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The BROWNSVILL,: HERALD SPORTS SECTION CCL^il ■— - ^j/jjjj* **** -***^^*• ^*aaa^***^ ___ Yanks Breeze Along As Ever, Confident Of Being in Chase9 I Cubs Demonstrate Murderers’ Row In Game With Angels AVALON. Catalina Island, Cal., March 9.—HP)—Joe McCarthy’s Cubs already have demonstrated that they have a “murder's row’’ of their own for 1929. » Eighteen hits rattled off Cub bats yesterday as they defeated Los An geles, 11 to 6, in their first exhibi tion game. Rogers Hornsby got a home run and two doubles in five attempts, while Riggs Stephenson got five safeties. Clyde Beck, whose hitting has been worrying Mana ger McCarthy, came through with three hits. Lautenbacher. Holley and Horne, rookies, pitched for the Cubs and ■ held the Angels to nine hits. The Cubs were back for more condi tioning here today. HOOVER FLAKS INVESTIGATION; Situation of Law Enforce ment In U. S. Will Be Scrutinized WASHINGTON, March 9.—(J5)— President Hoover came today to the end of his first working week as the nation’s chief executive w-ith definite plans in mind for a far reaching in vestigation to be made by his law enforcement commission. In addition, despite the distrac tions presented in the foreign field, the president had given thought to immigration and the problems of federal employes and had seen doz ens of callers. The full scope of the investigation of law enforcement contemplated was disclosed yesterday when the president said, “It is intended to cover the entire question of law- en forcement and organization of jus tice.” “It w-ill also naturally Include consideration of the method of en forcement of the eighteenth amend ment and abuses which have grown up together with the enforcement of the laws in respect to narcotics, to immigration, to trade restraint and every other branch of federal gov arnment law enforcement,” he said. “The first step in law’ enforce-, ment.” he added, “is adequate or- ! ganization of our judicial and en forcement system.” The Mexican situation occupied the attention of the cabinet yester day while stray bullets were whis tling across the border at El Paso. After the meeting it became known that the southern republic had been negotiating with the United States for surplus war materials and w-ould be supplied with such as might be used. It was considered unnecessary at this time to send additional troops to the border. KITTLELAND ACQUITTED IN KILLING OF WALKER BRYAN, Tex.. March 9.—(7T>—Aft er deliberating three hours last night a jury returned a verdict of acquittal in the trial of James Kittleband for the death of Il^nry Walker, shot to death at Midway last spring. Walker was shot after he alleged ly had made advances to a niece of Kittleband. Whit Big Boy I At SNAKEVILLE During the Celebration Saturday and Sunday * By BRIAN BLLL (Associated Press Sports Writer.) ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March 9.—(/P>—Babe Ruth and Lou Geh rig are enjoying their usual robust health and the New York Yankees are ready to start another quest for baseball supremacy. It matters little in the camp of the world champions that an un tried third baseman will protect a corner of the infield. Two pitchers arc trying to regain their misplaced cunning. Ruth and Gehrig are in good health and spirits. The Yan kees believe that when longer hits are made, Babe and Lou wiil make them. Mark Koenig, who has been a shortstop most of his baseball life has succeeded Joe Dugan at third base, with shortstop falling to Lyn Lary, sensational Pacific Coast re cruit. Lary promises to join the j small class of players able to live , up to advance notices and big price tags. Tony’s Arm Better In the limited scope permitted by ‘Hug,” Tony Lazzerie, who suffer ed from a lame arm last season, has tlirown well enough although no oc casion has happened calling for him to ‘ bear down” on his repaired arm. Leo Durocher, a great fielder in any league, and Gene Robertson, better as a hitter than a fielder, stand subject to call without notice. Lou Gehrig has a first base assistant in the person of the veteran, George Burns. The Yankees, always well forti fied in the outfield, have won an ( even greater surplus of talent which may prove embarrassing when the time comes to clear the decks to a working basis. Ruth, Combs and Meusel, of course will get first a and Durst and