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! SCOUT HEADS ARE SELECTED Court of Honor at McAllen Picks Leaders to Judge | Scouting Events McALLEN. March 9.—The McAl ^>en District jurt of Honor, meeting |Hrnday wit. Al Hughes, chairman; ■>ockton Fountain, member of the ||®>urt; D W. Webster, district com ^■issioner; and Bob Lyon, assistant Kut executive of the Valley Scout B^Buncil, tooK up the task of select flHB; rxpeit examiners and counselors ■ the local scouts in the various ■it badge stibjects. principal speaker was Mr. aaHKihp.s. who spoke of the vocational IMKct of scouting, its relation to the j|y§»Bjus trades. It was shown that badge field extended into mPPLt. every vocational field. Kjbably six or eight McAllen men receive certificates for the com ion of the work in the scout tership course given at the rr Kiwanis club each Monday, he following men were appointed ;pecial counselors for the scouts heir rilerit badge work: C. Dykes, agriculture, poultry )ing. animal industry, athletics, dairying: Leo Baumfelder, lery end first aid to animals; D. Woolridge, art and architec s; . Paul Bowen, automobiling, tricity and cycling: “Skeet” cins. aviation; FW. P. Phillips, :etry; E. D. Mathis, carpentry cement work: W. C. Fields, d work and wood carving: Gene ters. chemistry and civics: C, ^ulwider, masonry; B. M. Chalk, al work and machinery; W. E. •ades, music; Brooks Page!, TERRIBLY ILL stocky Lady’s Health Waf Very Bad. Had Severe Pains and Could Not Sleep. ixlngton, Ky.—Mrs. J. H. Nichols, i lives at 513 Elm Tree Lane, city, says that Cardui has been aluable assistance to her on two isions, which she tells about be ; Some few years ago, my health bad. I had very severe pains ny sides. My nerves were in a Lble condition. I could not rest, rhe lower part of my body was ' sore. I could hardly stoop over ice my shoes. I would have to my foot on a chair. I did feel like eating, and did not [) well at all at nights^ i friend of mine recommended lui. I began taking it and saw e an improvement in my con in. I kept it up until I felt strong and well.” About a year ago, Mrs. Nichols 6ays, she found herself in a ner vous, run-down condition. "I took Cardui again,” she adds, "and it helped me wonderfully. It is 9 Splendid tonic.” Thousands of women have writ ten how Cardui helped them, rid of pain and suffering, •dui is a mild, medicinal tonic, made from purely vegetable ingre dients. At all drug stores. NC-190 Si ■•a-niREaSEOM i PILOT ACCLAIM * * * LOCAL FIELD AS * * * BEST IN SOUTH i __ "Boy, howdy! What an airport this is! It’s the sweetest landing field I ever dropped in to.” That's what visiting pilots are declaring with monotonous regu larity, as they sign the airport register. Exclamations of wonder, and amazement, then spontaneous ad miration greet airport officials at every turn. One of the finest tributes paid by the port was by Hans Adam son, assistant secretary of war, who said: "You have a marvelous thing here. From a military stand point, it is a most strategic loca tion. Please accept my heartiest congratulations. painting: Arden Olson, pathfinding and pioneering; Cy Richmond, plumbing; C. C. McDaniels, printing; Horace Dismukes, radio: Roy Ran dolf, safety; W. D. Webber, sales manship and cooking; J. D. Bram lette, scholarship: W. I. Wither spoon, signalling; O. D. Quillen, stalking and photography; Ed Card, surveying; Frank Jones, swimming and life saving; C. H. Britton, fire manship; I. G. Cook, gardening; Stockton Fountain, beef produc tion: W. H. Moon, farm records and bookkeeping; W. T .Gartman, con servation; Dr. F. E. Osborne, first aid, personal health, and public health: E. H. Fullwood, handicraft; Percy Herman, interpreting: L. Leo nard, journalism; Harvey Hixon, leatherwork and leathercraft. Plane Embargo Not To Interfere WitK Celebration Plans Replacement of the embargo on commercial planes to Mexico by the United States government could not be verified Saturday morning, as no word of the embargo had been received here, William Neale, deputy collector of customs, an nounced. It is believed that offi cial notice is being . ithheld until the close of the celebration here, in order that visitors may cross over the border during the festivi ties. The embargo was lifted a year ago, and Associated Press dis patches Friday said that Cec. Kel logg had announced it would be replaced. NICARAGUAN REBEL