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GREAT CAST IN ' COMEDY DRAMA Little Theatre of Last Fron tier to Present Play At Harlingen -— f . * Special to The Herald) LA FERIA. March 23.—“The New Poor,” a comedy drama, to be pre sented at the Harlingen municipal auditorium by the Little theater of the Lost Frontier of La Feria will have in its cast players of wide ex perience and training who will bring to Valley theatergoers the best entertainment since the pro duction of “Seventh Heaven.” ac cording to Katharine Oliver McCoy, director. The play will be presented at Harlingen the night of March 28. Well known players in the cast Include Katharine Oliver McCoy as Mrs. Wellby,” who is well knowm in the Valley, having performed both at home and abroad; Glenn G. White of Donna as “Grand Duke a former member of the Limle theater of Drake university, Des Moines, Iowa: Margaret Oliver as “Mary,” formerely a member of the faculty of the speech arts de i partment at the College of Indus i Arts’ Dent°n: Ruth Voight. McAllen, as “Connie.” teacher of | dramatics in La Feria high school; 1 Robinson as “Amos.” remem bered as “Blonde” in “Seventh Heaven;” Nelle Robinson as “Alice.” who had the part of “Arlette” in Seventh Heaven;” Forrest Grove a? ^utteridge,” whose training in cludes days at the University of Missouri and Columbia; Florence Golenterneck as “Princess Irma,” formerly of the University of Tex as; Florence Winston as “Betty” James Swann and Kynett Mitchell as the Russian Princes and Roger Dalton as the detective. Miss Collins Better—Miss Lucille Collins, who has been confined to her bed for several days with an attack of influenza and an opera tion on her tonsils, is somewhat better. She is not yet able to be up. however. Husband On Trial Lays Wife’s Death Leap To ‘Nerves’ HOUSTON, March 23.—UP)— Counsel tonight began arguments I to conclude the murder trial of Thomas F. Whiteside, Jr., young Houston attorney, whom the" state contends so frightened his wife, Rosa, that she jumped to death from a second story window to avoid him. The testimony of rebuttal wit nesses centered around an ice pick, After relating his version of the butcher knife and hand mirror, tragedy. Whiteside declared he had given the implements to departing guests at his home the night of the death leap, because his wife had expressed fear that he would harm her. The state produced a butcher knife and ice pick identified as having been in the Whiteside I apartment. Whiteside contended that his | wife's “nervous disposition” ac ! counted for her fatal jump. HOLD LAST RITES FOR MISS SHEARS Funeral services for Miss Teresa j Shears, 19, were held at Our Lady : of Guadalupe church in Victoria Heights at 4 p. m. Saturday, fol lowed by interment in the city cemetery. Miss Shears died at the home of her father in Victoria heights early Friday morning. She is survived by | four sisters, and two brothers, be i sides her father. Morris mortuary had charge of the funeral arangements. I. C. C. HEARING CLOSES DALLAS, March 23.—'.■Pi—The Texas phase of the Interstate Com merce commission hearing into the Missouri Pacific railway’s proposal to institute in the southwest the steel container method of handling less than carlot shipments was end ed here today. The commissioner’s representative will continue the hearing in Kansas City on March 28 and the final session w’ill be in New' York April 4. P.