Newspaper Page Text
MURDER TRIAL j ■ I it _ | Complete Jury In Refugio Sanchez Case; Testi mony Started Trial of Refugio Sanchez. Ranger ville man. charged with murder in connection with the death of Igna cio Saldana on January 15, got un der way in Criminal district court Wednesday morning. Most of the morning session was devoted to securing a jury, the first witness going on the stand shortly before the noon recess. According to the evidence submit ted, Saldana was shot and fatally wounded on the night of January IS. following a fight at a baile near Rangerville in whic hone man was killed and two wounded. While taking the wounded men from the baile grounds to Mercedes, Sanchez, who was in a truck with the wound ed men, is alleged to have fired two rhots at a car which was being driv en by Saldana and which was fol lowing the truck. State witnesses testified there had teen no quarrel between the two men and that Saldana had aided Sanchez in placing the wounded men in the truck. Trial of the case is expected to occupy most of the afternoon. Trial of Connie Hall. Harlingen rgero, charged with having stabbed and killed Ada We.lke*. a negress at Hariingen on November 18. is scheduled to start as soon rs the Sanchez case is completed. A spe cial venire of 24 men was secured Wednesday for trial of the two cases. STATE ENFORCEMENT BILL UP IN NEW YORK ALBANY. N. Y.. March 13.—bTl— tills providing for state enforce ment of the prohibition law in cases of beverages containing more than six per cent alcohol were before the assembly today, having been ap proved in committee. The bills, introduced by Assem blyman Edmund B. Jenks, Repub lican, of Broome, provided in their original form for state enforcement of beverages containing more than one-half of one per cent alcohol. They emerged in their present form from the codes committee after a day of bewildering action which saw the committee first approve them, then withdraw, amend, kill, reconsider, amend again and final ly report them favorably. WAR IN MEXICO CUTS SUPPLY OF TOMATOES CHICAGO, March 13.—tAP)—War In Mexico seems to be cutting off the supply of Mexican tomatoes. A report today by the United States of agriculture bureau of economics said an embargo on freight traffic along the Mexican west coast might be one reason for tomato imports dropping to 70 cars for the last week. Some Mexican tomatoes, how ever. are moving to Los Angeles by boat. Prices o ntomatoes from Mexico have advanced sharply, and are now ranging from $2.75 to $1.00 per box. I J l l NEWr l } FORDOR SEDAN ; i *625 l l \ 4 4 4 4 5 4 s s j Bring your j j Ford here j 4 £ j for service j % % % * s OUR mechanics are spe- $ daily trained. They use \ tools and machinery % made specially for sev- J; J vidng the new Ford car. > % When replacements are 5 4 needed, we use genuine £ £ Ford parts that are iden J; tical with those from J £ which your car was orig- $ 4 inally assembled in the * Ford factory. This means J longer life for your car. $ 4 4 i i PATTFSON MOTOR. CO t N ELIZABETH STREET ATT" .• « % v BROWiS'SVUXB TEXAS 4 ) ^ ——i———a— I PILES -PILES-PI Si I treat them by a method that is promptly curative H It Does Not Hurt You j§| It does not bankrupt you jh. It does not take your time from business or work Come to my office and Cancer cf the rectum is if let me explain my almost always preceded treatment by simple piles or ulcers I Dr. R. T. Boly II, Health Specialist || Mb Room 10, Post Office Building WESLACO, TEXAS Office hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sundays 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. ^ MESSAGE FROM •P V V V SOUTHERNM OST «» V ** V V "t* SET RECEIVED NEW YORK, March 13.—(.■?)— A message from the most south erly radio station in the world, the first sub-base to be established by Commander Bytd between his main camp and the south pole, has been relayed to New York Times radio station. The message was addressed to Mrs. Jordis Peterson ox Chicago and was sent by Carl Peterson, her husband, who is the radio op erator with a dog sled party that carried provisions to the sub-base about 70 miles south of Byrd’s main base at Little America. It I said: “Everything fnie. Am traveling j south on the dog teams.” The message was ^Intercepted j first at Litt’e America." relayed to j the Bark. City of New York, en j ! route to Dunedin, N. Z.. which in j turn relayed it to the Times. The \ entire process required but a few minutes. Commander Byrd's main base is 1 about 750 miles from the pole and he plans a number of sub-bases about 70 to 100 miles apart for emergency purposes when he makes his flight to the pole. Plans Made For Entertaining State Medical Society May 21-23 More than 300 hotel reservations already hate been made for the Texas State Medical Society here May 21. 