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IE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT I An ordinance levying assesse ■ ments for part of the cost of im I proving Monroe street, in the city I of Brownsville, between the south I line of Fourteenth street and the I north line of Sixteenth street. I Fixing a charge and lien against I property abutting thereupon and I against owners thereof, providing I for the collection of such assess | ments and issuance of assignable I certificates in evidence thereof. \ Be it ordained by the city of J Brownsville. Texas, has heretofore ordered that Monroe street in said l city from the south line of Four I teenth street to the north line of | ^Sixteenth street be • improved by rsislng, grading, filling, installing I concrete curbs and gutters where such curbs and gutters are not al j ready installed on proper grade line. apri paving with one and one-half | jinch Warrenite Bitulithic wearing Hiurface on two end one-half inch luminous concrete base on three rhnch compressed gravel sub-base, ^together with all incidentals and jfippurtenances, and the construc tion of such improvements and con tract therefor was awarded to and centered into with Southwest Bituli '•Uiic company; and. / IVht-reas. the City Paving Engi neer of said city prepared and filed La roll or statement for the im jjprovements in said portion of street, (Showing the amounts to be assessed fagainsl the various parcels of or Jinterests in parcels of abutting , property and the owners thereof, j i and showing other matters and {things, and the samp was examined Iby rhe city commission of the city t of Brownsville and approved, and j ‘ time and place was fixed for hear : ; ing to the owners of such abutting j property, ana to all others in any-! ) wive interes’ed therein, or having any lien or clai mlhereon, and due . and proper notice of the time, place -■and purpose of such hearing was ft/urnn, and said hearing was had [and held at the time and place " fixed therefor, to-wit, on the 3rd day of August. A D. 1928. at 10 o'clock a. m. in the city council t room in the city hall in the city of Lrow-nsville. Texas, and said hearing was continued until all de siring to be heard were given full ’ jifcBd fair opportunity to be heard. ... - ; LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT and the sa:d city commission hav ing fuliy considered the evidence and ali proper matters, the said hearing was finally closed on the 3rd day of August. 1928; and Whereas the cit ycommission from the evidence finds that the assessments and charges are right and proper and are substantially in proportion to the benefits to the respective parcels of property by means c; the improvements in the said portion of steret for which isuch assessments are levied, and es [ tablish substantial justice and ! equality and uniformity between the respective properties or interests therein, and between all parties concerned, considering the benefits received and burdens imposed, and further finds that i neach caes the abutting property, or interest there in assessed as the case may be, is especially benefited in enhanced v alue to said property or interest therein, as the case may be, by means of the improvements in the said portion of street upon which said property abuts, and for which assessment is levied and charge made, in a sum In excess of the costs of the improvements is in ac cordance with the law and charter in force in this city and the pro ceedings heretofore had with refer ence to said liapiovements, and is in all respects valid and regular. Now. therefore, be it further or dained : 1. That there shall be and is hereby levied and assessed against the parcels of pioperty, or interest in parcels cf property, as the case may be. herembelcw mentioned and against the iea> and true owners thereof whether such owners be correctly named herein, the sums of money below mentioned and item ized. shown opposite the description of the respective parcels of prop erty. or interests therein, the vari ous amounts assessed against the same, an dthc owners thereof, so far as such owners are known be ing as follows: CONTRACT NO. 58 Engineers Roll or Statement for Monroe street from its intersection with the south line of Fourteenth street to the north line of Six teenth street, known and desig nated as Unit or Contract No. 58. Name of Owner— Front Total Lot Elk. Addn. Foot Assmt. Est. Andres Cueto . 3 113 Citv 150 $575.52 Mrs. L. R. Kibbe . 4 118 City 50 225.17 Maria del Refugio Garza . 5 118 City 50 225.17 John Gregg . 6 118 City 50 225.17 Jose Manzann . 1.2&3 117 City 150 875.52 A dp la Garza; Mrs J. E. Kelly, 1-2 undivided interest; Ja emto de la Garza. Eugenio de la Garza. Leonor de G. Barrera. Remigia de G. Carranco and * Manuela de G Soldona. each Bl-lOth undivided interest_4 & 5 117 City ion 450.35 Mrs. E. T. Villareal . 6 117 City 50 225.17 Mrs. A. G. de Garcia . 7 147 City 50 225.17 ^ Estate of Luis Gutierrez; Alberto, - Jose. Maria, Luisa. Manuel and Geronirr.o Gutierrez, each 1-6 un divided interest . 8 147 City 50 225.17 Marcelo Garza, Society de Hidalgo.. 9 147 City 50 225 17 Christ Miller .10 147 City 50 225.17 Estate, of E. G. Tamayo; Antonio, Procopio. Matias. Mauro end Fer h nando Tamayo, each l-5th undi vided interest .11 147 City 50 225.17 A. Tamayo .12 147 Citv 50 225.17 ""Estate of Mrs. S. F. Shears; Wil ■ liam Shears, 1-2 undivided inter est. William. Jr.. Virginia. Marv and Albert Shears. Tomas:ta S Orive and Sofia Abdcu. each 1-12 undivided interest 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 & 12 148 Citv 3«n 1351.05 ,, Tc*al to be assessed .... . $5,404.14 Total City's part . 