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Cameron Courts Suits filed in the District Courts: No. 8467, Valley Developments. Inc., vs. W. F. Amos, debt. No. 8468, Homer L. Fitch vs. El Jardin Hotel Co., debt. No. 8469. W. T. Page vs. J. S. Pletcher, debt. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No. 7993. Luis Alvarez vs. Timo teo R. de Alvarez; divorce granted. No. 8046, Jose Benavides vs. G. G. Benavides; divorce granted. No. 8304. Lola Roberts vs. Earl Roberts; divorce granted. No. 8323. L. Z. Jones vs. Helen Jones; divorce granted. No. 8331. Willie Estelle Curry vs. Bumard Curry; divorce granted. 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Rent, Judge No. 7259. Rodolfo P. Barreda vs. Tomas Tijerina; judgment for de fendant. No. 8370. W. R. Sehussler vs. Joa quin Trevino et al; default. Dis missed on motion of defendant. No. 8301. C H. Page et al vs Har lingen Ind. School Dust.; judgment for plaintiff. No. 8310, Francis Hinojosa, Sr., vj. H. Horton, et al; ne wtrial granted. No. 8311, Ethel U. Lloyd vs. Southland Life Ins. Co.; motion for new trial overruled. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed: None. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Judge j No orders. MARRIAGE LICENSES Fennin Gonzales and Guadalupe Pineda. Jesus Chacon and Maria U. Aldrete. ■■■ ...— 11 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) (Cameron County) Mrs. Agnes Puckett to Geo. K. Aziz. N. W. 1-2 lot 2, blk. 29, West Brownsville. $10 etc. Enrique F. Valentin, S I. Bena ! vides to Juan S. Munoz., lot 9, blk. | 3fi. Combe Addn., Brownsville. $10 | etc. A. E. Martin to Gertrude A. J. Wesse ling, 12 acres out of S. E. I corner of block 45, Frsenos Land & Irrig. Co. subd., share 22, Esp. Santo grant, $10 etc. W. W. Patty, Martha S. Patty, Tr. to Nat'l. Loan & Ins. Co., lot 3, blk. 3, Austin Addn., Harlingen, $2,000. J. M. Mothershead, Sub. Tr. et al, to Nat’l. Loan & Ins. Co., lot 21, blk. 12, Finwood Heights addn., Harlingen, $2,000. B. R. Mason to Nat’l. Loan & Ins. Co., lot 11. blk. 127, Harlingen, $1500. G. G. Henson et al to Jose M. Charles, lot 5, blk. 109, Browns ville, $500. J. R. Wilcoxon et ux to John C. Myrick, all of town lots 10, 11, 12, blk. 12. and lots 5, 6. blk. 52, Santa Rosa townsite, $10 etc. R. H. Usher to J. R. Wilcoxon. all lot 4. blk. 1, Parkview addn., Har lingen, $10 etc. American Land Co. Texas to W. C. Starrett. J. E. Neill, lots 15 and 16. containing 10 10 acres Howard’s Dixie Land Heights subd., survey 44, $8,000. Clarence Celaya to Leonarda Sanchez Johnson, lots 244 and 245, Colonia Victoria, Brownsville, $10 etc. Harlingen Orchards Co. to Val ley Prop. Inc., N. 10 acres blk. 27, Valley Properties Inc. to James W. Regan et ux, north 10 acres blk. 27, Briggs & Coleman subd., sur. 49. plat 4-71, $15,000. Briggs & Coleman subd., survey 49. piat 4-71, $10 etc. W. G. Matties to Andres Ibarra.! lot 28, blk. 10, Colonia La Paloma I 2, San Benito, $2,102. J. E. Hignett et ux to J. W. Richards, 5 acres out of survey 26, D. S. subd., $1000 and other con siderations. Delie Ackerblade to A. E. Beno ist, A. L. Benoist. lot 10, blk. 5, Commercial Heights addn., Harlin gen. $500. Ben Epstein to Mrs. Delma Ep- i stein, lot 3. blk. 9. Windsor Place I addn.. Harlingen, $10 etc. T. R. Sibson to H. L. O'Neal, lot ! 