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(Continued from page two.) nut cups aud place cards in the St. - an lck s symbols Table favors of anc^ white crepe paper caps added to the gayety of the affair. Tne officers of the club and the people on the program were seated at the end table. Mrs. Otto Kusel gave the invo cation. after which Mrs. R. D. Mc Donald. who presided at the affair, gave the "ddrers of welcome. Mr. A. J. Ross, mayor of Edinburg, re sponded on behalf of the guests present, a varied program follow ed which was greatly enjoyed by the guests. Tt included a clever imitation of Weber and Fields by Benson, Jr., and Emmett v\alsh; a solo on the saw by Hal McCombs, of the Edinburg college acompanied by Miss Elva Thomas; * lri:nish rtance by Miss Jpwel MjWte; two Irish ballads which were sung by Mrs. M Mcllhennv; and a talk by Miss Fxa Angel on the subject of Betier Business ” omen for a. Beter Business World. Rev. Z. V. Lyles closed the program with an excellent address 2? “Thp Challenge to Business Women Today." Guests of honor at this occasion were Mrs. Mary Combs of McAl len who ir, the secretary of the Valley Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, and little Miss Laura Jane Montague, mascot of the Edinburg club. * * * WEEKLY LUNCHEON The Business and Professional Women's club held their regular weekly meeting and luncheon at the Blue Bonnet Garden on March 20. Mrs. R. L. McDonald presided at the. meeting and led the pro gram. Reports on the banquet were given; and each member was urged to bring a new member to the next meeting. Before the close of the meeting the members sang a number of the club songs, closing with the Eyes of Texas. Mrs. Etta Ringgold, homo demonstration agent of Hidalgo county, transfer red her membership from McAllen to the Edinburg club at this meet ing. There was a good attendance at this meeting, a special guest be ing Mrs. Mary Combs of McAllen, who is secretary of th^ Valley Fed eration of Business Clubs. * * * BETA BRIDGE CLUB The Beta Bridge club was enter tained on Wednesday by Mrs. A. J. Ross, Jr. The rooms in which the games were played w/ere gay with large bowls of colorful nasturtiums. The flower note, suggestive of the approaching Easter season, was re peated in the tallies and other table accessories. When the scores were counted, it wras found that Mrs. Roy Mitchell had the honor score. She was presented with a dainty prize. Mrs. L. H. Pollard was lucky in the cut. The hostess served a delicious chicken salad course and iced tea. * * • DELTA DEKA KARD Miss Elouise Yette entertained the Delta Deka Kard club on Thur ’ening at the Casa de Palmas lit i in McAllen. The members enjoyed a delicious three course dinner pre ceding the bridge games. The dinner was served at a large ban quet table centered with a large bouquet of larkspur and pink roses. The attractive tallies were sugges tive of the Easter season. In the bridge games, the honor score was ! made by Miss Katherine Erwin. The guests were: Mesdames J. R. Norvelle, J. C. Hall, Katherine Mil ler. Scottie Dorsey. Misses Kather ine Erwin. Mary Katherine Ter hune. Charlotte Evins. Mary Gor don. Helen Peterson. Ruby White and Gertrude Schaleben. # • * HEACOCK-BAIR A few close friends and relatives i gathered at the home of Mr. and I Mrs. J. W. Heacock on Friday morning at nine o’clock to witness the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy, to Mr Lee Martin Bair of Edinburg. The ceremony was performed un der the beautiful vine-covered ar | bor before an improvised altar of ferns and baskets of flowers. Floor baskets of pink radiance roses and I orchid larkspur and low baskets of pink and white phlox and sweet peas made the entire arbor a scene of beauty. Before the cere mony, Mrs. Charles Sterling sang “At Dawning.” accompanied by Mrs. Fred Flanders. She also play ed the wedding march which her l flded the approach of the bridal party. The bridal party was led by the maid of honor. Miss Mary Heacock. the bride’s sister, who was dressed in an afternoon dress of green georgette and carried a corsage of pink and orchid sweet peas. She was followed by the matron of honor. PJrs. Charles Sterling, a sis ter of the bride, who wore a mod ish frock of white crepe and car ried a lovely corsage of sweetpeas in rainbow' colors. Master Henry McClellan, dressed in a suit of white, carried the ring in a large white rose. Little Miss Mary Jane Jones, the dainty flower girl, wore a pale pink crepe dress and carried a basket of rose pedals which she scattered before the bride. The bride entered on the arm of her father. She wore a beautiful frock of orchid georgette and crepe and carride a round bouquet of cream roses and