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!; Valley Society | j; Phone 7 ij i SAN BENITO 1 LARGE BRIDGE Mrs. Ray Smith's afternoon bridge arranged at the home of Mrs. Anna C. Smith, North Reagan avenue was an interesting and large event on Wednesday after noon. Quantities of lovely spring Gowers were massed about the rooms where thirteen tables of players -rr assembled. Harmon izing with v ^ springtime motif were the tallies, scorepads and table accessories. Mrs. Julian Sco gin held high score when the games had ended and was awarded with a handsome trophy. Mrs. J. E. Glenn received the souvenir for second high. Mrs. Virgil Clayton of Honey Grove received the con solation gift for low score. A prettily arranged two-course lunch eon was served in the late after noon. The guests included Mesdames R. T. Collins, L. P. Boling. Leigh Stanley. R. J. Bohner, Tom March banks. E. N. Brown. W. E. Thomas, W. S. Brock, A. Goolsby, Floyd Worth, Asa Agar, Jake Hafner, C. D, John. Charles Bowie, S. H. Crews, C. D. Cowgill, H. C. Law ton. C. J. Leslie, Jesse Welch, Fred Turner, Nathan Craig. C. L. Mil ner, Kent Manning, J. M. Jones, I. V. Jolly, Jr., Fleming Newton, J. E. Bell, Neil Kendrick. J. W. Betts, E. F. Bohner. Wm. Greenslade, Da vis Wade, Miss Maxine Bruce, J. T. Wilcox. J. E. Glenn, Julian Sco gin, M. G. Gilbert, A. Cowden, E. E. Ogden, J. P. Dyer, Robert Bowie, P. M. Sherer, N. D. Monger, H. V. Adleson, Lee Roy Welch, Karl Miller, Fred Wedegartner, F. B, Sublett, Robert Brooks, Jesse /Dunn. Cain Roberts, Miss Emma 'Wascher. Out of town guests were Mrs. Virgil Clayton of Honey Grove. • • • SILVER TEA Tuesday afternoon for the silver tea for women of the First Christ ian church which was given at the home of Mrs. J. Scott Brown shasta daisies and roses gave a pretty setting. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Ed Brenham, Mrs. Bert Horn and Mrs. Neil Kendrick. A salad course was served to thirty mem bers and two guests at the close of the afternoon. v * • METHODIST MISSIONARY The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Methodist church met for voice program and social meeting at the home of Mrs. J. P. Dyer Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. G. A. Fisher aerved as leader for the program. Devotional was taken from verses of Mark, Luke and John and was conducted by Mrs. Fisher. Prayer led by Mrs. E. W. McAlister. Program topics in cluded “The Risen Christ and Womanhood” by Mrs. C. E. Mar shall, “The Three Orientals,” by Mrs. Ryan; “Home Council Volun teers,” Mrs. Castleberry. A pleas ant social hour followed. Ice cream and angel food cake was served by the following commit tee: Mrs. Guy Castleberry, W. F. Pitts, W. F. Morgan. Louis Bart lett and L. D. Cannon. PERSONALS H. Urquhart left Wednesday night for Chicago to be gone about three months looking after business interests there. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Elders of Edna, who were in San Benito while Mr. Elder attended presby tery. and Mrs. Charles Thompson of Beaumont were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Als meyer, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Als meyer’s mother and Mrs. Elders Is her sister. John T. Lomax left Tuesday for the Shrine ceremonies in San An tonio. A. L. Harris returned Tuesday night from a trip to Uvalde. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Harper ana son, Jimmy Ray of Kosse. Texas, are visiting here with Mrs. Harper’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sow ders. Miss Florine Harvey has gone to San Antonio for a visit with friends. She will be joined there the latter part of the week by her sister, Miss Lillian Harvey, and the two will depart for Mexico City where they have resided for some time. They have been visiting their mother, Mrs. J. L. Harvey, of San Antonio for several weeks. J. D Wren has returned from a conve**4nn of Busines Men's As surance company representatives held in north Texas. LOS FRESNOS BAKE SALE SATURDAY Members of the Ladies’ Mission ary society of the Methodist church were to hold a bake sale in the Palmer building at Los Fresnos on Saturday, April 20. The proceeds of the sales will be placed in the general fund of the society. CHILD STUDY CLUB A meeting of the Child Study club was held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. W. Carroll, A business session which was held, was followed by an interesting pro gram on child life. Refreshments were served to those present at the close of the afternoon. m * • MRS. PAGE HOSTESS Mrs. Grover C. Page was hostess to members of the Los Fresnos Home Demonstration club at the home of Mrs. S. E. Barr on April 11. An interesting business ses sion was held, after which a pro gram was presented by Mrs. James Downey, who played and sang sev eral selections. The hostess served refreshments consisting of saltines, pineapple salad, cake and ice tea were served. Mrs. Harry Whipple will enter tain the‘club at her home on the afternoon of April 25. Miss Kate Adele Hill, home demonstration agent, and Mrs. Charles Yost of San Benito will give a demonstra tion in making rugs. + * • CLASS PARTY FRIDAY Bruce Day was host to members of the boys' and girls’ classes of the Methodist church at the home of his parents. Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Day, on Friday evening. The eve ning was spent socially, at the close of which refreshments were served to the following class members and teachers, and their guests: Misses Myrtle Moore, Dorothy and Ra chael Moses, Eula and Willie Brooks, Mrs. P. C. Pederson, Mary Mentzer, Mrs. Alvin Pederson, Mrs. Oren Pederson, James Calloway of San Benito, John Dee Zumwalt and Joe and George Edmondson. * * * SWASTIKA CLUB Members of the Swastika club met at the home of Mrs. Grover Grier on Friday afternoon. At the close of the social hour ice cream and cake were served. • * * PERSONALS John F. Diffendurffer has ar rived from Chicago to spend a few weeks at his farm of Los Fresnos tract. Martha Jane Lesley of San Be nito visited with Bobbye Gene Goates on Thursday afternoon. Miss Gwendolyn Zumwalt was a week-end guest of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Gabitczh, in Brownsville. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cilley were dinner guests of friends in ‘ ajcAl len Sunday. Miss Mary Casey, who has been traveling for some time. Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Casey. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fowler and son, James Garland, have moved to Mercedes. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Jordan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henderson in Harlingen Sat urday night. R. D. Thomas and Mrs. J. E. Buttler have returned to their home, after spending several days at Eastland. Texas. Miss Ruth De Busk and father, C. H. De Busk, visited in Los In dios Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Potter. Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Day and sons were Point Isabel visitors Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Schneider has return- ' ed from San Antonio, where she attended the annual conference of the Woman's Missionary societies. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Moore and! daughters. Hazel, Bernice and Myr tle and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Jordan visited in Santa Rosa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Calyin Dyer of Har lingen were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Zumwalt Sun day. Mrs. Sam Day of Eastland. Tex as, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Butler. Sidney Baer left on Wednesday evening for Pontiac. Mich. He ex- j pects to return in about, a month. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. MaComb and' children. Garvan. Wiline and Billy,! visited during the week-end with! Mrs. McCcmb’s sister. Mrs. Elmer; Henderson, in Harlingen. __ EDINBURG —■ H1. i. DINNER BRIDGE Mrs. R. B. Newman entertained ' a group of her friends on Thurs- I day evening at her home in Edin- ! burg. A delicious two course din- j ner was served at seven. The rooms were gay with bouquets of red and white spring flowers, and the small tables were centered with miniature bouquets in the oho. cn colors. Each guest receiv ed an attractive red or black party handkerchief as a table favor. Immediately after the dinner, the guests went to the Valley the ater where they saw the picture "Two Troublsome Tramps" which ; was filmed in Edinburg. After the | theater party, the guests returned ! to Mrs. Newsman’s where several j games of bridge were enjoyed. Dur- ; Ing the games, Mrs. Katherine | Miller made the honor score and i received a beautiful prize. The guests were: Mesdames Scottie Dorsey, Katherine Miller, Joe Clark. M: R. Turner. J. R. Norvell, and Misses Murrell Dunn. Emma Gene Baker. Gertrude Schaleben, Grace Vandiver, Char lotte Evins, Mary Gordon. * • * TUESDAY LUNCHEON CLUB Mrs. L. C. Newman charmingly entertained the Tuesday Luncheon club this week. Bright and color ful spring flowers artistically deco rated the card rooms. A delicious two course barbecue lunch was served at small tables. In the bridge garner that followed. Mrs. W. D. Gardner mad? the honor score. Luncheon guests were Mes dames Douglass McKenzie. Griever, and Norris. • • • I TUESDAY DINNER CLUB I Mrs. Marshal Mcllhenny was hostess to the Tuesday Dinner club on April 