Newspaper Page Text
r « i AUTOMOTIVE 10th & Adams Three Days Free Trial. STEVENSON MOTOR CO.. Inc. Mechanically Inclined? If You Are You Will Surely Appreciate the Thoroughness of Our Used Car Recondition ing ... We Invite Your Minute Inspection of the Working Parts of the Cars Listed Below Mechanically Right . . . Priced Right: 2 Ford ton trucks 1 FtO light delivery 1 Graham one ton truck 1 Ranger 114 ton truck 1 White one ton truck 2 Dodge 34 ton trucks . JESSE DENNETT, INC. ' Used Car Market Phone 904 1219 Levee Used Car Lot Across from Herald office W. A. ROSS, Mgr. FOR SALE—1923 Ford touring car; good motor; $25 00 1523 West Eliza beth St. Phone 1393-W. 0-243 See These Before You Buy Dodge Victory Six Coupe — $700 00 27 Oldsmoblle Coupe.$325.00 56 Master Buicii Sedan.$500.00 CASH TRADE TERMS BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. U27 Levee Phone 1366 0-332 WANTED—ALTOS WANT A ONE-TON Ford truck, less body. Must be In good condition. Will pay cash. Phone 1110. 0-306 ” LOST AND FOUND 6TOLEN—Chevrolet sedan, 1928 model, motor No. 3913930, serial 3AB14248, li cense 74-049, at McAllen. Tuesday, March 26th. $50 reward. J. F. Hines, San Juan. Texas.* 0-361 HELP WANTED WANTED —Young man of good person ality who is not afraid to work and who will follow instructions, to sell Automobiles. Give references and de tails of previous employment. P. O Box 141. 0-357 WE WANT A MAN OR WOMAN who can speak English and Spanish to do house to house soliciting work in Brownsville. Experience not neces sary If interested give full particu lars In your letter. Eox P-11, care The Herald. P"11 WANTED—Five good salesmen who can speak Spanish, for fast selling propo sition. Apply at this office. 10 a. m. Wednesday morning. Roy C. Setsman Co., Inc. __^ ’ SALESMEN—AGENTS SALESMAN WANTED to sell Maytag washing machines any place In the Valley. Should earn S500 per month. Call In person, Valley Maytag Co., Har lingen, Texas.°'323 ESTABLISHED firm has opening for salesman. Must have car and able to .finance self for two weeks. Strictly commission basis. Position u ill I;S\ jr®^ oer week and better. If interest ed0 ^making a change, write P. O. Bo-Mt34, Harlingen. Texas. 0-328 ' '* Situations wanted carf FOR YOUR HOME crops, etc., SSuf you go north. Write Box 0-35* Herald. u~3aa WANTED—Job in canning factory in voiiav office or all around helping hand Address Box 1243. BrownsviU^ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE at a sacrifice, best paying email business In town. Will take light truck as part payment. Address 0-310. Herald. 0-310 FOR SALE—Bill’s Cafe at 7th and Jackson, opposite S. P. freight depot. Good reason for selling. 0-316 FOR SALE—Small high class sandwich shop doing good business. Good loca tion. Will sacrifice account 111 health Box 725, Mission, Texas. 0-326 TO LIQUIDATE LOAN Most popular little hotel in Valley for sale; 30 rooms; on main highway ZELLER AND REYNOLDS 239 Moore Bldg. San Antonio, Texas 0-354 FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY to lend on well located brick business property in the better located towns throughout the Valley. Low Interest rate, easy terms, prompt service; small brokerage, nc inspection fees, no attorney’s fees, nc life insurance to purchase—Just busi ness property loans See us when you need one. S C. Graham & Co., 1036 Levee St„ Brownsville. Texas. 0-61 TRk.ES — SEEDS — PLANTS ANOTHER ROSE SALE, first week -In April. Radiance. Columbis, Hillingdon M. Nlel, Mock, Paul Neyron. Key, Pre mier, American Beauty. Order at once If wanted; 30c each, $3.50 doz. T. R Riggs, Mercedes, Texas. *P-4 FINANCIAL MONEY To loan on business property. Rent houses. Refinance homes. Any town in Valley. See H. L. Gunn, Pharr, Texas. 0-233 LIVE STOCK—POULTRY SPECIAL on baby chicks; get our prices, G. R. Sibson Co.. La Feria. N-202 LIVESTOCK for sale. Forty head of extra good farm mules. Cash or credit. Pharr Mule Barn. We deliver any where in Valley. John S. Wear. 0-254 BABY CHICKS—All breeds twelve dol lars per hundred. Hatching every Monday and Thursday. Brooder chiCKs from three to 15 days old. prices rea sonable. Cameron County Chickeries. La FerJa. N-230 FOR SALE—12 Jersey milch cows, all fresh. Can be bought right. Phone 377. 