Newspaper Page Text
I AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE — At _ .1 H®ir® Is Y@w Enjoy Spring in a Good Used Car Every car in A-l Shape— Terms are Easy— y Prices are Low— « Buick Standard Sport Roadster, 1928 . . $ 950.00 Buick Master Country Club Coupe, 1927 $1100.00 Buick Master Sedan, 1926 .$ 675.00 Buick Standard Sedan, 1926 .$ 650.00 Buick Standard Sedan, 1925 .$ 525.00 Hudson Brougham, late 1927 .$ 725.00 Studebaker Duplex Touring, 1925 .... $ 350.00 Chevrolet Touring, 1925 .$ 250.00 Pontiac Landau Sedan, 1927 .$ 525.00 Buick Master Sedan, 1927. Complete new Duco finish in late color, leather seat covers, all heavy duty tires and mechanically perfect. A real buy .... $ 900.00 * ABBOTT BUICK CO. 1 9th and Washington Phone 1133 rEal estate real estate AN IDEAL' SUBURBAN HOME SITE 2*4 acres—about half in bearing citrus trees; on good gravelled street adjoining city limits. Half way between highway No. 12 and Military high way, opposite park to be developed, four blocks from graded school. Has every city convenience such as gas, lights, water, etc. Must be seen to be appreciated. ROY C. SETHMAN CO., INC. Opposite El Jardin Hotel 1117 Levee Street Phone 1166 jj AUTOMOTIVE ■Chevrolet Touring. Reconditioned ■where necessary. New Duco finish. ■oood tires .$285.00 Chevrolet Touring. New Duco. New Cop. Mechanically O. K. A bar Chevrolet Coach. Erand new tires. Crlglnal finish. Good mechanical ■condition. .$525.00 ■Chevrolet Sedan. Looks like new Kir. Run less than 9.000 miles. In Kest mechanical condition; number Bsc. r-ssorles .C575.00 ■Chevrolet Coach. Mechanically re ■conditloned. New Duco finish. Two ■new tires. Others good.$300.00 ■i can trade your old car in on a ■d' Car with an O. K. that counts. E Three Days Free Trial. 1 STEVENSON MOTOR CO.. Inc. Kith and Adams. Brownsville. Mechanically Inclined? If You Are You Will Surely Appreciate the Thoroughness of Our Used Car Recondition ing ... We Invite Your Minute Inspection of the Working Parts of the Cars Listed Below .... Mechanically Right . . . Priced Right: 2 Ford ton trucks 1 Ford light delivery 1 Graham one ton truck 1 Ranger l1/* ton truck 1 White one ton truck 2 Dodge % ton trucks JESSE DENNETT, INC. Used Car Market Phone 904 1219 Levee Used Car Lot Across from Herald office W. A. ROSS, Mgr. it See These Before You Buy Nash 1928 Special Coupe, like new; has had the very 4 best of care; only driven * 9 000 miles .$l,oU0.00 2T Oldsmoblle Coupe.$325.00 26 Master Bulck Sedan.$500.00 27 Chevrolet Cabriolet ......$375-00 CASH TRADE TERMS BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee Phone 1365 0-332 OR SALE—$50.00 deposit, effective jna l»t, on a Pontiac car. Will con der buying a cheap gear shift used ^ See Dooley. Cameron Hotel, [oiiday afternoon. P-31 HELP WANTED ED—State representatives for tandard building product. Small cap ■al required. Apply at. office. 551 /nith Travis St., San Benito, Texas, ar further particular*. P-U N | HELP WANTED WANTED—Neat girls to serve cars at Star Pharmacy, McAllen, Texas; good position to right party. Experience necessary. Star Pharmacy, McAllen. Texas. P-20 Manager Wanted Excellent opportunity offered by Dal las manufacturer to thoroughly re sponsible man as Valley manager our line. Large earnings with permanent connection; If you qualify. Phone Mr Greenfield, Travelers Hotel, arrange interview. P-36 YOU DON'T HAVE to be In business to profit by classified advertising. WANTED Good experienced mechanic. Kelly’s Garage, Point Isa bel. WANTED—Man who knows farm life to drive through country’ Steady work, good pay. McCONNON & Co., Dept. A-297, Memphis, Tenn. P-4S RELIABLE PARTY wanted to handle Watkins products in Brownsville. Cus tomers established. Excellent oppor tunity for right man. Earnings over $40 weekly. Write A. C. Lederer, 70 West Iowa Ave., Memphis, Tenn. P-41 SALESMEN—AGENTS Unusual Position Open Ohio manufacturer wants man 25 years old or older with first-class refer encs who has had business and sell ing experience, to take complete charge of this territory on exclusive basis, look after business, supervise salesmen and sales office. Position good for $10 000 a year or more If you work with big organization back of you. Company established 16 years, highly rated, listed on Stock Exchange. Prod uct nationally advertised and used by thousands of leading concerns in tnis and foreign countries. Give full par ticulars about yourself. All replies treated confidentially. C. R. COPPOCK. Manager of Sales. Dept. 124, Box 983, Dayton, Ohio. _ P-46 RIG OHIO corporation seeks manager for unoccupied territory; $50 weekly commission. Earnings start Imme diately. Good for $5,000 yearly. We furnish everything, deliver and collect. Capital or experience Unnecssary. Fvr Fyter Co, 1886 Fyr-Fyter Bldg., Day ton. Ohio. P-46 ASTONISHING PROFITS With This brand new article; $2 an hour easv. Just show it. that's all. Wri-e lor free facts and samples. Albert Mills. 