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115 TRY FOR MEET PLACES Largest Number In Pharr School’s History Enter Competition PHARR. March 23.—At the try outs held at the Pharr-San Juan high school building recently to de termine who would represent the school in declamation at the county interscholastic league at Mission. 150 contestants tried for honors of the school. This is by far the larg- , esfc number ever tn try out for this ■ contest in this school and a large : crowd of patrons were present to 1 encourage them in the contest, t Those winning in the variou sdi ) visions of the declamation contest \ Include: Senior girls. Madeline Gil & lespie, first; Elizabeth Britton, sec ond; Mary Virginia Platt; Sidney Mae Lockhart, fourth Junior girls: j Jackie Roe. first: Maxine Gallis.1 second; Mary Louise Aquirre. third; Lois Smith, fourth. Senior boys: | , Glenn Mellenbruch. fir'ft: Frank Heard, second; Phillip Meeker, i third; Armanda Lopez, fourth. Jun 1 lor boys: Bobbie Devine, G^org'1 Maruer. Arthur Saratia, and Ken neth Galbrcath. ir Those taking part in the various divisions inclucl°: Senior girls: I Madeline Gi’le:,;iie. Aurora Sando val. Elizabeth Britton. DcTino Bar rara, Celia Trevino. Marina Silva. Sidney Mac Lockhart, Mary Vir 1 ginia Platt. Junior girls: Jenice Gallis, Ethel Tatar, Lupe Salinas, i Jackie Roe. Maria Rosales, Dorothy Flowers, Eva Scott. Otilio Trevino. Conception Vasquez. Mary Ethel i Eakm, Aurora Gonzales, Mavis Waite, Elna Lea Fields, Mary Vir ginia Polk. Elsie Green, Anna Bess Dreibcibis, Margaret Hogan, Socor ro Lopez. Msrian Pelt. Lydia Mar lin. Lelah Belle Burns, Josephine Evans, Allene Moses, Mary Louise Aquirre. Ethel Cameron, Eotela Alanis. Elvira Trenno, Lee Strong. Mamie Balli, Marion Staf fer. Helen Willhite, Lupe Sm*th. Burl Roach. Verna Mae Brown. Pauline Delp, Teresa Trevino. Lois Smith, and Theresa Cienfuegos. Senior beys: Edwin Wollesen. Phillip Meeker, Frank Heard. Ar manda Lopez. Glenn Mellebruch. and Manuel Streubing. Bobbie De vine. Bobbis Kruse, Howard Will hite. Cornelius Kormier, George Maurer. Smith Crow. Glenn Hein. Kenneth Galbreath, Cecil Jennings : Melville Ehlers, Gustav Garcia. Al len Bayes, Arthur Sarabia, Fred Varenkamp. Scott Toothacker. John Howton. Rafael Cal van. Rogelio Prado. Jose Pinon, Sam Kali!. Jose Ramos, Ramon Martinez. Carl Big ger, Kenneth Nielson. Renilio Lan dez, Raymond Wagner. Raul Cuel ler. Conly Bell. Erwin Jesamann. Sinon Alanis. Emillio Ruiz. Juan Guerra. Much interest is being manifested and contestants for every event scheduled in the meet, will tv' sent from this school. J. Lee Stembaugh. superinendent of the local schools, who Is director general of the in terscholastic league for this Valiev District, expresses the opinion that league work promises to be the best it has been for years. The district meet will be held at Brownsville and a large crowd is expected to witness the contests. mn... ARGENTINE Senorita Nelida Rodriguez Aragon won first, prize in Ar gentina’s national bathing beauty contest. She is 18 years old New Ulm. Minn., has neither a landing field nor an airplane, but citizen? there have formed an avia tion club. FINAL BRIDGE GAME TUESDAY Series Broadcast Over 119 Stations Is Brought To Close The twentieth and last game of the present series of radio auction 1 bridge games will be broadcast from KWWG Tuesday, March 25. at 9:30 1 p. m. Each game of the present scries has featured Milton C. Work ana Wilbur C. Whitehead, New York experts, in association with players j throughout Amenta and Canada. J One hundred and nineteen radio stations broadcast bridge games during the present season reaching an estimated audience of several million a week. Announcement has been made I that the fifth series of bridge games featuring widely known players will be inaugurated next j fall with even a larger tieup than the present series. The contestants in the twentieth game are William J. Wall, of Ottawa. Canada, skilled as a player, writer and analyst of bridge tac tics; J. H. Landerkin, of Toronto. Canada, one of the outstanding players of Toronto and a leading spirit in the various bridge circles in which he Is active, and Mr. Work and Mr. Whitehead, widely known ———I — N ■ l — l ■ ■ ■ —————■ ■ as writers, teachers and experts on : the game. Following are the advance hands for game 20: Milton C. Work, of New York and Philadelphia, “South.” (the Dealer), holds: Spades K. 9. Hearts A. K: Diamonds 9, 7. 