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I ll Valley Society || j; Phone 7 ]i p - f | DONNA l Y. P. M. SOCIETY PARTY The Young People’s Missionar; Society of Donna met Thursda; night at the home of Miss Joyce Price for a double purpose, to elec officers and to discuss the program Mrs. Paul Cowan called the meeting to order, read the scripture and an nounced two song numbers whicl were sung in chorus by the mem bers. The theme of the lesson was “Tiff Evangeline Country” and a very in teresting discussion was given or this subject by Miss Lois Fleurit With Mrs. Cow’an acting as chair man ,the nominations were opened ' for the office of president to whict Miss Mildred McFarling was elected The following other officers were elected: Ruth Spradling, vice presi dent: Arba Mauldin, treasurer; Mae Wood, recording secretary; Rutb Bunker, corresponding secretary; Dixie Huffor, chairman of supplies; Lois Fleuriet. chairman of mission ary study; Alma Haney, chairman of publicity. [. Delicious refreshments of choco late and sandwiches were served tr the members. The next meeting will be held at the home of Ruth SDrad ling with Ruth and Alma Haney acting as hostesses. • » * DINNER BRIDGE On last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Black assisted by their daughter, Mrs. Birthisel, enter | tained with a beautifully appointed dinner bridge. A centerpiece of Lux emburg roses , freesias and blue bonnets in a green Tiffany bowl I flanked by orange candles in green holders ad.orned the table. After a four-course dinner the fol j lowing guests played bridge during the evening; Dr. and Mrs. Hays of Nashville. Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. J. B Kinder of, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kcirn Long, and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Black. High scores were won by Mrs. Kinder and , Dr. Hays. • • • ROOK PARTY Miss Glenndeau Windham enter tained a part of Donna’s younger set with a Rook party at her home Friday evening. After a delightful evening playing the guests were served refreshments of sandwiches potato chips, hot chocolate, cake, and olives. Those who were there were Misses Sally Whigham, Arba * Mauldin, Lois Fleuriet, Mae Wood. Mildred McFarling. Violet Brown, end Messrs: Warren Davis. Orville Vineyard. Fred Fetch. Tom Collier. Jim " McClure. Orland McFarling. Cleo Vinevard. and Noel Shell. * • • LADIES rOITNCTL The Ladies Council of the Chris tian church met at the church house Thursday at 3 p. m. where they held a business meeting. Mrs. M. E. White was elected president for the coming vear. Those present were Mrs M. E. White. Mrs. G. H. Farm I er. Mrs. A. F. Hester. Sr.. Mrs. John I Lee Collier. Mrs. George Stevens, Mrs. W. H. Snow. Mrs. John Webb. and Miss Francis Kerchiner. * * • . DINNER HOST i William Welch was host to two beautifully annointed dinner par ties at the Tiffin Room on Tuesday and Saturday nights. The Tuesday evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Richardson. Mrs. Penick. Mrs. Her bert, Welch, and Miss Helen Welch 1 of Tulsa. The Saturdav nieht guests | were Mr. and Mrs. Snedigue. Mr. and Mrs. Stebins. Mr. ^nd Mrs. Mills of Weslaco, and Mrs. Larson. • • • FORTY-TWO HOST? i Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ph ill ins enter tained Fridav evening with a 42 nartv at their home in the Wood Lawn apartments. Assisting _ the hostesses were Mrs. W. Schweitzer ard Mrs. Frown. After a delightful evening of playing, refreshments ch'eken sa’ad cake and coffee were served to the fallowing: Messrs, and Mesdames J. W. Monk. David Wil son. Lewis. A. W. Nations. Elmer Vickers. C. n. Brown. Mrs. C. L. • Trncv. Mrs W. Schweitzer, and Miss Alherta Schweitzer. and the host and hostess. * • • BH'HNFSS WOMEN The Business r^d Professional Women's club cave thej- dinner and business meeting Thursday night at right o'clock et Wilson's Confection ary. The club momhern decided to coonerate with the Elks Lodge of Mercedes in selling chances on an automobile to he riven awav during the carnival which the B. P. O. E. will put on in the future. A member from each club will be selected pnd sent to San Antonio to attend the festival of flowers in a few weeks. Miss Margaret Hutto was selected to make this trip. • • • PERSONALS r Mrs. J. F. Thomason left Thurs j day for San Antonio to spend a few , days. Mrs. Hazel Frame of Harlingen : was a Donna visitor Thursday. Harvey Feller and Nees Olson of r Harlingen were Donna callers ’ Thursday, Mr. Feller leaving from Donna to Reynosa and thence to 1 Cerraivo, Mex. T. A. Robinson left Monday for Oklahoma to be gone a week to at tend to business matters. Miss Frances Kerchner is spend , ing the week in San Antonio. J. W. Potts of Fort Worth spent the week in Donna attending to business matters here. Mayor Shaw of Lilburg, Ont., Can ada and Will Keith of Combes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rosebrughs. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Veall and grandson. Beverly, and Mr. and Mrs. Mason of Toronto. Canada, arrived Wednesday and will spend a few weeks in Donna. A. Paurkow of Plymouth, Mich., left last week for Florida after spending three months in Donna. Mr. and Mrs. James Hill and Miss Mavourn^en Hill. Plane Hill and mother. Mrs. Josephine Hill of De troit. Mich., arrived in Donna Tues day to spend a few weeks here. SANTA MARTA' _. r. T. A. STUDY The Parent-Teachers’ association met Tuesday evening for the reg ular meeting. After business was attended to, an interesting program on adolescence was led by Mrs. Vincent. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served by the hos tesses, Mrs. Washington. Misses Gray, Smith and Havvkes. The high school won the picture, * * m MISSIONARY MEETS The Baptist Missionary met with Mrs. Mock, Monday afternoon. Mi-s. B. O. Harpester had charge of the meeting. Mrs. Harvey led ! the devotional and Mrs. Davis led the mission study. Lovely re freshments were served by the hostess. * • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Calahan of Columbia, Ohio, were callers at the H. F. Kaiser home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Truett Shipley of La Feria spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Shipley. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis visited Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kluek of Santa Rosa Tuesday afternoon. Mesdames J. F. Mock. H. F. Kai ser and P. M. Shipley visited Mrs. McLain Thursday afternoon. Ray Morrison of Combes spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Kaiser. Mrs. George Washington and children. Mrs. B. M. Sansom and E. lizabeth and Vivian Mathews at tended the show at McAllen Mon day evening. Rev. and Mrs. Crowder and son of Primera spent Sunday hpre. Rev. Crowder filled his appoint ments in the Methodist pulpit. Mrs. Henry left for a visit in | Dallas Tuesday morning. She spent several months with her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Benge. Mr. Winn of Harlingen was here Sunday. He has just returned from an extended visit in Dallas. Mrs. Curry and daughters of Raymondville were visitors of Mrs. B. O. Harpester Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Walton of Donna was here on business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oldemever and children of Mercedes visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mock Sunday aft ernoon. Mrs. P. M. Shipley and Mrs. H. F. Kaiser were visitors in La Feria Monday afternoon. MERCEDES AUXILIARY ELECTS Mrs. H. E. Bennett was elected president of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church at their business meeting this week at the church. Other officers elected were Mrs. L. D. Matthews, first vice president; Mrs. R. E. Lee, second vice-president; Mrs. J. Schmitter, secretary, and Mrs. R. E. Lee his torian. The following secretaries were elected: Mrs. William Lick, spirit life; Mrs. Jack Trolinger. foreign missions: Mrs. F. O. Underhill, syn odical and Presbyterian home mis sions; Mrs. A. K. Phillips, assembly of home mission; Mrs. E. B. Witmer, Christian education and ministe rial relief: Mrs. E. H. Diehl, Sun day school extension and young ===i people’s work!; Mrs. Walter Swar ner, literature; Mrs. E. H. Gauch, Christian social service work; Mrs. James Howze, social activities, and Mrs. Kathryn Chadick, pastor’s aid. Mrs. Millard Agnew, Mrs. E. B. Witmer and Mrs. T. H. Pollard were named circle chairmen. Mrs. Carrie M. Stuart and Mrs. Margaret King were made delegates to represent the local auxiliary at the Presby tery to be held at Beeville on March 26-23. • • • METHODIST SOCIETY At the regular meeting of the local Methodist auxiliary this week Mrs. M. H. Klein and Mrs. Harold Roland were appointed delegates to the San Antonio conference April 9-12, with Mrs. P. W. Perkins and Mrs. E. H. Potcet as alternates. Mrs. Roland and Mrs. Perkins were named delegates to attend the district zone meeting at