Newspaper Page Text
ADVERTISEMENT . In Re: Cameron Coun I - .ter Improvement District • twelve, in Cameron Coun »tr —■ — District Court of Cam | hty. Texas, 103rd Judicial I fApri! term, A. D. 1929. 1} RA) STATE OF TEXAS f; sheriff or any Constable Ton County, Greeting: over hereby commanded, that subsets publication of this Writ regui newspaper of general cir ciase published in the county of coS§i. Texas, once in each week consecutive weeks previous urn day hereof, you sum i parties interested in Cam • Unty Water Improvement Number Twelve, in Cam un#v°unty. Texas, to be and C at the next regular term °*3 District Court of Cameron ,y, Texas, 103rd Judicial bis bl to be holden at the Cours tef thereof, in the city of ttfesville. Cameron County, i cat., on the third Monday in 1 A. D. 1929. the same being i day of April. A. D. 1929 \ j land there to answer a peti a eft led in said Cburt on the 28th ci$f March. A. D. 1929. by Carn et County Water Improvement t^lct Number Twelve, in Cam i« County, Texas, in a certain Iftk numbered cn the Docket of •* Court. No. 8429. and styled “In / *Cameron County Water lm 2tfrtnent District Number Twelve. U CPameron County, Texas.” said i mfpn al’e8in3 ln substance as ff Byxt petitioner, Cameron County / Mbr Improvement District Num N ^Twelve, is a definite district ° municipal corporation, creat nd existing under and by vir n cf the constitution and laws Saie State of Texas, have hereto ' been organized and establish -s provided by Chapter 2. Title _ of the Revised Civil Statutes . »he State of Texas, Revision of i 125, and acts amendatory there f and supplementary thereto, au jwizing Commissioners’ Courts to k KBte and establish Water Im I jBvement Districts, and having ift following boundaries, to-wit: ^feleven hundred twenty and six Mths (1120.6 > acres, more or less. , attiated wholly in Cameron Coun mm Texas, and being a part of *™are No. 12. of the Espiritu Santo tyrant, in Cameron County. Texas, j | said share was allotted and set |art by the final decree parti oning said grant rendered by the strict Court of Cameron County, "■exas. May 6. 1889. in Cause No. I 146, entitled ”M. Kenedy, R. King i! : al, vs. Thomas Carson, adminis ator, et al,” and more particularly escribed by metes and bounds, as allows: i Beginning at a point in the west ne of Share No. 12 of the Espir tu Santo grant, where said line intersects the center line of the pre«nos resaca; said point being the northwest corner of Block 12 M a subdivision of shares Nos. 12 • j20 and 22 of the Espiritu Santo j Orant, made by the Frcsnos Land : and Irrigation company as shown ! on a map cf said subdivision of ; record on page 9 of Vol. 3. of the j Map Records of Cameron County, Texas: thence with the west line of said Share No. 12. N. 7 degrees • E. 9319.9 feet, more or less, to the ; northwest corner of a certain 3803 acre tract cut of share No. 12, originally conveyed by San Benito i Land and Water company to Lon bl Hill, by deed dated August 25,1 1912. and of record on pages 94-95, of Vol. 25. of the Deed Records or Cameron County. Texas, and being the southwest comer cf a certain j 6177 acre tract of land in said Share No. 12 conveyed to P. W. Samuel, Trustee, by R. E. Brooks jby deed dated March 18. 1927. and recorded in the Deed Records of , said County, on pages 314-316. of Vol. 1G3, of said records; thence, with the dividing line between said Hill and Brooks tracts, S. 83 de grees 36 minutes E. 4394.5 feet to a point on the east line cf said Share No. 12. the northeast corner of said Kill tract and the southeast ccr- j ner of said Brooks ract: thence with the east line cf said share No. t. 12. S. 6 degrees 26 minutes W. 10, . 664.9 feet to its intersection with , the center line of said Fresnor j 1 Resaca, a point on the north line j of block 9 of said Frcsnos Land and }{ Irrigation company's subdivision, j hereinbefore referred to; thence in < ! a westerly direction .u'i the cen- i 4 ter cf said Resaca. following the north line of blocks 9. 10. 11 and 12 of said Frcsnos Land and Irri \ gat ion company’s subdivision to tlm , northwest corner of said block 12 the place of beginning, and con taining within th said metes and bounds 1120.6 acres, more or less.” < That said district was created under Section 59 cf Article 16 of the Constitution of the State of Texas, and the statutes enacted in pursuance thereto and is now a Conservation and Reclamation District organised and operating under said Section 59 cf Article 16. of the Constitution of Texas. That at the first election for di rectors of your petitioner, H. H. Roddy. Wimberly McLead, D. B. Trexler. J. C. Woodworth and R. Lee Kempner were duly elected, and 1 thereafter r11 of said directors ex cept the said R. Le« Kemoner qualified 8S such directors and or ganized by electing Wimberly Mc Leod as president, J. C. Woodworth as secretary, and H. H. Roddy as president pro tern; that the said R. Lee Kempner failed to qualiiv as a director and notified the Board of Directors of this district that he did not intend to qualify, and Geo. E. Phillips was elected by said Board of Directors as a direc tor of the district in place of the said R. Lee Kempner. and the said Geo. E. Phillips qualified as such j director, and the Board of Direc tors thereupon elected the said ' Geo. E. Phillips as secretary pro ' tern of said district: all of the said ‘ directors and officers arc at this time acting as such directors and officers. That on to-wit, the 4th day or September, A. D. 1928. there was presented to the County Commis sioners’ Court of Cameron County Texas, then in special session, a petition in writing signed by R. Lee Kempner, and others, being a majority in number of the holders ?f title to the lands situated within the proposed district, and repre senting a majority in value of the lands therein, as indicated by the county tax roils of all of said lands- within said boundaries, gray ing for the establishment