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MAZATLAN AIR MAIL STARTED Flight to Torreon And Re turn Inaugurates Line To Western Mexico - First air mail on the Browns ville to Mazatlan route was flown from the municipal airport yester day as far as Torreon and return, the trip being made by T. T. Hull, president of Corporacion Aeronau tics de Transposes, S. A. The plane loft Brownsville at 10 a. m. and returned at 6:15 p. m. > Flights through to Mazatlan will be inaugurated as soon as condi ticr ' in that section of Mexico be come a little more stable, Mr. Hull said. The line, using 5 place Fairchild planes, is prepared to transport passengers as far as Torreon and the service to Mazatlan will be in augurated along with the mail ser vice. When this service is inau gurated it will provide a trans continental route to California points as planes from here will make connection with planes of the Express Aero Mexicana at Mazatlan for Los Angeles and ether cities. Both cf these lines are branches of the American Air Craft Corpora tion, of which Mr. Hull also is president. When planes begin to operate over this line to the Mexican west coast they will leave Brownsville at 7 a. m. daily arriving at Mazatlan at 6:10 p. m. with 20-minute stops at Monterrey and Durango with a one-hour halt at Torreon for lunch. | On the return trip the plane will P leave Mazatlan at 7. stop 20 minutes I at Torreon and Durango, one hour s at Monterrey and arrive in Browns ] ville at 6:10 p. m._ INJURED WOMAN ON ROALr TO RECOVERY The condition cf Mrs. W. W. Scott was improved, according to word from Mercy hospital Tuesday, although she spent a restless night Monday. Mrs. Scott was found in a local hotel room last Thursday night, suffering from a pistol wound. The bullet from a .25 automatic pistol had penetrated the abdomen, it was discovered at the hospital to which Mrs. Scatt was taken imme diately. . No charges have been filed and no arrests made by police. ROBBERY MOTIVE SEEN WATER VALLEY. Miss.. March 12. —Officers advanced the the ory today that Steve Hubbard. 53, a farmer whose charred body was > fountf in a wooded section near here late yesterday, had been killed by robbers and his clothing set afire to destroy evidence. Hubbard had been missing from his home for five weeks. 051 ® r<IDra Va? i Lxm FOR 5000 First touch of Carboil steps pain. Special ingredients quickly draw out core of boil or car buncle. Lancing unnecessary. Carboil prevents Bpreading. Get today from druggist. Or bend 5C« to Spurlock-Neal Co., Nashville, Term. j Ft. Worth Woman Never Had Well Day In 15 Years Tor fifteen years I didn't know what a well day was. Suffering continually with my stomach, my appetite fell off, my nerves were completely unstrung, and every thing I ate caused such distress and misery that a substantial meal was ■ [ f MRS. MINNIE FREELAND tenknown to me. My liver was cut of order, and weak kidneys caused my sleep to be badly broken. I grew weak, debilitated and gener ally run down. I suffered continu ally with constipation, that brought on dizziness and sick headaches, and lost energy, strength and ■ weight. “I spent lots of money on medi cines and took treatment after treatment. I had one operation, and was finally told that another would be necessary before I could ever hope to be well. “Then I read statements about the good Sargon was doing and 1 decided to try it. I would not take five hundred dollars for the good it did me. “Now, my fifteen years suffering is ended. My nerves are steady and I have a splendid appetite. I eat everything I want and enjoy it. Nothing disagrees with me any more. I have restful, refreshing sleep. I am full of energy, my strength has returned, and I never have an ache or pain. The dizzi ness and headaches are gone. I have gained weight, and feel like a different woman in every way.” The above statement was made by Mrs. Minnie Freeland of 1213 West Fifth St.. Fort Worth. She is well known and highly respected in the community in which she re sides. Sargon may be obtained in ftrcnrcyriS# tnxs. C£acms Drug Stores: in La Fer!a from Malone Pharmacy; in San Benito from Palace Pharmacy; in Los Fresnos from Butier Drug Co., and in Rio Hondo from Pao Hondo Drug Store. —Adv. L Boy With Hundred Sweethearts Hangs As Woman’s Slayer LIVERPOOL, March 12.