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VALLEY C. C. HEADS MEET Plan For State Medical Con vention; To Issue Valley Booklet Plans for the convention of the State Medical association to be held here in May were discussed last night in Mercedes at a meeting of the Valley Secretaries association made up of the different secretar ies of the Valley chambers of com merce. A committee consisting of Myron War dof Harlingen and John A. Phelan of Mercedes was appointed by G. C. Richardson, acting as chairman of the meeting for the purpose of compiling a booklet on the Lower Rio Grande Valley, this booklet to be mailed to all the physicians in Texas. Dr. Primer of San Benito, as a member of the Valley Medical association, was ap pointed to take charge of the ad vertising for the booklet which is to be solicited from the Valley doctors. The matter of contributions from the Valley chambers of commerce to the Tourist Bureau of the San Antonio Conopus club was also J taken up, as was also that of the Canadian Good-Will tour which visited the Valley March 2 and 3. In regard to the later, Mr. Richard son explained to the meeting that the confusion that had resulted at that time and which caused the tour to ignore Hidalgo county was no fault of Brow'nsville or of Cam eron county, and he went on to ex “Happiest Man In Town”, He States “I am the happiest man in town how. I am up and going at five thirty every morning and feeling fine. “I was lame and sore all through my back, and had rheumatic pains in both shoulders. I could hardly raise my arms and every Joint felt C. H. YATES like it was tied in a knot. In the mornings I felt like I just could not get up. “My appetite was away off and my food disagreed with me. I was nervous and could not sleep. I got so bad off a few months ago' that I was down in bed four weeks. I spent lots of money trying to get well, but nothing did me much good. It took only a few bottles of Sargon to fix me up and now I feel great all over. My appetite and digestion are good again. Those rheumatic pains are all gone. “I have suffered with constipa tion for twenty years and had to take a laxative every two or three nights, but I have never found any thing that stimulated the liver and regulated like Sargon Soft Mass PUls. “You can bank on me telling oth er people about the Sargon treat ment. I have told a good many people and will be glad to talk to anyone that comes to me.” The above statement was made by C. H. Yates, of 1400 East Morphy street, Fort Worth. He has lived in that city for twenty years and is well known. Sargon may be obtained in Brownsville from Cisneros Drug Stores; in La Feria from Malone Pharmacy; in San Benito from Palace Pharmacy; in Los Fresnos from Butler Drug Co., and in Rio Hondo from Rio Hondo Drug Store. —Adv. plain the unfortunate reasons for this confusion. The secretaries of the respective Valley chambers of commerce pres ent at the meeting were the fol lowing: J. W. Osborne of Donna, Whit Rogers of McAllen, Myron Ward of Harlingen, John A. Phelan of Mercedes, F. C. Platt of San Juan, D. W. Sigler of La Feria, J. E. Bell of San Benito, and G. C. Richardson of Brownsville. New Underwood Typewriter sales and service. Underwood Typewrit er Co., Moore Hotel Arcade, phone 295. Harlingen.—Adv. tf. The Van lleest Shops Auto and Furniture refinishing. Corner 11th and Monroe Sts., Phone 1047. —adv. 3-28-29. Infertile Eggs, fresh, delivered daily at your grocery store. Ask your grocer. Joachim Poultry Farm, back of Country club.—adv tf Cameron Hotel Permanent Wave and barber shop now open. Waves $5 up. Appointments evenings and Sundays.—adv 31. Dickey’s Old Reliable Eye Water cools, heals and strengthens sore, weak, tired eyes. All druggists 25c. —Adv. (4) Itching Between the Toes is re lieved quickly by applying ImDerial Eczema Remedy, at bedtime. Drug gists are authorized to refund mon ey if it fails.—adv. Mexican Money—Gold, silver and bills exchanged at Bolado’s for the convenience of travelers to or from Mexico. Due to increased air travel between the two nations we have made arrangements to give prompt money exchange service. Bolado’s Money Exchange, Levee at Thir teenth—Adv. The Christian church ladies wall hold a bake sale Saturday morning, Penney’s store. Adv. 29. BAND CONCERT AT FT. BROWN STAND TONIGHT ■ - The regular Friday night band concert program by the 12th cavalry band of Fort Brown, has been an nounced as follows by C. F. Wad dington, director: 1. March, El Canitan. Sousa. 