Newspaper Page Text
. 1,1 —. - ' - — - Tri-Motors Await Here On Clearance For Panama Flight Mexican clearance papers were being awaited by pilots of two tri motored Ford monoplanes, which arrived here late Wednesday after noon en route to the Panama canal zone. As soon as the papers are secured ir‘<fri^fcA^LAA A Afcrfi'T bAAJLAA^>A-AAA-AJ *—.■ ■■ " - the flight will be continued. The planes are the property of the Pan-American Airways and are to be used between Managua, Nicara gua, and the Canal zone on regular passenger flights. The planes were brought from Detroit, Mich., by Pilots Roy Keller and C. D. Swinson and Co-pilots j Charles Lorber and C. D. Wright, j NANTES, France.—Quadruplets, two boys and two girls, were bom to Mme. Marie Zadille. aged 44. SPECIALS I i| FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY j - ::! ■ j- THESE HOSIERY SPECIALS ARE - OUTSTANDING VALUES j| <> , ,1 1 ' « > 11 Wayne Knit Hose, Slenderette Heel, Sheer chiffon, ;; ;; regular $3.00 ?? 4Q IT jj value, special. II, Semi-chiffon Hose, an {0 AA II unusual value at. I! 2 Trimlyn full fashioned hose, (PI 9A ;j! T regular value $1.65, special.n X Pure thread silk hose, French heel, (PI OC X silk to top, full fashioned ........<p 1 •LO I, <1 11 ; m o «» Pure thread silk hose, pointed j|i ;; ::! «» Children’s silk combination bloomer fl*1 AA j; II bottoms, sizes 4 to 8.«• Sizes 9 to 14, $1.35 II II • ■ Ilj ;; Also a new shipment of smart men’s ties 11 in four-in-hands and bows *;j ii Mauer’s Knit Goods Shop ii! 11 \ Brownsville Edinburg JI 1C 1229 Elizabeth Street ;; 500,000 Boxes Valley Fruit To Be Shipped To England In 1929 (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO, March 27.—Approximately 500,000 boxes of Lower Rio Grande Valley grapefruit will cross the ocean next season, to supply the markets of the United Kingdom and other foreign countries, according to estimates of M. A. Vidal of the Texas Trading company. Of this total Mr. Vidal has already signed contracts for moving close to 100.000 boxes of Valley fruit to*-— England, and he may increase his orders later in the season, he said. The estimate of the total is based on the rapid increase in shipments of Valley grapefruit across the ocean, especially during the past season, when Mr. Vidal moved sev eral carloads of fruit to England. “There has been a remarkable in crease in consumption of grapefruit in England and Europe in the past year or two,” Mr. Vidal said. “There also has been a marked tendency to ward Valley grapefruit, and I have received comments on the. fruit which we moved to England from scores of person! who handled and purchased It. Figures Shown “With better boating and icing facilities we expect to move citrus fruit across the ocean in large quan tities next season, and to increase from year to year.” Mr. Vidal said he has signed a contract for the delivery of 14.000 boxes of grapefruit monthly through out the Valley's shipping season in 1929-30. He may increase the or ders, he said. Mr. Vidal showed some figures on importations of grapefruit to Eng land taken from a report of Pro fessor H. Clark Powell, and appear ing in the West India Committee Circular. These figures show that the im portations of citrus into the United Kingdom increased from 34,318 boxes in 1921. to 606.468 boxes in 1927. Of the latter total. 501.314 boxes same from the United States, most of this being shipped from Florida. Cost Less The same article showed estimates of cost of producing citrus in British Honduras and moving it to England, the cost being approximately $3.12 a box. Mr. Vidal expresses the be lief that the Valley can produce fruit and get it to Encland at less exnense than British Honduras, and said the fruit is better. The article also contained figures on acreages in the states of Texas which are producing fruit, showing that of California’s 11.118 acres. 