of * wa ter improvement district, setting % * i"WM LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT forth in said petition the neces sity, public utility and feasibility and the boundaries of said pro posed district, which are the boun i daries above set out, and designat ing Cameron County Water Im I proVement District Number Twelve i as the name for such proposed district, which name includes tne name of the county in which such proposed district is situated, copy of said petition being included m the transcript of the proceedings i had in the formation of said dis | trict which is filed herewith and I is here referred to and made a I part hereof. That said Commissioners' Court i on the same day and at the same I meeting at which said petition was : presented, duly made and entered ! an order setting said petition down ; for a hearing at a special session of i said Court to be held at the Court House in the city of Brownsville, in Cameron County, Texas, on ti* 22nd day of September. A. D. 1928, I at which time and place any per son whose lands are included in : and would be affected by the crea ' tion of said district might appear | before said court and contest the ! creation of said district, or contend j for the creation of said district, | and further ordered that any per i son at such time and place might offer testimony to show that said I district is. or is not necessary, and would or would not be of any pub- j I lie utility, and that the creation of i said district would or would not be i feasible or practicable, and at such ' | time and place said Court would | : adjudge and determine all contests ! and objections to the creation of ! such district, and all matters per- j taining to the same, and said i Court further ordered the Clerk of | said Court to give notice of the time and place of said hearing, in ! the manner and for the length of j time required by law. and to make due return as provided by law, which said order is shown in the ! copy of the proceedings above re- j | ferred to. and. the same is here re- j ferred to, and is made a part' hereof. That notice of said public hear ing was given by the Clerk of said i Court for the length of time and in the manner and form as re quired by law. and in accordance with said order, and due return thereof made, which said notice and return are shown in the copy of the proceedings filed herewith, and the same is here referred to and made a part hereor. That cn the 22nd day of Sep tember. A. D. 1923, as provided bv its order of date September 4. 1923. the Commissioners Court met at a special session at the Court House in the city of Brownsville, Cameron County. Texas, and on said date said Court duly heard and consid ered said petition, and at said hear ing it was shown and made to ap pear and so found by the Court that, the petition of the said R. Lee Kempner, and others, praying for the creation and establishment of said Water Improvement District had been duly presented at a spe cial session of said Court he’d on the 4th day of September, A. D. 1928, and that said petition was in due and legal form, and contained the requisite number of signers thereto, and that said petition had been set down by the Court for a public hearing at a special session or term of said Court, to be held at the Court House, in the City ot Brownsville, September 22. 1923. and said Court found that due and legal notiec of the date and place of said hearing had been given in 1 the manner and form and for th-’ length of time, and due return thereof made and filed, as required by law, and at said public hear ing an opportunity was offered by said Court to each and all persons whose lands are included in and would be affected by the creation , of said district to contest the crea tion of said district, or contend for the creation thereof, and to offer testimony to show that such dis trict is or is not necessary and would or would not be of public utility, an 1 that the creation o: j said district would or would not be. feasible or practicable: and said ! Court, after hearing all the «vl- , dene* offered at said hearing and all matters pertaining to the same, on September 22. 1923, made and entered its findings of record that the creation and organization oi said Water Improvement District to practicable and feasible, that It c needed and would be a public bene fit and a benefit to all of the lands included in said district, and said court further found and caused said findings to be entered of rec ord. that it is practicable and fea sible for said proposed water im provement district to carry out the purposes of its creation in any one of the methods proposed and sub mitted to said Court by petitioners in general terms as follows: First: By the construction of a pumping plant on the Rio Grands river at a point to be selected by the Engineer of said district and the construction of a main canal from said pumping plant across intervening lands and onto the lands included in this district. Second: Ev contracting with Cameron County Water Control and Improvement District Number Six, or Cameron County Water Tmnrovement District Number Two, each of which has a canat system in the immediate vicinity of th£se lands and derives its wa ter from said river, to deliver said water by means of its pumping plant and through its canals to and onto the lands of the proposed dis trict. Third: By entering into a con tract with said Cameron County Water Control and Improvement District Number Six or Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict Number Two for the joint ownership, construction and opera tion of irrigation works and reser voirs. to deliver said water to and onto the lands of the proposed dis trict. Said water so delivered, in eith er one of the proposed methods to be distributed by means of canals and laterals, directly to the lands included in this proposed district, where said lands can be irrigated by gravity