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——■ .. ■ _■ ■■■— J. ■ ~ 1 MERCEDES* WEDNESDAY BRIDGE An enjoyable meeting of the Wed nesday afternoon bridge club was held with Mrs. John Rouse at her attractive country home west of Mercedes. Three tables of players were pre sent for tlr \games of auction bridge with Mra^ W. Iford and Mrs. M. G. Blaclo»Qnaking first and second high score in the club and Mrs. Henry Allen scoring for the guest trophy. Pink roses and ferns added to the attractions of the rooms • • • AUCTION PARTY A pleasing hospitality of the past week was one shown by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sugg to T. W. Nethery of Dallas, who spent several days in the Sugg home. With auction bridge forming the evening’s diversion. Miss Beth Gar rett and Floyd Langford were high in scores, with the guest of honor being given a favor. Mr. and Mrs. Sugg’s guests were misses Ophelia Byars. Nell Hancock, Beth Garrett. Mrs. W. E. McDonell, Mrs. Mary Combs of McAllen. J. B. Pinkham, Floyd Langford, Bill Coe. L. R. Graham and the guest of honor. • * • DINNER HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Witmer were hosts at a dinner party on Wednes day evening in honor of Mrs. T. H. Burdette and Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Burdette, all of Detroit, Michigan. A beautiful centerpiece of roses for the decoration for the table where covers wrere laid for the hon or guests and Messrs. H. T. Stotler, James Foraker of Colum bus. Ohio, O. E. Van Berg. Rev and Mrs. C. P. Owens and Mrs. Charles Hearing. • • • FIDELIS CLASS The Fidelis Sunday School class of the Baptist church held their business and social meeting at the home of Miss Mary Keelty. Spring flowers formed love’v decorations for the house. Following the business meeting a radio party was engaged and tempt ing refreshments were served. * • • COTERIE CLUB The Coterie Bridge club members and guests spent a pleasant evening on Wednesday in the home of Mrs. W. J. Copeland. Mrs. John Hern don made the interesting score among the club members and Mrs. S. H. Collier scored high for the guests. Miss Sarah Haynes scored for consolation. • • • FIVE HUNDRED A pretty five-hundred party of the past week was the one given by, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Krause for a number of their friends. In the games Miss Emma Ruste rer and Arthur Beil scored high I and Miss Kildegarde Mansle scored for consolation. Others making up the ones pre sent were Messrs, and Mesdames Arthur Vecker, M. A. Barchelt. Her bert Drefke, Misses Lenore Reisterer and Ella Borchelt anl Oscar Dube. Raymond Stern. Eric Barchelt and Ferd Schroeder. • • • Pink roees and blue larkspur formed a pretty combination of col ors in floral adornment for the din ner bridge party given by Mr. and i Mrs. James Houze at their home on South Ohio Avenue. Mrs. James Anderson and Lee land Matthews made high score in the games. The guest list included Messrs, and Mesdames A. N. Brown. Grafton Burdelle, R. R. Barton, L. D. SANTA MARIA PERSONALS Miss Balfa Greer spent the week end with her parents at Mt. Pleasan ton, Texas. Mac Kerr spent the week end with his parents at Ft. Worth. Miss Elizabeth Allen spent the week end with her parents at Vic toria. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis and Mrs. Harpster. Bernice and Marshal vis ited Mrs. Hopkins of Elsa Sunday afternoon. Miss Margaret Craddock ^pent the week end in San Benito.' Mrs. George Curry and daughters of Raymondville were here Satur day. Richard Hopkins of Elsa spent the week end with Marshal Harpster. Vf. B. Benge of McAllen was a business visitor here Tuesday. Miss Thelma Fcowc of Edinburg spent the week end with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kluck of Santa Rosa visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis Saturday. J. O. Duncan spent the week end in Edinburg. Mrs. B. Lawrence of Jefferson, Ohio, is visiting her uncle Mr. A. L. Perkins. Glynn McCannon of Huron, South Dakota and Mrs. Dunham and son. Bobby, of Pasadena, California, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McCannon. Mrs. March and Mrs. Kenedy of Harlingen visited Mrs. J. C. Davis Wednesday afternoon. The Baotist Missionary met with Mrs. B. M. Sansom Monday after noon. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Miss Daisy Gray entertained the faculty and high school students with a party on the school lawn. Friday afternoon. Various games were enjoyed by all. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Fernandez and children and Mrs. A. C. Starck of Brownsville were visitors of Mrs. Person!us Monday. Misses Fela Champion. Daisy Gray, Annie Smith, Pauline Hawks and Margaret Craddock were in Mercedes Tuesday. F. S. Champion was in Mercedes on business Wednesday. Miss Bernice Harpster is visiting Mrs. Wallace Harpster of Raymond - ville this week. * Mrs. Hopkins of Elsa and Mrs. Walton of Donna were here Monday i afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Personious were in | Brownsville Wednesday. MISSION TUESDAY BRIDGE Mrs. Herbert Welch was hostess Tuesday afternoon to the Tuesday bridge club membership with only i a two-table personnel on account of several of them being out of city, i Mrs. T. R. Card was given high I score for out of club guests, Mrs. S. A. Henr?'. Mrs. Card and Miss Lucille Miller being out of club ; guests. • • • 1 SURPRISE PARTY John Osborne was the recipient of a happy surprise last Wednesday evening, when his wife invited a number of friends to their home for a "forty-two party”. Eight tables of j players enjoyed the sport, with Wal ! tpr Sherman being high score hold i er as was Mrs. Hedges; Mrs. A. C. McHenry and Mr. Laurent receiv ing low scores. The hostess was as sisted by her mother, Mrs. D. F. Fielder. * • * CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY Mrs. Hal Halstead gave a nice aft ernoon party for about fifteen of the little tots last Saturday, in cele bration of the birthday anniversary of her little daughter Josephine. The afternoon was spent in playtime which the small boys and girls en joyed to their hearts’ content. Mrs. Halstead was assisted by Mrs. D. C. Lester, Mrs. Bert Conydon and Miss Jane Halstead. • • • MRS. PHARR HONORED Mrs. R. C. Lowry entertained In honor of Mrs. Pharr of Houston who is a guest in the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. Ed Sydner, these two ladies in company with Mrs. Jack Lair, be ing guests at the Lowry home Tues day for luncheon with an afternoon spent in bridge. • • • ORDINKI MEETS The Ordinki club met at the home of Mrs. T. A. Humason Wednesday for their weekly diversion of bridge, with a two-table personal of play ers. Mrs. Albert McHenry and Mrs. I. J. Wright were out of club guests. Mrs. Chester Nichols was high score holder, Mrs. Franklin Ewers low. • * • WEDNESDAY BRIDGE Mrs. R. P. Conway was hostess to the Wednesday bridge club this week, with three te’-les of players participating. Miss Myrtle Hatch u’as the only out of club guest. • * * PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLES The Presbyterian Auxiliary also had "circle day” last Thursday, with the meeting cf the members of cir cle number one at the home of Mrs. D. G. Wood, with Mrs. Albert Mc Henry conducting the business ses sion, during which the circle mem bers made their pledges for the year, the chairmen appointed various committees. Mrs. Henderson Wrood led the meeting, with the study on “Africa” followed by Mrs. T. B. Sammons, the general president, who wras an at tendant at the Presbyterial, giving a resume of a splendid address by a returned missionary from Africa given at this church convention. Mrs. D. C. Decker was hostess to circle number two. with eleven mem bers present. Mrs. Harry Keyes, the chairman conducted the busi ness session, arrangements were made for the usual “prayer band” and books of study were ordered for the coming year. Mrs. Pilcher led the devotional, and a talk w'as given by Mrs. Sam mons on the subject of the day. Circle number three, with Mrs. Walter Roberts as chairman, met at the home of Mrs. E. M. Covington, with a good attendance, and the de votionals- conducted by Mrs. Le lachuer. and Mrs. B. M. Strong lead er for the study period. “Our Black Brother in Africa” being the sub iect under discussion, which wras very ably handled. Mrs. Lehman rave a paper on “Sunshine and Shadows”. Mrs. W. G. Morris is secretary and treasurer of this cir cle. Refreshments were served by the different hostesses. • * * METHODIST SOCIETY Last Thursday was “study day” for this band of women, who gather ed in goodly numbers in the base ment of the church for the purpose. The president, Mrs. H. H. Ewing, called the meeting to order with the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Conan Wood very capably conducting the day’s lesson study on “The Women and the Kingdom.” At the close of the lesson study. Rev. W. N. Carl, pastor of the church was requested to lead in a1 special prayer for those in affliction. BAPTIST MISSIONARY Last Thursday was "Circle Day” for the various church women’s or ganizations in the Baptist church, the Missionary Union gathering in three bands, with circle number one meeting at the home of Mrs. C. O. Murphy, where a splendid repre sentation was found. Rev. Benson, pastor of the church, met with the ladies and presided at the devotion al meeting. Mrs. Minyard. the chairman of this circle, superintend ed the business session, during which various plans were proposed and some perfected, among the most important probably being the