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'*«*,-* . - V ■ :: * . • . •* : ' * . _ | l* ’ ^ .■•■'•■:; ^ ' ** " * * ' •" > . V****: - • ' 7’* , • "■ ’ . .,J , ^ Af ' * *> * '.., * VI- 'i' T i^:i Valley Society News j i ;| anrf Events __ - - --- -.- ---- - - - I City Federation Has Business Session Arrangements for the luncheon to be given by the city federation of woman's clubs to officers of the fifth district and distinguished guests at the convention to be held in Har lingen May 7, 8 and 9, were dis cussed at the meeting of the city's federation Jtfciay. They are to come to Brownsvt** on May 9. and will be entertained with a luncheon at the Country club, after which they will be driven to points of interest around the city. Provisions are being made for ap proximately 150 guests at the lunch eon. Mrs. H. Signor, chairman of the entertainment committee, is di recting arrangements for the affair Mrs. Volney W. Taylor, chairman of the ways and means committee announced at the meeting that they had already cared for the financing of the luncheon. Mrs. H. L. Yates, who is looking after the transpor tation. requested that members of the federation donate their cars for the day to bring the guests from Harlingen. Tickets to the luncheon are to be placed on sale among Brownsville club women within the next week, and Mrs. V. L. Conrad, president of the federation, urged that all lo cal women desiring to attend get their tickets as early as possible to avoid confusion and disappointment. A representative of the Brownsville federation will be seated at the cre dentials table during the convention to distribute tickets to the officers and deelgates who are to be guests at the affair. A report on the lecture by Miss Ruth Penny backer, which was given under the auspices of the federa tion was made at this time. A vote of thanks was tendered by the fed eration to George White, who do nated the bouquet of Gladioli pre sented to Miss Pennybacker. In response to a letter from the chairman of the fifth district loan fund committee, read by Mrs. W. Y. Worley, corresponding secretary, the federation voted to send a con tribution of $2 to this fund, and contribution of $7 to the Valley edu cational loan fund was also re ported. Mesdames J. K. Bull, George M. Smith, and Pearl Nuckols were ap pointed delegates to the Valley fed eration convention to be held at McAllen in May. Mrs. F. E. Morris, reporting for the Arbor day committee in the ab sence of Mrs. Milton West, regular chairman, due to illness, gave a to tal of 35.886 planst, trees, and shrubs planted through the efforts of the committee. The social service committee, through Mrs. E. T. Yates, reported a number of sick calls made, flowers ’t. magazines, books and the like and financial aid to one man . luring the month. 1L pl'Viliie A. George stated that theli no report for the building com\ Houston, public health nurse, Vly present, and gave a re port of the activities of ais de partment since December. Tne out standing feature of this account was the startling increase in the de mand for milk, which has grown from a total of 284 quarts furnished in December to 465 quarts in March. Mrs. E. G. Holliday also added a plea for the assistance of the women in the federation in raising funds to meet this demand, calling atten tion to the number of children who are 10 per cent or more underweight, and stating that some were as much as 40 per cent underweight. She said that the organization has placed milk bottles in public places for contributions to the milk fund. The Self Culture club reported GRADUATION FROCKS and Evening Dresses Of Lovely Silks Just now, many sub-debs are busy with detestable exams and the fun of selecting graduation dresses. Flat crepe, chiffon, georgette, crepe de chine and taffeta are the important dresses for the big occasion. In white and lovely opaque pastel shades. green’s Elizabeth at 11th Street l ' 1 1 | Calendar For The Week j Monday Social meeting of tfre church federation at the Methodist church. 3:30 p. m., the Methodist women as hostesses. No meetings of separate societies will be held. Altar society of the Sacred Heart church will have a social meeting with Mrs. Eugene Richards, 3:30 p. m. Tuesday Learners will have their last meeting for the year at the home of Mrs. Lena More, 3:30 p. m. Rebekahs meet at the I. O. O. F. hall, 8 p. m. Hi-Lo with Mrs. Jacques. Tuesday bridge with Mrs. O. I. Hicks. Mardi club with Mrs. Bascom Cox. Wednesday Just-Sew with Mrs. Geo. Hillyer. Wednesday bridge with Mrs. Robin Pate. Wednesday brisca with Mrs. E. Manautou. Thursday High school-junior high P.