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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITATIOjTbY- PUBLICATION George N. Scanlan, No. 8377, vs. C. F. Thomas, et al.. in the 103rd Jud. District Court, Cameron Coun ty. Texas. The State of Texas to the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County I —Greeting: You are hereby commanded, that I by making publication of this Cita ! tion in some newspaper published in ; the County of Cameron once in each week for 4 consecutive weeks pre vious to the return day hereof, you summon C. A. Johnson and Frank i G. Carlson whose residences are un known, who are alleged to be non residents of the State of Texas, to be and appear at the next regular term of the District Court of Cam eron County, to be holden at the court house thereof, in the City of Brownsville, Texas, on the 3rd Mon day in April. A, D. 1923, the same being the 15th day of April A. D. 1923, then and there to answer a petition filed in said Court on the 19th day of February, A. D. 1929, in a suit numberd on the docket of said Court, No. 8377 wherein George N. Scanlan is plaintiff, and C. F. Thomas, E. T. Hockaday, the First i National Bank in Brownsville. Tex as, C. A. Johnson and Frank G. Carlson are defendants; the nature of plaintiffs demand being substan tially, as follows, to-wit: Suit for debt represented by two vendor lien notes Nos. 4 and 5, each for the principal sum of $600.00, payable four and five years re spectively after their dates of Oc tober 13, 1920, each providing for 6 per cent interest per annum from date, and for 10 per cent attorneys fees in event of default of their pay ment—executed by defendant C. F. Thomas, and delivered and payable to E. T. Hockaday—secured by a lien on lots 7, 8, 9, 16, 17 and 18 in Block No. 309. of the Indiana-Tex as Land &. Irrigation Company's subdivision of lands in Cameron County, Texas; that plaintiff, in the usual course of business, for a val uable consideration, is now the own er and holder of said notes, that the same are unpaid and past due— that the defendants herein are each and all claiming some kind of an interest, right or title to said land— which rights, if any, are inferior to those of this plaintiff—Plaintiff prays citation issue to the defend ants herein to appear and answer herein—for his judgment for his debt and foreclosure of the lien as against all the defendants, for at torneys fees and all costs of suit. Herein fail not, but have you be fore said court on the said first day of the next term thereof this writ with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and seal of said court, at office in the City Brownsville, Texas, this the 19th day of February, A. D. 1929. Witness, Jno. P. Scanlan, Clerk of District Court in and for Cameron County, Texas. (Seal). A true copy I certify. Jno. P. 8canlae, Clerk, District Court, Cameron Co., Texas. (3-7-14-21-28—.t—3353.) ! THE STATE OF TEXAS ! To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County—Greeting: You are Hereoy Commanded to summon James W. Truit by making publication of this Citation once in each week for four successive weeks previous to the return day hereof, in some newspaper published in your County, if there be a newspaper j published therein, but if not, then in any newspaper published in the 103rd Judicial District: but if there be no newspaper published in said Judicial District, then in a news peper published in the nearest Dis trict to said 103rd Judicial District, to appear at the next regular term cf the 103rd District Court of Cam eron County, to be holden at the Court House thereof, in Browns ville. Texas, on the third Monday in April A. D. 1923 the same being the 15th day of April A. D. 1929. then and there to answer a petition filed in said Court on the 25th day of August A. D. 1929 in a suit, num bered on the docket of said Court Ho. 8051, wherein Realty Trust Company, Is Plaintiff, and James W. Truit is Defendant, and said peti tion alleging: That heretofore on the 27th day of October. 