—(.P)—Jo seph Reginald Victor Clarke, known as “the boy with a hundred sweet hearts” was hanged today for the murder of Mrs. Alice Fontaine, the mother of one of his sweethearts. Clarke was 21 years old and w7ell educated. He visited his mother in Virginia when he was 16, spending a year at Princeton University. He studied psychology and hypno tism, police said, and then began to entangle women. In the case of Mrs. Fontain he boarded with her rent free while he courted her daughter. He fleeced her of her life savings and then killed her. Army Ship, Thought Damag ed at Inaugural, Saved On Chesapeake Day NORFOLK, Va., March 12.—(/P) —A forced landing on Chesapeake Bay after bouncing off a tree near Buckroe Beach has convinced the crew of the army dirigible TC-10 that its participation in the inaug ural parade at Washington last week is something to be remem bered. Suspecting that the blimp may not have come through the rain and winds of March 4 without injury. Lieutenant Colonel J. W. S. Wuest. executive officer of the field, took it up yesterday for a test flight with Lieutenant Leslie Skinner and Sergeants Harry Balacks and J. J. Horan, of the Nineteenth Airship comnany. Officers at the field and Mrs. Wuest, who was watching from a window7 of her home, saw7 it drop on to the tree. Rescue boats and ambulances were immediately or dered to the scene. Then it swung free, and they were stopped. The boats were held in readiness, however, when it wa sobserved that the blimp’s rose was “bagged in." indicating low gas pressure, settled on the bay. Fishing boats operatin'7 nearby, went to the helpless craft. The blimo was propmtly taken in tow7 b77 launches, and the dam aged sustained is thought to be slight. Hostess cT~ C^ub Is Witness In Two Gang Siayings NEW YORK. March 12.—(.V—A night club hostess, wise bavond her 18 years in the ways of Broadway gangst°rs. was under guard of a po lice matron today a; an important witness in two slayings. Demaris Dore. quoted as saying she had witnessed the shooting of Thomas (Fattv) Walsh in a Miami hotel last week, also told police she knew Arnold Rothstein. fatally shot ;n the Park Central hotel hem Nov ember 3. Walsh was Pothstein’s •odyguard. Police Commissioner Whalen, who ook personal charge of the exam nation of the girl when she was nought to police headquarters yes mday, was impressed by her story. “She is loaded with information.” be said. “She has proved a mine of information about the Walsh case. She knew Rothstein and all his as sociates.” MERCY PLANE HERE FOR CELEBRATION A plane devoted to the service of humanity quietly made its appear ance at the airport Saturday after noon and paid its compliment to Brownsville, and took the air again Sunday morning, back to the field of service. It was the Fidelity Mercy plane of the San Antonio Drug Co., an Amc I an Eagle plane. Pilot, its lone passenger, praised the Brownsville pert, and was \n interested spectator at all of the important events on the two-day program. The Mercy plane makes emer gency flights from San Antonio to all parts of the state. .. WEATHER SUMMARY . The disturbance over the Rocky mountain region yesterday morning moved eastward but slightly, being central over the middle Plains states this morning, attended by much cloudiness and unsettled weather practically throughout the eastern two-thirds of the United States. Light to moderate rains occurred within the last 24 hours from Texas northward. Tempera tures were seasonable to mild throughout the country east of the Rocky mountains. WEATHER BULLETIN First figure lowest temperature last r.ichf; second, highest tempera ture yesterday: third, wind velocity at 8 a. m.; fourth, rainfall past 24 hours. Abilene . 