Paschal, able re- ! serves, have been joined by Sam | Byrd and Elias Funk, good enough to qualify as understudies. The catching staff also presents a contest with Arndt and Jorgeus, an Oklahoma City recruit, fighting energetically for a place. Bengough, Dickey and Grabowski are wearers of service stripes. Herb Pcnnock and Wiley Moore, pitching casualties of 1228. look all right and feel all right, but the ex tent to winch their ailing arms have been rejuvenated can be told only under fire. Waite Hoyt and George Pipgras will take up where they left off last year and Tom Zachary, a bulwark in the closing days of the campaign seems to grow younger with the passing of the years. Ed Wells, a left hander with an abundance of ammunition, has an excellent chance of sticking after a tour of duty in the Southern Asso ciation. Henry Johnson, Fred Heimach and Myles Thomas are back again as Is A1 Shealy who started with the Yanks and finished with St. Paul. Fay Thomas, the former Giant, is bidding for a place. Of the younger candidates Roy Sherid, seems to have a slight advantage. He prepped at Montreal with con spicuous success. ASK PERMIT TO PIPE GAS TO RAYMONDVILLE (Special to The Herald) RAYMONDVILLE, March 9.—The Rio Grande Gas company has filed application with Mayor M. H. Dreyer for a permit to extend the gas mains of that company to Ray mondville. The application states that if the permit is granted, the company will build the lines within twelve months. This company now has a line ex- ! tending from Laredo to Browns- j ville, a distance of nearly 200 miles, and is giving service to all the towns in the Lower Valley. Two routes arc being considered for the mains to Raymondville, one out of Weslaco, through Edcouch, Har gill and Lasara, and the other di rect from Edinburg. _ BIG DREDGE UNLOADED FOR WORK IN WILLACY especial to The Herald) RAYMONDVILLE. March 9 — The Trinity Farms Construction company of Dallas has unloaded n j dredge, which wiil be used in the digging of the canals and laterals of the Willacy county water m trol and conservation district No. 1. The dredge is said to be one of the largest ever brought to the Valley, and is being assembled preparatory to beginning work when the engi neers give the word. The district has been authorized by an act of the present legisla ture, and embraces an area of 130, 000 acres. The main canal will be approximately twenty miles in length, and will empty into huge storage reservoirs. wrwii <! lUiEJMPwvsNWAitvm ■ WRIGLEY GIVES HIS CUB HOPES THE ONCE OVER William Wrigley, Jr., millionaire owner of the Chicago Cubs, looking over some rookies and a few vets m the Cubs’ training camp on Catalina Island, California. Wrigley is shown at extreme right with Manager Joe McCarthy in center, his back to the camera. , I City Briefs Just arrived many perty GAGE Hats, small and large head size. All prices, at Amaya's Millinery, 1235 Adams St.—adv. 11. Fresh Shrimp—Sanitary Fish & Meat Market. 9th St. between Elizabeth & Washington.—Adv. Come in and hear the Stromberg Carlson Radio at The Sheldon Stu dio, 1249 Elizabeth St. For sale by Jolm N. Merrill.—Adv. tf. Avery Farm Implements sold on easy terms. Phillips Hardware, San Benito, —adv. 9. Red Snapper ana Trout, 25c lb. dressed; oysters 2 doz. 25c. Free delivery. Sanitary Fish & Meat Market, 9th St., between Elizabeth and Washington.—adv. 9. Add to Force—Fifteen men were added to the Brownsville police force Saturday for the two-day celebration. They will be in charge of traffic within the city. All members of the sheriff’s depart ment are handling the highway traffic and the Border Patrol is policing the grounds at the air port. New Underwooa Typewriter sales and service. Underwood Typewrit er Co.. Moore Hotel Arcade, phone 295. Harlingen.—Adv. tf. Fresh Shrimp—Sanitary Fish & Meat Market. 9th St. between Elizabeth &; Washington.—Adv. Fifty foot new guaranteed garden hose and a nozzle free $4.95. 30x 3 1-2 auto casings $3.95. Big stock flower pots. Hardware Sales, 3rd and Fronton. —adv. 9. -. Red Snapper and Trout, 25c lb. dressed; oysters 2 doz. 25c. Free delivery. Sanitary Fish Sc Meat Market, 9th St., between Elizabeth and Washington.—adv. 9. Makes Plane Trip—Elmore Grid er arrived home Saturday morning by train after making a trip Fri day afternoon by plane to San An tonio. He was a member of the party that left the local airport at 1:30, arriving in San Antonio at 4. The plane returned to the airport at noon. Fresh Shrimp—Sanitary Fish d: Meat Market. 