Newspaper Page Text
I AUTOMOTIVE Used Cars And Trucks For Sale Bee J. B. PUCKETT Delta Investment Company Phone 1066. N-102 ."B are showing a large assortment of jiftd cars and vou will find them to SfefH WONDERFUL BARGAINS. These have been traded in on new Mar and some of them are practical ^ftUke new, yet the big depreciation H^M"rlce has been taken by the first H^Bt *• A small cash payment or your will handle the deal with 11b ■R^HIcrms for the balance. You are ^PHy*l to look over our stock. Dem ruiaffations cheerfully given. HOYT MOTOR CO. Marmon Sales and Service Harlingen, Texas. ; 0-12 I 10th & Adams ■ 3 Davs’ Free Trial. f STEVENSON MOTOR CO.. Inc. I FOR SALE—April 1st one 1526 Whip bet tudor sedan. Leaving town. P. O. Box 761. °-94 t _____■_ FOR SALE OR TRADE for good car, 20-foot motor launch. T. J. Morrison, Combes, Texas. _ AUTO REPAIRING , Battery Service THE VAN HEEST SHOPS We repair batteries, generators and starters. John Simo. electrician. 11th and Monroe. Phone 1047. N-262 f LOST AND FOUND_ HAVE YOU READ the opportunities and bargains offered to you in the Classified Section today? HELP WANTED WANTED—American waitress at the Snappy Cafe, Levee street, opposite El Jardin hotel. 0-98 COMBINATION stenographer - book keeper for about two months’ work. Must be abld to turn out neat, accu rate work. State experience and sal ary expected. Eox 952, phone 437, San Benito, Texas. 0-97 [ambitious MEN—Big payT Let us I service your application for work in I foreign countries. Satisfaction guar anteed. Write. Tropical Service Bu reau, 14,606 Alma, Detroit, Michigan. 0-103 WANTED AT ONCE— Housekeeper, small family. Good home for right ; partv. Phone 1272. 240 Washington. V 0-95 — 4 ne * g^ITUATI XTS WANTED IF YOU KNOW you can fill a better Job, tell the classified ad-takor about It and invite offers. WOMAN STENOGRAPHER, bookkeep er desires good permanent connection. Thoroughly experienced In commer cial and legal work; settled; enable taking care all office details and rou tine. Age 30. A-l local references. P. O. Box 1161 0-100 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Hotel In good town; good business, long lease, easy terms; a real buy. Address Miller Hotel, Mission. Texas. N-78 -— FOR BALE—Grocery store doing good ■msiness. Excellent location, re^sona jle rent. T. E. Bowlin, 306 East Tay or, Harlingen, Texas. 0-85 f ANDWICH SHOP doing good busl ”.s. This Is a one man’s place.. Ex nses small. Apply Travelers Motel ock. •-129 ONFECTTONERY end lunch counter: eal bargain; best time to buy; f-dsall cash payment, balance two years, ^x 0-77, Herald. C«7 FOR BALE—Delicatessen; old esta* Ilshed business. Owing to slcknap, must be sold at once. Inquire Mriab. A. Dye, Market Delicatessen, In iBr ket Block, Brownsville. .O I_FINANCIAL M ~ ■ INSURANCE MONEY to lend oftfarell ■ located brick business property flat the ■ better located towns throughoi^Bthe I Valley. Low interest rate, easy^ftms, I prompt service; small brokera^^P no P Inspection fees, no attorney’s fflfi*. no I life Insurance to purchase—Juyfcfpusl Iness property loans. See us w^^Hyou Ineed one. S. C. Graham & <^MPl036 A evee St., Brownsville, Texas. jPWo-61 ■ jB^'ANTS ft* all ' Mason rair P:; Sidams. ft- ■rAf?Btion jrJBrri Mate M-126 Jm of “high pressure" tow: V "hors in urging them to t>»es to B AW returns. ft I John Veatch of Joshu'• ■ bid and a member of tjnission ft , ure for seven terms, st. q-35 jjjf never seen “anything lik* ft said that when he came t:ss ft) Rttend this session of t K, ture he found very few oi §B bers for it. but that infill® ‘ beo.h brought to bear to r. ft their attitude, ft r’ 4-e who spoke for ft Issuers k.ded it was a 201. jft should -wo submitted to ti^*2j5 ft for their consideration, i — ft tended that unless bonds ajf*®/ ft the state will never be ab. b Pt ft tain a connected system CBush. ft nent highways. o-96 ft HOOVER NAMES T^ncJi B AIDES TO SECRET^ B WASHINGTON, March '"our B President Hoover today aj. B former Governor Joseph M~202 B of Montana, assistant seerfR. B the interior and David S. ■ of Cleveland, assistant ■ the navy, in charge of avia — ■ 5?. Finney, present assistantock ■ tary of the interior, is to ock ^ solicitor of the department. :h. I STEEL ORDERS GROWEI I NEW YORK, March 9.