16. A two course dinner I was served at a long table on the cool and spacious porch. The din ner was served picnic style which added greatly to the informality and gayety of the affair. In the bridge games that followed, Mr. Mrs. L. E. Tinkler made the honor scores. • * • HI LO BRIDGE The Hi-Lo bridge club was enter tained on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs A. R. Baker. Vari colored larkspur and pink roses were placed at vantage points about the rooms. In the games of bridge, Mrs. Watt Tinkler made the honor score and Mrs. W. D. Gardner was lucky in the cut. At the conclusion of the games the hostess served a salad course. * * • BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Miss Marilyn Potter cele brated her third birthday on Sat urday afternoon. Twelve little girls gathered on the lawn of her home and enjoyed a jolly party. Games were played and favors of balloons and candy were given to the little guests. At the close of the afternoon a large birthday cake decorated with pink candles was cut and served with ice cream. The children at the party were: Mary Ann Barfield. Charlotte Tinkler, Jane Mcllhenny. Mary Lucille Haigh, Helen Dorcas Wal ton. Annie Ruth Berney, Charline Jones, Mary Vick and Louise Scott McKenzie, Ruth Ellen Newman, Gladys Statham, William Albert, Robert and Marilyn Poter. * • * AUXILIARY MEETING The auxiliary of the Country club met on Wednesday morning at the club house for a short bus iness meeting. Several matters of importance were discussed. It was voted that the auxiliary meet again on Wednesday. May 1, at 9:30 o'clock. Standing committees will be appointed at that time. A large crowd attended this meeting. • • • BUSINESS WOMEN MEET The regular weekly luncheon of the Business and Prefessional Women’s club met on Wednesday at Lewis’ Blue Bonnet Garden. Mrs. R. L. McDonald presided at the meeting. She urged all mem bers possible to attend the state convention to be held in Temple from May 10 to May 13. Mrs. O. Em Jones, president of the Study club, wras a guest of the club and addressed the members on the sub ject of "What Business Women Should Study.” urging that all business women read the daily paper, current periodicals, and bus iness magazines, in order to keep abreast of the topics of the day and world events. Mrs. J. C. Bibbs reported on her visit to the K3 wanis club, stating that a com mittee from the Kiwanis club would meet some time this week with a committee from the Business and Professional Women’s club to out line plans for a clean-up cam paign for the city. Committees were appointed to arrange for the Mother s Day banquet to be given by the club. Fourten members and two guests were present at this interesting meeting. • * « HOME MAKERS CLUB The regular meeting of the Home Makers club was held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carl Eckstrom. A short business session was held and several items of importance were discussed. After the business meeting, Mrs. O. W, Curry delighted the members with a very entertaining reading. Miss Estelle Ayres played a very pretty piano solo. It was decided that in stead of the regular meeting of the club, as many members as pos sible would attend the Living Room Inspection Tour. Members of all Hidalgo county clubs may enter this living room contest. At the close of the afternoon a refresh ing dessert course consisting of ice cream and wafers was served. Mrs. M. E. Sinn assisted Mrs. Eck strom in the hostess duties. BETA BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Walter-Savage delightfully entertained the Beta bridge club on Wednesday afternoon. The rooms were a bower of bright nas turtiums. At the conclusion of the games, the trophy for high score was awarded to Mrs. A. J. Ross. Jr., and the prise for cutting luckily was given to Mrs. M. R. Turner. The hostess served a de licious salad course and iced tea at the close of the afternoon. FRIENDLY tlNEMIES The Friendly Enemies bridge club was charmingly entertained on Friday night by Mrs. J. D. Dou thit. Yellow nasturtiums in gay bouuets about the rooms struck the color note of the chosen theme. The tallies and table accessories repeated the color theme of yel low and white. In the games of bridge. Mrs. A. G. McHenry and Mr. George T. Jones made the high scores. At the close of the evening, the hostess served a daintv dessert course, which also carried out the color scheme. * • * MUSIC CLUB The Music club met on Thurs day pfternoon at the home of Mrs. E. S. Hearne. The program was led by Mrs. W. E. Wright who gave n preliminary discussion of Wagner, his life and his works. Mrs. C. L. Fortson played a beau tiful piano solo. “Oh Thou Sub lime Evening Star” from Tannhau