Newspaper Page Text
SHARP UPTURNS r IN LIVESTOCK Hog Trade Fluctuates With Break Following Early Gains of Week KANSAS CITY, April C.—(/TV (JJ. S. D. A.)—Livestock trade this weok around the 11-market circuit was featured by moderate to sharp price returns on mu t killing classes of cattle. The chief streng'r.ening influence was curtailed receipts. j*rm to slightly higher, demand br<®/ for thin light weight stock eryof good to choice quality. Ag gregate receipts were around 154, 600, a decrease of 23,500 from last week but 4,000 heavier than a year ago. Hog trade was marked by consid erable fluctuations in prices. Sharp advances early in the week were fol lowed by a severe decline in mid week, whileon late days moderate •upturns were enforced. Current pr: ces are unevenly steady to 25 cents higher than a week ago, with closing top of $11.80 at Chicago. To tal offerings were around 460,100 against $487,870 last week and 493, 221 a year ago. The sheep srupply approximated 311.850, an increase of 58X00 over last week and *7,400 more than the same period a year ago. Fat lambs at most centers closed at prices unevenly higher. Fed wooled offer ings at some of the river points 50 @75c up. Aged stock ruled steady to 25c higher. JAMESTOWN, N. D.—Mrs. Edith Weed tried to outrun a train on a railway culvert but was overtaken and decapitated by the wheels. — --- - RAIN AND SNOW WHEAT BENEFIT Grain Accordingly Goes Two Cents Per Bushel At Chicago CHICAGO, April 6.—(JP)—In a rough and tumble encounter with Canadian storm news today, wheat values came out second best. Wide spread rain and snow appeared to have brought about an end of drought complaints from Canadian spring wheat territory. Largely as a consequence wheat prices under went a drop of almost 2 cents a bushel but the effect was later part ly offset by ilberal export business and by advices of high winds in western Kansas and western Ne braska as well. Closing quotations on wheat were nervous, 3-8 cents to 5-8 cents net lower. Corn finished unchanged to 1-4 off, oats a shade to 3-8 cents up, and provisions varying from 10 cents decline to a rise of 2 cents, i So acute has been the shortage of sub-soil moisture that the situ ation until today was said to be un equaled in 25 years. It was asserted that the wheat crop of the Canadi an prairie provinces depends more on good amounts of sub-soil mois ture than is the case in the majority of other wheat sections of the world. Export demand for North Ameri can wheat gave evidence of having broadened out on today’s break in prices, and theer was also mucn evening-up of accounts for the week end. Rallies that ensued were giv en further impetus by late reports of Kansas and Nebraska dust storms, especially in the western sections of both states. Corn averaged lower, sympathiz ing with wheat weakness, on the other hand, country offerings of corn today were small, and the cash corn trading here was firm. Oats 1 developed a strong under tone, weather conditions next week being expected to prove adverse for field work. July rye sold today at a new low-price record for the crop. In the provision market, holders of May lard were selling out, but were reinstating with purchases of July and September. SAN ANTONIO MEN BUY BUSINESS COLLEGE -r (Special to The Herald.) HARLINGEN, April 6.