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] Valley Society I ;; Phone 7 | ■ ■,wwwww WV + 0** + + +++++++ ■ LOS FRESNOS Four members of the Girl's Home Demonstration club of Los Fresnos will enter the clothing contest of Cameron county club to be held at the office of Miss Kate Adele Hill In San Benito on Thursday after noon at 2 o’clock. Girls entering in first year clothing are Misses Emma Moses, Willie Brooks, and Dorothy Moses. Miss Eula Brooks is enter ing the second year contest. • * • CLASS ENTERTAINS Members of the intermediate boys class of the Los Fresnos Methodist Sunday school asisted by then* class teacher, Mrs. P. C. Pederson, enter tained members of the intermediate Calf, class at the church building oxj^lriday evening. A number of gvmes and contests gave diversion throughout the evening at the close of which lemonade and cake were served. Class members who were present are Misses Dorothy and Rachel Moses, Mary Meltzer. and Emma Moses, and John Dee Zum walut, Harold Schneider. Bruce Day and Joe Edmonson. Visitors were Miss Lena Moses, Mrs. Truitt Jor don, Mrs. John Moses, and Mrs. Elvin Pederson. * * * ST. PATRICK’S PARTY Misses Sybil and Aline Goates were hosteses to a number of their friends with a St. Patrick's party at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Goates, Friday evening. The use of green and white lighted tapers, shamrock and orange blossoms caried out the color theme of green and white. Tallies were also of the suggested theme. Three tables of players enjoyed games of cards throughout the eve ning at the close of which Miss Dorothy Smiley was awarded a high score prize for girls, while Dale Barr was presented with a high score prize for boys. The consola tion gift for girls w*ent to Miss Dallas Critchett and the booby prize for boys was given to Ray Watson. Refreshments consisting of chick en sandwiches, cake and fruit punch were served to the following guests: Miss Dallas Critchett, R. D. Thomas. Dale Barr, Neil Karstetter and Wesley Moses of Los Fresnos, Miss Dorothy Smiley. Miss Myrtle Youngblood. Ray Watson and Marshall Bex of San Benito, and Mis Pauline Clark of Highland. * » • PROMOTION SOCIETY Six members of the Catholic La dies Promotion society met on Fri day afternoon, March 15, with Miss Mary Schmidt. No business session was held and the entire aft ernoon was spent at sewing on aprons for the Easter sale which the society will hold. At the close of the afternoon a refreshment course was served to those present. • • • POTATO GROWERS MEET An important meeting of the potato growlers of Los Fresnos was held in the high school auditorium on Friday evening at eight o'clock. Practically every phase of the po tato situation was discussed. George L. Goates presided over the meeting andA' C. Wentz of Brownsville was the principal speaker of the evening. • • • ENTERTAIN CLl’B Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bowles de lightfully entertained members of the Neighborhood Bridge club at their home on Saturday evening. After on enjoyable time spent in playing cards, the scores were counted and Mrs. Charles Gobar was presented a high score prize for women, while the high score prize for men went to F. C. Richey. The booby prize was given to Mrs. Smith Henderson. A delicious refreshment j course consisting of ice cream with \ crushed strawberries, cake and cof- j fee was served the following: j Messrs, and Mesdames Charles Go bar. M. F. Orr, Smith Henderson. Harry Whipple, F. C. Richey and ihe host and hostess. * * * ELECT OFFICERS A meeting of the Los Frcsnos Home Demonctration club was held at the home of Mrs. S. E. Earr on Thursday afternoon. During a busi ness session which was held oficers for the coming year were elected as follows: president, Mrs. S. E. Barr; vice president, Mrs. S. S. Sappen field: secretary-treasurer. Mrs. W. F. Edmondson: parliamentarian. Mrs. Russell Bingley. Mrs. Sappen field was chosen as a council mem ber representative, and Mrs. Waller and Mrs. Grover C. Page were se lected as a program committee. The next meeting will be held on March 23 at the school building. Talks and demonstrations will be given by S. B. Crockett and Miss Kate Adele Hill of S^n Benito. * * * BAND PRACTICE Members of the Los Fresnos band met for their regular practice at the bank builriinc