4086. Monmouth, Cincinnati, Ohio. P’46 WANTED—Ambitious. Industrious per son to Introduce and supply the de mand for Rawleigh Household Prod ucts In McAllen, Mercedes, Harlingen, San Benito and Brownsville and other nearby downs or rural districts: $150 to $400 a month or more clear profit. Rawleigh Methods get business every where. No selling experince required We supply products, outfit, sales and service methods—everything you need Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; best values; most complete service, w. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. TX-6022, Memphis, Tenn. P-44 SPECIALTY SALESMAN—Full or part time. Commission. Folding Electric Stove. Quick sales, real money maker. High-grade merchandise for high-grade dealers, department 6tQres. Foldex Electric Heater Co., Detroit. Mich. _ P-44 SITUATIONS WANTED CARE FOR YOUR HOME crops, etc., while you go north. Write Box 0-358 Herald. o-35i SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED—Job In canning factory In Valley, office or all around helping hand. Address Box 1243, Brownsville. P-1 YOUNG LADY with 5 years’ general office experience desire; position in Brownsville. Can give good- local ref erences. Call Rural 9004, or write P. O Box 348. ' 9-37 • » WANTED—Employment by woman of good character; housework, sewing, re pairing in tailor shop or laundry. Phone 471-W, Harlingen. P-52 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $150.00 WILL put In possession of lunch business that will net over $1,500.00 per year. Apply 951 Fronton. P-24 FOR SALE Stucco service station; con crete drives; home adjoining. Located in thickly-settled community, on main high way, at Intersection of an other. half-way between Har lingen and La Feria. Has one acre choice bearing fruit and oomamentals. Ideal space for cottages. Doing better than twenty five hundred monthly. Owing to other business, will sell reasonably, but do not an swer unless you can pay down at least four thousand. Will not consider any trades. ALTA PALMAS SERVICE STATION Harlingen, Texas. P-16 TOURIST CAMP near Harlingen for rent; stucco cottages; private baths; natural gas. Box 169, San Benito. P-38 WRITE ME for particulars as to safe, sure, certain investments. Five thou sand dollars up. Will pay 25 per cent and more. Offer also 47-room semi modern and 30-room modern hotel. Low rent and long-time valuable leases. Terms Best location. Best city and best state. Dr. J. Careful Bogue, Tex-Mex Investment and Real Estate Specialist. P. O. Box 146, city. 0-290 TOWER SANDWICH SHOP with soda fountain at Arroyo Park on Harlingen highway for lease; also swimming pool with water toboggan. Phillips, San Benito. p-33 GOOD SALARY to dependable man by well known cor poration: requires some knowledge of bookkeeping or sales; and $10,000 in vestment. Splendid future for reliable man. P. O. Box 483, Fort Worth, Texas. P-42 WANT FUNERAL HOME Furniture or tombstone business. Will consider anything anywhere. Write P O. Box 782, Fort Worth, Texas. P-42 LIVE STOCK—POULTRY LIVESTOCK for sale. Forty head of extra good farm mules. Cash or credit. Pharr Mule Barn. We deliver any where in Valley. John S. Wear. 0-254 BABY CHICKS—All breeds twelve dollars per hundred. Hatching every Monday and Thursdav. Brooder chicks from three to fifteen davs old. Prices reasonable. Cameron County Chickerles, La Feria. N-230 BABY CHICKS—Now booking orders fpr early delivery. Reds. Rocks, Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bring your custom hatching eggs every Mon day. Roy E. Clark Seed Co., San Be nlto, Texas. M-137 CERTIFIED CHICKS— From 2<KLegg cockerels; blood-tested; leading varie ties; prices within reach of ail. Livj delivery. Catalog free. Dixie Poultry Farms, Box 104, Brenham. Texas. P-33 _MISCELLANEOUS LADIES’ HOSE mended; runs, pulls and snags. Valley Hose Mending Co, 745 Elizabeth. 1-198 STOMACH SUFFERERS — Stop pain and trouble. Write for booklet and amazing testimonial letters of wonder treatment free. Ugda Medicine Co., 836 Dakota Bldg.. St. Paul. Minn. P-4J ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE—One 5x7 McCrory, one 5x7 Viking meat cooler boxes suitable for dairy or grocery fixtures. M. System. La Feria, Texas. M-93 FOR SALE—Humphrey electric barbe cue machine cheap. Write Box 393 La Feria. p_2j RADIO BARGAIN—Brand new, all - electric, nine-tube set with table to match and built-in Epeaker. Complete ready to operate. Cost $165 00; will take $95.00. See set at 302 West Levee. FOR SALE—12-foot display grocery counter. Also Scott scales. Box 291. San Benito, P-22 HONEY—Pure and fresh; Just taken from the gums; 75c per quart. 