—H. J. Woodfin and C. B. Self of the San Antonio Business college, have pur chased the Valley Business college and announced an almost complete change in the organization of the school which they say will be run on the most modern principles of the business schools followed in the larger cities of the country. ONE-MAN ARMY CAPTURED CORK. Ireland.—Cornelius Healy, a rebel who armed himself with a machine gun and fought off pur suers for two years, was finally caught at his home. Newsies Will Visit Snakeville Sunday To See Big Gorilla Boys in the circulation depart ment of The Brownsville Herald are to be guests Sunday at Snakeville where they will view "Big Boy,” one of the largest gorillas ever kept in captivity. "Big Boy” will be taken on an exhibition tour beginning April 14 and the paper boys are anxious to take advantage of the opportunity to see him before he is shipped. A large welded iron cage has been built for the gorilla. It is staunchly built due to several near mishaps last year in which his cage on a truck trailer left the road. The newsies also will view the other animals, birds and snakes on display at Snakeville. ' Snake” King, owner of the bus iness which supplies circuses all over the world w’ith animals, us now in Italy in connection with a shipment of Mexican animals sold to the royal zoo of that country. cottonprTces CLOSE STEADY Favorable Weather Reports Disappointing Liverpool Cables Break Price NEW ORLEANS. April 6.—(#)— Cotton prices fluctuated narrowly today easing off slightly under some liquidation and ring selling on the favorable weather in the belt and disappointing Liverpool cables. July sold down to $19.78 and closed at that figure compared with $19.88 at yesterday’s close. The general market closed steady at net de clines of 10 points. The market opened easy at a de cline of 2 to 5 points and prices con tinued to ease off after the start until May sold at $19.78, July $19.81 and October $19.65, or 7 to 8 points under yesterday's close. There was some covering on the scale down and prices rallied a few points from the lows but the de mand was supplied by a renewal of liquidation on the favorable weather in the belt and prices gradually worked lower for the remainder of the session. Lows of the day were made in final trading when May traded at $19.71, July $19.78 and Oc tober $19.62, or 10 points net down. The close was at the lowest. Traders practically ignored the prospects for rain. Receipts 7.126; for year 8,861.623; last year 7,617,922. Exports 18,647; fory ear 6,763,460; last year 5,854,487. Stocks 1,646..,266; last year 1,659, 947. Stock on shipboard 94,562; last year 94,562. Spot sales 11,595; last year 3,002. -rffnrl \* Used Car Week! ■ i ONE WEEK MORE! j 1 at McDermott motor co., inc. ■ VALLEY DISTRIBUTORS - 3 0 Cadillac - La Salle - Oldsmobile | yfl 807 Elizabeth Street PI Come in and Pick One Out and Drive it Home ^ 1 15 CARS SOLD LAST WEEK! | 63 CADILLAC PHAETON.$850.00 1924 BUICK TOURING.$350.00 61 CADILLAC PHAETON.$550.00 61 CADILLAC PHAETON.$900.00 1927 ESSEX COUPE.$575.00 1926 BUICK SEDAN.$825.00 1925 DODGE COUPE.$350.00 1926 JEWETT SEDAN.$450.00 1926 W. KNIGHT ROADSTER.$950.00 1927 REO SEDAN.$1,050.00 1922 CADILLAC 7-PASS. SEDAN . . $925.00 1925 MAXWELL TOURING.$ 25.00 1926 HUDSON COACH.$420.00 1926 PEERLESS SEDAN...$550.00 1926 HUDSON BROUGHA M.$725.00 1926 FORD ROADSTER.$225.00 1926 STUDEBAKER SEDAN.$650.00 1925 DODGE SEDAN.$485.00 1927 CADILLAC CON COUPE ... $2,000.00 1924 FORD COUPE . ..$150.00 1924 ESSEX COACH.$175.00 1923 FORD ROADSTER.$ 85.00 1926 BUICK STANDARD SEDAN. . $450.00 1928 LA SALLE COUPE NEW LIST, $2,885.00; NOW.