on Thursday evening instead of the high school audi torium. Joe Lydav requested that each member of the band be pres ent. * * * HUSBANDS HONORED Members of the Woman’s Service club entertained on Thursday evening with a dinner at the club house honoring their husbands. At the dinner Mrs. C. C. Critchett gave a toast to the men and W. R. Bowles responded with a toast to the women. The evening was spent in contests and in playing dominoes and cards. About eighty people en joyed the event. * * * BROTHER AND SISTER CELEBRATE Mrs. John Patterson and her J brother Ray Moses, celebrated their birthday on March 18. at the Pat terson home with a birthday dinner. The evening was spent socially. Those enjoying the event were Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brooks and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moses. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moses and family. * • * CONVENTION DAY A quarterly session of the Cam eron county singing convention will j be held at the Los Fresnos high j school building on June 2. the pro- \ gram beginning at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Grover C. Page who is in I charge of ararngements has an- j nounced that the song book, “Crys tal Rays will be used. Mrs. Page urges that everyone ob- } tain a book at once and begin prac- ; tice on the songs. Everybody is j cordially invited to attend the con vention. • • m MISS KRETZ ENTERTAINS Miss Josephine Kretz charmingly entertained a number of her friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and { Mrs. Joseph Kretz. on Sunday eve- j ning with a St. Patrick party. Cut; ferns, pink verbenas, and shamrocks formed an attractive setting for i four tables of players, who enjoyed the games of five hunderd. At each table were tallies of sugested colors, and pink and green candies. At the close of the games, Mrs. John Chase received the high score prize for ladies and Miss Lois Kretz was given a consolation gift. William Kretz stood highest among the men and Joseph Kretz was presented a booby prize. At the close of the evening de licious refreshments consisting of green bread sandwiches, chicken salad on patty shells, pickles, stuffed olives, individual straw berry shortcakes with whipped cream and coffee were served to Mr. and Mrs. George Kretz and daugh ter. Lois, Mr. and Mrs. William Kretz and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kretz and son. James, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Day and son. Dwight. Jr., of San Benito. Miss Ruby Pederson. Dwight Cilley, Mr. and Mrs. John Chase and son. Rol and, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenkoetter. * * • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Schneider. Miss Sybil Goates and Wesley Moses were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Phill R. Moyle of San Benito. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moses who spent last week visiting with their daughter. Mrs. Nathen Starks of Dover. Ark., returned to their home! Sunday afternoon. They were ac companied on the trip by Ray Moses and son, Truett, who drove their car. Miss Louise Scarlette spent Friday visiting with friends in San Benito. Rev. and Mrs. S. Williams and family of Harlingen spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. George L. Goates. Joseph Day has returned from the Valley Baptist hospital where he underwent an operation for appen dicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Page had as their guests Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Jeff Fowler and son, James Garland. Mrs. Truett Jordon. Mrs. H. O. Moore and daughter Hazel, and Mr. and Mrs. Petigo. Charley Washer who underwent an operation at Harlingen several weeks ago returned to his home Sunday evening. Mrs. E. F. Gaylord of Chicago has arrived to visit with her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Richey. Mrs. William Kretz had as her guests Monday. Mrs. John Chase and son, James. Mrs. George Kretz and August Pfeiffer. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Howard and son. R. D., Jr., of Brownsville were guests of Mrs. Howard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schneider, Sunday. Le Roy Taylor has returned to his home at Los Frcsnos after spending several days visiting with his parents at Bruiceville, Texas. Mrs. Earl Mabury of Mathews. Texas, arrived Wednesday morning to visit with her mother, Mrs. Charley Washer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bochner of Jonesborough. Mo., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wr. B. Palmer this week. SAN BENITO SHOWER MISS DODSON Friday evening Miss Velma Dod son. whose marriage to James B. Baker took place Wednesday. March 20. was honored with a bridal shower given by members of her Sunday school class and their mothers at the country home of Mrs. M. S. Mullinix. The Easter theme was prettiy represented in decorations for the event. During the evening games were enjoyed and a reading was given by Miss Ivy Dodson. Presentation of the shower gifts was made in an un usual fashion. The bride-to-be was the recipient of many lovely gifts. A dessert course of pie a-la-mode and coffee was served to about thirty-two guests. • * * JOINT HOSTESSES FOR MISSES DAVEY At an interesting event Mrs. Mel vin Gilbert and Mrs. Herbert Bues ing were joint hostesses when they entertained Saturday afternoon with twelve tables of bridge at Sobre las Olas honoring Misses Florene and Lillian Harvey who are here from Mexico City. In floral decorations and in table appoint ments a pink and green color theme was noted. When scores were totaled, Mrs. Fred Wedegarther held the suc cessful number and was rewarded with a handsome trophy. Mrs. Ce cil Harvey received souvenir for second high and the cut prize was presented to Mrs. Bemie Goolsby. Consolation Drize was received by Mrs. I. V. Jolly, Jr. Each of the i honorees received a suitable re membrance. A Mexican luncheon was served after the games to the following: Mesdames F. B. Sublett, C. L. At kins, J. B. Alderdice, T. E. March banks, C. M. Cash. Cecil Harvey, l Arthur Goolsby, E. F. Bohner, J. E. Glenn. A. A. Pile, Leo Lutenbacker, Elizabeth Brown, C. E. Cook, J. E. Bell. K. C. Roberts, A. R. Pickens. A. D. Methven, Jr.. W. B. Hinklv, Pat O'Brien. J. T. Wilcox, E. L. Barmore. Wm. Meriwether, C. S. Riddiford, Murray Higgins. S. H. Crews, Ray Smith, Bernie Goolsby, G. A. Cowden, C. D. John. E. B. Wells. J. H. Koontz, M. A. Thomp son. E. N. Brown, Earl Reed, Ed Brady, J. H. Tucker, C. Allison, I. V. Jolly, Jr.. C. L. Milner. Ted Brash, Fred Wedegartner and Miss es Maxine Bruce and Maud Harris. Out of town guests included Mrs. Bertha Morris, Las Vegas. N. Mex ico: Miss Elizabeth Powell. Browns ville; Mrs. John Clark, San Augus tine, and the two honorees. * * * ENTERTAINS FOR BRIDE-ELECT Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George A. Toolan Miss Lu vllle Lloyd entertained with a bridal shower complimenting Miss Velma Dodson, bride-elect whose marriage to James B. Baker will take place soon. In decorations for the affair the bridal colors of pink and white were carried out. The favored colors were also dis olaved in a decorated chair for the bride. Later a basket of shower gifts was presented in a clever fashion. In the dessert course of individual aneel food cakes, hot chocolate and marshmallow that was served in the later aftemo,on hours the colors of pink and white were the chosen colors. Those present were Misses Eudora James. Chrissie Bowie. Laura Bell Bates. Elizabeth Nommenson, Mary Fran ces Marchbanks, and Ivy Dodson, Mrs. M. J. Dodson, mother of the bride-to-be, and Mrs. George A. Toolan. P. T. A. PROGRAM Mondav afternoon an especially pleasing program presented chiefly by school children was enjoyed by members attending the regular meeting of the Ward School Par ent-Teachers association. Second grade pupils of Mrs. Guy Leggett presented a little thrift play en titled “Good and Ead Pennies.” An entertaining dialogue was given by Frances Etchison and Sarita Gil bert followed by a reading by An gier Lee Lutenbacker. ’The Little House Under the Apple Tree” was the subject of a reading by Rose mary Cannon. A group of songs, including Spanish selections, was given by a high school trio com posed of Maud Nosier. Bernice Autrey and Emily McMillan. The members endorsed the Little The ater movement for children in San Benito and commended plans for declamation in connection with the interscholastic league contests dur ing the business session. * • * FERSONALS Mrs. Virgil Clayton of Honey Grove, Texas is a guest at the home of her brother, C. J. Leslie, and family. Mrs. Clayton visited in San Benito about two years ago. Miss Rosa belle Robinson was able to return home Sunday afternoon from the Valley Baptist hospital where she recently underwent- an operation for appendicitis, George A. Espey returned to San Benito Sunday morning after an absence of five months. He had been on business in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Prank Kemp left Monday night for her home in Dallas after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston in Harlingen. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Frizzell and children of Weslaco were guests at the M. L. Walker home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Puckett and children spent Sunday in Weslaco. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coats of Mc Allen were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Johnson mo tored to Brownsville Saturday eve ning. Mrs. J. Scott Robertson and Mrs. M. L. Walker and son were Browns ville visitors last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reil and j daughters of Brownsville, Mr. and ' Mrs. M. L. Walker and sons were Weslaco vistiors Sunday. Misses Elizabeth Espey and Mary Shafer spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Erma Anderson of Wes laco. Mrs. Jimmy Morris left Sunday night for St. Louis. Mrs. E. Rodney and Mrs. Pearl Powell left Sunday night for Wil son, La., and Mrs. M. McLain for Gloster. Miss., after visiting Mrs. J. L. Perkins here. Mrs. Frank S. Robertson re turned from Dallas where she had taken her daughter. Kate, for treatment of a knee injured in an auto accident three years ago. Mis. J. D. Clark left Tuesdav nighc for San Augu'*in aft.->r visit ing he£* with her sister, Mrs. S. II. Crews. Mrs. Smith P. Reynolds of Tyler, Texas and her two children are re turning home after visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Fleming New ton. Mrs. E. Morris and nephew, Charles Saunders, have returned from San Marcos where they visit ed Mrs. Morris’ mother in the home of Mrs. R. P. Saunders. * * * MORNING PARTY A pretty springtime setting was made up of roses and larkspur Tuesday morning when Mrs. C. J. Leslie entertained at her home with six tables of bridge complimenting ' Mrs. Virgil Clayton of Honey Grove. During the games of the morning Mrs. Bertha Morse of Las Vegas, N, M., was successful and received the handsome trophy. Mrs. Clay ton was presented with a pretty guest prize. An appetizing lunch eon was served following the games. Those present were Mesdames J. W. Betts. E. L. Barmore, T. E. Marchbanks, R. E. Holcomb, Guy Cornett, A. R. Etchison, J. E. Bell, Bennett Jones, H. J. Hinkly, James Sweeney, Jesse A. Welch, L. E. Stanley, P. B. Sublett, E. B. Wells, J. J. Dunn, William Merriwether. Robert Alexander, H. G. Marshall, J. M. Jones, W. B. Hinkly, Ted Brash. J. E. Glenn. Bertha Morris, Las Vegas, N. M.. and the honoree. * * • DODSON-BAKER Mr. and Mrs. M. J Dodson an nounce the marriage of their dargh ter, Velma, to James B. Baker Wed nesday, March 20. 1929, which took place at 1 o’clock at their home on South Crockett avenue. Only members of the immediate family of the bride witnessed the ceremony which was performed by the Rev. Foy E. Wallace, pastor of the Church of Christ. A becoming afternoon frock in a soft fuschia tint, worn with a pur ple hat and other harmonizing ac cessories was the bride's attire. The going away costume was a tailored model in navy flat crepe. Mr. and Mrs. Baker left almost immediately following the ceremony on a honeymoon journey which will take them to Corsicana. Luling and ether Texas points. They will make their home at Gonzales, w’here Mr. Baker has accepted a position as manager of a certain store. Mrs. Baker was a member of the 1928 graduating class of the San Benito high school and a popular member of the younger set. She has been honoree at a number of lovely showers at which she re ceived many beautiful presents. Mr. Baker has resided in San Benito for the past two years being in the employ of the Central Power & Light company. * * * DINNER BRIDGE At the Stonewall Jackson hotel Wednesday evening when Mrs. Da vis Wade entertained members of her evening bridge club covers were placed for 14 guests. The guests assembled at the home of the host ess after