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Cameron Courts Suits filed in the District Courts: i No. 8417, Alexander Marketing Co. vs. Wey!-Zuckeman & Co.,; damages. No. 8418, R. M. Jones vs. U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co.; to set aside award. No. 8419. Port Isabel Co. vs. Pt. Isabel Insurance Agency, debt and foreclosure. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge State vs. Wenceslao Garza; on trial. State vs. Charlie Dorsett; 2' years suspended sentence. State vs. Emilio Melendez; 18; inonths in pen. State vs. Juan Rodriguez; one year In pen. State vs. Jose Jaramillo; one year in pen. Ernesto Gutrierrez vs R a quel R. Gutierrez; divorce granted. W3RD DISTRICT COURT qfion. A. M. Kent, Judge No orders. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: 1 No. 1685. Ex Parte. Inez Garza, tion compos mentis. No. 1686, Ex Parte. Reva H Paw lader; non compos mentis; found sane. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Judge i No orders. MARRIAGE LICENSES Eleazar Martinez and Nlnfa Salazar. Juan Chapa and Angelina Gar cia. Santos Aguilar and Tomasa Al varez. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) Cameron County Plinn F. Hunt et ux to County of Cameron, strip of land 80 feet wide along state highway No. 06 for road purposes, $1 etc. J. C. Tom Ao Mrs. Jennie K. Worley, lot 9, blk. 2, Nicholson Place, 3rd Filing, Harlingen, $10 etc. F. L. Denison to Ida D. Hamill lots 7 and 8. blk. 103. E. S. Hunt et al, plat 1-26-27, $4,787.94. C. H. and Eva Wittenbach to L M. Warmack, town lots 5 and 6, blk. 75, city cf Harlingen. $10 etc. Charles and Marie Meyer to F. B. Sublett, lots 3 and 6, blk. 207. San Benito L. & W. Co.. Concep cion de Carricitos grant. 510 etc. Isabel D. Madeley et al to E. R. Templeton, 80 acres out of section 19, Esp. Santo grant, love and af fection. H. D. and Juanita Turney to A. J Garner. E. L. Faries. lot 16, blk. 46. city of Harlingen, $iu etc. W. S Merrick to D A. Rials, blfc. 53 containing 7.24 acres and N. 2.76 acres blk. 52, El Jardin subd., share 27. Esp. Santo grant, $5290. J I. Ccursey et al to J. E. Brit tain, all of town lot 2. blk 5, Nicholson Place, first filing, Har lingen, $10 etc. J. R. Styles to Cameron county, .44 acre out of Brownsville Lana Imp. Co. sud. No. 10 of share 12, E. S. Grant, $1 etc. C. Bruce Hamlett to Cameron county, 1.08 acres out of Browns ville L. & I. Co., survey 10 of share 12. E. S. grant. $1 etc. Port Isabel I. Co. to L. L. Stur geon. 11.27 acres blk, 78, Bayside Gardens, Box ranch, Santa Isabel grant, $9579.50. Antonio P. Moncibas et ux to Juana G. de Leal, lot 4, blk. 17, Fourth addn., San Benito, $10 etc. J. S. and Annie Brown to J. A. Seagrove. lot 1. blk. 4, Third addn., San Benito, $10 etc. J. E. and Myrtle Caloway to Harry J. Hinkly, olt 41, Hinkly’s Ebony Heights subd. San Benito, $10 etc. W. T. and B. A. Davis to W. A. Griffith, 2.72 acres of farm blk. 142. Harlingen L. & W. Co., sur. 26. $3,382.48. H. C. Harding. Tr. to Delta frrlg. Farms Co., lots 12, 13, 11, contain ing 60 acres