6. 5, 2; Clubs A. Q. 5. William J. Wall, of Ottawa. Can ada. “West.” holds: Spades Q. 6. 5: Hearts 9. 8 spot. 6: Diamonds A. Q. 3; Clubs 9. 8 spot. 7. 6. Wilbur C Whitehead, of New York. “North.” holds. Spades A. j: Hearts J. 10. 7. 5. 4. 3. 2: Diamonds J: Clubs J. 4. 2. J. H. Landerkin. of Toronto. Canada. “East,” holds: Spades 10, 8 spot. 7, 3. 2; Hearts Q; Dia monds K. 10. 8 spot. 4: Clubs K. 10. 3. CALDWELL TO ADDRESS HOUSTON ROTARY MEET Dean S A Caldwell of the Brownsville junior college was to address the district convention of the Rotary club opening in Hous ton Monday. Dean Caldwell was to speak on international relations. The local school head was made a special study of the subject and has spent some time in preparing his address. Edward S. Harkness of New York has given $25,000 to the Quin tencenary fund for th'5 erection of new buildings a* Lincoln college. Oxford university. Although milling and Minnesota are synonymous, the flour-produc ing state has fewer mills than 11 other states. Many Signed For Road Engineering Course at A. & M. I . — COLLEGE STATION, March 25. —Advance registrations from 150 highway engineers, contractors and material men of Texas have been received for the fifth annual short course in highway engineering to be held at the A. & M. College of Tex as March 27-29. J. T. L. McNew. professor of highway engineering at the college, who has charge of ar rangements for the short course. ha.> announced. The short course will be held under the direction of the department of civil engineering of the college and in cooperation with the state highway department Numerous road building experts cf the state and national repute are scheduled to appear on the three day program. The annual barque*, will be held the night of March 28 and sneakers at this affair will in e’ude H. A. Thompson, former state highway engineer, now consulting engineer of Dallas. Indications ai-p that members cf the state highway commission. R. S. Sterling. Houston, ohaiman; Core Johnson, Tv’er, and Tudge W. R. Ely. Abilene, will attend ’he short course, Mr. McNew has announced. VISIT KINGSVILLE KINGSVILLE. Tex.. March 25.— Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ranke’-. Mrs. George Smith, and Miss Florence Bell, all of Brownsvillo. spent the week-end with Dr. Skinner and were visitors at the South Texas State Teachers College. I THE GUMPS — The Wedding Bells Shall Not Ring Out —Sidney Smith I-T------. ---- , ----g-- - -- ... . ,---—-—-- ■ f—And in THi: ^ACBOP Th/S ^ l company to ooin together - \ This MAN and ( NN OrAAIvi \ IN HOLY WAT^I^ONY IF ANYONE WAS ANY LAWFUL A Reason why "this couple 1 Should hot be OoinEO \ ToGrether in holy wedlock. J Speak NOW— or forever [y hereafter.^ hold vouR 'feiiJ I HIGH PRESSURE PETE — Aint It a Fact? —Swan ' ! ; - ~ i f"'*" 1 " 1 -» i i ■ ■ — ■ — ■ - i KEA'JtKO H’.S foLK^> FPQf-'* 5l)N0fW f\'6-HT Pete. HfV5 F\Ll_ NU»hT, ■30 1 H'lJ. •fee. on the, job in Tt->e_ -> «r e O’CLOCK. MONOfW MOSfVNGr Xjtouce.' Pouce" ■§£&&$&*) o: ■ c~‘-*£&-&X J o-^ • /%/ fV ?x\x • ^ ^-WbS> (& -.;>>' • / */? h£Zj'* b_- l^feg>d T>^'-C6CN\r-Tf<e«‘i s Never* p ccp abound W)H£M TneVAE. Netoto-\ U-w:ue_ oOEO_ * t3 -that or^uG, 5r0(se-, pnq call c? Th' f ‘T??iv Ne*r 'DcocC~— ) i VOE. PtIHT C5oT NO y i I I I I i I _ .; I ETTA KETT— Her Strongest Weakness —Paul Robinson i _-___ . _.. _ __ .. __^ . AW rcR ot’f'C'S 3AkV MAMMtV — T OCMT W-J* r --Li : *tO< ■*■ . CXO vnTtR'OR E*«?- • ^ AT OR — M ’^E^rTED Lv i m EH.T1.R.OR OE^O«- I v,r*^ M AT'CAl — 1 vfcNT A -' 1 ^'Q^r v - ■ - ! ■ ( ot-p Moused.1 r ' : ^ _ ! s. cnct^T.'; h\0 VJOUUD^r f ... . \ ... ^ i TtRR^e GO«- N^° UKF xoQ S^_ „'; ^ > t m , P-O TOO ? J OV3EtVllLOTO LcQ M^NOODO 1 Ne^-I 'j ' n ■v'-°- /"2s, ( —' v;' \ - r'i ’j jy \ c _0. _ r-.; 4ta“ I Just yoo watch the i Pun IhG c!d | \ fehs ! wanb -the house rcdceor- « ated, , bub a'l -tho/ do' is pa/ For 'b, trrh Will 0*60 toe iPe nzsb, / _ Copynyit. 