1927. the City of Harlingen, acting by its Mayor and City Secretary, attested with its corporate seal, executed one certain Certificate of Special Assess ment of said date, which was issued by said City to F. P. McElwrath and his assigns, for the pro rata part of the cost of improving a portion of East Harrison Street in said City, payable by the owners of the prem ises hereinafter described, and de scribed in said Certificate, to said Defendant, James W. Truit; said Certificate sets forth and certifies substantially that bv virtue of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Harlingen. Texas, passed on the 26th day of October, 1927. there was levied and assessment in the sum of Two Hundred Five and Eighty - four - hundredths Dollars ($205.84) against certain property | in East End Addition to the City of Harlingen, Texas, more particularly described as follows: Situated in the City of Harlingen. Cameron County. Texas, being Lot Number Nine (9> in Block Number One (1>. of East End Addition to said City, and against the true owner thereof, who was the Defendant James W. Truit; that said Certifi cate further recites substantially that said Assessment is payable in four <4> equal installments due. respectively, on or before thirty days (30). One (D. Two (2) and Three (3) years after the 2nd day of February. 1927. together with inter est at the rate of eight <8> per «ntum per annum from said date: provided that said owner has the option to prepay ary installment be fore maturity with accrued inter est: said Certificate further recites that said assessment was levied by virtue of said Ordinance and pre vious ordinances and proceedings of the City Counsel of the City of Har lingen. Texas, providing for the pay ment by the owners of said prem ises for their pro rata part of the cost of improving a portion of said Street by virtue of a contract be tween said City of Harlingpn and F. P. McElwrath, dated May 5. 1926. that by said proceedings said Spe cial Assessment was declared and made a lien against said premises, and a personal charge against the owner or owners thereof, payable to said F. P. McElwrath. or his as signs. in said instrument, and if de fault be made in the payment of any installment, when due. then at the option of said F. P. McElwrath or other legal holder of said Cer tificate and Assessment, same shall mature and become payable for the r full amount of principal and inter est thereon, and shall be collectible with accrued interest and reason able attorney’s fees and cogts of col-1 i —■ L i LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT lection, if incurred; that said Cer tificate recites all proceedings with reference to making said improve ments, were regularly had in com pliance with law and the Charter of said City and the terms of said Cer tificate; that all prerequisites for fixing the assessment lien on said premises, and the claims of personal liability evidenced by said Certifi cate, have been performed; that every requirement provided by law or the Charter of said City, or by said proceedings as prerequisite to making of said improvements and fixing of said assessment lien and personal liability, and the issuance of said Certificate, have been done and performed in accordance with law. said Charter and Proceedings; that the assessment evidenced by said Certificate upon the terms therein set forth is regular, valid and enforcible, a personal liability against the owner of said premises, a valid, enforcible first and prior lien upon said premises. That heretofore said F. P. McEl wrath duly transferred, assigned, and sold to Plaintiff Realty Trust Company, said indebtedness, to gether with the Certificate evi dencing same, and all right, title, liens and remedies securing the pay ment thereof, and Plaintiff is the present, legal, equitable owner and holder thereof, and entitled to en force and collect same in its own name; that Defendant James W. Truit has made default in the pay ment of the first installment there on, and by reason of such default. Plaintiff has declared the entire amount due; though often re quested, Defendant has paid no part of said indebtedness, to Plaintiff's damage in the sum of $400.00; that Plaintiff has placed said Certifi cate in the hand of an attorney for collection: has agreed to pay said attorney the sum of $150.00 as attor ney’s fees, for collection thereof, which sum is a resonable and just fee for the collection thereof. Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendant James W. Truit for the amount of its debt, principal, interest, attorney’s fees, and costs of suit; for the foreclosure of its lien against said property: for an order of sale; that said property be sold as under execution, and the proceeds applied to the satisfaction of Plaintiff’s debt; and for other and further relief, legal and equit able. Herein Fall Not, but have before said Court, at its aforesaid next regular term, this writ with your re turn thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given Under my Hand and the Seal of said Court, at office in Brownsville, Texas, this, the 6th day of March A. D. 1929. (SEAL.) JNO. P. SCANLAN. Clerk. District Court. Cameron County. By M. J. McTieman, Deputy. 