9th St. between Elizabeth Sc Washington.—Adv. ^ A Son Born—A son was born Monday at Mercy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Matejka. The baby weighed 8 pounds. Mother and son are doing well. Drag, Scrapers, Fresnos farm ditchers. Phillips Hardware, adv. 9. ■■ The Van Hccsi Shops Auto and Furniture refinishing. Corner 11th and Monroe Sts., Phone 1047. —adv. 3-28-29. Red Snapper and Trout. 23c lb. dresed; oysters 2 doz. 25c. Free de livery. Sanitary Fish Sc Meat Mar ket. 9th St., between Elizabeth and Washington.—adv. 9. Water Blisters on Hands or Feet will disappear after a few applica tions of Imperial Eczema Remedy. All druggists are authorized to re fund your money if it fails.—adv. Dickey’s Old Reliable Eye Water cools, heals and strengthens sore, weak, tired eyes. All druggists 23c. -Adv. (4) Toll Station Moved—The toll sta tion for the Gateway bridge has been moved to the center of the bridge for the celebration. There are now two pay stations, one on each side. Repaint Lines—The city is sport ing bright new white lines across the streets of the business section as a result of a fresh coat of white wash being administered to the lines approaching corners with traffic signals. — New Store Nearly Ready—The new place on Elizabeth street into which Mrs. Gimble will move her stock of women’s and children's colthing is almost ready. Fixtures are being instaled and finishing TODAY ONLY BILL CODY in “Wolves of the City” Also CHAPTER 4 “The Mystery Rider” with WILLIAM DESMOND and CARTOON Admission—10-20e Coming Tomorrow “ The Foreign Legion” -1 i work is being concluded on the in side. The store is next to Texas Bank and Trust Co. I - Completing Building—The Bcsteiro building at the corner of Eleventh and Jefferson is rapidly nearing completion, with workmen installing the large display windows and steel ceiling. The structure, 50 by 80 feet, cne story is modern in every detail. Recess Court—Both district courts recessed Friday in order that all court attaches might attend the air port celebration. Practically all of fices in the court house also were several of the city offices. Engineers to Meet—A delegation of Brownsville engineers will go to San Benito tonight to attend the regular monthly meeting of the Val ley chapter of the American Asso ciation of Engineers. An interesting program has been arranged. j Paramount Man Here—Fred i Brockelman, cameraman for the | Paramount newsreel, arrived in Brownsville Saturday morning to join the group of “picture shooters” here for the celebration, and in auguration of the airmail. Home Sunday—Mrs. R. B. Crea | ger. who was in John Hopkins hos j pital at Baltimore several weeks and recently joined her husband in Washingon, is expected home Sun day morning. Mr. Creager is still in Washington, and mav not re turn until the last erf next week. First Car Willacy Onions Is Loading-; Will Ship Saturday (Special to the Herald) RAYMONDVILLE. March 9—The first car of onions for this section of the Valley was scheduled to move out of here Saturday night. They were grown just east of the city and are pronounced excellent grade. Willacy county has approximate ly 5,000 acres planted to onions, ana growers pronounce the crop the best the county ever produced. Heavy movements will not start before the last of next week, and from then on until May Willacy county will figure prominently in Valley shipping reports. Slayer Shoots Way From Pennsylvania Jail; One Injured POTTSVILLE. Pa.. March 9.—UP) —Elverez Miguel, 28-year-old slay er, shot his way to freedom from the Schuykill county jail today. A guard, Roy Reeves, received a bul let wound in the leg. Miquel, a Cuban, was under sen tence of death for killing Louise Jacks. 19, his sweetheart. Armed with a pistol Miquel de manded that Reeves hand over his keys. Reeves lunged at Miquel and in the struggle the guard dropped with a bullet in his leg. Advanc ing to the door, Miqual overpow ered another guard and fled. ELSIE JAMS’ ILLNESS TAKES SERIOUS TURN PARIS. March 9.