—tP) L filled tonnage of the United t_ ■ steel corporation increased ■ • tons in February to 4.144,341 • ■ Jthe monthly jeport disclosed toe MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—3-passenger sedan car; will trade it for vacant lot. Borne res idences to sell. One 5-room house to rent, modem. Inquire comer Ninth and St. Charles. Oscar Peterson, owner. 0-126 ARTICLES FOR SALE LADIES’ HOSE mended; runs, pulls and snags. Valley Hose Mending Co.. 745 Elizabeth. 1-198 FOR SALE—One 5x7 McCrory, one 5x7 Viking meat cooler boxes suitable for dairy or grocery fixtures. M. System. La Feria. Texas. M-99 OFFICE RUG—Solid green pattern, size 9x9; good condition; cheap. Phone 1393-W. 0-69 WANTED—Several small motors. 1-4, 1-3, 1-2, 1, 2. 5 H. P„ 110 or 220 volts. Single or three phase. Marine Iron Works, Point Isabel. 0-102 BUY OR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE—Small farm less than six miles from Brownsville near good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lots or Improved residence property. Address. Owner. P. O. Box 831, Brownsville, Texas. N34 WANTED—Second-hand soda fountain and drug store show cases. Must be good, for cash. Address Box 783, Wes laco, Texas. N-265 REAL ESTATE 30 ACRES good citrus fruit land In El Jardin district, near Brownsville deep water port location. All in cultivation. Only $175 00 per acre. Terms on part. S C. Graham & Co., Brownsville, Tex 0-78 : . . - * i, Li ••• » . a . SUMMIT PLACE Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-divlslon. Just one mile from Elizabeth street, on Fourteenth 6treet—the busy thor oughfare leading to the proposed ship channel and turning basin through the rich farming section of El Jardin—to the municipal air port and on to Southpoint. Easy terms. Investigate TODAY. * Of fice 14th and Hays Sts., J. J. Dal las. Sales Manager, phone 336, Brownsville, Texas. M-285 For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sites for sub division. This property Is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Hen»on-Lo max & Houston and Brownsville Development Co. FOR SALE—37 acres one-half mile from San Benito off Brownsville high way, close to Valencia Park. Will sell 5.or more acres. A snap. Phone 850. San Benito. N-249 FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight-room bouse, five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from con crete highway. Reasonable price and t*™8-Address p- Box 831. Browns ville. Texas. N-64 WILLACY COUNTY farm lands for sale. Choice Victoria loam soils, cleared, $90 per acre and up, on easy terms. No trades. If interested write or call on Isadora Moritz, Raymond vllle. Texas. N-182 10 acres In E3 Jardln ,all In cultivation, rented; one-fourth mile from paved road and light line. Price $150.00, good terms. 16 acres near Brownsville, all in cultviatlon, good house; about three acres bearing grove, good citrus land. Price $12,500.00. good terms. Phone 1234-W. P. O. Box 135, Brownsville, Texas. 0-14 40 acres all In cultivation, good land and rented; one-fourth mile off concrete road, under Mercedes Canal. Price $150.00 per acre, good terms. 20 acres good Irrigated land in El Jardln. well drained; price $100.00 per acre, good terms. Phone 450: write P. O. Box 705, B-ownsvi.le. Texas. 0-13 REAL ESTATE Trad® Fop 'Grak&rd Gar Ciftras Lsumd Attractive fill ing station rent ing for $50.00 during winter. Large rental in summer. Good location in San Benito. P. O. Box 2, Browns ville, Texas. OWNER- OFFERS 10 acres west of Brownsville on Military paving, ripe for subdivision; also 10 acres, two acres planted to citrus, at Olmlto. I need money; the price is right. H. H. Parks, phone 6025F-11, San Benito, Texas. 0-89 FARMS FOR SALE 300 Acres Cleared Known as Trevino Ban co, situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. 33 ACRES good citrus fruit land near San Benito, near paved road, school, gin and railroad loading station. All in cultivation. Only $150.00 per acre. Terms on part. S. C. Graham & Co. Brownsville. Texas. 0-78 FOR SALE—20 acres close in, 14 acres in trees, small house, $500 per acre, half cash. Updegraff, La Feria, Texas. 0-84 “ 1,1 "■ 11 * —- 1 »■ ' - — - - - i OWNER WILL SELL 30 acres good re saca land, irrigated, in cultivation, Harlingen district, only $75 an acre, cash, balance easy. Need money. Also 10 acres at paving, Rio Hondo-San Benito road, 5 acres citrus. H. H. Parks. San Benito, Texas, phone 6025F11. 