49.2 per cent is non bearing; Ari zona.has 2.920 acres, of which 57.2 per cent is non bearing; Florida has 80,037 acres, of which 24.3 per cent is non bearing; and Texas has more than 50.000 acres, of which 96 per cent is non bearing. “These figures show that only four per cent of the citrus trees in the Valley are ber.ring. and that a tre mendous increase in production may be expected within a very short time,” Mr. Vidal said. ' Ship Point Isabel Mr. Vidal said that this company, which has offices at Houston and here, has handled fruit through Houston this year, but that the plan is to move fruit next season through Point Isabel, in case arangements can be completed to get boats in to the landing. For a time this season efforts were being made to load a boat of citrus at Point Isabel, but the rough weather at the time prevented it. With improved facilities for handling the fruit, especially with the icing facilities, the Valley will start moving citrus across the ocean in larger quantities than residents of this section dream at the present time., Mr. Vidal said. ’ GUATEMALAN AVIATOR REACHES MEXICO CITY By Associated Press MEXICO CITY, March 28.— Lieut. Col. Oscar Morales Lopez of the Guatemalan army landed at Valbuena field here at 5:27 Tues day evening after a flight from Houston. He had passed Tampico at 3 p. m. He was to spend the night here before continuing to Guatemala City. Lieut. Col. Lopez passed into Mexico on the coast line about 11 a. m. Tuesday. Head winds are blamed for the fact that six hours and 27 minutes were consumed in making the flight to Mexico City from this border. The usual time is about five hours. Market ~*?r*|X| ‘ * L "" ' “■ W " ' ■** v ;• •'V ?? ••'-'i MgCTHCj'fr<y,y ■ < < Wj INSIDE CITY MARKET BUILDING H ♦ Meat Specials at the Following Markets: Texas Meat Market Union Meat Market Brownsville Meat Market ASK FOR CHOICE CUTS FROM PRIZE STEERS AT THE FT .WORTH LIVE STOCK SHOW Beef, choice cuts, Per pound.uuC Veal, choice cuts, Per pound... DRESSED CHICKENS Pork, choice cuts, OA Per pound.JUC Pork AP Sausage.uD C Liver, veal or beef, OA Per pound'*..£UC I I HI RIO GRANDE FISH Hi MARKET ||| GOOD FRIDAY iPPllii We will-have a nice selection of choice ■ fresh fish, shrimp and oysters. Try our fresh chicken halibut. Also had dock. which is endorsed by “Good I Bill IS Housekeeping” magazine and famous doctors. You Will Like This Fish --Free Delivery Phone 651 Texas Delicatessen I Specials 1 Pickled K. C. Corned Beef, iir| I Per pound. .4UC 8 Italian 'Salami, PA 1 Per pound.uUC 1 Kosher Salami, ■ Per pound. Milwaukee Tongue, 9 Per pound.UJC i Cuban Imported Dry PC 1 Chorizo, per pound.OaC g Switzerland Cheese, I Per pound. | German Limberger Cheese, PA ^ Per pound.OUC | Romeno, Parmesian and Roquefort i Cheese, Russian Caviar, Mackerel, Her- # ring, Dill Pickles, Sauer Kraut I IN SCHOONER ROW Seaman Drowned Identified By Consul As 'Citizen Of France WASHINGTON, March 28.—</P}— France, as well as Great Britain, and Canada, is now interested in the sinking of the Canadian schoon er I’m Alone by an American pa trol boat in the gulf of Mexico. This complication has been added to the case by a report from the French consul at New Orleans that the seaman drowned when the al leged rum runner went down was a French citizen. He had been de scribed previously as a naturalized British subject. The French embassy immediate ly cabled this information to the foreign office at Paris, and is ex pected to await instructions before taking up the matter formally with the state department. Unlike the British and Canadian diplomatic representatives, who are concerned with the broad principles involved in the sinking of the ves sel and interpretations of the 1924 rum smuggling treaty, the French embassy’s interest has to do chiefly with the death of one of its na tion’s citizens. The French consul, however, may be called upon by the state depart ment and the Canadian legation to contribute such information as he may have about the distance of the I’m Alone from the Louisiana coast when first summoned to heave to for boarding and examination by the coast guard patrol boat Wol cott. U. S. CONSUL ASKS POLICE PROTECTION BELIZE, British Honduras. March 28.