0-318 BABY CHICKS—Now booking orders for early delivery. Reds, Rocks, Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bring your custom hatching eggs every Mon day. Roy E. Clark Seed Co.. San Be nito, Texas. M-137 BABY CHICKS—Now booking orders for early delivery. Reds, Rocks, Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bring your custom hatching eggs every Mon day. Roy E. Clark Seed Co., San Be nito, Texas. M-137 MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' HOSE mended; runs, pulls and snags. Valley Hose Mending Co. 745 Elizabeth. 1-193 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE—One 5x7 McCrory, one 5x7 Viking meat cooler boxes suitable for dairy or grocery fixtures. M. System. La Feria. Texas. M-99 HONEY—Pure and fresh; Just taken from the gums; 75c per quart. 1523 West Elizabeth street. Phone 1393-W. 0-235 RADIO BARGAIN—Brand new, all electric, nine-tube set with table to match and built-in speaker. Complete ready to operate. Cost $165.00; Will take $95.00. See set at 302 West Levee. FOR SALE—Latest model steam table. Will sacrifice for cash or terms. Can shq*v any time. See Dr. Gentry. Val ley Amusement Club, McAllen, Texas Phone 380. 0-353 REAL ESTATE For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sites for sub division. This property Is for sale by owners and can be bought at (I very attractive price. Henson-Lo max & Houston and Brownsville Development Co. THREE MODERN frame dwellings. Five vacant lots. Will sacrifice to set tle estate. Phone 16, Green. Weslaco. 0-166 SUMMIT PLACE Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-division. Just one mile from Elizabeth street, on Fourteenth street—the busy thor oughfare leading to the proposed 6htp channel and turning basin through the rich farming section of El Jardin—to the municipal air port and on to Southpoint. Easy terms. Investigate TODAY. Of fice 14th and Hays Sts.. J. J. Dal las, Sales Manager, phone 336, Brownsville. Texas. M-283 FOR SALE Seven and a fraction acres, one and a half miles of the city lin|tts of Brownsville, Texas, planted to^itrus I fruit, nowr in bearing. 150 feet from paved highway, fronting resaca. good body of water. Good four-room house and garage; price fifteen hundred dol lars per acre. 45 acres all cleard and in cultivation, fronting on two highways, 3>,s mils from city limits, price one hundred and fifty dollars per acre. 17*2 acres, resaca frontage, all clear ed in cultivation, fine citrus fruit and potato land. About five miles from the city limits. Price $250.00 per rcre at quick sale. Also two thousand-acre tract, about 12 miles frem Brownsville, practically all prairie land, railroad and drainage r lich running through the tract; can oe had at thirty-five dollars per acre. INQUIDE FROM E. A. MON SEES Brownsville, Texas. 0-234 REAL ESTATE OWNER OFFERS 10 acres west of Brownsville on Military paving, ripe for subdivision; also 10 acres, two acres planted to citrus, at Olmlto. I need money; the price Is right. H. H. Parks, phone 6025F-11, San Benito, Texas. 0-89 BEARING GROVE—Ten-acre tract Just outside Weslaco city limits; five acres bearing: four acres small trees; $7,500; one-third cash. Fruit will make pay ments. Owner, Box 57, Donna, Texas. 0-294 Modern Home Opening San Benito 3700 Block (Paved! Milam St. Corner Lot—50x150 Feet. Beautifully Terraced. Just completed with all conveniencs. Permanent construction. Six rooms, tile' bath, plastered throughout, clear hardwood floors, all .built-in features, beautifully decorated, double garage. Was built for a home. You will have to see this place to appreciate it. For sale by owner only. Open from 2 until 5 o'clock every afternoon until sold. J. S. BROWN. Owner Travelers Hotel Harlingen. Phone 80. P-5 FARMS FOR SALE 16 acres near Brownsville, all In cultviation. good house; about three acres bearing grove, good citrus land. Price $12,500.00. good terms. . Phone 1234-W P. O. Eox 135, Brownsville, Texas, 0-14 I 300 x\cres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. P’or sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous t o n and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. OWNER WILL SELL 30 acres good re saca land, irrigated, lb cultivation. | Harlingen district, only $75 an acre, cash, balance easy. Need money. Also 10 acres at paving. Rio Hondo-San i Benito road. 5 acres citrus. H.. H. Parks. San Benito, Texas. phone 6025F11. 