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U ■■■■' -■■■ ■ — ' ----- ■ - -- - ■ ' ' r — .— ■■■■■■■■ ™ ■■ 1 .I.M The Brownsville Herald s Daily Comic Features I HIGH PRESSURE PETE — *>*<*'**■' ■» —— I UftHT* To 5(*& HOOKUP PrT ONC£— / » -tpS, H \ i.£jp«SN.-i ,*v ... « fere— ^hpirlev <9heik inforheo. coe that Tff OHEETOn 8(?OS. 5ET OUR OTHEft ^loRE ON f(T?6- — -so we went Ri&hT ouefl the^e, ano thev ^ettlec? foQ. #15000^ RATHEf? £>o To coourr * /x^r" my yXcX THE OLD HOME TOWN Stanley ^"""hoPPIN^ HANNAH*'' \ / WHAT.S COME OVER S ( THESE WHISKERS?. . ( ( NOW THEYRE LIQHT \ ( FLUFFY AHD SQUIRMING / ) ALL OVER MY FACE —V V THAT BOILING WATER p) * V l^UUST ABOUT RUINED EMj/^ ^ 7~7/ » . •# I M AUNT SARAH PEABODY WAS SUCCESSFUL in Boiling, the dye out of station AGENT DAD KEYES WHISKERS - BUT THE EFFECT WASN’T JUST WHAT DAD EXPECTED CsEE TOMORROWS PAPER-) __ S7*WLC/ _ LEC STAULFV PftgSS <■- -29 THE GUMPS — Fame and Fortune .. . —Sidney Smith Came Ihe dawn of a nevo day ~ zoiiti dom oversleeping m tus new, found, luxury ~ 95ze weeks of prison confinement land hardship have taken, their toll from ihe human f machine ~~NaLute starts her work of re-creation and rejuvenation ^ j J loud, reverberating knock al ihe door \ s' IT WAS MY AGENT WHO BOUGHT TOUR \ / patent- agreeing to pat a fixed royalty A / ON EACH ONE SOLD — NNE ORGANISED A COMPANY \ TO MARKET YOUR WONDERFUL DEVICE — \ we call it Tom Carr’s burglar alarm-) \ IT IS GOING LIKE WILD FIRE / N. PERMIT ME TO HAND YOU YOUR \ l X^^ Royalties for the first months J SALE -^1^,337.£» — here is a STATEMENT AND OUR\ certified check— merely a pittance To what it will be when we get national distribution — MR. CARR- L CONGRATULATE YOU— YOU ARE DESTINED TO BE A VERY RICH MANj-y 1--■■ ETTA KETT — I Bet He Won’t Forget Him! —Paul Robinson. [1 ^ ^ v r " ) OOQ \ lN*5Pir?ATi OK L.' »S 'too// - _ ' r *m , -~~r~D PRETTY SVJClL-PRETTY Dwell- do ya I I VIELL, VWAT DO / I^ow I MOST HEAfPD HER OLD MAM H YOO THINK'Or ) QECTlFlCO THE OAE2KS TO m OP J ViV^{ ASAP. I tAlDS KELTS f THiS OOIMT—CAM YOU REArlT 1 A FlSUrf NSEEV L £SAJ youncTI goose SoRe laid a double: f etta - MAYr3E I I C GtE/QARNfeY/'mATS A ] OOK^ i YOU Wamt me To L "POIkT OUT MN DAD AMO VACQE YoUfW \^EEM'ALK \MG TO VAM ALLTUl'S "HME / l---7 — , J jlOOFEY MOVIE —Neher n/'uvifcis . ,yf *00 G&A/EM0EC?, A^AME PCtSEKJT f/fp 'MeOUJ UJAS Picked up I __ I 1 BY A TEPPiPC (AjiNJO STOPM , / CFD CuYING < a\jd cacGied wigw UP 1 1 (> /MTO TWE CLOUDS ANO A1 IT LOUU. TP TWENJ OPOPPED 00OJNJ UCom THE UKE.TWEA'Q 9 UMDEG HEP SiCGT is ~ keeping MEG APL.OAT.. Copyright, 1929, by Central Press Association, Inc. AQDSJt, OME Op AlAAAlES niftiest UITTLE HEAPT ©EATS', HAS JUST P.EACHEP TWE SWOPE UWE AKIO IS DETEPMiMEO TO SAVE HEP' AS A sample op his e came ox.„. • i- V T ' ’ ■ ■*' • , '] IOJMtue inJ A KJSAC8V I V/CAiot LOT A SMALL- ^ eov is u PRACT/CiNJGr j U)ITW HfS / 0cE ' GUN)_ ;— : CO <4 AT 4AS WAPPEfOEDTO /MAC. XT LOOKS' LIKE A ' COATE GV GQAVE po c . POOQ AAAAAiE* ,^-e I if it is Quality in Printing M. R. Flores & Sons I you want, call Blacksmiths I > 438 have moved to 14th Street, J I . . _ . . Ci - ^ corner Sonthmost road. * II Bishop Print Shop Victoria Heights 1 I Brownsville. Texas. • 4 [I _ _J TT^1 PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERVICE Systems, Organization and Statistical Reports Bosiness Control Travi* Building Nixon Building | San Antonio, Texac. Corpus Christ!. Texas. A TAMM General Welding x Radiator Specialiat Blue Printing and L*WN ,M°£ER GiimmIi'b* * • Kommer OUpplieS Phone 722 Harlingen, Texas Rear Milter Ho:ei — Today’s Radio Features - SA MONDAY, APRIL 8 [By The Associated Press] staJldard time. All time Is P. M. unless otherwise ■Troeraml' ^ ?f.,ca11 Otters, kilocycles on right. Chain jrocra.n5 i' *th list o» associated stations in detail. 