2.450.43 Total cost this Unit . $7,834.62 “‘fc.cte per front fon* for !1 assessment—$4.5035225. II V That the several sums above men- J tinned and assessed against the said parcels of property, or interests in . property, and the owners thereof. ,ft^nd interest thereon at the rate of j 7 per cent per annum, together with reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of collection, if incurred, are Jicreby ! dec lared to be and are made a lien j upon the respective parcels of prop erty. or interests in parcels of prop- j erty. as the case may be. against j ■which the same are assessed, and a | personal liability and charge against j -the real and true owners of such; , property, cr int?rests in proper*), I whether such owners be named j herein or not. and the liens shall be and constitute the first cnforcible lien and claim aeainst the property, rr interest in property, on which such assessments are levied, and i shall be a first and paramount lien ; •hereon, superior to all other liens [ claims except state, county and w-rminicipal taxes. The sums so as sessed against the abutting proper- j iy. or interests in abutting prop- i rrtv. and the owners thereof shall hr and become due and payable as follows, to-wit: In six <f»> equal installments. due respectively on or before thirty i30> j days. 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5 years after the date of completion and accept ance by the City of the improve ments in said portion of street, and shall bear interest from th* date of such completion and acceptance at the ra*e of 7 per cent per annum, payable annually with each install-; raent Provided thta any owner shall have the right to pay the en- j tire assesment, of any instalment; thereof before maturity by payment rf principal and accrued interest end provided further that if default shall be made in the payment of, env installment of principal or in- j tcrest promptly as the same ma-, tures. the entire amount of the as sessment upon which such default is, made shall, at the option of the said ' Contractor. Southwest Bitulitnic Company, or its assigns, he and be come imediatcly due and payable, and shall be collectible, together with reasonable attorneys' fees, and costs of collection, if incurred. III The fact thta such improvements j may be emitted on that portion of i i street adiacent to any premises ex empt from the lien of such assess ments shall in nowise invalidate. ~ affect or impair the lien of such as » gessments upon other premises. All sessments levied are a personal lia bility and charge against the real and true owners of the premises de scribed. notwithstanding such own ers mav not be named or mav be in correct Iv named. No mistake, error. . invalidity, or irregularity in the name of any property owner or the K “"description of any property of the { amount of any assessment or in anv i. other matter or thing, shall in any wise invalidate or impair any as sessments hereby levied, or any cer tificate issued to evidence the same as hereinafter providd. and any such mistake, error, invalidity nr ir regularity. whether in such assers ments or In the certificates issued i In evidence thereof, may be correct- | I ed at any time by the Citv, and the full power to make and levy re assessments and to correct mistake', errors, invalidities or irregularities, either In the assessments or in the certificates isued in evidence there of. is in accordance with the law’ and charter in force in the city, vested in the citv. IV The City of Brownsville shall not be in any manner liable for the payment of the sums herebv as sessed and the Southwest Bitulithic Company or its assigns shall look solely to such property and the owners thereof for the pavment of such assesments. bzut the Citv of Brownsville shall exercise all of Its lawful powers to aid in the enforce ment and collection of said liens and sums and personal obligations. If default shall be made in the pay ment of any assesment. collection thereof shall be enforced either by rale of the premises, by the Tax Collector of the city on request of the legal holder of the certificate Issued in evidence of such assess me ntin the same manner as nearly as posible and after the same ad vertisement as is provided bv law and thv charter of this city for sales for delinquent advalorem taxes, or in ease of such default upon demand of the legal holder of such certifi cate. this citv will exercise its char ter powers to enforce and collect this certificate bv suit in its own name for the benefit of said holder, or said legal holder may bring suit for the enforcement of said certifi cate in any court having jurisdic tion. V Tor the purpose of evidencing the several sums assessed against are respective parcels of abutting prop erty herein asseeed or the interests in the parcels of abutting property herein assesed. and th owners there of. and th time and terms of pav ment and to aid in the onforcemen* thereof, assignable certificates shall be issued and delivered to said Southwest Bitulithic Company by the Citv of Brownsville, upon .the completion and acceptance by the City of said improvements in said portion of street, which certificates shall be executed in the manner and form and with the provisions and recitals prescribed in a certain or dinance duly pared by the City Commission of the City of Browns ville on June 7th 1927. which ordi nance is one providing for the is suance of assignable certificates of assessments declaring and evidenc ing assesments made against abut ting property and its owners and railroads or stret railroads and their owners for a portion of the cost of street improvements upon strets and other highways or portions thereof in the Citl of Brownsville, and pre scribing the provisions of such cer tificates and providing that pay ments made thereon may be made to the City Tax Collector and fur ther prescribing the duties of the Citv Tax Collector and the City Treasurer with reference to money :o paid. XI That any and all sums payable LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT upon any assessments herein made or any ctrtificates evidencing the same, may be paid to the Tax Col lector of the City of Brownsville as provided in and authorized by said ordinance of June 7th 1927. de scribed in the preceding paragraph hereof and the duties of the City Tax Colector and the City Treasurer with reference to any and all such payments shall be those prescribed in said ordinance. Finally passed and approved this 7th day of September. A. D. 1328. B E. HINKLEY. Mayor Protem. City of Brownsville, Texas. Attest: A. E. Munday, City Secretary. 