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UNIVERSAL MEN LEAVE TUESDAY £*chramm, Rentz Commend Airport And Interest In Development X The Universal tri-motor- plane, Which has been at the Brownsville airport the past two months, will be taken back to San Antonio Tuesday, and will leave that city Friday for Chicago. Announcement was made by of ficials of the Universal Airways, Inc., that the company will extend its lines into the southwest, but that definite arrangements had not been completed and that no announce ment could be made at this time. “We have watched the develop ment of the Brownsvilel airport, and I am convinced it will be one of the great ports of the future,” was the statement of C. T. Schramm, business manager for the company, who has been here two months. “What has impressed us is the close cooperation between the city commission, the chamber of com merce and the people of Browns ville. The people of this city are i ‘air-minded’ and they are building R for the future.” I Captain R. J. Rentz. chief pilot. Who has had charge of the big tri motor here, asserted that Browns ville “has the best port in the south and the most efficient manage ment.” With respect to the management he said: “In Les Mauldin you have a manager far above the ordinary, a man who knows aviation. The fact that there was not even a minor accident at the airport during the two-day celebration, may be attrib uted to the efficient manner in i ---- // fOLIV£ '& Wins Praise I — ■ ■■ - The quality of her acting as the Private Secretary in “The News I Parade” is winning the praise of movie fans everywhere for this lovely newcomer to the screen. At home in New York City, hundreds admire her charming personality * and she has fairly “set the style” on Broadway by the way she dresses her hair. “The simple method I use in caring for my hair.” says Miss Shea, “has been of great help lo me in my motion picture work, where one's hair must alwuvs look its best. It's just the thing for busy girls, too, because it is so easy. Most of the girls I know in stage f and picture work are taking it un as soon as they hear about it. All you do is put a little Danderine on your brush every time you use it. It makes your hair so easy to dress and holds it in place wonderfully. It’s ideal for girls who are letting their hair grow. It keeps my hair I and scalp so clean and comfortable. I don’t shampoo half so often, now. » It gives my hair such a sliky. soft, lustrous appearance that all my friends comment on it.” Danderine removes the oily film from each strand of hair, restores its natural color, gives it more lus tre than brilliantine. It cleanses and invigorates the scalp; helps overcome dandruff. It is delight fully fragranced; isn't sticky or oily; doesn’t show. Waves, “set” with it, lasts longer. All drug stores have it, in generous 35c bottles.— Adv. which the port is managed and the close adherence to rules.” Both Captain Rentz and Schramm took an active part In preparing for the celebration, Schramm acting as field supervisor during the two days. Over 700 passengers were carried by the Universal tri-motor \ Saturday and Sunday. - .. - . Great Future For Port Is Forecast By Miss Earhart Miss Amelia Earhart. “the sweet heart of aviation.” who attended I the two-day celebration coramera j orating the opening of the Brow:ns ville airport, departed Sunday night for New York, where she is due to address the Society of Mechanical Engineers Wednesday night. During her stay in Brownsville she was the guest of the city, and made many friends here, attending several social functions. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle G. Williams and Mrs. R. B. Creager gave a luncheon in her honor, guests including Mr. and Mrs. Wm. West. Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Chapa. Mr. and Mrs. George White. Paul Frank Baer and Major Bernard Law. “I am leaving Brownsville with I the firm conviction that this city wall play a leading part in the op eration and promotion of commer cial aeronautics.” Miss Earhart said just prior to boarding her train for the east. She spoke in glowing terms of the Lower Rio Grande Valley and the Valley's brand of hospitality. “Aeronautical development here will be commensurate with the splendid facilities and advantages such as only this territory can of fer.” she said. “The international ‘aspect and position of Brownsville as a terminal for air transporta tion will play a dominant part in the promotion of good will with our neighbors to the south.” Mexico Buys U. S. Planes; 3 Men Get Training In Navy NEW YORK. March 12.—<JP)—A fleet of planes destined for use by the Mexican government forces against the rebels is being turned out at the Vought aircraft factory, Long Island City. The first group of the planes, which will leave the plant fully equipped with machine guns and bomb racks, is expected to start for Mexico this week. Chance Vought, head of the com pany. declined to say how many had been working day* and night to had bee nworking day and night to fill the order. WASHINGTON, March 12.—IIP)— Navy department officials said to day that at the request of the state department, three Mexican fliers were being given a course of in struction in navy type planes at the Anacostia air station. It was explained this had no con nection with the present rebellion in Mexico, but was the result cf a request made by the Mexican gov ernment some time ago. CONFERENCE HELD ON FLIERS RADIO BANDS WASHINGTON, March 12.—(/Pi— The radio commission began a se ries of conferences today on the use of 89 short wave lengths set aside for ccmemrcial aviation and drew a large representation from that field, including Herbert Hoover. Jr., of the Western Airways, Inc. Chairman Robinson of the com mission announced that the purpose of the conference was to coordinate the views of various aviation oper ating companies, communication companies and others interested in perfecting and establishing means for communication between aircraft and ground stations and between ground stations along aviation routes. Direct By Mail Advertising Service Pend your message direct to the potential customer. We do all kinds of direct by mail work—Multigraph ing, mimeographing, furnish classi fied mailing lists, personalize, sign the leter, fold, insert, seal, stamp and address the envelope. Highest qual ity work. Most complete letter shop in South Texas. Shirley Letter Shop. Hidalgo Bank Bldg., Mercedes. Phone 300. BRIDGE f«y RADIO Tonight! . With South’s 100 Aces, in the hand below, what would you bid at Auction? At Contract? Can South make game in No Trump? First bid and play this hand your way. Then tune in with the Radio Game and ieam the expert method of handling this kind of hand. KWWG—9:30 P.M. Wilbur C. Whitehead, New Mrs. Annie Adair Foster, At* York, Dealer, South. lanta, Ga., North. Spades.A, 8, 5, 4, 3 Spades.K 10 Hearts.A, Q, 8, 3 Hearts.9, 6t 5t 4 2 Diamonds.......A, Q, 10 Diamonds. K T 7* 3 Clubs.A Clubs..Z'.'....!.... 10, 9 Milton C. Work, New York, Major Lewis W. Colfelt, Phil* West. adelphia, East. Spades.9, 7, 6, 2 Spades..O I Hearts. K, J Hearts...lo] 7 Diamonds • ••••••••••■•■••a* •• • ■ »»5 f 4* 2 Diamonds...9, 8, 6 Clubs...J, 8, 6 Clubs.