ser. Mrs. E. A. Brown sang a most delightful solo and Miss Murrel Dunn completed the program with a beautiful piano solo. She played a “Romanca” by Schumann. A business session followed the pro gram. Several items of business were discussed, the chief item of importance being the election of officers to fill vacancies in the roll for the coming year. The officers who will take office on the first of May are: President, Mrs. H. C. Baker; vice president, Mrs. John Vfr McKinney; secretary, Mrs. C. L. Jones; treasurer, Mrs. W. D. Gardner. Mrs. E. S. Hearne was chosen to act as a member of the nominating committee of the Com munity Pederation, from the Music club. Fourteen members were present at this enthusiastic meet ing. • * • BIRTHDAY PICNIC Mrs. J. J. Closner, Mrs. Victor Closner and Mrs. J. C. Epperson chaperoned a Jolly picnic party on Saturday afternoon. The lunch was spread at an attractive spot on Cibilow ranch. Since it was little Miss Annette Closner’s birthday, a beautiful cake with lighted yellow candles was cut aft er the delicious lunch was fin ished. A bonfire was built and the children toasted marshmallows. The picnic party included Annette Closner, George Closner, Jean Ep person, John Epperson, Martha Louise and Mary Frances Epper son, Jeanette Closner, Pauline Closnem Minnie Lee Bullard An nette Bullard. Era Bullard, Mary Frances Griffin, and the chap erones. . SEBASTIAN -- ' *f ft: . DINNER PARTY ~ - -’r'1 Misses Belie and Gracie Williams entertained a number of friends with a dinner Sunday. Those enjoying this hospitality were Misses Hazel Wilson, Helen Croom, Weeday Hughes and Minna Sosbee, Messers Hughes. Dick and Bill Moran and Robert Croom. • ■ ■ LAWN PARTY Miss Weeday Hughes entertained with a lawn party at her home Sat urday evening. Delicious refresh ments of cake and punch were serv ed to the following: Misses Hazel and Lois Wilson, Beulah and Vemie Brazzell, Helen Croom,, Mabel, Ver nie, Clara and Helen West. Belle and Gracie Williams and Messers. Travis Stallings, Bill and Dick Mo ran, Ike and Ernest Oakes, Leonard Brazzell Alan and Walter Guestaf son, Bryant Dodd and Vance Fergu son. mm* HOSTS AT DINNER Mr. and Mis. D. W. Oakes enter tained a number of friends with a dinner Sunday. Among those pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Cas ey, Mr. and Mrs. Spurrow, Mesdames V. Vasey and Vivian Wright of Pri mera, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sutton, and children of Harlingen and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Oakes and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Oakes and daughter Lurline, Mr. and Mrs. Ir vin Woods and daughter Lavelle. mmm PERSONALS Mrs. Marshal Bourne returned home Friday from a week's stay in San Antonio where she attended By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE The King of Desserts Menu for Dinner Creamed Potatoes Green Bean and Egg Salad Bread Rhubarb Conserve Strawberry Shortcake Coffee ®refn Bean and Err Salad , Serving Four 1 cup cooked green beans: 1*2 cup diced celery; sliLdTrd C°°ked eggS’ dlced or 1 tablespoon chopped onion; 1-2 teaspoon salt; 1-4 teaspoon paprika; 1-2 cup salad dressing. Mix and chill the ingredients and serve in lettuce leave!: the^West Texas Missionary Confer. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Oak#»« Bn>* son Carl, left Wednesday for Hot Arkansas’ where Mr. Oakes will take treatment. 5 rchera with«» Inin Woods and daughter Lavelle and Lum Oakes were Mission visitors. , r) M^'-D^ke and granddaughter 522*7 ^ Byars returned to their Kin?sville last week after daTShtef S^Verar Weeks 10 Mr- Duke s daughter, Mrs. Lem Woods. Harvey Klemann of Donna spent Sunday with relatives here. .Mf- and Mrs. j. r. Sprouse and son Arthur, of San Perlita were callers here Friday and were accompanied home by their grandson Newton Kle mann. Harold Shirar spent the week end in Harlingen with his mother, Mrs. Jessie Shirar. Mrs. Maude Borland was a week end guest at the Karl H. Duddles ton liome. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Caldwell left Tuesday for Southern Oregon and are making the trip in a car. Mrs. R. Klemann and grandson Newton and Mrs. Elizabeth Crum were shopping in Brownsville Mon day. Mrs. Starr and daughter of Mis sion were all day guests of Mrs. B. C. Stallings Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Duddleston and family and Mrs. Maude Borland were San Perlita callers Sunday. Among those from here who heard Madame Schumann-Heinke sing at the Municipal auditorium in Harlin gen Monday evening were Mesdames R. Klemann. E. K. Watson and Mrs. Maude Borland. Strawberry Shortcake, Serving 9 Four i 11-2 cups flour; 9 3 teaspoons baking powder; 1 1-4 teaspoon salt; 9 3 tablespoons fat; 1 1-3 cup milk; I 2 cups strawberries; I 1-2 cup sugar. # 1 Wash and hull the berries, ad® the sugar and chill. Iq* the flour® baking powder and f^fc. Cut i® the fat with a knif^land slowl ! add the milk until i®oft dougi® forms. Pat it out on a'uloured pa® per until the dough is one in cl® thick. Place on a floured bakin® pan and bake for 15 minutes in ® moderate oven. While warm spli® and add half the berry mixture® Replace the top. spread with but® ter and cover with the remaining® berries. Serve with cream. 