1523 West Elizabeth street Phone 1393-W. __ 0-235 FOR SALE—Toilet tub and lavatory Phone 306. p.45 BUY OR EXCHANGE WANTED—Good upright piano or elec tric refrigerator. Have beautiful dia mond ring, blue-white stone, 34-karat; also ring with large round pearl and eight small diamonds set in platinum. Prefer to make exchange. Mrs. Pearl Landell, Route 2, San Benito. P-32 _REAL ESTATE For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sites for sub division. This property Is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max & Houston and Brownsville Development Co. THREE MODERN frame dwellings. Five vacant lots. Will sacrifice to set tle estate. Phone 16, Green. Weslaco. 0-166 FOR SALE Beautiful native rock and ce dar lodge on bank of Blanco River at Wlmberley, Texas. Gorgeous river and mountain view. Fine swimming and fishing. Ideal summer home. For particulars and details, write B. O. Bourne, Santa Rosa. Texas. p_33 ABSOLUTELY best farming land in the Valley. Among big development, gas line, proposed pavd roads; $35 per acre. Terms. We prove It. G. Helbig. Del-Wait Hotel, Brownsville. P-53 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Seven and a fraction acres, one and a half miles of the city limits of Brownsville, Texas, planted to citrus fruit, now In bearing. 150 feet from paved highway, fronting resaca, good body of water. Good four-room house and garage; price fifteen hundred dol lars per acre. 45 acres all cleard and In cultivation, fronting on two highways. 3Va mils from city limits, price one hundred and fifty dollars per acre. 17acres, resaca frontage, all clear ed In cultivation, fine citrus fruit and potato land. About five miles from the city limits. Price $250.00 per acre at quick sale. Also two thousand-acre tract, about 12 miles from Brownsville, practically all prairie land, railroad and drainage ditch running through the tract; can be had at thirty-five dollars per acre. INQUIDE FROM E. A. MONSEE3 Brownsville. Texas. 0-234 OWNER OFFERS 10 acres west of Brownsville on Military paving, ripe for subdivision; also 10 acres, two acres planted to citrus, at Olmito. I neel money; the price is right. H. H. Parks, phone 6025F-11, San Benito. Texas. 0-89 INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new business and res idential sub-division, located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gate way Bridge, on the main thoroughfare leading to the proposed 6hip channel, municipal airport, rich farming dis trict of El Jaradin, and Boca Chica Bach. Easy terms. Office 14th and Hays streets. J. J. Dallas, sales mana ger, phone 336, Brownsville, Texas. P-25 FARMS FOR SALE 16 acres near Brownsville, all In cultvlation, good house; about three acres bearing grove, good citrus land. Price $12,500.00. good terms. Phone 1234-W. P. O. Box 135, Brownsville. Texas. 0-14 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-.division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Hqnson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. OWNER WILL SELL 30 acres good re saca land. Irrigated. In cultivation. Harlingen district, only $75 an acre, cash, balance easy. Need money. Also 10 acres at paving. Rio Hondo-San Benito road, 5 acres citrus. H. H. Parks. San Benito. Texas. phone 6025FI1. 0-33 20 acres good irrigated land In El Jardin. well drained; price $100.00 per acre, good terms. Phone 450; write P. O. Box 705, Brownsville. Texas. 0-15 FOR SALE BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight-room house, five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from con crete highway. Reasonable price and terms. Address P. O. Box 831. Browns ville. Texas. N-84 25 ACRES BEST SOIL ALL IN CULTIVATION One-half mile off paved road and two loading stations and cotton gin; also two small houses and well of sweet water; $200 per acre; $1000 cash; bal ance on easy terms. Box 851, Browns ville. P-15 FOR SALE 20-acre orchard, all 7-year-old trees In fine condition. Good improvements, and on highway. No dpbt. bargain price. Updegraff, La Feria, Texas. P-34 BEARING GROVE—Ten-acre tract Just outside Weslaco city limits; five acres bearing: four acres small trees; $7,500; one-third cash. Fruit will make pay ments. Owner, Box 57, Donna, Texas. 0-234 WHAT HAVE YOU for sale at bottom price in high grade citrus land, im proved or unimproved? Must be bar gain. Write, phone or call at once. W. J. Phinn, Cortez Hotel, Weslaco. P-51 FORSALE 110 acres finest citrus and truck land. 80 acres in cultivation, four-room house and outhouses, four miles of one of Valley’s best towns, few hundred feet from paved road; has own ample and permanent water supply for Irriga tion; only state and county taxes. 