—<7P)—'The Ill ness of Elsie Janis. American ac tress, took a more serious turn to day. Miss Janis has appendicitis and congestion of her right lung after influenza. ETHEL BARRYMORE ILL NEW YORK. March 9<7P)— Ethel Barrymore was ill today at her home with influenza. There was no performance last night of her play, “The Kingdom of God.” I i — NOW SHOWING — Peter B. Kyne’s “TIDE OF EMPIRE” With RENEE ADOREE Feter B. Kyne’s latest and greatest. Also Pathe News “The Collegians” MGM Oddities Coming Sunday— JOHN GILBERT “Desert Nights” i _ SENATE FACES BUSY SESSION — Three Important Spec i a 1 Orders Up; Parr Bill Among Group AUSTIN, March 9.—(/P)—'With three special orders on the calendar the senate today faced what prom ised to be an unusually busy Sat urday. The Parr bill providing for an elective highway commission of nine members instead of the pres ent appointive group of three was set for special order. The house bill cutting the auto mobile registration fees also had special order priority. The commit tee changed the house slash from 50 per cent to 20 per cent but a determined effort was expected to be made to restore the house pro vision. Unless Senator Thomas B. Love of Dallas should make an eleventh 1 hour attempt to call some bill out of its regular order search and seizure legislation went by the boards yesterday. By a vote of 12 to 9 the senate killed the Graves house bill, the only measure on the subject which it had considered. The senate had sent non-search and seizure legis lation to the house. The free conference committee re port recommending the essentials of the governor’s bill on prison con centration was adopted last night. Opponents of the bill prolonged action on adoption of the report but they were, as usual, in the minority when the vote was taken. A bill forcing the state highway commission to obtain the consent of the county commissioners’ court before re-routing a state highway away from a town of 200 or more people was passed. S H1F M E N TS~FnCR EA S E AT RAYMONDVILLE ^Special to The Herald) RAYMONDVILLE. March 9 — Thirty-five cars of vegetables were iced here Tuesday night at the docks of the Central Power & Light company. A number of the cai's were routed here from the vi cinity of Edcouch. and run over the Missouri Pacific lines through Rollo and Hargill. With the completion of the ex tension of this road from Edcouch to Weslaco, it is considered that the icing docks here will be as busy as any in the Valley, since the ex tension will tan one of the most productive vegetable sections in the entire Valley. Mlnuum — Today Only — “FANGS OF JUSTICE” — With — JOHNNIE WALKER SILVER STREAK Educational Comedy 4 HIGH TEAMS LEFT IN RACE Athens, Cisco, Denton And Estelline Fight For State Title COLLEGE STATION. Mar. 9.— | UP)—A quartet of determined teams in the Interscholastic league bas ketball tournament are ready today to fight for the schoolboy champ ionship. Ten other teams were eliminated yesterday. The great Athens quintet, winner j of the 1927 title, faced the Big Dam Loboes of Cisco for the j championship of the upper bracket, i Athens was the favorite. Denton, runner-up in 1927, en countered the plucky dribblers from Estelline. “dark horse” of the meet, for honors in the lower bracket. Winners will tangle at 8 o'clock tonight for the title. In quarter-final games last night Estelline defeated San Jacinto of Houston, 37 to 33: Athens over whelmed Knippa, 38 to 11: Denton vanquished Corsicana. 35 to 24. and Cisco eliminated Denison, 32 to 26. The Estelline quintet has been the surprise package of the tourna ment. Unheralded, almost unno ticed when the meet started, the youngsters from the Panhandle sprang into the limelight by elim inating Bryan and San Jacinto, two of the favored teams. HIGH TENNIS PLAYERS MATCHED IN FLORIDA PALM BEACH. Fla., March 9.— UP}—Francis T. Hunter, New Ro chelle, N. Y., and John Hennessey, Indianapolis, number two and four ranking players of the country, re spectively, today were matched with John Van Ryn. East Orange, N. J., and Wilmer Allison, Austin, Texas, number fiv9 and six, in the final doubles play of the annual Florida tennis championships. The two teams reached the fi nals Thursday by wading through semi-final opposition and today’s final play took on the flavor of a national championship tournament with all contestants seeded players in the American tennis list. A S OFF FOR MIAMI FORT MYERS, Fla., March 9.