LEADER SAID SHOT MANAGUA, Nicaragua, March 9. —(JF)—Native papers today said General Manuel Maria Jiron, for mer Sandino insurgent leader, who has been in the custody of marines for the last month had been exe cuted by members of the Nicara guan volunteer constabulary. Jiron accompanied a volunteer patrol promising to lead it intc a location where he said the insurg ent leader Augustin Sandino could be captured. Instead, members of the patrol found he was leading them into ambush. The leader of the volunteers placed Jiron under arrest, tried him by court martial and ordered him shot. Jiron for more than a year was Sandino’s chief leader. - , FASHIONS DISTINCTIVELY | DIFFERENT i FOOTWEAR . I ] • j| To Open Door I See Back of This Advertisement I i i. . z_!: ‘ON TRIAL’ OPE NS AT McALLEN 'Scare from Zh Jrta/Zwitk PauJ/ne Frederick, Bert LyteJi 8ad ids WUsotu. of Warner. Bros- ProcUudio-%/ _ There was promise of great things in the way of screen entertainment in the news issued by Warner Bros, that they were going to make a special production of “On Trial,” which opens at McAllen today for a 4-day run. A great many people remember “On Trial” as one of the smashing stage hits of its time, and one which was made so by the daring of its author, young Elmer Rice, in making use of one of the movies’ cherished effects, the “flash-back.” Those who saw “On Trial” will recall how, when the heroine is placed on the stand in the court room, and asked to explain certain things, the scene shifts showing her j as a girl and the temptations which bestrewed her path. Added to the strength of the story is the nov elty of its treatment. New it re mains to be seen how much better use of the “flash-back” the movies have made than did the stage, which laid violent hands on It. “On Trial’’ has a great cast. The heroine is played by Pauline Fred erick. Bert Lytell is another mem ber of the cast, which includes Lois Wilson, Holmes Herbert, Richard Tucker, Jason Robards, Johnny Arthur, Vondell Darr, Franklin Pangborn, Edmund Breese, Edward Martindel and Fred Kelsey. Rob ert Lord did the scenario. Archie L. Mayo directed. Brownsville Church Services j I____i CHURCr OF THE ADVENT Holy Communion. 7:30 a. m. Church school and Bible class, 9:30 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Litany, 7:30 p. m. Celebration of the holy communion first Sunday in the month at 11 a. m. and on Saint’s days at 7:30 a. m. R. O. Mackintosh, Rector. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY (Corner Elizabeth^md West 2nd) Christian Science Society of Brownsville, Texas, a branch of The Mother Church, First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mass. Sunday school at 9:3U. Sunday morning services at 11 o’clock. Subject, “Man.” A Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8:00 o’clock. Reading room in the church build ing open Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Victoria Heights Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Evening: N. Y. P. S. 6:30 p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m. Rev. W. T. Parrott will preach. CHRISTIAN UNITY 509 Elizabeth Street Sunday morning service, 9:45 to 10:45. Wednesday evening 8 o’clock, study class ud prayer service, “Sci entific Study of Prosperity,” Mrs. C. F. Thomas. Thursday afternoon, office open 'for consultation from 4 to 5. Tuesday morning, Mrs. Thomas in office for consultation 9 to 12:30. Reading room open Wednesday and Friday afternoons, 1:30-4:30. Hos tesses, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Murphy. SACRED HEART CHURCH (October to July.) Sundays: 7:00 a. m.—Holy communion mass. 9:15 a. m.—Sunday eehool and Bi- j ble study. 10:00 a. m.—High mass and ser 7:30 p. m.—\espers and Holy Rosary. , . .. 8:00 p. m.—Sermon and benedic tion. . ... Week Days—Mass and holy com munion every morning at 7 o’clock. First Sunday—Meeting of the Children of Mary. Second Sunday—Meeting of the Holy Name society. # First Monday—Meeting of the Al tar society. _ . , First Friday—Sacred Heart devo FATHER JEAN B. FRIGON, O. M. I.. Pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:45 a. m.—Sunday school, Cleve Tandy. Supt. 11:00 a. m.—Morning worship. “Meditation” (Klein); Anthem, “Praise Ye Jehavah” (Ashford); offertory, “Sertette” from (Lucia) Sermon, “The Salt of the Earth ’; Postlude, “March Religioso in “F” (Fflulkcs). 6:45 p. m.