••••,,«...Qf 7> 5f 4, 3, 2 i A summary of the game as broadcast will appear in this newspaper. Clip it and save it for future use. Mr. Work says: “To thoroughly enjoy Wp any card game use clean snappy cards.” j MEXICAN REBELS PREPARE TO ATTACK I This first picture of the revolutionary force at Nogales, Sonora, shews the soldiers preparing for a drive southward on Matzatlan. The troops in this picture are part of General Iturse's forces which are following the federals in their retreat from Sonora. MANY PLANES REGISTER HERE Long List of Fliers Attend Opening of City’s New Airport Many of- the pilots arriving at the Brownsville airport Saturday and Sunday failed to register, Les Mauldin, manager of the airport reported Among the number were many of the most famous pilots in the army or commercial services. The list registered included the following: Eagle Rock, C6313; owner, O. Vaught; pilot, O. Vaught, Harlin gen. Fairchild. M-SCOV. owned by Mexican Aviation company; H. Mc Mickle, Mexico City, pilot. Monocoupe, C7010; Floyd Price, owner and pilot: San Antonio. Travel Air, M-SCOV; Mexican Aviation company, owners; E. C. Bowe. pilot, Tampico. Curtiss 0-1, 27-217; U. S. Army; Lt. J. E. Upton, pilot; Kelly Field. Ryan. C5218; S. W. Air Service, owners; Jim Davis, pilot, Houston. American Eagle; C. 1756. San An tonio Drug company, owners; Frank W. Knecht, pilot. San Antonio. Challenger, Curtiss Robin, 3506; Texas Air Transport company, owners; J. B. Payne, pilot. Houston. Wasp Ford; S. A. F. E. Lines, owners; Tom D. Park, pilot, Tulsa, Okla. Curtiss Robin. C157E: Curtiss Flying Service, owners; J. C. Jack son. pilot. Houston. Ryan. NC-5546; Standard Pav ing company, owners; Roy A. French, pilot, Tulsa. Travel Air, 5235: Bell Woods comnany; V/. T. Hansen. McAllen, pilot. Swallow. 4025; Simon H. Johnson, owner; Johnson, pilot. Houston. Eagle Rock. 4529; W. C. Maus, owner: Maus, pilot. Corpus Christi. Challenger Robin; Naturaline comoany, owners: Paul L. Foster, pilot. San Antonio. Ryan B-l. NC-4090: Miss. Flying Service: Frank Glenman, pilot, San Antonio. Curtiss Robin, 321E: Texas Air Transport comoany; H. T. Phelps, pilot. San Antonio. Fokker. 1234; Texas Air Trans port; Henry Rader, pilot, San An tonio. Lockheed “Air Exoress.” 9755: the Texas company, owners; Frank M. Hawks. Houston. Travel Air. 6000; Texas Air Transport: E. J. Rhenstrom. pilot, San Antonio. Fokker. (Wasp) NC-8033: Texas Air Transport; Howard Woodall, pilot, San Antonio. Boeing, TT. S. A., owner; Capt. Eaker. pilot. San Antonio. Boening. Boening Airolane com nanv; Lt. Nelson, pilot, San An tonio. Curtiss A3. U. S. A.; Lt. Dun ston, San Antonio. Curtiss A3, U. S. A.; Lt. Gaf frev, San Antonio. Monocoune. C7339. Mono Air craft: Barton Stevenson, pilot, Mo line, 111. I Hope of Life!” Says Mrs. Robb: (Sj* Feels Better Now) ' I WAS so weak—couldn’t sleep nor eat—couldn’t digest anything—I was a complete wreck.” [Many of us know the meaning of such suf fering.] "I feel better now than I did at 16— never took anything but PE-RU-NA; I now eat everything — no matter what it is.”[ You can imag ine Mrs. Robb’s joy at PE-RU-NA’S wonderful relief.] "You don’t have to have faith in PE-RU-NA — if you will take it, it will surely relieve.” [Signed: Mrs. Sally Robb, Hawesville, Ky.] [And i's true! PE-RU-NA does its work surely, quickly and effectively. There is every reason in the world why you should have it in your home — get it from any drug store today.] Curtiss Hawk. U. S. A., Lt. H. R. | Ogden, Kelly Field. AT-5A, U. S. A.; Lt. A. B. Bal lard, Kelly Field. Travel Air, J-58116; J. H. Lap ham, pilot, San Antonio. Douglas 0-2, U. S. A.; Lt. E. E. Partridge, pilot, Kelly Field. Curtiss A-3, U. S. A.; Lt. I. T. Smith, pilot, Kelly Field. Curtiss A3, U. S. A.; Lt. L. J. Coff, pilot, Kelly Field. Curtiss A3, U. S. A.; Capt. J. S. Moore, pilot, Kelly Field. 0-2A, U. S. A.; Lt. J. A. Mollison, pilot. Kelly Field. Curtiss A3, U. S. A.; C. L. Tinker, pilot, Kelly Field. DH-4M2, U. S. A.; L. R. Kingler, pilot. Brooks Field. U. S. Army ship; H. H. Holton, pilot. Brooks Field. V/aco 10-T, 9545; Lt. C. O. Mor ales; S. W. Ruff, Ft. Crockett. 