blk. t>. plat 2, Citrus Gardens subd.. section 7, share 27, Esp. Santp grant, $10 etc. H. C. Harding. Tr. to Delta Irrig Farms Co., lot 3, N. 9.53 acres olt 4, blk. 2, plat 4, Citrus Gardens subd.. E. S. Grant, $10 etc. Delta Irrig. Farms Co. to Ed ward L .Hardvman, lot 3, and N. 9.53 acres lot 4, blk. 2. plat 4. Citrus Gardens subd., share 43 of share 19, Esp. S2nto grant, $10 ece. Delta Irrig Farms Co. to Edward L. Hardvman, lots 11, 12, 13. con taining 60 acres, blk. 5, plat 2, Cit rus Gardens subd., sec. 7, share 27, Esp. Santo grant, $10 etc. Johannes F. Kruse et ux to Ern est Kruse, undivided 2-3 interest in lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 14. 15, Hunck’s subd., San Benito, $10 etc. Delta Irrig. Farms Co. to Helen Emeliz Femstrom, lots 24, 23, 29, 30, 31, Harris-Gentry subd., share 28, Esp. Santo grant, $19,808.10 etc. H. C. Harding, Tr. to Delta Irrig. Farms Co., lot 12. containing 22.83 acres, blk. 2. plat 4, Citrus Gar dens subd., share 43 of share 19, Esp. Santo grant, $10 etc. H. C. Harding, Tr. to Delta Irrig. Farms Co., north 5 acres of lot 21-A, blk. 5. plat 2, Citrus Gardens subd., sec. 7. share 27, Esp. Santo grant, $10 etc. > Delta Irrig. Farms Co. to Eertha L. Schoedsack, lot 12. blk. 2, plat 4. Citrus Gardens subd., share 43 of share 19, E. S. grant, $5220 etc. Delta Irrig. Farms Co. to Bertha L. Schoedsack, N. 5 acres lot 21-A, blk. 5, plat 2, Citrus Gardens subd., sec. 7. share 27, E. S. grant. $180. H. C. Harding, Tr. to Delta Irrig Farms Co., lot 8. containing 20 acres, blk. 2. plat 4. Citrus Garden" subd.. share 43 of share 19, Esp Santo grant, $10 etc. James-Dickinson Farm Mtge. Co. to L. V. Rundle et ux, east 5 acres of west 26 acres blk. 15, El Jardin subd., share 28. E. S. grant, $1750. Hidalgo County D. S. Smithhisler to Berta W. Al len, lot 46, containing 6.80 acres, Santa Ana subd.. $10 etc. Mrs. Rosa E. Rose to Joel John son. lots 4 and part five, blk. 5. j N. McAllen, $10 etc. D. F. Dtricklsnd to John T. Lo max. all blks. 28 and 23, Hammond, $10 etc. Felipe Rodriguez to Eulogia Gon- I zales, olt 3, blk. 7, Weslaco, 8150. j J. C. Engelman, Jr. to V,’alter Harris. W. 5 acres of lot 17. blk.1 228, Engelman subd. of La Blanca. $10 etc. W. R. McGarity to Margaret Jamieson, lots 2 and 3, blk. 8, Alta Mira subd., $10 etc. V. C. Thompson to Louis M. Cusher, S. 15 acres of E. 30 acres of olt 3. sec. 239. Tex-Mex. $10 etc. W. K. Boatwright to J. R. Gen try. N. 20 acres of lot 348, Shary land, $10 etc. L. M. Olmstead to John H. Shary. part of lot 195 containing 5.65 acres, Sharyland, $10 etc. Isabel L. Cornell to Richard L. Banks, lot 8, Cornell addn., McAl len, $10 etc. J. C. Engelman. Jr. to W. J. Moore. E. 10.15 acres of lot 1, blk. J>7, Mo.