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PERMITS MAY REACH $50,000 Few Large Structures Begun During Past Month In City Possibility that building permits In Brownsville will reach $50,000 during the month of April is seen in the figures in the office of Geo. Hillver, city building inspector. A total of $42,725 had been reached through Friday and several new projects were known to be under consideration The mcJbth is in line with the last several months, it was said. The figures do not give a proper index to buildings now under con struction, it was said, because sev eral large structures are under wav that began more than a month ago. Remodeling of several structures in the downtown district added ma terially to the building in the city. The lareest permit during the month was issued to Carl P. Hollar for a $7,000 home in Ebony drive. It is to be an eight-room stucco and tile residence S. W. McKpn zie is the contractor. W. A. Dar ling and W. A. Rasco both were issued $4,000 permits. Darling is having a five-room house construct ed on St. Charles between 13th and 14*h streets. Permits of $2500 and $2500 re spectively wTere issued the Texas Bank and Trust company and the Houston Cafe for remodeling work. Structures costing aproximately $3. 000 are being erected by Francisco Garibay and Mrs. Charles H. More. NEAR 500 DELEGATES TO ATTEND CONCLAVE GALVESTON. April 27.—UP)—Ap proximately 500 delegates from all \ parts of Texas are expected to be here May 20-22 for the annual meet ing of the Knights of Columbus council of Texas. WELL MAKING 300 BARRELS DALLAS. April 27.—0P>—'The Texas company has completed its No. 5 Yost in the Yost field, Bas trop county, at 1,497 feet. The pro ducer was pumping 300 barrels daily. — jf sjhite and Sutherland | { General Insurance \ i \ Wishes to announce the recent purchase of the j Howard-McDonald Agency \ [ r ^ We Insure Anything at All Times ^ 411 State National Bank Bldg. Phone 417 ^ —--.-.--— . . .— .A* ^ Herc'sFesdforChic\s. WALK in and let’s talk over what to give your chicks to keep them alive and growing. Let us show you a way to raise your chicks to early maturity at a lower cost per chick; • Chicks need cod-liver oil to protect them l against leg weakness; They need butter-, milk, alfalfa leaf meal, granulated meat, bone meal, wheat germ and other ingredients to make bone, flesh and feathers; ^e have all of these ingredients carefully chosen, tested, balanced, uniformly mixed and ready to feed. Purina Chick Startena i s the nameofthe feed. You’ll know it by the checkerboard on the bag. The new feeding discoveries that come to you in this year's Startena will' give 15 to 20 per cen* greater’ growth than ever before; More than 2,500 hatcheries say, "Feed Startena." So do we. How many bags do you need? j Mason Transfer .& Grain Co. 1105 Adam* j NORWEGIAN STEAMER GOES AGROUND IN SURF IN FOG All hands on board had plenty to do when the Norwegian passenger and freight steamer Evanger went hard aground in the surf off Huntington Beach. Cal., in a dense fog. In the photo above sajvage tugs and other rescue vessels are preparing to save her. Fledgling Pilot Causes Panic With Wild Antics SAN ANTONIO,-Tex., April 27.— (IP)—Private F. Fietz, fledgling pilot I extraordinary, was shorn of his wings today, and housewives of Highland park, San Antonio suburb, breathed more easily. Where yesterday .Private Fietz was having the time of his life zooming around between the chim ney tops of Highland Park and playfully arguing righ-of-way with autoists. his outlook today was any thing but cheering. A court mar tial with all the trimmings was in store for the Brooks field blade. Fietz was different from the other pupils at Uncle yarn’s flying acad emy. The study of airplane engines bored the young man. and he longed for the freedom of the higher air currents and the roar of an open exhaust. He lacked a pilot’s rating and had no authority to fly. but there were lots of airplanes hanging around loose. The first Brooks Field authorities knew of Private Fietz's soaring am bitions was when civil authorities notified them the inhabitants of Highland Park w'ere lorging com plaints at the rate of about one a minute. One autoist, they declared, had cracked up in attempting to