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■ -'--| , , A>#»##»########»######»###f####»»»#»»########. J |jljl!| Phone Number Q /A T T"« fTl Phone Number i ‘ Valley Society N eilfS jl Seven 3 L/ W 1 XL X X Seven * and Events _ W^w***^***********^^**#####*^*****************^*****#*********^******************'****************^*********************^***^************^********^/ ^‘■‘fefrreffffrfrrerffeeffrrrrrfVffffrfffffff1' Learners Club to Study the Tempest The remainder of the club sea son will be devoted by the Learners’ club to the study of “The Tempest,” supposed to be the last of Shake speare's plays. The first act con stitut^^the lesson for Tuesday’s meet^PT which was held with Mrs. J. A. Muckelroy. In the absence of Miss Rose Brewer, the president, Mrs. George Smith served as director of the play. Quotations from the play in response to roll call showed that the members had familiarized them selves with the comedy. The first was read by the club members in parts assigned them respectively. Miss Florence Bell gave the story and setting of the play, without notes, explaining the plot and char acters briefly, Mrs, Sherwood Bish op's paper on the “Purpose of Re venge as Revealed by Prosperos Story of Betrayal and Dethrone ment ’ showed that his purpose was in reality the retsoration of his \ daughter, Miranda, to her rights as his heiress. Mrs. May Butsche portrayed the delightful character of Ariel, with his powers and func tions in the play. Under committee reports, the en tertainment committee reported on expenditures for entertainment of th Tuesday club of Mission. The president speaking for the club complimented the committee upon its excellent work and tendered the thanks of the organization. Thanks l were voted also to the young ladies I from the high school who assisted ra,fc the entertainment, t Mrs. Lena More was appointed Ldelegate to represent the club at Fhe meeting of the fifth district ■federation to be held at Harlingen. F)n motion of Mrs. Taylor the club Boted unanimously to appoint the President, Mrs, Smith, alternate del egate. ■ It was decided that, the club will Epntinue the coming vear the prac ■ce of holding meetings at homes ■ members. ■ On discussion of the movement H invite Miss Ruth Pennybacker K visit Brownsville clubs and de ■ ver a lecture on the drama, it ■•as decided that the club would co operate with the city federation if SKat bodv should decide to extend Hch invitation to Miss Pennybacker Bt the decision should not be bind ■g uoon the club members mdi ■dually. ■Mrs. E K Goodrich, who was SBrmerly a member, was reinstated ^F unanimous vote. ^B'he club will meet next Tuesday BBh Mrs. J. S. Ford. ^^^ulture Club ,-T ^ Shakespeare '!rOrs":i- meeting of tlv» i\- hold v.'pdnes ■^Bft^^Fn at the hem° of Mrs fFtre m FI Jardin. The HH a ^continuation of S'nake ■BB Mid.'ummer Night's Dream ■BB-i by Mr' Homer I. Frrh. ar bv Mrs Randel Mathers Bull gave a parliamentary on how minutes should be BHri. which member' found 'w Hi ^^^Bre were Ik members and two .'.’-h. Mr-; Freda Brown of Okla ■"-•■' Band Miss Katherine Wnrlev ■HBwnsi'iHe were present. | Calendar For The Week Monday Presbyterian Woman’s Auxiliary meets in circls at 3:30 p. m. Monday. Circle 1 with Mrs. C. P. Harris; Cir cle 2, Mrs. G. W. Moothart; Circle 3, Mrs. H. D. Seago. Presbyterian evening circle at 8 p. m. Monday with Mrs. J. H. Russell. Altar Society. Sacred Heart church, meets at 3:30 p. m. Monday with Mrs. J. J. Young. Methodist Missionary Society meets Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. in circles. Circle 1 with Mrs. L .C. Fitch on West Levee street; Circle 2 meets at church, Mrs. J. E. Lovett leader; Circle 3 of El Jardin meets with Mrs. Peckstein. Young Matrons meet with Mrs. M. L. Love assisted by Mrs. L. N. Lyons. Baptist missionary circles meet together at the “church, 3 p. m. for mission study. Tuesday Mardi bridge club with Mrs. C. H. Williams. Hi-Lo with Mrs. Gracy. Monthly business meeting of Business and Pro fessional Women’s club, 7:30 p. m. Rebekahs meet 8 