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LEGAL ADVEUTiSEME <T THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County, Texas, Greeting: You are hereby commanded to post in each of four places within the boundaries of a pioposed water improvement district designated “Cameron County Water Improve ment District Number Fifteen,” as such bomidaries are shown in the notice of election hereinafter men tioned, and also to post at the Courthouse door cf the County Courthouse cf Cameron County, Texas, in the City of Brownsville, Texas, one of the accompanying origmal notices of election signed by the County Judge of Cameron Countv. Texas, and attested by the County Clerk of said County, ac companying this writ, for twenty <20) days previous to March 25th, 1929, the date set for such election, and also to cause one of such no tices to be published once a week lor three consecutive weeks previous to said date of election, the first pub lication to he made at least twenty <20> days previous to said date of election, in some newspaper of gen eral circulation, which lias been continuously and regularly publish ed for a period rf not less than one year In Cameron County. Texas, a duplicate original of such 1 cures being hereto attached and in all things made part rf this writ. Herein F?’l Not. but make riu» re turn thereof showing bow vrni heve executed the same, to the Honorable County Commissioners’ Court, of Cameron Countv. Tm-as. rn pr be fore the said 25th day of March, 1929. Attest H. D. Srago. County Clerk rod Clerk of the Countv Commis sioners Court of Cameron County. Texas. , , Given under my hand end 'lie seal or our said County Commis sioners’ Court at my office in LEGAL AUVEKTISEMKNT Brownsville, Texas, this 27th day of February, A. D. 1329. (h. S.) H. D. SEAGO, County Clerk and Clerk of the County 'Commissioners’ Court ol Cameron County, Texas. NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that an election will be held on the 25th day cf March. A. D. 1929. within the boundaries of the proposed Cameron County Water Improve ment District Number Fifteen, in Cameron County. Texas, for the purposes of determining if a Water Improvement. District shall be ere- | ated and established in Cameron i Countv. Texas, to be named Cam eron County Water Improvement District Number Fifteen, and of de termining if notes of said district shail be issued for the purposes of paying the cost of organizing, sur veying. mans and plats, and all other indebtedness prior to the is suance of bonds, and for the pur nose of tho election of five Directors for sa'd District. Said election shall he held at the Guillen frame house near the North line of Survey 274 and about two miles East from the Northwest corner of said Survey 274; and the following named persons are desig nated as Judges and Clerks of Elec tion to conduct said election, at said polling place: Miguel Guillen. Presiding Officer, i Abraham Guillen, Assistant Judge, j Antone Samora. Clerk. Santiago Espir.dola, Clerk. The boundaries of said proposed • district being as tollows: “Eighteen hundred twenty-eight and 01-100 (1828.0D acres of land situated wholly in Cameron County, Texas, and meted and bounded as i follows, to-wit.: I Beginning at the Northwest cor LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ner of Cameron County Survey No. 274, patented by the State of Texas to James G. Browne, as as signee of Mrs. S. R. Collingsworth by virtue of Veteran Donation Land Scrip No. 649; said point of begin ning being also the Northeast cor ner of Cameron County Survey No. 271, patented by the tSate of Texas to James B. Browne, as assignee of John Plunkett by virtue of Veteran Donation Land Scrip No. 301; thence with the North line of said Survey No. 274, South 81 degrees 0 minutes Ease 14,788.9 feet to a .point on the West bank