and, wherever on ac count of the elevation of said lands it is impossible to irrigate same by gravity, said water to be stored in the lakes and resacas situated in this district and from thence delivered to said land by means cf re-lift pumps; and the Court further finds that the con struction of said system or the making of said contracts and the improvements thereto would be a LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT public benefit to said district and to the lands included therein, which said Order is shown in the copy of the proceedings filed here with, and the same is here refer red to and made a part thereof. That at the conclusion of said hearing said Court on September 22, 1828. duly made and entered its ! order, judgment and decree, creat j ing and establishing a water im provement district in Cameron county, Texas, to be known as •Cameron County Water Improve | ment District Number Twelve, ’ with the boundaries hereinbefore set.out. and said Court further or dered that an election be held within said district on the 20th day of October, A. D. 1923. at which election there should be submitted the following propositions: “For the Water Improvement District.” “Against the Water Improvement District.” “For the , Issuance of Notes of said District.” “Against the Issuance of Notes of said Dis trict,” (said notes being for the purpose of paying the cost of or ganizing, surveying, maps and j plats, and all other indebtedness ; prior to the issuance of bond%), and the election of five directors for said district. That in said Order directing that an election be held j in said district there was designat ed a polling place for such election and said Court, by the terms of said order, selected and appointed the Judges for said polling place, and designated one of such Judges to be presiding judge, and also se lected two clerks for said polling place; and said court further order ed that notice of said election be given and posted in the matter and form, and for the length of time required by law; all of which is shown in the copy of the pro ceedings above referred to and herewith filed and made a part hereof. That notice of said election was given and said election was held and due return thereof made as pro vided by the orders of said court, and the laws cf the State of Texas, as will more fully appear from the transcript of the proceedings had in the formatio nof said district filed herein and made a part hereof; that on the 30th day of October, 1928, at a special session of the Commis sioners court of Cameron County, Texas, the said court canvassed the returns of the election held on the 20th day of October. 1923. in the proposed Cameron County Water ImDrovement District No. Twelve, in Cameron County. Texas, at which election there were submitted the following propositions: “For the Water Improvement District.” “Against the Water Im provement District.” “For the Is suance of Notes of Said District.” "Against the Issuance of Notes of Said District,” (said notes being for the purpose of paying the cost of organizing, surveying, mans and plats, and ail other indebtedness prior to the issuance of bonds), and the election of five directors for said district; and at said hearing it was made to appear to the court that said election was in all re spects lawfully held, and said re turns duly and legally made, and that there were cast at said elec tion five votes, of which number 5 votes were cast "For the Water Im provement District.” and no vote was cast “Against the Water Im provement District,” 5 votes were cast “For the Issuance of Notes of said District’ and no vote was cas' “Against the Issuance of Notes of Said District.” and said court duly made and entered its findings that a majority of the votes of the resir dent property taxpayers voting thereat wr~e cast in said election in favor of the creation of said Wa ter Improvement District and of the Issuance of Notes of said Dis trict; and after canvassing the votes cast for directors of said district the court found and decreed that H. H. Roddy. V/imberly McLeod. D. B. Traxler. J. C. Woodworth and R. Lee Kempner had received the highest number of votes cast at said election for directors of said district, and said parties were de clared to be duly elected as such directors, and It was ordered that a certificate of their election should be issued to them, and said court further made and entered in its minutes an order setting forth the facts, as required by law, and cre ating and establishing said district under the name of “Cameron Coun ty Water Improvement District No. Twelve, in Cameron county. Texas, and further ordered and directed that the clerk of Cameron County, Texas, make, file and record in the Deed records of said county, a cer tified copy of the said order of said court creating said district, and to properly index the same, in the manner provided for recording and indexing deeds, which said or der is shown in the copy of the proceedings filed herewith, and here referred to and made a part hereof. That said court further found that at the election aforesaid a ma jority of said voters voting thereat voted and cast their ballots in fa vor of the issuance of notes and de clared that it should be the duty of the board of directors of said dis trict, when qualified, to issue notes of said district, in a sum not to ex ceed the maximum percentage al lowed by law. based on $100,000, that being the proposed and estimated cost of improvements to be made in said district, for the purpose of creating a fund to pay the costs of the organization of the district and the costs of all surveys, investi gation. engineering, issuance of bonds, making and filing of maps and Reports, all legal expenses con nected therewith, and all other costs and expenses authorized or made necessary by the provisions of law. and to sell said notes, or to exchange the same, in payment for such costs and expenses, said