p. m. with Mrs. Geo. T. Hamilton. Learners with Mrs. J. S. Ford, 3:30 p. m. Wednesday Self Culture with Mrs. Geo. T. Hamilton. Business and Professional Women’s club luncheon. Just-Sew with Mrs. M. W. Ward. Wednesday bridge club with Mrs. A. K. Black. Mrs. Neil Allen will entertain her bridge club. El Jardin Friendly with Mrs. B. G. Hanna. Thursday West Brownsville Parent-Teachers’ association meets at the school house, 3:30. Euzelian Class Holds Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Euzelian class of the First Baptist church was held Friday afternoon was spent in quilting, in her home. She was assisted by Mrs. C. L. Freeman in her duties as hostess. j Following disposition of routine business, a social hour was heldj which was enjoyed by 14 guests A contest was won by Mrs. Fritz Schmidt. The remainder of thej afternoon was spent in kuilting Refreshments of salad, cake and tea were served The next meeting of the order, will be held at the home of Mrs ' Ted Tucker May 3. She will be assisted in the entertainment by Mrs. Bert Neil. • • • t Miss Langford Holds Luncheon Anna Ruth Langford was hostess Saturday afternoon at a luncheon given to a group of friends. Those present were Mary Warren. Gail i McDavitt. Georgie Singer and Frances Creager. • * • Slumber Party Held By Frances Creager Miss Frances Creaeer entertain ed a few' of her friends with a slumber party Fridey night at her home. Those pres°nf were Gail McDaxit*. Anna Ruth Langford Georgie Singer and Frances Crea ger. Music Pupils To Give Recital The violin and piano pupils of Miss Annie L. Putegnat will appear in recital on Friday evening, April 12. at eight o'clock at the Elks Hall. The public is cordially in vited Attend. The program is as ‘follows: PART 1 1. Violin Duet, "America.” Mary Bertha Putegnat. Louise Connelly. 2. Piano. "The Scissors Grinder.” (Aileen Mae Erb) Joe Ingram, Jr. 3. Violin. "The Robin's Lullaby.” (Krogmann) Mary Bertha Putegnat. 4. Piano, "In Frog Land.” (Louise Godfrey Agle) Catherine Murphy. 5. Violin. "The Coon Gift.” (Mattingly > Louise Connelly. 6. Piano. "Drifting,” (Williams). Mary Bertha Putegnat. 7. Violin. “Vesper Bells.” (Krogmann) Womack Stroman. 8. Piano, ‘ In Hanging Gardens.” (Evans > Gertrude Ingram. PART II 9. Violin Ensemble, (a) "Sweet and Low,’ (Barnby), (b> Alo ha” (Lilinokalinif. 1st violin. Miss Annie L. Putegnat. 2nd violin. Consuelo Bolada. 3rd violin. Mary Margaret Fox. 4th violin. William Ross. 10 Piano. "Pierrette.” (Cham inade*. Laurita Grider. 11. Violin, "Melody in F." «Rub enstein*. William Ross. 12 Piano, o) "The Scarf Dance," (Chaminadei; (b) "At Eve ning,” (Louise Wright). Mary Mason. 13. Violin, “Introduction et Pol onaise,” (C. N. Allen). Mary Margaret Fox. Piano accompaniment. Ade laide Fox. 14. Piano, "Hungary.” (Carl Koel ling). Zoila Larrea. 15. Violin, "Les Melodies des Aples.” (A. Lehmann). Consuelo Bolada. 16 Fiano, "Charmeuse,” (Rob ert C. Clark). Adelaide Fox. 17. Violin Enemble, <a> "Lon donverry Air.”; <b> "Mi Viejo Amor,” ("Alfonso Oteo». 1st violin. Miss Annie L. Putegnat. 2nd violin. Consuelo Bolado. 3rd violin, Mary Margaret Fox. * * * . Medical Auxiliary Plans Entertainment Plans for the entertainment of women at the State Medical asso ciation. which is to meet in Browns ville in May, were discussed at a special meeting of the Cameron Ccunty Medical Auxiliary on Mon day afternoon at the home of Mrs W. J. Vxnsant. in San Benito. The meeting was well attended and many entertainment features were discussed. * # * Benefit Bridge to Be Held Thursday The annual Valley-wide benefit bridge party of the American Le gion Auxiliary of this city will be held at 3 p. m. Thursday at the Brownsville Country club. This ai fair. a success in past years, is con ducted for the purpose of aiding disabled soldiers and their families. Preparations are being made for a large gathering but in order that a check may be kept on the attend ance, officers request’that reserva tions be made through Mrs. R. C. Morris or Lula George. These two will act as joint hostesses at the