0-39 20 acres good irrigated land In El Jardin. well drained; prlc.e $100.00 per acre, good terms. Phone 450; write P. O. Box 705, Brownsville, Texas. 0-15 WrLLACY COUNTY farm lands for sale. Choice Victoria loam soils, cleared, $00 per acre and up, on easy terms. No trades. If interested write or call on Isadore Moritz. Raymond vllle, Texas. N-182 10-ACRE orchard of 6-year-old trees, la prime condition, near Main high way; very attractive price. Updegraff. La Feria, Texas. 0-323 FOR SALE BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight-room house, five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from con crete highway. Reasonable price and terms. Address P. O. Box 831. Browns ville. Texas. N-64 LOTS FOR SALE OWNER must sell at sacrifice 150 ft. comer on Levee St. Suitable for home or apartment. Phone 1398-W. _ ' * 0-57 112-FOOT CORNER on Palm Blvd., Los Ebanos. Beautiful southeast front lot. Must be sold at once. Phone 1398-W. 0-56 . <—~ - — — ______ FOR SALE Two lots la Edinburg; three lots In San Benito; 33 lots in Brownsville; seven lots outside Brownsville city limits; 20 per cent cash, balance in one. two. three and four years; or monthly payments if preferred. B. E. Hinkley. Brownsville. H-oO YOU DON'T HAVE to be In business to profit by classified advertising. AT SACRIFICE—Beautiful 69-ft. cor ner on Elizabeth St. Suitable for home or apartment. Phone 1398-W. 0-55 HOUSES FOR SALE SACRIFICE—2 modern new homes, 5 rooms, bath, hot water. Beautiful light fixtures, including extra plug for radio. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner, Hayes and 17th Sts., Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. 0-208 FOR SALE—5-room house and lot, modern. Elizabeth street near high way. Good buy for investment. Phone 1043-J. 0-343 BUV OR EXCHANGE FINE INCOME PROPERTY Cleared $28,000.00 last year. Will accept as part payment first-class Valley land. Health demands out doors. Address P. O Box 7, Earlsboro, Okla._^ 0-242 FOR EXCHANGE—Small farm less than six miles from Brownsville near good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lots or Improved residence property. Address, Owner. P. O. Box 831. Brownsville. Texas. N34 FOR SALE OR TRADE—One six-room ! brick; 1 five-room tile stucco. Well located in Harlingen. 10 acres citrus land one mile south of La Blanca. Owner, 401 E. Lincoln. Harlingen. P. O. Box 591. 0-356 RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms In Stegman building. Bert Cromack. M-56 THERE’S SURE TO BE something In teresting to you in the Classified Sec tion today. Read It l APARTMENTS IT’S SO EASY to pick up your tele phone and talk to a classified ad-taker. ------ --------- --- i COLONIAL APARTMENTS—Apartment vacancy. 1523 West Elizabeth street. Call 1173-W. 0-314 NICE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apart ment with garage, also 4-room fur nished apartment. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N-17 IF YOU KNOW you can fill a better Job, tell the classified ad-taker about it and Invite offers. FURNISHER 3-ROOM APARTMENT, lights, water, telephone and garage, $30. 412 Levee St. • 0-75 FURNISHED or unfurnished upstairs apartment, modern, private bath. 1517 Madison. 