notes to be secured by the assess ment. levy and collection of taxes as provided by law for the assess ment. levy and collection of taxes for the payment of the bonds of said district, and to be paid off, satisfied and discharged out of the proceeds of the bonds when issued and sold, but ordered that if bonds of said district should not be voted at an election held for that purpose, then and in that event the notes so issued should continue in force and effect and to be paid off, satis fied and discharged by the assess ment levy and collection of taxes by said district to pay note issues, all as shown in the copy of the pro ceedings above referred to, filed herewith, and made a part hereof. That all the directors elected at such election, except R. Lee Kemp ner, duly qualified by taking the oath and entering into good and sufficient bonds in the amount and conditioned as required by law which were duly apprived by the commis sioners court of Cameron- County, Texas, and after being so/approved, said bonds, together ^vitiy the oaths =»—" —■ v, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT taken by said directors, were filed with the county clerk of Cameron County, Texas, to be by said officer recorded as required by law, as will [more fully appear from the copy of th eproceedings filed herewith and made a part hereof, and that Geo. J E. Phillips was duly appointed and j duly qualified to fill the vacancy created by the failure and refusal of the said R. Lee Kempner to qual ify and serve as such director as twill more fully appear from the copy of the proceedings of the board of directors filed herewith and made la part hereof. That each of the person elected j as officers of your petitioner, was at [the time of his election, and so re mained at ell times while serving as such officer, a resident of the State of Texas, and the owner of lands subject to taxation within said Wa ter Improvement District; and at the time of such election was over twenty-one years of age; and each of them were, and while acting as such officers, have at all times since been duly qualified in all respects to act as such officers of your pe titioner. That after the election and qual ification of said board of directors, said board, as provided by law, held its first meeting in Harlingen, Tex as, on the 8th day of November A. D. 1928, and duly organized by electing Wimberly McLeod as presi dent, J. C. Woodworth as secreary, H. H. Roddy as president pro tem, and Geo. E. Phillips as secreary pro tem; sa.d board further provided and ordered that a seal fo rsaid dis trict should be procured, all as shown in the transcript of the min utes of the said board of directors filed herewith, and made a part thereof. That an order was duly made and entered adopting the prior survey of the boundaries of said district and the markings theerof, the said boundaries and markings being al ready established, and J. M. Kopp was appointed as assessor and col lector for said district. That immediately after the qual ification of the said assessor and collector, as provided by law, be en tered upon the discharge of his of ficial duties, and at once proceeded to make an assessment of all the taxable property, both real, person al and mixed, in said district, upon blanks provided by the directors of said district, and in the manner provided and required by law. That the directors of said district! on the 15th day of January, 1929, j in accordance with the provisions of law. duly appointed three com missioners, viz: Kurt Nauman, R. A. Rose and J. L. Bozard, each be ing a qualified voter and a resident! property owner in said district, who j were styled the beard of equaliza tion for the year 1923; and said board of directors duly entered an i order designating the 11th day of February. 1S29. as the time for the meeting of said board, for the year 1929; all of which is shown in the transcript of the minutes of said! board filed herewith and made a 1 part hereof. That at the time fixed for its! first meeting said board of equal-1 ization met, and thereafter from time to time examined, equalized, passed upon and approved the said assessment, and thereafter the as sessed rolls were duly made and re turned by the assessor, and ap-1 proved by the board of directors of I said district, all as required by law. j That after the establishment of said Water Improvement District, at the time and in the manner pre scribed by law. the board of dircc-j tors of said district appointed one R. S. Fessenden, who was duly qual ified, as engineer for said district, whose duty it was to make a com plete survey of the lands contained in said district and to perform such ether duties as is required of said engineer by law, wnich is shown in the copy of the proceedings filed and made a part hereof. That said R. S. Fessenden, ap pointed as engineer of the district; proceeded to discharge the duties required of him by the board of directors of the district, and in due time made and filed with the board of directors of the district maps, profiles, specifications and estimates as required by law, together with a written report showing the esti- 1 mated amount necessary to secure a 1 contract from Cameron County Wa ter Control and Improvement Dis trict No. Six. whereby said district will pump and deliver through its pumping plant and irrigation sys tem water from the Rio Grande river to some point at or near the boundary of this district, is the sum of $25,025, and the amount neces sary to make the necessary connec tions thereto, and to construct the necessary pumping plants, canals, reservoirs and other improvements proposed to be made in Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict No. Twelve is the sum of $94, 375, or a total of $120,000. That on the 16th day of Febru ary. 1929. at a meeting of the board of directors of your petitioner came on to be considered by said board the matter of the issuance of bonds for said