0-3B, U. S. A.; Lt. Sufflt, pilot, Kelly Field. DH4. U. S. A.; L. H. Bodieska, pilot. Brooks Field. DH4, U. S. A., C. P. Eradley, pilot. Brooks Field. 02A. U. S. A.; R. W. Dean, pilot, Kelly Field. 02A. U. S. A.; Lt. L. S. Smith, Kelly Field. A3. U. S. A.; Lt. Booth, Kelly Field. DH, U. S. A.; Lt. S. H. Salinas, Brooks Field. DH. U. S A.; Lt. L. W. Doudar, Jr.. Brooks Field. DH. U. S. A.; Lt. S. Parhawk, Brooks Field. A. T. 4 Curtiss; U. S. A.; Capt. H. H. George. Kellv Field. P. 1 Curtiss. U. S. A.; Lt. Glenn C. Salisbury, Kelly Field. P. 1 Curtiss. U. S. A.; Lt. If. A. Moore. Kellv Field. P. 1 Curtiss, U. S. A.; Lt. G. L. Beverly. Kelly Field. P. 1 Curtiss. U. S. A.; Lt. Rund auist, Kellv Field. DH. 372. U. S. A.; Lt. A J. Lehman, Brooks Field. DH. U. S. A ; Lt. H. F. Dyer, Brooks Field. N381. U. S. A.; C. D. Riley, Kelly Field. 0-1. U. S. A.; A. E. Albro, Dun can Field. NBS-1, 131 U. S. A.: J. R. Drumm, pilot, Kelly Field. Waco. 7063. H. J. L. Stark, own er; W. K. Ennis, pilot. Orange, Texas. Sw'allow. 3395; W. C Maus. own er; H. O. Dockey, pilot, Corpus Christ i. 02CM, 615, U. S. A.; G. W. Mc Entire. pilot, Dodd Field. Travel Air. C5398; Morion P. Hair, oner; Dick Hair, pilot, San Antonio. Stearman. Texas Air Transnort, oners; Clyde Spraiker, pilot, Dal las. Burglars Loot Home Saturday; Leave No Clues The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bas com Cox in Belvedere Addition was entered Saturday night by burglars f who succeeded in getting away with a large quantity of clothing, a port able phonograph, shotgun and other articles. The thieves gained entrance by cutting out a screen and raising a window. They evidently were frightened away, as a quantity of clothing, wrapped up ready to be moved, was found on one of the beds. Mr. and Mrs. Cox returned home Saturday night at 7 o’clock from Austin. They came down town about 8 o’clock, and when they re turned at 9:30 found the house looted. The loot included three suitcases which Mr. and Mrs. Cox had taken from their car upon their arrival. Officers were called immediate ly. but no trace of the thieves had been found up to Monday noon. LOMAX IS CHAIRMAN FOR PHILIPPINE DAY CSpecial to The Herald) SAN BENITO. March 12.—John T. Lomax of this city has been named local chairman for Philip pine Day, May 1, according to a communication from J. G. Harboard of New York City, in charge of the national campaign on this day. The campaign is waged to Ta’se funds to wipe out leprosy in the Philippines. DON’T STARVE TO END FAT Few succeed without harm. Try the modem way, embodied in Marmola pre scription tablets. People have used them for 20 years—millions of boxes of them. The results are seen everywhere. Marmola contains a gland element which helps turn food into fuel and energy. The formula appears in every box, also the reasons for results. Thus you will know how the changes occur without harm. All druggists supply Marmola at $1 a box. Go start it now. Take four tablets daily until weight comes down to normal. Do this because of the new beauty and vim which Marmoia has brought to so « "r Brownsville Mail Now Reaches New York In 27 Hours Air mail leaving the Brownsville municipal airport at 1:25 p. m.. ar rives in Chicago at 5:40 the follow ing morning, according to the sched ule announced by the various air lines holding the mail contracts. Mail to New York arives in that city at 4:45 p. m., or approximately 27 hours after leaving Brownsville. Air mail destined for Houston, New Orleans and Atlanta is carried by train from San Antonio to Houston, where connections are made with the eastern plane, leav ing Houston the following morning. It is understood that ail air mail for the northeast will be routed by way of Chicago. This provides a 33-hour service between Mexico City and New York, and a 22-hour service between the Mexican capital and Chicago. No definite announcement has been made by the postal department relative to extension of the air mail line from Houston to Brownsville. The contract provides for extension of the line to the border at any time upon order of the department. Tariff Association Seeks to Organize Chapter In Valley SAN BENITO. March 12.