454.3—WEAF New York—660 f :S2~SHd?rJ'^Lee 8 Dance Orchestra—Also WOW W6M 7'-SZcL^r[ltay 1 AA8°u W7MJ,-WF A A VVKY vv0°: Soprano—WOW WKY 7.03—Choristers and Orchestra. Vaughn de Leath and Franklvn Baur—Al«o WGY WTAM WWJ KYW KSD WOC WOW \V nAPWlODKSTF wkyJkvo5C WHAS wsm wmc WSB K0A ^ WOAI 7:30—Gypsies—Also WOC WGY WTAM WWJ WGY KSD WD\F 8:30—Family Party—Also WGY WTAM WWJ WON KSD* WOC WOW WOAT WKYP W™J WI0D WHAS WSM WMG WSB WFAA KPRC 9:30—Etnpire Builders—Also WGY WTAM WW.T KYW KSD WOC WOW • ivUc WBAF WTMJ WEBC WHAS WSB WFAA KPRC WOAI WKY 10:00—Grand Opera—WWJ KSD WFAA WKY WOC WHAS WGY 394.5—WJZ New York—760 3:00—Marine Band Hour—Also WJR WLS f A 6:00—South Sea Islanders; Jack Roflgers. Tenor—Also KWK o°jLyTWJ^ KDKA KWK WREN WSM WSB WEBC WTOD WCFl 7:30—Pair Americana—also KDKA WJR WREN wmc WKY KSD U ' 8:00—Recorders Orchestra—Alsb KDKA WJR KYW KWK WRFV WFRfl 8:30—Real Folks Sketch—Also KDKA WLW WJR KYW KWK WRFV W 9:00—Kremlin Echoes, Male Choir and Orchestra—Also KWK 9:30—T.-ew White Organ Recital—Also KWK 13:00—Slumber Music Hour; Ludwig Laurier. Director—Also WLW 422.3—WOR Newark—710 6:00—Uncle Don—Also WADC WGHP KMBC WFBM WC.CO KMOX * 7:00—Frolickers; Informal Song and Fun—Also WADC WKRC ‘ yvc.ttp WMAQ WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WHK WISN ” OHr 7:30—Couriers, with Henry Burbig—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WMAQ WGL KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WIIK WCCO '' MAQ 8:00—Physical Culture; Uncie Joe and Pat—Also W YDC WKRC wctjd WMAQ WGL KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK K1‘C ^GHP 8:30—Talking Movie Stars; Musical Program—Also WADC WKRC wchp WMAQ WGL KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK ’ 'V GHP 9:C0—Par.atelas Orchestra with Julia Sanderson—Also WADC v.’kTC tvctto WMAQ WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WFBM 'VGHP 9-0—Inited Choral Singers: "Gaiety and Jov ’—Also WADC WKFC Wctip WMAQ WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WCCO ° ” IiP -rser-.rM VALLEY RADIO KWWG—Valley Radio Station Brownsville 12:00-12:10 p. m.—Markets, weather and river reports. 12:10- 1:00—Musical program. # 4:00- 4:20—Associated Press dispatches and Valley news from The Brownsville Herald. Also markets and weather reports. 4:20- 5:55—Musical program. 5:55- 6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. TUESDAY | 11:00-12:00 noon—Musical program 4 Watch Us Grow fj • From December 31st to March 27th we showed the largest increase in deposits of any Bank in Browns ville, in fact, we showed almost twice as much as all of the Banks here. This denotes the confidence which the people in the Rio Grande Valley have in this in stitution. H j If you do not have an account here, start ONE TODAY j f 4^,o Compounded semi-annually paid / j j* on Savings Account s i & j First National Bank = | Brownsville, [Texas ! “THE FRIENDLY BANK” Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley _ I f * I A CORDIAL INVITATION Is extended to the public to visit our plant and inspect the careful and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For complete information address Owen M. Combe, District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. 0. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. 35 Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas Concreta Pipe for Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. 3 j. d - it J. S. FORD & SONS REAL ESTATE , INSURANCE es RENTALS LOANS Brownsville, Texas Dependable Prompt 7” BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY * Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY Certified Public Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chcnault, Carneiro & Company) La Joya Gravel Co. | \ INCORPORATED 1 MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 | Valley Abstract Co. PROMPT TITLE SERVICE BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG \ Opposite Courthouse E. Harriman Blvd. | ^ Phone 1184 Phone 93 | Positions are Found in Classified Ads ' * - • -■Sr? ‘ i'k.-r ' ft ' r' ' -