—'Young People’s League. Topic: “What is the Church’s Mis sion?” 6:45 p. m.—Pastor’s instruction class. 7:45 p. m.—Evening worship: Pre lude. “Andante” from the “Violin Concerto” (Mendelssohn); Offertory, “Melody in F” (Diggle); Anthem. “O Jesus, Thou Art Standing” (Hey ser); Sermon. “Whv Mr. Hoover Kissed the Bible”; Postlude, “Post lude of Thanksgiving” (Lawrence). J. A. Russel, musical director; Mrs. A. B. Niven, organist. “Volunteer Day” will be observed by the members of the congreation Sunday, from two to five-thirty o’clock. The Deacons and Elders will be at the church where mem bers are requested to go and make their-pledges for the ensuing year beginning Aoril 1. Monday. 3:30 p. m.. the woman’s auxiliary will meet as follows: Circle No. 1 with Mrs. R. B. Schwarz: Circle No. 2 with Mrs. W. B. Wal ton: and Circle No. 3 with Mrs. A. G. DieteL __. Tuesday, 7:45 p. m.—The session will meet at the manse. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.—Church school of missions will meet at the church. Thursday, 7:30 p. m.—Choir re hearsal. ■> Friday evening, Boy Scout Troop No. 1 meets in church basement. Emmet P. Day, Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (6th and Elizabeth Streets) 9:45 a. m.—Bible school, Ewin D. Clark, superintendent, 10:55 a. m.—Morning worship: Prelude, “Andante" from “Sanata, Op. 26,” (Beethoven): offertory, “Sieste,” (Laurens); anthem, “Re member Now Thy Creator,” (Adama); sermon, , “Christian Worthiness” (the pastor); postlude in C. (Guilmant). 6:30 p. m.—Training service with four B. Y. P. U’s. 7:30 p. m.—Evening worship: pre lude, “Evening Mediation,” <Arm strong) ; offertory, “The Old Re frain,” (Kreisler), quartet. “Con sider and Bear Me,” fPflueger); sermon, “Awake, Thou That Sleep est,” (by the pastor); baptizing, postlude in C. (Lemmens). Each morning, Monday to Fri day, from 10:00 to 11:00 the Wom an’s Missionary will observe the “Week of Prayer” for home mis sions. Mrs. H. E. Tucker, mission chairman, will be the general leader. Monday, 7:30 p. m.—The S. S. Workers’ Council meets at the church. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.—Prayer meeting. Friday, 7:30 p. m.—The Boy Scouts meet at the church. E. W. MARSHALL, Pastor. LUTHERAN CHURCH Services in the Junior High School auditorium at 3 p. m. Sun day. Rev. H. L. Wiederanders, pastor. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT — . )By the Associated Press) DETROIT. — Tony Canzonerl, New York, outpointed Cecil Payne, Louisville, (10). BERLIN.—Franz Diener, Ger many, outpointed Vipsy Daniels, England. (10). BUFFALO, N. Y.—Jack Thomp son. Chicago, outpointed Heavy An drews, Erie, (10). Frankie Schoell, Buffalo, outnointed Wilson Uarbo, Ch’caeo, GO). ERIE. Fa.—Maxie Strub, Erie, knocked out Ruby Stein, New York. (8). SAN FRANCISCO. — Rene De BROWNSVILLE FIRST! AMERICAN MAID BREAD Is made in Brownsville and sold only in Brownsville NONE BETTER Ladies are Invited to Visit Our Bakeshop at Any Time GATEWAY BAKERY Ed. Pehrson, Prop. 832 Elizabeth St. I ! The Better Grade Air Mail Envelopes Bishop’s Print Shop . . . . ■■■■■1 League Manifests The High Standing Of United States GENEVA. March 9.—(JP)—An ex traordinarily impressive manifesta tion of the high place held by the United States in international life characterized today’s public session of the council of the League of Na tions. Every member of the council, in approving a resolution that the committee of experts who will shortly consider revision of the world court statutes take up the question of the accession of the United States to the court, empha sized the importance to the world of American entrance into the tribu nal. After reading a prepared report and resolution, Sir Austen Cham berlain, the British foreign secre tary, called particular attention to the pleasant references to the "doubtless of times perplexing and difficult” work of the council con tained in the American note of Feb ruary which reopened negotiations for American adhesion to the court. He voiced his conviction that ev ery member of the council would observe this sympathetic declara tion with satisfaction. Goodwin District Gets Decision In Water Controversy (Special to The Herald) MISSION, March 9 —The contro versy between the Edinburg water i district and the Goodwin district, involving an alleged contract for water delivery and water rights, is believed to have been