-T. A. at junior high school auditorium, 3:45 p. m. v Friday Mrs. Morris Clint is entertaining her bridge club. Euzelian class at the home of Mrs. H. E. Tucker, with Mrs. Bert Neil as joint hostess, 3:30 p. m. _ i four regular study meetings held, iwith three lessons on Shakespeare’s "Midsummer Night’s Dream.” and one on the woman's movement. An additional contribution of $10 to the building fund was also reported from this club. Mrs. J. F. Blanton, reporting for the Parent-Teacher association, said that organization sent delegates to the South Texas teachers’ conven tion in Corpus Christi; that they have 50 shrubs on the school grounds, and that they will assist in entertaining the senior class with a banquet in the near future . The Learners reported four study meetings on the subject of Shake speare’s "Tempest.’ in which they have been directed by Miss Roma ! Wilson, instructor of English in the ' junior college. The Civic league held their regu lar monthly meeting, with an inter j esting lesson study. Mesdames Jesse O. Wheeler. D. P. Gay and Willie A George were appointed as i a committee to collect historical ob : jects for the cabinet at the cham ber of commerce. * • * Program of Music Club Announced The Brownsville Music club will present its annual spring concert at j the junior college auditorium at 8:15 p. m. May 6. The attractive | program will consist of two parts. the first being a group of songs ar i ranged for women's choruses, and j in which the entire club will par i ticipate. The second part of the program will be a colorful cantata. "The Siege of the Aiambra.” Span ish in story, and rich in musical atmosphere. All soloists taking part in the pro duction this year will be amateurs. Miss Annie Tucker, well known to Valley audiences, is to sing the so prano role in the cantat. as Athala. | E. J. Tucker, also of Brownsville, and a favorite baritone in this sec- I tion. takes the parts of Yarfe and the Christian King. William Irby. \ tenor in St. Marks' choir. San An tonio, is the only outsider included in the performance. He will have j the part of Gorcilasso. Miss M. Flora Todd is directing the per formance. with Mrs. J. W. Abney, club accompanist, at the piano. A complete program follows: Part I. Dawn . Curran Mighty Lak' a Rose ........ Nevin I Hear You Calling Me .. Marshall Trees . Rosbach O Dry Those Tears. Del Riezo By the chorus Part II. Cantata. The Siege of the Al hambra, Bawden. * • * Club Holds Last Meeting The Self Culture club held their final meeting for the year on Wed nesday of last week. Mrs. V. L. Conrad was hostess. Annual reports of officers and committees were heard by the club at this session, and new officers for the year 1929-30 were installed These Include Mesdames Voiney W. Taylor, president; W. Y. Wor ley. first vice president; E. T. Yates, second vice president; B. L. Cole, recording secretary; Emil Blanck. treasurer; Milton West, correspond ing secretary, and Randall Mathers, critic-parliamentarian. Each of the outgoing officers received a beau tiful bouquet in token of the club's apnreciation of her services. The study course for next year follows much the same lines as the one just concluded The earlier part of the term will be devoted to a study of modern writers; later one of Shakespeare’s plays, the title still to be determined, will be dis cussed. The study course for next year follows much the same lines as the one just concluded. The earlier part of the term will be devot*a u> a study of modern writers: later one of Shakesneare's plays, the title still to be determined, will be dis cussed. Mrs. Conrad had h*w home charmingly decorated with roses. -C1he served a refreshment course to *hp club members and one guest Miss Marv Barbour of Austin, who is Siting Mrs. C. W. * * * Mrs. Hinkle” Entertains Mrs. Burt Hinklev. -Jr entertain M her bridge club informallv on Wednesday afternoon at her horn® m West Brownsville Two out-of club guests. Mrs. E K. Goodrich. JrarKi Mrs. Hamilton, also en joyed her hosDitalitv on this occa sion Mrs. Robin Pate and Mrs Hamilton received the trophies. Roses and larkspur were her decorations. ♦ • * Benefit For Mercy Hospital Planned At the meeting of the Mercv hos pital auxiliary held recently, it was decided to hold a tag day some ’’me in the near future, the date to definitely announced later. Funds derived by this means are to e usced for the purchase of a wash -'T machine for the hospital, which ■ hadly needed. I i 7h&Jt Reminders 1 i i I i i Routine Business at Church Federation The monthly business meeting of the Church Federation was held at m the Baptist church at 3.U) p. m. Friday. The afternoon was devoted to routine business and reports of the members societies. Mrs. W. J. Vertrees. president, was m Charge, In the absence of Mrs. Pearl Nuck ols, Mrs. D. G. Yates acted as sec retary. The meeting opened with