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! I ! Ninety Attend Zone fleeting’ About ninety delegates and dis trict officers attended the quar terly Cameron county missionary zone meeting at Santa Rosa March 27. all except two* of the member societies, Los Fresnos and Point Isabel, being represented. The theme of the meeting. ‘ A Review and a Preview,” was ex emplified, with reports from the various societies on the work for the past quarter, as well as reports from the zone committees, and other branches of the work, with discussion of work in the future. All reports were highly satisfac tory, showing much progress in the past few months, V|the meeting was held in the Santa Rosa schoolhouse, and lasted all day, with luncheon served at noon by the Santa Rosa missionary society, assisted by the Girl Re serves, Each person attending also provided a covered dish to assist in supplying the menu. Those attending from Brownsville were Mrs. C. N. Hill, president of the zone; Mesdames J. K. Bull. F. i * Have Beautiful Hair and healthy scalp Use Valley Flowers Hair Oil and Brilliantine. Well kept, beautiful hair Is a personal attraction and a per sonal satisfaction. If you need a good scalp food try VALLEY FLOWERS HAIR OIL. It not only is a food but keeps the hair in place. Valley Flowers Brilliantine is in paste and liquid form and is excellent to keep the hair look ing well dressed. Both products delightfully per fumed. All leading druggists, Barber Shops ani Beauty Parlors. Valley Flowers Brilliantine, 50c Valley Flowers Hair Oil, 25c and 50c »######»»######»###»#»»#######»# J I E. Morris and G. R. Easterly, dele gates; E. A. Sterling, Marshall White. C. W. Colgin, Henrietta Sig nor. R. E. Green, E. R. Howard, W. R. Jones. Sam Hughston, H. Loveless, and L. Langford, and Rev. E. C. Crow, presiding elder; and Rev. J. E. LoVttt, pastor. | Miriam Reil ! Party Honoree Mrs. *Chas. A. Reil was hostess Wednesday afternoon at her Jef ferson street home to a party given in honor of her daughter. Miriam, who was celebrating her eighth birthday. Twenty children en joyed the affair, which featured the Easter motif. * * * Mrs. McKay Hostess To Just-Sew Club Members of the Just-Sew club enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. H. McKay at their regular weekly meeting on Wednesday. Mrs. S. C. Frederick and Mrs. F. E. MacManus were guests for the afternoon. Tall vases holding spring flowers were scattered about the rooms, giving vernal charm. Mrs. McKay served a salad course and a sweet. * * * Business Women Hold Luncheon Members of the Business and Professional Women’s club met at Hotel El Jardin Wednesday for their weekly luncheon. The occa sion was a purely social one and there was no program or discussion of business. Fifteen members at tended. ♦ * * Comings, Goings, Of Local People Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Day. Mrs. J. H. Batsell, and Miss Florence Bell were expected home Friday from Beeville. where they have been for several days attending the meeting of the Women’s Presbyter ial auxiliary of the western Texas presbvterial. Mrs. Batsell and Miss Bell went as delegates from the local auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ross have been here from Vinita, Okla., for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ross are friends of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Samuel. Mrs. Lena More and daughter, Elizabeth, drove to Austin Wednes day to spend the Easter holidays w?ith Mrs. More’s other daughters. Gay, who is attending the Univer sity of Texas, and Dorothy, who is in school in Dallas. Misses Jean and Harriet Pattee, who have been attending Our Lady of the Lake college in San An tonio, are to be home during the * What does your wash-day cost you ? { If it means heating your wash-water on gas or coal range it costs too much, both in trouble and money, iThe Pittsburg Automatic Gas Water Heater will : heat your water for you cheaper than you could do i it in any other way. And deliver it where you want * it in the bargain. Cost—the price of a candle for . ten gallons. ' ■ > It can do this because it is more careful with the gas than you would be yourself. It never goes away and leaves the ga3 burning. It’s always on the job. Open the faucet, on goes the gas. And hot water Is delivered quick as a wink. While the water i3 running, just enough gas is burned to keep the water hot. Not a speck wasted. f Stop in and let us demonstrate the Pittsburg Auto matic Gas Water Heater, and tell you about our easy payment terms. Rio Grande Valley Gas Co. COOK WITH GAS 428-32 Thirteenth Street — Brownsville, Texas Pi Automatic Gas Water Heaters " ' ■» v \ * JUST AMONG US GIRLS ! i ' lbs harder to HAKE TUE GPaDC n liRl—than ib i'S »r\ -sdiool " ^4 jj|jj j - - I Easter holidays. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pattee, of this city. MERCEDES AUXILIARY MEETS Mrs. E. G. Smith and Mrs. E. J. Goddy were hostess at a joint meeting of the Methodist Auxiliary on Tuesday afternoon at the home of the former, on Missouri avenue. The forepart of the afternoon was given to the mission study with Mrs. J. L. Vining in charge. Those taking part on the program includ ed Mrs. Paul West. Mrs. P. W. Per kins, Mrs. H. T. Tidmore and Mrs. C. N. Wood. Some time was given to the dis cussion of the activities of the church, local, state and national. During the social hour a refresh ment course was served. Others present included Mrs. J. H. Coun cil, Mrs. N. M. Ragland, Mrs. A. E. Neff, Mrs. J. White, Mrs. M. H. Keen, Mrs. J. E. Haynes and Mrs. C. W. Miller. * * * CHICKEN BARBECUE Mr. and Mrs. James Allen and children. Mary and James, were guests of honor at a chicken barbe cut this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and children are leaving for their home in Lake Geneva, Mich., the latter part cf the week, after spending several months in Mercedes. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ropse, Mrs. Carrie M. Stuart, Mrs. Bess Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. John Rouse. * * • DINNER BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Barton were hosts at a dinner bridge at their home southeast of town. After-dinner bridge was enjoyed with Mrs. Jack Johnson and J. H. Anderson scoring high in the games. The following were included in the guest list: Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hager, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. James Howze, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadden and Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson. I AUXILIARY DELEGATES Mrs. H. E. Bennett. Mrs. E. B. Witmer. Mrs. Margaret King and Mrs. Carrie M. Stuart left Tuesday for Beeville to attend the Presbv tery which will last through Friday. Mrs. Stuart is to be the reporting delegate. These women will repre sent the local auxiliary of the Pres byterian church. * • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thornton and children have returned to San Antonio after a visit here in the home of Mrs. Thornton’s parents. Judge and Mrs. L. T. Hoyt. Thev were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt. Mrs. Fred Warren left at the week-end for a visit with her daughter. Miss May Belle Warren. Mrs. J. C. Shaw and daughter. Delight, left at the week-end for a visit with relatives in Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weimer were guests this week of Mrs. M. Weimer in Rio Hondo. Mrs. Shelly Collier and baby have returned from San Antonio where they visited Mrs. Collier’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Feikes. Mrs. G. I. Burdette and son. Fred, of Detroit. Mich., arrived at the week-end for a visit with Mrs. Bur dette’s sister. Mrs. H. T. Stotler. Mr. Burdette and mother and two child ren arrived Wednesday by way of automobile, all to visit in the Stot ler home. NORTH MISSION Dr. G. E. Sherwood of Kimball, Minn., accompanied by Dr. A. M. Ridgeway of Annandale, Minn., vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Longwell this week. Dr. Sher ,wood is an old friend of the Long wells and their family physician in Minnesota. They were delighted with this part of the Valley and expressed their surprise at the won derful improvements. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. LongW'ell and their guests Doctors Sherwood and Ridgeway spent Tuesday afternoon in Reynosa. Wednesday, they toured the Valley and visited Point Isabel. Miss Marion Reeves of Mission, Jack Adamson of San Antonio and Everett Campbell of Edinburg wore dinner guests of Misses Georgia and Ina and Dearl Holmes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Stalling and mother of Sebastian, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Kel ley Gray. Mrs. Georgia Echols, Hugh Echols and daughters. Misses Velma and Enola, spent the week-end at Cor pus Christi. Mrs. H. L. Jencks was a guest of her cousin, Mrs. R. S. Robinson of McAllen Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alsmeyer and son, Henry, Jr., of San Benito, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Alsmeyer. Miss Pearl Jencks. who is night supervisor at the Edinburg hospi tal, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Volz and fam ily. Mrs. Harry Steffins and Mr. and Mrs. Lervis Carrell of Los Fresnos wore guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Massey Cunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. LawTence and family motored to Brownsville Sun day. Mrs. Ed Stobaugh returned with them and will spend a few days at the Lawrence home. Miss Grace Alsmeyer of Ray mondville was a woek-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C Alsmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Parks and daughter. Lois, and Mr. and Mrs George Bishop motored to Browns ville Sunday and spent the day with Mr .and Mrs. Loyal Gallion and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wallace of La Feria called at Mr. Alsmeyer’s Saturday. McAllen BRYAN-MEYERS The marriage of Paul Meyers and Miss Grac.v Bryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryan, was solemn ized Saturday evening at 9 o’clock at the Methodist parsonage'. Rev. W. N. Rader read the impressive ceremony. The onlj- attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Eby Frantz. After a short wedding trip to Corpus Christi Mr. and Mrs. Meyers will make their home in this city. * * * GRAY-LEMBURG The marriage of Ted Lemburg and Miss Imogene Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gray of Mis sion. was solemnized Saturday eve ning at Edinburg at the