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JOHNSTON WILL | OUST OFFICIALS I Defense Declares Governor f Will Accept Gillam | Resignation ’ OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., March j —(A*)—If Henry B. Johnston is returned to the governor's chair, his administration will no include the services of several persons whose names have become involved in his trial on Impeachment charges. Johnston, who completed the third day of his testimony in de fense of his administration before the court of impeachment today, related that if resored to office, he would accept the resignation of Robert Gillam, secretary of the board of affairs. Gillam’s resignation, directed to the suspended governor, was in troduced as a defense exhibit. Gillam’s purchase of cattle for several state institutions had drawn fire from the prosecution, which alleged that the cattle cost the state a good deal more han 1 they were worth. Besides Gillam, Johnston had told the court of impeachment that J he v^ould not reain the services of j H. E. Sullivan, his private secre tary; Mrs. O. O. Hammonds, who resigned as his confidential secre tary after the governor was sus pended, and Mrs. George W. Wray, chief clerk in the gover nor’s office. Sullivan has testified for the prosecution, denying blame for the issuance of a pardon to Dewey Croethwaite. while Crosthwaite was a fugitive from the state pri son. Crosthwaite’s pardon is the basis of one of the 10 impeach ment charges. Johnston testified yesterday that the pardon was granted solely on Sullivan’s representations. Mrs. Hammonds, the target of concentrated fire from the prose cution, has claimed only a slight share on the suspended governor’s testimony. She was Introduced today, how ever. as an opponent of Sam H. Harris, fish and game commission er. When Harris would come to his office, Johnston said, he was sure that a quarrel was in store and entertained himself by listen ing In the door, while Mrs. Ham monds and the fish and game commissioner exchanged unpleas antries. He was not aware. John ston said, that Harris would take the matter so seriously as his tes timony for the prosecution had in dicated. Harris had testified that his de partment suffered from Mrs. Ham monds’ domination. DAVIDSON PROTESTS ANTI-EOLTER BILL I DALLAS, March 9.—(JP)—A tele U gram of protest was sent to Gover f nor Moody today by Lynch David I son, Texas capitalist, saying that I the proposed bolters’ bill would read P 250,000 people out of the democratic party and would crystallize the Hoo ver democrats into a powerful re publican machine. Davidson, in the telegram, urged the governor to veto the measure. “It might destroy our party in Tex as and only serve to gratify ven geance on supposed bolter leaders who were in truth not leaders at all but crafty enough to get out In front of the parade,” he declared. LIFEBOAT WOMAN LONDON—Miss Blanche Tucker, i aged 34, has passed the government examination for lifeboat efficiency, the first woman to succeed in this test. I il.. ■■ ■ - Scramble For Invitations To Spring Court Keen Now That Wales May Preside Now that the Prince of Wales may act for his father at the spring court in Buckingham Palace, the sparring for invitations, always keen, is more brisk than ever. LONDON, March Z—(IP)—The an xious maneuvering lor invitations to the spring court at Buckingham palace is expected to become a frantic stampede now that there is a serious posibility the Prince of Wales will act for the king. The large gilt cards bearing the engraved message, “The lord cham berlain is commanded to invite ycu to Buckingham palace,” always have exercised a mesmeric power over the debutantes of the world, but this will be the first time that his royal highness has been cast in so important a role. Queen Mary’s announcement that the courts would be held caused general rejoicing among the debu tantes expecting presentation by their ambasadors. It was thought for a time ‘that King George's ill ness end his possible absence from London would cause a postpone ment. Now the queen has declared the prince will assist her if the king is unable to be present. The royal courts, which are held in Buckingham