53 08 — 1.35 Amarillo . 35 72- 12 .01 Atlanta . 48 53 16 .00 Boston . 30 BROWNSVILLE. 60 77 12 .00 Chicago . 46 48 12 .03 Corpus Christi . 68 72 — .00 Dallas . 58 02 1' .22 Denver . 62 Detroit . 42 54 12 .00 Dodee City .... 38 — 14 .00 El Paso . *. 33 68 — .00 Fort Smith . 62 Galveston . 62 — 12 .00 Helena . 33 Huron . 44 60 — .12 Jacksonville .... 58 — — .00 Louisville . 44 60 — .03 Memnhis . 68 Miami . 74 Montgomery ... 54 64 — .01 New Orleans ... 60 — _ .00 New York . 38 54 — .00 NO’-th Platt® ... 46 — 10 .04 Oklahoma City .. 52 — — .06 Palestine . 60 62 — .36 Pensacola . 58 62 — .00 Phoenix . 40 — — .on Pittsburgh . 44 — — .03 St. Lou* . 62 St. Paul . 33 46 — .00 San Antonio ... 6* — — .S3 Santa F® . 46 Sheridan . "6 — 10 Tamna . 62 — — .00 i Washington .... ^ — — .00 i WillLston . . ”c "o 1^ nn Wilmington _ 52 58 — .00 j PRISONER DIES AT MATAMOROS Check-Up Reveals 20 Men Escaped After Battle With Customs Men A check-up Tuesday morning on the Matamoros jail break revealed that one of the prisoners wounded ir.a pitched battle between customs officials and the fleeing band died yesterday. It also was officially an nounced that 24 men escaped and that only four of these had been recaptured. The remaining 20 were believed to be making their way toward the interior cf Mexico. The official account of the break 'as told today by Sr. Licenciado Emiliano Fernandez said that one of the prisoners, feigning sickness, asked to be let cut of a cell, in which there were six or seven other men. As the night gendarme opened the cell, the man suddenly caught him and threw him to the floor, wresting his gun away. Other prisoners were then set at liberav, and the band, out numbering the wardens in the jail yard, overnowered them and were soon out in the street and across the p’aza, where customs officials, attracted by the noise, met and en gaged them in a nitched battle in which unwards of 50 shots were fired. Customs men suffered no casualties as a result of the setto. Matamoros authorities said the break had nothing to do with the present revolt, but that the pris oners had seized on the present time ns most propitious for a break, knowing that in the oresent unset tled state of affairs they would less likely be followed. The wardens in the jail at the time of the escape are being held by authorities under charges of negligence. Reserve Officers To Take 250 Boys To C. M. T. C. Camp (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN. March 12.—Re serve officers in a meeting here last night formulated plans for tak ing 250 bcvs of the Valley in one group to San Antonio in June to the Citizens Military Training camp, where they will spend one month. This is the first time any thing of this kind ever has been atcmpted. The trip will be made in trucks and autos in regular mili tary fashion. S. A. Taylor, elected general In charge of mobilization for the trip, and Sgt. Chelsey, here from San Antonio to help organize, will leave tonight for San Antonio to make further plans for the trip. Others elected to carry on the mobilization and moving of the boy trops to San Antonio were: rjvi-ac Ward, chief of staff: A. L. Lewis, in' charge of perspv/iel; C. D. Wallace, in charge of pub licity: Bert Enstein. contact man; and'Col. Eoich, in charge of trans portation. Seed Crushmgs Of Past Six Months Show Slight Gain WASHINGTON, March 12.—W— The Census Bureau announced to day that cotton seed crushed from An trust 1 to February 28 totaled 4.230 540 tons compared with 4,028 - 539 tons for the same period of 1928 and cotton seed on hand at mills on February 23 totaled 646.849 com pared with 483,157 a year previous. Cotton seed products manufac tured during the period and on hand Feb. 23 included: Crude oil products. 