Methodist narsonage. Rev. Liles officiating. Their only attendants were Miss COMPLETE BEAUTY SPECIALISTS Heir Cutting and Marcel ing PERMANENT WAVE Any type and style Evenings and Sundays by appointment Spencer Beauty and Wave Shop 1105*4 Elizabeth St. I TsL 1326 McCrery Bldf. I By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE An Easter Luncheon The pretty yellow and white spring flowers, the variety of favors and fluffy little toy chickens and bunnies for sale in the stores make the Easter party one quite simple to plan. Wicker, reed or glass baskets are Irma Giddings and Hank Evans of Edinburg. Mr. Lemburg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lemburg. Mr. and Mrs. Lemburg will make their home in McAllen. • • • LEGION AUXILIARY The American Legion Auxiliary met in regular session Friday at the chamber of commerce. During the meeting officers were elected for a temporary girl scout troop which is composed of girls eight years of age, who are working the pass the tender foot test. The following are the officers elected: Mrs. H. H. Hixon. captain. Mrs. H. H. Jordan, lieutenant. Mesdames T. W. Kelley, W. I. With erspoon and Fred Saunders troop committee. The troop was organized on Sat urday with the following girls as members: Marjorie Dean, Nell Francis, Marion Hasness, Jean Kreidler, Florence Murphy, Vesta Pearl Rapp. Mary Frances Rhodes and Clara May Young. The troop will meet every Satur day morning for an outing. * * * The program committee of the Valley Federated clubs, which is composed of Mrs. Walter Weaver of Donna, chairman. Mrs. P. E. Montgomery of McAllen and Mrs. Herren of Harlingen met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Walter Weaver at which time they outlined the program for the meeting of the Val ley Federated clubs which will meet in McAllen on May 14. RAND CONCERT DELAYED SAN BENITO. March 29.—The concert by the San Benito Munici pal band scheduled for Easter Sun day has been postponed to Thurs - day of next week. Bandmaster T Ralph Willis announced. A band stand is being prepared for the concert. suitable containers for jonquils, daffodils, narcissi or hyacinths with plenty of greenery. These are to be placed in the center of the table or, if the table is large, several bouquts can be arranged. A potted plant crepe paper or tulle, makes a very effective center table decoration. Small pots, hold ing single blooms and greenery, can be used for favors, the name cards being fastened around the pot on a cord. These small pots are in expensive and could be filled by the hostess. They make novel favors. However elaborate or simple the party, the color scheme should be yellow. Menu Orange and Grapefruit Cocktail Chicken Croquettes in Nests of Buttered Peas Yellow Rolls Peach Conserve Stuffed Egg Salad Cheese Sticks Lemon Sherbet Gold Cakes Coffee Yellow' and White Cream Candies in Bunny Cups Gold Cakes One-half cup fat. 1 1-2 cups sugar, 4 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon lemon ex tract, 1 teaspoon orange extract, 1 cup water, 3 cups flour. 3 tea spoons baking powder, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 3 egg w’hites, stiffly beaten. Cream the fat and sugar for 2 minutes. Add the egg yolks, ex tracts, water, flour and baking powder. Beat for 3 minutes. Fold in the rest of the ingredients and half fill well greased muffin pans. Bake in a moderate oven for 20 minutes. Cool and cover with white frosting. Stuffed Egg Salad, Serving Eight Eight hard cocked eggs, 1-4 cup white cream cheese, 1-4 cup chop ped pimentos, 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley, 2 tablespoons cat sup, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1-4 teaspoon pepper. 1-2 cup salad dressing. Cut the eggs in halves lengthwise. Remove and mash the yolks. Add the cheese, pimentos, parsley, cat sup. salt, pepper and 1 tablespoon dressing to the yolks. Fill the egg cases w’ith this mixture and chill. When ready to serve place on let tuce leaves and surround with the , remaining dressing. WERNER’S ORCHESTRA GETS STAGE AT DANCE SAN BENITO, March 29.—Eddie Werner’s orchestra is to get the stage in the battle of orchestras at the American Legion dance here tonight, while the Southbound Shufflers will use the temporary * stand at the other side of the hall in the Legion memorial hall. This is the second “battle of or chestras'’ conducted at the Legion ‘ dances, one orchestra taking up where another stops and furnishing ' four hours of continuous music. | I :q =— |-71 — , i' j i : : - : ; - - : : i. '9 mats never late And that’s Borden’s Evap orated. Always on hana 3o5 days in the year. ©* Always pure, always double-rich in cream, always best for any milk dish. Made by the oldest and largest milk company in the country. BBBB B^HB HiB BBBBB Bi^BB BB^Bi BHBB BIHBB BBBB BBHB BBHB BIBBB BBB BiflBi BIBB IBXBB BBi BBH BBBH BM BBBB BBBB BHBB BBBBB BB BHB BBBIV BHBBBBBHB BBBB MB The new Borden plant in Texas is under construction—Already the walk of the new Borden Milk plant at Waco, Texas, are taking shape and rising. CL Soon the plant will be in production. Soon Texans will have the opportunity of buying Borden Milk produced from the broad and fertile Texas Pastures. Pure, fresh country milk prepared in a modern up-to-date Texas Condensary. * • k ' *