100 acres river front land near Santa Maria; soil unsurpassed for beans, po tatoes and tomatoes and cabbage; rarely ever overflows and can be pro tected at small cost; soiL light alluvial silt. Owner, Box 463, Brownsville. Texas. P-47 • LOTS FOR SALE FOR SALE Two lots Id Edinburg; three lots In San Benito; 33 lots in Brownsville; seven lots outside Brownsville city limits; 20 per cent cash, balance in one. two. three and four years: or monthly payments If preferred. B. E. Hlnklcy, BrownsvlU*. H-fiO CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertisements will be accepted over the telephone from telephone subscribers, or from those having regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must be ac companied by cash. No advertising accepted on an ( "until forbid" order. A specified number of Insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farther than to correct In the next Issue after it is brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure publication same day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. m. Copy for Sunday issues should be In not later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to Insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less, one In sertlon.30c Over 20 words, one Insertion, per word . ll&c Subsequent insertions run con secutively. per word. lc By month, per word.25c Minimum for monthly rate. 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count line, 20c— Per Inch .$1.20 Second and third days, 17c per line; fourth, fifth and sixth days, 15c per line; 7 consecutive days, 15c per line. LOTS FOR SALE LOTS 7 AND 8. block 104, El Jardin, $200, or trade for town property, San Antonio preferred. Owner 146 Wey mouth St., San Antonio, Texas. P-50 HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE—5-room house and lot. modern Elizabeth street near high way. Good buy for investment. Phone 1043-J. 0-343 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE for sale, 9 blocks from postofflce; practically new. Sher wood Bishop, Brownsville, Texas. P-30 SEVEN LOTS, 50x120 feet, new 5-room and, bath, stucco house, modern In ev ery respect; never been occupied. Good location In northeast part of Donna, Texas. Owned by young man leaving the Valley; will sell at a bargain; terms to suit. Write P. O. Box 366, Mercedes, or phone 357, Mercedes. 0-351 SACRIFICE—2 modern new homes. 5 rooms, bath, hot water. Beautiful light fixtures, including extra plug for radio. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. Hayes and 17th Sts., Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. 0-203 BUV OR EXCHANGE FINE INCOME PROPERTY Cleared $28,000 00 last year. Will accept as part payment first-class Valley laud. Health demands out doors. Address P. O. Box 7, Earlsboro, Okla. 0-242 FOR EXCHANGE—Small farm less than six miles from Brownsville near good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lots or Improved residence property. Address, Owner. P. O. Box 831. Brownsville, Texas. N54 FOR SALE OR TRADE—One six-room brick: 1 five-room tile stucco. Well located In Harlingen. 10 acres citrus land one mile south of La Blanca. Owner, 401 E. Lincoln, Harlingen. P. O. Box 591. 0-356 RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms tn Stegman building. Bert Cromack. M-56 THERE’S SURE TO BE something In teresting to you In the Classified Sec tion today. Read ltl APARTMENTS IT'S SO EASY to pick up your tele phone and talk to a classified ad-taker. NICE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apart ment with garage, also 4-room fur nished apartment. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N-17 IF YOU KNOW you can fill a better Job, tell the classified ad-taker about It and Invite offers. FURNISHER 3-ROOM APARTMENT, lights, water, telephone and garage, $30. 412 Levee St. 0-75 FURNISHED or unfurnished upstairs apartment, modern, private bath. 1517 Madison. 0-64 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. All conveniences. Phone 429 0-279 FURNISHED APARTMENTS—1007 St. Charles street. p-3 Apartments For • Rent • Three apartments, just finished; 4 rooms, electric refrigrators. beautiful furniture and all built-in features. In excellent residential section, overlook ing beautiful resaca and city park. Gas and water furnished. Three-room furnished apartmnt; gas stove and water heater; $45, including gas, lights and water. Roy C. Sethman Co., Inc. . Opposite El Jardin Hotel 1117 Levee St. Phone 1166 0-54 DUPLEX 4-room apartment furnished or unfurnished; garage. 