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||| Valley Society | j 11 Phone 7 | I MERCEDES _ EtTFET SUPrCK Mrs. C. P. Owen entertained with a buffet supper on Tuesday eve nlng at her home on Missouri ave nue in honor of the birthday of her husband. Rev. Owen, pastor of the local Presbyterian church, the guests including the officers of the church and their wives. The evening was spent in play ing games and in contests. The cf I fleers presented Rev. Owen an appropriate gift. The guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. James Kowze, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kern, Mr. and Mrs. * . E. B. Witmer. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Statler, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Irby, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Kelso, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Barry. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gauch. Dr. E. H. Kascy and Mrs. Lellah Lyle. L * * * | ATTEND BRIDGE i Mrs. Carrie M. Stuart. Mrs. Ar * thur Kling, Mrs. John Rouse. Mrs. G. C. Fittz, Mrs. Ruth Teat, Mrs. James Howze. Mrs. R. H. Kern, Mrs. W. H. Carlisle, Mrs. A. N. | Brown of this city, were guests at ! a bridge party on Tuesday after f noon at the Casa de Palmas hotel at McAllen, given by Mrs. Ralph Love in honor of Mrs. T. B. Love and her daughter. Miss Dorothy Love of Dallas, who have been I > guests here in the Love home. Seven tables of players, including 4 ladies from several Valley towns, were present for the games of . bridge. ^ * • * AUXILIARY INSTALLS ? OFFICERS The three circles of the Presby terian Auxiliary held a joint meet ing at the church on Tuesday aft ernoon for a business meeting. Mrs. Walter Swarner led the devotional. Rev. C. P. Owen, pastor of the ; church, installed the following new i : ly elected officers for the coming ! ' year: President, Mrs. H. E. Bennett; ! 1st vice-president, Mrs. L. D. Mat thew’s; second vice-president, Mrs. a , »##»##»»»»#####»####^#»»##»»»»## ) >R. E. Lee; secretary, Mrs. J. Schmit ter; historian, Mrs. R. E. Lee. The following secretaries were elected: Mrs. William Lick, spirit life; Mrs. Jack Trollinger. foreign missions: Mrs. A. K. Phillips, as sembly of home missions; Mrs. F. O. Underhill, synodical and Presby terial home missions; Mrs. E. B. Witmer. Christian and ministerial relief; Mrs. E. H. Diehl, Sunday school extension and young people work; Mrs. Walter Swarner, liter ature: Mrs. E. H. Gouch. Christian social service work; Mrs. James Howze. social activities; Mrs. Kath ryn Chadick, pastor’s aid. The retiring officers gave reports of the work accomplished during the past year. Names were then drawn for membership in the dif ferent circles. Mrs. Witmer was made chairman of the Martha Cir cle. Mrs. T. H. Pollard, chairman of the Mary Circle and Mrs. Millard Acrnew, chairman of the Ruth Cir cle. • * * BAPTIST STUDY The Baptist Auxiliary met. in a joint meeting at the church for their study in Royal Service, the subject being “The New Negro, a Missionary Challenge.” conducted by Mrs. Erenst Baldwin. Those taking parts on the pro gram included Mrs. S. C. Bates, Mrs. George Morrison. Mrs. Ralph Hutchins and Mrs. Grant Morrison. • m » METHODIST SOCIETY The Methodist Auxiliary met at the church with Rev. M. H. Klein conducting the mission study. All present took part on the program SAN JUAN MRS. HETRICK ENTERTAINS Mrs. Floyd Hetrick entertained the members of the Wednesday Bridge club. Easter colors and em blems were used in decorations, in equipment of game tables and on traps on which salad, cake and co coa were served. At the conclusion of five games, Mrs. Sam Miller held high score. Winner of low score at each table received an Easter bunny. • • • PERSONALS David Carter, John La Fleur and Bill Strubin, returned Thursday from a visit in San Antonio. Mrs. Rushing and daughter, El sie, of Pharr, were visitors at the Johnson home Monday afternoon Miss Elaine Bell of San Diego spent the week-end with home folks. Mrs. A. H. Sharp arrived Monday from Taylorville, 111., for a several weeks’ visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Drennan. John La Fleur. David Carter and Miss Nelle Carter motored to Point Isabel Monday. Mrs. F. R. Lenser. Mrs. J. w Wichert. Mrs. Fritz Schultze and Mrs. Christensen attended the Al amo Lutheran Ladies’ Aid at the home of Mrs. Murrhin, southeast of Donna, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lenser and Mrs. J. W. Wichert visited at the Henry Erdman home in McAllen Monday evening. Mrs. C. G. Neidhart was a