—Organ ization of a Valley unit of the Southern Tariff association is ex pected to be carried out in the near future by Vance Muse, representa tive of the organization, who arrived in the Valley this week. Mr. Muse came to San Benito Monday morning from Washington, and conferred with Brown White and other shippers in this section relative to organization of the Val ley shippers in support of the or ganization. The Southern Tariff association has taken an active part in the ef fort to secure a tariff on foreign farm products, as well as on wool and other products. The sheep ra;sers and cotton seed crushers and others have contributed their part toward support of the organization, Mr. Muse said, and efforts are be ing made now to secure support from the men connected with pro duction and distribution of vege tables. WLW Preliminary Valley Advertising Attracts Attention SAN BENITO, March 12.—Con siderable interest is being aroused among Valley raido fans by adver tisements of the Valley being broad cast over Station WLW. the power ful station of the Crosley Radio cor poration. located at Cincinnati. Fans report hearing the Valley advertisements, and were surprised. Reports also are being received by chamber of commerce secretaries in the Valley from persons in other states, who have heard the Valley messages broadcast. The broadcasting is being done on a preliminary trial contract with WLW. in order to test the value of such broadcasting in anticipation of signing a contract for continued ad vertising of the Valley in this mat ter J. W. Osborn, secretary of the Donna Chamber of Commerce, is fostering the plan, and outlined it at the secretaries’ meeting here. THIEVES TAKES $10,000 FROM ABILENE STORE ABILE\TE. Texas, March 12.—<7P) —The largest haul by thieves in Abilene in 48 years was discovered at Grissom's store when it was opened today and $10,000 worth of goods checked at missing . Police say a woman probably di rected the thieves, as only the highest priced perfumes, gowns, men's wear and materials were taken. Low priced goods were scorned. The number of articles missing is 1,650. Those I who dance . . • \1 I must pay the piper — and all '<9 i\ who suffer the misery of dancing Ira |\ in new or tight shoes knew it. , Why not shake Allen’s Foot- \V j E\ Ease into your shoes and pre- \l Eil vent the discomfort of hot, \l ||t\ tired, perspiring feet? It takes 1 fell the friction from the shoes, 1 lsoothes aching feet and makes l lvjjl dancing or walking a real jcy. ' "^Allen’s II Foots Ease Pl\®\ "EVERY DAY" Sold at all drug and toilat EsSlEdl goods count*/* CABBAGE HOLDS SHIPPING LEAD Total of 3,700 Cars Ship ped; Mixed Vegetables Held Second Place With Valley shipments nearing the 11,000 car mark, cabbage still holds the premier position, this commodity representing approxi mately one-third of the total move ment. Mixed car shipments also have shown a steady increase, with a to tal of 2,900 cars moved to date. Cabbage shipments total 3.700 cars, and beets and carrots in straight cars or mixed tota. 2.350. Weslaco continues to held the lead among Valley shipping points, with a total of 1.443 cars moved: Mercedes is second with 1,216. Donna is still holding third place with 866 and Edcouch fourth with 801. Pharr has loaded 727 cars and holds fifth place, and San Benito with 642 is in sixth place. Following are the loadings to date at the various Valley noints: Station— Fruit Truck Ravmondville . 