definitely settled by the decision Wednesday by the fourth court of civil appeals which refused to grant a motion for ] rehearing. Both the district court and the appeals court decided in favor of the Goodwin district in the case styled "Hidalgo County Water Con trol and Improvement District No. 1 vs. E. M. Goodwin, et al.” The Goodwin district originally proposed to secure its water supply from the Edinburg district, but failing to reach an accord with that district installed its own pumping plant. j SUSPENDED SENTENCE FOR PASO REAL MAN Ysidro Mirales, who resides near Paso Real, was given a five year suspended sentence Friday on a charge of statutory rape. Trial of the case started after the noon recess, and was completed in about two hours, the jury returning their verdict a few minutes later. MAKES LIQUOR HAUL BELOW BROWNSVILLE Ninety-eight pints of mescal and a touring car were seized and Juan Rodriguez. Brownsville resident, was placed under arrest late Friday aft ernoon by Deputy Sheriff R. J. Delaney. The arest was made near the Rio Grande just west of Brownsville, and the liquor is believed to have been smuggled acros the river Fri day afternoon. Delaney, who was on the trail of cow thieves, discovered the liquor in the car driven by Rodriguez, and made the arrest. WELCH TO REPRESENT McALLEN FIRM HERE Paul D. Miller and Frank G. Crow, officials of the Valley Build ing & Loan association, of McAl len, were in Erownsville Thursday and Friday and stated that their organization was in position to place loans to build, buy or re finance homes in Brownsville as well as all of the <ther towns In the Valley. While here they made arrangements with D. L. Welch, local loan and insurance man to represent their company in this territory. Vos. Belgian, and Jack Malone, St. Paul, drew. SA NDIEGO. Cal.—Dannie Jack son, Los Angeles, outpoitned Joe Lohman, Toledo, (6). HOLLYWOOD. Cal.—Mushy Cal lahan, Los Angeles, junior welter weight champion, stopped Arizona Joe Rivers, (9). ONE LITTLE PiMPLE MAY RUIN YOUR APPEARANGE1 No matter bow perfect your features, or how attractive your complexion— one little pimple may spoil it all. In stead of trying to cover up your face blemishes why not completely clear them away? Go to your druggist, ask for Black and White Ointment and use it accord ing to directions. It is pleasant to use, highly beneficial and scientifically safe. For best results use Black and White Skin Soap with Black and White Oint ment. All dealers sell them at small cost. S. P. CUTS TIME TO SAN ANTONIO Through Pullman Service Also Announced; Ef fective Sunday One hour and fifteen minutes will be cut from the running time of the Southern Pacific between the Valley and San Antonio and Houston by the new pasenger schedule which will go into effect Sunday, March 10. Through Pullman service from Brownsville to St. Louis, via San Antonio and the Katy’s Texas spe cial. also has been announced, ac cording to Wills J. Carter, assistant general freight and passenger agent, with headquarters at Harlingen. Through Pullman service from Brownsville to New Orleans, via Houston, will go into effect March 11, Carter announced, assuring every facility for eastern connections over the Southefn Pacific. On the new fast schedule, effec tive March 10, the passenger train will leave Brownsville 8:15 p. m. in stead of 7:00 p. m.; leave Harlingen at 9:15 p. m. instead of 7:58 p. m.; leave McAllen 8:45 p. m. as at pres ent. Leave Edinburg 9:10 p. m. in stead of 9:25 p. m. The arrival times at Houston and San Antonio will remain the same. On the trip to the Valley the leav ing times will be the same at Hous ton and San Antonio but the arrival time at Edinburg will be 7:20 a. m. instead of 7:25 a. m.: McAllen 7:45 a. m. instead of 8:00 a. m.: Har lingen 7:20 a. m. instead of 8:45 a. m., and Brownsville 8:15 a. m. in stead of 9:45 a. m. "The Southern Pacific Lines are constantly endeavoring to give the patrons of Valley points a finer and faster service and feel sure this new change will go a long ways toward bringing more neople to the Val ley,” Carter said. He also believes the comfortable and luxurious Pull man service will be in great demand. GERMAN ROTARIANS WILL ATTEND MEET HAMBURG, March 9.