dinner guest of Mrs. K. R. Lentz Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lenser and Mrs. J. • W. Wichert motored to Rio Graned City Wednesday. A. E. Brown and Miss Emma Brown made a business trip to Ed inburg Monday. Mrs. W. P. Wheaton and Mrs. Moats of San Juan, visited Mrs Martin Deckard of Pharr Wednes day of last week. Mr and Mrs. A. F. Choate who are at the home of their daughter Mrs. Harry Riddle, took in the sights at Brownsville and Matamo ros Friday. Mr and Mrs. Orville Eby of Har lingen were callers at the Alexan der home Sunday afternoon. Miss Nelle Carter who has been spending the winter in San Anto nio, arrived home Saturday much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lenser and Mrs J. W. Wichert. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Art Uecker and the ' latter’s sister. Miss Louise Raash of 1 Mercedes, motored to Point Isabel Sunday. They drove also to Mat arnoros and Brownsville. ' i Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wheaton ac , companied by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Deckard and Billie Jean of Pharr, were visitors at the E. H. Norton 1' home in McAllen Sunday after noon. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Deckard were dinner guests at the Wheaton home . Prof, and Mrs. J. M. Baldwin left Wednesday for their home in Bir den. 111., after a visit with Mrs. Baldwin’s brother. E. H. Reichert. They will stop for several days in Corpus Christi. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Millard of 8an Juan and Alamo, were Friday even ing guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wheaton. A birthday cake and ice cream helped in the celebration of Mrs. Millard's and j Mr. Wheaton’s natal day. F. R. Lenser. Mrs. J. Weichert, I Miss Emma Brown and A. E. Brown ! motored to Ravmondville Friday, to see the onion producing section. Mis. Tom Perkins of Alamo vis ited Mrs. Wheaton Thursday. Mr. ! and Mrs. Perkins arrived home last week from a visit- in Jasper City, Mo. The teachers and students of the Methodist Mexican school at Pharr, spent Saturday at Lent’s place. The abundant picnic dinner they rought and the many games they played made the day a most delight ful one for all. Mrs. F H. Reichert. Mr. and Mrs. George Page. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Huse. Mrs. W. P. Wheaton, Mrs. E N. Hall and Mrs Martin Deckard and baby were among those who heard Billy Sunday at McAllen Mon day. MISSION _ BRIDGE FOR CALIFORNIA GUESTS The Garden Inn tearoom was the scene of a very happy party on Saturday u-hen Mesdames T. B. Sammons and Florence M. Hayes entertained at an afternoon of bridge, honoring Mesdames Cong don and Goodwin of California and Miss McCandless of Kentucky upon the eve cf the departure of the two former for the East. The Saint Patrick decorations of green and gold were evident ev erywhere, in the place cards, prizes, and throughout the rooms. Fifteen tables of guests enjoyed the sport, with Mrs. E. Owen Scott j as high score holder. Mrs. H. H. Ewing second and Mrs. Dade Hies ter consolation: besides Mrs. A. M. Pickier, who was the holder of the lucky number among the non-play ers. apd in consequence received a pretty token. Mrs. H. II. Saunders of Browns ville and Mesdames Hamilton, ' Fickett and Scott of Rio Grande City were the out-of-town guests besides the honoroes. The non plavers among the group were Mes- j dames Pickier. Langford. Webb. E. M. Goodwin, and Mrs. Tisher of Selma, Ala. * * * CIVIC LEAGUE LUNCHEON Monday's luncheon of the Civic league brought out sixteen women, who enioyed a. very pleacant a.nd • profitable session w.ith Mrs. T. J. Caldwell as presiding officer. The question of civic beautification brought forth considerable discus sion. and plans were perfected for the installing of the lilv pond in the city park in the Oblate addi tion: which is to cost approximate ly $110. with much of the material already donated. Plans were also completed for the bringing of Miss Ruth Pennev backer to the city for a lecture the latter part of April. Mrs. F. Owen Scott, county school superintendent of Starr county, gave a splendid address, her talk being on the “Medicinal TUNNEY’S LEADING LADY MARRIES Miss Dahlie Pears, who. under the name of Virginia Vance, was leading lady for Gene Tunney during the former heavyweight champ's brief movie career, has been wed to Bryant Washburn, one of the screen's first film stars, at Los Angeles, Calif. Photo shows tile new Mr. and Mrs. Washburn. It is Washburn's second marriage. Values of the Herbs Growing in the