1.323.254.856 pounds compared with 1 263.036,767 pounds last year and 125 899.952 pounds on hand compared with 161, 127.4*0 a year previous. Refined oil produced 1.100.475.339 -sounds compared with 992.089 257 rounds last year and on hand 567, 278.987 nounds compared with 568, 666.530 pounds a year ago. Cake and meal 1.901.701 tons com pared with 1.705.993 tons produced and on hand 256,982 tons compared with 171.458 last year. Linters (running bales) produced totaled 890,783 compared with 747. 373 last year and on hand 215.934 | compared with 154,043 last year. Seventeen Prison Breakers Still At Liberty Tuesday The U. S. border patrol Tuesday morning had not made any arrests in connection with the Matamoros iail break Sundav night, in which 23 prisoners clubbed a guard and fought their way to freedom. Sev enteen of this number are still at liberty, six having been recaptured later Sunday night and Monday morning. Other members of the band are believed to be hiding in the brush lands along the Rio Grande, and natrolmen have instituted a search hr them. In addition to the guard, two of the fleeing men were wounded when they engaged customs offi cials of Matamoros in a running gun battle. Four more were found Sun day morning near the old bull ring by police patrols. NEW HEAD ttMmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmamammmmm Frank Cady, superintendent of schools at Detroit, has been chosen president of the Nation al Education association. City Briefs Come in and hear the Stromberg Carlson Radio at The Sheldon Stu dio, 1240 Elizabeth St. For sale by John N. Merrill.—Adv. tf. Itching Between the Toes Is re lieved quickly by applying Imperial Eczema Remedy, at bedtime. Drug gists are authorized to refund mon ey if it fails.—adv. Dickey’s Old Reliable Eye Water cools, heals and strengthens sore, weak, tired eyes. All druggists 25c. —Adv. (4) Remodeling—Show’ windows are being constructed in the location of Elizabeth street formerly occupied by Piggly Wiggly, and ornamental tile is being laid at the entrance. The space is being thoroughly re modeled, and a partition con structed. One section will be occu pied by the Model shoe store on completion. Bring your hemstitching, picot fng to Amayas Millinery. We fur nish fine thread. 1235 Adams St. —Adv. 12 From Dallas—William Keith of Dallas, executive secretary of the 1 Masonic Service Association, ar rived in Brownsville Tuesday and will spend several days here. New Underwood Typewriter sales and service. Underwood Typewrit er Co., Moore Hotel Arcade, phone £95. Harlingen.—Adv. tf. Creagcr Home—R. B. Creager ar i ived home Tuesday morning from Washington, where he appeared be fore the senate committee to testi fy relative to southern patronage. “The Sunshine” Hats, all colors p.nd. head sizes at Amayas Millinery, If '.35 Adams St.—Adv. The Van Heest Shops Auto and P erniture refinishing. Corner 11th and Monroe Sts., Phone 1047. —adv. 3-23-29. Called Conclave. Brownsville Commandery No. 62. K. T„ Masonic Temple. Brownsville, Texas, 7:30 p. m., March 11, 192C Important business to transact. Visiting Sirs f? aternally invited. All members re quested to attend. Geo. Mauner, commander; W. W. Ball, recorder. C. of C. Meet—There will be a ro gular meeting of the board of di ret tors of the chamber of commerce at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday night. Busi ng ss matters of a routine nature will be discussed, according to G. C. Richardson, manager. l)p Molav Meeting—A regular | me eting of the Brownsville chap ter of the order of De Molay will be held at 8 p. m. at the club Wcd ne day. I'rsteiro Building—Walls are ris ing- rapidly on the Besteiro building. The structure, which is a one-story bric k, faces on Market square. fated Convocation Rio Grande Chapter No. 317, R. A. M., Masonic Temple, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Work in the Mark Master degree. All members requested and visiting companions fra ternally invited to attend. Geo. Mansure, H. P.; W. secretary. I — LAST DAY — “Court Martial” With JACK HOLT Educational Comedy Carnival Night CASA GRANiDE CLUB THURSDAY Confetti — Favors — Fun Good Food — Goc d Music New York Ore!: estra ] “The Showplace of MUitamoros” # IHOOVER-DEMS GET REWARDS VO rill Be Favored With Fed eral Appointments Under Plan By JAMES L. WEST i Associated Press Staff Writer ASHINGTON, March 12.