Donna, March 9. with Mrs. H. T. Tidmore and Mr.s E. J. Gaddy as alternates. CHILDREN’S PARTY Mrs. Arthur Tolson entetrained with a pretty children’s party on Wednesday afternoon for her little daughter, Effie Gene, in honor of her second birthday. She was as sisted by Mrs. William Copeland, Mrs. Jack Trollinger and Mrs. Jack Johnson. Caps and horns were given each little guest for favors. Pictures were taken of the little folks and later, the lovely birthday cake was cut. The little guests included Nancy and Arthur Trollinger. Margaret and William Copeland, Peggy John son, John Stuart. Blake Agnew and Roy Stanley Tolson. * * * Bliss SCOTT HONORED Complimenting Miss Emma Belle Srott of the Mercedes school fac ulty in honor of her birthday. Mis ses Fern Alfrey and Hildegarde Manske, also faculty members, en tertained two tables of bridge play ers. during the past week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Glass cock. In the games Miss Grace Robin son scored high. Later in the even ing a refreshment course was serv ed to Misses Maurine Hvistendahl, Margaret Malone, Mildred Schu bert, Earl and Grace Robinson, Emma Belle Scott and Miss Con nor. SAN JUAN HICKMAN-ERNEST News has just been received to the effect that Miss Marvel Hick man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hickman of this city, was married Saturday evening at McFaden, Tex., to Lee Ernest cf that place. Mr. Ernest is a ranch owner and is re ported to be a very substantial citi zen of that community. The bride is a graduate of the 1926 class of the Pharr-San Juan high school. She is also a graduate from the Victoria College and is en gaged in teaching at the present time. * # • MRS. ONE ALL ENTERTAINS Mr. end Mrs. Les O'Neall enter tained Friday evening with a lovely bridge party at their home in Mc Allen. Those attending from San Juan were: Mesrs. and Mesdames J. L. Stone, Chas. Starlin, L. C. Warner, Lee M. Green. W. H. Gossage, U. J. Boehnke. Banks L. Miller, ~ Sam L. Miller. Clark. Mellen’oruch and J. R. Leraen. * * * WEDNESDAY BRIDGE The members of the Wednesday Bridge club met this week with Mrs. Lee M. Green as hostess. Beautiful spring flowers, carrying out a green md veilow color scheme, adorned the living room. Tallies and scores suggested the aproach of St. Patrick’s Day. Mrs. Sam Miller scored high in the five interesting games. Refreshments consisting of Gold en Glow’ salad, saltines, St. Patrick's apple delight, macaroons and spiced tea were served. Guests were mesdames Amos G. Robinson. David Smitheisler, Terry Ferrell, A. G. Thornton and Jos. Tatar. * * * KANSAS DINNER The fine home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toothaker. on North Tower road, was the scene of a happy gathering on Sunday, when more than fifty people who formerly eith er lived in Manhattan. Kans., or at tended the State Agricultural Col lege located there, met to exchange reminicenses of former days. A sumptous dinner was served from i full baskets. The afternoon was spent in sire in g. reciting and giving college yells. Families enjoying the Toothaker hospitality were: George Fage, A. B. Cron. E. N. Hall, C. W. Huse. Walker. John Fuller, J. M. Correll. Ivan White, Koch and Miss Tull. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. George E. Schmidt have left the Valley for their future home in Utica. New' York. En route they will make short visits at Fort Worth, Oklahoma City. Perry, Okla., Wichita. Kans., St. Louis, Chicago, and Valparaiso, Ind. From there they will proceed to Niagara Falls and New York City. They plan to arrive in Utica bv the first part of May. Mrs. Schmidt will be remem bered as Miss Frieda Curtis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Curtia on M road. Mrs. J. T. Shultz, of Caney, Kan., who together with her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bearden, of Okema, Okla., have been spending three months In San Juan, plan to leave for their respec tive homes Tuesday of the next w'eek. While here they have made good use of their time in seeing the Valley and they state they have thoroughly enjoyed their visit here. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Correll of Manhattan. Kans., who have been spending the winter in Corpus Christi. drove to the Valley for the week-end. visiting the George Page, John Fuller and A. B. Cron families. Mrs. S. H. Hancock left Saturday for a visit with her son, Earl and family in San Antonio. Mrs. F. E. Benedict and daughter, Myrtle of Harlingen, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Reichert. Mrs. M. N. Carter was a dinner guest at the C. M. Lentz home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Floyd Hetrick called to see Mr. and Mrs. Dick Henderson of McAllen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Boehnke and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Starlin attended a bridge party given by Mr. and Mrs. Les O'Neall of McAllen. Misses Mildred Reichert and Clara Cook, were guests at the E. H. Reichert home over the week-end. They left Monday for Bishop to continue their work. ( Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Linn of Den ver. Colo., accompanied by their j b friends, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller also of Denver, who have been spending the winter in Corpus Christi, were house guests of their niece, Mrs. F. E. Snowden and Mrs. Snowden several days* last week and this. A family dinner was given in their honor on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Linn and family of Edinburg, Miss Clara Linn of Pharr and Don Linn as addition al guests. Howard McMurphy from Ne braska, is spending a week with his cousin, Leon Thompson. Mr. Mc Murphy is much impressed with Valley possibilities. Mrs. J. G. Bell and Mrs. W. P. Wheaton were callers at the Fred Bell home Monday afternoon. Miss Ivy Ewing of Brownsville, was a week-end guest at the W. P. Wheaton home. Miss Ewing has re cently accepted a position with the Western Union in Brownsville. LOS FRESNOS HOSTESS TO SWASTIKA Miss Geneva Palmer entertained members of the Swastika club at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.'W. B. Palmer on Friday aft ernoon. The time was spent so cially. A delicious refreshment course was served. * • • VISIT ROMA A group of Los Fresnos residents spent Sunday in the upper Rio Grande Valley at Roma. Those en joying the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. August Pfeiffer. Mr. and Mrs. John Chase, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kuykendall of San Benito. Mr. and Mrs. George Kretz, Misses Gladys and Irma Watkins. Mae Pfeiffer, Lois Kretz and Johnny Chase and Clinton Pfeiffer. • • • BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gobar en tertained members of the bridge club at their home on Saturday evening, March 2. Three tables of players enjoyed the games through out the evening, at the close of which Mrs. F. C. Richey was award ed the high score trophy for women. Harry Whipple was presented the high score trophy for gentlemen. Consolation prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Orr. A deli cious refreshment course was serv ed. • • • COMMUNITY PROGRAM The program at the high school auditorium on Friday evening was well attended. The first part of the program consisted of selections by the Los Fresnos band under the di rection of Joe Lyday of Harlingen. A trombone solo was played by F. L. Ivey with Miss Evelyn Dever 1::- -ttz-— --■ playing the accompaniment at the piano. The concluding number was a historical pageant given by pupils of Miss Irma Watkins and Mrs. W. R. Bowles. The proceeds were for the bene fit of the band. • • * DEMONSTRATION CLUB Members of the Los Fresnos Home Demonstration club met on Thursday afternoon at the school building. A short business session was held and the remainder of the time was spent socially. S. B. Crockett, landscape archi tect, and Miss Kate Adele Hill were unable to attend the meeting and the yard demonstration was post poned until March 14. when the club will meet with Mrs. S. E. Barr. All members of the club are urg ed to attend and cast votes for of ficers for the coming year. It has been decided that the roll call for the new club year will be answered by giving household hints. m m m PERSONALS E. J. Buckland of Chicago is in Los Fresnos where he has business interests. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Brooks and family spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. George S. Partain at San ta Rosa. L. M. Tittle who has resided at Los Fresnos for the past two years has returned to his former home at Walnut Springs. Texas. Miss Mary Alice Deeter spent the week-end visiting friends at Los Fresnos. Mr. and Mrs. Odess Patterson and sons of Weslaco were guests of Mr. Patterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Patterson. Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Edmondson spent Monday visiting her daughter, Mrs. Parks Gardner at Los Indios. William Dawson left on Wednes day evening for his home at Pon tiac, Mich. Mrs. W. F. Edmondson was a caller at the home of Mrs. James Downey on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. S. E. Barr and Mrs. James Downey were guests of the Wed nesday Morning Music club at the Rivoli theater San Benito. Mr. and Mrs. Petigo and family have recently moved to the S. E. Barr farm. The Petigo’s who are from Brown County, Texas, own ex tensive farm lands on the Box ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bingley and daughter were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stier on Friday. Mrs. S. E. Barr and Mrs. James Downey visited friends in Rio Hon do on Friday afternoon. ELOPER KILLS WOMAN PARIS.—Pierre Rallet shot to death here a married •woman with whom he had eloped from Brussels. RAYMONDVILLE JOLLY DOZEN Mr. and Mrs. George B. Calder delightfully entertained the Jolly Dozen Bridge club Tuesday evening in their apartment. An oilcloth dust bag, women’s high, was aard ed to Mrs. Ed Starr, while an at tractive silk necktie was presented to J. E. Thompson, winner of the men’s high score. Appetizing re freshments of strawberry short cake, with whipped cream, hot chocolate, and marshmallow mints were served. • * • THURSDAY NIGHT BRIDGE The Thursday Night club was en tertained Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lochrie at their home in the Harding apartments. The hostess served a jello salad, with saltines kand a c hocolate mil drink. High score prizes were awarded to Mrs. Holly Bostick, an ice pick and holder, and a deck of cards to Jeff Sanders, while low score was won by Rose Earle, a fancy tapeline container, and a shoe shine set to Gorman Fox. • * * HONOR COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Curry en tertained at 500 Wednesday eve ning honoring Mr. and Mrs. Wallis Harpster. who were recently mar ried. Besides the honorees, the guests were Misses Grace Clay, Millie Robinson, Alida Jansen. Dora Mae Stocking, Aline, Veda and Net tie Curry, and Messrs. Nott Thom as. Rayford MeCharen, Alfred Northcutt. Scott Foley. WTalter and Dick McCann. A dainty salad course, consisting of chicken salad, saltines. nutcake and coffee, was served at the conclusion of the games. * * * EMBROIDERY CLUB Fridav afternoo n the Embroid ery club was entertained by Mrs. Howard Curry. Guests were Mrs. Florence Shaver and Mrs. Wallis Harpster. A movie star guessing contest provided much amusement during the afternoon and was won by Mrs. S. E. Mills. A fruit salad course with wafers and coffee was served. • * • THURSDAY CLUB Mrs. Ed Starr entertained the Thursday Afternoon club with Mrs. Holly Bostick, Mrs. Charles Kenedy, Mrs. George Bruce Cal der, and Mrs. Joe Lochrie and visi tors. Club high score, a vase, was awarded to Mrs. E. B. Burton, while guest high score ent to Mrs. Charles Kenedy, and she was awarded a bridge number and pen cil set. Fresh strawberry Ice cream and angel food cake was served at the close of the games. * * * avenue. Those present were Sara Fay Wheeler, Miriam Jensen, Katie Swayze, Winifred Holstun, Rosali Earle, A. F. Northcutt, Lee Nash, Harry Green, Foster Crowell and Lee Bucy. Refreshments of punch and cookies were served. • • • MISSIONARY VISITS Mrs. Bettie Muller, who has been a missionary in Japan for the past 40 years, returned to her home in Missouri after spending a week here as the guest of her brother, County Clerk Ben S. Duffield, and family. While performing her du ties as a missionary, she has occa sionally spent short visits in the I United States, but this was her first trip to the Valley. * * * SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Friday afternoon the Susana Wesley class of the Methodist Sun day school enjoyed a most delight ful social time at the spacious new country home of Mrs. H. C. Glover, one of the members of the class. The women attending were Mes dames G. W. Musgrave, W. A. Parks, E. C. Pless, Emily Cox, M. Beck. Refreshments of assorted A. McNeil. J. D. Oldham and A. L. sandwiches, cakes, cookies, and hot chocolate were served by the host ess. PERSONALS Mrs Joe Thompson spent Sun day in Harlingen with her hus band. who is employed there by the city fire department. Mrs. W. J. Milligan of Kings ville spent Friday n’ght here with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Hays Scisson and daughter, Virginia, were Harlingen visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Holly Bostick and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tomme were McAllen visitors Sunday afternoon. Miss Georgia Rhoads of Mission spent the week-end here with her parents, Rr. and Mrs. J. C. Rhoads. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sabin had as their guests Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Rhoads and Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Burrus of San Benito. Tom Swayze, who is attending the Edinburgh Junior college, spent the week-end here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Swayze, and family. Mrs. H. A. Eriscoe has returned from a wreek’s visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. George T. Buchanan, at her home on the Buena Vista | ranch near Donna. I Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Ashman of* Brownsville were visitors in Ray mond ville Sunday. i W. A. Robinson and children, Emma, Jafes and Bill of Edin burgh, spent Sunday here with his daughter, Miss Millie Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tomme and Mr. and Mrs. Holly Bostick were Edinburg visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jones of Ed inburg were in the city Saturday. Mr. Jones is tax collector of Hi dalgo county. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Robinson re turned to their home in San An tonio Wednesday after a visit here with his brother. County Attorney and Mrs. Roger F. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Holloway left Monday for Enid, Okla., where they expect to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Clark and daughter were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Teller at Rollo. RIO HONDO —— # NATURALIST LECTURES Tuesday afternoon the Rio Hondo schools were entertained by Charles Bowman Hutchins, naturalist, bird artist and singer of bird songs, by courtesy of M. C. Rushing. ^ * * • / SIXTH ANNIVERSARY * Sunday, the sixth wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Lewis was celebrated by relatives at their home by a beautifully appointed luncheon. + * * LADIES’ AID The Ladies Aid of the community church gave a George Washington supper last Friday night at Campo del Arroyo. After supper a very in teresting program was presented. About $37.00 was taken in. • • • PERSONALS Miss Lucille Jones was the house guest of Miss Frances McCabe Wed nesday. Misses Willie Fosselman and Clovis Hickman visited friends and relatives in Kingsville the past week-end. Miss Doris Gibson arrived Monday morning to spend a few months with her sister. Mrs. Wesley Jacob son. Miss Gibson is from Jackson ville. Miss Loraine Watson, a teacher in McAllen, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wat son. ,L wesRoSM-nB -cPbocBHETA— Bill Baker spent the week-end in San Antonio. Mrs. J. W. A. Jackson returned home Wednesday from Wharton where she has been visiting her daughter. -- " ... "" ' ‘ -- 1 ...T I |; 1 T 1 ' " 1 \ I I f >r Easter | .When you review our Spring displays you’ll note grace, freedom and simplicity of style, which, after all, is real beauty in Footwear. Here, too, you’ll see the spirit of true modernism, expressed in terms of today as well as tomorrow! The International Shoe Store MRS. ELSIE C. BARREDA, Manager 609 Twelfth St. — Brownsville Investigate Los Ebanos See Los Ebanos Today LOS EBANOS (THE EBONIES) 1 Los Ebanos is your opportunity to profit' hy the exceptional offer- jl ings still available in this unusual sitting for a home. Other far-sight- | ed investors have already profited by the outstanding features that S are “entirely different”* Los Ebanos is happily located for homes, apartments or rent houses. The schools and churches are close by and the business section of Brownsville is only a few minutes j| drive. The Country Club 18-hole golf course is also near by. .3 The latest permanent improvement is the pav ed approach with its beautiful espla n a d e. Los Ebanos is unrivaled as a site for a perma nent home. 1 Pav'e8 Streets City Water Electricity Storm Sewers ■> i Will Be Proud to Live in Los Ebanos It’s easy to own a home in Eos Ebanos ... the terms are so convenient. x \ - — c % People are attracted to things that are beauti ful. They love a beau tiful home and a beau tiful place for that home —and they are finding that place in Los Eba nos. Sanitary Sewers (Telephones Natural Gas Street Lights I Los Etjanos Estates, Inc. '-J ames-Dickinson Co., Realtors-^ I BROWNSVILLE j 18 Years in the Lower Rio Grande Valley |