0-64 Apartments • For Rent Three apartments. Just finished: 4 rooms, electric refrigerators, beautiful furniture and all built-in features. In excellent residential section, overlook ing beautiful resaca and city park. Gas and water furnished. Three-room furnished apartment; gas stove and water heater; $45. Including gas, lights and water. Roy C. Sethman Co. Inc. Opposite El Jardin Hotel 1117 Levee St. Phone 1166 0-51 FOR RENT—Two apartments In West Brownsville; one furnished, $25; one unfurnished. $20. With garage. Tel ephone 917-W. FOR RENT—Desirable southeast apart ment. A place where you will be cool and comfortable. Living room, bed room. dining room, kitchen with breakfast nook. Furnished. Call 1173-W. 0-315 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. All conveniences. Phone 429 after 5. 0-279 VERY COOL 4-room southeast apart ment with gas, on pavement, $35. Also 2-room apartment. Phone 946-W. 0-246 MAYDAY APARTMENTS — Vacancies April 1st and 10th. Modern, cool and convenient; completely furnished. In cluding Zerozone, gas range, garage. 139 Washington. Phone 714. 0-330 FURNISHED APARTMENTS—1007 St. Charles street. P-3 2- ROOM FURNISHED Apartment; also south furnishd bedroom. 443 St. Charles. P-2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, first floor; 2 rooms and bath; lights, gas furnished; $5 per week. Call after 7 p. m. or be fore 10 a. m. Mrs. Rutledge, San Car los Annex. p-7 DUPLEX 4-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Garage. 304 Adams street. P-9 FURNISHED ROOMS *— ■ - - - . — ■ -.- — ROOMS, one block from postoffice, one block from El Jardin hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M-215 SLEEPING ROOM and apartment. 1022 St. Charles, phone 928-J. M-159 LIVING ROOM, dinette, one or two bed rooms, kitchen; reasonable rent; back yard; good neighbors. 834 W. Fronton street. 0-350 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for light houskeeping. 802 Elizabeth street. 0-344 FURNISHED BEDROOM, south expos ure. with connecting bath. 132 W. Levee; phone 184. Mary D. Collins. P-8 HOUSES MODERN 6-ROOM house with gas. ga rage, near high school, $35 per month. Phone 762. N-239 FOR RENT—My 6-room home on Eliz abeth street near high school; sixty dollars monthly. O. D. Deputy, phone 494. 0-298 FOR RENT CHEAP—4-room house. For Information call 1020-W. 0-210 FOR RENT—6-room house, modern conveniences, including gas and hot water heater. 1524 Elizabeth street. Phon 348 or 864-W. 0-329 FOR RENT—rractlcally new five-room house, with bath, automatic gas water heater, shades furnished, garage, con crete walks and drives, fenced-in back yard, desirable neighborhood. Phone 955-J, or call 1330 W. Washington. 0-296 FOR RENT — Furnished four-room house, $20 per month. 1417 Lincoln Blvd. 0-335 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT The City of Brownsville will re ceive sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A. B. Cole, Mayor, up until 10:00 A. M., April 5th, 1929, for the wiring and furnishing of all neces sary material for one Hangar located at the Municipal Airport. Plans and specifications are on file with Mr. Ben Procter, City Architect. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. CITY OF BROWNSVILLE. A. E. MUNDAY, City, Secretary. 3- 25 to 3—3375. LEGAL NOTICE That on March 23, 1929, Robert B. Schwartz sold his interest in the business known as the Alexander Tire company, conducted at No. 1121-23 Levee street. Brownsville, Texas, to H. Alexander, and from said date the business ..ill be con ducted by H. Alexander and S. E. Vauter. All accounts owing to said business will be received by, and all accounts owing by said business will be paid by the said H. Alex ander and S. E. Vauter at the same address. Signed: ROBERT B. SCHWARTZ, S. D. VAUTER. H. ALEXANDER. 3-26-to 4-3378. The City of Brownsville will re ceive sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A. B. Cole. Mayor, up until 10:00 A. M„ April 5th, 1929, for one Underwriters Pump. Specifications are on file at the City Manager’s of fice. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. CITY OF BROWNSVILLE, A. E. MUNDAY, City Secretary. 