district in the sum of $120, 000 for the purposes aforesaid; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the board that said district had heretofore been duly and regularly laid out. defined and established, and that the directors and officers thereof had theretofore duly qual ified as such, and the assessor and collector of said district had there tofore made an assessment of all taxable property within said district, which had been duly passed upon and approved by the boar dof equal ization of said district, and that assessment rolls had been duly made and returned by the assess or and collector of said district, which had been in all things ap proved as required by law, and that said assessment rolls show the tax able value of all the real estate within said district to be $512,800. and that the engineer of said dis trict, who had therefore been ap pointed had performed the duties required by law, and who had made and filed maps, profiles, specifica tions and estimates as required by law showing that the amount nec essary to secure a contract to be supplied with water from the Rio Grande river through the irrigation system now belonging to Cameron County Water Control and Improve ment District No. Six is the sum of $25,625, and to make the necessary connections thereto and to construct the necessary pumping plants, ca nals, reservoirs and other proposed improvements to be mads in Cam eron County Water Improvement District No. Twelve is the sum of $94,375, making a total of $120,000; and that in order for said district to secure said contract, make the necessary connections, and do the construction work aforesaid within your petitioner district, all as here inbefore set out, it would be neces sary for said district to issue its bonds in the sum of $120,000; and it further appearing to the satisfac tion of said board of direct cr LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT as required by and in full compli ance with law, this project and said proposed issuance of bonds had theretofore been duly investigated and finally approved Ijy the state board of water engineers,—it was thereupon ordered by the board of directors of' Cameron County Water Improvement District No. Twelve, that an election be held within said district and at the poll ing place named in said order, on the 1.4th. day of March. 1929. at which election there should be sub stituted to the qualified voters of said district the following proposi tions and none other, to-wit: "For the Issuance of Eonds and levy of tax and payment therefor. “Against the issuance of bonds and levy of tax and payment therefor; and said board in said order named a poll ing place for such election in said district, and also selected and ap pointed two judges, designating one presiding judge, and two clerks, for said polling place, designated in said order; and it was further or dered by said board of directors that a notice of said election be giv en by the secretary in the manner and form, and for the length of time required by law; and said or der further provided that the man ner of conducting said election laws of the State of Texas, except as provided in chapter 2, title 128, of the revised civil statutes of the State of Texas, except as provided in chapter 2, title 128, of the revised civil statutes of the State of Texas, revision of 1925, and in acts amen datory thereof and supplementary thereto; and in sail order said board further provided who should be en titled to vote at said election, the form of the ballot to be used1, the oath to be taken by every person who offered to vote at said election, the purpose for which said election was to be held, and the manner and form in which the returns of said election should be made; all of which will more fully appear by reference to said order shown in the transcript of the minutes of the board of directors filed herewith, and made a part of the minutes board of directors filed herewith, and made a part hereof. That no tice of said election was given as required by law and said election was duly and lawfully held in asid district at the polling place named in said order, on the 14th day of March A. D., 1929, and returns thereof were made in the manner and form and within the time pre scribed by law, as shown in the copy of the proceedings filed here with and made a part hereof. That on the 18th day of March A. D., 1929. at a special session called for the purpose of canvass ing the votes cast at said election on the 14th day of March A. D„ 1929 the board of directors of said Wa ter Improvement District met and canvassed the returns of said elec tion held on the 14lh day of March. 1929, at which election there was submitted the following proposi tions; “For the issuance of bonds and levy of tax and payment there for." “Against the issuance of bonds and levy of tax and payment there for;”-and it having been made to appear to said board of directors that said election was in all re spects lawfully held, and that the returns of such election had been duly regularly made, there were cast at said election five votes, of which number five votes were cast "For the issuance of bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor,” and no votes were cast “Against the issu ance of bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor;” and said board found taxpayers voting at said elec tion were cast in favor of the is suance cf bonds and levy of tax and payment therefor, and thereupon said board of directors duly entered a norder declaring that the issu ance of said bonds and the levy of said tax had been authorized bv said election; which said order is shown in the cony of the proceedings here with filed and made a part hereof. That at said meeting of the board of directors of said district, held at the office of said district on the 18ih day of March, 1929. came on to be considered the matter of is suing the bonds of said district; and it appearing