$2,450.00 1928 LA SALLE SPORT ROADSTER.$1,650.00 1927 CHRYSLER 70 SPORT ROADSTER.:.$685.00 CHRYSLER 70 5-PASS. SEDAN.$695.00 1926 BUICK MASTER 5-PASS. SEDAN . $750.00 5-PASS. CHEVROLET TOURING, , LIKE NEW.$285.00 5-PASS. CHEVROLET TOURING_$250.00 FORD ROADSTER WITH TRUCK BODY.$ 85.00 1926 FORD ROADSTER WITH STEEL SLIP ON BODY.$175.00 Other Used Cars $100.00 and Under W Small down payments, balance easy. Your old car taken in trade. Mj! LICENSE FURNISHED H Used Car lot across from Post Office — Main Seles office and lot open every nite until 8 p. m | _ " * NEW YORK, April 6.—(AP)—Sales (in hundreds), high, low and closing quotations on the New York Stock Ex change today: A1 C & Dye. 2 272 268 272 Am Can .120 12734 12434 127*8 Am Sm Si R . 35 10634 104*„ 105*4 Am Sugar . 3 71 */* 71M, 71*/3 Am Tel . 2 220 *4 219*4 220 Anac Cop .152 1473s 145>4 145»/3 Andes Cop . 45 53 *2 52*4 53 A T & S F. 3 199 198 199 B Si O . 4 125 122*4 125 Barnsdall A 13 443s 43*4 44>4 Beth Stl .120 111*4 10934 110*s Briggs Mfg . 40 44*4 42*4 43*„ Calu Si Hecla_.. 8 523s 50*4 50*a Can Pac . 4 23674 233*4 236*4 Cerro Pasco . 6 104*4 104 C & O . 4 227 219 226 C M St P pfd. 4 5534 54 5534 C N W . 4 86 83 C6 CRIP . 4 126 124*4 126 Chile Cop . 1 10834 107*8 10834 Crysler .128 95 93 94*4 Colo Fuel . 5 6534 64*4 657s Colu Gphone .108 69*4 63*4 *>97.i Colu Gas . 2 142*4 13734 142*4 Cons Gas . 10 102*4 102*4 1 02*8 Cu Sug pfd . 1 11*4 H *4 H7a Curtis Aero . 3 143 146 148 Dupont . 2 178 177*4 178 El P & L. 4 63*4 6134 63*4 Eng Pub Svc . 1 49 49 49 Fild . 13 7274 68*4 72*4 Frpt Texas . 2 46 45*4 46 Gen Elec . 20 231 228*4 230 Gen Mtr .171 8534 84*„ 35 Gold Dust . 20 63*,4 61*4 63 Green Cana . 5 166* a 163* 8 156*4 Houston Oil . 5 10034 163*,„ 16634 Hudson Mtr . 26 8374 8574 367s Hupp Motor . 42 6534 63*4 84*4 Int Har . 2 103*, 103* „ 103* 2 Tnt Nick . 83 48*4 47 *8 48*4 Int Tel . 27 280*2 255 257*4 Johns Manvllle ... 4 172 166*4 171 K C S . 3 87*4 ... 8674 Kennecott .100 8774 85*4 86*4 Kroger Gro . 7 9074 89*4 90 Mack Truck . 5 98* 97*8 98*4 Mar Oil . 7 41*4 41 41*4 McKeesport . 1 68 68 63 Mex Ssab Oil. 39 50*4 47*4 50 Mid Sta Oil. 2 434 ... 474 M K T . 6 46*4 ... 46 Mo Pac . 7 77*4 ... 77 Mont Ward .125 115*4 113*4 114*4 Nasah . 14 100*4 98*4 99sn Nat Cash Reg A... 60 130*3 123 128*4 NYC . 11 185 183 184*4 N Y N H & H.... 7 92 89*4 91*4 North Amn . 3 100 99*4 99*4 North Pac . 6 104*4 102*,4 104 Packard . 53 129*4 126*4 128*4 Pan Amn B . 7 53 4934 53 Pan P & R . 1 1274 12*4 12Vi Paramount . 17 64*4 63*'- 63*4 Penn R . 31 75*4 74*3 75*4 Phil Pet . 4 41*8 40*4 41*4 Postum . 8 65*4 65 65*4 Pure Oil . 2 26*4 25*4 26*4 Radio .150 100 97*'2 99 Rep Ir & Stl. 18 93*4 91*4 93 Reading . 2 107 105*4 307 Rem Rand . 12 30 30 2974 Rey Tob B new... 2 54*4 54*4 34*4 Stl Si San F pfd.. 3 93*4 93*„ 93*4 Eea Air L . 1 19 is 19 Sea Air L pfd. 3 22 22 22 Sears Roe . 10 144*4 143 144*4 Sims Oil . 4 70*3 70 70*4 Sinclair ..'.. 36 39 38*4 39 Skelly . 3 38!'a 37^ 331^ Sou Paac . 2 128*4 127 123*, s O Cal . 16 79*4 77*4 79*4 SON J.106 5874 56’„ 58*4 SONY . 25 44 42*4 44 Studebkr . 3 82 81*4 82 Tex Corp . 17 65 63 >■„ 65 Tex Gul Sul . 40 79*4 78 *4 7874 Tex Pac Coal. 1 20*4 20*4 20*4 Tex PL TR . 2 17*4 17 17>4 Tran Oil . 27 10*4 10 10* B V P Ry . 1 218*4 215 218*4 H ® Rubr . 14 54*4 53*4 54*4 U S Steel .327 187*4 184*4 185*8 Wftrner Plc . 8 104*4 101*4 104*4 w Marld . 10 44 42 44 W U . 7 iS634 19414 196 Westghs . 3 148*4 146*4 148 Wright Aero . 3 250 248 250 Wiys Ovid . 10 26*4 26*4 26*4 Woolworth . 