1 Rhubarb Conserve f| 6 cups diced, peeled rhubarb; 9 2 cups sugar; 1 1 cup diced pineapple; I 4 tablespoons lemon juice; 1 1 cup raisins. § Mix the ingredients and. let stand! for three hours. Cook until thick! Stir frequently to prevent scorch-1 ing. Pour into sterilized jars and! when cold cover with melted paraf® fin. I To Steam Velvet §* Place a damp cloth over a hot! iron and draw the creased part of! the velvet across the edge of the! iron and on top of the damp cloth! This is a good way to press open! I seams on a velvet dress. I For Phonograph Records i Apply gasoline on a soft brush! and wipe dry with a soft cloth. I This will clean the records so that! they will play like new. 1 Finds a Way To Stop Attacks of Fits Reports are received of an amaz ing treatment that epileptics state has proved successful in stopping their attacks. R. Lepso, Apt. 109, 895 Island Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., has been supplying sufferers with this treatment. He now wishes to reach all those who have not been helped and to do so is making the startling offer of a generous treat ment free to all sufferers. Anyone afflicted should write for this free treatment at once, giving age.—Adv. JUST AMONG US GIRLS ^■»■ ^ .^r-^r^ryjru-ij-LfiLi^M^u^ i^j*ii—uryr-ij-!--■—u~ _n _ -. —r. —u-i _r->. —.j-u-iu—l—. —■ —-u-y ri — ^r^j-^ -inrLnjL. family I back^Wp ’ is a^ays v \ pu\\tn^> “the ^ VjooI , v> over 4 i parent's j£j | eyes ffmk 1 ‘J This practical way to loveliness A DAINTY r.ew Lucretia Vander bilt Compact—double or triple! Within it* gorgeous deep blue and silver case of metal you find two flattering aids to beauty, the relvety Lucretia Vanderbilt Pow der, two downy wool puffs, and a touge of rarest purity, delicacy and i smoothness. To which is added, in bv Triple Compact, a pe tite and lovable lipstick. / All thrceof these practical toiletries are enchanting* ly scented with Lucretia Vanderbilt Perfume. If yon would try before you buy, present the coupon, with i ^ cents, at the toilet goods counter display ing the Lucretia Vanderbilt an nouncement, and you will receive one of my miniature presentations containing a generous trial of Perfume and Powder Compact (in your favorite shade). , If perchance you do not obtain one, mail your couPoa an<^ 1 5 i 'to Lu 06111 Vanderbilt, Fair field, Conn., giving your it jHB dealer's name. - * * ARISTOCRATS of toiletries r n jt ANNOUNCE NT . To the j Ladies of South Texas | The Cardinal Booterie of Corpus Christi, invites you to see our display of high grade footwear in the following towns week of April 23 to 26th. Brownsville, Monday, El Jardin Hotel ™ Harlingen, Tuesday, Reese-Wil-Mond Mercedes, Wednesday, Mercedes Hotel McAllen, Thursday, Casa de Palmas Edinburg, Friday, Edinburg Hotel We will show a wide range of patterns in the sea son’s most wanted styles featuring Brooklyn Hand Turn footwear in all sizes, A AAA to B widths, also an outstanding line of Flexridge arch shoes. 4 South Texas Smartest Sloe Shop Cardinal CB I “DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR FOR DISCRIMINATING WOMEN* »• ~ NIXON BUILDING —' ~ CORPUS'CHRIST!. TEXAS r' 1 ""“*.— New Apparel On The “Floor Of Fashion” The “Floor of Fashion” is alive to the surge of changing fashions for summer this year as never before. Come in tomorrow and shop through this smart array of apparel. FROCKS A charming group of dresses just received. Most materials are of figured chiffons and georgettes. Sleeveless models with coats to match are favorites this season. s Smart Millinery Wide brim, floppy dress hate—most popular in hair braid material. Also a clever group of pas tel and white felt hats with email, smartly arranged brims. Jantzen Suits Suits The Jantzen suit is really a “Swim Suit” — for it is made to give utmost comfort, and to fit perfectly. In the most desired colors and styles. Gossard «vj Corsets And Corselettes $ To be properly gown f ed you must have the proper foundation. t* Come in tomorrow I and consult our cor se ttiere. ^ - ^ Lingerie An unusually delight ful collection of lin gerie that will make appropriate gifts for the girl graduate* Step - ins, brassiers, and so on . M • y