Valley.” Mesdames Scott. Hart and Misses Mocking and McCandlcs were special guests. * * * REVIEW ‘SAFARI” Mrs. E. P. Congdon was hostess to the local P. E. O. chapter Fri day, with Mrs. H. C. Jeffries lead ing the day’s lesson, this being a review of “Safari,” and description of the travels of Martin Johnson and wife in the African wilds. This book which came out in ’28 was one of “the books of the month.” The description of the travels of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson through East African jungles is of exceed ingly great interest to the student of nature. The subject was hand led in a very acceptable manner by the leader. The out of town guests present were Mesdames Congdon and Godwin of California and Miss Helen McCandless of Kentucky. • * * DINNER BRIDGE CU P The Friday Night Dinner Eridge club held its weekly session at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ran kin on Lomita boulevard, with four tables of players enjoying the game. Mrs. Fdward Opnenhcimer and S. M. Duffie held high scores and Mrs. Duffie and Dr. Burnett lows. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oppenheimer and their guests. Miss Helen Mc CandlPss and Miss Lucille Mason were out of club guests. * • * • MFKir CLI P The twice-a-month meeting of the Mission Music club occurred Friday afternoon, meeting at the home of Mrs. T D. Card, witn Mrs. Polsemus as co-hostess. The presi dent. Mrs. R. A. Dimmick. conduct ed the business session, and plans were perfected for the regular luncheon to be given on Monday. April first, instead of the preceding Fridav which would make the date for Good Friday. Mrs. Dimmick was elected representative of the club to the state federation of mu sic clubs in Corsicana in April. After a discussion of the lesson which had for its topic "Church Music.-’ by Mrs Le° Truitt.. lead°r. a musical program was enjoyed by all present. • • • AUXILIARY HOSTESS Mrs. D. G. Wood was hostess last Thursday when she opened her beautiful big home to the mem bers of the Presbyterian auxiliary, this organization having meeting of the combined circles, with the study period and a social time in the background. Mrs. T. B. Sammons, the general chairman, officiated; Mrs. I. J. Wright was leader, with Mrs. E. W. Halstead conducting the devotional services. Mrs. Dan Pilcher giving a splendid address on Mexico, follow ed by group songs, with Spanish and Mexican children in costume, under the tutelage of their princi pal. Miss Elzada Clover of the Roosevelt school. These children gave readings and other numbers in the Spanish language, and show ed fine training. Refreshments were served and a social time en joyed by Ell following the pro gram. j SILVER TEA The Methodist Missionary cele brated Saint Patrick's Day on i Thursday at the church parlors, with a “Circle Silver Tea." with ; Mrs. Wilbur Close as “mistress of ceremonies.” A program was given consisting of music and readings. Mrs. R. A. Dimmick and Miss Doris Ewing performing an instrumental duet, followed by Mrs. T. R. Card with a vocal solo; Phyllis Garlington j came next with a reading, after i which a vocal solo was presented ! by Mrs. Card, ending with a violin piano duet by Misses Lou Saucier and Ruth Duncan. A game of matching wits accom panied by refreshments which car ried out the color scheme of green and white with the other decora tions wound up a very pleasing end successful afternoon. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Dad® Hiester pn terfained at dinner on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Duffie and Supt. and Mrs. S. L. Hardin being among the guests. pev. Geo. Bent sen rame in Fri day from Liberty. Mo., to assume his duties as pastor at the First Baptist church. A nice reception was tendered him Wednesday eve ning after prayer meeting. Mrs. Benfsen and family will not arrive until after the close of school. C. L. Goodwin, who have been visiting at) the Cogdnn and Meldon home left Sunday morning for the east. They are traveling overland and plan on going via Washington and New York. Miss Lucille Miller snent the week-end in Donna visiting Mrs. Win. Reynolds. NORTH MISSION BUNCO PARTY Misses Elizabeth Lane, Vivian Meadon and Josephine Thornton were hostesses at a very enjoyable bunco party at the Garden Inn., Mission, complimenting the faculty of the Sharvland high school and Mrs. J. P. Dewald, wife of the superintendent of the high school. St. Patrick's colors were used in the color scheme for refreshments and decorations. 