19 203*4 202 *4 203*4 Yelo Trk . 16 41*4 3974 40*,7 Car lot Inspectors Added By Federal Service In Valley Due to the increase in the ship ment of vegetables from the Valley, two federal inspectors have been added to the local force. They are H. H. Harsh and E. M. Brough/Both have been connected with the in spection work before, Harsh coming here from Raymondville and Brough from the upper section of the Val ley. These bring the federal inspectors working in this section to 10. An other addition to the force is Mrs. Kenneth Crow who is doing steno graphic work in the headquarters at the chamber of commerce here. H. T. Longino, state federal su pervisor who established the local carlot inspection service recently, has left for the Winter Garden dis trict where he will aid in the onion rush. His offices are to be in Car rizo Springs. Longino was succeeded as chief of the local office by W. A. Hilgeson who came here from Fort Worth. The federal office is working in co-operation with state inspectors in the Valley. HARLINGEN GARAGE TO OPEN THIS WEEK HARLINGEN ( April 6—Hubbard’s storage garage will open some time this week in the new building con structed by Blythe and Duerson of this city with the latest equipment manufactured today, according to the managers. The cost of the building and the equipment is val ued at approximately $*>5,000. This garage is one of the most modernly equipped in the Valley. Some of the outstanding features of the equipment include the spe cial vacuum machine for washing cars, two high-powered four-way gasoline pumps, a high class oil storage system consisting of eight battery tanks with central gauge arrangement for judging the quality of the oil and modern rest rooms. LOANS On Residence and Busi ness Property Easy Terms Reasonable Rates Prompt Service Todd & Underwood 1057 Levee Street Brownsville, Texas L _ PERRY L. 1 AUDITING—GENE] INCOME TAX SERVICE Statistical Reports Travis Building San Antonio, "exat. STOCK MARKET SESSION DEL Bear Movement Checked As Bulls Stage Upturn In Rail Issues By CLAUDE A. JAGGER i Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK. April 6.—(A*)—A colorless and indecisive contest for control of the price trend dom inated a quiet half-day session on the stock market today. The pub lic kept to the sidelines, and pro fessional traders displayed little energy. Bears took advantage cf the normal wave of week-end selling to launch a rather feeble drive early in the session, but met with some resistance, and toward the close bulls checked the downward trend by staging an upturn in the rails. The fact that the credit situa tion seemed no nearer clarifica tion with federal reserve authori ties announcing continuation of their present policy of speculative credit curtailment, and banks ap parently disposed to cooperate wTith commercial requirements coming to their seasonal peak in a few weeks, left little incentive for large scale constructive operations. The drop in the call money rate to 6 per cent late this wreek caused np enthusiasm, with. 9 per cent \ time money the highest since the panic of 1907. The day’s business news w?as meagre, and without influence on the market. The first 22 chain store systems to report April sales showed a gain of more than 23 per cent over March, 1928. The day’s turnover of stocks was the smallest for any Saturday ses sion this year, aggregating but 1, 615,090 shares. As measured by the Associated Press price indices, gains and