— (VP) — Members of European Rotary clubs today announced an American tour, sailing on the Hamburg American liner Cleveland May 8 to attend the international convention at Dallas May 27. The trip will include also visits to New York, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Galves ton, San Antonio, El Paso, Mexico City, Vera Cruz and Havana. DUTY COSTS LIFE ST. PAUL, Minn.—Though ill, Henry M. Serwin declared it his duty to serve as pall bearer at a friend’s funeral and died as a re sult. White Space You buy "white space” in a pub lication in which to place your adver tisement—you pay for every inch— Are you wasting space? Are you sure that no better advertisement could be prepared to fill that space? This Agency is composed of men with years of experience in preparing advertisements with a purpose— RESULTS! Ask any of our clients. Hidalgo Bank Bldg. — Mercedes. Phone 309 Two Bodies Found In Rio Grande Are Identified, Buried Bodies of two men found shot to death near the Rio Grande, east of Hidalgo, Thursday afternoon were identified early Friday as those of Felipe Gutierrez of McAllen and Raul Cardenas of Edinburg. Hidalgo county officers are work ing on the case, with only the slight est of clues to follow in the search. No arrests have been made yet. The bodies of the two men were found three miles east of Hidalgo near the bank of the river. Justice of the Peace C. S. Collier of Edin burg rendered a verdict of death at the hands of party or parties un know. Both men were shot through the head, apparently at close range. Funeral services for both victims were held Friday. DANCES OUT OF JAIL MARSEILLES, France—Showing his guard a step he had used on the the stage, Henri Crissot, a stage dancer convicted of theft, pirouet ted to the jail door, ran out and disappeared. 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. it is the most speedy remedy known. DISMISS CLAIMS FOR ALIEN SHIP SEIZURES WASHINGTON, March 9.—(/P)-~ A decision handed down today by the war claims arbiter, Edwin B. Parker, dismissed claims against the United States for seizure of four former German ships and al lowed claims for four others. The claims dismissed were for the three North German Lloyd vessels, the Kronprinz Wilhelm, the Prinz Eitel Friedrich and the Lock sun; and the Hansa Line vessel, Liebenfels, which the decision held were not considered merchant ships and therefore not entitled to re muneration. RAY DETECTS FORGERY BERLIN.—A local bank has in stalled an invisible ray machine which instantly reveals any forgery of notes. WOMEN USE THIS TONIC TO BUILD UP STREN6TH For more than fifty year* women of all ages, in all walks of life, have testi fied to the invigorating, stimulating and strengthening effects of St. Joseph's GJF.P OhecVJoman% c/onic •••••••••••••••••••••• ©!j - • ®!i — - :;# fcl SINCE 1903 "THE OLD RELIABLE* jj £ ©j 1© 1 EXPERIENCE iS ©IS © w!; When you use the services of a bank you are <!^ asking that bank to work for you, and its abil- © r§;j ity to work well decides the safety of your • !j money— ;j© © ( ® 11 Your Bridge to Prosperity l| J Q 1; '» a !: your fence to keep out misfortune. You want i a 2 ;; to know that the bank you patronize has learn- ;> ^ ^ I; ed how to do its work by actual experience. W |[ Make your banking home with this institution w7hich has worked successfully with and for !;W your neighbors for 25 years. *'>9 ;©j: !i© Is* * Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00 ::© © ;|MERCHANTsl f jNATIQNAL BANKIS ®:br,ownsville ••texas,?! ©©©©©©©©©•©•©©©©©©••©© New “S P” Schedule Faster Finer Service THRU PULLMANS Brownsville to St. Louis via San Antonio. Brownsville to New Orleans via Houston. McAllen to Houston and San Antonio. For the benefit of our many patrons in the Valley the Southern Pacific will offer two new through pullman services and a much faster sched ule to San Antonio and Houston. Through pullman service from Brownsville to St. Louis via San Antonio and the Katy’s Texas Special, effective from Brownsville March 12, 1929. Through pullman service from Brownsville to New Orleans via Hous ton, effective from Brownsville March 11, 1929. And here is the new fast schedule * Effective March 10th 8:15 P.M. Lv. Brownsville Ar. 8:15 A.'. M. 9:15 P.M. Lv. Harlingen Ar. 7:20 A.M. 8:45 P.*M. Lv. McAllen Ar. 7:45 A. M, 9:10 P.M. Lv. Edinburg Ar. 7:20 A.M. 7:45 A. M. Lv. Houston Ar. 8:45 P. M. 6:45 A. M. Ar. San Antonio Lv. 10:15 P. M. ®r Jtasilc City Ticket Office For Reservations or ,1^ . ct Further Information nos uve. s». Phone 120T