0-39 FOR SALE by owner, 33.5 acres of fine citrus land. Cleared, well drained, wa ter available. Quarter mile from paved highway, seven miles from Brownsville. Inquire of C. A. Burton, Brownsville, Texas. M-5 WILL SELL for the best offer twenty acres on the Intersection of paved roads leading to Point Isabel. Lots 9, 16, block 206, San Benito Water Im provement District No. 2. Address Mrs. Grace Wells. Cortez Hotel, Weslaco. _ 0-108 WANTED—Hear from owner good farm for sale. Cash price; particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. N-225 HOUSES FOR SALE WHY PAY RENT?—Lot. house, chicken house, rose garden and, etc. All $725. Box 834. Phone 1185W. N-210 FOR SALE—At sacrifice two modern new houses, five rooms and bath, beautiful light fixtures, hot water. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner, 1719 Have* St, Victoria Heights, phone 1075-M. 10-ROOM residence, two blocks north of Stonewall Jackson hotel, paved street, bearing trees; bargain at $4,500. We are dealers In real estate bargains. If you want to sell or buy,* see us. Strove Bros. Land Co., San Benito, Texas, 0-66 LOTS FOR SALE OWNER must sell at sacrifice 150 ft. corner on Levee St. Suitable for home or apartment. Phone 1398-W. 0-57 FOR QUICK SALE—Lots 4 and 5. $800 each, and Lot 6 $850.00. Block 53 West Brownsville. Terms. R. A. High tower. 0-7 112-FOOT CORNER on Palm Blvd., Los Ebanos. Beautiful southeast front lot. Must be sold at once. Phone 1398-W. 0-56 FOR SALE Two lots In Edinburg: three lots In San Benito; 33 lots In Brownsville; seven lots outside Brownsville city limits; 20 per cent cash, balance in one, two, three and four years; or monthly payments if preferred. B. E. Hinkley, Brownsville. H-60 AT SACRIFICE—Beautiful 69-ft. cor ner on Elizabeth St. Suitable for home or apartment. Phone 1398-W. 0-55 FOR SALE—Southeast halves of Lots 5 and 6. Block 132, Brownsville, $1,900, exclusive of pavement; $300 cash, bal ance one to three years. R. A. High tower. 0-83 RENTALS * FOR RENT—Store rooms tn Stegman building. Bert Cromack. M-56 THERE'S SURE TO BE something in teresting to you in the Classified Sec tion today. Read ltl FOR RENT—Nice new office suite. Southern Realty Co, phone 914. __ N-254 FOR RENT—Furnished and unfur nished houses and apartments. South «rn Realty Co, phone 91a. M-254 RENTALS FURNISHED HOUSE, every conveni ence; on pavement; five rooms, sleep ing porch, garage. Also two room house, sleeping porch, garage. Also two single sleeping rooms. Phone 1328-W. N-62 THE TOWER Sandwich Shop on Har lingen highway for rent: also fine swimming pool and picnic grounds to party with some capital. Phillips Store, San Benito, Texas. 0-81 APARTMENTS ROOMS and apartments. 701 St. Charles. Tel. 1017. J3-71 -v YOU DON’T HAVE to be In business to profit by classified advertising. NICE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apart ment with garage, also 4-room fur nished apartment. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N-17 FOR RENT—Two furnished apart ments. 1400 Adams, phone 274. M-173 NEBRASKA APARTMENTS—Furnish ed, every convenience, Frlgidaire and gas ranges. Jefferson and Fourteenth streets. Phone 1194. W-42 IT’S SO EASY to pick up your tele phone and talk to a classified ad-taker. FURNISHED apartments and duplex. Phone 351. Y-3 FURNISHED APARTMENT — Down stairs. south exposure, bath, gas, paved street, garage; $35. 1248 W. Washing ton St. Phone 820-J. . N-268 FOR RENT—3-room furnished apart ment. Apply Marshall Watson, State National Bank bldg. 0-91 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished; completely modern, Including Frlgidaire. Phone 839. 0-53 COMFORTABLE apartment for couple. Bed room, kitchen and breakfast nook, bath with tub and shower. Reason-1 ab'e. Call 1173-W. 0-62 FOR RENT—A 3-room apartment with bath, gas and lights. Call at 247 St. Charles or phone 90. 0-70 A VACANCY—Will let to desirable ten ant, choice southeast apartment. Liv ing room, bed room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook. Nicely furnished. Call 1173-W. 0-63 FURNISHER 3-ROOM APARTMENT, lights, water, telephone and garage, $30. Phone 911. 