3-18-25—2t—3368. An ordinance levying assess ments for part of the cost if im proving Madison street, in the city of Brownsville, between the south line of Fourteenth street and the north line of Fort Brown military reservation, fixing a charge and lien against property abutting thereon and against owners thereof, provid ing for the collection of such as sessments and issuance of assign able certificates in evidence thereof. Be it ordained by the city of Brownsville. Texas, has heretofore ordere dthat Madison street in said city from the south line of Four teenth street to the north line of Fort Brown military reservation be improved by raising, grading, filling and installing concrete curbs and gutters where such curbs and gut ters are not already installed on proper grade and line, and paving with one and one-half inch War renite Bitulithic wearing surface on two and one-half inc hbituminous concrefe base on three-inch com pressed gravel sub-base, together with all incidentals and appurten ances. and the construction of sucii improvements and contract therefor was awarded to and entered into with Southwest Bitulithic company; and. Whereas, the city paving engineer of said city prepared and filed a roll or statement for the improve ments in said portion of street, showing the amounts to be assessed against the various parcels of or interests in parcels of abutting prop erty and the owners Thereof, and showing other matters and things, and the same was examined by the city commission of the city of Brownsville, and approved, and time and place was fixed for hear ing to the owners of such abutting property, and to all others in any wise interested therein, or having any lien or claim thereon, and due and proper notice of the time, place and purpose of such hearing was given, and said hearing was had ———— , LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT and held at the time and place fixed therefor, to-wit, on the 3rd day of August, A. D. 1928, at 10 o’clock a. m. in the city council room in the city hall in the city of Brownsville, Texas, and said hearing was continued until all de siring to be heard were given full and fair opportunity to be heard, and the said city commission hav j ing full and fair opportunity to be heard, and the said city commission having fuliy considered the evi dence and all proper matters, the said hearing was finally closed on the 3rd day of August. 1928. and. Whereas, the city commission from tne evidence finds that the assessments and charges are right and proper and are substantially in proportion to the benefits to the respective parcels of property by means of the improvements in the said portion of street for which such assessments are levied, and estab lish substantial justice and equality and uniformity between the respec tive owners of the respective prop erties or interests therein, and be tween all parties concerned, con sidering the benefits received and burdens imposed, and further finds that in each case the abutting prop erty, or interest therein assessed, as the case may be. is especially bene fited in enchanced value to said property or interest therein, as the lease may be. by means of the im {provements in the said portion of I street upon which said property abuts, and for which assessment is levied and cnarge made, in a sum in excess of the casts of the im provements is in accordance with the law and charter In force in this city and the proceedings heretofore had with reference to said improve ments. and is in all respects valid and regular. Now, therefore, be it further or dained : 1. That there shall be and is here by levied and assessed against the parcels of property, or interest in parcels of property, as the case may be. hereinbelow mentioned and against the real and true owners thereof, whether such owners be correctly named herein, the sums of money below mentioned and it emized. shown opposite the descrip tion of the respective parcels of property, or interests thecrin. the various amount sassessed against the same, and the owners thereof, so far as such owners are known being as follows: CONTRACT NO. 59 Engineer's Roll or Statement for Madison street, from its intersec tion with the south line of Four teenth street to the north line of Fort Brown Military reservation, known and designated as Unit or & Contract No. 59. * ame Owner Front Total _ Lot Blk. Addn. Foot Assmt. E. C. Garcia . 1 & 2 116 Citv 100 $452 46 Maria E. Garcia . 3 116 City 50 225 23 Pedro A. Martinezz and Mrs. S. H. tie Martinez, each 1-2 undivided interest . 4 116 Citv 50 226.23 Estate of Jesus and F H. Villareal; Francisco, Manuel. Antonio, Mamerta. Maria and Adela Vil lareal, and Paz V. de Cole, each l-7t.h undivided interest ...5*6 116 City 120 452 46 J. I. Bass, record owner, Mrs. M. B. Gay. claimant, each assessed in proportion to extent of interest as sta*ed . .3 B Citv 70.7 360.61 Mrs. V. Larrea . 4. 5 Ac 6 B City 150 673.00 John G. Champion . 8 118 Citv 100 452 46 Andrew Pstz . 9 118 Citv 50 223 23 Mrs. Josenhine Johnson .10 hr city 50 *>3 Mrs. F. Valdez. 11 A: 12 118 Citv no 452 43 Estate of Joseph T. p Franklin; William Shears. 1-2 undivided in Abadon and William Shears. Jr., te-est. Tomasita S. Orive. Sofie Virginia. Mary and Albert Shears. each 1-12 undivided interest_. 