2. Overture, Euryanthe, Von We ber. 3. Waltz. Violets. Waldtoufel. 4. Selection from “Don Cesar de Baxan,” Massonet. 5. Morceau, Indian Lament, Dvo rak. 6. Wedding march from the “Mid summer’s Night Dream,” Mendels sohn. LEGION AUXILIARY AT RAYMONDVILLE ELECTS (Special to The Herald* RAYMONDVILLE. March 29—At a recent meeting of the auxiliary of the Meuse-Argonne Post No. 390 of Raymondville, held in the offi ces of the Retail Merchants asso ciation, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. George B. Calder, president: Mrs. W. C. Gilbert, vice president; Mrs. C. O. Harris, secretary; Mrs. C. W. Pierce, treasurer; Mrs. E. L. Bull, publicity chairman. A meeting will be held on the afternoon of April 5, at which time the program for the coming year will be discussed and palnned. ROTARY LADIES NIGHT MISSION. March 28— Rotary annes will be feted by members of the local Rotary club at a banquet to be held at the First Methodist church next Monday night. The program will be in charge of Tracy Card and Earl Stewart. -j /■ \ I S' \ t PILES { S v A V SOOTHING, healing, stand- ^ ^ ard prescription for all forms ML V of Piles. Money-back guaran- J' ^4 tec in each package. Tube with pile pipe. lit. jM * Tin box, (SOL Weller’s LG. A. | 1 Eliz. & Hiway — 2 STORES — 12th Street !CI AITD High Patent. Q7 rLvUIV 48 Pounds for.$1*01 FLOUR SSfiSTf:.95c SUGAR Tou Founder.55c I SPUDS &PoUDds.20c BEANS 3 Pounds for ... . 25c DIAC Fanc>r> RILL 3 Pounds for.L\jQ, I PRUNES I Pounds for.25c PEACHES ^l0.n.Can.53c rAFPFF 3-Pound can with QQ I -L*Li cup and saucer.JQ\* COFFEE Package ... .25c || Also 1. G. A. Specials Advertised on This Page | , "TV", rwMPH*'*****;.**'-** ---■ mm ■■■ • s» _ ... ESCOBAR CONFERS; CHIEF REVOLTS "r-"" 1 t. ■ ~ V.S. '-T General Jose Gonzalo Escobar, Mexican rebel commander-in chief, is shown above in Juarez, Mexico, conferring with General Van Horne Moseley, United States army commander at El Paso, Texas, on conditions in northern Mexico. Below, Lieutenant Colonel Juan Caballero of the Dorados, for 11 years Mexican guerilla chief and war lord of Chihuahua hills, snapped in Juarez, where he wrent to join forces with rebels. Pharr-San Juan Is Victor In Hidalgo Vocalists Contest MERCEDES, March 29.—At the vocal contest, which is a part of the Hidalgo County Interscholastic league contest, the Pharr-San Juan Alamo high school won first places in four of the five contests which they entered. Miss Elizabeth Rogers of the Mercedes high school had charge of the vocal contest and Rus sel Shrader of Mission has charge of the instrumental division of the league contest. The contest was held at Mercedes on Wednesday evening. March 27, at which time Edinburg, Mercedes, Pharr-San Juan, Hidalgo, Ddnna, Mission and Weslace high schools entered the contests. The compe tition in most of the events was strong. The Pharr Juan-Alamo high school won the Girls’ Glee club con test, Boy’s Glee club, mixed chorus, and the girls’ trio. There were no entries from this school in boys’ solo or boys’ quartette contest. Miss es Thelma Slocum, Bernice Skeans. and Ruby Motley composed the girls’ trio which took first honors. Donna won second place and Weslaco third. In the Girls’ Glee club Pharr-San Juan-Alamo won first place, Donna second and Mission third. MEXICAN M. E. CHURCH ASKS BUILDING AID MISSION, March 29.—A drive has been launched here by the First Mex *'an Methodist church for the erection of a new’ $25,000 church building in South Mission. The present church is too crowded and inadequate says Rev. A. L. Mar tinez, pastor. Already half of the money has been subscribed by the membership and members of the following board are aopealing to citizens of Mission to help complete the work: C. G de la Garza, president: R. E. Aus tin, secretary; J. Gutierrez, treas urer; Dr. A. J. J. Austin, Alex Aus tin, J. B. Gonzales, Dario Guerra, Jr.; Pedro Barrera; P. H. Longoria. Ex Barrera and M. Carrizales, of Los Ebanos. MISSION LIONS NAME MARBURGER NEW HEAD MISSION. March 29.