—<T) —After losing two straight to the St. Louis Nationals, the Philadelphia Athletics said farewell for the pres ent to the rampaging Cardinals and today turned their motor buses to ward Miami to tackle the Cincinnati Reds. They •will play the Reds again tomorrow before returning to their home base here. The Nationals took yesterday’s game 11 to 6, after scoring a 2 to 0 victory the day be fore. — CABLE CUTS OFF HEAD PORTSMOUTH. Eng.—A steel cable looped around the neck of S. W. Barker decapitated him when it wras drawn taut. I i I —a Scream! then Silence—Mystery! 1 Broadway’s but terfly killed — seven men named —all but one es cape — can you name him? the! I1IIIK CASE' WIlbUM rovox I_I JAMBS Hi LI. All uunst Bnoeiig 11 5 /VL1' JEA\ ARTHlR TALKING! Now Showing Shows Start at 8’ 10 6 Harlinsren _1 j VISITORS Make our store your headquarters while in Browns ville — complete supplies for the ; smoker and only the best in boxed candies. Harry’s Cigar Stores Two Convenient Stores Phone 840 — ■ .. The Casa Grande Club Is Making Reservations For Saturday and Sunday Night New Entertainers MISS JEWEL MILLER ; —The San Antonio Singer MISS EULA JARVIS —The Dancer DeLuxe . Of Course You’ll Be There Minimum Person Charge, $1.25 No Cover Charge Good Music Good Times “The Showplace of Matamoros” i 1927-FAST FINISH SAVES TITLE Babe Herman the feather weight championship of the world all wrapped up and ready for de livery after 10 of 15 rounds of his title engagement with Kid Kaplan at Waterbury, Conn., in August, 1927. Flashing an attack of jabs to the head and body, varied with occa sional hooks, the California battler ran up a big margin of points. Perhaps he fought himself out trying for a finishing punch. In the eleventh his jabs lost their speed and his direction was a bit out of line. Kaplan, seeing his opponent slow up, slipped into high for the first time during the fight. He carried the round, came back strong and took the twelfth and thirteenth. Now it was the coast boy, the chal lenger, who was on defense. The fourteenth also went to the champion, and apparently the title hung in the balance in the final round. And what a round it was! Spurred by desperation. Kap lan forced the issue, but Herman called on his last ounce of strength to meet him toe to toe. With the bell the fans shouted for Referee Jack Sheehan to lift — LAST DAY — RIN-TIN-TiN — In — “MILLION DOLLAR COLLAR” Also Stern Comedy “Flirting With Movies” Coming Tomorrow— Herman’s hand. The Californian had won. they believed. A new champion had been crowned. But Sheehan refused to split hairs and called the bout a draw. LAST NIGHT’S BASKETBALL (By the Associated Press) At SOUTH BEND, Ind.—ButL 35; Notre Dame 16. KIRKSVILLE. Mo.—Still Coll( (Des Moines) 38; Kirksville 28. SPRINGFIELD, Mo.—Drury 2 Westminister 21. LARAMIE. Wyo—Wyoming u versity 37; Colorado Teachers 3 Tournament scores at Win' Kans.: Southwestern of Wi» 37; Hays, Kans. Teachers 25. "v ita University 24; Emporia, Teachers 13. ~ Consolation scores at Winfield: Sterling, Kans. 30; Friends of Wichita 25. Central of Fayette. Mo., 23; College of Emporia, Kans., 18. ARREST STOPS ELOPEMENT LONDON—As Arthur Jaskell was eloping with Mrs. Beatrice Ander son he was arrested for stealing' jewels from another woman. Welcome, Lindbergh P ! % There was too big ‘ a de m a n d for men’s togs at The Fashion for us to greet Lindy at the Airport today — but that’s to be ex pected ... so we’re putting our wel come in print .... 1 WELCOME AIR PORT VISITORS! ! Opens Today I j'GUR DAYS McAllen WHO KILLED GERALD TRASK? < What was Stricklands wife to his best friend? Was she one man’s wife and another man's darling? | and the Valley: and somewhat colder Sunday, possibly with light rains near the temperature tonight highest Sunday near Texas: Generally fair Sunday, except possi rains near west coast; east and south portions frost in north portion if clears; warmer in north it portions Sunday, rate to easterly winds on ,st. w/rv . RIVER FORECAST H 11 S IbJ ITSriF win be no material change ELrB (nl fiST rlver durlnS the next few EX BX 0*1* | %- Flood Present 24-Hr.34-Hr. E£JSi™ g«S stage Stage Chng. Rain lOIS -II $:S a WWBrande .21 4.0 0.0 00 HOLMES HERBERT-.!'/„ ,*2 „3? «•# -oo RICHARD TUCKER * «»tsviiie .18 0.7 -0.1 ’.00 From the Stage Play ty . oircctcd __ ~ ELMER RICE. “ ARCHIE tv. TIDE TABLE h and low tide at Point Isa See and Hear the Greatest me. ; ..J:34 *• m-: 416 p. m. VAUDEVILLE .■ »:« a m.; »:36 p. m. And MISCELLANEOUS DATA MOVIETONE NEWS ** . 0:33 _ _nriS€ tomorrow . 6:46 | i