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ERNST TO GO TO CONVENTION Local Penney Manager Will Attend District Meet In Dallas Monday R. B. Ernst, manager of the local C. Penney company store, was to leave today for Dallas to attend the annual spring convention of the organization which will open April 1 in the Hotel Baker. The convention, which is one of 14, covering the entire eoontry, will be headed by A. V/. Hughes of the personnel department, as chairman; Earl C. Sims, president; J. I. H. Herbert, vice president and treas urer; L. A. Martin, and T. J. Ma roney, district manager, will also o*uresent *rom the home office. The first two clays will be devoted to business sessions in the morning and general conferences between store managers and department managers and department manag ers from the home office in the aft , ernoon. 1 Tuesday evening there will be a banquet at the hotel with a short program of inspirational na ture followed by the initiation of new managers into the J. C. Pen ney company ranks. A feature of the business sessions ..—1 in the morning program of the first two days will be talks by store managers. Three managers "will be selected for each of the 14 conven tion points. Following the business sessions, four days will be devoted to soring buying. Special features have*been developed in the presentation of .ready-to-wear clothing, millinery and other style items of the gen eral J. C. Penney company lines. Recent developments in the J. C. Penney company include the acquis quisition of 117 stores throughout the mid-west and west and the op ening of 65 new stores in the gen eral expansion program to include 500 new locations during the pres ent calendar year. ! Other leases are being rapidly completed with a heavy program of fall store opening already indicated for locations which have recently been closed. Sales of the J. C. Penney com pany for the year just passed, were in excess of $176,000,000, according to Mr. Ernest and the quota es tablished for this year is $215,000, 000. Total number of stores now in cluded in the J. C. Penney company ranks is 1.212 with increases being recorded each month. WEST TEXAS OIL DALLAS, March 29.—<P'i—New production in West Texas last week reached its highest stage during March. 11 producers completed in five counties flowing approximate ly 23,350 barrels daily. Four tests were abandoned. Mwasm I i ...- --- The Opening of the New s * Holm’s Studio In location formerly occupied by Piggly Wiggly Store ^ SPEC1AofferEN,NG V Saturday Morning I Good for Ten Pays March 30, 1929 $12.50 a Dozen Photographs The latest ideas have been incorporat $8.00 Dozen ed in photographic equipment to give SnlO, $22.50 values 8 stil1 better Holm Service. I ^ $16.00 f~ .We Do Kodak Finishing ‘MA’ SUNDAY AND CHILDREN POSE Here is the first picture to be taken of Mrs. Billy (Ma) Sunday and her children in recent years. It was snapped in Los Angeles when George Sunday and his wife sailed for an extensive vacation in Ha waii. In the picture, the temporarily united family group are “Ma” Sunday (center in front); George Sunday (with cap); Billy, Jr., Mrs. George (left); Mrs. O. M. Andrus (Mrs. George's sister), and Capt. A. A. Sawyer of the boat on which they sailed. Radio Corporation Sells Wireless To Phone Company NEW YORK. March 29.—W— The New York Herald-Tribune said today that the International Tele phone and Telegraph corporation had purchased the R. C. A. Com munications. Inc., the world-wide wireless system of the Radio Cor poration of America. The price was about $100,000,000. The deal makes the International Telephone and Telegraph company the largest International communi cations system in the world with a comprehensive telephone, telegraph, cable and wireless system extending to the remotest parts of th glob. When your Children Cry for It Mother#, who take one simple pre caution, are seldom worried. With a bottle of Fletcher’s Castoria in the house thpy can do what their doctor would tell them to do, when baby is fretful, feverish, colicky, constipated or stuffed-up with cold—give a few drops of this pure vegetable, plcasant tasting preparation. It comforts Baby and soothes him to sleep in a jiffy. It’s perfectly safe for the youngest infant. Use it freely—and as often as needed, specialists advise. A more liberal dose is all it takes to comfort and relieve older children when fever ishness, bad breath, no appetite, colds, etc., show they need a good purging. The mark of genuine