—Announce ment was made Thursday of the elecuion of officers of the Lions club which met here Wednesday. Officers elected were; Eddie Mar burger, president; Ira Gobble, vice president; Albert Stewart, secre tary-treasurer; Ray Landry, tail twister and George Holder, lion tamer. Directors named were: Dr. M. Smith. H. L. Starr and George Kohler. The new officers will be installed May 1. President Hub Jefferies had pre viously announced that the results of the election would be withheld until next meeting day. M. P. USING NEW TRACK RAYMONDVILLE, March 29.—A new train has 1—a added to those operated out of Raymondville. which will make the run on the eastern extension of the Missouri Pacific to the new tow’ns of Santa Mar garita and San Perlita. Later the train W’ill continue to Santa Mon ica. the end of the track, but at present will make the run only from • Raymondville to San Perlita and re turn. ~ " 1 — — ■ - ... — . Cockroaches Easily killed by using Steam’ Electric Paste Also kills waterbugs, rats and mice. Sold everywhere, 35c and $1.50. MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS Richardson to Make Talk At Ceremonies Of Air Line Opening G. C. Richardson, manager of the local chamber of commerce, is leav ing by airplane at 3:30 this after noon for San Antonio, where he has been invitea to attend the ban quet sponsored by the Texas Air Transport Flying Service, Inc., in connection with ceremonies of the opening of the new passenger air line from Fort Worth to Browns ville. A large crowd of men interested in the development of aviation, others representing important or ganizations in the state, such as chambers of commerce. Rotary, Ki wanis, etc., together with city offi cials from several of the larger cities of Texas, are expected to be present at this banquet which will take place tomorrow noon. At this banquet Mr. Richardson will make a speech explaining the relation of the great growth in avia tion in this particular section of the country. Mr. Richardson will also emphasize the fact that the northeastern part of Mexico is 500 miles further south than the north western coast, thus bringing Brownsville much closer to populat ed Mexico than Laredo, El Paso or San Diego, the three other impor tant ports of entry on the Mexican border. Mrs. Richardson and J. E. Bell, secretary of the San Benito Cham ber of Commerce, will accompany Mr. Richardson to San Antonio, who expects to return to Browns ville Sunday morning. Are You Run Down, Weak, Nervous? To have plenty of firm flesh and the ability to do a big day’s work and feel “like a two-year old” at night, you must eat three good meals a day, relish your food and properly digest it. If you can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t work, just take a teaspoonful of Tanlae be fore meals. Mr. Joseph A. Culver, of 812 S. Main St., Muskogee, Okla., says: “I was a nervous wreck and forced myself to work and eat. I felt like quitting work before the day was up. On taking Tanlae, my appetite picked up so I could eat anything, soon slept well and gained 10 lbs." Tanlae is wonderful for indiges tion and constipation—gas, pains, nausea, dizziness and headaches. It brings back lost appetite, helps you digest your food, and gain strength and weight. It contains no mineral drugs; it is made of roots, barks and herbs, nature’s own medicines for the sick. The cost is less than 2 cents a dose. Get a bottle from your druggist. Your money back if it doesn’t help. Tanlae 52 MILLION BOTTLES USED — Last Day — The Smart Tale of the screen William Haines in “The Smart Set” It’s Crammed with Thrills „ Also r ~ COMEDY — NEWS Admission 10c - 25c The Turner Brownsville Roofing Co., Inc. We respectively solicit your re-roofing as well as new 8th and Railroad — Phone 1168 Brownsville, Texas MEXICO CHIEFS SEEING VALLEY Officials Making Study of Irrigation And Agri culture Here Marte R. Gomez, Mexican secre tary of agricutlure, accompanied by J. Francisco Fermurel, sub-secretary of the department of communica tions, and other officials, arrived in Brownsville Thursday, to spend two days investigating agricultural con ditions and irrigation in this sec tion. Accompanied by R. B. Creager, L. Lopez Montero, Mexican consul, Guillermo Shears, mayor of Mata moros, and a number of federal and civic officials of Matamoros, the Mexican representatives visited the coastal areas Thursday afternoon, spending some time at Point Isabel. They expressed themeslves as