3-25 to 3—3374. SHERIFFS SALE The State of Texas, County of Cameron: Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a certain order of sale issued out of the honorable District Court of Cameron County on the 6th day of October, 1928 by John P. Scanlan, clerk of said Court, for the sum of twenty-eight hua LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT dred and fifty and no 100 dollars and costs of suit, under a Judgment in favor of Mrs. Ina Jeffress in a certain caues in said Court, No. 7711 and styled: Mrs. Ina Jeffress Vs. Guy Jeffress, placed in my hands for service, I, W. F. Brown, as sher iff of Cameron County, Texas, did on the 22nd day of March, 1928, levy on certain real estate, situated in Cameron County, Texas, de scribed as follows, to-wit: The north twenty (20) acres, and the south 16 and 17-100 (16.17) acres of land out of block No. 204, San Benito Irrigation company’s subdi vision of a part of share No. 1, of the Espirito Santo Grant, in Cam eron County, Texas, as shown in Vol. 3, at pages 16 to 18, of the map records of Cameron County, Texas, and levied upon as the prop erty of Guy Jeffress and that on the first Tuesday in May, 1929, the same being the 7th day of said month, at the Courthouse door of Cameron County, in the City of Brownsville, Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., by virtue of said levy and said Order of Sale, I will sell said above de scribed real estate at public vendue, for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of said Guy Jeffers. And in compliance with law, I give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immedi ately preceding said day of sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a newspaper published in Cameron County. Witness my hand, this 25th day of March. 1928. W. F. BROWN, Sheriff, Cameron County, Texas. By H. JAGOUR, Deputy. 3-26-2-9-3t-3377. OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS: Port of Browns ville, Texas, March 26, 1929. Notice is hereby given that on March 24, 1929, there was seized near the Bar anco crossing, Cameron county, Texas, from Estanislado Rodriguez, for violation of Sec. 593 Tariff Act 1922. and Sec. 3062 R. S„ one Over land touring car, motor No. 74604, serial No. 6620. Anyone claiming the above described automobile will file claim with me within twenty (20) days from the date of this no tice: otherwise I will sell the auto mobile at public auction at the U. S. customhouse. Brownsville, Texas, on Tuesday, April 16, 1929, at 10 o’clock a. m. WILLIAM NEALE, Dy. Collector. Seizure No. 1192-B. 3-26-2-9-3t-3376. HERRICK’S BROTHER ILL CANTON. O.. April 2.—iTPi—A re lapse in the illness of Orin Her rick. 78, oldest brother of Myron T. Herrick, occured today due to shock over the death of the late ambassador. LIGHT CITY VOTE FORT WORTH, April 2.—UP)— Fort Worth today was selecting its city council for the next two years so quietly indications were the lightest vote in years in a munici pal election would be cast. Train Schedules MISSOURI PACIFIC LIVES No. 12—To Houston. San Antonio. 6 a m. No. 16—To Houston. San Antonio. St. Louis. 8:35 p. m. No. 15—From St. Louis. San Anto nio. Houston. 7:55 a. m. No. 11—From San Antonio and Hous ton, 9:55 p m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES No. 319—From Houston, San Anto nio. 8:15 a. m. No. 320—To Houston. San Antonio, 8:15 p. m. NATIONAL LINES OP MEXICO (Matamoros Station) No. 132—To Monterrey, Mexico City, 9:50 a. m. No. 131— F-om Mexico City, Monter rey. 3:30 p. m. , _ j ’«L1I BIO GRANDE RAILWAY . , To Point Isabel, 9:30 a. m. From Point Isabel. 4 p. m. M. P. TRANSPORTATION CO. Cars to Mission on the hour every hour, 6 a. m. to 6 p. m.. and at 7:30 a m„ 3:30 p. m., 7:30 p. m. and 9 p. m. To Point Isabel, 8 a. m. and 12 noon. 4 p. m. HHOWEB SU>eUGH7S I AT THE CAPITAL The same production personnel responsible for the filming of “The King of Kings,” Cecil B. De Mille’s led the production of “The Godless Girl,” Mr. De Mille’s first direc torial effort since he filmed “The King of Kings” in 1927, which will be the attraction at the Capitol tomorrow for four days. Frank Urson, assistant to De Mille on many of the latter’s out standing features, assisted the di rector on "The Godless Girl,” hav ing just completed “Chicago,” which he