dinner for an interesting series of games. One table of guests including Mr. and Mrs. John Bowie and Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Newton, enjoyed the affair. Mrs. W. B. Hinkly and Knox Smith held high among club members when scores had been totaled and received suit able awards. Mr. and Mrs. Bowie received the trophies for high score among the guests. * ¥ * Wednesday when the Wednesday Music club met at the home of Mrs. C. B. Chase musical selections which interpreted moods and as pects of spring were presented in the program. Members responded to roll call by giving current events. A whistling number, “Mighty Lak a Rose,” Nevin, was given by Mrs. Donald Webb who responded to re quests for encore. Mrs. A. D., Jr., gave a piano solo, “Valse Briliante,” Chopin. The concluding number was a vocal trio, “Voices of the Wood s,” Rubenstein-Remington, given by Mrs. J. B. Nosier, Mrs .C. E. Burke and Mrs. C. D. Cosgill. • • • ALPHA DELPHIA Wednesday afternoon the Alpha Delphian chapter met at the home of Mrs. W. W. Housewright. Bright spring flowers were used profuse ly to form a pleasant setting for the interesting study of the after noon. Plans were made for enter taining the Rio Grande Valley dis trict assembly of Delphian chapters here in April. At the close of the business meet ing a committee composed of Pat O'Brien, A. B. Weaver and H. L. Roberts of the Central Power and Light company, gave a practical and instructive demonstration of the prone pressure system of resuscita tion to be used in cases of electro cution. asphyxiation by gas or drowning. Mrs. Ed Brady and Mrs. Bruce Gentry sang with Mrs. W. W. Housewright at the piano. Topic for the afternoon was “French Drama” with Mrs. W Y. Buck as the leader. She discussed “The Development of Drama in France,” showing how differently the drama in France was developed than in England. In Eng land cotninuity from mediaeval to modern drama is discernible while in France mediaeval drama survived much longer, even as late as 1402. she pointed out. Corneilla was named as the outstanding play wTight. “The Life, Art and Philosophy of Moliere,” by Mrs. John H. Shelan der, showed the development of comedy in France. His three great est plays, "Le Misanthrope,” “Lee Tartuffe” and “Les Fammes Savan tes,” were discussed. “The Affect ed Young Ladies” by Moliere was reviewed by Mrs. P. F. Deminy. This play ridicules the frivolities and vanities of the young men and women of the period. PERSONALS John H. Paulson of Britt, Iowa, is in San Benito for a few days looking after property interests. After looking over business inter ests here B. H. Rankin, brother of Mrs. Beulah Lee Nesmith left Wednesday morning by automobile He is returning to his homo at Wichita Falls, Texas. Bruce Gentry left Tuesday night for Rockdale where he is looking after business matters. A. L. Harris and family have re turned from their trip by automo bile to San Antonio. A. A. Highbarger left Tuesday night for Kansas City, Mo., and Columbus, Ohio, on an extended business trip. Charles Robards, formerly a resi dent of San Benito but now living in San Antonio, is visiting in San Benito. With him is John Marriott, San Antonio architect. Mrs. Ray Soyars left Thursday night for Dennison, Pa. Miss Dorothy Glyn Ward has been brought back home from the Valley Baptist hospital at Harlin gen where she was taken for an operation. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Espey were visitors in Brownsville Thursday aft ernoon. HARLINGEN, TO STUDY TEXAS ARTISTS The Study club will meet at the Woman’s building, on Thursday afternoon, March 28, with Mrs. S. Finley Ewing and Mrs. I. C. Webb, as hostesses. Subject for program will be: “Texas Artists: Ney and Bonner.” The director. Mrs. B. M. Holland, is to present the first number, Mary Bonner as an Etcher.” Mrs. Ewing will give a historical sketch. “Elizabeth Ney the Sculptress.” In addition, there will be musical numbers. • • • LOS AMIGOS DANCE Another enjoyable evening was scored by the Los Amigos Dancing club on Wednesday night at the Woman’s building, when sixty cou ples tripped the light fantastic toe. The hall was beautifully decorated with festoons and streamers of the club colors, puiple and white, and purple and white larkspur, were lavishly used, with other spring flowers. Punch