304 Adams street. P-40 .. * Junkin Apartment Annex On Palm Blvd., 2 blocks east of high school; 3 to 6 rooms; modern: beautt fully furnished; electric refrigerators; hot and cold water; garage; $50 to $100. PHONE 1254-W P-55 NICE FURNISHED apartment in pri vate home; cool apartment suitabla for couple. Phone 865-W. P-49 2-ROOM FURNISHED Apartment; also south fumishd bedroom. 443 St. Ch&rlea. P-2 APARTMENTS FOR RENT—2-room apartment with bath, gas. llgths and garage furnished; $25 per month. Call at 247 St. Charles P-27 .- ■ . - - —-—— VERY COOL south apartment; 3 large rooms. $30; 2-room south apartment, everything furnished, $25. Phone 946-W. p-25 MAY-DAY APARTMENTS — Modern, cool and convenient; completely fur nished. Including Zerozone and gas range; garage. 139 Washington, phone 714. P-35 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one block from postoffice, one block from El Jardtn hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M-215 SLEEPING ROOM and apartment. 1022 St. Charles, phone 928-J. M-159 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for light houskeeplng. 802 Elizabeth street. _ P-344 FURNISHED BEDROOM, south expos ure, with connecting bath. 132 W Levee, phone 184. Mary D. Collins. P-8 LARGE COOL BED ROOM—Also two room apartment. 912 Levee street. Phone 1226-J. P-21 HOUSES FOR RENT—My 6-room home on Eliz abeth street near high school; sixty dollars monthly. O. D. Deputy, phone 494. 0-298 FOR RENT—6-room house, modern conveniences. Including gas. and hot water neater. 1524 Elizabeth street. Phon 348 or 864-W. 0-329 FOR RENT—Practically new five-room house, with bath, automatic gas water heater, shades furnished, garage, con crete walks and drives, fended-ln back yard, desirable neighborhood. Phone 955-J, or call 1330 W. Washington. _ 0-296 FOR RENT CHEAP—4-room house. For Information call 1020-W. 0-210 HOUSE FOR RENT—Apply 154 W. St. Charles. P-13 WANTED TO RENT WANTED—A 5-room furnished house. State rent and location. Write L. M. Young, La Feria. P-12 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE IN PROBATE No. 1679. Estate of Caroline Dennett, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed Independent Executor of the estate of Caroline Dennett on April 2nd. 1929. All parties indebted to the said Estate will make payment to the undersigned and all parties having any claim against said Estate will present the same to the under signed. Done at Brownsville, Texas, April 2nd, 1929. Herbert Charles Dennett, 4307 Mt. Vernon St. Houston, Texas. 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-3391 LOS FRESNOS BEAUTIFICATION An interesting business session was held in a meeting of the Los Fres nos Home Demonstration club which was held at the high school building on Thursday afternoon. Also an interesting talk was made on “Improvement and Beautifica tion of Yards” by Stanley B. Crock ett of San Bbnito who represents the Baker-Potts Nursery. A lunch con sisting of sandwiches, deviled eggs, cake, and cookies were served to those present. The club will met on the after noon of April 11 at the home of ! Mrs. S. E. Barr as joint hostesses. • * • ' CONTEST HELD Los Fresnos high school boys were succesful in a subscription contest conducted for the Los Fresnos Times. Los Fresnos’ first newspaper, by the high school, and were enter tained by the girls with an all diy picnic at Lake Olmito. The day was spent in swimming, roasting weiners. and in other outdoor sports. A delicious lunch with plenty of ice cream and cold drinks was enjoyed by about thirty contestants. * * * GOLDEN WEDDING j Robert Cartford entertained on Sunday afternoon with a surprise party honoring the golden wedding anniversary of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cartford. Musical selec tions gave entertainment for the afternoon. Refreshments were served to the folowing guests: Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Aug ust Pfeiffer, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bowles. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Critchett, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenkoetter. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Richey, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Siderius, and Mr. and Mrs. E W. Chase. CLUB ORGANIZED A number of Los Fresnos ladies met on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Bingley for the purpose of organizing a Moth ers’ club. Mrs. F. L. Ivey was select ed as president, while Mrs. L. W. Carroll was elected secretary. Mem bers of the club are Mrs. Leener, Mrs. Kile. Mrs. C. C. Fouts. Mrs. Nolan Taylor. Mrs. C. B. Waller, Mrs. F. L. Ivey. Mrs. L. W. Carroll. Mrs. William Stier and Mrs. Bing ley. The next meeting will be held on April 12 at the home of Mrs. Carroll. * * * PERSONALS Mrs. Nannie Broyles has return ed from San Benito to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dee Zum i ualt. fifoe is recovering from pneumonia. * Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Moore had as their week-end guest their son, Garland Moore of Mission. Los Fresnos visitors Monday were Mrs. Charles Yost and Miss Kate Adele Hill of San Benito. Theodore Barr has returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Barr, after spending a week in San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gober have had as their guests Mrs. Gobar's brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Chatelle of Dallas. Those enjoying a weiner roast ] on Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tandy, Mr. and Mrs Clinton Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hinkley and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Grier. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Englar and daughter who have been visit ing with Mr. Englar’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Englar, returned to their home Thursday in Phila delphia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wolf who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Richey returned Sunday to their home in Calesburgh, 111. I Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville, Texas " E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 • R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas % " A. A. Callaway & Co. Architects and Engineers 411 Merchants Bank Building Brownsville, Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting ^ Engineer .Room 403. State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas. Phone 1077. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER P. O. Address R. F. D. No. 1 San Benito Telephone 6005 F 12 PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Registers bought, sold and exchanged W. E. Sanders, Representative Phone 29. Harlingen. Tejc. Box 905 DRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Phones 421 and 519 1126 Washington St. Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Storing, moving, crating and shipping. Local and long dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight service between all Valley points, Harlingen, Brownsville, Edinburg. Office 1259 Levee Phone 787 Truck leaves Brownsville 11:30 Daily HAULING of all types with Chevrolet truck. Phone 191. W. T. Goodson Serv ice Station. 0-225 FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BCWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. St. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 771. E HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous for its Cooking—Immaculacy •and Service The popular place for business lunches 12th between Elizabeth and Washington INSURANCE W. B. CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE 6 Try a Herald Classified An INSURANCE LOANS Build, Buy or Refinance. Insurance. Surety Bonds D. L. WELCH Cromack Bldg. Phone 470 FINANCIAL LOANS On Improved residence and business property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee St. Brownsville, Texas. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 MILL WORK HOMER L. FITCH Planing Mill and Cabinet Work Bank, store and offic ; fixtures. End of West 7th St. Our estimates mean your orders I OFFICE EQUIPMENT • ART METAL FILING • Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies, HARGROVE’S STATIONERY BOOK STORE Brownsville, Texas FUNERAL DIRECTOR H1NKLEY > 300$ ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO., Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville, Tex. Phone 1163 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors, New L. C. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory” Rebuiits—all makes. J We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth j St. Phone 1105. j WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law , 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law j Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas . J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman. Jr. . CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law < Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury, George and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. J CHIROPRACTOR 4 Nerv-O-Meter Service f| State National Bank Bldg. ■ Brownsville, Texas || Room 405 Phone 703 MP EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED f|g REAL ESTATE MM LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted eo:n 1 pletely improved. Home sites iron’ \ S1200.00. easy terms. James-Dickhv son Co.. Realtors, corner ^-ave’ers Hotel Bldg., Brownsville.