of the Ar royo Colorado for corner; thence following the meanders of the West Bonk of the Arroyo Colorado, South 3 degrees 30 minutes East 2013.44 feet; South 4 degrees 45 minutes West 1944.44 feet; South 1 degree 45 minutes East 201.94 feet, the Northeast corner of Cameron Coun ty Survey No. 275. patented by the State of Texas to James G. Browne, as assignee of the H. E. As W. T. Rv Co. by virtue of Land Scrip No. 929; thence South 2140.8 feet to a point and post for comer; thence West 3955.6 feet to a point on the West lme of said Survey 275 for cor ner; thence North 3005.55 feet to a' point and post for corner; thence West 10,555.5 feet to a point and post, for corner in the West line of Cameron County Survev No. 273, patented bv the State of Texas to James O. Browne, a* assignee of San Parr bv virtue of Veteran Do nation Land Scrip No. 637; thence North 5618.58 feet to the place of be ginning. containing 1828.01 acres.’’ At which ''lection there shall submitted the following proposi tions; ‘•For the Water Improvement Pis trict.” “Against the Water Im provement District.” “For the Is LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 1 suance of Notes of said District.” j “Against the Issuance of Notes of said District,” and the Election of five directors for said District. The manner of conducting said election shall be governed by the General Election Laws of the State of Texas, except as otherwise pro vided in Chapter 2, Title 128, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, Re vision of 192b, and in Acts Amenda tory thereox and supplementary thereto. None but resident property tax payers wno are qualilied voters of said proposed district shall be en titled to vote on any question sub mitted to the voters at such elec tion. The ballots to be used at said elec tion shall have printed thereon the following: “For Water Improvement Dis trict,” “Against Water improve ment District.” “For Issuance of Notes of said District.” “Against Issuance of Notes of said District,” and said ballot shall contain in five blank lines upon which to write names of persons voted for, for the office of director, with a heading, “For Directors, five to be elected.” No other matter shall be placed on the ballot except the heading, “Of ficial Ballot.” This Notice of Election Is issued under and in pursuance of an Order passed by the Commissioner's Court of Cameron County, Texas, on the 27th day of February A. D. 1929, at a Special Session of said Court, and after a public hearing had been held by said Court on the Petition of S. Finley Ew*ng. and others, praying for the establishing of a Water Improvement District- within the metes and bounds hereinbefore set out, to be designated “Cameron Countv Wa*er Improvement Dis trict, Number Fifteen,” and to be LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT established and to operate under Section 59 of Article 16, of the Con stitution of Texas and the Statutes enacted in pursuance thereto, for the purposes of the control, storing, preservation and distribution of the waters and flood waters of the Rio Grsnae River and of the Resacas, ravines, drain ditches, and streams within, crossing or adjacent to said district for tne irrigation of the lands included in said district, lor domestic power and commercial purposes, for the drainage of lands in said district needing drainage, with power to issue bonds (without the limitation provided in Article 3, Section 52 of the constitution) for the purchase and construction of such improvements and works as may be necessary in order to carry out tnose purposes, and also pray ing lor authority for ihe issuance of notes’ of such district by the Board of Directors of such District, when qualified to the maximum percentage allowed by law’, based on $1.80,000.00 (Estimated and pro posed cost of such