7 in City 50 no03 Atliano Rendon . 8 H7 Citv 50 225423 Estat® of A. de la Garza; Mrs. J. E. Kejly. 1-? undivided interest. Ja e’nto de la Garza. Eugenio de la Gerza. Lennor rf® G. Barre-a Remigia d® O. Carranro and Manuela de O. Soldona. each 1-1'‘h undivided interest . 0 117 Citv 50 rpg 73 Elra C. Villareal. Ma-ia B. and Josefina E. Castaneda, each 1-3 undivided interest . 10 A: 11 117 City 100 452.46 Total to be assessed . $4,885 66 Total City’s part .. "2427762 Total cost this unit . Assessed rat? per . front foot—$4.52453. m IL ‘ That the several sums 2b<r. e men tioned and assessed against the said . parcels of property, or interest.- in property, an 1 the owners thereof, and interest ’hereon at the ate of 7 per cent per annum, together with reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of collection, if incurred, are here by declared to he and sn made a lien upon the respective parcels of property, or interests in parcels of property, a= the case may he, against which the same are sscss ed, and a personal liability and charge agairst the real and true owners of such property, or inter ests in property, whether such own ers he named herein or not. - nd the liens shal be and constitute the first enforcible lien and claim against the property, or irteres in prop erty, on which such assessments a e levied, and shall be first and para mount lien thereon, superior to all other liens a: d claims except state, county and municipal taxes. The sums so assessed aga;nst the abut ting property, or interests in abut ting property, and the owners there of shall be and become due and pay able as follows, to-wit: In six equal installments, due respectively on or before thirty CC0> days. 1, 2. 3, 4. and 5 years after the date of completion and acceptance by the City of the improvements in said portion of street, and shall ear in terest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, payable annually • ith ch installment. Provided that any own er shall have the right to poy the entire assessment, or any install ment therof before maturity by pay ment of principal and accrued inter est. and provided further that if de fault shall be made in the »- ment of any installment of principal or in terest promptly as the ame ma tures. the entire amount of ’he as sessment upon which such default is made shall, at the opinion of the said contractor. Southwest Bitulithic company, or its assigns, he and be come due and payable, nrd shall be collectible, together 'ith reasonable attorney's fees, and costs of collcc j tion, if incurred. nr. The fact that such improvements may be omitted on that portion of street adjacent to any premises ex empt from the lien <f such assess ments shall in nnw;so invalidate, af fect or impair the lien of such as sessments 'iron other premises. All assessments levied are a personal lia bility and charge again?’ the re* I a-id true own*rs of fh® rr''m,*e« de scribed. no’-rithstand ng such own er3 may pot b* named or may be in correctly named. No mistake, error, if-—-—--______ invalidity or irregularity in the name of any property owner or the description of any property or the amount of ary assessment or in any olher matter or thing, shall in any wise invalidate or impair any as sessments hereby levied, or any cer tificate issued to evidence the same as hereinafter provided. and any such mistake, error, invalidity or ir regularity, whether in such assess ments or in the certificates issued in evidence thereof, may be corrected at any time hv the City, and the full power to make and levy re-assess ments and to correct mistakes, er rors, invalidities or irregularities, either in the assesment* or in the certificates issued in evidence there of, is in accordance with the law ar.d charter in force in the city, vested in the city. IV. The City of Brown*vi!!e shall not he in any manner liable f r the pay ment of the sums hereby assessed and the Southwest Ritulithic com pany or its assigns shall look solely to such property and the owners thereof for the payme-t of -uch as sessments, hut the ~ity of Browrs ville shall exercise all of its lawful powers to aid in the enforcement and collection of said liens and sums and personal obligations. If default shall be made ir. the pay ment of any assessment, collection thereof shall he enforced either by sale of the premises, by the Tax Collector of the city on request of the legal holder of the certificate is sued in evidence of such assessment in the same manner as ue- -lv as os sihle and after the same r ertise ment. as is provided by law and the charter of thi city for sales for de lirquent ad valorem taxes, or in co*e of such default upon demand of ti.e legal holder of such certificate, thi? city will exercise its charter powers to enforce and collect this certificate by suit in its own name for the benefit of said holder, or said legal -holder may bring suit for the en forcement of said certificate in any court having jurisdiction. V. For the purpose of evidencing the several sums assessed a:, inst the respective parcel* of abutting prop erty herein assessed, nr the inter ests in the parcels of abutting prop erty herein assessed, and the owner* thereof, and the time and turns of payment and to aid in the enforce ment thereof, arsignable certificate* *ba]| b» issued and delivered to said Ritulithic company by t) •» City of Brownsville, upon the completion and acceptance by the City f said improvements in said portion ; £ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT street, which certificates shall be executed in the manner and >rm and with the provisions and re citals prescribed in a certain ordi nance duly passed by th city com mission of the City of Brownsville on June 7th, 1927, which ordinance is one providing .or the issuance of as signable certificates of assessment