—UP)— Rec< ivnP'on of the leaders of the Hoo' 'or democrats of the south in the : matter of federal appointments in UvAt section is likely to be ad opted by President Hoover as a cardl ral policy. Th»cre also are indications that in the q ■. istcrn and western states the I reguli. r organization leaders will be require d to consult on appointments those v 7ho had charge of the Hooyer pre-cor, ivention campaign in those cases vj here men are not now identifii d with the regular state party leadership. While there has been no formal annourv-cment of the methods that are to t e pursued in selecting fed eral offi :ers in the states south of the Ma:j cn and Dixon line, the gen eral exp? ctation Is that this will be largely ir i the control of a commit tee for <5 ach state on which the Hoover ui 'mocrats will have member ship, altt lough by no means a ma jority. In sor Be Instances these commit teemen, presumably at the sug gestion -of high national leaders, have presented the names of those who they v> ould like to see on the committees for their states. In each instruct *e, leaders of the Hoover democrats t ave been included. Recogn’ tio n of this group in Tex as already has been extendede by the regular republican organization under R. B. C''eager, national com mitteeman, an d some of the Hoover democrats ha:/e been urged for high posts. PERSONALS R. N. Perez, a frequent visiter in the city, was here from Roma Monday, as was r Iso Leonard Trim ble. of Point Isabel. A. A. Til :len and B. K. Smith came in from Uauston Monday. W. C. Trary, af Victoria, who is connected with the Southern Pa cific lines. Is in town. J. B. Phili'ips and Wm. Blan I chard, both of the Missouri Pa ' cific, arrived Tua"day and are ; stopping at the Travelers’. I F. G. McKinney, of Edinburg, spent Monday in E rownsville. ’ J. E. Hickey of St. Louis is visit ing the city. Late arrival* at th«a Travelers in clude F. T. Kinady, Dallas; R. A. Cast. Cleveland; and A. M. Avery, Dallas. Mr. and Mrr. Emrst Riels ar rived from Wichita, Kans.. Tues day. They were accompanied by their daughter. Chas. H. Levif.t is kiere from New York. Mrs. A. W. Walden and Mrs. F. L. West both o:f San Antonio are stopping at the El Jardin. Others registering there TuescLuy morning were J. O. McG’iire, San Antonio; J. W. Stanford. Houston; L. H. Mc Daniel, Fort Worth; Wallace Dheele. San Antonio: Mr. and Mrs W. R. Daught. Dallas; R. E. Shell man, San Antonio; R. T. Bandel. Kansas City; and T. E. Peters. Corpus Christl. STORM WARNING NEW ORLEANS!, March 12.—^ —The Ntw Orleans weather bureau issued the followir g storm warning today: “Small craft warning indicated ; from Mobile to Analachicola. 8:30 a. m., fresh to strong easterly to ! southeasterly winds Tuesday.” 666 Is n Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, 3ilious Fever and Malaria, ft Is the most speedy remedy known I NOW SHOWING POLA NEGRI in “Loves of An Actress7’ Also A CHRISTIE COMEDY And A UNIVERSAL WESTERN Admission—10c-25c JOINS MUDHENS Garland Buckeye, the 245 pound southpaw of the New York Giants, was released back to To ledo, following his demand for a higher salary. McGarw does not figure the big boy is worth his weight in gold in spite of his great finish with Toledo last year. BURKE, INDIAN AFFAIRS CHIEF, RESIGNS PLACE WASHINGTON. Marsch 12.