creat ing of a sentiment among the mem bers of the church in regard to the building of a new edifice for the Baptist congregation. Dr. Minnie Parrish led the course of study, the "Royal Sendee” being the topic for the day. and the les son proved exceedingly interesting. Circle number two met at the home of Mrs. Gresham, with Mrs. R. A. Mathis as chairman, also lead ing the study course. Business routine was followed with a study on Genesis, which the leader con ducted in a most interesting and in tsructive manner. - - Circle number three, with Mrs. Krueger chairman, met in the In termediate department rooms of the church, because of the sudden ill ness of Mrs. Coble and the conse quent inability of meeting in her home as expected. Mrs. G. H. Bushey led the devotional part of the pro gram. with Mrs. Bob Hardgrave in charge of the lesson study, which was found in the first and second chapters of Genesis, these women, as in the other circles, first engaging in a business session. • • • CHAPTER J, P.O.E. MEETS Mrs. R. P. Conway was hostess to the local chapter of the P E. O at her home last Friday, with eleven members present. Mrs. Pern Cong don, the president, conducted the business session, which consisted merely of routine work, the leader for the day, Mrs. Congdon supply ing for Mrs. E. A. Stewart, who was unable to take charge, gave a re port of the “Passion Play” which she attended while *in San Antonio the past week Mrs. T. M Melden, under the head of "modern poetry, — ... . . read several of her brother’s poems which have been published in "Scribner’s”, "Harper’s” and other magazines the past year, among which one entitled “A Memorial to Life,” written in memory of the tenth anniversary “Armistice Day” in the November number of “poetry,” published by Mrs. Harriet Munroe of Chicago, was considered the finest. Mr. Crook, who whites under the non-deplume of Kyle Crook, is well known in Mission, where he spent several months with his parents and sister at the close of the war. in which he was very severely wounded. w 9 9 MUSIC CLUB The regular meeting of the Mis sion Music Club was held at the beautiful home of Mrs. W. R. Par rish north of town Friday, with Mesdames Parrish and Pope hos tesses. The attendance was rather rmall due to the number of mem bers who were in San Antonio at tending the Passion Play. The les sen on “Orchestral Music of the Classic Period” capably presented by Mrs. Humason. was extremely in teresting. Mrs. A H. Strahle and Mrs. F. A. Humason were elected delegates to *hs Valley Federation, with Mrs. Logan Duncan and Mrs. Harry Meyes altetnat-ng. • « « MRS. SYDNOR HOSTESS Honoring her mother. Mrs. B. Olin, Pharr of Houston. Mrs. E. B. Sydnor on Thursday entertained at an afternoon of bridge, at her home cn the Hayes-Sammons apartments. The floral decorations, which fea tured the pink and white colors, were of pink and white roses, laik spur and queen’s lace, place cards, etc., also carrying out the same shades. Mrs. Frank Carter was high score holder, and Mrs. Lair, low score, with a handsome remem brance token for the honor guest. The following were among the guests: Mesdames R. C. Lowry. B. Smoot, J. F. Honey. W. A. Wol verton. J. Lair, G. F. Dohrn, E. Op penheimer, W. W. Benntaa. R. E. Pvrueger. T. R. Burnett, Florence M. I Hayes of Mission: Mrs. Scott I Graham and Mrs. Geo. Friday of j Weslaco, Mrs. Frank Carter and j Mrs. Ella Mae Smith of San Benito, ! bes’de the honoree and hostess. RIO GRANDE CIIY PICKETTS ENTERTAIN On Saturday evening Captain and Mrs. E. M. Pickett entertained at Bridge having as their guests the officers and ladies of Fort Ring gold. Five tables of players were seated in the living and dining room. High score for women was won by Mrs. Walter Hamilton and for gentlemen by Lieut. Carl A. Raguse; both re ceiving stationery. Consolation was given to Captain Hanson. Following the games an ice course was served by the hostess. The guests were: Major and Mrs. H. E. Taylor, Captain and Mrs. Walter Hamilton, Captain and Mrs. S. W. Robertson. Captain and Mrs. Mott Ramsey, Captain and Mrs. H. L. Kidwell, Captain and Mrs. C. W. Richmond, Lieut, and Mrs. Carl A. Raguse. Captain Alson. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Guaruthers, Jr., Mrs. E. Owen Scott. • • • TUESDAY CLUB Mrs. L. B. Caruthers. Jr., was hostess Tuesday afternoon at her home to the members of the Tues day Bridge club. High score was won by Mrs J. J. Guerra and second high by Mrs. H. E. Taylor. Cut prizes was won by Miss Camile Block. * * • PERSONALS Capt. Alexander Olson, recently on foreign detail with the 26th cav alry in the Philippine islands, has arrived in Fort Ringgold where he will serve with the 12th cavalry. This is Captain Olson's first serv ice on the low-er border although he has been stationed in the Big Bend section. Calixte Valle. Jr., junior cadet at A. & M. college, together with five other students of his college, are making a tour of inspection to a number of industrial plants located in cities of Corsicana, Waco, Dallas, Fort Worth and Beaumont. Young Valle is majoring in chemical en gineering. Mrs. Frank Chapa of San An tonio is the guest of her mother, Mrs. M. T. Flores, at the Laborde hotel. Captain and Mrs. Rossiter Garity and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall re turned from a short stay in San Antonio. Mrs. Rosa Garcia of San Antonio is the guest this w?eek of Mrs. Isa bel Guerra. Mrs. Mona Ortez is visiting friends in McAllen this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Guerra and family of Roma returned Sunday from San Antonio where they spent a week’s vacation. Mrs. C. Solis was the guest of Mrs. Matilde Guerra at her home near McAllen Tuesday and Wednes day. Mrs. Louisa Kain has as her guests, Sunday, her sister, Mrs. Jean Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Solis of Mercedes. Mrs. Walter Hamilton motored to Mission Friday. Mrs. Florence Hays of Mission and Miss Ross. Y. W. C. A execu tives were guests Friday of Mrs. E. Ewen Scott. ELSA Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham mo tored to Harlingen Sunday evening to see the movies there. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Adamson were ! Harlingen visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Frank - . • *v . STARS IN COLLEGIATE DRAMATICS Verna Knight, of Seattle, a co-ed of Washington State college, is one of the outstanding dramatists on the W. S. C. campus. She is a junior and a member of National Collegiate Players. STRAIGHTEN UP!- TR Y THESE EXERCISES By JOSEPHINE HUDDLESTON Exercising to improve one's figure won’t prove very helpful if ww habitually slump in chairs or stand with our shoulders all humped over. There are certain points of posture that must be remembered *fc all times. Most important of these is the position of the shoulders, whether one is sitting or standing. When the shoulders are held erect it is impossi ble for the chest to appear sunken or caved in. and the rest of the body will retain a better line. The fol lowing exercise, if practiced each day. will rest the back and shoulders and go far toward helping one to attain a correct, graceful and relaxed sitting posi tion. Sit well back in the chair, the back of which reaches to the shoulders. Hold the arms out in front of the body on a level with the shoulders, turning the palms upward, slowly raise the arms and then drop _ hem back over the shoulders until you can grasp the back of the chair. Hold tight to the chair and swing the elbows forward until they meet, now swing the .._ tines* °Ut t0 thC SidCS aS far as p0S£ible- ten , Drop the arms to the sides and loosely dangle the H.UDDLESTD.4 fingers while slowly counting ten. Now take original , position and grasp the back of the chair *<; fnr» .nr< swing the elbows out at the sides, then lower the head <v-er th* hart the chair and continue swinging the elbow! out at the stdlf them forward until they touch while slowly couMtag to ?en' " ** By this time your shoulders will feel rested and rela- ed i.v, rect standing position, and resteq and reI*Agd’ so take eor tne hands on the hips. Without moving the hands rotate the shoul ders, moving them forward, down, back and up so that they describe a small circle. Repeat 10 times. Re verse the action of the rotary or cir cular movement and repeat io times. Now drop the arms at the sides I and open and close the hands rap idly for one minute. Don’t do this half-heartedly. Each time the hands are closed, clench the fists tightly, then open the hands wide. That finishes the exercise and I’ll guar antee there’ll be no more kinks in your shoulders and that you will feel as though you had had a long and relaxed rest! Another DON’T. Don't go right over to your easy chair and sit with your shoulders humped or slumped forward or the ; exercise will have been in vain. As I time goes on you will find it easier to sit properly for longer periods until finally you will be as uncom fortable in a slumping position as you now are in a correct position. The exercise is especially restful if the muscles of the shoulders have become exhausted from sitting too long in one position. Whether read ing, sewing, typing, writing or play ing bridge, the same posture over a long period weakens the muscles so that eight hours of sleep will not always bring rest. Schmidt took in the movies in Har lingen Sunday evening. Tom Annen, Mr. and Mrs. O. Miller of Nazareth. Texas, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Davis. Mr. Annen is Mr. Davis’ brother. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scoggins of Edinburg visited their father, G. L. Scoggins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sims were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gresly Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bell of McAllen were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Kenneth Null who has been book keeper for Wade and Newton for the past several months, will be transferred by the company to Brownsville. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Melvin Giese, Mrs. Brooks Buckelew, Mrs. Jno. Giese, Mrs. W. B. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marley spent the week end at Point Isabel. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Davis and fruests motored to Brownsville and Matamoros, Mexico. Sunday. Mrs. Melvin Giese attended a bridge party in Weslaco given by Mrs. T. H. Cook Thursday of last week. John Stoke sand R. C. Watson made a business trip to Robstown the latter part of the week. J. W. Carlson and daughter of Edcouch and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Galloway and Neal visited Sunday afternoon at the O. E. Carlson home. Mrs John Stokes spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. McCasland near Weslaco. E. B. Kelley and Bert Kelley drove to Sabinal Saturday. Mrs. Howard Kelley and children of Sabinal and Mrs. Taylor of Bellview returned with them to visit here lor a while. Mrs. Taylor is the mother of Mm. Bert Kelley and Joe Taylor. Miss Ina Miller of Newton is visit ing in Elsa with her brother A. P. Wilson and family and her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Wilson. Mrs. P. W. Moore of Edinburg visited her sister Mrs. A. P. Miller Sunday. Dean Gates and Edword Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Liljestrand of Edinburg were dinner guest* Sunday at the J. A. Lilpestrand home. Mrs. Jim Thompson and children. Mrs. Howard Carter and children spent Thursday with their mother. Mrs. E. E. Willard. Mrs. Kenneth Wilson and Mrs. A. P. Miller and daughters went to Houston Friday and returned Mon day. Mrs. Wilson’s father of New ton, Texas, met them there and came to the Valley with them. Mrs. Bill Arthur and daughter of McAllen spent Monday at Byroad Kelley’s. A. C. Carlson returned home on Thursday morning from a few day* trip in San Antonio. Lee Waller was called to Bracken ridge on account of the death of his father. I *jjReady Tomorrow With a Special ^ Purchase of Chic Silk Frocks jj *62 to *162 New prints in small flower patterns and in formal geometries . . . high color and navy georgettes . . . flat crepes in black, navy or the bright spring tones. One and two-piece fashions . . . their blouses showing berthas, scarfs, fringed collars, triangle ties, jabots and other chic fashion detail. Their skirts finely pleated, draped, swathed or tiered . . . regular or irregular at the hem line. ; |teij4i J>hoppe i%o Elizabeth St. Phone i53i . Brownsville-, Texas Reminders % ''The soft, natural wave in my hair has aroused such enthusiastic admiration that l am happy to say that it has brmmade possible through Frederics Vtta - Tone: Process. No other method is like is for producing such smooth, wide, flowing, natural waves. " • • •W reveals It**? 'reason for keif loyelf, luslrons ■ wavy lialr FOR sheer loveliness—nothing can in producing a permanent wave that rival the 6oft, lustrous, natural is unsurpassed. Be sure to get the real wave in the coiffure of this charming Frederics \ ita-Tonic wave, however. 61m star. Of course, anvone would Look for tbt nmm “Frederics Vita-Tonec think that these charming waves on the wrapper etsed on every tress of hoer. are natural. ^ ~ Send for Free Booklet “The Glorious Marian Nixon knowT that she must Glft,of ^vcl>' Hfr” whlch wU1 “fj , __ , vou how to care for your wave. Also dways possess a permanent that is J frcc introductory lubc of the Ncw perfect. One that wiH always preserve , Frederics Hair Trane tW delightful, natural waves that, Cream for keeping are so universally admired. Any your wave setffor woman can now easily obtain a perma- 6nger and water nent like Marian Nixon's if she will wav-ng and for insist upon the New FREDERICS ■ training straight Vita-Tonic Method of Waving. |,,jP. Address E. Every shop that gives Frederics Vita- Look for this Frederica Inc., Tonic Waves has trained Frederics i D«Pt. 514B opta.rors wlw art especially skillful %!?£££ “5 E 45 th St, ■ ^ 7 7r .J7Z.t~Z New York City saw rov BOOK STOPS ALUMS twoErmsrie THE * ; '* aHl One-strap Lido Sand with dark* er trim; modified ramn and 19-1 Freneh h«*i s * . THE LUCfLIE Black Doll Kid Pump with pat ant trim and 17-8 French heel. - -* *■> — *L L . ;V ' , I % * . •* t'Z ' i • ' % \ **l.i ;) : ' *r . * * VII.. . ijl ■ - r.! ■' fWL I NGEN~8fY>UMSWlU: FALLEN * .! <■ -v . . -i • <|