—(/P)—Special protection was giv en today to G. Russell Taggart. United States consul as a conse quence of high feeling over the sink ing of the British vessel I’m Alone last Friday by an American coast guard boat. Two Belize men were members of the crew of the ill-fat ed rum ship and in some quarters there has been considerable anti American agitation since the shell ing of the vessel. Taggart appealed to the police when it appeared some of this feeling might be directed against himself. The authorities promise devery precaution to pre vent an attack on the consulate. WEATHER SUMMARY Barometric pressure continued moderately high over the gjeat central valleys since last report, and relatively low over the far northeastern states. Light to moderate rains occurred within the last 24 hours from Texas north eastward into Oklahoma, Arkan sas, Tennessee and the Carolinas. Temperature changes were mostly unimportant since yesterday morn ing. and readings were near the seasonal average practically hroughout the country .this morn ing. WEATHER BULLETIN First figure lowest temperature night; second, highest tempera ture yesterday; third, wind velocity at 8 a. m.; fourth, rainfall past 24 hours. Abilene . 50 54 — .00 Amarillo . 38 42 — .68 Atlanta . 56 78 12 .01 Austin . 60 80 — .04 Boston . 40 52 14 .00 BROWNSVILLE. 60 84 10 .00 Chicago . 42 66 12 .00 Cornus Christi .. 70 76 — .00 Dallas . 64 80 12 .00 Del Rio . — 72 10 .04 Denver . 34 52 — .00 Detroit . 42 60 16 .02 Dodge City .... 62 El Paso . 40 50 — .10 Fort Smith .... 50 56 — 1.04 Galveston . 68 74 — .00 Helena . 60 Huron . 58 Jacksonville .... 66 — — .00 Kansas City ... 46 62 — .00 Louisville . 48 64 14 .00 Memphis . 52 54 .22 Miami . 68 82 — .00 Montgomery ... 66 86 — .00 New York . 42 56 18 .00 North Platte ... 30 64 — .00 Oklahoma City . 44 50 20 3.20 Palestine . 82 Pensacola . 66 76 10 .00 Phoenix . 48 80 — .00 Pittsburgh ..... 46 58 14 .00 St. Louis . 50 62 10 .00 St, Paul . 58 Salt Lake City . 50 San Antonio ... 78 Santa Fe . 30 44 — .02 Sheridan . 26 58 — .00 Shreveport . 58 84 — .00 Tampa . 68 88 — .00 Washington .... 44 — — .00 Williston . 38 56 — .00 Wilmington _ 52 66 — .00 SHIP CHANNEL PERMIT LIKELY TO BE GRANTED fSpecial to The Herald) HARLINGEN, Mar. 28.—Optimism over the outcome of the Arroyo Col orado Navigation district’s applica tion for permit to cut through Pa dre island with a ship channel was expressed here by J. B. Chambers. Sr., chairman. Mr. Chambers said the recent ac tion of the state game, fish & oys ter commission in deciding to in tervene in favor of the applicants will help greatly. The hearing is to be held before Maj. Milo P. Fox. district U. S. army engineer, here on April 29. FITZGERALD IS MADE ROADMASTER FOR M. P. E. P. Fitzgerald, who has been a section boss for the Missouri Pa cific between Brownsvill eand Bar reda. has been promoted to road master between Kingsville and Har lineen. He will make his home at Ray mondville or Kingsville. SPEAKERS AT FORTY AND 8 MEET NAMED - ^Snecial to The erald) SAN BENITO. March 28.—Col. Sam Robertson of San Benito. H. B. Galbraith of Brownsville and La mar Gill of Ravmondville will be principal sneakers at*the i-’o’-ty & Eight meetine in Matamoro" Thurs day night. E. N. Brown, head of the organization, announced. The meeting is being given honor * of new members. : item in our stores could be used as a week-end special. We are glad to advertise a few specials each week, but tha thing we are most proud of is the constantly low price on each article every day. Friday and Saturday Bargains SUGAR, 10 pounds for.48c (With $2.00 other merchandise) MORTON’S SALT, plain or iodized 9V2C , PEACHES, Libby’s de luxe, No. 2|/2 can, 2 for.43c PRESERVES, Old Manse, 16-oz.29c CORN, Del Monte, No. 2 cans, 2 for 29c t I PEAS, Del Monte, No. 2 cans.18c ASPARAGUS TIPS, Del Monte, No. 1 can..19c MUSTARD, French’s 10c RICE, Comet, 2 pounds.18c SANI-FLUSH.19c CORN MEAL, yellow or white, package.10c ..hi mm.. MACARONI, package . 5c SPAGHETTI, oackage. 5c TOMATO SAUCE. Del Monte, each 5c CATSUP, Heinz, large size 25c RICE FLAKES, Heinz, 2 for.25c s CASTILE SOAP, toilet, I Dona brand, 2 for . .. 9c j CHEESE, Lon" Horn, pound 30c ; CHUCK ROAST, pound 24c BACON, dry salt pound .18c BACON, sliced, pound 29c i WIENERS, pound 22c , HAM, Armour’s Easter, half [ or whole, pound. 29c * 'i — 2 — 816 E. Elizabeth |y V