22 and 23. Indications are that Brownsville will entertain some 1200 to 1.500 guests at that time. Dr. B. O. Works, president of the Cam ercn County Medical association an nounced Wednesday. Dr. B. F. Stout. San Antonio, will speak on Bacteriophage in Relation to Infection; and Dr. Wolf of Hart ford. Conn., on Drainage in Gyneco logical Cases. A business sesion immediately fol lowing will lee given over to working out details ior the state convention to be held here. The April journal will carry the program of the meeting, of which plans for the social side have been tentatively aranged. On Monday, a drive up the Valley has been aranged for doctors and their wives; Tuesday, a luncheon for visiting ladies and a drive around Brownsville and vicinity; Wednes day, a luncheon for the ladies at the Brownsville Country club and a dinner at 5 p. m. for doctors and their wives at Matamoros at 9 p. ra the president’s reception and ball will the attraction at Hotel El Jardin. Thursday, a tea given by Mrs. John O. McRcynolds at her winter home in Mercedes, for the ladies will be preceded by another Valley drive. Mrs. McReynolds is widely known in medical circles, formerly having been president of the wom en's auxiliary, American Medical as sociation. Friday, visitors will be taken to Point Isabel, for luncheon, bating, and fishing. On Sunday preceding the meet ing, public health lectures, will tie i given by prominent physicians at vaiious Brownsville churches. During the meeting, the Texas State Medical Golfers association will hold its annual championship tournament at the Brownsville Country club. MUSE MEETS WITH VALLEY SHIPPERS Vance Muse of the Southern Pa cific Tariff association, in a meet- j ! ing with Valley shippers at the of- I | fice of W. E. McDavitt here last j ' night, made plans for the organiza- j i tion of the Lower Rio Grande Val- ! | ley Tariff association. The latter I will be a working unit of the south- j ern association. Brown White of San Benito is chairman of the movement in the Valley, which is being carried on ! in an effort to gain a tariff on farm ! and ranch products. Special stre> in this section will be laid on pro tection for tomatoes and other truck products. FT. WORTH MAN KILLED FORT WORTH. March 13.—< P)— J. R. Gunn, 26. proprietor of a drug store, was shot twice and died at a filling station and cold drink ; stand here last night. Gunn and H. J. Kelly were at the station, which Kelly owns. Kelly was ques | tioned by Assistant District Attor ney Hopper at the police station. VESSEL AGROUND | SHANGHAI. March 13.—iVP)—The German freighter Giessen, bound for Hongkong, struck the bottom near the Saddle islands today and is believed a total loss. An un named liner was standing by and had lescued three passenger sand 1 most of the crew. City Briefs Come in and hear the Stromberg Carlson Radio at The Sheldon Stu dio, 1240 Elizabeth St. For sale by John N. Merrill.—Adv. tf. Legion Session—A11 ex-service men have been urged by W. R. Kiegel, commander of the John Hanson post, of the American le gion, to attend the regular meeting of the order to be held at the legion hall beginning at 3 p. m. Wednes day. Several important items are to come before the organization, Kiekel states. The Van Fleest Shops Auto and Furniture refinishing. Corner lllh and Monroe Sts., Phone 1047. —adv. 3-28-29. DeMolay to Meet—The regular meeting of the Brownsville chapter of the order of DeMolay is to be held Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock at Masonic hall. Two degrees of the order will be conferred. Ringworm—Cue bottle Imperial Eczema Remedy guaranteed enough for any case. Druggists authorized to refund money if it fails.—adv. Dickey’s Old Reliable Eye Water relieves- sun and wind burned eyes. Doesn’t hurt. AH druggists.—Adv. 1. New Underwooa Typewriter sales and service. Underwood Typewrit er Co.. Moore Hotel Arcade, phone 295. Harlingen.