9 • • FAREWELL DINNER Mr. and Mrs. James Ragland and daughter Evelyn attended a fare well dinner given by Sergeant and Mrs. Curling of Fort Ringgold to Sergeant and Mrs. Bolling, who are retiring from active service at the fort. * * • LUNCHEON Miss Evelyn Ragland entertained Misses Louise and Dorothy Murray , and Esther Marie Williams of Me Allen at one o’clock luncheon Sat urday. • • • ST. PATRICKS DINNER Mrs. George Mitchel honored the following guests with a St. Patrick's dinner Sunday: Miss Bess Wells who is attending college at San Marcus. Miss Wilmuth Morgan and Mr. Arnold Zeiske of Mission. * * * prp CAV AT C Mrs. James Miller of McAllen called on Mrs. J. P. Dewald Thurs day. Mrs. Ed Stobaugh and daughter in-law Mrs. Maude Stoughbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marshall of Brownsville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lawrence. Miss Ina Holmes was a guest in the home of Miss Marjorie and Mr. Everett Campbell of Edinburg Sunday. Mr. F. W. Barnett of Frankfort. Indiana is spending a few weeks in the home of his niece, Mrs. J. L. Polhemus. Mrs. Andrew Miller and Andrew, Jr., who have been having a visit at the home of her parents. Mr. i and Mrs. John Wrgnnr of Ever green Grove, left for her home in Chicago Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lorgwell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Galen Bushey and family motored to McAllen Monday to hear Rev. Billy Sun day. Mr and Mrs. Stacy of Snyder. Tex., called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. Sample Tuesday. Mrs. J. P. Dewald and son. J. P., Jr., motored to Alice Tuesday. Mrs. Dewald was in Alice for a medi cal treatment. Mr. and Mrs. A E. Hennentrer. Mr. and Mrs. Madsen. Mrs. N. Ut ter and daughter of Pharr, Mr. Harry Krussmark, Mr. and Mrs. Heck of Donna and Mr. and Mrs. Shlifett of Kargill and Mrs. D. W. Williams of Harlingen called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rag land last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lorenge of DeWitt, Mich., called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Parks Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Shea of North Sharyland called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hanson Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cline of Mc Allen were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Gallion and family of Brownsville motored to North Mission Sunday and spent the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Bleifus motored to Har lingen Monday evening to attend the evangelistic service. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Massey spent Sunday with their cousins. Mr. and I Mrs. Lewis Carroll of Los Fresnos. Mrs. George Mitchell attended the St. Patrick’s social held at the home of Mrs. A1 Whittlesey Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Teagarden of Edinhurg called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Alsmpyer Monday.! Merle Polhemus spent the week ; end at Point Isabel. Mrs. Kelley Gray was in McAllen Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hooks and son of j McAllen were Sunday guests of Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Newport. Mrs. i Tlios. Their, Miss Thelma and Mr.1 Wade Twit.ty motored to Harlingen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Armstrong left for Houston Saturday. Mrs. By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE MENU FOR DINNER Lamb Casserole Baker Potatoes EscaHoped Cabbage Bread Butter Head Lettuce and French Dressing Honolulu Pie Coffee Lamb Casserole, Serving Six One pound breast of lamb, 3 ta blespoons bacon fat (other fat can be used>, 2 tablespoons chopped onions, 1 cup cooked lima beans, Armstrong will take medical treat ment while she is away. Mrs. George Mitchell was a guest at the home of Mrs. R. E. Slocum of Pharr Monday. Mrs. Slocum gave a one-oclock farewell luncheon to friends of her sister. Mrs. Fisher, who left for her home in Des Moines, la., Monday evening. * v * INFORMAL BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. George Herran were at home to a few friends on Tuesday evening with bridge as a diversion. Colorful boquets of spring flowers formed attractive decorations for the rooms. In the games high scores fell to Mr. and Mrs. J. Pepper of Weslaco. The personnel named Mr .and Mrs. J. E. Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. Pepper of Weslaco. Miss Emma Reisterer and Raymond Stern and the host and hostess. * * * SHOWER CLUB MEMBER Mrs. A. E. Darlington was de lightfully surprised by the mem bers of the Just We Neighbors club one day this week at her home. Mrs. Darlington has entered the living room contest of the county home demonstration clubs and re ceived many gifts for the furnish ing of this room, on this afternoon. A number of games and contests were enjoyed. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Busby Love returned to Driscoll. Texas, after a visit here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Busby. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Moody spent several days during the past week in Mission with Mrs. Moody's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Fergu son. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Love and daughter. Miss Dorothy, have re turned to their home in Dallas, after a visit here in the home of Mr. Love's brother, Ralph Love and family. Mrs. E. P. Breedlove and daugh ter. Emma Jane, were visitors this week in San Benito, guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Breedlove. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Neff have for their guest their daughter. Mrs. William Pinkerton of Benton, 111. Mrs. Dick Begdon of San Anto nio, is visiting here in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Troudale. Mrs. Orion Ferguson of Beau mont is a guest here in the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. E. Hager and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hawkins had for guests in their home this week Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mueller of Cor pus Christi. WITNESS HANGS SELF BELFAST—Edward Cooper went hpmc frrrr court and hanged him self after testifying against a burg lar. half cup diced cooked carrots, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 cups tomatoes. 2 tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons flour. i Place the fat in a frying pan: when hot add the lamb cut in t inch pieces. Add the onions and brown all the ingredients. Add the lima beans, carrots, salt and toma toes. Boil for 2 minutes. Pour into a casserole. Cover and bake in a slow over for 1 hour. Mix the but ter and flour and add to the hot mixture. Stir well and cook for 15 minutes. Serve in the casserole. Honolulu Pie One baked pie shell. 2-3 cup su gar. 1-3 cup flour. 1-4 teaspoon salt. 2 egg yolks. 2 cups milk, 1 cup diced canned pineapple. 2 table spoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon but- i ter. 1 Mix the sugar, flour and salt. ^ Blend and add the egg yolks and milk. Cook in a double boiler, stir ring frequently, until a kafr'ic creamy sauce forms. Add the of the ingredients and pour InTo the baked shell. Cover with the meringue. Meringue Three egg whites. 4 tablespoons sugar. 1-2 cup cocoanut. Beat the egg whites until very stiff. Add the sugar end beat for 2 minutes. Add the cocoanut. Mix well and snread on top the filling. Bake in a slow oven for 12 minutes. Do not forget the birds when there is snow on the ground. Se lect a spot near the hou.-e for the i birds, keep it supplied with food and fasten a piece of suet on a tree nearby. You will be rewarded by having bird visitors all the your. Winter winds cannot bring seriou3 colds to healthy vigorous bodies. Only in cases of lowered vitality, do flu germs get a chance to cause real trouble. Wa ter bury’s Com pound is a tonic that promotes such ruddy health and bony growth that it helps make frigid weather lose many of its ill effects. XVatcrbury’s Compound containing- the strengrth-{jiving vifamines extracted from Cod Liver Oil and rr.ada pleasant to the taste, assists the body to be highly resistant to colds or disease. But where colds and coughs are already annoy ing. almost Immediate relief Is {riven by the» Creosote and Guaiacol Included la Waterbary's Compound. Doctors everywhere recon mend Waterbury's Compound to per sonsof weak, run-down and pep less condition. Thousands are praicinp its wonderful bene fits Get a bottle from your druggrist tod ay., may feel like a new person, aterbur.ys[ Compound; [ Reminders k i ■ f I I y 1 ! > I Si j cflomri\kOD r | J N.ECHENGWETH P jl?54 ELIZABETH ST- PH0NE738b1 ; ®il] Ira 1 i l I WELLSHOD cfi>t 5PRING : This Spring any man can come to this Store, go blindfolded through our entire stock and make the proper selection at uitra-desirable prices. The International Shoe Store v MRS. ELSIE C. BARRED A, Manager 609 Twelfth St.—Brownsville For 1929 Sports Wear fUL fair A new Sold in creation the made for Valley Julian’s only at Harlingen Julian’s Julian’s Sandals Are made in AA to B widths. jl Colors — Beige and Sunburn, White JRfe and Lido Sand, Red and White wR&ff On Arcadia Theatre TH nrir ^