4, blk. 29, O. T. Santa Rosa, $3600. Hidalgo County Alamo Land & Sugar Co. to G. I C. Phillips, 330 feet of lot 15, blk. 49. Alamo Tract, $10 etc. Nick Doffing to Myra Rupert ct! vir, NW 1-4 of lot 3, blk. 48, Alamo j tract, $10 etc. L. W. Fowler to J. D. Musick, lot i , 16. blk. 150, West Tract, $10 etc T. T. Parker to Lrla O. McKir. j ley, 66.15 acres cf lots 15 and 17. : Valley View plantation. $10 etc. John H. Shary to Eli Hockett, E. 10 acres of W 15 acres of loc 516. Sharyland, $10 etc. Matilda S. Becker to Reinard A Miller, lot 50, blk. 2. Hammond, $10 etc. Jno. C. Groover et al to I. W. Keyes, S. 3 acres of lot 2, blk. 135, La Blanca, $10 etc. Edinburg Imp. Assn, to Tom Simmons, lots 4, 5, blk. 152, Edin burg, $10 etc. D. S. Sellers to Joseph H. Hit chens, S. 10 acres of N. 2 acres of lot 8. Sec. 269, Tex.-Mex.. $-0 etc. J. C. Engelman. Jr. to Sanantha Smith, S. 5.212 acres of lot 2, sec. 98. Tex.-Mex., $10 etc. • Emanuel Cailis o John L. Cross. | lot 7, blk. 15, Pate's addn., Hidalgo, j $287. J. E. Pate. Tr. to John L. Cross, lot 8. blk. 15, Pate's addn., Hidalgo, $10 etc. Dan Culver to Luisa T. Galvan, lot 1, blk. 2, La Flor addn., Mc Allen, $10 etc. Lloyd M. Bentsen to Paul Froescher. N. 10 acres of 6. 20 acres of lot 69. Hoit tract, $5,000. C. I. Haven to E. F. Parris, north 19.155 acres of west 38.31 acres of lot 7, section 235. Tex-Mex. $1«» E. A. Writhcm ct al to Perrv Wright et al. lots 8. 9. block H. Wright’s addition. Mission, $10. Progreso Development Co. to Ralph Howard et ux. south 5.14 acres of lot 32, Llano Grande subdi vision. $10. The Nick Doffing Co. to John A. Helfrich, lots 207. 208, Nick subdi-j vision No. 1, containing 12.81 acres,] Elsa Townsite Co. to B. C. Mar ley lot 4. block 65, Elsa, $10. Jacob Walker to D. D. Payne, lot 16, block 11, Hidalgo canai, $10. A. M. Gunell to Helen Van Ber schot, lots 9, 10, block 32, Capisallo, JJ10. S. E. Kieschnick to J. G. Dube, lot 28-6. West addition to Shary ^and, f.10. P. W- Perkins to A. M Gunnell, lots 9-10, block 32, Capisallo, $10. SMART LAD The milk inspector was on the look-out for a case. He waylaid the rather diminutive apprentice of the local dairyman, and after a friendly remark or two said casually: "Tell me, does your employer ever put anything into his milk before he sells it to his customers?" "He always does," replied the boy, with a grin. The inspector smacked his lips approvingly. Prom an inside pocket he produced a bulky notebook. "What does he put in the milk?” The small boy considered the matter before replying. "Well." said the boy. "before he sells pny milk to anybody he alius puts the measure In. He has to!” IGH PRESSURE PETE — . -01)12. Ttftfc; MtKf 5ELUM6 WoKrH A p^rm— aouear/je. 