0-75 NICELY FURNISHED 3-room down stairs apartment, private bath, gas, $35. Telephone 946-W. 0-67 FURNISHED or unfurnished upstairs apartment, modern, private bath. 1517 Madison. 0-64 NEW APARTMENTS and rooms, ev erything furnished. 1022 West St. Francis, phone 957-J. 0-101 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one block from postoffice, one block from El Jardin hotel; large, southern exDosure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M-215 SLEEPING ROOM and apartment. 1022 St. Charles, phone 928-J. M-159 BEDROOM—$3. Phone 995-J. N-261 FOR RENT—Bedroom and garage. Phone 55 or 1134-W after 6. 0-87 NICE FRONT ROOM. bath. gas. garage. Very convenient. 445 W. Elizabeth. Phone 485. 0-6 HOUSES MODERN 6-ROOM house with gas, ga rage, near high school, $35 per month. Phone 762. N-239 DUPLEX with 10 rooms. $60 per month. Suitable for two families; ga rage. water, lights, gas and bath; on paved street, one block from Boule vard and two blocks from high school. Apply Popular Store. N-203 FOR RENT—5-room furnished house, $35; and small house furnished, $20; or unfurnished, $15. Call corner West 9th and Fronton. Phone 917-W. 0-76 FOR RENT—5-room house 16th and Roosevelt. Victoria addition. See A. E. Monsees or phone 32, San Benito. 0-103 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County—Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon W. S. James, Aaron Van Wormer and Sylvia Van Wormer by making publication of this cita tion once in eacn week for four successive weeks previous to the re turn day hereof, in some newspa per published in your county, if there be a newspaper published therein, but if not, then in any newspaper published in the 103rd Judicial District; but if there be no newspaper published in said Ju dicial District, then in a newspaper published in the nearest district to said 103rd Judicial District, to ap pear at the next regular term of the 103rd Judicial District Court of Cameron County, Texas, to be holden at the court house thereof, in Brownsville, Texas, on the 3rd Monday in April, A. D. 1929, the same being the 15th day of April, A. D. 1929, then and there to an swer a petition filed in said court on the 19th day of January, A. D. 1929, in a suit, numbered on the docket of said court No. 8295, wherein G. C. Wagner and Martha M. Wagner are plaintiffs and W. S. James. Aaron Van Wormer, Sylvia Van Wormer and James-Dickinson Farm Mortgage Company, a cor poration, are defendants, and said petition alleging: First: That by deed dated January 21, 1919, re corded in Volume 75, pages 257. 259, Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas, First National Bank of Brownsville. Texas, conveyed to W. S. James a ten-acre tract of ’and in said county, in Concepcion de Carricitos Grant, a part of the Hicks Reserve, fully described in said deed and in plaintiffs’ peti tion: that in said deed said grant ors retained a vendor’s lien upon said land to secure the payment of five vendor's lien promissory notes, executed by W. S. James, payable to order of First National Bank of Brownsville. Texas, all said notes are dated January 21st, 1919, num bered one to five inclusive, each for the principal sum of One Hundred Twenty ($120.00) Dollars, maturing respectively on the 21st day of Jan uary in the years 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924 and 1925: said notes bear in terest from date at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable annually; provide all past due prin cipal and interest shall bear inter est after maturity until paid at the rate of ten per centum per annum; contain the usual accelerated ma turity and attorney fee provisions in the event of default: that there after said First National Eank of Brownsville. Texas, sold, assigned, transferred and delivered said hereinabove described five notes to G. C. Wagner, who is now the own er and holder thereof. That here tofore by deed dated January 21st, 1919, recorded in Volume 71, pages 457-459, Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas. G. C. Wagner and Martha M. Wagner conveyed to W. , LEGAL AUVEKTISEMENT S. James twenty-one and sixty-two hundredths (21.62) acres of land in Cameron County. Texas, in Con cepcion de Carricitos Grant, being Block Number Eleven (11), of Sub division Number One (1). of Hicks Reserve, as shown upon the map of said subdivision, recorded in Vol ume 4, page 27, of