devotional music by Mrs. C. D. Lay, and prayer led by Mrs. J. £. Lovett. Mrs. E. W. Marshall read the Scripture lesson. Numbers were presented by the West Browmsville primary school band, the perform ance of these small children being much enjoyed by the women. The Baptist society reported thut regular study and social meetings had been held during the month, and one industrial meeting during which members sewed for the or phans’ home. The Ladies’ Aid ol the Central Christian church :c - ported regular meetings, and prog ress in the financial campaign. Methodists also reported the usual meetings, and enrollment of 98 members, and 318 in the treasury. No new business of importance was discussed. Following the busi ness session, a reading was given by Mrs. Reuben Warren, and Mrs. B. L. Cole read a paper on India prepared by Mrs. Smith. The members of the federation will be entertained by the Meth odist society on Monday with a party at the church, this being the date for their social meeting. • * * Pretty Bridge Given Wednesday Mrs. James I. George was hostess ! to her bridge club and two tables 1 of guests at a very pretty party on ! Friday afternoon. The Country club, as always, formed a delightful scene for the affair, and took on added charm from the vases of roses and zinnias scattered abom. Awards were given to Mrs. W. J. Tucker, high for club, and Mrs. Robin Pate, guest high. Mrs. J. P. Willey held low score and received a consolation gift. A plate lunch eon w-as served. * • t * Brisca Party at Country Club Mrs. L. Lopez Montero entertain ed a small group of friends with oiisca on Wednesday afternoon of the past week. The affair took p.aee at the Country club, two ta bles being arranged for the play e s. Mrs. E. de la Garza held h>gh score, and received a beautiful pair of silver salt and pepper shakers. Mrs. Louis Henggeler w-as present ed with a booby prize. Delicious , refreshments wrere served during ; the afternoon. • • • |Mrs. Gooden Bridge Hostess Mrs. Henry M. Gooden, of Chi cago, who has been spending the winter here, was hostess on Thurs day afternoon at her lovely home in Los Ebanos. The large living rooms I and sun room in which she enter tained were transformed into bow ers of beauty with a profusion of pink roses and sweet peas. Bridge was the diversion provided, trophies going to Mrs. James L. Abney, high, and Mrs. A. D. Dickinson. Jr., low. Sixteen guests partook of the de licious frozen salad, sandwiches, iced tea. cake, and ice cream served dur ng the afternoon. • * • V. \V. Nominating: Committee Appointed The executive board of the local Young Women’s Christian associ- j ation met Friday morning at the home of Mrs. Volney W. Taylor, chairman, for their regular monthly business session. As there was no quorum, the only business taken up was the appointment of the nom inating committee. Mrs. Ralph Hol land is chairman, with Mrs. H. L. Fitch and Mrs. Lula George as her committee. They will make a report of their nominations about the mid dle of May. The regional Girl Reserve confer ence. which is to be held at Camp Weldemar. near Kerrville May 31 to June 8. w-s discussed. The Valley is to be rtf ved 22 girls at the con ference t-iis year, and the board hopes that at least two representa tives can be sent from Brownsville. Girls from Oklahoma. Louisiana, and Arkansas, as well as Texas will attend this conference, giving all of them an opportunity to form wider acquaintance and broaden their contacts. Rates at the camp have been reduced this year, and direc tors are anxious to have a full quota n attendance. The board also discused to open ing of Campo Del Arroyo at Rio Hondo June 10. • • • Learners Discuss Fourth Act of Play Little business was transacted by the Learners’ club Tuesday, the meeting being held in the class as sembly room of the demostic science department of the Junior College, by courtesy of the teacher of that department. Miss Jennings. Owing to the attendance of the club at the lecture given by Miss Pennvbacker at the college the same afternoon, this arrangement was made The meeting was given unusual interest by the privilege of visiting the ex quisitely neat and attractive ‘kitch en” of the department showm with pardonable pride by the domestic science teacher. The club was privileged also to ''ave Miss Pennvbacker as a visitor for a brief while, though she did not address the members. To shorten the session, the usual response to roll call was omitted, members merely answering present. The fourth act of “The Tempest” was productive of several excellent papers. Mrs. Lena G. More gave “The Dramatic Purpose of the Masque.” which she frankly an nounced she knew was a fine paper, because Miss Roma Wilson. English teacher of the college had