directed for De Mille. Peverell Marcey, who photograph ed “The King of Kings,” was en trusted with the photography of “The Godless Girl.” The import ant work of cutting was done by Anne Bauchens, who edited the film on every Cecil B. De Mille production during the past ten years, while Roy Burns, who was responsible for the thousands oi properties used in “The King of Kings,” was in charge of properties for “The Godless Girl.” This picture, like “The King of Kings,” was written and scenarized by Jeanie Macpherson, who wrote “The Ten Commandments,” “Joan the Woman” and numerous other Cecil M. De Mille productions. Lina Basquette was selected for the title role, while George Duryea, Nooah Beery, Marie Prevo6t and Eddie Quillan have important roles in this drama of youth. # Air Mail Schedules The schedule for the .mall between Brownsville and Dallas Is announced by the postoffice department as fol lows: Southbound Leave Dallas . 7:44 a. m. Leave Ft. Worth . 8:15 a. m. Leave Waco . 9:20 a. m. Leave Austin . 10:25 a. m. Leave San Antonio . 11:20 a. m. Arrive Brownsville . 2:05 p. m Northbound— Leave Brownsville . 1:25 p. m. Leave San Antonio . 4:15 p. m. Leave Axistln . 5:10 p. m. Leave Waco . 6:15 p. m. Leave Ft. Worth . 7:15 p. m. Arrive Dallas . 7:35 p. m. The schedule for the American air mail to Mexico City is as follows: Leave Brownsville . 7:30 a. m. Arrive Tampico . 10:00 a. m. Leave Tampico . 10:30 a. m. Arrive Mexico City . 12:45 p. m Following Is the schedule for the Mexican air mall: Leave Mexico City . 7:45 a. m. Arrive Tampico . 10:15 a. m. Leave Tampico . 10:45 a. m Arrive Brownsville . 1:15 p. m. Following is the schedule on the Brownsvllle-Mazatlan Route: Leave Brownsville . 7 afc m. Arrive Monterrey . 9:30 a. m. Leave Monterrey . 9:50 a. m. Arrive Torreon . 12:50 p. m. Leave Torreon . 1:50 p. m. Arrive Durango . 3:50 p. m. Leave Durango . 4:10 p. m. Arrive Mazatlan . 6:10 p. m. Return trip: Leave Mazatlan . 7:00 a. m. Arrive Durango . 9:00 a. m. Leave Durango . 9:20 a. m. Arrive Torreon . 11:50 p. m. Leave Torreon . 12:10 p. m. Arrive Monterrey . 3:10 p. m. Leave Monterrey . 4:10 p. m. Arrive Brownsville . 6:10 p. m. •This route Is operating during the revolution only to Monterrey and re turn. POSTAL RATES The United States air mall postage rate Is 5 cents for the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof. Letters mailed in the United States for the points In Mexico take this rate. The Mexican rate Is 35 centavos, or 18 cents U. S. Money for the first 20 grams and the same rate for each ad ditional 20 grams. Twenty grams are about equal to three-quarters of an ounce. Charter No. 12236 Reserve District No. 11 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE STATE NATIONAL BANK. of Brownsville, in the State of Texas, at the close of business on March 27th, 1929 RESOURCES 1. Loans and discounts .$1,577,484.70 2. Overdrafts . 3,196.30 3. United States Government securities owned . 152,050.00 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned . 9,300.00 6. Banking house. $155,000; Furniture and fixtures, $33,000.. 188,000.00 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank. 82,399.42 9. Cash and due from banks . 537,436.83 10. Outside checks and other cash items. 1,865.35 11. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer . 7,500.00 Total.$2,559,232.65 LIABILITIES 15. Capital stock paid in . 250,000.00 16. Surplus . 60,000.00 17. Undivided profits—net . 3,126.72 19. Reserves for interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid . 8,000.00 20. Circulating notes outstanding . 145,050.00 21. Due to banks, including certified and cashiers’ checks outstanding . 355,630.23 22. Demand deposits . 598,114.48 23. Time deposits . 1,139,311.22 Total.$2,559,232.65 State of Texas, County of Cameron, ss: I. A. H. FERNANDEZ. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn ly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. H. FERNANDEZ, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of April, 1929. (SEAL) ELSIE REID, Notary Public Correct—Attest: J. G. FERNANDEZ, A. ASHHEIM, A. CUETO, JR., Directors RECAPITULATION RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .$1,577,484.70 U. S. Bonds. 152,050.00 Banking House. Furniture and Fixtures . 188,000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank. 9,300.00 Cash in Vault and with Banks.-. 632,397.95 Total.$2,559,232.65 LIABILITIES Capital Stock .•.$ 250,000.00 Surplus Fund . 60,000.00 Undivided Profits . 3,126.72 Circulation . 145,050.00 Reserved for Interest Accrued . 8,000.00 Deposits . 2,093,055.93 Total.$ 2,559,232.65 L Classified Business Directory • j ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville, Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco, Texas A. A. Callaway & Co. Architects and Engineers 411 Merchants Bank Building Brownsville, Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer Room 408, State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas. Fhone 1077. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER - P. O. Address R. F. D. No. 1 San Benito Telephone 6005 F 12 PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Registers bought, sold and exchanged W. E. Sanders, Representative Phone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 DRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone 139 ■ . t... ■ .. AUSTIN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Phones 421 and 519 1126 Washington St. ■ Am, i , — — ■ — -.1 Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Storing, moving, crating and shipping. Local and long dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight service between all Valley points, Harlingen, Brownsville, Edinburg. Office 1259 Levee Phone 787 Truck leaves Brownsville 11:30 Daily HAULING of all types with Chevrolet truck. Phone 191. W. T. Goodson Serv ice Station. 0-225 FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BCWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. St. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 771. E HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous for its Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place for * business lunches 12th between Elizabeth and Washington INSURANCE yv. B. CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National • Bank PHONE 6 Try a Herald Classified Aa i am—mm INSURANCE LOANS Build, Buy or Refinance. Insurance * Surety Bonds D. L. WELCH Cromack Bldg. Phone 470. FINANCIAL LOANS On improved residence and bualnes property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee St. Brownsville, Texas. MATTRESS RENOVATING < Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. AI i repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 MILL WORK 1 1 .... - -I- II . HOMER L. FITCH Planing Mill and Cabinet Work Bank, store and office fixtures. End of West 7th St. Our estimates mean j'our orders 4 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville ... Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE’S STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville, Texas .... _ ji FUNERAL DIRECTORS Hinkley Mortuary Complete Funeral Service Phones 123—300 St. Charles and Eleventh Street ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO., Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville, Tex. Phone U63 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors, New L. C. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory” Rebuilts—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS * Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman, Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury, George and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas " CHIROPRACTOR. M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service . State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas Room 405 Phone 703 EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville’s Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com pletely improved. Home sites front $1200.00. easy terms. James-Dick' son Co., Realtors, corner Tray* - Hotel Bldg., Brownsville. jr O» U i ,*■