-T. A. MEETS AT SINTON 10th District To Hold Con ference April 4, 5, 6; Valley Included Preparations are now under way for the Tenth district congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers asso ciations, which is to be held in Sinton April 3, 4, and 5. Mrs. Har bert Davenport, of this city, is president of the district, and will be in charge of the meeting, and representatives from all the Par ent-Teachers’ associations of the Lower Valley are expected to at tend. Besides the business to be taken up by the district, an interesting program is being arranged by the Sinton association which is to be hosts to the delegates from mem ber associations of the district. The home economics department of the Sinton high school, of which Miss Delta Neumann is head, will stage a fashion review of school and tailored dresses made by them in their class work, and showing what is being done in this line. There is also to be an exhibition of oil paintings of scenes of Aran sas, San Patricio, and Nueces coun ties. the work of Miss Denise Des plats, a French artist who has been working in south Texas for some time. Officers of the Tenth district in clude. besides Mrs. Davenport, president. Mrs. J. J. Closner, Edin burg. vice president: Mrs. H. T. Elkins. Sinton, first vice president; ■Mrs. John Lotspeich, Robstown, second vice president; Mrs. T. A. Simmons, Mission, third vice presi dent: Mrs. John T. Lomax of San Benito, fourth vice president; Mrs. J. C. Montgomery, Weslaco, fifth vice president; Mrs. John Felder Aransas Pass, corresponding secre tary: Mrs. Ed Rex Tarver. Laredo, recording secretary; and Dr. Jen nie Green, Corpus Christi, his torian. Counties included in the Tenth district are Aransas, Brooks, Cam eron, Duval. Hidalgo, Jim Wells, Jim Hogg, Kleberg, Live Oak. Mc Mullen. Nueces, San Patricio, Starr and Webb. OFFICER DIES AFTER BEING SHOT BY THUGS VAN ALSTYNE. Texas, March 23. —(JP)—The search for four men who attempted to rob two Van Alstyne banks Thursday was re doubled today with announcement of the death at Sherman of W. L. Echols, marshal at Van Alstyne, shot as he frustrated the robbery attempt. MAN HANGS SELF AND FIRES BALL INTO HEAD SAN ANTONIO, March 23.—— Eugene Marconi, 41, whose body was found today tied to a tree near San Antonio, along the Corpus Christi road committed suicide, said a coroner's verdict. Tire body was hanging from a limb, a rope tied about the neck. There was a bullet wound in the temple and a pistol in front of the body. Scottish Rite Of Valley Will Meet Here on March 28 The Mystic Feast of Maundy Thursday will be conducted by the Rio Grande Valley Scottish Rite club at the El Jardin hotel on the evening of March 28, it has been announced by Geo. Mansur, presi dent of the body. Officers and the general com mittee have been busy during the past week preparing for the feast and members from all sections of the Valley are expected to be in attendance. The meeting will get under way at 8 p. m. with Harry Nunn act ing toastmaster. Invocation will be delivered by Rev. R. O. Mack intosh and this will be followed by a toast to the president of the United States by Sloan L. Bat chelor. Other toasts will be given by A. Wayne Wood. R. E. Green. Jesse Dennett and Dr. Harry Loew. A silent tribute will be paid the dead. The committee on arrangements for the feast is headed by Mansur. All communications in regard to reservations should be addressed to this body. PERSONALS T. S. Ruder of Monterrey, is at the Travelers during his stay in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Henderson are here from Dallas. O. H. Gordon and A. C. Robins of Houston were in the city Sat urday. S. Eggerston and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Macombs, all of Dallas, ar rived Saturday for a few days here. Wm. Hancock came in Saturday from Dallas. R. C. Paul and O. P. Gaffney arrived Saturday from San An tonio. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Negley were here from San Antonio Fri day evening and Saturday morn ing. They had in their party Col. Lalu Stevard, of Sofia, Bulgaria, and Mrs. C. G. Grimes, of Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. Negley is the daughter of former Postmaster General Bur leson. While here they stopped at the El Jardin. Jose W. Bejaros is here from New York. D. E. Ellis, of Los Angeles, is visiting Brownsville. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hankey, of Petockey, Mich., are making a plea sure visit to the Valley. They are located at the El Jardin. S. H. Russell has been in the city several days. His home is Tampico. M. R. Swan, of Corpus Christi, is here for a day or two. Mr. Swan is a frequent visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Frey, and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Roberts, all of Chickasha, Okla., make up a party pleasuring in the Valley for a few days. They are making Brownsville their headquarters. R. A. Thorne of Fort Wayne. Ind., is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Spencer are here from San Antonio. E. C. Sandana is here from Mexico City He is accompanied by his daughter. Mrs. G. H. Smith, of Milwaukee arrived Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bolton are here from Dallas for a few days. C. Scott Thomas is in the city looking after business. He is from Detroit. Major General H. B. Crosby, tered at the El Jardin while here on an inspection tour. H. Givens is here from Corpus Christi. Juan Carmora arrived from Mexico City Friday afternoon. Herbert G. Ford, of Kansas City, is here on business. J. G. Christian of Waco is in Brownsville. Rafael Chegon of Mexico City is spending a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Blasingame of Fort Worth are here for a short visit. They are registered at the El Jardin. W. Chester Gray, of Boston, is in the city, having arrived Friday. J. A. Assheton is here from Mex ico City. Robert H. Paul is a late arrival from Waco. Misses Agnes- Jackson, Mary Ann Jackson and Margaret Lawrence. Mrs. Ben Hicks, Bo Sangster, and T. R. Kenedy, all of Point Isabel, soent Saturday evening in Browns ville. L. T. Moffatt came in Saturday afternoon from Dallas on business. H. W. Thompson. B. Peters, and S. Hopic. all of Chicago, make up a party here for a few days look ing over the Valley. John L. Puckett was in the city Saturday from Houston, and was stopping at the Travelers’. A. Weidenfeld, St. Louis, is at the Travelers for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Heame are visiting the city. Henry Freygary and E. E. Board came in from Houston for a short stop in the Valley looking after business. Mrs. R. L. Prebere, of Point Isa bel. is visiting Brownsville. C. D. Johns, of Kingsvile, is in the city. Mr. and Ms. L. J. Schlack are here from San Antonio. T. J. Rues and H. D. Arthur, from New Orleans, are here. A. A. Paterson and D. P. Pace, of Houston, are here on business. Mrs. J. N. Foster of Kansas City is here for a visit. Jas. McAdams, of Chicago, is in the city. Mrs. Olive Garrett and her daughter are at the El Jardin. They are from South Bend, Ind. L. J. Mason, Joe Pupkin and Misses Grace Rhueman and Edna Mae Nance spent Thursday eve ning in Brownsville. A. B. Scott and L. E. Tringle are stopping at the Travelers. Their home is San Antonio. R. L. Reade and H. Cortez are also here from San Antonio. H. C. Glaze of Harlingen is in the city. E. H. Cheny is here from Hous ton. Louis Ambs is here from San Antonio. T. W. Elson is another visitor from San Antonio. S. C. Walker of W'aco is here for ' g a day or two. S. L. Easch and C. M. Lawrence ! are just in from Houston. H. O. Pfeiffer is here from Cor pus Christi. Sam Landrum of Austin is in the city on business. A. Goodman and R. Muquarza : are here from San Antonio. Paul Findlisch arrived Thursday j from Houston. Miss Belle Richardson is visiting ; here from Atlanta. D E. Harrington and A. N. Pet- i lerson are making a business visit j to the city. A. K. Kc'ler arrived from Kan- £ sas City Friday morning. J. M. Partain is here from