0 49 Combes . o 24 Harlingen . 36 449 San Benito .20° 440 Brownsville . 46 61 Stuart Place . 65 65 La Faria . 87 356 Mercedes .233 978 Weslaco . 7 1436 Donna . 36 830 Val Verde . 53 110 Alamo .113 456 San Juan . 6 lot Pharr . 55 672 McAllen .132 155 Mission . 88 101 Sharvland .176 0 Ratcliff . n 18 Edinburg . 5 72 Fdcouch . 0 801 Kansas City . o 101 Rollo . n 2 Hargill . 0 1 Junior . 0 25 Hidalgo . 0 . 45 Rio Hondo . 3 105 Cuates . 0 1 Los Fresnos . o 63 Lozana . 0 19 Lantana . 0 24 Snavel.v .136 0 Primer a . 0 184 Santa Rosa . 0 319 La Villa . 0 55 Elsa . 0 602 La B’anca . 0 172 San Carles . 0 5 Merito . 0 5 Fernando . 0 11 Willich . 0 43 Longbria . 0 15 Ohio . 0 16 Santa Maria . 0 45 Rangerville . 0 75 Los Indios . 0 23 Kreston . 0 .25 El Gato . n 4 Landrum . 0 6 Laureles . 0 10 La Palorr.a . 0 10 Schultz . 0 11 Run . 0 13 Wayne . 0 1 Carricitos . 0 4 Lpeland . 1 0 Oblate . 0 2 BELGIAN SYMPHONIC BAND TO TOUR TEXAS WASHINGTON. March 12.—UP)— The symphonic band of the Royal Belgian Guards, on route to America for a three months good will tour. States and a number of Canadian will play in all parts of the United cities before it leaves for home. The itinerary, made public by the embassy, begins at New York March 19. After a Canadian tour, it will play at various American cities, in cluding: Abilene, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and El Paso, Texas. SHREVEPORT SEEKS SUSTECT SHREVEPORT, La., March 12.— UP)—Frank Walling, alias “Snake” Cane, under arrest at Eldorado, Ark., in connection with the rob bery of a safe at that place, may be brought here in an effort to identify him as one of the bandits that attempted robbery in the avenue branch of the City Savings Bank last December. KEEP STOMACH YOUNG! Eat What You Want When the food you eat goes into j your acid-soaked stomach, it sours , and can't digest, makes foul gas and sour bile. The blood takes these poisonous acids and carries j them through the body. Naturally it makes you miserable and despon dent, because your system is not nourished—you lose weight. Pape’s Diapepsin dissolves the acids and sweetens the stomach. It digests the food; no more sour bile is taken up by the blood. Your ap eptite is like a youngster’s again, and gradually you get back your health, flesh and energy. Chew a tablet or two of Pape’s Diapepsin after meals. It tastes good, and relieves the misery of in digestion in five minutes. It will keep your stomach young and vig orous so you can eat anything you want without being afraid of the consequences.—* Adv. Good Work Reported By Mission Schools To Education Board MISSION, March 12.—The Mis sion schools have done excellent work for the six weeks just closed, according to the report filed with the board of education by Supt. Sid Hardin. The senior high school has an enrollment of 159 with no tardies, and an attendance average of 97 per cent. The junior high school has an enrollment of 254, with one tardy and an attendance average of 97.5 per cent. Interest in Interscholastic League work is said to be high. The class in dramatics has presented three one-act plays and one drama; more than one hundred students entered the publio speaking con tests and debate; and more than 250 have been actively working on the music memory and apprecia tion contests. On the basis of the Ayres Index a normal student body will make the following grades: 7 per cent, A; 20 per cent. B; 38 per cent, C; 24 per cent, D; and 7 per cent, F. The record of the junior high school, said characteristic of the system here, runs as follows: 15 per cent made A; 51.7 per cent, B; 36.5 per cent, C; 13.9 per cent, D; and 2.4 per