and cake was served after the dance. A surprise feature of the eve ning occurred at 11 o’clock, when a big Easter egg was brought forth and opened. Out hopped a real rabbit and several attempted to catch the little creature, but no one had the luck. Easter favors were distributed, hats, caps and chickens and rabbits. * * * PERSONALS Miss Alice Fatjo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fatjo of Houston, arrived on Wednesday morning to be a guest of Miss Alva Daniel at the home of her father. L. R. Dan iel, and also will visit Mrs. Dudley South. She will remain two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley P. Conley of Frederick, Okla., arrived this week to remain for a few weeks. A pre vious trip to Harlingen was made in 1921, when they stopped in the tourist camp in Bowie park during the rain flood in the spring of that year. They see great progress in drainage, and are surprised at the growth in that short time. Harvey L. Oler returned Thurs day morning from a business trip to San Antonio and other cities. Mrs. J. W. Rollins returned Thursday morning from an auto trip to San Antonio and Corpus Christi, in company with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Archer of Mer cedes. A. Tamm left Wednesday morn ing with several others for a trip to California. RAYMONDVILLE MRS. HOIDALE HONOREE Mrs. Holly Bostick entertained a group of friends Wednesday after noon in honor of Mrs. Paul Hoidale of Harlingen. The St. Patrick mo tif was evident throughout the rooms, and springtime was reflect ed in blue bonnets and verbenas. Three tables of players assem bled for the games, which ended with Mrs. Abe Wise holding top score. She received a dainty lin gerie prize. Mrs. Hoidale was pre sented with the guest prize, a love ly buffet set of Italian cut work, while Mrs. Claude R. Holloway was presented with a pretty bridge score pad for low score. Green and white was evident in the lunch which followed the games, which consisted of jello salad, cake and coffee, with green hats and shamrocks for favors. The guest list included Mrs. Hoi dale and Mrs. Marvin Ford of Har lingen, Mesdames J. K. Smith. B. F. Filmer, George R. Lochrie Rog er F. Robinson, B. E. Carroll, H. E. Tomme. C. J. Scott. Abe Wise, Claude R. Holoway, and Holly Bos tick. THURSDAY CLUB The Thursday Night bridge club was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Roger F Robinson at their home on West Kimball avenue. Mrs. Audry Fox held high score for the women, and received a pretty fudge apron, while E. J. Saunders won the men's trophy, a smoking stand. Low score prizes were awarded to Mrs. E. J. Sanders, a pin cushion, and a deck of cards to Abe Wise. The guest prizes went to Mrs. H. E. 1 Tomme, a box of linen handker chiefs, and to B E. Carroll, a French harp. Late in the evening a delicious luncheon was served. The guests were Messrs, and Mes dames C. J. Scott. B. S. Duffield. H. E. Tomme, and Charles Ken edy. * * * MERCHANTS’ BANQUET The first monthly community banquet of the Raymondville Retail Merchants association was held Tuesday evening in the basement of the First Methodist church. George B. Calder presided over the meeting, and called on several local men for talks. A delightful program was rendered, consisting of vocal selections by Miss Mar jorie Sue Grayson, violin solos by Harry Shapiro, and a lecture on “Social and Business Economics,” by Dr. I. A. Humberd. There were seventy-five members present. The next monthly meeting will be held April 8. with the program and ar rangements in charge of J. F. Hold er. Wm. G. Hecht and Mrs. Muriel Gilbert. MRS. GILL HOSTESS Mrs. S. L. Gill was hostess to the Thursday Afternoon bridge club, with all members in attendance ex cept Mrs. E. L. Bradley, for whom Mrs. Charles Kenedy substituted. Mrs. H. A. White received a lovely fan shaped glass vase for high score prize. A delicious lunch of crab salad, with saltines. pickled peaches, Saratoga chips and ice tea was served at the conclusion of the games. * * * LITTLE BRIDGE The members of the Little Bridge club were entertained by Mrs. B. S. Duffield with a pleasant affair arranged at her home Friday att ernoon. A lovely set of sherbet glasses was awarded as high score prize to Mrs. Holly Bostick. All club members were in attendance except Mrs. E. H. Jamison, and