Kings- , ville. John A. Boewin, of Corpus S Christi, is in the city. G. L. Brown. Edinburg, spent Thursday in Brownsville. Mrs. W. E. Eddis arrivde Fridav morning from Los Angeles, and is at the El Jardin. W. C. Treaves, of San Antonio, is in the city. James Reed, of Amarillo, is here for a day or two. He is located at the El Jardin. W. G. McGarr, of San Antonio, and H. A. Milton, also of the Alamo City, arrived in Brownsville Friday morning for a short visit, and are stopping at the El Jardin. Brown McCallum is here from Austin. W. E. Lea, Orange, is a Browns ville vistor. A party of vistors to the Valiev including G. O. Brown. G. S. Lyons. ; and H. W. Brown, all of De Quincy, La., and H. J. Moore, of Vinton, La. Clothing Stolen \ From Flannagan Home Friday P. M. | I The^ home of John Flannagan. in ! ; Los Ebanos. was entered sometime I between 9 and 10 p. m. Friday night,' and a quantity of clothing belong ing to Mrs. Flannagan stolen. En trance was gained by cutting a screen in the back part of the house. Mr. and Mrs. Flannagan discov ered the theft after returning from f Harlingen about 11 p. m. No clues as to the identity of the, 2 thief were found, Mr. Flannagan 11 said Saturday. ! ■nuramiraa N S Window Shades—24 Hour Ser- X 2 vice on Hand Made Breniin. Draperies, Curtains, X * Gauzes and Ornamental 2 IRods and Poles X SPECIAL 1 Reg. Spec, i Opera Gauze. $ all colors. 50c 39c $ 36-in. Damasks 81.35 79c <► 50-in. Damasks $3.50 $2.50 « 36-in. Warp X Prints . $1.50 $1.00 5 50-in. Hand 2 block . $6.50 S4.75 « LINENS : 36-in. Block £ Linen . $3.00 $1.75 X 36-in. Cretonnes and * Linen Crash.. $1.50 89c £ !; 50-in. Marquisette 65c 45c * ![ 36-in. Marquisette 50c 35c X | SPECIAL 36-in. Sun Fast ; $2.00 Linen Holland Voiles.. boc 50c , <! Shades.$1.50 Upholstering Fabrics * !; $1.75 Linen Holland Slip over Materials at special % Plain.$1.25 prices. Ready made curtains 2 * $1.35 Elm Shade Oil..., 51.05 at reduced prices. \ THE VALLEY DECORATORS, INC. $ £ Phone 752 Harlingen, Texas * I WE’RE MOVING 1 — To— jr; OUR NEW LOCATION 1 - At ~ | g 1226 ELIZABETH STREET 1 P §3 H | (Across from the Bollack Store) Q 1 rj - —- a g I Only a Few More Days Left! | CL You can buy anything in £, 8 | ' our store at a big | t DISCOUNT I if" A Until we move about April 1st g W i-.-. ...^ - g i I ■CLOETTA | 5 HARDWARE CO. I Ml Travelers Hotel BuiHmg rrl I i I mi! | j 5 g ? f Matamoros Cafe H f JM ^ . Serves the Best j £ | dine i Wild Game \ i IN And . if 5 M^.Dm | Mexican Dinners g s ? MEXICO I piepared by our \\ j Opposite | Hungarian Chef K Brownsville Free Auto Parking 5 ^ r On our own grounds * 8 \ % Mexican Entertain- J Sleep V ;; g era During Meal* Matamnrn* t ; We Take Care of Our Matamoros P Customers A Hotel J f MRS. EMMA LEONARD, Clean Rooms p Proprietor ^ It’s Safe f * J j TOWNSITE AUCTION I Tuesday, Mar. 26 1 | AT 10 O’CLOCK A. M. 1 1 Five Miles East of Edinburg i j A New Town on the S. P. Ry I | and New Paved Highway 1 Your last opportunity to invest in a sure enough coming new city In thd Valley. Wonderful trade territory surrounds this new location for a city« Wonderful citrus soil well drained and an ideal location for a city. More I than a quarter million citrus now set in a three-mile radius of San Carlos. ■ ' funk what this will mean for the future of this baby city in a few years! 1 -* m Very Easv T erms § v ■ I ■ ■ 1 | One-fourth cash, balance in 6,12 or 18 months; or S I one-fourth cash and balance in 18 monthly pay- B I ments. Five percent for cash on deferred pay- I I ments. ^ Arrangements now made for water, light, electric power* telephones, gas, etc. Main Street to be graveled at once. Other improvements coming. i -• I 1 Lunch at Noon i I —» ■— I COL. J. M. BADEN L. E. HUMPHREYS Real Estate Auctioneer Sales Manager < Pfcii*# Tsiiul 4% ■ Phone 73 > McAllen and Alamo, Teza* r