dodge a pursuit plane. Within a very few minutes a half dozen planes were bound for the besieged suburb, and shortly they came flying back to Brooks Field with the culprit ship wedged in be tween them. Private Fietz brought his plane to a perfect landing. They told him he was under arrest. EDCOUCH BAPTIST MISSIONARY The women of the Baptist Mis sionary society met with Mrs. A. J. Stephens Tuesday at 3 o’clock lp regular business meeting with Mrs. Rose Hopkins, vice president ir charge. After business session, the hostess served iced tea and cake to the fol lowing members: Mesdames Ro' Hopkins. Mrs. A. T. Moore, Mrs. r R. Grofner, Mrs. N. L. Tucker. Mrs. T. M. Jarvis and Mrs. Roy Stephens. * * * SURPRISE PARTY Arnold Underhill was pleasantly surprised Friday night with a sur prise party on his birthday. Many interesting indoor games were played and many contests were held during the evening. At a late hour delicious refresh ments consisting of a salad course and fruit cocktail were served. Those wishing Mr. Underhill a! happy birthday were Misses Sadie j and Edith Lester. Alta and Alice! Vinson, Nora Wilmer, Icia Jennings | and Mattilee Squyres and Messrs.! Noel Ryall, Arthur Ohles. Sam i Johnson, David Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lindley. » * % MRS. BLEDSOE ENTERTAINS Mrs. S. B. Bledsoe entertained with one of the prettiest events of this spring. A color scheme of pink was carried throughout the rooms and tables. Eighty-four was played until a late hour when the hostess served refreshments of a salad course fol lowed by an ice course. Those en joying the evening were Misses Edith Lester and Blanche Moore, Mrs. Shent Pettit. Dr. E. B. Baker, Mrs. D. Q. Squyres. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. John Lester, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Niday, and Joe Byrnes. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. E. B. Baker has returned from San Antonio where she at tended Methodist Missionary con ference. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Black of Temple spent last week in Edcouch. Mrs. E. S. Leggett spent-Sunday afternoon with Mrs. A. J. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. John Lester made a trip to Hargill Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Etter and children, Dee and Opal, and Mr. and Mrs. Shirrling and children moved back to Edcouch from Idalou. Tex., where they have been living for the past eight months. Ghent Pettit spent the week-end in Raymondville. Mr. and Mrs. Sye Leggett of San Benito visited Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Moore and friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Galbreath visited Mr. and Mrs. L. I Gal-reath of San Juan who have returned from a visit in Florida, bringing with them Miss Fannie Craig and Mr. Craig of Centerville. Fla. Carl Schlimmer and D. N. Magee were dinner guests at the J. C. Carl son home Sunday. Miss Mae Wise spent the night at the Vernon Jackson home Sunday. Mrs. A. R. Winningham and daughter. Betty Lou of Edinburg. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bruggeman were visitors at the Henry Overhue home Sunday. Evelyn Pierson spent the after noon with Evelyn Bledsoe Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Bruggeman and children. Ruby Ethel and Joy Lu Verne, and Miss Helen Nicholson were visitors at the H. F. Brugge man home Saturday. BURIED UNDER WRONG NAME SHEFFIELD. Eng.—Samuel Meg son, who died in a hospital, was burled in the potter’s field because his body had been ticketed under another name. W. R MONTGOMERY j; Attorney at Law President Hidalgo Guarantee <1 Abstract Company ! | Edinburg State Bank Bldg., !| g Edinburg, Co., Seat Hidalgo Co. J | >**#»»##»»»**#»»* H. M. WOOD !* REALTOR <| REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ![ Specializing in J! Large Improved and Unimproved Tracts |> Member Brownsville Real <! Estate Board !