-Tex., $10 etc. Frank Carter to J. A. Hood, N. 10 acres of blk. 218 and 218 Hill Halbert, $10 etc. John H. Shary to Rufus S. Thomas, part of lot 35-3. West Add. $1405.05. John H. Shary to A. D. Kerr, N. 10 acres of lot 34-2, $6,000. H. D. Davis to H. J. Clark, part of lots 11 and 12, blk. 33. Weslaco, $10 etc. E. E. Cannon to Lee Minner, lot 10. blk. 30, N. McAllen, $10 etc. John H. Shary to S. M. Moore, S. | 10 acres of lot 46-3, West addn.. I $748.12. McAllen Dev. Co. to E. F. Voor- | hees, N. 6 acres of lot 76. R. S. Horn addn. to McAllen. $7500. E. T. Geyer to W. E. Crawford, lot 1, blk. I, Hampshire Homes j subd , $10 etc. LOS ANGELES—Montague Love I of the screen is in love a earn. He! is to marrv Marjorie Hollis. Each has been divorced. * ___________ \ CRIMINAL APPEALS COURT AUSTIN, arch 27.—m—The fol lowing proceedings were had in the court of criminal appeals today: Affirmed: Ora Lee Dixon, Tar rant: Willie Grady, Hunt; Oscar Pretre, Red River: A. L. Garrett. Llano; Norman Hendrix, Hunt; Fred Lenzen, Dallas; Roy Musick, Hamilton; Ambrose Linthicum, Jr., Angelina; A. L. Garrett, Llano; Horace Briggs. Panola; W. H. Mc Donald. Dallas; G. W. Nelms, alias J. W. Hall, Lubbock; John H. Haley, Dallas. Reversed and remanded: R. S. McDonald, Midland; R. K. Mims, Webb; Eli Gray, Anderson: Carlos Cano, El Paso; Armstead Holland, Limestone; Pytha-Goras Davis, Jones. . Appellants’ motion for rehearing overruled: Charlie Stone. Camn; John Girvin, Tom Green; Julius Dave, Dallas Riley Patton, Potter: Richard Spain, Dallas: Arthur Agleton, Nacogdoches: J. B. Bixens. Kaufman; Mauro Sanchez, Vic toria. Anneal dismissed: Loire McCal lan, Lubbock: Alfred Pace. Steph ens: Jeff Adams, Tvler: Marion SeVon. Hopkins: L. M. Terry, Wise. Anneal reinstated, judgment re versed and cause remanded: F. J. Jones et al, Hartley. Writ of certiorari denied: John Evans. Hale. Application writ habeas Corpus dismissed at request relator: Ex Parte Fernlnand Kuehne, Travis. Appellant's motion rehearing overruled, no written opinion: Bob McPherson. Gregg; Will Venn, Gregg; J. C. Schenk, Wichita. iTHE GUMPS — Page Henry J. Ausstinn —Sidney Smith -CONTINUED FROM YESTERDAY— /--—■yjili r ausstinn took tvjf money [ OUT OP TWE sape- I.'Ail COUNTED IT - ® 10,000.^- \\ K3-; AND PUT IT IN Hl$ POCKET 800K-y^J?i I KM0CKED HIM UNCONSCIOUS AkJC> PUT ) ],( TWE MONEY IN THAT WOLE-/!||)il |! V/NICW WAS OVER 'Vifji <x / AND HERE'S A CARD WiTW THE NAME. \ HENRY 0. AUSSYINN - \ VICE PRESIDENT— AU^VTiNN NATIONAL BANK / ON *7 — AND ON THE J BACK VjRITYEN RIGHT »7 - LEFT SI -f I RIGHT 9 “ IP \V*HAT DOES THAT ^— A\EAN r HIGH PRESSURE PETE — The End of a Perfect Meal —Swan _- - -- ■ — -*'-n f vOHOOP(E.‘- VJftFSW INVJ'TeO me. pown ti5 hi* none. Fo*. pinner -Toni&rT— hence, voe. fino peIe ouert f\TMfT. <?us£n$ VOt) ToLP MRMFs MOfft-UNCr, HOi)5E- . HU’- 5E.T 15 THE. <S^OC£f?«^ ThtPST S’Ol) WEtfE- HOMC. - -—~T^—7 * l * 'motton -head.'' j ra' ^ ** 1 ! ' # # __ _:_ I pTTA KETT — It’s Home Sweet Home to Them —Paul Robinson - ■ ' , -r-r..“ 1 GOOFEY MOVIE —Neher RRY MOVIE SHEIK IW 'siFoOR CEATURE PlCTURc STAQ i A jM A • CAVMOT get A SiNJGLE owe \ |L PEOJ DAYS' SO XVc GOT TO GET SOWECN= >LACE UNJTIL WE GETS J W AM- s’vE GOT TO GET THEM QUICK — X SUPPOSE? , OC THEM SAY THSV j § X COULD TA<S PHILS PLACE INJ A PINJCH, ©UTJ /O, GOOD EVOOGW-J Ir'O CATHEP MOT A LITTLE TOO g ^_^ Twe ROMEO^T^^L^ STUP=, VhT-J Copyright. 