af fair. Proceeds are to go largely to the hospital at Kerrville where tuber cular patients among the World War veterans are cared for. Anyone wishing to aid the sol diers and their families are eligible to attend the benefit bridge party. Members from other Valley auxil iaries are especially invited by the local organization. Mrs. CHamilton heads the auxiliary hero* f i 4 VOILE and ORGANDIE j Wash ! Besses I in a Special ~ \ Fast Color \\ Prints! I * I * Benefit Bridge Party Is Success Members of the First Ward Pa rent-Teacher association reported the benefit bridge party, held Fri day, night at the Elks’ hall a finan cial success and expressed thanks to contributors to the prizes. There were 25 tables of players. An election of officers is to oe i held at the school building at 3:30 p. m. Friday. Donors to the bridge party were: Borderland. Edelstein’s, Ike Bol lack. The Fashion, J. C. Penney Co.. Model Laundry, American Clean ers, Eagle Pass Lumber Co.. Lack ner's, McCleary’s Music Co.. Libby’s Ella May Beauty Parlor. Black and White Service Station. A special gift was given by Dorfman's. • * • Comings, Goings Of Local People M. A. Cavazos left Friday to spend the week-end in Laredo with friends. Mrs. Pearl Nuckols. Mrs. Netta Milde and Mrs. McLaughlin, mother of Mrs. Milde, left Thursday for Netchcs, Miss., where they will spend three weeks with friends and relatives. Mr. Milde, who is in Oklahoma, will join them there and all will make the trip back to Brownsville together. The trip j is being made by motor. Mrs. A. S. Gimble left Saturday for Eagle Lake, Texas, to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. E. Roos. Mrs. A Wise left Saturday night to visit friends in Houston. She also will spend several weeks in Long view visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Goyne. RIO GRANDE CITY j SUPPER PARTY Preceding the Officers' Hop Sat- ; urday evening a supper party was given at the Post Exchange res taurant. Those present were: Ma- | ior and Mrs. Herbert E. Taylor with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. L. B. Caruthers, Jr., as guests; Captain and Mrs. C. W. Richmond with Mr and Mrs.'r J. j. Guerra as guests; Captain and Mrs. Weber as guests; Captain and Mrs. S. W. Robertson; Cap tain and Mrs. Walter Hamilton, Captain and Mrs. Mott Ramsey, Captain and Mrs. Rossiter Gar ity. Captain Shoemaker, Lieut, and Mrs. Carl A. Raguse. OFFICERS’ HOP The officers and ladies of Fort Ringgold entertained with a hop Saturday evening at the Officers’ : club rooms. Music was furnished by the 12th Cavalry band from Fort Brown. The club rooms were artistically decorated with baskets and bowls of La Retama blossom which gave a pleasing effect of spring and ! Easter time. Among the dancers were Major and Mrs. Herbert E. Taylor, Cap tain and Mrs. S W. Robertson, Captain and Mrs. Walter Hamil ton. Captain and Mrs. E. M. Fickett. Captain and Mrs. Rossiter Garity. Capt. and Mrs. H. I. Kid well. Mrs. Weber. Captain and Mrs. C. W. Richmond. Lieut, and Mrs. Carl R. Raguse. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Caruthers. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Guerra. Mr. and Mrs. John A. i Pone. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. Owen Scott. * * * MRS. KIDWELL’S BRIDGE Mrs. Herbert E. Kidwell was hostess to a small informal bridge Saturday afternoon, complimenting her house guest, Mrs.- Weber of Harlingen. The rooms were gav with spring I blossoms which domed mantel and ; tables. High score trophy was won by; Mrs. E. Owen Scott and the hon oree was presented with a gift oi linen. The guests were: Mesdames Her bert E. Taylor, Walter Hamilton, Rossiter Garity. Edw-ard M. Fickett Carl A. Raguse. C. W Richmond and E. Owen Scott. - . . MRS. ROSSITER HOSTESS Mrs. Rossiter Garity of Fort, Ringgold was hostess to the mem bers of the Tuesday bridge club at 1 her quarters in Fort Ringgold i Tuesday afternoon. Four tables of players assembled ! with Mrs. H. L. Kidwell winning high score and Mrs. H. E. Taylor I second high. The guests were. Mesdames