the Map Records of Cameron County: that in said deed said grantors retained a ven dor’s lien upon said land to secure the payment of five vendor’s lien promissory notes, all dated January 21, 1919, executed by W. S. James, payable to the order G. C. Wagner, numbered one (1) to five (5) in clusive. each for the principal sum of two hundred fifty-nine and maturing respectively on the 21st forty-four hundredths ($259.44). day of January, in the years 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924 and 1925: all of said notes bear interest from date there of until maturity at the rate of six LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT per centum per annum, and there after at the rate of ten per centum per annum until paid, interest pay able annually as it accrues, and contain the usual accelerated ma turity and attorney’s fee clauses in the event of default in the payment of principal and interest thereon, when due: that thereafter said W. S. James, by deed dated August 6. 1919. recorded in Volume 88, pages 168-170, Deed Records of Cameron County, Texas, conveyed said here inabove described two tracts of land to Aaron Van Wormer and Sylvia Van Wormer. and in this deed said grantor retained a vendor’s lien upon said land to secure the pay ment of five certain vendor’s lien primossory notes, payable to the order of James-Dickinson Farm Mortgage Company, all said notes being dated August 6. 1919, number ed one to five inclusive. Note Num ber One (1) for the principal sum " j Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects — Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville, Texas ■ i — ■ ... — i ■ ■ ■ — l E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 Security State Ban.; Building Weslaco, Texas A. A. Callaway & Co. Architects and Engineers 411 Merchants Bank Building Brownsville, Texas " BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE ONTRACTOP AND ENGINEER P. O. Address R. P. D. No. 1, San Benito T '-'hor; 6CC" P 12 PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 « CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., R Isters bought, sold and exchanged W. E. Sanders Representative Phone 29 Harlingen, Tex. Box 905 DRAT—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE < Z :DS OP ALL KINDS T ight and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adarr.'i Phone 139 i AUSTIN ! TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Phones til and 519 1126 Washington St. Jones Transfer & Storage Co. storing, moving, crating and sh’i lg. Local and Ion' dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight service between all, Valley points. Harlingen, Brownsville, Edinburg. Office 1259 Levee Phor.? 787 Truck leaves Brownsville 11:30 Daily “florists THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 ' W ER - IE FLORIST, flowers r~1 .’aner:’. defd’T-* Si. Charles ’d Pita Streets. Phon^ 771. HOTELS—CAFES ~ WHITE KITCHEN Famous for ite Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches 12th between Elizabeth and '■'.ishln^ton INSURANCE McDonald-Howard Agency oan; - In—- re-"Real Estate .ooms 1 and 2, Arcade Bldg, ^hone 1090 _ Try a Herald Classified Aa ,_ 1 Positions are Foun INSURANCE W. B. CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 20S-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE r, MATTRESS RENOVATING ” Let LTs Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 office Eo.uTritrEvr ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-CIarke Litho Co 203 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville 1 Office Equiy r-d Supplies HARGROVE'S STATIONERY & BOOH STORE _Brownsville, Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS Hinklev Mortuary Complete Funeral Service Phones 123—300 St. Charles and Eleventh Street _TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Type* iter Exchange (Brown ville's Typewriter House) "distributors, New L. C. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writer; Also .11 Royr' Portables and “Factory” Rebuilts—all makes, Wj -epair all makes typewriter and addhig m-chines. 1112 Elizabeth St., "’hone 1105. > WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supy" -Repairs me 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS Dov- ort, West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas II. B. CVLBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J T. Canales C. S. Eidman, Jr. C." 'TALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. L. YATES Attorney at Law st te Nationa’ Eank Bldg. Brownsville. RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Comemrcial Collections a Specialty 106 £ abu George and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas Roo -. Phone 701! EL . lBRA SYSTEM USED -. DR. C. RANZELL Chi: jpractic—Electro—Therapy Massage Bath Croma.; Bldg. Brownsville REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Browm llle's Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com pletely improved. Homp sites from $1200 no.. easy terras, Jamer-Dickin sc.i Co., Realtors, comer Travelers Hot:l Bldg., Brownsville. TAILORING BETTIN’S Tall-ring and Haberdashery The Home of "■t Made Clothes 12.0 Elizabeth Phone 525 i d in Classified Ads * LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT of Nine Hundred Forty-eight and Sixty-hundredths ($948.60) Dollars. Notes Numbers Two (2). Three <3), Four (4) and Five (5) for the prin cipal sum of Four Hundred Seven ty-four and Thirty-hundredths ($474.30) Dollars each, maturing re spectively, on the 6th day of August in the years 1920. 1921, 1922. 1923 and 1924: all of said notes bear in terest from date thereof until their respective maturities at the rate of i six per centum per annum and thereafter at the rate of ten per centum per annum until paid; that as a further consideration for this conveyance said Aaron Van Wor mer and Svlvia Van Wormer as sumed the payment of said herein above described five (5) vendor's lien promissory notes, executed bv said W. S. James, payable to the order of the First National Bank of Brownsville. Texas, and also as sumed payment of said hereinabove described five (5) vendor's lien promissory notes, executed by said W. S. James, payable to the order, of said G. C. Wagner; that said five notes executed bv Aaron Van Wormer and Svlvia Van Wormer, payable to the order of Jemes Dickinson Farm Mortgage Com pany are barred by limitation, and the record thereof constitutes a cloud upon plaintiffs’ title: the plaintiffs arc now the legal and equitable owners and holders of said five notes, executed by said W. 8. James, payable to the order of said First National Bank of Brownsville. To ;as. and said five i notes executed bv said W. S. James, j payable to the order of said G. C. Wagner; that default has becu made in the payment of said notes, and plaintiffs have placed same in the hands of an attorney for col- | lection: and that by reason thereof! said attorney’s fees provided for in j said notes has now accrued there- j on; that defendants, and each of j them, though often requested so to i do. have failed and refused, and I still fail and refuse to pay said! notes, or any part thereof, to plain- j tiffs’ da mace in the sum of twenty j thousand ($20,000.00) dollars. Sec ond: That plaintiffs, on the 21st | day of January. 1919, were, and still are. the owners in fee simple of said two hereinabove described tracts of land, in Cameron Comity, Texas, containing thirty-one and sixty-two hundredths (31.62* acres, more or less: that on said date plaintiffs were in possession there of, and afterward, on or about the 22nd day of January, 1919, defen dants unlawfully entered upon and dispossessed plaintiffs of said lands and premises, and now withhold from plaintiffs the possession thereof. Plaintiffs pray for judgment for said debt, interest, attorney’s fees, and costs: for the foreclosure of the vendor's liens as against all of said defendants: for the removal of cloud upon plaintiffs’ title: and in the alternative that plaintiffs have and recover of and Lom said defendants the title and possession to said two hereinabove described tracts of land. Herein fail not, but have before said court .at its aforesaid next regular term, this writ with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the seal of said court, at office in Brownsville, Texas, this, the 21st day of Februarv. A. D. 1929. (SEAL) JNO. P. SCANLAN. Clerk, District Court, Cameron County, Texas. 