declaring and evidencing assess ments made against abutting prop erty and its owners and railroads or | street railroads and their owners for a portion of the cost of streat im provements upon streets and other highways or portions thereof in the City of Brownsville, and prescribing the provisions of such certificates and providing that payr>cnts made thereon may be made to the Citv Tax Collector and further prescrib ing the duties of the City Tax Col lector and the City Treasurer with reference to money so paid. VI. That any and all sums payable upon any assessments he* ' mad or any certificates evidencin'* the same, may be paid to the Tax Col lector of the City of Brownsville as provided in and authorize I bv said ordinance of Jure 7th, 1927, describ ed in the preceding paragraph here of and .he duties of ,oe City Tax Collector r.nd the City Treasurer with reference to any and all such payments shall be those prescribed i in said ordinance. Finally passed and approved this 7th day of September. A. D. 1928. B. E. HINXLEY. Mayor Protem. City of Brownsville, Texas. Attest: A. E. MUNDAY, City Secv. 3-13-25-2t-3365. An ordinance levying assessments for part cf the cost of improving Fifteenth street, in the city o! Brownsville, between the west line of Adams street and the west line of Monroe sreet. fixing a charge and lien ago nst property abutting thereon and against owners thereof, providing for ihe collection of such assessments and issuance of assign ments and issuance of assignable I certificates in evidence thereof. Be it oiaained by the city of Brownsville. Whereas, the city of Brownsville. Texas has heretofore ordered Adams street to the west line of Monroe street be improved by raising giadinc filling, install ing concrete curbs and gutters where sue heurbs ard gutters are l.ot already installed on proper grade and line, and paving with one an clone-half inch Warrenite Bitul *hic wearing surface on two and one-haif inch bituminous con crete bare on thiee-iicn compressed gravel sub-base, ter*.’ler with all incidentals and appurtenances, and the construction of such improve ments one contract therefor was awarded to and entered into with Southwest Bitulithic company: and. Whereas, the city paving engineer of said city prepared and filed a roll or statement for the improve ments in said portion of street: showing the amounts to be assessed against the various parcels of or in terests in parcels of abutting prop- 1 erty and the owners thereof, and LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT showing other matters and things, and the same was examined by the city commission of the city of Brownsville, and approved, and time and place was fixed for hearing to the owners of such abutting prop erty. and to all others in anywise interested therein, or having any lien or claim thereon, and due and proper notice of the time, place and purpose of such hearing was given, and said hearing was had and held at the time and place fixed therefor, to-wit. on the 3rd day of August. A. D. 1928, at 10 o'clock a. m. in the city council roo min the city hall In the city of Brownsviille, Texas* and said hearing was continued until all de siring to be heard were given full and fair opportunity to be heard, and the said city commission having fully considered the evidence and all proper matters, the said hearing was finally closed on the 3rd day of August, 1928, and Whereas, the city commission from the evidence finds that the assessme ntsand charges are right and prope ran dare substantially in proportions to the benefits to the respective parcels of property by means of the improvements in the said portion of street for which such assessments are levied, and ! establish substantial justice and equality and uniformity between the respective owners of the respective properties or interests therein, and between all parties concerned, con sidering the benefits received and burdens imposed, and futrher finds that in each case the abutting prop erty. o nnterest therein assessed, as the case may be. is especially bene fitted in enchanced value to said property or interes ttherein, as the case may be. by means of the im provements in the said portion of street upon which said property abuts, and for which assessment is levied and charge made, in a sum in excess of the costs of the im provements is in accordance with the law and charter in force in this cit yand the proceedings here tofore had with reference to said improvements, and is in all respects valid and regular. Now, therefore, be it further re solved : 1. That there shall be and is hereby levied and assessed against the parcels of property, or interest in parcels of property, as the case may be, hereinbelo wmentioned and against the real and true owners thereof, whether such owners be correctly named herein, the sums of money below mentioned and it emized. shown opposite the descrip tion of the respective parcels of property ,thc descriptions of such property, or interests therein, the various amounts assessed against the same, and the owners thereof, so far as such owners are known being as follows: CONTRACT NO. fi2 Engineer's Roll or Statement for Fifteenth street from its intersec street to the west line of Monroe tion with the west line of Adams street, known and designated as .Unit cr Contract No. 62. Name of Ov.ners— Front Total Let Elk. Addn. Foot Assmt. C. H. Thorn .F. 1-2 of 6 A City 60 §196.08 J. E. Keller . W. 1-2 of 6 A Citv 60 196.03 J. E. Keller . 7 A City 120 392.17 Mrs. V. Larrea . 6 B City 120 392.17 Mrs. K. E. Leahy . 7 B City 120 392.17 Missionary Society of Oblate Fath ers, a corporation . 1 91 City 120 392.17 Amado Gomez .12 91 City 120 392.17 E. C. Garcia . 1 116 City 120 392.17 Mrs. K. E. Leahy .12 116 Citv 120 392 17 Mrs. E. T. Villareal . 