pink sweet peas with a shower of white rose buds. They were met at the altar by the groom and his best man, Cleo Hughes. Rev. Z. V. Lyles read the impressive ring service. Immediately following the cere mony. the guests were served light refreshments. Joe Heacock, Waitei* Hollefrund and Carl Hollefreund acted as pages and served the bride's cake and hot chocolate. The young couple left shortly after for a short honeymoon through central Texas. Mrs. Bair wore a smart traveling suit in green and white with a small orchid hat and acces sories in orchid. Mrs. Bair is one of Edinburg's most charming young women, being very talented and possessing a lov able and charming manner. She has lived here a number of years —■—————mmmmm———A. — j and has been an active worker in every phase of community life. Mr. Bair is also a popular member of the younger set in Edinburg. He is a farmer in this community. They expect to make their home here upon their return. WESLACO -. BIRTHDAY PARTY 1 Celebrating her eighth birthday ' Little Miss Frances Hamner enter i tained Tuesday afternoon from four 'until six with a partv for a num i her of her little friends. The small j hostess received many lovely gifts. 1 After a happy afternoon refresh I nvmts of ice cream and the birth day cake with eight candles were 'served. Little baskets with candy j Easter eggs and chickens were given 'as favors. Assisting Mrs. W. K. Hamner in ! serving were Frances’ grandmother, 1 Mrs. J. H. Hamner. Mrs. W. W. j Griffin and Mrs. J. Haines. The lit tle guests enjoying this party were ! Neomi LaDuke. Betty Compere. La Verne Diggs. Edith Bradbury. Amy ! Shimetsu. Edna Mae Darwin. Paul \ ine Marshall. Dorris Brewer, Ren j nie Mae Tarpley. Betty Jean Friz sell. Louise Rylant. Alvene Holman. Gene Vieve Echweidler. Geraldine Kidder. Marcel Robinson, Dick Tarpley, Guy and Roland Griffin. * * * HEAR SUNDAY Among the many Weslaco folk who went to Harlingen Monday evening to hear the famous revival ist. Billy Sunday, were Rev. William LeMay. Rev. Jas. W. Albritton, Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Compere. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Yoder. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Couch. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Rich creek. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Schultz. Miss Elizabeth Whitson. Miss Mary Lovely. Mrs. J. E. Pennick, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Langley. Miss Vera Langley, Mrs. T. A. Mauck. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Hoge, Mr. and Mrs. George Hoefer. Mrs. D. W. Ifgord. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thomnson. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Waite. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Hargett. Mrs. Earn King. Mrs. Joke Holcomb. Mrs. J. P. Trousdale. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Childre, Mrs. H. A. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clifford and family. • * • FIREMAN’S BANQUET The regular monthly banquet of i the local volunteer fire department was held Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the White cafe. Roses and other cut flowers made the lovely table decorations. There were a number of guests of the depart ment present. After a most delici ous meal Chief E. D. Ford gave an interesting talk and there were short remarks by Mr. and Mrs. George Nelligan. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoofer, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. O’Neal. Mrs. Monte Walker. Messrs. W. T. Kingsbury, C. G. Gibbs. J. D. Bunker, G. W. Boone, N. H. Grimes, and H. J. Wright. The program which had been ar ranged was dispenced with out of respect to C. E. Kelley, who was in the Edinburg hospital in a critical condition as the result of an at tack. Those who were present for this enjoyable evening were: Chief and Mrs. E. D. Ford and N. H. Grimes, T. B. Poss, C. G. Gibbs, W. A. Schuler. G. W. Boone, Wr. T. Kings bury, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Irby Ford, Miss Creta Amsbough, H. S. Rav-lins. Mr. ?rnd Mrs. George Nelligan, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Potter and children, H. J. Wright, Jr., E. E. Solge, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. O’Neal, Ralph Hutsen, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Heefer, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Garett and son, Rex, Mrs. Monte Walker. J. D. Bunter, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Schaus and V. C. I Clark. * * * PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Martin of Donna were Sunday visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Doss left the \ first of the week for near Austin 1 where Mrs. Doss was called because of the illness of a friend. C. C. Christian left Wednesday morning for Dallas after spending four months here. l Mrs. W. J. Prichard left Thursday I for Oklahoma City where she will i visit a sister. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. ! Rucks, before going to her home in Franklin. Tenn. Mr. Prichard will lea\e Friday for Mississippi where he will attend business be fore joining his wife in Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Prichard have been in Weslaco about six weeks and have made a host of friends. Mrs. A. C. Hough of Houston is here this week visiting her son, H. C. Hough, and wife. J. Levin is a business visitor this week in San Antonio. Senator and Mrs. Thomas B. Love and daughter. Dorothy, left Tuesday evening for their home in Dallas after visiting a week here with their brother, Ralph Love and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Durr were Brownsville visitors Sunday. Mrs. Doyle T. Gibson and Miss Norma Mauldin were shopping in McAllen Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stone and family have moved here from Ashe ville. Ohio. Harold Tobin and N. P. Wim berly were at Point Isabel Tues day. Cread Sherron of San Antonio, salesman, is spending the week here with his cousin, Mrs. Herald Tobin and family. • • * Mrs Thomas B. Love and daugh ter, Miss Dorothy Love, of Dallas, who with Senator Love have been guests this week of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Love, here, were delightfully complimented Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Ralph Love entertained with seven tables of bridge in their honor at the Casa de Palmas in McAllen. Mrs. C. Les i ter Skaggs won high score of the l afternoon games with Mrs. A. N ; Brown of Mercedes second high. ! and Mrs. Carrie Stuart, also 'of ! Mercedes, holding low. Bouquets of sweet peas made lovely plate fa vors. Beautiful cut flowers made the attractive decorations. Besides the guests of honor Mrs. Love and Miss Love, those enjoying this pleasant afternoon were Mes riames W. K. Long. M. G. Black and 1 John Richardson, all of Donna. Al i len Kirby of McAllen. J. C. Fridav. : Clell Solether. D. W. Iford, T. H. G. Cook, Gilbert Ramsey. Harold Pugh. Carl Moeller, C. Lester Skaggs. A. E. Richardson, Thomas F. Rives and Miss Elizabeth Cuz • zort. all of Weslaco; Mesdames A , N. Brown Carrie Stuart. C. G. Fitz. ■ Jones Howze. V. H. Holme. Teat. Cling, W. Carlisle. John Rouse and Kerns, all of Mercedes. — BRIDEGROOM DIES IN AIR PARIS.—Emil Laudris, a bride groom of two days, died in an air I liner traveling from London. _ i JUST AMONG US GIRLS i^OH 1 V lP Pity \s aAm •bo love - -then Ke may c3ne for you PASSIONATE | cr COM- PASS i ON Art C( * \ \ \ \ t. . RIO HONDO r.-T. A. MEETS The regular meeting of the Par ent-Teachers’ association was held at the high school auditorium last Tuesday night. The program of entertainment followed the discus- j sion of business coming before the ' meeting included a piano solo by j Carroll George. Girls chorus sang j two numbers. “The Primrose” and Declamation was given by Lucille “Invitation of the Bells.” Declama tions were given by Lucille Eulers and Thurman Grantham. Mr. Henry Alsmeyer, county demonstratoin agent spoke on 4-H club work, following which he ] re sented awards and pins to the fol- ■ lowing members: O. L. Grantham, Richmond Bates, and Lester Stauf fer. The following officers of the as sociation were present in addition to a large number of members and friends: Mrs. W. C. Nash, president; Mrs. Frank McCabe, first vice presi dent; Mrs. Joe Yoenian, second vice president: Mrs. Albert Knight, sec retary; Mrs. J. R. George, treasurer * * * FOOTBALL BOYS HONORED The football boys were enter tained Saturday night with a ban quet. They were also presented with “letters.” M. C. Rushing acted as toastmaster. Those present were: Misses Gladys Nation, Maude John son, Bessie Mize, Lorene Beene, Rose Goodpronson, Lois Clark. Clo vis Hickman. Willa Woodside. Willie Fosselman, Nancy Rice. Mrs. Fay Beene Sheffield. Mrs. Ruth Fresh ■ our, Mrs. John Kercom, Lucile Hough. Mrs. McCarthy. Messrs. M. C. Rushing, Jack Freshour, Mor ris Houghtling. J. W. Fred way. Joe Yoeman, Lee Maddox, Dr. C. D. Hoover. Elvin Grantham, Arthur Hartzog, M. C. Rushing. Jr., Ray mond Banks, Bert Houghtling. Ed win Hudson, Arthur Kipfer, Hersh all McEwen. Kenneth Dack, Vernon Maddox, Claude Nation and Mr. Roleck. • • • SURPRISE A surprise party was given to Fritz Viercotten and Paul Priengel by friends. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. Mr. Whitney and Mr. Bartly, all of San Benito. Mr. 1 Schnabe and Mr. Woods of Rio i Hondo. Mr. Viercotten and Mr. Priegel have just recently moved into their new home which was just completed a short time ago. They have lived here in Rio Hondo but a short time, coming from Hales Cor ners. Wis. Refreshments and light luncheon were served. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. Henry Tuggle and Mrs. H. B. Jeffery and son. Donald, of Brownsville spent Thursday at the L. V. Gilmore home. Mr. and Mrs. Spradley. Mr. and Mrs. Price and Mr. and Mrs. Mit tank of San Benito were evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Dail of the Brown tract. Milo Null of Mission spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Null. . Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Baker and daughter, Nancy, and V. S. Brewer left for their home In Noblesville, Tnd.. after spending the winter months here. Mrs. W. P. Allen and daughter. Dorothy of La Feria, were Friday afternoon guests of Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Jr. Mrs. G .W. A. Jackson has re turned after two months visit in Canadian. Tex. She was accom panied by her daughter. Mrs. Goettsche and baby, who will spend several months here. Captain H. F. Johnson has re turned to New Orleans, La., after spending a few da vs with his par ents Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Miss Edith Wilson of Calallen soent the week-end with Miss Willa Woodside. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Olson of Kingsville spent the w’eek-end with Miss Willie Fosselman. Mrs. Olsen is Miss Fosselman’s sister. George Hudson of McAllen vis ited Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Hudson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mighell of San Juan visited Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Gilmore. Mrs. J. J. Johnson and daughter, Mildred of Chicago are here for an extended vacation. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Anderson and children of Weslaco spent thp week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wal ters. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. George enter tained the Five Hundred Club Wed nesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keyes. Refresh ments of ice cream and cake were served. Miss Mildred Burroughs spent Sunday in San Benito visiting friends. Mrs. L. V. Gilmore spent the week-end in Brownsville with her daughter. Mrs. Herman Jeffery. J. B. Claypool of Georgetown is spending a few days in Rio Hondo on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Null spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wikle of San Benito. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick and chil dren of San Juan were Rio Hondo visitors Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Luther Regan of Harlingen is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. G. M. Waiters who is ill at her home. SEBASTIAN SOCIAL MEETING The Parent-Teachers’ association held their social meeting at the Marshal Bourne home Tuesday eve ning with Mrs. Ralph Lanier. Miss es Grace Wilson and Mary Alice Batchler acting as hostesses. An interesting program was given, aft er which delicious refreshments of cake and strawberry ice cream were served. The next meeting is the date to elect officers and will be held at the school house the first Tuesday evening in April. • • • dinner party Mrs. B. O. Stallings delightfully surprised her mother, Mrs. C. E. Stallings, who is visiting here, with a dinner party in honor of her birthday Saturday The table was beautifully decorated with spring flowers and tiny Easter baskets of candy were the favors. Those en joying the hospitality were Mrs. J. R. Sprouse of San Perlita. Mrs Furr of Magnolia. Ark., Mrs. Nancy Wilson. Mrs. Williams. Mrs. S. S. Caldwell and Mrs. W. T. Wilson. * • » PERSONALS Mesdames E. K. Watson and Mar shall Bourne attended the luncheon given by the home economics class Lyford Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Stallings and family spent Sunday in Mission visiting friends. Karl H. Duddleston and daughter Julia Alice returned Saturday from Alton, where they have been visit ing relatives. Mrs. Jessie Shirar returned Fri day from Pasadena, Calif., where she has been spending the winter with her sister, Miss Florence Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Phillips. Mrs. George Mitchell, Misses Curl and Fowler of Lyford heard the decla mation contest here Friday. Lee Woods and son Irvin spent the week-end in Taft visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sprouse of San Perlita were callers at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Mar- \ shall Bourne. Friday and were ac- j comoanied home by Nelle Sprouse ? and * Newton Klemann. who spent j the week-end in San Perlita. j Mrs. Nellie Austin and son Louie j were Raymondville visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Caldwell spent Thursday at the Roy Morris home in Brownsville. Mrs. Jessie Shirar spent several days this week visiting Brownsville friends. Mrs. R. Klemann and Mrs. Eliza beth Crum were shopping in Brownsville Wednesday. Miss Mary Alice Batchler spent j the week-end in Brownsville with friends with whom she motored to Corpus Christi Sunday to hear Billy Sunday preach. Miss Mary Grace Wilson spent the week-end in Santa Margarita with relatives. Mesdames Les Clements and Ha ney were shopping in Harlingen Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson and daughters, Freda Mae and Jean, were week-end guests of Mrs. Wil son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pen man of Mission. Harvey Klemann and Misses E!e onore Watson and Anna Bee Kooks of Donna spent Sunday heri with relatives. Mesdames Lonnie Wood and Harding of Raymondville were call ers at the Lee Wood home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Nielsen and daughter were guests at the home of Mrs. Nielsen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barr of San Benito Sunday. OLMITO OLMITO P.-T. A. The regular meeting of the P.-T. A. was held at the school house Thursday at 3:30, Mrs. Box, presi dent officiating. The main busi ness was plans for raising money for the new piano, led by Mrs. Wagner. One decision was that 1 25 cent lunches be served every Friday to the school children. Pro grams for the two meetings still to be held were made. i * * • AUXILIARY MEET The Woman’s auxiliary met with Mrs. Parker and mother, Mrs. Leary, on Wednesday at 3 o Clock. The Bible study w*\s led by Miss Gammon, eleven members being present. After the lesson dainty refreshments were served. ■ • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Daily hava returned home from Mexico. Solon Ayers spent the past week , end in Pharr. j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parker left j for Indianapolis. Ind., Thursday. DANCING DEGRADED VIENNA, March 23.—{!?)—Dancing teacher, of this home of the walta have asked that as many numberi of the old dance be Included in tha programs of balls as of the Amer ican fox trot and similar dances They asserted that social dancinf has become degraded. Authentic Easter F rocks ! j Appear in Glorious Colors A splendid showing of new frocks which emphasize the smart est features of the Easter modes — outstanding new fabrics, trimming treatments, unusual printed patterns, beautiful soft color tones, and an unsuallv complete style collection in sizes for women and misses. | 0 0 0 New Easter Hats i j Never have our stocks been so complete with snappy j new hats for the Spring sea son. Ballibuntl, Sarsol 11 straws. ! Accessories for Easter Lingerie, Hose, Hand Bags, Gloves J Hertz Style Shop Harlingen l ~ - 11 •> ——-— by ^Lucretia Vanderbilt the Aristocrats OF TOILETRIES in containers of refreshing newness | The alluring toiletries which I now introduce to you were originally for my especial use. Regardless of the price you are willing to pay, nothing finer can be produced. There is a smart, intimate little Lipstick that you will love the moment you catch sight of it. There is Face Powder, the product of a formula evolved seventy-five years ago for French and British royalty—with a downy-soft velour puff. There are Compacts—Double and Triple—which, when opened, ex pose their entire contents to view—a very practical feature. My Double Compact contains Powder, a rouge of utmost smoothness and a non-tarnishablc mirror of shining metal. The Triple Compact includes a petite Lipstick. And there is a Perfume gaily oriental, luxurious, witchingly seductive, irresistibly fragrant, in a rich blue-and-silver crystal flask, encased in a gorgeous silken receptacle.'All of my toiletries are scented with this same arresting fragrance; and all of my containers arc in the same original blue-and-silver motif that distinguishes my Perfume. You must try Lucretia Vanderbilt Toiletries! Just present the coupon, with £5 cents, at the toilet goods counter displaying my announce ment, and you will be given a miniature pres entation in which you will find Perfume and Powder Compact (in your favorite shade). If perchance you do not obtain one, mail your coupon and 25^ to Lucretia Vanderbilt, Fairfield, Conn., giving your dealer’s name. iy^Wic£toT* ARISTOCRATS OF TOILETRIES f I TO THE RETAILER: This coupon, when handed to you with 15 cents and properly filled out, entitles the bearer to one Lucretia Vanderbilt Miniature Presentation of fitty-ccnt value. Custamti s Na»u.. Addrcst.