written it. “Contrasting the difference of the obligations of duty, exercised and cursed by Caliban, blessed and endured by Ferdinand,” Mrs. Hen rietta Signor read a paper of such unusual excellence as to call forth applause from the club. Miss Wilson, by invitation of the club, read the fourth act and led the discussion of the act. taking up the ; sometimes puzzling questions at the conclusion of the program, her ex planations throwing light on the more delicate shades of meaning. The#club gave a rising vote of thanks to Miss Jennings for her kind hospitality. • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Miss Doris Cole is again at home after spending about three months , visiting her brother in Oklahoma 1 Her mother. Mrs. B. L. Cole, met Miss Cole in Houston on the re turn trip. Mrs. Thomas Miller of Mexico City is here visiting her parents.1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell McChesney. Mrs. Billie Withers is here from San Antonio, as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Craig. Sr. 8 , Mrs. William T. Johnson is spend ing the week-end at Fort Ringgold. RAYMONDVILLE CHORAL CLUB RECITAL The Woman's Choral club of Ray mondville > gave a program at the high school auditorium Tuesday eve ning, which was highly enjoyed by ! the large audience present, consist- j ing of selections by Grayson's or chestra, one quartette, a duet, a solo, i two sextettes, several choruses oi more than a score of women, two mixed choruses, a reading and a playlet. Mrs. E. B. Burton directed the choruses and Mrs. Fred Akard was at the piano. The proceods are to be used to augument the building fund of the Raymondville Woman's club building, which will be started j on West Hidalgo avenue in the near future. ♦ * * HONOR MRS. HATLEY Mrs. Abe Wise and Mrs. B. L. Jenkins entertained eight tables of guests at the Abe Wise home, in I honor of Mrs. Wise’s sister, Mrs.! Joe D. Hatley of Beaumont. Wild flowers arranged profusely in bowls and vases throughout the rooms made an attractive setting for the games. The list included Mesdames George Lochrie. B S. Duffield, D. E. Decker, W. W. Grayson. F. G. Fawkes. J. P. Brenner. H. E. Tomme, Holly Bostick. M. H. Dreyer, S. L Gill. E. Johnson, H. A. White, St. Claire Thompson, C. J. Scott. Ed Starr. E. L. Bull. Joe Lochrie, R. F. Robinson, George B. Calder. J. K. Cmith, R. H. Fackleman. W. T. Ger ron, P. K. Gebhart, W. C. Woods, W. M. Walton. Joe Keepers. Buck Evans. Charles Kenedy, and Charles Johnson. The high score trophies were won by Mrs. R. F. Robinson, a floor mag azine rack, and Mrs. J. K. Smith, a box of handkerchiefs, with low score prize going to Mrs. Joe Lochrie. a compact. The hostesses served a refreshing course of frozen fruit sal ad with punch. * * * Mrs. Goolsby of San Benito, dep uty grand matron of the fifth dis trict of Texas, made an official visit to the Raymondville order of East ern Star chapter Monday night. The regular work was carried on and the members with several visi tors enjoyed a social hour in the lodge rooms. The hall was beauti fully decorated with garden flow ers in abundance. A salad course consisting of tuna fish salad with ice tea was served. * * * CIRCLE MEETING The circle meeting of the Pres byterian auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. George B Calder Tuesday ! afternoon. After an inspiring devo-< tional meeting the plans for the; ensuing year were discussed. The hostess served a lunch of frozen fruit salad with saltines to the fol-1 NEW_ Lucretia Vanderbilt Perfume in an intimate flask for the purse MY seductive, daringly youthful perfume, laden with its gaily oriental scent, is cow available’ in an intimate new size for the purse. Encased in leather of rich blue . . . and quite the smartest If you would try before you buy, present the coupon, with 25<^ at the shop displaying the Lucretia Vanderbilt announce ment, and receive my miniature presentation containing a gen erous trial of Perfume and Pow and most intimate of beauty accessories! The aristocrat of perfumes may also be had in two regular sizes for the boudoir. der Compact (in your favorite shade), or l mail coupon and 25c to I LucretiaVanderbilt, I Fairfield, Conn’, giv ^ ing dealer’s name. ARISTOCRATS OF TOILETRIES il H I i 1 u GETTING ADVANCE EX?E5IENCE . ■ I ' I I I I * Yes, Joan Crawford 'and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., are married—but only on the screen. The young film couple, whose engagement was announced recently, are costumed above for the flicker wedding which incidentally gave them a chance to practice for the real affair. lowing guests: Mesdames R. W. Kuff. N. Jernigan. W. E. McCharen, Joe Keepers. E. R. Brazil, W H. Giles, and Miss Beatrice Higgen son. • • • OFFICIAL VISIT Mrs. Goolsby o fSan Benito, dep uty grand matron of the fifth dis trict of Texas, made an official visit to the Raymondville Order of East ern Star chapter Monday night. The regular work was carried on, and the members with several visitors enjoyed a social hour in the lodge rooms. The hall w'as beautifully decorated with garden flowrers in abundance. A salad course consist ing of tuna fish salad with ice tea was served. * * * P.