Castoria is the Fletcher signature on the wrapper. Look for it to avoid imitations. LEGIONNAIRES HEP POLICE San Angelo Citizens Move To Step Crime Wave Over City _ | SAN ANGELO. Tex., March 29 — (/P)—Members of the San Angelo police force who are patrolling the streets nightly, to suppress a crime wave unprecedented in the city’s history were reinforced last night by a detachment of 30 American Legion members, armed from the jail armory. The Legionnaires volunteered to help patrol the city until the last of undesirables had been driven out. A reward fund totalling $3, 500 has been raised to encourage officers in their drive against the lawless element. One man is under arrest for an attack Wednesday night on a 10 year-old girl, daughter of a prom inent family, who was taken from the bed where she slept and car ried to an alley in the rear of her home. The girl had not identified the suspect. Police Arrest Man Traveling With Girl Kidnaped Wednesday PHILADELPHIA. March 23.—UP) Curtis S. Devonshire, 30-year-old salesman, and Alice Labutis, 12 years, who he is accused of kidnao ing from her home here on Wed nesday, were found today at Char lotte, N. C., police announced. He was arrested when he called at a telegraph office for money, 'the girl was with him. Alice was playing in front of her home with Helen Ross, 14, when a man asked one of the girls where a woman who had lived next to the Ross home had moved. The man offered the girls 50 cents, Helen Ross said, and Alice agreed to go in his car *1 got into his car to <diow him the home of Mrs. Anna Jenkins,” the girl tcld officer?. ‘‘He didn't go near there, but drove all nignt. I begged him to take me home. “He didn't hurt me bu!, I was scared.” BOMB EXPLOSION IS FATAL TO FIVE NOGALES. Ariz., March 29.—(A>)— Five persons met violent deaths and three others were Injured last night in an explosion that destroyed a federal bomb factory near Mexicali, capital of the northern district of Baja, California. Franz Schulenberg, German bomb maker, his 17-year-old daughter. Blanche, and three Mexican federal soldiers on guard duty, were killed. The blast resulted when a bomb ex ploded in the process of manufac ture, touching off nine kegs of ex plosives and 30 aerial bombs. T Not so many years ago, brushing the teeth was a cus tom followed by only a few; today its bene fits are so appa rent thatcleans ing the teeth is a habit. Now people are realizing that proper care of the feet is also necessary and are using Allen’s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic, healing powder for the feet because it takes the friction from the shoes, relieves tired, aching, smarting feet and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. If you would walk all day or dance all night and never think about your feet, shake into your shoes each morning some Allen’s Foot-Ease or sprinkle it in the foot bath. Sold at all Drug and Toilet Goods counters. For free trial package and a Foot -Ease Walking Doll, address Allen’s Foot-Ease, LcRoy, N. Y.' . » RADIO AD PLAN TOLD AT MEET First Step Taken Toward Effort to Raise Fund For WLW Programs (Special to The Herald) MERCEDES, March 29.—How J. W. Osborne, manager of the Donna Chamber of Commerce, and C. O. Sheldon, Donna business man, organized and financed a nightly two-minute program of Valley ad vertising over radio station WLW of Cincinnati, was outlined by Shel don at a meeting of chamber of commerce managers and citizens at Mercedes city hall Thursday night. Osborne and Sheldon believe that the activity should be one of Val ley-wide effort instead of a local ef fort at Donna, and asked the rais ing of a fund sufficient to finance a two-minute program nightly for a period of at least one year. The meeting resulted in the ap pointment of an organization com mittee consisting of F. A. Swallow of Alamo. John A. Phelan of Mer cedes, D. W. Day of Harlingen and Osborne. The organization committee will formulate a Valley-wide committee, of which they will be a part, to con tinue the activity. Osborne stated that the actual cost of the program was $250 a week, or $13,000 a year. It was es timated by speakers that the cost of launching the entire effort would run from $20,000 to $24,000 a year. Many radio listeners in the Val ley, Osborne said, already have been attracted by the program, which goes on the air at WLW at fifteen seconds after 10 o’clock, central standard time. He said he had contracted for thirteen weeks at a total cost of $3250, and