—f/P) —Commissioner Charles H. Burke, ! of the bureau of Indian affairs, has tendered h.s resignation and it was indicated today it would be accepted by the president. The commissioner has been under continuous fire by members of congress for some time during an investigation of the ad ministration of Indian afairs. Mr. Eurke, who was appointed by President Harding in 1921, served under Interior Secretaries Fall. Work and West. During his admin | istrtaicn the celebrated case of Jackson Barnett, aged and wealthy | Creek Indian whose marital and fi l nancial affairs interested senate | committees, came into prominence j several times. ! Loosen Up That Cold With Musterole Just Rub it In Have Musterole handy when a cold starts It has all of the advan tages of grand mother’s mus tard plaster with out the bum. You feel a warm tingle j as the healing ointment pene trates the pores, then a soothing, cool ing sensation and quick relief. Made of pure oil of mustard and other simple ingredients, Musterole is recommended by many nurses and doctors. Try Musterole for bronchitis, sore throat, stiff neck, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, croup, asthma, neu ralgia, congestion, pains and aches of the back or joints, sore muscles, sprains, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest. It may prevent pneu monia and “flu.” Better than a mustard plaster — LAST DAY — I i Also Christie Comedy MGM News — Fables — — Tomorrow — “Children of Ritz” \\_ I I Chief’s son. some 3 day you will be call- «9 ed to lead your Nav- jB ajo people. Go to B the white man’s col- B lege. But come back 5 to In- 9 dian.” And he came a back, handsome, ed ticated, a leader but S3 ... an outcast from S both races . . . a B Redskin! D i x's jg greatest. Filmed in 3 ccjlor. — Now Showing — ( ^ \ jfjwxrmoum) Also MGM Comedy \ Qirhnp / £ Pathe Review \wtuy | t SENATORS ROW OVER CAR TAX Effort to Halt Considera tion Fails; Pt. Arthur Seawall Aided AUSTIN, Tex., March 12.—— Battle lines were tautly drawn again today between advocates and op ponents of heavy reductions in automobile license fees. Senators opposed to the 50 per cent reduction approved by the house failed 5resterday to force postponement of the whole matter until the special session. They were victorious, however, in preventing another step in the program of sen ators favoring the drastic slash when a night session of the senate could not maintain a quorum. A house bill remitting taxes for a construction of a seawall at Port Arthur was brought up through unanimous consent and the argu ment on that measure consumed more than an hour before it was engrossed and then finally passed 21 to 5. The bill would provide for the remission of taxes for twenty years to one precinct in Port Arthur. It was estimated the esawall would cost about $3 000,000. ARREST MATAMQROS MAN Guillermo Padron of Matamoros was placed under arrest Monday night by border patrol officers, charged with carrying a pistol and was turned over to the sheriff’s de partment. A hearing is expected to be held before Justice of the Peace Fred Kowalski Tuesday or Wednes day. LU GRIP CAN BE RELIEVED BY THE PROMPT USE OF ABSORBO ?ark Laboratory, San Antonio, Tex. | Day in Congress (By The Associated Pres«.) Monday: House failed to five two-third ma jority to highway bond issue amend- j ment. refusing to submit it for sec- : ond time. Establishment of hospital for treatment of cancer and pellagra passed by house. Consideration of house bills fixing motor vehicles registration fees was begun by senate. Remission of taxes voted Port Arthur to aid in construction of sea ! wall. I —a Scream! then Silence—Mystery' Broad way’* but tcrf 1 y killed-* •even men name —all but one e cape — can yo i name him? I MliRIWK CASE' WlLlUil POWBU jambs MALI. ! TT’S ATT IODISE BROOKS 11 i ALL JEAN ARTHUR TALKING! I — Last Day — Shows Start at jo G Harlineen \ Movie Movie £ Tone Tone ^ News Vaud. Harlingen \ Opening Tomorrow > VELMA BANKY j Awakening” | T Will Run Through *5 L Saturday J jin .rom/ y I Hereafter! | greyhound! RACING | will be held at :fl I NUEVA MERCEDES | 13 Days Only I Each Week! 1 WEDNESDAY | I SATURDAY 1 I SUNDAY || I 8:15 P. M. II I- For all those who desire to attend Wednesday 1 I J night there will be I ■ Free Bridge;I | Toil ,/1 & And no admission charge will be 1 made at the track ■ || New road from Mercedes to I «»! bridge completed II RIORICOi Ikennel clubs NUEVA MERCEDES W f6 Miles South of Mercedes jf i