| Exclusive listing solicited 1; ij First National Bank Bldg. I* Phone 287 Brownsville TEXAS BANKS IN GOOD SHAPE Statement Based on Last Call Shows Deposits of $214,170,465 (Special to The Herald) AUSTIN, April 27—The 709 banks of the Texas banking system reflect the soundest condition of years in the composite statement, just com piled by the banking department, based on the last call, which was as of March 27. There are 633 banks of discount and deposit facilities, and 76 banks and trust companies in the state system. Their combined individual de posits was $214,170,465 at the re cent bank call. Savings deposits amounted to $11,050,065 more. Loans and discounts amounted to $159,927,835, with $21,225,135 addi tional loans on real estate. The banks of the Texas system have a combined capital stock of $34,176,700. They own bonds and stocks valued at $47,135,829, and carry on their books as due from the reserve agents, $47,349,122. The banks had cash on hand of $10,031, 207 at the call. Fast Run With Lung Motor Saves Life of San Benito Youth _ <Special to The Herald.) SAN BENITO. April 27.—A hasty run and application of the lung motor by the Thompson mortuary here Friday afternoon saved the j lilt cf Willie Ccihert, local youth. 1 who fell in the main canal at Lot 2 while fishing. Colhart in some manner fell into the canal and failed to come up. William McWiliams dived after him several times and finally lo cated and brought him to the sur face. Thompson mortuary was no tified and they made a rush cail with the lung motor. The youth was revived after a short applica tion of the machine. Costume Jewelry Makes the Smart Ensemble Complete Scintillating stones will iff*** kle in harmony with smartly gowned debutantes and ma trons this season. Tins new array includes Pendants Wristlets Ear Rings Brooches You will be amazed at this vast assortment of the very latest creations. New color schemes—new designs! Very smart pieces range In price from $1,50 peri single piece to $25 per set. I NEW YORK.—An accredited blind person and guide can travel for one fare on any of 41 railroads. Some 30 persons have availed them selves of the privilege. Identifica tion by the American foundation for the blind is necessary. Profes sional beggars are barred. NEW YORK.—Mr. and Mrs. Fen ton Benedict Turck, Jr., who are socially prominent, gave a party. The guests wore Turkish costumes. Coffee was served by a real Turk. TOKYO.—Prince Henry of Eng land is due at Yokohama next Thursday to invest the emperor of Japan with the order of the gar ter. Next year Prince Takamatsu is expected to make a honeymoon journey to England. NEW YORK.—Because of diffi culty with bodies police are urging that women carry means of identi fication. Papers or laundry marks usually furnish clues to men. But women struck by automobiles, drowned or otherwise killed in aci dents usually are sepaarted from their purses and their flimsy gar ments carry no distinctive markings. BOSTON.—A defender of the America's cup is to be given to the god of storms, the lightning and the gale, as Oliver Wendell Holmes proposed for Old Ironsides. The Mischief, the nation's pride in 1881, and in recent years a lowly barge till rescued by W. U. Swan, yachts man, will be consigned to the deep with ceremony the Sunday before Memorial day. ELECTED TO ASSOCIATION Frontier Company Admitted To National Organization Of Lumber Dealers According to an announcement issued today, the Frontier Lumber company has been elected a mem ber of the Associated Leaders of Lumber and Fuel Dealers of America. Membership in this asso ciation is by invitation only and necessitates a long established reputation for integrity and a strict adherence to only the highest standards of business conduct. The Associated Leaders is a na tion-wide organization of leading lumber dealers—formed to protect the public by bonding and guar j anteeing the merchandise of their members. Another of its aims is to promote home ownership through the introduction of an easy payment plan in the lumber Indus- j try. In an interview Mr. R. C. Morris, secretary of the Frontier Lumber company, said “that in line with recent advancements and improve ments in other lines of merchan dise. and in keeping with their policy of protecting their customers by handling only material of known quality, his company will hence forth sell only certified material backed by a $1,000 surety bond, guaranteeing the count, quality, weight and measure of all material to be exactly as represented.” Years ^ *, * of. service in Model T fords* I THE Model T was so strongly