H. ! E. Taylor. C. W. Richmond. Carl, A. Raguse. H. L. Kidwell, Virgil N. , Lott. L. B. Caruthers. Jr., Mary Ed ; gerton, Mona Ritz. John A. Pope, Jr., J. J. Guerra. C. J. Martin. W. , w. Shuford. J. Wallis, Fred D. ! Guerra. L. R. Brooks and W. Ven ; erable. Miss Camile Block. I* * * EASTER HUNT | The Eastpr hunt held Sunday afternoon in the convent gardens attracted a large number of chil dren as well as many grown-ups. As the search for the hidden eggs began, there was a wild scramble on the part of the children in an effort to find the greatest num ber as an award was offered for the feat. A small admission was charged and the amount collected will be used for needed supplies for the parachial school. * * * WOMEN’S CLUB MEET The regular meeting of the Women’s club was held Thursday ‘ at one o’clock at the club rooms, with Mrs. L. B. Caruthers. Jr., i hostess. She was assisted by Mes dames Elodia Monroe. C. Solis. W.! Venerable. Harold Smith and Miss Camile Block. The members were seated at one long table artistically decorated with spring flowers. A three course luncheon w’as served. Following the business session Miss Camile Block read a review of the art work sponsored in Texas by Edger Davis and of the distri bution cf prizes in the annual art. exhibition. • * • PERSONALS Mrs. L. V. Weber of Harlingen ■ and two children w ho were the j week-end guests of Captain and Mrs. Herbert E. Kidwell returned : to their home Sunday. * Mrs. Elodia Monroe who ha* spent several weeks in Brownsville, returned home for the Easter holi days. She was accompanied here by her daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Garcia. Captain and Mrs. T. L. Kldwell were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Caruthers, Jr., Sunday, in San Pedro. Mrs. Armanda Lacaze who was the guest of Mrs. Isabel Garcia of Brownsville, has returned home. Mrs. Florence J. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Nina C. Flores were among those present at the Val ley superintendents and principals’ meeting at Edinburg Tuesday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Victoriano Mar tinez of Rancno Viejo were guests at the Gutierrez home Sunday. Herndon Scott was the week-end guest of Bowman Baker in Edin burg. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Wilson of Brownsville were guests of Captain ! and Mrs. Walter Hamilton Fri day. Charles Celaya of this city left Saturday night from Brownsville for Washington, D. C.. and from there went to New York from where he is due to sail on the Olympic for London. EL JARDIN P.-T. A. TO MEET I The El Jardin P.-T. A will meet April 12 at which time officers for the coming year will be elected. * « * The El Jardin Lyceum will meet April 12 at the high school audi torium. Music will be furnished by Roy Garcia and his band. * * * Mrs. B. G. Hanna and Mrs. C D. Personett of El Jardin attended the P.-T. A convention held in Sin ton. SALE STARTS SALE STARTS MONDAY, MONDAY, MAY 8th - ivjmatum* bhowm»ihe , MAY 8th aV's — Libby's, having become established as ^(-Lr- Here vou'll find a complete array of the leading women's shop in the Valley, /X‘ the apparel yoii need RIGHT NOW. calls your attention to their Second An- /\ * , ... , , niversary Sale—which will blazon a new / \ And “ 5 ,new- summery merchandise of record of sales and savings. You have ouf ysua^ Quality—having passed ‘ Lib helped to make it. You may now take *^§U byV searching test for smartness, wear advantage of these values. WW ability and economv. _ l WORTH WAITING A WHOLE YEAR FOR The climax of two years of triumphant merchandising when we open Monday GROUPED: - $ $ V Values to $15.00 i to $29.10 $13H $ Values s ~to $19.50 'to $34.5 I ____ _ Is SPRING COATS - of Woolen Materials HOUSE SUPPERS A collection of Short Size Runs— many styles—values to $10.00 SiLK UNDER WEAR and ROBES 20% OH Regular Prices Voile Underwear $795 53.45 Value. $1 95 $2.45 Value. X = $1 68 $1.95 Value. X = $1 28 51.45 Value. X — Spring and yiummer j I l SPECIAL $ 00 GROUP ™ 171 ALL PATTERN HATS i/4 OFF