improvements) for the purpose of creating a fund to pay the costs of the organization of the district, and the cost of all surveys, investigations, engineering, issuance of bonds making and filing of maps and reports, all legal ex penses connected therewith, and all other costs and expenses authorized or made necessary by the provisions of law’, up to the time the bonds of such district are sold: which peti tion was, by said Court in all things granted, and in which order it provided among other things, tnat this election should be held and that notire thereof be given as re quired by law’. Given under my hand and the seal of the County Commissioners' Court of Cameron County. Texas. LEGAL APVEKTISEMENT this 27th day of February, 1929. (L. S.) OSCAR C. DANCY, County Judge of Cam eron County Texas. Attest: H. D. Seago. County Clerk of Cam eron County, Texas. 3-2-9-16—3t—3349. In accordance with Article 843. R. S. 1925, notice is hereby given that I have filed with the county clerk of Cameron County, Texas, the fac simile of the picture or reproduction of an Indian head, which, together with the words or name “Indio Ge ronimo” written above, below or alongside of such Indian head, I claim as mv Trade Mark, and I also claim the full protection of the law in the sole and exclusive use in Tex as of said TRADE MARK, as will more fully appear from a declara tion or designation of TRADE MARK filed by me with said county clerk on February 16. 1929. to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description and under standing hereof and for all other purooses. Witness my hand this 23rd day of February, 1929. A. L. MARQUES. (2-23 to 15—3343.) GONE TO II-. SAYS SUICIDE CHICAGO.—“I’m on my way to j Hell,” said Frank Gandrick in a note he wrote before he fired a bullet into his brain. I A. TAMM 8 Blue Printing and Supplies 8_Harlingen, Texas HIGH PRESSURE PETE — Pete the Salesman —Swan ^g?rev4 rots. BUTtNE**, u)£- I FIND HPiMK'S I tSTbR^ F^JO Be.re_ HIS Tv t £» hT HftNO fnPiH ■» O - — ■ j T^pos. | pit j j the: < "ccaHSaT f t rsTo^e. * j .-— f - *TH(e_ * BEST < «5 rsoKe. ■ J *t3<3 <500D < £ the. ■ . E-^sr 1 — - — fc i_j m S^TlSeiPO— HRHK'S GtWNCr MG_ ^izsr <°* V3&5K , OHTiU BJ5INE5S <3ETS GotN(r - 5o evje(?VTH(HG- looks HoT5<Y — ToTSV NCIO opetvj &U51NE.53 CORNE.R- STORE. SSL^^Jt J*7 '"V^ ' ^ y^y ft 50NC, foR VojR L\TTLe_ nt €.Vc! 5 GlPU vowo'3 "To PUfW<> pLftS Trt' "PlP.KO?-*5o<t PiecC5 NOUJ L£'S «E£ 5br>€.TH(KC3 ' TOST ft ‘Sot'JG- ftT foO. ftTioOT ft -_ -poULft^ ^5"<t y ^-, THE GUMPS —Getting the Lowdown —Sidney Smith f' Natte- To Go To Twaj PARTY op Au^^t/nn^ tonight - i » ITS GoinG to BE one, of ( Tho^e Gvjell AFFAIRS' \ now $wau. I t>k£S$? t ■■ - 1 \ j let me. MEN'S SU)T^ C_OfST/NUS V To peat of? t twe broad O smoulder eppect The jackets are cot a L>YTL£- LONGER Th a here to PORS and peaked lapels ' \ are- mucw / IN PAVOft VVeRE'S 3 OM5-TNING TwAT WILL ~ ^ interest you— THE new VJRiSYWATCHES /N STEAD of being fastened By A leather ■STRAP ~ NAVE linked bands q f the SAME metal AS Yhe watch / CP A SOMB/NAY/ON OF- DIFFERENT METALS WHICH USUALLY SHOW/ A DESIGN- ^Arxi A LARGL WHITE PEARL To WEAR WITH AN EMENfNCr SHIRT IS considered SM/\*r ETTA KETT — The Middleman! —Paul Robinson \T lALVf AGOUT Voor DU MG GAC£*f1— ^ I'LL GET PE'D PUT MOTH GAUL'S IN Vt’llSOON j f? ASUtr Or ARMOR/ CAt^ \OU find CUT IMAGINE TAAT TICKET GW VWOS GOING fid SELLING US SEPARATE O SEATS ? ‘jT^eRE I# 1 VOIDER VJ'AO RESERYEO TAG ? j§ uT5@fP t '*mw w _ Cnpyrte^t. 1929. hr f>titrst P»->gi AiwVWn. fne. f NfeRVE. VJto 1ROM 1 \ UE’ORE Ai GUTTLE- l L SEA\P" C--— 1 '/—P-v i > ( nkl&SUcmI ..