cent made F. LEAL PLEADS GUILTY— 1.. LEAL PLEADS GUILTY TO LIQUOR CHARGES Ysidro Leal, arrested near La Paloma early Saturday by J. H. Collins, customs officer, with 51 quarts of liquor, plead guilty when arraigned before U. S. Commis sioner E. K. Goodrich Monday. Leal was bound over to the fed eral grand jury under $300 bond, which he made. Hearing in the cases of Carlos Villareal and Martias Huerta, also arrested Saturday by the customs officer, will be held Tuesday or Wednesday. The three arrests netted 164 quarts of liquor and three cars. LENIN BODY FOUND TO BE WELL PRESERVED I * MOSCOW, March 12.—(P)—The j remarkable state of preservation in which the body of Nikolai Lenin, j the late communist leader, has been kept since his death five years ago was demonstrated today. In the presence of a group of for eign newspapermen and represent atives of the foreign office, Profes sor Vorobyov opened Lenin’s glass covered cbffin and lifting Lenin's head, gently flexed the ears and nose and moved the skin from the cheeks and jaw. VALLEY SHRINERS TO MEET HARLINGEN, March 12.—Shrm ers of the Lower Rio Grande Valley i will hold a dance here on the night of March 29, according to announce ment of Ben Pupkin, vice president ! of the Valley club. The dance will be held at the Reese-Wil-Mond. t --—__._ MISSION TEACHERS | WILL ATTEND MEET J MISSION, March 12.—All Mis sion teachers will attend the meet ing of the South Texas Educa tional association that convenes in Corpus Christi on April 12 and 13, and the group have purchased sixty reserved seats for the Passion Play to be given in San Antonio on Saturday night. The South Texas meet will ad journ at noon Saturday giving the teachers time to reach San Antonio for the play that night. Edinburg Citizens Working Out Plans For City Airport (Special to The Herald) EDINBURG. March 12.—This city will have an airport, if plans being worked out by a number of local residents are carried out, it was an nounced today. The proposed airport will be a private undertaking cn the pa*^^ several Edinburg residents, win*: finance an airport in order fcac Edinburg may not fall behind other cities in this respect. Several sites are under consider ation. and it is expected that it will be a matter o? only a few months until Edinburg has accommodations for planes. I R. L. Lackner Jeweler and Optometrist Local Headquarters for $30,000.00 in prizes for pictures anyone can taVe. Enter as many as you wish. Developing, in by nine—out by ive; but be sure and buy your films from us. Fresh ones on hand all the time. Also Cine Kodak Films R. L. Lackner 110 Elizabeth Street Phone 644 A. a A xrv a. a xw XIV yev y&M ^ */* *-*^A • »##### 0R© ^ < z ®!; __ ® |: SINCE 1803 "THE OLD RELIABLE* ; @ -*-~ ip j ® ;; ^ I EXPERIENCE r» © I® i ® u When you use the services of a bank you are i@ • j asking that bank to work for you, and its abil- $ © I I @ !; ity to work well decides the safety of your \ fj) ■ @ I; money— ; @ • jj © 11| Your Bridge to Prosperity j § |2]; your fence to keep out misfortune. You want j 2 |; to know that the bank you patronize has learn- \ ^ ed how to do its work by actual experience. © jj Make your banking home with this institution ©;! which has worked successfully with and for ©: vour neighbors for 25 years. iw © b £© ©i; Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00 ; © •jj f® I merchants!: » NATIONAL BANK If W : a R,Q W^N S V IU £^ A. « T & X A^. \ g ©••••©•©••••••««••©••© ---- Houston 16 Two Big Events . % ■ 53rd Annual Convention Southwestern i Cattle Raisers' Association March 19-21 -.— Second Annual Motor Boat Show March 18-24 Tickets on Sale 1 March 16-19 Inclusive 1 Return Limit March 25 1 See Ticket Agent 1 Missouri Pacific Station 1 Brownsville, Texas M 1 "A Service Institution I