—Adv. tf. Eisr Auction Sale March 21st. Fer nandez bankrupt stock at 421 Eliza beth street. —adv. 20. Play Tryouts — Brownsville high school students Monday night tried out for parts in the next production to be staged by them, the time of which lias not been set. The name of the new play is ‘ The Importance of Being Earnest" with a play on the last word in the title. C MID OF THANKS We wish to express our appreci ation for the kindness shown us and the beautiful flowers during the ill ness and death of our husband and father. Mrs. J. E. Keller and family. Ftii! Ill—John Closner, who suffered an attack of ptomaine poisoning about three weeks ago. still is seriously ill at his home here. Former Ranger Here—W. S. Pe tersen of Kerrville, former under ranger under Captain Wright, ar rived in Brownsville Tuesday to spend a few days with old friends. He was stationed here from 1917 to 1924, and had not been in Brownsville for nearly five years. ‘‘The city has grown fast; I guess I'll have to get a guide to take me around,” he said. From Bishop—3en V. Tomlinson, formerly connected with the cus toms service here, came down from Bishop, Texas, Tuesday to remain a few days with old friends. The former customs man is now engaged in farming near Bishop. r.-T. A. To Meet—The Parent Teachers’ association of Incarnate Word academy will hold a meeting Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to make plans for the May Day fete. (■Continued from Page One.) days in which to file an answer to the motion, indicated he may be prepared to take up the case Sat urday. Trial of Wurzbaeh, transferred to San A tonio, is on call May 6. opening date ol the next term of court. Congressman Wurzbaeh was ar rested here last Saturday and made bond in the sum of $2,500. The indictment charges him with having received and being concern e l in receiving contributions from three federal employes during the republican primary campaign of 1926. Villareal Makes S300 Bond After Plea of Guilty Carlos Villareal, arrested Satur day afternoon at Chavez Crossing.1 near Santa Maria, by J. H. Collins, customs officer, plead guilty when arranged before U. S. Commissioner i E. K. Goodrich Tuesday afternoon, j Villareal was bound over to the ! federal grand jury under $300 bond, which he made. According to the testimony of Collins, Villareal had 54 quarts of liquor in his car, which, with the prisoner was brought to Browns ville. Mafias Huerta, third man ar rested Saturday, was to appear be fore Goodrich Wednesday after noon. PLOTT IS SAN BENITO HEAD OF VALLEY FAIR SAN BENITO, March 13.—Ap pointment of John C. Plott as com munity chairman of San Benito for the . fair this fall was an nounced here today by J. E. Bell, chamber of commerce secretary. Mr. Plott took an active part in arranging the San Benito commun ity exhibit last year, and starting early this season he is expected to have one of the best exhibit booths at the fair. Mr. Bell said. San Be nito has been among the first three prize winners at the fair for the past four years, having won first prize twice. for PILES SOOTHES, heals, con quers pain, restores nor malcy. For all forms of Piles. Money-back guar antee and full directions in package. Tube with pile pipe, 75d. Tin box, 60ft. At all drug stores. NEW SEASON RECORD SET • Valley Loadings Tuesday Go To 282 Cars; Including 152 Of Cabbage ! Two new records for the 1928-29 j shipping season were established Tuesday. The loadings reported fro mall Valley points totaled 282 cars, evceeding the previous record | by 32 cars. A new record for cab bage loadings was attained with 152 cars moving out Tuesday night. Tuesday loadings included 41 cars of mixed vegetables, 15 beets, , 30 carrots, 20 beets and carrots, 152 I cabbage, 1 broccoli, 1 lettuce, 4 j parsley, 3 anise, 1 mixed citrus. 13 i grapefruit. The season total is 11, 235 cars as compared with 11,177 to date last season. Despeite the heavy loadings cab j bage was holding at $15 per ton Wednesday at all points in the Val ley, but shippers were not optimis tic over the outlook for an advance. Eeets and carrots are still hold i ing at favorable prices for the ! growers, and the movement of I these commodities already exceeds that of any previous season. Harlingen Park Site Injunction Case Dismissed HARLINGEN. March 13.