im pressed with the possibilities of that section and commented upon the benefits which would accrue to Mex ican interests through the develop ment of a deep water port to serve the Valley and northeastern Mexico. The party left Friday morning for a tour of the Valley, and were joined at San Benito by W. E. Anderson, member of the international water commission, their tour carrynig them as far as Mission. Both Mex ican representatives were enthusi astic in their praise of Valley de velopment. Other members of the party, who arrived here in a passenger and mail plane of the Mexican Avia tion company, are Luis A. Romo, assistant secretary of agriculture; Ignacio Lopez Bancalari, director general of the national immigration committee and Miguel Yepez Solor zano, assistant director of the na tional immigration committee. The party on the tour today will visit the pumping plants and irri gation systems at Mercedes, San Juan and other Valley points. After leaving the Valley, the party will go to the Winter Garden district and return to Mexico by way of Laredo. ELKS WILL STAGE SMOKER ON APRIL 5 A smoker to which all Elks of the Valley will be invited is scheduled to be held at the Matamoros Cafe Friday night, April 5. acording to announcement Friday by local Elks. Plans for the event are be ing completed, and a general in Headache? Instead of dangerous heart depres sants take 6afe. mild and purely vegetable NATURE’S REMEDY and get rid of the bowel poisons that cause the trouble. Nothing like N? for biliousness, sick head aches. and constipation. Acts pleasantly. Never gripes. On'y 25c. At All 7 Brownsville Drug Stores Every Cough BfflimiUl — Bargain Nite — 10c Each — Now — “Black Butterflies” With MAE BUSH LILA LEE ARTCLASS COMEDY This Great Air Romance In SOUND! _|J ^T^Z^iVilS ' .W;*4ie ^'J^r \ yfi&z^ WaSr Mil. vA — Added — MOVIETONE News — Vaud. Now Showing fjRnjKWtt *WW 1 " r Harlingen | »#»##»»»#»»»»»*#*»#»*»»**###»«#< vitation* will be Issued to all mem-1 bers of the Valley. At the regular meeting of the local order Wednesday evening a class of twenty will receive the first degree. You’ve never known such a cereal. Rice Krispies is so crisp you can hear it crackle in milk or cream. Toasted rice bubbles. Golden crisp. Wonderful for breakfast or lunch. Fine for the children’s supper. So easy to digest. Use Rice Krispies in macaroons, candies. On ice cream. At grocers. Oven-fresh. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. RICE I fi£lilZiUA krispies f KttCofttfs RICE KRISPIES Municipal AUDITORIUM SAN ANTONIO. TEXAb WEEK -- APRIL 7-13 MATINEE WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY PASSION PLAY ORICtNAL FREIBURG PRODUCTION DIRECT FROM GERMANY FEATURING ADOLPH FASSNACHT as the CHRISTUS GEORG FASSNACHT JUDAS NOT A MOTION PICTURS OYER 400 PEOPLE IN CAST CAMELS. DONKEYS, Etc. A MIGHTY CHORUS «<!*• SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA THIS IS THE ORIGINAL PRODUCTION PRICES $2°0 SJ50 MAIL ORDERS NOW DRAFT OR MONEY ORDERS TO BOX 588, SAN ANTONIO Brownsville i Today — Tomorrow I I i i Gripping drama — poignant love — stirring adventure — base treachery — relentless re venge — enduring friendship —i mystery — suspense — these are the elements of the most amazing and thrilling picture story ever screened. — Also — Comedy — News Oddities \ - < Stores ( , Safety and health are their watchwords. As the firemen M Ul and police protect your W safety, so does your I.G.A. M IaI Grocer protect your health H with nutritious foods. " I Specials at all I. G. A. Stores for Saturday 4na Swans Down Cake Flour . 31cn PEAS “ 3 r w June U Cans PALM OLIVE SOAP catsup ski.24c POST BRAN.12c SALAD RELISH “ 23c PLUMS .53c Macaroni - Spaghetti - Noodjes I. G. A. Q Package Brand J For. CAT T* Diamond jAL 1 Crystal, ^ La -e Shakers . j COMET RICE R-.Mi ll SOUR PICKLES S'. 24cm -Q- Old Dutch Cleanser. JCjjj f i** • r* O Nigger in deL n#i M k .Georgia Cane Syrup —MC "I . J Jersey Corn Flakes S ze . 11c3 Icoconut .12c 5| ^SALMON gfe..27CI i ■ I —everyone is most p H comfortable in shoes I that fit. You enjoy li H coffee most that fits a I your individual taste 9 best. I.G.A. Coffees I . H are blended to three *4l 9 * delicious flavors to r K please individual I 9 tastes. Enjoy the Aa- JJ 9 vor of good coffee that p 9 satisfies yon — and 9 save money too. L 9