so far has been raising the money himself. He believed it should now be handled as a Valley-wide matter. The pro gram has been on the air since the first week in March. Osborne read a large number of inquiries that had come to Donna as a result of the radio program Osborne was chairman of the meeting, and speakers heard in cluded J. E. Bell of San Benito, Myron Ward of Harlingen, D. W. Day of Harlingen, F. A. Swallow of Alamo, John A. Phelan, G. C. Rich ardson and others. Ward urged the attendance of ten citizens from each Valley county at the forty-county meeting at San Antonio on April 11, at the Gunter hotel, at which there will be dis cussion of plans for an extensive South Texas advertising program. This meeting was aranged early in March at a gathering at Corpus Christi. • Whether we join in this plan or not. we should be represented there | to protect our interests in such manner as may be found neces sary,” Ward declared. MEDAL FOR SAVING CAT READING, Eng.—Miss Gwyneth Hereford was awarded a medal for rescuing a drowning cat. JENSEN HOLDS SOLO RECORD Flyer Beats Record Held By Thomas By Only Eight Minutes ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y„ Mar. 29.—UP)—Martin Jensen today holds an unofficial solo endurance flight record of 35 hours, 33 minutes and 21 seconds. The record was established when he landed at 5:34:55 p. m. yesterday, having been in the air eight min utes and 22 seconds longer than the time of the late Royal V. Thomas. It was unofficial because the na tional Aeronautical association does not list solo records. It keeps only one endurance record Irrespective of the number In the piano without regard to When gallon of line left of his flight was that auto gas could be for highly refined airplane cessfully. I Weed & Dodd 5 Insurance *** j Bonds and Loans ; PHONE 100 j Spivey-Kowaleki Bldg. 1 Brownsville, Texas * frf==^ :..1 ■ A CORDIAL INVITATION j Is extended to the public to visit our plant and Inspect the careful J and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. * Mr « H For complete information address Owen M. Combe, District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. 1 » Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas. Concrete Pipe for Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. I Y°u win always have Cool . . . Fresh • . . sanitary foods when protected with a Ward refri gerator. Everyone is properly built and insulated to keep the temperature at the correct degree of coldness. There is an ideal size here for your use . . . Buy it now, and pay for it in convnient amounts with Ward’s Easy Payment Plan! Large Size— 75-Pound Box Windsor Trade Mark Refrigerator At Ward’s Low Cash Price $27.45 Also on Easy Payments An unusual value, with its numer * ou3 practical and superior features .... Rust-resisting ice chamber; white enameled food compartments; one-inch cork board insulation; pa tented flat-wire shelves to prevent dishes from slipping. 50-lb. size Porcelain-Lined Refrigerator At Ward’s <£00 *7|- Also Sold Low Cash Price <])«)£» I c) on Easy Payments One of the finest low-priced, unexcelled quality refrig erators you can buy! 1-inch corkboard airtight in sulation. Triple-coat porcelain lining with rounded corners—so easily cleaned! Every desirable con venience. ^ ^ ' Si Small Family Windsor Trade Mark Refrigerator At Ward’s Low Cash Price $12.98 Also on Easy Payments Top-icing style with 35-pound cap acity. Tight fitting, well-made doors; white enameled steel food compartment. Compact . . . clean . . . sanitary! I 40-lb. Capacity j Refrigerator j Cash «• »> <1*17 7C I A splendid box for the kitchen of limited J space. Case of golden oak finished ash. 1 White enameled steel food compartments; | Insulated airtight doors, and galvanized metal 1 Ice chamber. | Also Sold |] I on Easy Payments | || 1 J 11,000,000 1 I Help You Save I When you buy from Ward’s, 1 11,000,000 families buy with I you. You share their pur- j chasing power. No wonder 1 then that Ward prices are 1 lower—that your pocket book goes further with us. Gray Enamel Steel Refrigerator 100-Pound Size 6*1 AC AO at Cash Price . ...^luD.JO This 100-lb. size chest has every high-priced feature for the lowest possible cost to you. Includes 1-inch corkboard insulation for as sured ice savings! White enamel steel in terior. There doors. Also Sold on Easy Payments • «r < Hi REMEMBER • . . You can pay| Ward’s Easy Payment Way* Montgomery Ward & Co. i 29 N. First Street PKone 434 Harlingen, Texas