3-7-14-21-28—41—3351. ___t THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sherff or any Constable of Cameron county. Greeting: You are hereby commanded to cause to be published once each week for a perod of ten days be fore the return day hereof, in a newspaper of general circulation, which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year in said Cameron county, a copy of the fol lowing notice: THE STATE OF TEXAS. To all persons interested in the Estate of Claire E. Low. E. N. Low has filed in the County Court of Cameron County, an application for Letters of Administration upon the Estate of said Claire E. Low deceased, which will be heard at the next term of said Court, com mencing on the first Monday in April. A. D. 1929. the same being the first day of April, A. D. 1929. at the court house thereof, in Brownsville. Texas, at which time all persons interested in said estate may appear and contest said appli cation. should they desire to do so. Herein fail not. but have you be fore said Court on the said first day of the next term thereof, this Writ, with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the seal of said court at offics in Brownsville, Texas, this the 20th day of March. A. D. 1929. H. D. SEAGO. Clerk county Court. Cameron County. Texas. By O. F. BRENNER. Dcruty (SEAL) * 3-21-28-2t-3371 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Of letting by the City of Browns Ville. Texas, of the improvement of the following streets, to-wit: Eighth street from north line of Madison street to the north line of Pierce street. Approximately 9S2S square yards pavement. Eighth street from north line of Pierce street to intersection with paving on Paredes Line road, and from north line of Pierce street to the south line of Lincoln street. Approximately 2850 square yards of pavement. Notice is hereby given that: Whereas, the City of Brownsville has heretofore by resolutions, di rected the improvement of the above mentioned streets, between the above mentioned limits, bv grading, raising and filling the same and bv improving the same • _the construction of concrete curbs and gutters wherever deem ed necessary, and paving the same navln?n\ °[ the f°n°wing types of cement. to be selected hv the City Commission of the said City 1 to-wit: •y* 5-!nch reinforced concrete SL7.,h 1 lnch hot rock asphalt wearing surface: . '/P’ 5 *nc.h reinforced concrete base with 1 1-2 inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface; <3>. 5-inch reinforced concrete 1 I~2 incb "’arrenite Bitulithic wearing surface: O mvel base with wi*'h if concrete base JJ/wf. 1 inch Warrenite Bitu nthic wearing surface; ha'lh?h«S' p!ans and specifications be«n pre jared for the said ar7onbfiithie °uty En*ineer- which are on file in the office of the Citv ?,nd have heen duly ap Pimed by the City Commission. in^\2ierefore’ 811 Pprsons desir tPbld uP°n the work of making niprovements are reaucst SJ° d0 50 in accordance with the said resolutions, plans and specifi cations to which they are referred by filing sealed bids therefor with the said City Secretary, on or be fore thP 5th of April. A O 1929. at ten o’clock a. m. Bidders will be required to ma** their bids on forms of proposals RICHARDSON TO VISIT SANTONE Local C.-C. Secretary Will Attend Luncheon Via Airplane G. C. Richardson, manager of the local chamber of commerce, will fly to San Antonio Saturday to attend a lnuncheon being given there in celebration of the opening of the first air mail line from Dallas to Brownsville by way of that city. A. R. Barrett, president of Texas Air Transport, operators of the line, will be honor guest. R. B. Creager also has been invited to attend the luncheon. The plane to carry Richardson to San Antonio will be furnished by Texas Air Transport. On the trip to San Antonio 3000 circulars will be dropped from the plane as it passes over Alice. The circulars will bear a message from Brownsville expresing good will and the hope that a road bond issue to be voted on in Jim Wells county that day will carry. The bonds are for the purpose of building a highway from Alice to George West, the construction of which would shorten the Browns ville to San Antonio road by about 25 miles. The highway from George West to the Live Oak county line already is financed and work is to start soon. Construction of the road will cut off the loon from Alice to Skidmore and take the motorist Into San Antonio over