palace each year, are considered the most formal af fairs cf the British social world. Young women are presented by sponsors from the ranks of older women whe have been presented in the past. Those from other coun tries are escorted by their ambas sadors. Many more aplicaticns al ways are filed with the embassies than can b^> accomptodafed. but an even larger number is expected this year. The ceremony Itself Is brief. The king and queen enter the threne room after their approach is her alded by a blast of trumpets. Near the throne chairs stand the officers of the household and members of the royal tamily. The debutante is announced at the door. She crosses the floor, makes a deep curtsey before the kmg and queen and retires to a smaller room. Her costume complies with court rules, embodying a train, long gloves, feather fan and head dress. The principal significance of a presentation is that the debutante's name is set down officially on so ciety's invitation lists of the year. And with the Prince of Wales taking one’s bow in person there would be an added glamor. SAN ANTONIO SUBURB NOT INCORPORATED SAN ANTONIO, Mar. 9.—(/Pi Temple Hill, suburb, failed to hold Its scheduled election on a propos al to incorporate today after op ponents of the move charged that protagonists, in their zeal to show a population big enough to create legally a municipality, had included 2,000 inmates of the state insane hospital as citi^i. Election proponents denied this charge and announced that ballot ing was postponed because no sup plies had been printed. RIVERSIDE PA1 One of Brownsville’s outstanding residence ^ developments Quiet - Beautiful - Restricted - City I m p r ov e ments - Close In on Paved Streets We are making it EASY for everyone to own a home in RIVERSIDE PARK. You may either buy your home already built . . . ideally con structed of brick with hardwrood floors ... on a small down payment. Bal ance like rent. — Or— v ■;•>«-» J'. You may buy the lot in Riverside Park and we will finance the construc tion of a home built to suit your individual taste ... Lots $7.50 up—includ-. ing all improvements. Let us talk your home building problems over with you. WE CAN WORK IT OUT TO YOUR SATISFACTION. SEE RIVERSIDE TODAY — Turn left at Fitch apartment on St. Charles Street Foster-Moothart Company Brownsville Cromack Bldg. 11th Street T h I- - ' ■■■■ - ■ —■ »-tfssaas.' ■ ■ .i i ■ ' ■■■ i .■■■■■■■ .. o ,T^ -r v K SCHOOL FUND BILLS PASSED t % —ii —■ — Would Appropriate $200,000 For RuraU; $253,000 For Summer Session AUSTIN, March 9.—(JP)—In rapid succession both legislative houses today passed a measure appropri ating $200,000 to suplement the rural school aid funjJ and $253,040 to provide for summer school courses in state institutions. Action on the measure followed Governor Moody’s veto of the $300, 000 rural aid item and allotments for summer schools in the educa tional emergency appropriation bill. The sums carried in the bill, which did not receive a negative vote in either house, were agreed on today at a conference between Gov rnor Moody, presidents of the va rious institutions, and chairmen of the senate finance and house ap propriations committees. Schools will receive the following aries: North Texas Teachers’ Col lege, $46,000; East Texas Teachers’ College, $23,000; Stephen F. Aus tin Teachers’ College, $18,400; Southwest Texas Teachers’ College, $21,260; South Texas Teachers’ Col lege, $13,800; Sul Ross Teachers’ College, $13,800; West Texas Teach ers’ College, $21,260; Agricultural & Mechanical College, $9,200: College of Industrial Arts, $18,400; Texas Technological Institute, $23,000; North Texas Junior Agricultural College $5,520; John Tarleton Agri cultural College, $15,640 and Col lege of Mines $2,50. City Briefs Just arrived many perty GAGE Hats, small and large head size. All prices, at Amaya's Millinery, 1235 Adams St.—adv. 11. Fresh Shrimp—Sanitary Fish & Meat Market. 9th St. between Elizabeth & Washington.—Adv. Come in and hear the Stromberg Carlson Radio at The Sheldon Stu dio. 1240 Elizabeth St. For sale by John N. Merrill.