'e*\ 5one. —. V0ftY,*O* -fo T^en To ' . - - # —Swan •V/ -• fofi. The LOOfL CVVi't^TJ ‘ HfVJC ^ ,, . __ ^^-rlUx<^ 1 THE GUMPS — Good New* | I - I ‘—Sidney Smith I * --■■ ■ —1■■ LOOK AT IT MARY * LOOK AT THAT PAINT UOB IVORY- WITH GOLD TRIMMINGS — AND SEE THE » LITTLE TOP- HOW IT LAYS DOWN - GOT A LITTLE VAN'TY /'‘SE — A.ImO MIRROR and everything FOR you and wait till you see the way the SUITCASES ARE FITTED IN THE TRUNK AND LOOK AT THE LINES IHE INCH WHEEL BASE - RUMBLE SEAT AND CAM SHE RAMBLE YOU OUGHT TO SE E THE PEOPLE LOOK AT )T- WHEN I DROVE IT P HERE - LOOK AT THE CROWD Standing around it no< HURRY AND GET UP - MARY — SPRING IS MERE- DON'T YOU NEAR THE BlR ALL THOSE WONDERFUL ROADS— ^ _ THEY’RE CALLING TO US DARLING J*-“ DON’T YOU HEAR THEM ? THEY'RE SAYING- Y£HERE, ARE MARY AND TOM •* OH, MARY- WHEN YOU GET BEHIND THAT WHEEL S' | CANT WAIT - ! ETTA KETT — Isn’t That Terrible _Paul Robinson _____ — . ----——*—i-— .■- ~ i t —-—- ..... . _ ORE AH OUT OP THE CLWCVA ^ ' -1 DAO \MANrS TO "SEE VOO IM TUt Gee j E\I3PAV?^-VJWAT WES GCKC To y,,^' , TEU-VOO WILL PUT A r-J ^r' >4 ^rm:^ ’* r vm*i r« • ^RE,E ' DOME 1 Boooto WAttE AM Auuii „ WENBE S r- f COT OUT THE POOUSHHK5 ) PARLOR pSxxI- IN \ NbUHOLD TOO TAMO / LISTEN ETTA -1 a par of Mirre^n? I Tpue started too up imthat HIS H AMDS MAN (SET 7°^C,,. S CfMDT SHOP AMDVVE ( COUP VrtAtViMG KNPl 1 AmO TOUVL BEEN S\LEHT Partner 1 'ioo TO comb AMD BANE TOUR VONQ ENCOGH11 VM GOING I UOLO 1 BAMO'i TOUL To bane SOMETHING TO \ them. Sax about the vjat r~—* . . . ..— C-M-J \ OU,tr V4KS Qu<vt VAAMCN 1 \ aor OADCN, (Vs \ ~T\AEH - ^OT 'TUE ftEAiJfN PARLOR 'H ^OCM *N OUT UE^T DOOR NNCNED AMO NOVI \ \ °f ^ rr-^ 'TUtRE ONE. r-J \ ptW5E -—J Vrcmiu ^vccx’s, v-fl WELL VOO KMEVJ "TPAV WV\EH HOO CPEKteO'mE SHCP tvaere o\oht , 1 NO),? ^- I I GOOFEY MOVIE I SLOW DOWN .. DAWGEG AHEAD1 TP VOU AGE \iQT A A/EMBE^ OP THE i ,S0@1F2<$> QO. WOT TGV TO ACTTE^O THIS SEC PET MEST^G! © SAV OTTO, COE OOGMT TO P£EU VEA...X UJAS OUST 1 (GjUTV POOUO TO SB IM CHARGE TIHlfOKIMG ABOUT rr-\ OP Sucw A SPUEMOtOOO&AKiZATiOM AnJO HOJU MUCH SETTER AS THIS.... -s VKfGOUO 00£ ACE IT OJAS TRAM BEiWG k tloeajrrV Q TWOUSAMO PCESiO&NJT OP THE » ^TPOfUG ¥ M UfOITEC STATES'. M I —3 . _ -— —Neher r ^wux.x cogulOmt ujamt to W lets' get Lse. pgesidenjt:__m!s job #lu0osY...**rwE rtSWT PEPMANEWT....ANJ T AA=LETlMG) IS BESiOES,TR£CE^ MO 1 NJEA|<L.Y HA-P CHAnJCea FOC. AOVA/MCE-i , s~s OVEP. c2 wr > Copyright, 1929. by Central Pres* Association, I ! i — a -=t -- *« -~' ■ II ■ i ATTENTION FANS'[ OOHY DON'T YOU FORM A q ©ranch club of the "600FEY SANG" »M VojR Ouom MeiGsH&oRwDoO. AAAiu A stamp to goofey A40VJIES*,^.TWis PAPER FOR. FOLU INFORMATION. . y./^7._ i If it is Quality in Printing A TAMM I! perry l. Kir ! | “glad-i-olfs” i I General Welding I you want, call «... . w AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING The Flower Gorgeous Radiator Specialist 438 I Blue Printing and INCOME JAJ SER rlC*» Systems. Organisation anu Special Prices on Quantities j LAWN MOWER EXPERT . m CU I Cl- Statistical Reports Bua«i»*fc* O>;tro| THE RIO GRANDE COMPANY j T I Dnmm«r Bishop Print Shop Supplies Travis Buildtnv M;.nn R»iMtn<r Overhead Irrigation Farm 1 . J. IxOmiTier Brwnsvtlie. Texas. J Har inaen Tcxi Lt,>« .. »t»l1jjng Phone No. 931. or Come Out j Phon. 722 JiL—J--L Aatonu. *exa£. ^P««»Chrisa^Texa^^^^ _ Rear Miller Hotel - ' . :<*... Today’s Radio Features . TUESDAY. APRIL 1§ [By The Associated Press] Programs in Central Standard time. All time is TV M. unless otherwise indicated. "Wavelengths on left of call letters, kilocycles on right. Chain programs with list of associated stations in detail. 