a different highway. M E RC EDESFIRM IS INCORPORATED - ! MERCEDES, March 28 —H. L. Scott and Eric Green owners of the Mercedes Electric company, have announced an expansion program, incorporation of the company, and changing the name of the company, being the first steps. “The Electric Supply Company of the Valley” is to be the new name of the company, which has been incorporated for $5,000. with H. L. Scott president, and Eric D. Green, secretary. The companv was original1 v or ganized In 1918 with Harry Peters as the head. Later. Mr. Green pur chased a part interest, and shortly after Mr. Scott came to the Valley, in 1926. he and Mr. Green pur chased the interest of Mr. Peters. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT by the City Secretary, and which may be obtained at his office, and no bid will be considered unless the same is accompanied by a certified check upon an acceptable bank, payable to the Mayor of the City of Brownsville, in amount and on conditions designated by and in said proposal. Bidders may bid either upon all the different alter native plans, materials and meth ods prescribed by said specifica tions. or upon any one or more thereof. The City of Jrownsville reserves the right to accept any bid or bids, or to reject any bid or bids in whole or in nart. A. E. MUNDAY. City Secretarv. City of j Brownsville, Texas. 3-18 to 27-10t-3362 I Train Schedules MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES No, 12—To Houston, San Antonio, 6 a. m. No. 16—To Houston. San Antonio, St. Louts, 8:35 p. m. No. 15—From St. Louis, San Anto nio. Houston, 7:55 a. m. No. 11—From San Antonio and Hous ton, 9:55 p m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC I INES No. 319—From Houston. San Anto nio. 8:15 a. m. No. 320—To Houston, San Antonio, 8:15 p. m. NATIONAL LINES OP MEXICO (Matamoros Station) No. 132—To Monterrey, Mexico City. 9:50 a. m. No. 131—From Mexico City. Monter rey, 3:30 p. m RIO GRANDE RAILWAY To Point Isabel, 9.30 a. m. Prom Point Isabel, 4 p. m. M. P. TRANSPORTATION UO. Cars to Mission on the hour every hour, 6 a. m. to 6 p. m , and at 7:30 a m., 3:30 p. m., 7:30 p. m. and 9 p. m. To Point Isabel. 8 a. m. and 12 noon, 4 p. m. Air Mail Schedules The schedule for the mall between Brownsville and Dallas Is announced by the postoffice department as fol lows: Southbound— Leave Dallas . 7:45 a. m. Leave Ft. Worth . 8:15 a. m. Leave Waco . 9:20 a. m. Ltave Austin . 10:25 a. m Leave San Antonio . 11:20 a. m. Arrive Brownsville . 2:05 p. m. Northbound— Leave Brownsville . 1:25 p. m. Leave San Antonio . 4:15 p. m Leave Austin . 5:10 p. m. Leave Waco . 6:15 p. m. Leave Ft. Worth . 7:15 p. m. Arrive Dallas . 7:35 p. m. The schedule for the American air mall to Mexico City is as follows: Leave Brownsville .. 7:30 a m. Arrive Tampico . 10:00 a. m. Leave Tampico . 10:30 a. m. Arrive Mexico City . 12:45 p. m Following Is the schedule for the Mexican air mall: Leave Mexico City . 7:45 a. m Arrive Tampico . 10:15 a. m Leave Tampico . 10:45 a. m Arrive Brownsville . 1:15 p. m. Following is the schedule on the j Brownsville-Mazatlan Route: Leave Brownsville . 7 a. m. Arrive Monterrey . 9:30 a. m. Leave Monterrey . 9:50 a. m. Arrive Torreon . 12:50 p. m Leave Torreon . 1:50 p. m Arrive Durango . 3:50 p. m. Leave Durango . 4:10 p. m Arrive Mazatlan . 6:10 p. m Return trip: Leave Mazatlan . 7:00 a. m. Arrive Durango . 9:00 a. m Leave Durango . 9:20 a. m Arrive Torreon . 11:50 p. m Leave Torreon . 12:10 p. m. Arrive Monterrey . 310 p. m Leave Monterrey . 4:10 p. m. Arrive Brownsville . 6:10 p. m. •This route Is operating during the revolution only to Monterrey and re turn. POSTAL RATES The United States air mall postage rate Is 5 cents for the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof. Letters mailed In the United States for the points In Mexico take this rate. The Mexican rate Is 35 centavos, or 18 cents U. 8. Money for the first 20 grams and the same rate for each ad ditional 20 grams Twenty grams are about equal to three-quarters of an ! ounct, j COHENS AND KELLYS AT THE BEACH Scene Prom*COHENS AND KELLYS IN AJLA.NT1C CITY* A UNWERSM. PlCTURS. What's a beach without bathing beauties? 