-= | Wr lT^J y I I GOOFEY MOVIE —Neher HELLO RAWS-GOLLY,X HAVE SO MAWY 0 POEMS X lOlSTH T COULD CEAO All OR THEM TO 'YOU — BUT SVtUY, x WAVE KIT THE TIMS SO X- GOES'S* HAVE TO PiCK^THEM--y DALE AlCE DiCeCTOR 0 P QOOF6Y MOVIES. I _ 'ouow! hece’s CNg/aoor m\teu= from Jg AUUEME OiSHECOOMOF BELi^EVlU^E, ' XLUMOtS^.CEM GOJW3T0 HAVE TO H;DE I MV FACE IAJHIUE X PEAD IT- J "DALE AlCE IS THE OlPECTOP, _ * $* Amo X TH!M< RES' OUST THE KlKjO ^ POP IP VCU OlOjOOT HAVE HIM * \NJOGOOFEVg K P IMOVES^OOb RMRJ — 3 ' __ ^iOu uu Be ooild A3COTTr-'E NJE'xr OMe. ITS FQOM BECNiADiNiE SCHiKJOELE OFMASJLV xouoa. Copyright, aCJO, by Central Press Association, Inc. 3-£ /—AM MQLM THE LAST OME x'UU H4\JE-TIMe1 / to Read fcona settv mouwt of as'Soqy ( PAR<,MEAi OcC^EY- HEC2& GOES V “’THELMA felTTY IJ A DPEAM- 4 \ She’ll make her hit cjPom twb scceesl ( Am IP X3J LMATCy WES 1M EL'ESV CETEU, WOULL WKJDYOVJ* ^^LlKE HEQ A GCEATPEAlJ M outgoing] FANS!» tORlTEAPDSM ABOUT VOOG FAVORITE MOWIE S1AR AM' MAIL “TO goofev Myji es/Vo TK'O PAPER-. Today's Radio Features j Saturday, Mar. $ tCenfral fitandard lime] 7;00—Organ Recital: Varied Selections—WKAF KGW KHQ WWJ KSD WHO WKY KOA KSD KPO KGO KOMO KFI 7;30_Mildred Hunt; Popular Song Hits—WKAF WGY KGW KFI WWJ KSD WHO KSD KOA KPO KGO KOMO KHQ S:00—Symphonr Orchestra: Valter Damrosch, Conductor—WEAF WGY WTAM WWJ KSD WHO WOW WDAF WTM.T KOA WHAS WMC WSB WFAA KPRC WOAT WKY WEBC KSD KPO KGO KHQ KGW KOMO KFI WLS KSTP 9.00—Tunes of Broad wav: Lauder Music—WFAF WGY V TAM WW.l WGN KSD WHO WOW WDAF KVOO WFAA KPRC WOAI WHAS V. ST’. WTMJ KSTP KOA KSL KPO KGO KFI KGW KoMO KIIQ Y.KY WMC KVOO VIOD ▼ALLEY RADIO KWWG—Valley Radio Station Brownsvme p. m.—Associate’ rress dispatches and Valley news from The Brownsville Herald, followed by musical numbers. 6:55-6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. 6:00-7:00—Musical numbers. SATURDAY A. M. 11:00-110 a. m.—Musical numbers and studio specialties. 11:00-11:30—Popular and semi-classicai selections from the Capitol theater organ by remote control. 11:55-12:00—Local and general weather forecast and bulletin on Rio Grande. f - s /g. -■» - =•— ■■■' . ' -."■-■sl..-■? 1 'Ll-" ■1 - .vz— i. "■ s:-1— ■ —t-d." t SERIOUSLY SPEAKING Let’s be really serious for a moment. What makes a bank really sound? It is CONFIDENCE to be sure, j but what establishes confidence? Wre’ll tell you. It is the men who conduct the bank. Our officers are courteous and obliging, con | servative, friendly. Our Directors know what is go I ing on inside the bank. It is their business to know, and they DO know7. Our stockholders are among the solid citizens of ’ community. Our Patrons are people of influe, and worth. All these beget confidence, the one thing that builds up a strong bank. Start An Account Today 4% Interest Compounded Semi-Annually, | Paid on Savings First National Bank |! Brownsville, [Texas I | “THE FRIENDLY BANK’’ |j : ij Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley | tv t ■ j* Ride the Ueneral Welding point Isabel bus line Radiator Specialist Yon Are Insured LAWN MOWER EXPERT Leave, Brownsville 1 • J. Rommer Black Diamond Bus Station Phone 722 8:00 — 12:00 — 4:00 Rear Miller Ho'.el Leaves Point Isabel _ 10:00 — 2:00 — 6:00 J. S. FORD & SONS * REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS Brownsville, Texas Real Estate Investments ^ CHARLES REID Seabury-Gcorge-Taylor Bldg. 9th and Elizabeth I PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERV1C*5 Systems. Organization and 3 Statistical Reports Busiest Control Travis Building Nixon Building San Antonio, Texar. Corpus Christi, Texas. A CORDIAL INVITATION i3 extended to the public to visit our plant and inspect the careful |> and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For complete information address Owen M. Combe, District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas. Concrete Pipe for Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems Valley Abstract Co. PROMPT TITLE SERVICE BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG • i Opposite Courthouse E. Harriman Blvd. Phone 1184 Phone 93