2-23-2-9-16—41—3345 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEX AS, BROWNSVILLE DIVISION. In the Matter of Price-Davis Drug Co., Inc., Bankrupt. No.o-274, In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of said Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on thn 8th day of March, 1929, the said Price-Davis Drug Company, Incor porated, of Donna, Hidalgo County. Texas, wx?s duly adjudged a bank rupt. and the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of Ira Webster, Referee in Bank ruptcy. in the Stegman Building. Brownsville. Texas, cn the 20th day of March. 1229. at Eleven (ID o’clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the creditors of the said Price- | Dai is Drug Company, Inc., bank rupt, may appear, prove their j claims, elect a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come be fore such meeting. IRA WEBSTER. Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated March 8th.. 1928. It IMPRISONED IN 5 COUNTRIES PARIS—Became his funds in a Paris bank had been stolen by an other man, R. L. Hency was jailed in France. Germany, Belgian. Hol land and England for giving bogus checks. i *11—MM P II11 i n whi II f Mi ■ i IIH i'lUMIM 1927 R«o Coupe 1925 Buick Touring 1 Rumble Seat 1926 Pontiac Coach j| Jesse Dennett, Inc. I Phone 904 Used Car Maket 1219 Levee J Used Car Lot Across from Herald Office W. A. ROSS, Mgr. g Individual Scoring Honors Grabbed Off By Longhorn Quint AUSTIN, Tex., March 9.—When the Steers won a brilliant 42-31 win over the Texas Aggies, they brought to a close the most suc cessful season in Texas history Since Doc. Stewart's wonder five went through an undefeated sea son back in 1924. In that year ev ery club in the Southwest fell be fore the fierce attack of the Texas cagers, and in the 1929 season, there were only two clubs in the loop that were able to best the Texas five, S. M. U. and Arkansas, Texas splitting the two games with both. What happened the night of March 2 has been told many times before. With eleven points sep arating him from the individual scoring crown, Brock went into the fray a bit nervous and still lacked three points at the half, but in the first five minutes of the sec ond period scored his three points, and from then on to the end cf the game ran the Aggies ragged. Realizing that his only hope for a win lay in stopping Brock, Basset, the Aggie mentor, put two men on Brock, but they were unable to stop the Texas captain, and ho rang up sixteen points to send his year’s total up to 161, a new high record for the conference. Not only did a Texas star break the individual conference scoring record, but the Texas five as a whole bettered its own previous high mark of 791 points when it scored 823 points in twenty games during the season. The 1930 season will find Texas losing Wray, Brock and Looney, but old men from the 1929 squad and stars from the frosh of 1929 will be on hand to plug these holes, and the outlook for 1930 is even brighter than was the 1923 pros pect. Texas Highway Body Calls For Bids On 51 -036,000 Project By S. RAYMOND BROOKS AUSTIN. March 8—Bids on Sl, 036,000 new highway construction have been called by the state highway commission. They will be opened and contracts awarded by the commission March 18. The biggest item in the list, and one of the largest ever awarded on a single contract by the depart ment, ill be 17 1-2 miles of grading, drainage contract by the depart ment. will be 17 1-2 miles grading. Freestone county highway from Fairfield south to the Leon county line. This will involve a cost of $580,000. Other contracts to be let include: Kerr county. 11 1-4 miles of stone base and surface treatment, ex tending to the Rea! county line, on highway 41, cost $100,000. Brazos and Grimes counties, Navasota river bridge between the counties. $70,000. Brazos county, grading approach to bridge, $6,000. Karnes county, six miles, grad ing and structures, San Antonio river to DcWift ccuntv line, $20. 000: grading and structures. 7 1-4 miles from San Antonio river to Kenedy, $40,000. Starr county. 15 miles drainage structures, Roma to Zapata county line, to cost $60,000. Cherokee county, six miles of grading and structures, Jacksonville north, to cost $60,000. BRITONS WANT CENSOR BIRMINGHAM. Eng. — Local magistrates have petitioned for the appointment of a censor on moving pictures of a national character. Wood 8r. Dodd Insurance Bonds and Loans PHONE 100 i ! Spivey-Kowalski fide. Brownsville, Texas