losses at the close about cancelled each other. Upturn in the rails w*as led by the Van Sweringen issues. This movement was stimulated by the prospect of an early consummation of the acquisition of the Pere Marquette by the Chespeake and Ohio, and by the inauguration of dividends on Alleghany Corp pre ferred stock. American Express was again hurled upward, mounting 35 1-2 points to a new record price at 395. National Surety jumped 11 points, and Columbia Gas issues mounted about 4. Superior Steel was again in demand, mounting nearly 6 points to a new peak at 72 3-4. Oil shares recovered as leaders in the industry were inclined to minimize the effect of the opinion of Attorney General Mitchell as to the authority of federal conserva tion board and the curtailment plan, on the eventual success of the plan. Houston and Pan-Amer ican issues rose 2 to nearly 3 points, and standard issues were firm. Case Threshing dropped nearly 20 points in a small turnover, and motors and coppers were generally heavy. Anaconda Baldwin Loco motive, Burroughs Adding Machine, Commercial Solvents, International Telephone, were among issues los ing 2 or 3 points and more. Motor products dropped 3 points to a new 1929 low. Foreign exchanges were quiet, but generally steady with Sterling cables a shade firmer. HOOVER RETURNS TO DESK AFTER FISH TRIP WASHINGTON, April 6.—(JP)_ President Hoover returned to the White House tonight after a visit to his fishing preserve on the up per Rapidan river in Virginia. The president did no fishing contenting himself with an inspection of the grounds. | H. M. WOOD j !; REALTOR !; J; REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS <! Specializing in || Large Improved and Unimproved Tracts i; J( Member Brownsville Real <! {Estate Board Exclusive listing solicited J[ First National Bank Bldg. Phone 287 j! > Brownsville <! If it is Quality in Printing you want, call 438 Bishop Print Shop Brownsville, Texas. General Welding Radiator Specialist LAWN MOWER EXPERT T. J. Rommer Phone 722 Rear Miller Hotel A. TAMM ~ Blue Printing and (Supplies Harlingen, Texas g 6 M R. Flores & Sons Blacksmiths , J have moved to 14th Street, 5 corner Southmost road, j Victoria Heights CING & CO. *AL ACCOUNTING Systems. Organization anu Business Control Nixon Building Corpus Christi, Texas. Today’s Radio Features SUNDAY, APRIL 7 \ [By The Associated PressJ Programs in Central Standard time. All time is P. M’. unless otherwise indicated. Wavelengths on left of call letters, kilocycles oa right Chain programs with list of associated stations in detail. * ; ,« 348.6—WABC New York—860 2:00—Ballad Hour; Memory’s Garden—Also,WADC WKRC WGHP WMAQ WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WCCO WISN 3:00—Siguard Nilssen; String Orchestra; Helen Oelhelm (1 hr.)—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WMAQ WOWO KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WCCO 6:30—Sermon by the Rev. D. G. Barn house—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WMAQ WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL 7:00—Musicians on Tour; Indian Program—Afeo WADC WKRC WGHP WFBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WCCO WISN WSPD 7:30—Famous Broadway Stars—Also WADC WKRC WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WHK WCCO KMBC WBBM WGHP i 8:00—Theater of the Air—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WBBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WOOD WBRC WREC KLRA KFJF KRLD KTSA WDSU WCCO WISN WIBW 9:00—West Point Quartet; Band—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WBBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK 9:30—Around the Samovar; Real Russian Music—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WISN 454.3—WEAF New York—660 3:00—Dr. S. Parkes Cadman—Also WOW WHAS WSM WSB KVOO WFAA WKY KOA WOC 6:00—Band—Also WTAM WWJ WGN KSD WHO WOW WDAF WTMJ KSTP WHAS WSM WMC KVOO KPRC WOAI KOA WFAA 6:30—Quarter (30 min.)