1"2?. hy Ontral Prut A*v n-r. ip' I SOOFEY MOVIE —Neher 5 A'CE IS P'OSwnjG TO Trie HOSPITAL 1A3i”TH TAE SMALL 3DX TWAT PAL ACVCED ADC_WE ‘S.A'.C? IT Mi SAT SAVE LIS' L'AE. vV.MOtO PA'L StCCMSBPED AAS DCOBlE PNEUMOMlA AMO IS EXPECTED TO Die AMV MiNi'JTE. tG^LE &AQ< AT T^E. HOSPfaL o~^ IT'S A some:. 5 V--X'UU BET TH:S“|? TME > ©Me PWIL UJAS* TEUUM6 I ^O'.UL TW;S I //AGO BONE H 65.! M3 Pa:l 6AOK TO U!PE. U0= l-SO^E so, CON't- YDO ? UVe AND LEARN. J Today’s Radio Features Monday. Mar. 2Y [Cenfrol Standard Tine] 8 SO—Family Party: Mm F'-csentaM n—Y EAF WHY WTAM • i WC-N KSD WO ' \V« >\V WPAK KSTP WTM.T WIOD WHAS W. * \\ M ■ \\ SB W FA A KFKC WOAI V.'KY KOA KSL KFO KGO KOM KHQ KGW Ki'I 8:30—.Jubilee. Talking Movie S’are and Musical Program—WOR WADO WKRC V.GHl* "YMAQ WGL KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK KLZ KP YL KMTK XYA KJK KG A KFWK 9:30—Empire Builders Dramatization of the Northwest—WRAP WGY WTAM W.V.r KV'.V K.'O WOO WOW KSTP VPAF WTM-I WEBC WHAS tV SB Y.T'AA u PKC WOAI WKY KOA KSL KFO KGO KoilO KGW KKQ WM ' KF1 VALLEY RADIO KWWG—Valley Radio Station Brownsville 4:00- 5 55 p. m.—Associated Press dispatches and Valley news from The Brownsville Herald, following by musical numbers. 5:55- 6.00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. 6:00- 7:00—Musical numbers. TUESDAY 10:00-11:00 a. m Musical numbers andstudio specialties. 11:00-11:30—Popular and semi-classical selections from the Capitol theater organ by remote control 11.55-12:00—Local and general weather forecast and bulletin on Rio Grande. SERIOUSLY SPEAKING"”4 Let’s be really serious for a moment. What makes • a bank really sound? It is CONFIDENCE to be sure, i but what establishes confidence? We’ll tell you. It is the men who conduct the j bank. Our officers are courteous and obliging, con servative, friendly. Our Directors know what is go ing on inside the bank. It is their business to know, ; and they DO know. Our stockholders are among the solid citizens of : this community. Our Patrons are people of influence 1 and worth. All these beget confidence, the one thing j that builds up a strong bank. Start An Account Today 4% Interest Compounded Semi-Annually, Paid on Savings i First National Bank Brownsville, Texas ‘THE FRIENDLY BANK” Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley A CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to the public to visit our plant and inspect the careful and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of the , highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For complete information address Owen M. Combe. District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturer* of Texas. Concrete Pipe 'or Irrigation. Drainage and Sewer System*. _ H ^ 1,1 “in ~■---■■■ - "■"* ■ v . ~vj i • -11 i j t M. R. Flores &. Sons Blacksmiths have move'! t" 14th Street, corner Southmost roa:l. Victoria Heights A. TAMM i Blue Printing and } Supplies Harlingen, Texas —■■■' i ■ ■■ ki.. Wood & Dodd Insurance Bonds and Loans PHONE loo Spivey-Kowalski Bldg. Brownsville. Tevns La Joya Gravel Co. i INCORPORATED 8 MISSION. TEXAS BOX 554 8 J. S. FORD & SONS ! REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS . Brownsville, Texas ■ m —~-_z—;;—- ————————- ^: Dependable Prompt | BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY Certified Public Accountant* Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Carneiro & Company) k r1 —gj- - ■ r- ' i ... rrff PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SEir'IC? Systems. Organization and Statistical Reports Buainebs Control Travis Building Nixon Building San Antonia, Bexar. Corpus Christi, Texas wwhhhimii ih'rwMmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmxmmammmm*" ____ —f Valley Abstract Co. j PROMPT TITLE SERVICE j BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG | Opposite Courthouse E. iiarriman Blvd. l Phone 1184 Phone 93