80 when filming the latest of the Cohen and Kelly team pictures, with “Cohens and Kellys at Atlantic City.’’ the director provided a goodly supply of tho needed garnishments for the beach, as shown above. Now at the Capitol. HARLINGEN BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. D. W. Schucrbach gave a de lightful party in honor of the fourth birthday anniversary of her little daughter. Martha Lois, with an Eas ter egg hun as a special feature, at their home just east of Harlin gen. on Thursday afternoon. The little honoree and her youthful guests played games on the lawn for awhile, then each little one was presented with a pretty little bas ket, with a nest of grass in it, and they enjoyed a hunt for Easter eggs. The next on the program was the appearance of the white birthday cake, beautifully iced, and bearing four lighted pink candles which the little honor guest, made wishes and then blew out. The cake was served with ice cream cones. Many pretty and dainty gifts weer presented to I little Martha Lois. Present were Ada Louise and Car rol Lee Ewing, Leslie and Jean Stuart. Prance sand Norman Lear, Harriett and Mary Frances ardin. Billie Dee Schuepbach. Henrietta Liston, Julia Botts. John Milton Morris, E. O. Anglin, Fannie Lee Roberts. Annie Barasch. Roberta Kimmell, Frank McElrath, David Brooke. Worth Hoskins. Evelyn Chaudoin. Ben and Bobby Wood, Dudley oSuth. Jr., and the honoree, Martha Lois Schuepbach. * * * MRS. HARWOOD HOSTESS Mrs. Archie Harwood entertained at her home on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Gee of Fort Worth, and Miss Alice Herring of Okla homa City. Okla., visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Woods Chris tian. The game of bridge was the pastime for the occasion. High score was the good fortune of Mrs. J. S. Speed, and Mrs. Upton Gaul was the winner of the consolation score. Out-of-town guests were Mes dames Frank Heilman of Colorado, Gee of Fort Worth, Helen Morris, San Benito; Miss Herring of Okla homa City; Mesdames Wimberlv McLeod. J. S. Speed, Lloyd Mellor, M. A. Childers. Winston a rv.ood, Jack Cary, A. T. Potts. Sid Berley, L. W. oskins, Mac Upton Caul. * * w DELPHIAN TO MEET The Delphian Chapter will meet at the Woman's building on Thurs day a. m. with Mrs. Will Jones as leader. The subject for discussion will be French drama, and one au thor of note, Corneille, will be in cluded in the program. The preliminary survev will be given by Mrs. R. M. Loving. Mrs. Frank Davis will present “Develop ments of the Drama,” in Francs. "Le Cid,” by Corneille, will be the subject of Mrs. W. M. Hundlev. The play mentioned will be discussed in five acts, by Mesdames David Wink F. R. Scroggins, N. S. Liddell, Tyre H. Brown. * * • BRIDGE-LUNCH Mrs. Ed M. Polk of Corsicana, was honor guest at a bridge-lunch e«n, given by Mrs. Frank P. Mc Elreath, Jr., at the Women's build ing for the luncheon, and directly after, they drove to the McElrcath home, where the afternoon wras spent in playing bridge. The rooms were a bower cf delicate hued lark spur. roses, gladioli, and lovely Eas ter lilies. The same springlike colors were present in the score pads, tallies, and also, in the wrappings of the pretty prizes. Mrs. C. A. Herron won the high score and Mrs. E. H. Briggs won the consolation score. To each of the winners and to Mrs. Polk were presented handsome prizes. Refreshments were served after the games, to the following: Mes dames Sid Berley, Ed Picton. Tom Sampson. C. A. Herron, E. H Briggs. Carl Bolch, D. W. Schuep bach, Mrs. Bacon of Chicago, Mrs. Ed Polk, Corsicana. * * t ALL-DAY PARTY Mrs. J. W. Coleman gave an all day birthday party for her little daughter, Marjory, who arrived at the age of 7 years, on Saturday. The little guests arrived by 10 and spent a happy day with Marjory. A fine dinner was served, of the dishes prized by little folks and the beau tiful birthday cake with seven per fectly lovely pink candles, was en joyed, after the honoree had blown the candles out. ROTARY MEETING TO PLAN FOR VISITORS 'Special to The Herald) MERCEDES. March 28.—Plans to care for visitors to the Valley from the international Rotary conven tion to be held in Dallas are to be discussed by the Valley Rotary committee at a meeting to be held at the city hall here beginning at 7:30 p. m. Friday. Another pro ject to be taken up will be the formation of a Valley Rotary com mittee composed of one man from each club. In addition to a regular side trip, on which it is hoped to bring 1.000 Rotarians to the Valley, a group of 150 delegates from south ern Michigan will come here June 11 after making a trip into Mexico by way of Laredo. They will go to Mexico City and return by way of Matamoros and Brownsville. TWO WIVES ON PHONE LONDON.—Mrs. Bessie Wrigley telephoned her husband at a hotel and “Mrs. Clara Wrigley” answered. So Mrs. Bessie got a divorce THREE YOUTHS FACE CHARGES Two Admit Participation In Killing of Van Alstyne Marshal SHERMAN, Tex., March 23.