—The in junction action filed by residents of this city to enjoin the city commis sion from completing purchase of the Arroyo Country Club acreage for a park site, has been dismissed by agreement. It is understood that the city commission has rescinded all action in connection with the purchase of the site. The situation now is the same as before any action was taken by the ctiy commission. No announcement has been made relative to future ac tion. but it is believed the matter will be presented to the citizens for a referendum vote. Bill To Divide^ Crimnal Court District Passed The Pope bill, proposing division of the criminal court district over which Judge A. W. Cunningham presides, was passed by the legisla ture Monday and is now on the desk of the governor, according to infor mation received here. Under the terms of the measure a new district, comprising the counties of Nueces. Kleberg and Kenedy will be created, leaving 'Willacy and Cameron in the old district. The district composed of the five counties has no number, the 28th district, with which it often is con fused. bein gthat of the civil court over which Judge Hopkins presides and which comnrises Nueces, Kle berg and Kenedy counties. Under the Pope bill the criminal district and civil district courts will have the same territories. Miss Kirobnll Home—Fripnds of Miss Dora Kimball. 813 Madison, will be pleased to learn that she has returned to her home after her recent confinement at Mercy hos pital. Nose Powder Angers Parson Finchley. Eng.—Roiled by mem bers of his congregation who pow dered their noses in church. Rev. Stewart Bernays told them they had reached the limit of bad manners. NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS Cameron County Water Improve ment District No. 8 Notice is hereby given that an election will be held on Wednesday. April 3, 1929, between the lawful hours, in and for Cameron County i_ So she rubbed and she scrubbed the blankets but she couldn’t get the clothes clean! No wonder. The water was hard. In stead of white fluffy suds, there was a dirty curdle in the water. Scum. It got into the fabric. Who wants dirty gray blankets? She should have washed them in soft water. The hardest city water can be made soft by adding Melo. And what a fine cleaner this water is, with or without soap! How much more effective the soap isl Try Melo in the next washing. Get it today at your grocer’s. /W\ . ^ /W\ = /WN HARD WATER PIUS MEOO MAKES SOFT WATER. I1 - -'1 j Beg. C. S. PaU Otf. WATER SOFTENED WITH MELO IS A REMARKABLE CLEANER THE HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO. Canton, Ohio Manufacturers of Sant-Flush # ■ ■I Carnival Night jj CASA GRANDE CLUB THURSDAY Confetti — Favors — Fun Good Food — Good Music New York Orchestra Minimum person charge $1.25 “The Showplace of Matamoros” Water Improvement District No. 8. at which election there will be sub mitted to the resident property tax payers of said District, who are qualified voters therein, a proposi tion for the issuance of bonds of said District, on the faith and credit thereof, in the amount of not more than $1,000,000.00. and levy of tax in payment thereof, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of not more than 6 per cent per annum, the in terest payable annually or semi-an nually, as the Board of Directors of said District may determine, said bonds to be of the date, denomina tion or denominations, ar.d of the maturity or maturities (no maturity to exceed forty years from the date of the bonds!, as shall be deter mined bv the Board of Directors of said District, and specified in the order of said Board of Directors authorizing the issuance of such bonds, said election to be held in ac cordance with the laws of this State and the order of thp Board of Direc tors of said District, which is made a part cf this notice and is as fol lows: “Whereas, Cameron County Wat er. Improvement District No. 8, in Cameron County. Texas, has here tofore been duly created, established and organized, and is now operating, under the provisions of Section 59 cf Article 16 of the Constitution of Texas and the laws enacted in pur suance thereto, and the directors thereof have been duly elected and qualified, the assessment lists of the taxable property situated in said District have been duly made, cor rected, equalized, and returned as required by law, and the engineer of said District, duly appointed and qualified, has heretofore made and filed with the Secretary of said Board, his report in writing, em bracing a complete survey of the lands in said District and a plan of the irrigation system and other im provements to be constructed by and for said District, together with maps, plats, profiles, estimates and other data fully outlining and ex plaining the said plan, and setting forth in detail the work to be done and the estimated cost thereof: and. "Whereas, based upon the original report of said engineer, and to meet the requirements thereof, bonds of said District, in the amount of $600,000.00, have been voted and authorized, but have not been is sued. the Board of Directors deem ing it necessary, on the advice of said engineer, to construct reser voirs and