—Adv. tf. From Illinois—Mrs. John Ray mond of Champaign, 111., and daughter, Eetty Ruth, ' who are guests of Mrs. Nat Wetzel at Ray mondville, were among the visitors at the celebration Saturday. They expect to make their permanent home in the Valley. New Underwood Typewriter sales and service. Underwood Typewrit er Co.. Moore Hotel Arcade, phone 295, Harlingen.—Adv. tf. Fresh Shrimp—Sanitary Fish & Meat Market. 9th St. between Elizabeth & Washington.—Adv. The Van Heest Shops Auto and Furniture refinishing. Comer 11th and Monroe Sts., Phone 1047. —adv. 3-28-29. There are no parking laws upon the resacas. Explore them in a graceful Old Town canoe. Row boats, canoes, speed boats at low prices. For a sea-going, moder ately priced, all-wooden Old Town general utility speed boat, why not club together with your friends and enjoy the salt water this summer? For salp bv John Merrill. 1240 Elizabeth St., Brownsville, Texas.— adv. G. Fresh Shrimp—Sanitary Fish & • Meat Market. 9th St. between Elizabeth & Washington.—Adv. Remember the boat show at Hous ton in the democratic convention building the week of March 17th and plan to go, taking advantage of reduced railroad rates. Notify John N. Merrill, 234 Levee street, Brownsville, Texas, if you are in terested in Chris-Craft. Demon stration can be arranged anytime, also during the Boat Show when many Chris-Craft will be dis played.—adv. G. A Play will be given at the El Jardin high school Friday night at 8:15, March 15th, entitled “His Best Investment.”—Adv. 10. Ringworm—One bottle Imperial Eczema Remedy guaranteed enough for any case. Druggists authorized to refund money if it fails.—adv. Dickey’s Old Reliable Eye Water relieves sun and wind burned eyes. Doesn’t hurt. All druggists.—Adv. 1. 2 Dallas Men Held In Kidnaping After Youths Are Whipped DALLAS. March 9.—(A*)—Alleged to have kidnaped two 16-year-old Dallas youths last night and taken them to a creek bottom where one of the prisoners assertedly was lashed with a belt, Van Lindsley and Blackie Martin were charged with assault and false imprison ment in complaints sworn against them late today. Gentry T. Jones and Jack Hoyle said they were sitting in an auto mobile in front of Hoyle’s home last night when the two men approached and, at pistol point, forced them into their automobile and took them to the secluded spot. A pistol was held on Hoyle while his abductors took turns flogging him, the boys declared. Jones and Hoyle said they were ordered to cease paying attention to a girl. After being brought back to the city, Hoyle said he was forc ed to hold a telephone conversa tion with the girl and tell her he had “been whipped.” Ii. _ HOOVER HOIDS FARM AH) MEET Law Enforcement, Mexican Revolution Discussed In Parleys Also WASHINGTON, March 9.—(£*)— Herbert Hoover closed his first week in the presidency today with conferences on farm relief, law en forcement, and the first important foreign problem of his administra tion, the situation created by the Mexican revolution. House and senate leaders were among his callers, bringing with them the problem of a legislative program for the special session of congress which Hoover has called for next month, while Secretary Kellogg visited the White House to discuss developments in the Mexican insurrection. The state department head assured the pres ident that events of the last 2i hours had given no cause for in creased alarm. Word went out that the president had not yet considered the person nel of his proposed commission for a study of federal law enforcement and court procedure. Chairman McNary of the senate agriculture committee informed the president that he intended to open hearings shortly on a farm relief measure with a view to having a bill drafted for consideration of the senate when the special session meets on April 15. From Chairman Snell of the house rules committee, Mr. Hoover heard that it is proposed that the house follow much the same plan and he predicted that a farm bill could be approved by the house in less than a week. SPELLING CONVICTS FORGER LONDON—On trial for forgery, Robert Trevelyan wrote two words in court and was convicted as a result of mis-spelling both as had been done on checks in question. — 24 Ho • I Service NOW you are assured of the best soda, drugs and pre scription