-T. INSTALLS The newly elected officers for the Raymondville Parent-Teacher asso ciation were installed at the regular meeting at the high school auditor ium on Wednesday afternoon. The officers are as follows: Mrs. C. R. Hallowav, president; Mrs. George Curry, vice president; Mrs. W. V. Pittman, secretary; and Mrs. J. M. Cheek, treasurer. The May meeting will be the last one this year. * * * BOAT CLLB Motor boat riding on the Arroyo Colorado at Paso Real is becoming a popular pastime with Raymond ville people. A motor boat club has been organized here by business, men, and a club house has been built about one mile east of the ferry. The cottage is 16 by 20. and was built under the direction of Tom Fuller, assisted by H. E. Tom me, J. K. Smith. Eugene Smith. Hol ly Bostick. B E Carroll. Frank Wil son and Roger Robinson, who com pose the membership of the club. The house wall be appropriately fur nished. and a motor boat has been secured by the club. * * * WEDNESDAY CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenedy en tertained the Wednesday Night Bridge club at their home on West Rodriguez avenue. Men's guest prize for high score was won by Ben S. Duffield. two decks of cards in a case, and the ladies’ guest high score was won by Mrs. E. B. Bur ton, a set of tie backs for curtains. Mrs. M. H. Dreyer won the club high score prize, two decks of cards ir. a case. • • * The Raymondville Woman's club held the final meeting for this year Tuesday afternoon at which the re vised constitution for the club was adopted and various committee re ports from the officers were re ceived. The following delegates to the Valley Federation of Women’s clubs, to be held in McAllen next month, wore selected: Mrs. T. C. Green. Mrs. Ed Starr. Miss Louem ma Reber, with alternates consist ing of Mrs. S. L. Gill. Mrs. C. J. Scott, and Mrs. H. A. White. A pic nic supper will be held by the club Tuesday April 30. at Spanish Acres, which will take the place of the an nual luncheon usually held. A pleas ing feature of the afternoon pro gram was a group of three violin solos. “Minuet in G.” “Humoresque,” and “Souvenir." by Harry Shapiio, with Rachael Moritz at the piano. Mrs. H. A. White read a selection from Dicken’s “David Copperfield,” as an example of Md-Vctorian fic tion. and Mrs. Eaker Wheeler gave The Water's Fine* \ w .... and there’s perfect comfort in these I PELTON 1 BRASSIER-IN SUITS f Attractive new models and color combinations. $4= to *10= \ - ’ 'Ay,®. 1244 II Exclusive fij «whs* A a reading from “What Price Youth,* a recent novel. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith and Mrs. Verne Sabin left Saturday night for a week's visit in Houston. Mrs. H. E. Tomme and Mrs. J. K. Smith are in San Antonio attending the fiesta celebration there. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Foster, accom panied by Miss Janet Brenner, who is attending the South Texas State Teachers college at Kingsville spent Sunday here with Mrs. J. P. Bren ner and family. Rev. O. C. Crow, presiding elder of the Brownsville district of the Methodist church soent Sunday in Raymondville and vicinity. He‘was accompanied by Mrs. Crow and the twa children. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Lochrie were visitors in San Antonio during the first part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis and son. Frseman. returned to their home in Gonzales Sunday after a visit spent here with his sister, Mrs. T. C. Green and family. Mrs. Gorman Fox and Mis* Alida Jensen were business callers in Ed inburgh Tuesday. Mrs. Joe D. Hatley returned to her home in Beaumont Monday after a visit here with her sister, Mrs. Abe Wise. Mrs. H. W. Melton returned Sun day to her home in Bellville, Ark., after a visit here with her sistet, Mrs. Hays Scisson and family. W. G. Hecht returned Thursday from St. Louis, where he accom panied Mrs. Hecht and daughter, Helen Lee, who were on their way to Minneapolis to spend the sum mer. B. F Watson spent the week-end in Odem visiting his son. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brumley and daughter, of Edinburg, were busi ness callers here Saturday. IAlyce STEPPING TOWARD I SUMMER T • ... in this smart shoe of pink silk kid. Trimmed in blue and white miav. I exclusive Ladies’ Apparel 1244 Elizabeth