—-(IP) —Three youths. Jimmie Dixon, Robert Mason and Clifford Harris, the last only 16, faced murder charges today in the death of W. L. Echols, Van Alstyne night watch man. who died here Saturday of wounds received when he interrupt ed an attempt to rob a Van Alstyne bank. Dixon and Mason were arrested Monday near Coleman. Harris was taken near Dallas Tuesday night. Both Dixon and Harris were said to have made statements admitting participation in the Van Alstyne incident. Dixon and Mason already faced charges of robbery with firearms in connection with an attempted filling station robbery Saturday at Coleman, in which Elgie Leslie was perhaps fatally wounded. C.-C. Secretaries Meet At Mercedes To Be On Publicity Valley secretaries of chambers of commerce are to meet at Mercedes Thursday evening for a dual pur pose. The regular meeting of the Valley association will be held and in addition to this the proposal to raise a fund for advertising the Valiev over radio station WLW in Cincinnati will be discussed. The two meetings will be sep arate. The radio advertising meeting has been called by J. W. Osborn of Donna, sponsor of the plan, and will be attended by members of the publicity committee of each chamber of commerce in addition to the secretaries. The chamber officials will hold an executive session following the radio publicity meeting. Houston Cafe To Be Renovated And Enlarged In Size The Houston Cafe, on 12th street between Elizabeth and Levee, is to be closed Monday for renovation and installation of new fixtui Jo° Wee, manager announced. The restaurant is to be enlarged by extending the walls back a num ber of feet, providing room for ad ditional tables and counter space. The walls of the place are to be redecorated, a new coun ter, new tables, fans and other fixtures are to be installed and a new room for the kitchen will be constructed at the rear of the build ing. The place will he closed about three weeks. OFFICIALS MAPPING NEW AIR LINE HERE OAKLAND. Cal., March 28.—— Claire H. Vance, pilot, and A. K. Humphreys, vice president of the Boeing Air Transport, took off to day en route to Mexico City. They plan to map a proposed new air route. They expect to include Brownsville, and Mazatlan, Sinaloa in their itinerary. We offer a conservative and. attractive investment yielding ~ '% INTEREST and recommend its purchase i Commercial National Bank Commercial Loan CTrust Ca 5t. Mary's at Travis 5t. San Antonio.Texas (COMMERCIAL LOAN f. TRUST CO . *• 3 ST. MARY’S AT TRAVIS ST, n SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. Please furnish information regarding she 6% investment which you fc| recommend. fl Name —--— » ■ v.■ RANGER PILOT TO FLY HERE I Haugland to Attempt Endur ance Mark With Re Fueling Plane (Special to The Herald) RANGER. Tex., March 27 — Brownsville Is included on the itinerary planned by Pilot Owen I. Haugland of this city when he at tempts to shatter existing endur ance flight records through the use of a refueling plane beginning April 30. Haugland intends to start the flight at the Ranger landing field. From Ranger Haugland plans to go to Wichita, Kan., which will be used as a centering point for his refueling plane. From Wichita he will fly to Los Angeles, return to Wichita, continue to Columbus. Ohio, where he will leave his refuel ing plane, 8nd thence to New York. On the return trip he will come back to Columbus, pick up his refueling plane and return to Wichita, according to Ids plans. Having completed this round trip he will head for Ranger where he will refuel and continue to Brownsville. He will then fly back to Ranger, pick up his refueling plane and continue to some point on the Canadian border. He will then return to Wichita and hopes to keep in the air long enough to break the 150 hours and 30-minute record set by Capt. Ira Eaker and his army flyers in the Question Mark. Haughland will use a Cessna monoplane; The refueling plane also will be a Cesna monoplane. The test plane was purchased by Haugland with the intention of en tering the transcontinental air race last year. Delay at the plant, however, forced abandonment of the plan. Haughland, who is 37 years old. received his preliminary ground work while in the army. Mercedes To Get Two New Business Houses This Year MERCEDES. March 28.