settling basins to provide storage, to line with concrete cer tain additional canals, and to install additional and more expensive ir rigation works not provided for in the original engineer’s report, bring ing the total estimated cost to a sum in excess of the amount of said bonds so authorized: and, “Whereas, under the directions of this Board of Directors, the said en gineer has submitted a final report in writing, dated January 17, 1929, emb"aring a complete survey of the lands in the District and his revised plan of the irrigation system and ether improvements to be construct ed by and for said District, with the maps, plsts. profiles, estimates and other dat i fullv outlining and ex nlaining the said plans, and setting forth in detail the work to be done and the estimated cost thereof, which report is on file in the office of the District, subject to public in spection : “Now, therefore, it Is hereby or dered by the Board of Directors of Cameron County Water Improve ment District No. 8 as follows: “That the Board cf Directors, having duly considered the revised | plan of construction aforesaid, with specifications therefor and the en- j gineer’s estimate of cost thereof, j now here in al! things approves the said engineer's final report and es timate. and finds that the amount necessary to construct • and com plete an irrigation system adequate to supply water to all lands within said District that are irrigable, in cluding the cost of the organiza tion of the District and the cost of all surveys, investigations, engineer ing. making and filing of mans and reports, and ail other legitimate NOW SHOWING POLA NEGRI in “Loves of An Actress’’ Also A CHRISTIE COMEDY And A UNIVERSAL WESTERN Admission—10c-25c — Now Showing — I “CHILDREN OF THE RITZ” With DOROTHY MACKAIL JACK MULHALL Youth’s own revelation of the daring doings of the younger generation! Also Comedy and News incidental expenses necessary to be incurred prior to the issuance of the bonds of said District, is the sum of $1,000,000.00, in which sum is included the cost of sites for pumping plants and rights of way, and of the existing structures thereon, and that the expenditure of said total sum of $1,000,00.00 for the purposes aforesaid, is necessary in order to carry out the purposes , for which said district was organ- j ized and now exists, and will best ■ serve the interest of said District,! and that the findings aforesaid, and the approval of said engineer's final report and estimate be en tered of record in the Minutes of said Board. “It is further ordered that an election be held within and for said Oameron County Water Improve ment District No. 8 for the purpose of determining whether or not the resident property taxpayers of said district, who are qualified voters j therein, will, or will not, author- I ize the issuance, of bonds of said District, on the faith and credit of said District, in the sum of not more than $1,000,000.00, and the levy of tax in payment therefor, at which election there shall be sub mited to said voters the following propositions, and :io other, to-wit: “For the issuance of bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor.” “Against the issuance of bonds and levy of tax in payment there for.” “That said election snail be held within and for said District, which is now here constituted a single election precinct for that purpose, at the brick store building some times called the ‘Commissary,’ situ ated in the Anacuas Ranch on or near the Military Road, in said District, on Wednesday, the 3rd day of April. 1929, between lawful hours, at which election none but resi dent property taxpayers of said district, who are qualified voters therein, shall be allowed to vote. “That the said election shall b? j held in all things as provided by law. and the following named per sons are hereby appointed as judges and clerks of said election: Samuel Howell, presiding judge. Guadalupe Suarez, assistant judge. Mrs. S. Howell, clerk. Pilar Torres, clerk. “And said officers of election are hereby required to administer to each voter the statutory affidavit: “‘I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a qualified voter of Cam eron County Water Improvement District No. 8, and that I am a resi dent property taxpayer of said District, and that I have not voted before at this election.’ “That said bonds, if authorized at such election, shall be issued in the aggregate amount cf not more than $1,000,000.09, to bear interest at the rate of not more than 6 per cent per annum, the interest* to be “payable annually or semi-annual ly, as may be designated by the Board of Directors, said bonds to be of the date, denomination or de nominations, and of the maturity “Clothes Make the Woman ’ With EVE SOUTHERN WALTER PiDGEON EDUCATIONAL COMEDY E-maw—t— j i u up JBP1MBMBBBMMt Karlinzen — Opening Today — [ LOUI$ WOUIBH WALTER BYRON — Also — MOVIETONE NEWS — VAUD. ——I i— I m — ■■■ III — ■ 11 —I Maamm m ■ij1— yin *r m xMirmanaaMMU' . .. ---- or maturities (not exceeding forty years after their date), as shall be determined by the Board of Direc tors of said District, and specified in the order authorizing and pro viding for the issuance of such bonds. “That said bonds shall be issued for the purpose of constructing a complete irrigation system as here inbefore defined, and paying all the costs of the organization of the Dis trict, of all surveys, investigations, engineering, making and filing of maps and reports, and all other necessary incidental expenses au thorized by law and incurred prior to the issuance of such bonds, in cluding the cost of sites for pump- j ing plants and rights-of-way and existing structures thereon. A sum mary of the engineer's final esti mate of the cost of the acquisition and construction of the proposed irrigation system, improvements and works, and of the other authorized expenses, is as follows: “Cost of right-of-way for Settling Basin. Reservoir Pump Plant, etc.$ 133.600 Engine, Pumps, House. In take and Outlets for same 52 000 Clearing rights-of-way for canals and laterals . 10,560 Earthwork on canals, res ervoirs, and drain ditches 224,290 Structures in connection with canals and drain ditches . 51,239 Concrete lining of canals 236.039 Meters . 19,280 j Pipe outlets for canals and ditches . 77,354 Reservoir levee protection 13,300 Engineering . 41,608 Organization and all inci dental expense . 124.970 Total .$1,000,000 “That the above estimate totalling $1,000,000 represents the total cost of the proposed improvements and other authorized expenses, as per said engineer’s estimate and sum mary now approved by the Board of Directors of said District as suf ficient to cover such costs . The president and secretary of; the board shall give notice of said j election by posting notices thereof in four public places in said Dis trict, and one at the court house| door of Cameron county. Texas, for at least 20 days prior io the date of the election, and by causing such notice to be published in some news paper published in the City of Brownsville, in Cameron county, Texas, once a week for three con secutive weeks prior to the date of said election, the first publica tion to be at least 21 days before the date of the election. “That the authorization of said A new romantic drama of the Indian. A story as throbbingly tender 9 as has ever been told. 9 Recalling the immortal 1 “The Vanishing Amer | Ran.” Also MGM Comedy Pathe Review Si itiwf bonds in the sum of $1,000,000, if made at such election by the re quisite majority of the qualified electors, shall operate, of its own force, as a cancellation and annul ment of the prior authorization by the qualified electors of said Dis trict of the former proposed bond issue of $600,000 and the Board of Directors will enter upon their min utes proper resolutions and orders fur naught holding all of the pro cef dings in connection with the or dering, calling, holding and return of said former election, to the end, ana with the effect, that the pres- ^ cut proposed issue of bonds in the sun of $1,000,000 shall be the only issue of bonds authorized by the qualified iectors and by the Board of Directors, at any time since the creation of this District, and con tinuing down to the date of issu ance of said bonds.” The above notice is given in pur suance to the aforesaid order made and entered by the Board of Di rectors of Cameron County Water Improvement District No. 8, at the meeting of said board held on the 12th day of March, 1929, and ap pearing upon the minutes of said Board. Witness our hands and the seal of said District, this 13th day of March, 1929. JfeSfc C. P. BARREDA, Preslfpl^of the Board of Directors of Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict No. 8. MARGARET SEABERRY, Secre tary of the Board of Directors of Cameron County Water Improve ment District No. 8. 3-13-20-273t-3361. THEATER Sarj Benito THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY I Warner Bros. Present The terror" with MAY tOUfS t McAVOY f/VIENDA EDWARD EVERETT HORTON ALEC FRANCIS A 100% Vi ta li h o n e Talking Picture. V