam Shipman and Max Mar the play colloborators. were lur ing at the Astor yesterday. T had their domes together In confidential manner, when ! Shubert, the producer, an!; along. **I don't know what vou fell; are plotting” he said, ‘but I'll| it’s going to cost me $50,000”? ---—»r»~. ■ i Grab Bag I Who am I? In what branch natural conservation have I don great deal of work? On what ot subject have I written numer articles? What is the estimated populat of the entire U. 8.? What were the Fourteen Polr In whose honor did John F Jones name the “Bonhomme III ard?" ‘Therefore to him that know to do good, and doeth It not, to 1 It Is sin." Where is this pass, found in the Bible? Today in the Past On this day. In 1797. Mary Mtj Lyon, the American educator, bom. Today's Horoscope Persons bom on this day quiet and self-effacing. They intellectual and have great hop* A Daily Thoaght “Gluttony kills m-sre than •word."—Herbert. Answers to Foregoing Qoestloi 1. Charles L. Pack; forestry; f nomics. 2. 118,828.000. S. Principles upon which Pr> dent Wilson believed the peace at Qermany should be founded. 4. Benjamin Franklin. 5. James fv. 17. ——-, i ^V&shington _PaybooK CONGRESS LOOKS INTO VICE AT WASHINGTON By CHARLES P. STEWART WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.—Con gress Is Investigating Washington's underworld. It Is a rather painful Investiga tion all around. Congress appears not to have known that the capital had an un derworld at all To discover that it has, and a formidable one, evi dently hits numerous congressmen with a mighty disagreeable shock. The underworld also would mod estly have preferred to have its ex istence ignored. The whole Dis trict of Columbia government is unpleasantly sideswlped, particular ly the police. • • • The inquiry resulted, in large part, from a recent performance in a Washington theater, which was proclaimed at the time as an un derworld benefit in behoof of the dlstreued families of certain un derwar Idlings against whom a local criminal court had previously as sessed long terms in Jail. If anything, this benefit per formance was too much of a suc It attracted undue attention to the underworld. Many congress men felt that an underworld suffi ciently populous to fill a large the ater to overflowing, and prosper ous enough to buy tickets In blocks of 500 at once and then tear them up in order that still more might be sold, deserved looking Into. • • • The suspected underworldlings, however, yanked before a congres sional “probe" muter the chairman ship of Representative Ernest W. Gibson of Vermont, proved unex pectedly backward about identify ing themselves, or one another, as of the underworld. in fact, to hear them tell it, there was no benefP performance whatever—or. if there was, it was 1 *«t a bit underworldly anywr and it wu no such financial I umph u wu represen ted^kmU* It wu a monster hewyt# u formance while It wu |uf!5« on I vestigated. it evatwratod into f ceedlngly thin air. • • • George Roth well Brown. Washington “colyunmiet,** on the capital's oldest newspaper and a highly experienced cha. fens this clew to the “prober«. “The truth of the matter * says George, “that Washington ways has had an underworld, v a *red light district* u inter tionally notorious u New Yo Tenderloin, the only difference I twe«i the past and the present I that the reformers have dri, the half-world underground." I Geocf* urges congress to g# an investigation “to ascertain a hit Billy Petterson.*^ “*TUMn | Of course. If Washington has underworld, the natural lnferenr that the police ought to have A something about it. Senator Thaddeus ftt. Cara. Arkansas has even declarsdT peso that District Com ml Procter Lb Dougherty, who. a. of the capital’s presidentally pointed mayorality triumvirate 1 administrative charge of the jk department. “Is uterlv unsulted t such a post.* jsjcA •tor. Inal he Is hi sympathy most of Washingtons abuses." • • • WMhjngteo. in ghort, wou~ In the thros of a first-class mu pal scandal If it were not so p. Inrty governed u It to. / Jt oasrdom is hard to eapfr| Nevertheless, the city adminit tion arid the underworld alike be glad when the thtesUp finish their “probing" and th get back to normal again. I &.i il