—An nouncement has been made by Norvel E. Kirby of Philadelphia, that his firm, I. N. Simon and Son. growers and importers of high grade seeds for market gardeners, would establish a wholesale and retail seed house In Mercedes, and that they would be open for bus iness by July 1. The new business will occupy one of the Nebenzahl buildings on Third street between Texas and Ohio avenues. This is the second seed firm to establish wholesale houses here, the Woodruff company of New York, having recently announced that they would open a store here in July. L. I. Galbreath of San Juan who has been in the Valley for a number of years, will move to Mercedes and will be in charge of the Valley branch of the company. Mr. Kirby stated that he thought the Valley one of the fasest grow ing sections of the country and that his company might establish a proving farm near here to work out new varieties to be used only in the Valley, in the near future. STORE WILL INCLUDE COMPLETE BOAT LINE | Extension of the Batscll and | Wells sporting goods establishment to include mother room is being arranged with an entry cut between the present store room and the room adjoining on the south. The firm will carry a complete quick acfion plus safety PERTUSSIN soothes coughs ■juickly because it removes the imme diate cause. It is safer because it is made by the Special Taeschner Process, and without harmful drugs. It aids Nature to loosen the phlegm, and clear the air Essages. It is so harmless that it may taken freely, even by children. Ask any doctor or druggist Safe for Every Cough line of marine supplies, and the additional room will be utilized for the display of boats and outboard motors. Several of the latest model craft have been received and placed on display. FIRE ALARM CRAZE CHICAGO.—George Repton, aged 61, who turned in nine false alarms because he liked to see the fire en gines turn out, was given 60 days in jail._ V\[oone^ O I I A dear, smooth, Im e V'CIJLI dilV-rA fy skin speaks of rich, red blood within. It is • 1 Nature's outward re 4 4'V> B /> O flection of internal pilllplvo healthful,less. HAPPY* is the woman who has a clear, smooth, flaw less skin! Both men and women admire such captivating loveli ness. First impressions cannot be good without a clear skin—first impressions are quickly made and are not soon forgotten. Old friends may excuse pimples and secretly sympathize but new ac quaintances may not be so chari table. Skin blemishes are not in viting. Neither can they be cov ered up. They embarrass. Hold people back. Steal away joy and happiness. A lovely—clear skin—is within the reach of all. To those who have lost it, hope is offered. Y ou, too, may have a beautiful skin, rose-petal in texture, pretty as a picture and without a single pimple. The way to the Skin is through the Blood Strong, healthy blood nour ishes the body and fights again:t infection and disease. Without plenty of rich, red blood, there could be no strong, sturdy, powerful men, or beauti* ful, healthy women. Many thousands have regained their strength and charm by tak ing S.S.S. It is Nature’s own blood tonic for raising the body’s power of resistance to disease, improving the appetite, building firm flesh, and clearing the skin. S.S.S. promotes constructive me tabolism (healthy bodybuilding). It increases the number of red blood-ceils. When you take S.S.S. to get rid of pimples, boils, eczema and such skin troubles, you are building up the system to ward off the graver diseases of which these blemishes are Nature’s warning. S.S.S. is made from fresh vegetable drugs and has a successful record of over 100 years back of it. All drug store* sell S.S.S. Ask for the larger size. It is more economical. ®Copyrl»ht 1929 S S.S. Cat a clear skin conus fivnt within m. m _ m _ m _ . — — _ _ _ _ a mm.rn.rn m m m m m m m m m m m m m rn m rn m ,, 2J ill It Was the Girl! 4 » 4 * 4 1 * 9 21 Obviously, the girl he was chasing—the girl who ~ «■ had drawn him across half of the country. She jj 2! was the girl he dreamed about, the accessible *» 22 gold that threaded through all his secret fancies. 2 2 2; She was the heroine of all the books he read. 2! 2 2 She was the girl who applauded all his imagined 2! exploits, to whom he had proposed, just before 22 22 going to sleep, whom he had saved from fires, 2 2 * • from wrecks, from mad dogs, and from run-away j j 22 horses. And here she was with real danger 2 2 threatening her, and only Brown between! 2 2 2 2 What was she doing at the haunted house? 2 2 Who was she? What caused the mysterious^ 2 2 i ]; sounds beneath the house? Who locked the 2 2 "2 corpse in the cupboard? 22 122 If you like mystery and romance you are in 2 2 I;; fo ra treat when you read 2j Underground II f 22 j; By J. Jefferson Far jeon 22 TODAY !; 22 In 22 (Elir Snmmsufllf Herald