1929, by QatrH Prea aL^ __ MBUP? rr woOks uke A death THREAT.., CALU THE pduice. at onxe’ DOWV MiSS THE Bio soaPQiSe TO.V.OGJ^OUO. Today’s Radio Features Thursday, Mar. 28 [Central Standard Time] ____ _ KSTP KOA KPO KGO KOMO KHQ KGvV KFI wOW_WM_6 t _ _ ,M~^c kSwIbmwo^ox kSbTkSlwepd'wSk wrro wisn _ f ;00—Columbians;* Jazz Int^rpivtatlcins—WABC WADC WKKC WQHP WEBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD VTHK WISN VALLEY RADIO KWWG—Valley Radio Station Brownsville 4:00- 5.55 p. m.—Associated Press dispatches and Valley news from The Brownsville Herald, following by musical numbers. 5:55- 6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. 6:00- 7:00—Musical numbers. FRIDAI A. M. 10:00-11:00 a. imMusical numbers andstudio specialties. 11:00-11:30—Popular and semi-classical selections from the Capital theater organ by remote control. 11:55-12:00—Local and general weather forecast and bulletin on Rio Grande. SERIOUSLY SPEAKING Let’s be really serious for a moment. What makes a bank really sound? It is CONFIDENCE to be sure, but what establishes confidence? We’ll tell you. It is the men who conduct the f bank. Our officers are courteous and obliging, con ; servative, friendly. Our Directors know what is go- f i hig on inside the bank. It is their business to know, j and they DO know. Our stockholders are among the solid citizens of 1 this community. Our Patrons are people of influence | and worth. All these beget confidence, the one thing I that builds up a strong bank. Start An Account Today 1 4% Interest Compounded Semi-Annually, Paid on Savings First National Bank Brownsville, Texas “THE FRIENDLY BANK” I j Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley % A CORDIAL INVITATION | is extended to the public to visit our plant and Inspect the careful and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For complete information address Owen H. Combe, District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturer! of Texas. Concrete Pipe for Irrigation, Drainage and SeweT Systema. M. R. Flores & Sons Blacksmiths i have moved to 14th Street, 5 corner Southmost road, Victoria Heights A. TAMM \ Blue Printing and Supplies Harlingen, Texas Wood & Dodd Insurance Bonds and Loans PHONE 100 Spivey-Kowalski Bldg. Brownsville, Texas ||l La Joya Gravel Co. | INCORPORATED | MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 J. S. FORD & SONS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS Brownsville, Texas Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County. Texas GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY j Certified Public Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Carneiro & Company) j —m 1 ■ »i —. PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING rNCOME TAX SER'aC^ System*. Organization anu Statistical Reports . Business Control Travis Building Nixon Building San Antonia, Texas. Corpus ChristL Texas. Valley Abstract Co. PROMPT TITLE SERVICE BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG Opposite Courthouse E. Harriman Blvd. Phone 1184 Phone 9? f