—Also KSD WHO WOW WDAF WHO WCFL 6:30—Major Bowes Family—Also WSB WMC WKY WHAS WHO KSD 8:C0—*‘Our Government” by David Lawrence—Also WGY KSD WHO WOW WTMJ WHAS WMC WSB KVOO WFAA WKY WOAI 8:15—A. K. Hour of Muse—Also WGY WTAM WWJ WGN KSD WOW KSTP WSM WMC WSB KVOO WFAA KPRC WOAI WKY WHO 9:15—Champion Orchestra—Also WGY WTAM WWJ WHO WOW KSTP WTMJ WEBC WHAS WSM WMC WSB WFAA KPRC WOAI WKY WGN WHO 9:45—Sunday at Seth Parker’s—Also WHAS WHO WKY KSTP WOW 394.5—WJZ New York—760 1:00—Roxy Symphony—Also WLW WJR WREN WTMJ WEBC KYW 2:00—Young People’s Con.—Also WLW KWK WREN KSTP WTMJ WMC 4:30—National Religious Services—Also KWK WLW WREN 5:30—Anglo Persians—Also KDKA WLW WJR KYW KWK WTMJ KSTP 6:00— The Nomads; Russian Music—Also KWK WREN 6:30—At the Piano. Richard Bonelli. Baritone—Also WKY WJR KWK WLW WREN KOA W’HAS WSM WSB WFAA KPRC WOAI KYW 7:00—Melodies in Voice—Also WKY W.IR KWK WLW WREN WFAA KPRC WOAI WHAS WSM WSB WTMJ KSTP WMC KOA KDKA KYW 7:15—Uncle Henry—Also WLW KDKA WJR KWK KYW WREN KSTP KOA 8:15—Jubilee Singers—Also KDKA KWK WJR; Ei Tango—KDKA WJR Chicago Studios NBC ^ 6:00—Symphony Orchestra—WGN WTMJ WHO WOW WDAF KSD KSTP I VALLEY RADIO , KWWG—Valley Radio Station Brownsville 12:00-12:10 p. m.—Markets, weather and river reports. 12:10- 1:00—Musical program. 4:00- 4:20—Associated Press dispatches and Valley news from ‘I'he Brownsville Herald. Also markets and weather report*. 4:20- 5:55—Musical program. 5:55- 6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. SATURDAY, A. M. 11:00-12:00 noon—Musical program. Watch Us Grow From December 31st to March 27th we showed the largest increase in deposits of any Bank in Browns ville, in fact, we showed almost twice as much as all of the Banks here. This denotes the confidence 'which the people in the Rio Grande Valley have in this in stitution. • ’ j If you do not have an account here, staVt ONE TODAY' 4% Compounded semi-annually paid on Savings Account First National Bank Brownsvifle, [Texas * “THE FRIENDLY BANK? j Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande A CORDIAL INVITATION 1 is extended to the public to visit our plant and inspect the carafu! * and thorough testing methods in use which assure only.pipe of thr highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. * For complete information address Owen M. Combe, I District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. | The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of /Texas, j Concrete Pipe for Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. I J. S. FORD & SONS REALESTATE insurance RENTALS LOANS Brownsville, Texas Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY 1 Certified Public Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Carneiro ( & Company) I La Joya Gravel Co. I INCORPORATED I MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 I Valley Abstract Co. PROMPT TITLE SERVICE BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG Opposite Courthouse E. Harriman Blvd. Phone 1184 Phone 93 * %;