and sturdily built that it \ is still rendering reliable, economical service to motor- f ists in every section of the country. Millions of these cars can be put in shape for two, three and five more years of use at very small cost. i So that you may have this work done economically and satisfactorily, the Ford Motor Company is still de- * voting a considerable section of its plants to the manu facture of Model T parts. It will continue to do so as long as they are needed by Model T owners. The follow ing list gives the approximate labor charges for recon- . -ditioning the Model T Ford:— 4 , Engine Tone motor (including replacement of commutator case, } brush and vibrator points if necessary) ... $1.00 Grind valves and clean carbon ..... $3.75 to 4.00 Overhaul carburetor ........ 1.50 Reline detachable car transmission bands .... 1.50 Install new pistons or connecting rods .... 6.00 Tighten all main bearings ....... 6.00 I Overhaul motor and transmission • * $20.00 to 25.00 ♦ Rear System Replace rear axle assembly - - - • - - 2.50 Install universal joint ........ 3.00 Reline brake shoes ........ 1.50 Replace rear axle shaft, drive shaft pinion, or drive gear 5.00 Overhaul complete rear axle assembly ... $5.75 to 7.00 Rebush spring and perches ....... 1.73 Oil snd graphite springs ....... 3.00 Front System Overhaul front axle $4.00 to 5.00 Rehash spindle bodies and arms (both sides) ... 2.50 Replace or straighten spindle connecting rod ... .75 Tighten radius rod or steering ball cap .... .60 Tighten all sockets and joints of front end ... 1.50 Replace front spring tie bolt or new leaf .... 2.30 Straighten front axle. 3.00 ( Chassis Replace rear fender - -•••••* 1.73 Overhaul steering gear - * ...... 3.a0 Repair muffler ......... 1.00 Overhaul radiator. o-'/vv Repaint Coupe . Repaint Sedan ......... 2a.00 Repaint Touring Car - - ...... 20.00 Reupholster Runabout - ....... 8.00 Reupholster Touring Car - 1 J*d0 Replace top deck (Coupe or Sedan) .... - 4.00 Overhaul starting motor 3.00 Overhaul generator ........ 2.60 These prices are approximate and are for labor only, because the need and number of new parts depend on the condition of each car. The charge for these parts Is low, however, because of the established Ford policy of manufacturing and selling at a small margin of profit# Fort* Motor Company I NOTICE-COTTON FARMERS J It’s Time to Spray Your Cotton 1 We have a machine that controls all cotton pests, uses liquid or operates on dry cotton. No waiting for the dew, to hold poison. For Demonstration Call J. H. HOLLAND 912 Levee Street Phone 1225-J B Brownsville, Texes PARIS GREEN ” 300-Lb. Barrels, per pound .12X/2C 100-Lb. Barrels, per pound .13V2C 28-Lb. Cans, per pound . 15c 14-Lb. Cans, per pound. 16c F. 0. B. Houston; quotations subject to prior sale, money order or check must accompany order. B. & J. SALES COMPANY Dallas, Texas .’i. ^HPBWMpg|BtCwKWBMHfcflr3HgBj^^g^|Hg3p!y9y^WBW^|^^^^^^?aPg|CT^[fl^3^y*gBpR.. ;ipWii|WaHWBff»Tjlff TOSWPMlBy>. rVSyi " TW*5\fii Saji - k- * r-^SC^V ■-'■ > ■* -•'^JW^LV , l^m to,‘ -**■ x %*%'*»»♦ -^H Opening Soon I lllllllllllllllilllllll j I Snow Queen Creamery I I ON WEST ELIZABETH STREET I I BMP 99 Snow Queen Ice Cream Pure sweet cream, fresh eggs, cane sugar, juicy fruits, nuts and the best extracts that money can purchase are the ingredients that will comprise Snow Queen ice cream, the King of all hot 'weather palate ticklers. Snow Queen ice cream will be made in bulk and brick form, and special orders will be featured. Other ices and sherbets will be available, too. The Snow Que^n Creamery Co., Inc., will open in its new building soon, with the very newest of machinery used in the manufacture of ice cream and pasteurizing of milk. It is our intention to purchase all our milk from Valley farmers whose herds have been tuberculin tested, insuring the purity of our products. \ I Home Delivery of Pasteurized 1 I Grade “A” Milk 1 A motorized delivery service will be inaugurated for the service of ..■? Brownsville homes. Morning and afternoon deliveries of milk will be ' t made to wholesale purchasers as well as private residences. ‘t I Ice Cream Cottage Cheese 1 I Buttermilk Milk and Cream a 0 I ALL PASTEURIZED I H '*• £» -nr-Trmu-in JKJ'Tiii \rmn um ,_sam— *^r