Mrs. Roger F. Robison substituted for her. A plate luncheon was served. * * * PERSONALS Mrs. Ferris E. Fisher, teacher of commercial branches in the Ray mondville high school, left Thurs day night for Chicago, on receiv ing a telegram that her brother Andy McGay had died there fol lowing an operation for appendi citis. Mrs. Fisher was joined on the way by her sister. Miss Mildred McGay. who is attending the state university at Austin. O. O. Lynn who left Galveston on the freight S. S. Tripp on Janu ary 10. bound for Germany, re turned here Monday, landing In Galveston March 14. Lynn spent five days in Bremenhaven and Hamburg, where he states he ex perienced some severely cold wea ther. He enjoyed the sights im mensely. he says. The Woman's Auxiliary met at the Baptist church on Monday aft ernoon. The program on African missions from the Missionary Jour nal was ably presented by Mrs. T. C. Green. A business meeting was held after the program. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Saunders were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Huff in Harlingen. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Reasonover of Edcouch spent Sunday here w'ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reasonover. Mrs. R. S. Williams and daugh | ter, Mary Jean, of San Antonio, were guests Thursday and Friday of her sister, Mrs. G. H. Werner and family. Mrs. Julia Wahler and daughter, Miss Pearl Wahler, of Leaven worth, Kans., arrived Monday morning for a two weeks’ visit here with her niece, Mrs. George R. Lochrie. L. S. Biggs returned to his home in Jackson. Ter.n., after a week's —1 - urn thiiw mb »»■ umii him visit here with his cousins. Mrs. Ben S. Duffieid and Mrs. W. H. Kuder. and families. R. B. Bush, who has been' in north Texas for the past two months, returned here Wednesday. L. C. McDonald and Henry ! Blackwel of Bernard were business visitors here Saturday. j Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Musgrave spent Sunday in San Juan with their daughter, Mrs. J. L. Stone and family. J. G. Morrison, w-ho regularly spends the winters in Raymond- j ville. left Tuesday for his home in Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Taber and family of San Benito were guests here Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hecht and family. Mayall Martin of Banquette and T. N. Martin of Lasara were guests here Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Rollo E. Harding and fam ily. Pat Lovett, of Cairo, 111., is in Raymondville for a few days look ing after business interests. Mrs. George Curry and daugh ters, Ailine, Veda, and Nettie, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis Harpster, Dick Mc Cann and Nott Thomas made a trip to Zapata Sunday, returning that afternoon. Robert L. Watson of Odem spent the week end here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Kellogg and Miss Thelma Pierson of San Be nito spent Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Pier son. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McMillan re turned to their home in San An tonio after a visit here with their daughter, Mrs. Abe Wise. For graduation or his birthday give him an initial ring, Bud & Bios- ' som initial rings in white or green gold and j he will have a lifetime i remembrance. jj $12.00 ^ i ||l .. , .V.— W SERVICE I The officers and directors of this bank realize that, as a semi-public l! ; Institution, we have a definite obligation to this community. It is our ■ continued effort so to conduct our business as to arways reflect credit /; on Brownsville and always to do ail in our power to promote the sound fl civic grwth and business develpment of the city. U K BE We offer a complete, competent, and cordial banking service and invite ■ vour business on a basis of superior service. ■ m fll I State I National Bank f OWNSViLLE S MEMMI' I I SUPERVISION t Styles of the Time ....for Easter <* f- - WOMEN \ s may take the elevator to S “The Floor of Fashion”— where the “styles of the } times” decreed by fore- ; most fashion authorities, $ and personally selected by * us, are shown—NEW for Easter. i MEN seeking the correct ap parel for Easter and the summer season, will be agreeably surprised at the unusually metropoli tan stock of men’s wear in Jimmie Lomax’ Men’s De partment.