to the board of di rectors of said district that an elec tion duly held in said district, for the purpose, on the 14th day of March A. D.. 1929, a majority of the resident property taxpaying vo ters who were qualified voters in said district, voting therein at said election, cast their votes in favor of the proposition ‘'For the issuance of bonds and levy of tax in pavment therefor," by a unanimous vote, and that the result thereof had been duly declared by said board of di rectors as provided by law; and said board thereupon made and entered of record its order that the bonds of said district to be called Cam eron County Water Improvement District No. Twelve Bonds, be is sued under and by virtue of the constitution and laws of the State of Texas and particularly of chap ter 2. title 128. of the revised civil statutes of the State of Texas re vision of 1925, and acts amenda tory thereof and supplementary therto, for the purpose of the pur chase by said district of a contract to be supplied with water from the Rio Grande river through the irri gation system owned by Cameron County Water Control and Improve ment District No. Six. and for the purpose of paying the cost and ex pense of .connecting thereto, of con structing the necessary pumping plants, canals, reservoirs, and other improvements proposed to be made m said Cameron County Water Im provement District No. Twelve, and of paying the incidental expenses of organization and other expenses au thorized by law. And said board further ordered that said bonds should be dated March 15, A. D., 1929, and should be m the aggregate sum of $120, 000, and numbered consecutively from 1 to 120, inclusive, each and all of said bonds being for the sum of $1000; bond numbe 1 ma turing March 15, 1934; bond number 2 maturing March 15, 1935: bond number 3 maturing March 15. 1936; °?nd niJmb€r 4 maturing March 15, lo37; gbond number 5 maturin March 15, 1938; bond number 6 ma turing March 15, 1939; bond num ber 7 maturing March 15. 1940: bonds number 8 and 9 maturing March 15. 1941; bonds number 10 and 11 maturing March 15, 1942 bonds number 12 and 13 maturing bonds number 18 and 19 maturing March 15, 1943; bonds number 14 and 15 maturing March 15, 1944 bonds number 16 and 17 maturing March 15, 1945; bonds number 18 and 19 maturing March 15, 1946 bonds number 20 and 21 maturing March 15, 1947; bonds number 22 and 23 maturing March 15, 1948 bonds number 24 and 25 maturing March 15. 1949; bonds number 23 and 27 maturing March 15, 1950* bonds number 28 to 30, inc., matur ing March 15, 1951; bonds number 31 to 33. inc., maturing 'March 15, 1952; bonds number 34 to 86, inc,, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT maturing March 15, 1953; bonds number 37 to 39. inc., maturing March 15, 1954; bonds number 40 to 42, inc., maturing March 15, 1955; bonds number 43 to 46, inc., matur ing March 15, 1956; bonds number 47 to 50, inc., maturing March 15, 1957; bonds number 51 to 54, inc., maturing March 15. 1958; bonds number 55 to 58, inc., maturing i March 15, 1959; bonds number 59 to ,63, inc., maturing March 15, 1960; ! bonds number 64 to 68. inc., ma turing March 15, 1961; bonds num jber 69 to 73, inc., maturing March [ 15, 1962; bonds number 74 to 78, inc., maturing March 15, 1963; bonds i number 79 to 84, inc., maturing March 15, 1964; bonds number 85 to 90, inc., maturing March 15, 1965; bonds number 91 to 97, inc., matur ! ing March 15, 1966; bonds number j 98 to 104, inc., maturing March 15, [1967; bonds number 105 to 112, inc., i maturing March 15, 1968; and bonds j number 113 to 120, inc., maturing j March 16, 1969; the said order so entered setting forth fully and in J detail tne number, the date of ma turity, denomination, and the total I amount of bonds due each year; and also setting fort ha copy of said bonds, and the coupons attached thereto. And it was further pro j vided in said order that said bonds ! should bear interest from their dates j at the rate of six per cent per j annum, payable semi-annually (ex cept that the first interest coupons I shall be for 12 months interest) on j the 15th day of March and Septem I ber ,of each year, after date. And that the principal and interest on ! said bonds should be payable on presentation and surrender of bonds and the proper coupons, at the Sea I board National bank of New York I City, New York; and further that i said bonds should be signed by the ' president and attested by the secre tary of the board of directors of | said district, and the seal of said | district should be affixed thereto; j provided, however, that the signa tures of said president and secre ! tary may be printed or lithgraphed ! on said coupons, and that said bonds shall be registered by the comp troller of public accoutns of the State of Texas, as required by law and that a record of said bonds is sued should be kept by the county clerk cf Cameron County, Texas, as required by law; and it was further : ordered that to pay the interest on I said bonds and to create a sinking [ fund for the redemption of said bonds at their maturity, there ! should be annually levied, assessed j and collected an ad valorem tax up [ on all of the taxable property sit ; uated within said district, real, per | scnal and mixed, sufficient to pro i duce amounts necessary to pay the interest and principal on the bonds i maturing each year, the said order I so entered showing in detail the j amounts neecssary to be raised to pay interest and the principal of j said bonds maturing each year; and ! for the purposes mentionedsaid I board levied for each of the years j 1929 to 1963, both inclusive, an ad i valorem tax of $2.11 on each $100 i valuation of all taxable prooerty in | said district, or so much thereof as I ; might be necessary to provide the | amounts specified in said order, and j provisions to meet the requirements j thereof, should be in due time, man ! ner and season, annually thereafter I 1 made; and