348.6—WABC New York—860 7:90—F. W. Wile on Political Situation and United States Navy Band—Also WADC WOWO KMOX KOIL WHK WCCO 8:00—Paul Whiteman’s Band; Modern Music—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WBBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WCCO WFBM WRR KLRA WDOD WBRC WREC KFJF KTSA WISN WDSU WIBW 3:00—Voice of Columbia; Wide Range of Music—Also WADC WKRC W’GHP WBBM WOWO KMOX KOIL WSPD WCCO WISN 10:00—Guy Lombardo’s Royal Canadians—Also W A DC "WKRC WGHP WBBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK 454.3— WEAF New York—660 ■* 5:10—Dinner Musit>— Also WOW KYW; Baseball Scores—WEAF only 1,11 6:00—Voters’ Service—Also KSD WOW WDAF WHAS WMC WFAA in 6:30—Historical Sketches—Also WCFL WOW WDAF WTAM WWJ KSD WHvibed 7:00—Genia Fonariova, Soprano, with Orchestra—Also KSD 7:30—Popular Half Hour—Also WGY WWJ KSD WOW WDAF WHO W s' 8:00—Diversified Hour—Also WGY WTAM WWJ WGN KSD WHO W Out / KSTP WEBC WHAS WSM WMC WSB KVOO WOAI 9:00—Eskimos—Also WTAM W"WJ KYW KSD WOW WHO WDAF IFTP WTMJ WHAS WSM WMC WSB WFAA KPRC WOAI WKY WEBC 9:30—Pittsburgh Polyphonic Choir; Sixty-five Male Voices—WEAF onlv 10:03—Vaudeville—Also WGY* WTAM WWJ KSD WHO KYW WDAF KSTP WTMJ WEBC WSM WSB WFAA KPRC WOAI WKY WOW WHAS 394.5—WJZ New York—760 6:00—Baseball Scores, W’J3 only; Small and Robertson—Also KWK 6:30—Talks on Law—Also KWK WEEN W'MC WHAS WOAI WKY KO \ 7:00—Sextet with Male Quartet. Andy Sannella. Keith McLeod and t d'r*^ Ludlow—Also KDKA W'JR KYW KWK WREN WTMJ KSTP WHAS WSM WMC WSB KVOO WFAA KPRC WOAI WKY KO A 7:30—Tiremen'a Orchestra; Irving Kaufman snd Taylor Buckley—Alto KDKA WJR KYW KWK WREN KVOO WFAA KPRC WOAI 8:00—Concert Ensemble—Also to KWK KDKA 8:30—Mtnstrels—Also'KDKA WL"W KYW KWK WREN WJR WTMJ 9:00— Syncomatles Orchestra—Also KDKA WJR WLW KWK WREN WGN J2:£h"°rchestradians—A,*° KDKA WJR KYW KWK WREN KSTP WFAA 10:00—Slumber Music Hour; Soothing Orchestra Numbers—Also KDKA VALLEY RADIO KWWG—Valley Radio Station Brownsville 12:00-12:10 p. m.—Markets, weather and river reports. 12:10- 1:00—Musical program. 4:00- 4:20— Associated Press dispatches and Valley news i'rom The Brownsville Herald. Also markets and weather reports. 4:20- 5:55—Musical program. 5:55- 6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. WEDNESDAY 11:00-12:00 noon—Musical program. Watch Us Grow I II From December 31st to March 27th we showed the largest increase in deposits of any Bank in Browns ville, in fact, we showTed almost twdce as much as all of the Banks here. This denotes the confidence wThich the people in the Rio Grande Valley have in this in stitution. { If you do not have an account here, start if. ONE TODAY 14% Compounded semi-annually paid on Savings Account | First National Bank is * a pub Brownsville, [Texas i ^,11 I “THE FRIENDLY BANK” J Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley j j La Joya Gravel Co. | INCORPORATED I MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 1 Positions are Found in Classified-^