service obtainable, 24 HOURS OF THE DAY. i COURTEOUS — PROMPT — EXPERT SERVICE I McKay’s Pharmacy 1 t ! IN EL JARDIN HOTEL I Our Removal Sale J Continues I _UNUSUAL BARGAINS- I All Over the Store I I Never before have we cut prices so drastically . • • | Now you may buy China Dishes, Stoves and all | kinds of Paint and Varnish at remarkably low 1 prices. | j • £j S&ji Hunters supplies and garden equipment have also | been substantially reduced in price* 1 This sale will last until we move to our new location at 1226 | Elizabeth Street. Sale prices apply to CASH SALES ONLY. g * Charge sales will be made at regular prices. g ■ Cioetta Hardware Co. I TRAVELERS HOTEL I . s 1 Today’s Radio Features 1 Sunday. Mar. 10 ' [Central Standard Time 1 5 33—Anglo Persians; Louis Katzman Orchestra—WJZ KDKA WLW WJR kyw kwk wren wtmj kstp webc koa ksl. kpo kgo *:00-Tf?e^tGrK“fQthCoG Air^Five Forest. Sisters-WABC WADC WKRC WGHP WBBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WDOD WBRC WREC KLRA Kr’JF KTSA WCCO WISN WDSU KLZ KDYL KMTR KYA KEX KJR KGA S:13—A. K. Hour; William Simmons and Allen M^Quhae—W EAF WGI WTAM WWJ WGN KSD WHO WOW KSTP WSM WMC WSB KVOO WFAA KPRG WOAI WKY KOA KSL KPO KGO KFI KGW 9-15_champions;^Novelty Concert—WEAF WOY WTAM WWJ WHO ° WOW KSTP WTM-T WEEC WHAS WSM WMC WSB WFAA KI RC f . WOAI WKY KOA KPO KFI KOMO KHQ KGW KGO WGN * * * tallei radio KWWO—Valley Radio Station BrownsvTTte 4:00-5:55 p. m.—Associate’ press dispatches and Valley news from The Brownsville Herald, followed by musical numbers. 6:55-6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. 6:00-7:00—Musical numbers. MONDAY 11:00-110 a m.—Musical numbers and studio specialties. 11:00-11:30—Popular and semi-classicai selections from the Capitol theater organ by remote control. 11:55-12:00—Local and general weather forecast and bulletin on Rio Grande. - -: "::r -i. J ! SERIOUSLY SPEAKING [f Let's be really serious for a moment. What makes a bank really sound? It is CONFIDENCE to be sure, but what establishes confidence? We’ll tell you. It is the men who conduct the oank. Our officers are courteous and obliging, con servative, friendly. Our Directors know what is go ing on inside the bank. It is their business to know7, and they DO know. Our stockholders are among the solid citizens of ‘s community. Our Patrons are people of influe, and worth. All these beget confidence, the one thing that builds up a strong bank. Start An Account Today 4% Interest Compounded Semi-Annually, Paid on Savings First National Bank I \ Brownsville, Texas “THE FRIENDLY BANK” Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley 1 k=-. ■■ — ■ ■ ■■ . — • • -— j General Welding 1 Radiator Specialist LAWN MOWER EXPERT T. J. Rommer Phone 722 Rear Miller Hotel L_—— .. —■^MrTWTiWIIII Ifc Till Hide the POINT ISABEL BUS LINE You Are Insured Leaves Brownsville Black Diamond Bus Station 8:00 — 12:00 — 4:00 Leaves Point Isabel 10:00 — 2:00 — 6:00 [ La Joya Grave! Co. I ; \ INCORPORATED ' I ? _ _ * J. S. FORD & SONS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS Brownsville, Texas _■ . _1 Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY^ | Certified Public Accountants . Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Carneiro & Company) -.— ---— -- --- Real Estate Investments CHARLES REID j Seabury-George-Taylor Bldg. 9th and Elizabeth I PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERVICE ' Systems. Organization and Statistical Reports Business Control Travis Building Nixon Building San Antonis, Texas. Corpus Christi. Texas. | ACORDIAL INVITATION 1 t is extended to the public to visit our plant and inspect the careful i and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. >’ f For complete information address Owen M. Combe, District Sales Manager WLjg GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. ~ P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. i ! Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas, i Concrete Pipe for Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. t Valley Abstract Co. i PROMPT TITLE SERVICE i • [ j BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG Opposite Courthouse E. Harriman Blvd. Phone 1184 Phone 93 i