6 117 City 120 392.17 Estate of Joseph I. P. Franklin; William Shears 1-2 undivided in terest. William. Jr., Virginia Mary srd Albert Shears and Torr.asita S. Orive and Sofie. each 1-12 un divided interest . 7 117 City 120 392 17 Fst. Andres Cucto . 1 118 City 120 392.17 Mrs. T. Valdez .12 118 City 120 222.17 Total to be assessed . §4.705.93 Total City's part . 2.861.30 Total cost this Unit . $7,570.2,3 Ra'e per front foot for assessment—$3.26812. II That the several sums above men tioned and assessed against the said parcels of property, or interests in property, and the owners thereof, and interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, together with reasonable attorney's fees and costs of collection, if incurred, are here by declared to be and are made a lien upon the respective parcels of property, or interests in parcels of property, as the case may be. against which the same are assessed, and a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners of such property, or interests in property, whether such owners be named herein or not. and the liens shall be and constitute the first enforciblc lien and claim aeainst the property, or interest in property, on which such assessments are levied, and [shall be a first and paramount lien i thereon superior to all other liens and claims except state, county and municipal taxes. The sums so as sessed against the abutting proper ty. or interests in abutting prop erty. and the owners thereof shall be and become due and payable as | follows, In six equal installments, due respectively on or before thirty *30) days. 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5 years after the date of completion and nccept anve by the City of the improve ments in said portio nef street, and shaT bear interest f-om the date of such completion and acceptance at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, pavable annually with each install ment. Provided that any owner shall have the right to pay the en tire assessment, or any installment thereof before maturity bv pavment of principal and accrued interest, and provided further that if default shall bn made in the pavment of anv installment of principal or interest promptly as the seme matures, the entire amount of the assessment noon which such default is mad" shall, at the opinion of th° s<*id Contractor. Southwest Bitulithic Company, or its assigns, be and be come immediately du° and payable, and shall be collectible, together with reasonable attorney's fees, and costs of collection if incurred. III The fart that such improvements mav be omitted on that portion of street adjacent to any premises ex empt from the lien of such assess ments shell in nowise invalidate, af fect or immir the lien of such as sessments upon other premises. All assessments levied are a personal described, notwithstanding such own°rs rrav not be nam'-d or may be incorrect* named. No mistake, --row inral’d^v. or irregularity in fhe name of any property owner c** the description of any property or the amount of any assessment or in ]>_______ ! any other matter or thing, shall in 1 any wise invalidate or impair any assessments hereby levied, or any ! certificate issued to evidence the ! same as hereinafter provided, and any such mistake, error, invalidity or irregularity, whether in such as sessments or in the certificates is sued in evidence thereof, may be corrected a any time by the City, end the full power to make and levy re-assessments and to correct mis takes. errors, invalidities or irregu larities. cither in the assessments or in the certificates issued in evidence thereof, is in accordantr> with the law and charter in force in the city, vested in the city. IV The City of Brownsville shall not be in any manner liable for the pay ment of the sums hereby assessed and the Southwest Bitulithic Com pany or its assigns shall look solely to such property and the owners thereof for the payment of such as sessments. but the City of Browns ville shall exercise all of its lawful powers to aid in the enforcement and collection of said liens and sums and personal obligations. If default shall be made in the payment of any assTsment. collection thereof shall be enforced either by sale of the premises, by the Tax Collector of the city on request of the legal holder of the certificate issued in evidence of such assesment in the same manner as nearly as possible and after the same advertisement as is provided by law and the char ter of this city for sales for delin quent ad valorem taxes, cr in case of such default upon demand of the legal holder of such certificate, this city will exercise its charter powers to enforce and collect this certificate by suit in its own name for the benefit of said holder, or said legal holder may bring suit for the en forcement of said certificate in any court having jurisdiction. V For the purpose of evidencing the several sums assessed against the respective parcels of abutting prop erty herein assessed, or the inter ests in the parcels of abutting prop erty herein assessed, and the own ers thereof, and the time and terms of pavment and* to aid in the en forcement thereof, assignable cer tiorates shall be issued and deliv ered to said Southwest Bitulithic Company bv the City of Browns ville. upon the completion and ac ceptance by the City of said im provements in said portion of street, which certificates shall be executed in the manner and form and with the provisions and recitals pre cribed in a certain ordinance duly na.scd by the City Commission of the City of Brownsville on .Tune 7th 1927. which ordinance is one pro LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT viding for the issuance of assignable certificates of assessment declaring and evidencing assesments made against abutting property and its owners and railroads or street rail roads and their owners for a portion of the cost of street improvements