it was further provided j i by said order, that the proceeds of j j taxes thereinbefore levied, as set | | out, should be preserved in a separ i ate fund, to be designated as an "Interest and Sinking Fund” and that no part of the proceeds of said ! j tax should be applied or used for j j any other purpose than the pay- j ment of principal and interest of the bonds authorized to be issued, or until all of the said bonds and cou- j pons have been paid and cancelled; and further provided that there should be annually levied, assessed ! and collected an advalorem tax up on all of the taxable property sit uated within said district, suffici ent to pay the exDenses of assessing and collecting said tax for principal and* interest, and said board levied and assessed for the year 1929 an advalorem tax of five cents on each $100 valuation of all of the tax able property within said district, die same to be applied to the pur poses named, as the law directs, i. e for the purpose of paying the ex I penses ot assessing and collecting I taxes for the payment of prin cipal and interest on said bonds and being in addition to the tax of I, ^ Per $100 avluation, previous ly levied for that purpose; which said board of directors, herewith n*2d and here referred to and made to and made part hereof. Your petitioner alleges that all of the acts, conditions and things requisite and necessary to be done in the creation of your petitioner a Water Improvement District, and in connection with the issuance ot said Bonds and levy of taxes in payment therefor, and the levy of an additional tax to defray the ex penses of collecting the taxes lev ied for the payment of interest and principal of said bonds have been done, happened and performed in regular and due form, and in the manner required by the Constitu tion and laws of the State of Texas; and that the total amount of said Series of Bonds, together with all other indebtedness of said district, and the taxes levied, do not exceed the Constitutional and Statutory limitation. Your petitioner represents that the Statutes and Laws hereinbe fore referred to, authorizing th6 creation and establishing of water improvement districts, the man agement and control thereof, and the issuance of bonds therefor, pro vide that before such bonds are offered for sale, such Water Im provement District shall bring an action in the District Court in any county of the Judicial District in which said Water Improvement District may be situated or in the District Court of Travis county. Texas, to determine the validity of such bonds; and that such ac tion shall be in the nature of a proceeding in rem, and that juris diction of all parties interested may be had by publication of a general notice thereof once each week for at least two consecutive weeks in some newspaper of general circula tion published in the county in which said district is situated; and notice shall also be served upon the Attorney General of the State of Texas, of the pendency of said action in the same manner as in civil suits; your petitioner brings this action under and in accord ance with the provisions of said law for the purpose of determining the validity of said district, and or said Bonds. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that this petition and the copy oi the proceedings accompanying same be filed, and that notice thereof be given to the Attorney General of the State of Texas, as provided by law, and that further • | 4 BL.• siwsAwP ' ' " *sSr i ‘ ‘ > % >> :. ’ -——■ .. J. - LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT notice be given by publication, as provided by law; and that upon final hearing hereof your petition er may have the order, judgment and decrees of this Court, adjudg ing and decreeing said district to be a valid and legally laid out, created, defined and established water improvement district within this state, and that each and all of said bonds aforesaid, are in all things legal and valid, and are just and binding debts and obliga tions of said district, and are au thorized to be issued, registered and sold as provided by law: and your Petitioner further prays 'or all such further and other relief, both gen eral and special, at law and in equity, to which it may cr might be entitled; and as in duty bound it will ever pray. Herein fail not. but have you then and there before said Court this Writ, with your return there on, showing how you have execut ed the same. Witness, 'Jno. P. Scanla'n, Clerk of the District Court of Cameron County, Texas. Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Brownsville, Tex as. this 28th day of March, A. D. 1929. JOHN P. SCANLAN. Clerk of the District Court of Cam eron County. Texas. A true copy I certify. JNO. P SCANLAN, Clerk District Court,. Cameron County, Texas. (SEAL) 3-29-5-2t-3381 SHERIFF’S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNT YOF CAMERON Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a certain Order of Sale is sued out of the Honorable District Court of Cameron County on the 4th day of March 1929 by Jno. P. Scanlan. Clerk of said Court, for the sum of ($1425.60) Fourteen hundred twenty five and 60-100 Dollars and costs of suit, under a Judgment, in favor of A. L. Bracht, Jr., in a certain cause in said Court, No. 8332 and styled: A. L. Bracht, Jr., vs. A. L. Bracht. Sr., and J. O. Prentiss, placed in my hands for service, I. W. F. Brown, as Sheriff of Cameron County. Texas, did on the 26 day of March, 1929. levy on certain Real Estate, situated in Cameron County, Texas, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the line 17 of the survey of the San Benito Land <fc Water Company in the Conception de Carricitos Grant of Cameron Coun tv, Texas, which point is north 59 degrees 17 minutes West 2081 feet from the corner common to Blocks 81. 