upon strets and other highways or portions thereof in the City of Brownsville, and prescribing * the provisions of such certificates and providing that payments made thereon may be made to the City Tax Collector and further presertb : ing the duties of the City Tax Col j lector and the City Treasurer with reference to monev so paid. VI That any and all sums payable upon any assessments herein made or any certificates evidencing the same, may be paid to the Tax Col lector of the City of Brownsville as provided in and authorized by said j ordinance of June 7th 1927. de | scribed in the preceding paragraph hereof and the duties of the City Tax Collector and the City Treasur er with reference to anv and all such payments shall be those pre scribed in said ordinance. Finally passed and approved this 7th day of Sent,ember. A. D. 1928. B. E. HINKLEY. Mayor Protem. City of Brownsville. Texas, i Attest: ; A. E. Mundav. City Secretary, j 3-18-25—2t—3366. THE STATE OF TEXAS No. 1652. In The County Court of | Cameron County. Texas. In the matter of the estate of Paul V. Flusche. deceased. To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County. Greeting. You are hereby commanded to summon all persons interested in the estate of Paul V. Flusche. de ceased. to take notice that H. J. Flusche. has filed an application in the County Court of Cameron County. Texas, in Cause No. 1652 on the probate docket of said Court to takp the deposition of Mrs. A E. Matteme. who resides in Kerr County. Texas, but is now tempor arily residing in the City of Lake Charles. Louisiana, in answer to the interrogatories attached to said no tice and application, and that com missions will issue to take such de positions after twenty days notice of such application as provided by law. And you will execute this writ by publishing a true copy of this no tice once each week for a period of twenty days in a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and rcgu’arly publish ed for a period of not less than one year in Cameron County. Texas Herein Fail Not. but have you be fore said court on or after the ex piration of twenty days, this writ with your return thereon showmg j how you have executed the same. Given under mv hand and seal of the County Court of Cameron County, Texas, on this the 7th day of March. A. D. 1929. (SEAL) H. D. SEAGO. Clerk. County Court, Cameron Countv, Texas. By O. F. Erenner, Deputy. 3-11-18-25—3t—3358. SHERIFF'S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a certain Order cf Sale issued out cf the Honorable Justice Court. Precinct No. 6 of Cameron County cn the 4th day of February. 1929. by Grover Reid. Judge of said Court, for the sum of One Hundred and Fifteen Dollars and costs of suit, under a Judgment, in favor of Southtex Motor Company in a cer tain cause in said Court. No. 1444 end styled: Southtex Motor Co. vs. Jas. Williams, pieced in my hands for service. I. W. F. Brown, as Sheriff of Cameron County, Texas, did on the 24th day of February, 1929, levy on certain Reel Estate, situated In Cameron County. Texas described as fclows. to-wit: One <1‘ Chrysler No. 58 Touring car; 1926 Model; Motor Number F-92380; Serial No. YH-064-S and levied upon as the property of Jas. Wil liams and that on the first Tuesday in April, 1329. the same being the 2nd dav of April said month, at the Court House door of Cameron Coun ty. in the City of Brownsville. Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.. by virtue of said levy and said Order of Salt?. I will sell said above described Real Estate at public vendue, for cash to the high est bidder, as the property of said Jas. Williams. And in compliance with law, I give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks imme diately preceding said dav of sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a news pa n^r published in Cameron County. Witness my hand, this 7th dav of I March, 1929. W. F. BROWN, Sheriff. C'amcron County, Texas. By L. A. Jagou. Deputy. 3-11-18-25-31-3357 NOTICE OF CONSTABLE’S SALE UNDER ORDER OF SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Ev virtue of an execution and or der of sale, issued out of the Dis trict Court of Cameron County. Texas, on March 11th. 1929. on a judgment rendered in said court on the 19th day of February. 1929. in favor of Barney Micke and against > Lloyd Thompson, trustee, for the sum of $6539.23 in the case of S. L Gill ct al versus Lloyd Thompson, trustee, et al. No. 8187 in said court, i and in favor of Lula J. Hansel and I Flora H. Briscoe, joined pro forma | by her husband. Geo. T. Briscoe. Jr., and against Lloyd Thompson, trus tee. for the sum of $25,822.72, in said cause, and in favor of S. L. Gil! and against the said Lloyd Thomp son. trustee, for the sum of $35,330,26. in said cause, and for the i foreclosure of a vendor’s lien as it existed on the 1st day of December. 1925. and at all times afterward, upon the fifty acre tract of land described below, in favor of the said Barney Micke and against ail of the defendants, to-wit; Lloyd Thomp | son. Trustee. Tyre H. Brown, N. A. Davidson. J.’civde Bairbairn, J. M. Green. E. Polk Hornadaw B. F. Hardin. B. M. Holland. A. E. McClendon. J. W. Rhone. A. J. Rabel, H. L. Starnes. S. G. Stringer. L. R. Anderson. Sam Botts. J. J. Eurk. Che*. E. Barber. C. C. Bow man. F. H. Brow-n. E. E. Brown. John Baker. A. L. Brooks. Dan M. Botts. Woods Christian. Dr. M. A. Childers. Claude E. Carter. Dr. W. M. Driskill, S. Finley Ewinr. George W. Fisher. Harold A. Ferrin. E. P. Garrison. W. W. Houser. Archie R. Harwood, Miller Harwood, Lon C. Hill. Jr.. R. E. Hubbard. L. W. Hos kins. W. A. Harding. Win-ton Har wood, Geo. W. Fackncv. W E. Jef freys. S. R. Jenninsrs. A A. Kirnm*1'! M. J. Kissick, F. C Ludden. Huoert BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY H. Love, H. Raymond Mills, A. R. Murray. R. Y. Nelson, M. M. Nickel* a