82, 83. and 84 of said Survey thence south 30 degrees 43 minutes West 388.9 feet thence North 47 de grees 13 minutes East 148.4 feet thence North 68 degrees 34 minutes East 103.1 feet thence south 59 de grees 17 minutes East 322.2 feet to the place of beginning containing four acres more or less, and levied upon as the property of A. L. Bracht. Sr., and J. O. Prentiss and that on the first Tuesday in May. 1929. the same being the 7th day of said month, at the Court House door of Cameron County, in the City of Browrnsville, Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., by virtue of said levy and said Or der of Sale. I will sell said above described Real Estate at public vendue .for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of said A. L. Bracht. Sr., and J. O. Prentiss. And in compliance with law. I give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks im mediately preceding said day of sale, in The Brownsville Herald, a new'spaper published in Cameron County. Witness my hand, this 27th day of March, 1929. W. F. BROWN. Sheriff, Cameron County, Texas. By L. A. Jagou. Deputy. 3-29-5-12-3t-3382. SHERIFF’S SALE The State of Texas. County of Cameron. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a certain Order of Sale issued [out of the honorable Crminal Dis trict Court of Cameron County on the 25th day of February. 1929, by Jno. P. Scanlan. Clerk of said Court, for the sum of Sixty-three and 74-100 dollars ($63.74) and costs of suit, unde ra Judgment, in favor of Santa Maria Water Imp. Dist. | No. 4 in a certain cause in said court. No. 1167 and styled: Santa Maria Water Improvement District No. 4 vs. W. E. Welford and Edna Yancy, placed in my hands for | service, I, W. F. Brown, as Sheriff Now! Instant contac ? , with the department you wish* , IMPORTANT NUMBERS XALL — No. 8 for Advertising and Busi- 1 ness Dept. | No. 7 Editorial Dept, and News 1 JuI . ■ Room. No. 12 Circulation | Save time! ®e Inramswlk Herald Iv LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT of Cameron Coutny, Texas, did on the 20th day of March, 1929. Ie*T on certain real estate, situated in Cameron County, Texas, describ’d as follows, to-wit: All that certain land situated within the corporate limits of Sint a Maria Water Improvement District, Cameron County Number Four, con sisting of fiv eacres of land out of a I part of the La Feria grant in Cam eron County, Texas, known as five acres of land being Lot No. 14. Riv er Drive Subdivision on Rio Grande River near Mercedes as per Deed filed July 18, 1925. recorded in Vol. 137, pages 246-247 of Deed Records of Cameron County. Texas, deed being from H. F. & H. H. Kaiser to W. E. Welford and Edna Yancy, and levied upon as the property of W. E. Welford and Edna Yancy, and that on the first Tuesday in Mav, 1929. the same being the 7th day of said month, at the Court House door of Cameron County, in I the City of Brownsville, Texas, be ! tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.. by virtue of said levy and said Order of Sale. I will sell said above described Real Estate at public ven due, for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of said W. E. Wjel ford and Edna Yancy. •/*' And in compliance with law give this notice by publication, the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immedi ately preceding said day of sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a newspa per published in Cameron county. Witness my hand, this 28th day of March, 1929. W. F. Brown. Sheriff, Cameron County, Texas. By D. A. Jagou, Deputy. 3-29-5-12-3t-3383. I _ ___ _i Air Mail Schedules _____ * The schedule for the mall between Brownsville and Dallas Is announced by the postoffice department as fol lows: Southbound— Leave Dallas . 7:45 a. m. Leave Ft. Worth . 8:15 a. m. Leave Waco . 9:20 a. m. Leave Austin . 10:25 a. m. Leave S&n Antonio . 11:20 a. m. Arrive Brownsville . 2:05 p. m. Northbound— Leave Brownsville . 1:25 p. m. Leave San Antonio . 4:15 p. m. Leave Austin . 5:10 p. m. Leave Waco . 6:15 p. m. Leave Ft. Worth . 7:15 p. m. Arrive Dallas . 7:35 p. m. The schedule for the American air mail to Mexico City Is as follows: Leave Brownsville . 7:30 a. m. Arrive Tampico . 10:00 a. m. Leave Tampico . 10:30 a. m. Arrive Mexico City . 12:45 p. m. Following Is the schedule for th« Mexican air mall: Leave Mexico City . 7:45 a. m. Arrive Tampico . 10:15 a. m. Leave Tampico . 10:45 a. m. Arrive Brownsville . 1:15 p. m. Following is the schedule on the Brownsville-Mazatlan Route: Leave Brownsville . 7 a. m. Arrive Monterrey . 9:30 a. m. Leave Monterrey . 9:50 a. m. Arrive Torreon . 12:50 p. m. Leave Torreon . 1:50 p. m. Arrive Durango . 3:50 p. m. Leave Durango . 4:10 p. rn. Arrive Mazatlan . 6:10 p. m. Return trip: Leave Mazatlan . 7 00 a m Arrive Durango . 9:00 a.' m! Leave Durango . 9-20 a m Arrive Torreon . 11:50 p. m; Leave Torreon . 12:io p. m. Arrive Monterrey . 3:10 p. m Leave Monterrey . 4 10 n m Arrive Brownsville . 6:10 p. m! ♦This route is operating during the revolution only to Monterrey snJ re turn. POSTAL RATES The United States air mall postage rate is 5 cents for the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof. Letters mailtV in the United States for the poW$* In Mexico take this rate. Train Schedules MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES No. 12—To Houston. San Antonio. C a. m. No. 16—To Houston. San Antonio, St. Louis, 8:35 p. m. No. 15—From St. Louis. San Anto nio. Houston, 7:55 a. m. No. 11—From San Antonio and Hous ton. 9:55 p m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES No. 319—From Houston. San Anto nio. 8:15 a. m. No. 320—To Houston. San Antonio. 8:15 p. m. NATIONAL LINES OP MEXICO (Matamoros Station) No. 132—To Monterrey, Mexico City, 9:50 a. m. No. 131—From Mexico City. Monter rey, 3:30 p. m. RIO GRANDE RAILWAY , To Point Isabel, 9:30 a. m. From Point Isabel. 4 p. m. M. P. TRANSPORTATION CO. Cars to Mission on the hour ever7 hour. 6 a. m. to 6 p. m.. and at 7:30 a m., 3:30 p. m.. 7:30 p. m. and 9 p. m. To Point Isabel. 8 a. m. and 12 noon. 4 p. m.