widow, H. J. O'Connell, O. H„ Pletcher, Dr. A. J. Pollard. D. R. Perry. Jack Pickens, Jr., J. R Rob erts, W. E. Rice, Clell Solether, O. P. Seale, R. T. Stuart. Geo. W. Stout, L. H. Thompson (individually> An drew Trumbly, J. C. Tom. Dr F. D. Walsworth, Dr. J. C. Watkins and H. N. Turney; and for the foreclos ure of a vendor’s lien as it existed on the 13th day of August, 1924. and at all times thereafter, upon the 171 acre tract of land described below in favor of the said Lula J. Hansel and Flora H. Briscoe. Joined pro forma by her husband. Geo. T. Briscoe. Jr., and against all of the above named defendants: and for the foreclosure of an equitable lien and deed of trust lien as they exist ed on the 8th day of May. 1928. and at all times thereafter, upon both of the above described tracts of land, (subject however to the aforesaid vendor's lienh in favor of the said S. L. Gill and against the above described defendants; I did on the 11th day of March, 1929. at nine o’clock. A. M . lew upon the following described two tracts of land situated In the Coun ty of Cameron. State of Texas, as the property of the said U«S/\ Thomson, trustee, and. also, all right, title and interest of the de fendants and any of them in and to said property, to-wit: First Tract: All that certain lot. tract or parcel of land, being all of Farm Block Number One (1). con taining fifty (50) acres of land out of the Hall and Porter Subdivision of a portion of Survey Number 289. Cameron County, Texas; Second Tract: All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, lving and being in the County of Cam eron. State of Texas, and being 171 acres of land out of Survey No. 43, patented to Frank Gregory, assignee dT Beaty. Seale and Forwood. and being all that part of Survey No. 43 lying east and south of the Har lingen Main Canal and north of the Arrovo Colorado and being that part, of said survey which has been sub divided and plattPd and shown upon a map of a subdivision made bv j V. L. Conrad. Civil Engineer, and j recorded in Man Book A page 18. of I Map Records of Cameron Countv, Texas, to which map and Book 4, page 18. of Map Records of Cameron CountyC. Texas, to which map and its record reference is hereby made for further description: and on the 2nd dav of Aoril, 1920. being the first Tuesday of said month, be tween the hours cf ten o’clock. A. M . and four o’clock P. M on said dav. at the courthouse door of said County. I will offer for sale and sell at public auction, for cash, all the right, title and Interest which the above named defendants had in and to said fifty acre tract on the 1st dav of December. 1925. or at any time afterward, and. also, all the right, title and interest which the above named defendants had in and said 171 acre tract on the 13th dav of August. 1994. and at all times thereafter, and T will sell said two tracts separately. And I herebv give this notice in compliance with law. Dated at Harlingen. Texas, this 11th clay of March, 1929. P. C EUBANK. Cor: table. Precinct No. 8. Cameron Countv. Texas. 3355-3-1l-18-25-3t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ~ Of letting by the City of Browns villc. Texas, of the improvement c' th" following streets, to-wit: Eighth street from north line Madison street to the north lin° Pierce street. Approximately £8 26 square yards pavement. Eighth street frem north line of Pierce street to intersection with paving on Paredes Line road, and from re-th line of Pierce street to the south line cf Lincoln street. Approximately 2850 square yards of pavement. Notice is herebv given that: Whereas, the City of Brownsville has heretofore by resolutions, di rected thn improvement of the | above mentioned streets, between the above mentioned limits, by grading, raising and filling the same, and by improving the same | by the construction of concrete curbs and gutters wherever deem ed necessary, and paving the same with one of the following types of pavement, to be selected by the City Commission of the said City, to-wit: (1). 5-inch reinforced concrete ba-e with 1 1-2 inch hot mix rock asphalt wearing surface: (2>. 5 inch reinforced concrete base with 1 1-2 inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface; <3*. 5-inch reinforced concrete base with 1 1-2 inch Warrenite Bitulithic wearing surface; (4>. 3-inch rolled gravel base with 2 1-2 inch bituminous concrete bass with 1 1-2 inch Warrenite Bitu lithic wearing surface; Whereas, plans and specifications have been pro mred for the said work bv the City Engineer, which are on file in the office of the City Secretary, and have been duly ap proved by the City Commission. Nowx therefore, all persons desir ing to bid upon the work of making the said improvements are request ed to do so in accordance with the said resolutions, plans and specifi cations to which they are referred bv filing sealed bids therefor with the said City Secretary, on or be fore the 5th day of April, A. D 1929. at ten o’clock a. m. Bidders will be required to make their bids on forms of proposals ; by the City Secretary, and w’hich i may be obtained at his office, and no bid will be considered unless the same is accompanied by a certified check upon an acceptable bank, payable to the Mayor cf the City of Brow’nsville. in amount arfa on conditions designated by and in said proposal. Bidders may bid either upon all the different alter native plans, materials and meth ods prescribed by said specifica tions. or upon any one or more thereof. The City of Brownsville reserves the right to accept anv bid or bids, or to reject any bid oi bids in whole or in part. A. E. MUNDAY. City Secretarv. City o: Brownsville, Texas. 3-18 to 27-10t-3362 Ride the j POINT ISABEL BI S LINE You Are insured Leaves Brownsville Black Diamond Bua Station 8:00 — 12:03 — 4:00 Leaves Point Isabel 10:00 — 2:00 — 6:00 1